ATC handling code.
There is no DDD handling because DDD explicitly does not carry clinical meaning.
Expand source code
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""ATC handling code.
There is no DDD handling because DDD explicitly
does not carry clinical meaning.
__author__ = "K.Hilbert <>"
__license__ = "GPL v2 or later"
import sys
import logging
import os.path
import re as regex
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.path.insert(0, '../../')
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmPG2
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmTools
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmCfgINI
_log = logging.getLogger('gm.atc')
_cfg = gmCfgINI.gmCfgData()
def propagate_atc(substance=None, atc=None, link_obj=None):
_log.debug('substance <%s>, ATC <%s>', substance, atc)
if atc is not None:
if atc.strip() == '':
atc = None
if atc is None:
atcs = text2atc(text = substance, fuzzy = False, link_obj = link_obj)
if len(atcs) == 0:
_log.debug('no ATC found, aborting')
return atc
if len(atcs) > 1:
_log.debug('non-unique ATC mapping, aborting')
return atc
atc = atcs[0][0].strip()
args = {'atc': atc, 'term': substance.strip()}
queries = [
{'cmd': "UPDATE ref.substance SET atc = %(atc)s WHERE lower(description) = lower(%(term)s) AND atc IS NULL",
'args': args},
{'cmd': "UPDATE ref.drug_product SET atc_code = %(atc)s WHERE lower(description) = lower(%(term)s) AND atc_code IS NULL",
'args': args}
gmPG2.run_rw_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = queries)
return atc
def text2atc(text=None, fuzzy=False, link_obj=None):
text = text.strip()
if fuzzy:
args = {'term': '%%%s%%' % text}
cmd = """
SELECT atc as atc_code, is_group_code, pk_data_source
FROM ref.v_atc
WHERE term ilike %(term)s AND atc IS NOT NULL
SELECT atc as atc_code, null, null
FROM ref.substance
WHERE description ilike %(term)s AND atc IS NOT NULL
SELECT atc_code, null, null
FROM ref.drug_product
WHERE description ilike %(term)s AND atc_code IS NOT NULL
) as tmp
ORDER BY atc_code
args = {'term': text.casefold()}
cmd = """
SELECT atc as atc_code, is_group_code, pk_data_source
FROM ref.v_atc
WHERE lower(term) = lower(%(term)s) AND atc IS NOT NULL
SELECT atc as atc_code, null, null
FROM ref.substance
WHERE lower(description) = lower(%(term)s) AND atc IS NOT NULL
SELECT atc_code, null, null
FROM ref.drug_product
WHERE lower(description) = lower(%(term)s) AND atc_code IS NOT NULL
) as tmp
ORDER BY atc_code
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
_log.debug('term: %s => ATCs: %s (fuzzy: %s)', text, rows, fuzzy)
return rows
def exists_as_atc(substance):
args = {'term': substance}
cmd = 'SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM ref.atc WHERE lower(term) = lower(%(term)s))'
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
return rows[0][0]
def get_reference_atcs(order_by='atc, term, lang'):
cmd = 'SELECT * FROM ref.v_atc ORDER BY %s' % order_by
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd}])
return rows
def atc_import(cfg_fname=None, conn=None):
# read meta data
_cfg.add_file_source(source = 'atc', file = cfg_fname, encoding = 'utf8')
data_fname = os.path.join (
_cfg.get(group = 'atc', option = 'data file', source_order = [('atc', 'return')])
) # must be in same dir as conf file
version = _cfg.get(group = 'atc', option = 'version', source_order = [('atc', 'return')])
lang = _cfg.get(group = 'atc', option = 'language', source_order = [('atc', 'return')])
desc = _cfg.get(group = 'atc', option = 'description', source_order = [('atc', 'return')])
url = _cfg.get(group = 'atc', option = 'url', source_order = [('atc', 'return')])
name_long = _cfg.get(group = 'atc', option = 'long name', source_order = [('atc', 'return')])
name_short = _cfg.get(group = 'atc', option = 'short name', source_order = [('atc', 'return')])
_cfg.remove_source(source = 'atc')
_log.debug('importing ATC version [%s] (%s) from [%s]', version, lang, data_fname)
args = {'ver': version, 'desc': desc, 'url': url, 'name_long': name_long, 'name_short': name_short, 'lang': lang}
# find or create data source record
cmd = u"select pk from ref.data_source where name_short = %(name_short)s and version = %(ver)s"
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
if len(rows) > 0:
data_src_pk = rows[0][0]
_log.debug('ATC data source record existed, pk is #%s, refreshing fields', data_src_pk)
# exists - update
args['pk'] = data_src_pk
cmd = u"""UPDATE ref.data_source SET
name_long = %(name_long)s,
description = %(desc)s,
lang = %(lang)s,
source = %(url)s
pk = %(pk)s
rows = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
_log.debug('ATC data source record not found, creating')
# create
cmd = u"""insert into ref.data_source (name_long, name_short, version, description, lang, source) values (
) returning pk"""
rows = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], return_data = True)
data_src_pk = rows[0][0]
_log.debug('ATC data source record created, pk is #%s', data_src_pk)
# import data
csv_file = open(data_fname, mode = 'rt', encoding = 'utf-8-sig', errors = 'replace')
atc_reader = gmTools.unicode_csv_reader(csv_file, delimiter = ",", quotechar = '"')
# clean out staging area
curs = conn.cursor()
cmd = """delete from ref.atc_staging"""
gmPG2.run_rw_queries(link_obj = curs, queries = [{'cmd': cmd}])
_log.debug('ATC staging table emptied')
# from file into staging table
curs = conn.cursor()
cmd = """insert into ref.atc_staging values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"""
first = False
for atc_line in atc_reader:
# skip first
if not first:
first = True
# skip blanks
if atc_line[0] + atc_line[1] + atc_line[2] + atc_line[3] + atc_line[4] == '':
comment = ''
unit = ''
adro = ''
# "1,1 mg O,P,R,..."
if regex.match(r'\d{,3},\d{,3}\s.{1,2}\s.(,.)*$', atc_line[4]):
tmp, unit, adro = regex.split(r'\s', atc_line[4])
# "1,1 mg O,P,R bezogen auf ..."
elif regex.match(r'\d{,3},\d{,3}\s.{1,2}\s.(,.)*\s.+$', atc_line[4]):
tmp, unit, adro, comment = regex.split(r'\s', atc_line[4], 3)
# "20 mg O"
elif regex.match(r'\d{,3}\s.{1,2}\s.(,.)*$', atc_line[4]):
tmp, unit, adro = regex.split(r'\s', atc_line[4])
# "20 mg O bezogen auf ..."
elif regex.match(r'\d{,3}\s.{1,2}\s.(,.)*\s.+$', atc_line[4]):
tmp, unit, adro, comment = regex.split(r'\s', atc_line[4], 3)
# "Standarddosis: 1 Tablette oder 30 ml Mixtur"
comment = atc_line[4]
args = [
gmPG2.run_rw_queries(link_obj = curs, queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
_log.debug('ATC staging table loaded')
# from staging table to real table
args = {'src_pk': data_src_pk}
queries = []
# transfer new records
cmd = u"""
insert into ref.atc (
) select
nullif(comment, ''),
nullif(adro, '')
not exists (
select 1 FROM ref.atc WHERE fk_data_source = %(src_pk)s AND code = ref.atc_staging.atc
queries.append({'cmd': cmd, 'args': args})
# update records so pre-existing ones are refreshed
cmd = u"""
UPDATE ref.atc SET
code = r_as.atc,
term =,
comment = nullif(r_as.comment, ''),
administration_route = nullif(r_as.adro, '')
(SELECT atc, name, comment, adro FROM ref.atc_staging) AS r_as
fk_data_source = %(src_pk)s
queries.append({'cmd': cmd, 'args': args})
curs = conn.cursor()
gmPG2.run_rw_queries(link_obj = curs, queries = queries)
_log.debug('transfer from ATC staging table to real ATC table done')
# clean out staging area
curs = conn.cursor()
cmd = """delete from ref.atc_staging"""
gmPG2.run_rw_queries(link_obj = curs, queries = [{'cmd': cmd}])
_log.debug('ATC staging table emptied')
return True
# main
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
if sys.argv[1] != 'test':
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmI18N
# gmDateTime.init()
def test_atc_import():
atc_import(cfg_fname = sys.argv[2], conn = gmPG2.get_connection(readonly = False))
def test_text2atc():
print('searching ATC code for:', sys.argv[2])
print(' ', text2atc(sys.argv[2]))
print(' ', text2atc(sys.argv[2], True))
def test_get_reference_atcs():
for atc in get_reference_atcs():
def atc_import(cfg_fname=None, conn=None)
Expand source code
def atc_import(cfg_fname=None, conn=None): # read meta data _cfg.add_file_source(source = 'atc', file = cfg_fname, encoding = 'utf8') data_fname = os.path.join ( os.path.dirname(cfg_fname), _cfg.get(group = 'atc', option = 'data file', source_order = [('atc', 'return')]) ) # must be in same dir as conf file version = _cfg.get(group = 'atc', option = 'version', source_order = [('atc', 'return')]) lang = _cfg.get(group = 'atc', option = 'language', source_order = [('atc', 'return')]) desc = _cfg.get(group = 'atc', option = 'description', source_order = [('atc', 'return')]) url = _cfg.get(group = 'atc', option = 'url', source_order = [('atc', 'return')]) name_long = _cfg.get(group = 'atc', option = 'long name', source_order = [('atc', 'return')]) name_short = _cfg.get(group = 'atc', option = 'short name', source_order = [('atc', 'return')]) _cfg.remove_source(source = 'atc') _log.debug('importing ATC version [%s] (%s) from [%s]', version, lang, data_fname) args = {'ver': version, 'desc': desc, 'url': url, 'name_long': name_long, 'name_short': name_short, 'lang': lang} # find or create data source record cmd = u"select pk from ref.data_source where name_short = %(name_short)s and version = %(ver)s" rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) if len(rows) > 0: data_src_pk = rows[0][0] _log.debug('ATC data source record existed, pk is #%s, refreshing fields', data_src_pk) # exists - update args['pk'] = data_src_pk cmd = u"""UPDATE ref.data_source SET name_long = %(name_long)s, description = %(desc)s, lang = %(lang)s, source = %(url)s WHERE pk = %(pk)s """ rows = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) else: _log.debug('ATC data source record not found, creating') # create cmd = u"""insert into ref.data_source (name_long, name_short, version, description, lang, source) values ( %(name_long)s, %(name_short)s, %(ver)s, %(desc)s, %(lang)s, %(url)s ) returning pk""" rows = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], return_data = True) data_src_pk = rows[0][0] _log.debug('ATC data source record created, pk is #%s', data_src_pk) # import data csv_file = open(data_fname, mode = 'rt', encoding = 'utf-8-sig', errors = 'replace') atc_reader = gmTools.unicode_csv_reader(csv_file, delimiter = ",", quotechar = '"') # clean out staging area curs = conn.cursor() cmd = """delete from ref.atc_staging""" gmPG2.run_rw_queries(link_obj = curs, queries = [{'cmd': cmd}]) curs.close() conn.commit() _log.debug('ATC staging table emptied') # from file into staging table curs = conn.cursor() cmd = """insert into ref.atc_staging values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""" first = False for atc_line in atc_reader: # skip first if not first: first = True continue # skip blanks if atc_line[0] + atc_line[1] + atc_line[2] + atc_line[3] + atc_line[4] == '': continue comment = '' unit = '' adro = '' # "1,1 mg O,P,R,..." if regex.match(r'\d{,3},\d{,3}\s.{1,2}\s.(,.)*$', atc_line[4]): tmp, unit, adro = regex.split(r'\s', atc_line[4]) # "1,1 mg O,P,R bezogen auf ..." elif regex.match(r'\d{,3},\d{,3}\s.{1,2}\s.(,.)*\s.+$', atc_line[4]): tmp, unit, adro, comment = regex.split(r'\s', atc_line[4], 3) # "20 mg O" elif regex.match(r'\d{,3}\s.{1,2}\s.(,.)*$', atc_line[4]): tmp, unit, adro = regex.split(r'\s', atc_line[4]) # "20 mg O bezogen auf ..." elif regex.match(r'\d{,3}\s.{1,2}\s.(,.)*\s.+$', atc_line[4]): tmp, unit, adro, comment = regex.split(r'\s', atc_line[4], 3) # "Standarddosis: 1 Tablette oder 30 ml Mixtur" else: comment = atc_line[4] args = [ atc_line[0].strip(), atc_line[2], unit, adro, comment ] gmPG2.run_rw_queries(link_obj = curs, queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) curs.close() conn.commit() csv_file.close() _log.debug('ATC staging table loaded') # from staging table to real table args = {'src_pk': data_src_pk} queries = [] # transfer new records cmd = u""" insert into ref.atc ( fk_data_source, code, term, comment, administration_route ) select %(src_pk)s, atc, name, nullif(comment, ''), nullif(adro, '') FROM ref.atc_staging WHERE not exists ( select 1 FROM ref.atc WHERE fk_data_source = %(src_pk)s AND code = ref.atc_staging.atc ) """ queries.append({'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}) # update records so pre-existing ones are refreshed cmd = u""" UPDATE ref.atc SET code = r_as.atc, term =, comment = nullif(r_as.comment, ''), administration_route = nullif(r_as.adro, '') FROM (SELECT atc, name, comment, adro FROM ref.atc_staging) AS r_as WHERE fk_data_source = %(src_pk)s """ queries.append({'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}) curs = conn.cursor() gmPG2.run_rw_queries(link_obj = curs, queries = queries) curs.close() conn.commit() _log.debug('transfer from ATC staging table to real ATC table done') # clean out staging area curs = conn.cursor() cmd = """delete from ref.atc_staging""" gmPG2.run_rw_queries(link_obj = curs, queries = [{'cmd': cmd}]) curs.close() conn.commit() _log.debug('ATC staging table emptied') return True
def exists_as_atc(substance)
Expand source code
def exists_as_atc(substance): args = {'term': substance} cmd = 'SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM ref.atc WHERE lower(term) = lower(%(term)s))' rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return rows[0][0]
def get_reference_atcs(order_by='atc, term, lang')
Expand source code
def get_reference_atcs(order_by='atc, term, lang'): cmd = 'SELECT * FROM ref.v_atc ORDER BY %s' % order_by rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd}]) return rows
def propagate_atc(substance=None, atc=None, link_obj=None)
Expand source code
def propagate_atc(substance=None, atc=None, link_obj=None): _log.debug('substance <%s>, ATC <%s>', substance, atc) if atc is not None: if atc.strip() == '': atc = None if atc is None: atcs = text2atc(text = substance, fuzzy = False, link_obj = link_obj) if len(atcs) == 0: _log.debug('no ATC found, aborting') return atc if len(atcs) > 1: _log.debug('non-unique ATC mapping, aborting') return atc atc = atcs[0][0].strip() args = {'atc': atc, 'term': substance.strip()} queries = [ {'cmd': "UPDATE ref.substance SET atc = %(atc)s WHERE lower(description) = lower(%(term)s) AND atc IS NULL", 'args': args}, {'cmd': "UPDATE ref.drug_product SET atc_code = %(atc)s WHERE lower(description) = lower(%(term)s) AND atc_code IS NULL", 'args': args} ] gmPG2.run_rw_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = queries) return atc
def text2atc(text=None, fuzzy=False, link_obj=None)
Expand source code
def text2atc(text=None, fuzzy=False, link_obj=None): text = text.strip() if fuzzy: args = {'term': '%%%s%%' % text} cmd = """ SELECT DISTINCT ON (atc_code) * FROM ( SELECT atc as atc_code, is_group_code, pk_data_source FROM ref.v_atc WHERE term ilike %(term)s AND atc IS NOT NULL UNION SELECT atc as atc_code, null, null FROM ref.substance WHERE description ilike %(term)s AND atc IS NOT NULL UNION SELECT atc_code, null, null FROM ref.drug_product WHERE description ilike %(term)s AND atc_code IS NOT NULL ) as tmp ORDER BY atc_code """ else: args = {'term': text.casefold()} cmd = """ SELECT DISTINCT ON (atc_code) * FROM ( SELECT atc as atc_code, is_group_code, pk_data_source FROM ref.v_atc WHERE lower(term) = lower(%(term)s) AND atc IS NOT NULL UNION SELECT atc as atc_code, null, null FROM ref.substance WHERE lower(description) = lower(%(term)s) AND atc IS NOT NULL UNION SELECT atc_code, null, null FROM ref.drug_product WHERE lower(description) = lower(%(term)s) AND atc_code IS NOT NULL ) as tmp ORDER BY atc_code """ rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) _log.debug('term: %s => ATCs: %s (fuzzy: %s)', text, rows, fuzzy) return rows