GNUmed allergy related business objects.
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""GNUmed allergy related business objects."""
__author__ = "Carlos Moro <>"
__license__ = "GPL v2 or later"
import sys
import logging
import datetime as pyDT
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.path.insert(0, '../../')
_ = lambda x:x
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmPG2
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmBusinessDBObject
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmDateTime
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmTools
_log = logging.getLogger('gm.allergy')
# the allergy state *has* been obtained but remained unknown (this is forensically useful)
# no known allergies
# does have allergies
ALLERGY_STATE_NONE: gmTools.u_diameter,
# allergy state related code
class cAllergyState(gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject):
"""Represents the allergy state of one patient.
See ALLERGY_STATES for the meaning of cAllergyState['has_allergy'].
_cmd_fetch_payload = "select * from clin.v_pat_allergy_state where pk_allergy_state = %s"
_cmds_store_payload = [
"""update clin.allergy_state set
last_confirmed = %(last_confirmed)s,
has_allergy = %(has_allergy)s,
comment = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(comment)s)
pk = %(pk_allergy_state)s and
xmin = %(xmin_allergy_state)s
xmin AS xmin_allergy_state"""
#,"""select xmin_allergy_state from clin.v_pat_allergy_state where pk_allergy_state = %(pk_allergy_state)s"""
_updatable_fields = [
'last_confirmed', # special value 'now' will set to in the local time zone
'has_allergy', # verified against ALLERGY_STATES (see above)
'comment' # '' maps to None / NULL
def format_maximum_information(self, patient=None):
lines = []
lines.append('%s (%s)' % (
gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self['last_confirmed'], '%Y %b %d', none_str = '?')
if self._payload['comment']:
lines.append(' %s' % self._payload['comment'])
return lines
# properties
def _get_as_string(self):
if self._payload['has_allergy'] is ALLERGY_STATE_UNKNOWN:
return _('unknown allergy state')
if self._payload['has_allergy'] == ALLERGY_STATE_NONE:
return _('no known allergies')
if self._payload['has_allergy'] == ALLERGY_STATE_SOME:
return _('*does* have allergies')
_log.error('unknown allergy state [%s]', self._payload['has_allergy'])
return _('ERROR: unknown allergy state [%s]') % self._payload['has_allergy']
state_string = property(_get_as_string)
def _get_as_symbol(self):
symbol = ALLERGY_STATE_SYMBOLS[self._payload['has_allergy']]
except KeyError:
_log.error('unknown allergy state [%s]', self._payload['has_allergy'])
symbol = _('ERROR: unknown allergy state [%s]') % self._payload['has_allergy']
if self._payload['comment']:
symbol += gmTools.u_superscript_one
return symbol
state_symbol = property(_get_as_symbol)
def _get_as_amts_latex(self, strict=True):
table_rows = []
# Trennzeile als leere Zeile für bessere Lesbarkeit
# Zwischenüberschrift: 31 Zeichen, $..., 14pt, no frame, \textwidth
state = '%s (%s)' % (
gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self['last_confirmed'], '%b %Y', none_str = '?')
if strict:
state = state[:31]
table_rows.append('\\multicolumn{11}{>{\\RaggedRight}p{27.9cm}}{\\rule{0pt}{4.5mm} \\fontsize{14pt}{16pt}\selectfont %s\label{AnchorAllergieDetails}}\\tabularnewline' % gmTools.tex_escape_string(state))
# Freitextzeile: 200 Zeichen, @..., \textwidth
if self['comment'] is not None:
if strict:
cmt = self['comment'].strip()[:200]
cmt = self['comment'].strip()
table_rows.append('\\multicolumn{11}{>{\\RaggedRight}p{27.9cm}}{%s}\\tabularnewline') % gmTools.tex_escape_string(cmt)
return table_rows
as_amts_latex = property(_get_as_amts_latex)
def _get_as_amts_data_v_2_0(self, strict=True):
lines = []
# Trennzeile für bessere Lesbarkeit als leere Zwischenüberschrift
lines.append('$ ')
# Zwischenüberschrift: 31 Zeichen, $..., \textwidth
txt = '$%s (%s)' % (
gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self['last_confirmed'], '%b %Y', none_str = '?')
if strict:
# Freitextzeile: 200 Zeichen, @..., \textwidth
if self['comment']:
if strict:
lines.append('@%s' % self['comment'][:200])
lines.append('@%s' % self['comment'])
return lines
def _get_as_amts_data(self, strict=True):
# Zwischenüberschrift
state = '%s (%s)' % (self.state_string, gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self['last_confirmed'], '%b %Y', none_str = '?'))
if strict:
state = state[:32]
# Freitextzeile
if self['comment'] is None:
comment = ''
comment = '<X t="%s"/>' % self['comment']
if strict:
comment = '<X t="%s"/>' % self['comment'][:200]
return '<S t="%s">%s%%s</S>' % (state, comment)
as_amts_data = property(_get_as_amts_data)
def __setitem__(self, attribute, value):
if attribute == 'last_confirmed':
if value == 'now':
value = = gmDateTime.gmCurrentLocalTimezone)
if attribute == 'has_allergy':
if value not in ALLERGY_STATES:
raise ValueError('invalid allergy state [%s]' % value)
super().__setitem__(attribute, value)
def get_allergy_state(pk_encounter:int=None, pk_patient:int=None) -> cAllergyState:
"""Get allergy state for patient by patient XOR encounter.
pk_encounter: any encounter (primary key) of the patient
pk_patient: the patient primary key
cAllergyState or None. If None is returned, the allergy state
has yet to be obtained.
Return of None means the state has not yet been
(documented to have been) determined.
This is forensically vastly different from
cAllergyState['has_allergy'] == None
meaning that the allergy state has been asked
for but no data was available.
assert not((pk_encounter is None) and (pk_patient is None)), 'one of <pk_encounter> or <pk_patient> must be given'
args = {'pk_enc': pk_encounter, 'pk_pat': pk_patient}
if pk_encounter:
SQL = """
SELECT pk_allergy_state FROM clin.v_pat_allergy_state
WHERE pk_patient = (
SELECT fk_patient FROM clin.encounter WHERE pk = %(pk_enc)s
SQL = 'SELECT pk_allergy_state FROM clin.v_pat_allergy_state WHERE pk_patient = %(pk_pat)s'
rows = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': SQL, 'args': args}], return_data = True)
if not rows:
return None
return cAllergyState(aPK_obj = rows[0][0])
def ensure_has_allergy_state(encounter=None) -> cAllergyState:
_log.debug('checking allergy state for identity of encounter [%s]', encounter)
args = {'enc': encounter}
SQL_create = """
INSERT INTO clin.allergy_state (
SELECT 1 FROM clin.v_pat_allergy_state
WHERE pk_patient = (
SELECT fk_patient FROM clin.encounter WHERE pk = %(enc)s
SQL_search = """
SELECT pk_allergy_state FROM clin.v_pat_allergy_state
WHERE pk_patient = (
SELECT fk_patient FROM clin.encounter WHERE pk = %(enc)s
rows = gmPG2.run_rw_queries (
queries = [
{'cmd': SQL_create, 'args': args},
{'cmd': SQL_search, 'args': args}
return_data = True
return cAllergyState(aPK_obj = rows[0][0])
class cAllergy(gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject):
"""Represents one allergy item.
Actually, those things are really things to "avoid".
Allergy is just one of several reasons for that.
See Adrian's post on gm-dev.
Another word might be Therapeutic Precautions.
_cmd_fetch_payload = "SELECT * FROM clin.v_pat_allergies WHERE pk_allergy = %s"
_cmds_store_payload = [
"""UPDATE clin.allergy SET
clin_when = %(date)s,
substance = %(substance)s,
substance_code = %(substance_code)s,
generics = %(generics)s,
allergene = %(allergene)s,
atc_code = %(atc_code)s,
fk_type = %(pk_type)s,
generic_specific = %(generic_specific)s::boolean,
definite = %(definite)s::boolean,
narrative = %(reaction)s
pk = %(pk_allergy)s AND
xmin = %(xmin_allergy)s""",
"""SELECT xmin_allergy FROM clin.v_pat_allergies WHERE pk_allergy=%(pk_allergy)s"""
_updatable_fields = [
def format_maximum_information(self, patient=None):
lines = []
lines.append('%s%s: %s [#%s]' % (
gmTools.bool2subst (
' (%s)' % _('definite'),
' (%s)' % _('indefinite'),
if self._payload['reaction'] is not None:
lines.append(' ' + _('Reaction:') + ' ' + self._payload['reaction'])
if self._payload['date'] is not None:
lines.append(' ' + _('Noted:') + ' ' + gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self._payload['date'], '%Y %b %d'))
if self._payload['allergene'] is not None:
lines.append(' ' + _('Allergene:') + ' ' + self._payload['allergene'])
if self._payload['substance'] is not None:
lines.append(' ' + _('Substance:') + ' ' + self._payload['substance'])
if self._payload['substance_code'] is not None:
lines.append(' ' + _('Code:') + ' ' + self._payload['substance_code'])
if self._payload['atc_code'] is not None:
lines.append(' ' + _('ATC:') + ' ' + self._payload['atc_code'])
lines.append(' ' + _('Specific to:') + ' ' + gmTools.bool2subst (
_('this substance only'),
_('drug class'),
if self._payload['generics']:
lines.append(' ' + _('Generics:') + ' ' + self._payload['generics'])
return lines
def format_for_failsafe_output(self, max_width:int=80) -> list[str]:
lines = [
'%s%s: %s' % (
gmTools.bool2subst (
' (%s)' % _('definite'),
' (%s)' % _('indefinite'),
if self._payload['reaction']:
lines.append(gmTools.shorten_text(' ' + self._payload['reaction'], max_width))
return lines
def __setitem__(self, attribute, value):
if attribute == 'pk_type':
if value in ['allergy', 'sensitivity']:
cmd = 'select pk from clin._enum_allergy_type where value=%s'
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': [value]}])
value = rows[0][0]
gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject.__setitem__(self, attribute, value)
def _get_as_amts_latex(self, strict=True):
# Freitextzeile: 200 Zeichen, @...
cells = ['\\multicolumn{1}{>{\\RaggedRight}p{4cm}}{%s}' % gmTools.tex_escape_string(self['descriptor'])]
txt = '%s%s' % (
gmTools.coalesce(self['reaction'], '', ': %s')
if strict:
txt = txt[:(200-len(self['descriptor']))]
cells.append('\\multicolumn{10}{>{\\RaggedRight}p{23.9cm}}{%s}' % gmTools.tex_escape_string(txt))
table_row = ' & '.join(cells)
table_row += '\\tabularnewline'
return table_row
as_amts_latex = property(_get_as_amts_latex)
def _get_as_amts_data_v_2_0(self, strict=True):
# Freitextzeile: 200 Zeichen, @..., \textwidth
txt = '@%s %s%s' % (
gmTools.coalesce(self['reaction'], '', ': %s')
if strict:
return txt[:200]
return txt
def _get_as_amts_data(self, strict=True):
txt = '%s %s%s' % (
gmTools.coalesce(self['reaction'], '', ': %s')
if strict:
txt = txt[:200]
# Freitextzeile: 200 Zeichen
return '<X t="%s"/>' % txt
as_amts_data = property(_get_as_amts_data)
# convenience functions
def create_allergy(allergene:str=None, allg_type=None, episode_id:int=None, encounter_id:int=None) -> cAllergy:
"""Creates a new allergy clinical item.
allergene: allergic substance
allg_type: allergy or sensitivity, pk or string
encounter_id - encounter
episode_id - episode
The newly created allergy.
SQL = """
SELECT pk_allergy
FROM clin.v_pat_allergies
pk_patient = (SELECT fk_patient FROM clin.encounter WHERE pk = %(enc)s)
allergene = %(allergene)s
args = {'enc': encounter_id, 'allergene': allergene}
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': SQL, 'args': args}])
if rows:
# don't implicitely change existing data, return existing allergy
return cAllergy(aPK_obj = rows[0][0])
# insert new allergy
queries = []
if isinstance(allg_type, int):
SQL = """
INSERT INTO clin.allergy (fk_type, fk_encounter, fk_episode, allergene, substance)
VALUES (%(allg_type)s, %(enc)s, %(epi)s, %(allergene)s, %(subst)s)"""
SQL = """
insert into clin.allergy (fk_type, fk_encounter, fk_episode, allergene, substance)
(select pk from clin._enum_allergy_type where value = %(allg_type)s),
args = {
'allg_type': allg_type,
'enc': encounter_id,
'epi': episode_id,
'allergene': allergene,
'subst': allergene
queries.append({'cmd': SQL, 'args': args})
SQL = "select currval('clin.allergy_id_seq')"
queries.append({'cmd': SQL})
rows = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = queries, return_data = True)
allergy = cAllergy(aPK_obj = rows[0][0])
return allergy
# main - unit testing
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
if sys.argv[1] != 'test':
def test_state():
for idx in range(15):
print('pat:', idx, '->', get_allergy_state(pk_patient = idx))
for idx in range(15):
print('enc:', idx, '->', get_allergy_state(pk_encounter = idx))
def test():
allg = cAllergy(aPK_obj=1)
fields = allg.get_fields()
for field in fields:
print(field, ':', allg[field])
print("updatable:", allg.get_updatable_fields())
enc_id = allg['pk_encounter']
epi_id = allg['pk_episode']
allg = create_allergy (
allergene = 'test substance',
allg_type = 1,
episode_id = epi_id,
encounter_id = enc_id
allg['reaction'] = 'hehehe'
status, data = allg.save_payload()
print('status:', status)
print('data:', data)
gmPG2.request_login_params(setup_pool = True)
def create_allergy(allergene: str = None, allg_type=None, episode_id: int = None, encounter_id: int = None) ‑> cAllergy
Creates a new allergy clinical item.
- allergic substance
- allergy or sensitivity, pk or string
encounter_id - encounter episode_id - episode
The newly created allergy.
Expand source code
def create_allergy(allergene:str=None, allg_type=None, episode_id:int=None, encounter_id:int=None) -> cAllergy: """Creates a new allergy clinical item. Args: allergene: allergic substance allg_type: allergy or sensitivity, pk or string encounter_id - encounter episode_id - episode Returns: The newly created allergy. """ SQL = """ SELECT pk_allergy FROM clin.v_pat_allergies WHERE pk_patient = (SELECT fk_patient FROM clin.encounter WHERE pk = %(enc)s) AND allergene = %(allergene)s """ args = {'enc': encounter_id, 'allergene': allergene} rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': SQL, 'args': args}]) if rows: # don't implicitely change existing data, return existing allergy return cAllergy(aPK_obj = rows[0][0]) # insert new allergy queries = [] if isinstance(allg_type, int): SQL = """ INSERT INTO clin.allergy (fk_type, fk_encounter, fk_episode, allergene, substance) VALUES (%(allg_type)s, %(enc)s, %(epi)s, %(allergene)s, %(subst)s)""" else: SQL = """ insert into clin.allergy (fk_type, fk_encounter, fk_episode, allergene, substance) VALUES ( (select pk from clin._enum_allergy_type where value = %(allg_type)s), %(enc)s, %(epi)s, %(allergene)s, %(subst)s )""" args = { 'allg_type': allg_type, 'enc': encounter_id, 'epi': episode_id, 'allergene': allergene, 'subst': allergene } queries.append({'cmd': SQL, 'args': args}) SQL = "select currval('clin.allergy_id_seq')" queries.append({'cmd': SQL}) rows = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = queries, return_data = True) allergy = cAllergy(aPK_obj = rows[0][0]) return allergy
def ensure_has_allergy_state(encounter=None) ‑> cAllergyState
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def ensure_has_allergy_state(encounter=None) -> cAllergyState: _log.debug('checking allergy state for identity of encounter [%s]', encounter) args = {'enc': encounter} SQL_create = """ INSERT INTO clin.allergy_state ( fk_encounter, has_allergy ) SELECT %(enc)s, NULL WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM clin.v_pat_allergy_state WHERE pk_patient = ( SELECT fk_patient FROM clin.encounter WHERE pk = %(enc)s ) ) """ SQL_search = """ SELECT pk_allergy_state FROM clin.v_pat_allergy_state WHERE pk_patient = ( SELECT fk_patient FROM clin.encounter WHERE pk = %(enc)s ) """ rows = gmPG2.run_rw_queries ( queries = [ {'cmd': SQL_create, 'args': args}, {'cmd': SQL_search, 'args': args} ], return_data = True ) return cAllergyState(aPK_obj = rows[0][0])
def get_allergy_state(pk_encounter: int = None, pk_patient: int = None) ‑> cAllergyState
Get allergy state for patient by patient XOR encounter.
- any encounter (primary key) of the patient
- the patient primary key
cAllergyState or None. If None is returned, the allergy state has yet to be obtained. Return of None means the state has not yet been (documented to have been) determined.
This is forensically vastly different from
cAllergyState['has_allergy'] == None
meaning that the allergy state has been asked for but no data was available.
Expand source code
def get_allergy_state(pk_encounter:int=None, pk_patient:int=None) -> cAllergyState: """Get allergy state for patient by patient XOR encounter. Args: pk_encounter: any encounter (primary key) of the patient pk_patient: the patient primary key Returns: cAllergyState or None. If None is returned, the allergy state has yet to be obtained. Return of None means the state has not yet been (documented to have been) determined. This is forensically vastly different from cAllergyState['has_allergy'] == None meaning that the allergy state has been asked for but no data was available. """ assert not((pk_encounter is None) and (pk_patient is None)), 'one of <pk_encounter> or <pk_patient> must be given' args = {'pk_enc': pk_encounter, 'pk_pat': pk_patient} if pk_encounter: SQL = """ SELECT pk_allergy_state FROM clin.v_pat_allergy_state WHERE pk_patient = ( SELECT fk_patient FROM clin.encounter WHERE pk = %(pk_enc)s ) """ else: SQL = 'SELECT pk_allergy_state FROM clin.v_pat_allergy_state WHERE pk_patient = %(pk_pat)s' rows = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': SQL, 'args': args}], return_data = True) if not rows: return None return cAllergyState(aPK_obj = rows[0][0])
class cAllergy (aPK_obj: int | dict = None, row: dict = None, link_obj=None)
Represents one allergy item.
Actually, those things are really things to "avoid". Allergy is just one of several reasons for that. See Adrian's post on gm-dev.
Another word might be Therapeutic Precautions.
Call init from child classes like so:
super().__init__(aPK_obj = aPK_obj, row = row, link_obj = link_obj)
- retrieve data from backend
- an scalar value the ._cmd_fetch_payload WHERE condition must be a simple column: "… WHERE pk_col = %s"
- a dictionary of values the ._cmd_fetch_payload WHERE condition must consume the dictionary and produce a unique row
- must hold the fields
- data: list of column values for the row selected by ._cmd_fetch_payload (as returned by cursor.fetchone() in the DB-API)
- pk_field: the name of the primary key column OR
- pk_obj: a dictionary suitable for being passed to cursor.execute and holding the primary key values, used for composite PKs
- for example:
row = { 'data': rows[0], 'pk_field': 'pk_XXX (the PK column name)', 'pk_obj': {'pk_col1': pk_col1_val, 'pk_col2': pk_col2_val} } rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) objects = [ cChildClass(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'the PK column name'}) for r in rows ]
Expand source code
class cAllergy(gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject): """Represents one allergy item. Actually, those things are really things to "avoid". Allergy is just one of several reasons for that. See Adrian's post on gm-dev. Another word might be Therapeutic Precautions. """ _cmd_fetch_payload = "SELECT * FROM clin.v_pat_allergies WHERE pk_allergy = %s" _cmds_store_payload = [ """UPDATE clin.allergy SET clin_when = %(date)s, substance = %(substance)s, substance_code = %(substance_code)s, generics = %(generics)s, allergene = %(allergene)s, atc_code = %(atc_code)s, fk_type = %(pk_type)s, generic_specific = %(generic_specific)s::boolean, definite = %(definite)s::boolean, narrative = %(reaction)s WHERE pk = %(pk_allergy)s AND xmin = %(xmin_allergy)s""", """SELECT xmin_allergy FROM clin.v_pat_allergies WHERE pk_allergy=%(pk_allergy)s""" ] _updatable_fields = [ 'date', 'substance', 'substance_code', 'generics', 'allergene', 'atc_code', 'pk_type', 'generic_specific', 'definite', 'reaction' ] #-------------------------------------------------------- def format_maximum_information(self, patient=None): lines = [] lines.append('%s%s: %s [#%s]' % ( self._payload['l10n_type'], gmTools.bool2subst ( self._payload['definite'], ' (%s)' % _('definite'), ' (%s)' % _('indefinite'), '' ), self._payload['descriptor'], self._payload['pk_allergy'] )) if self._payload['reaction'] is not None: lines.append(' ' + _('Reaction:') + ' ' + self._payload['reaction']) if self._payload['date'] is not None: lines.append(' ' + _('Noted:') + ' ' + gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self._payload['date'], '%Y %b %d')) if self._payload['allergene'] is not None: lines.append(' ' + _('Allergene:') + ' ' + self._payload['allergene']) if self._payload['substance'] is not None: lines.append(' ' + _('Substance:') + ' ' + self._payload['substance']) if self._payload['substance_code'] is not None: lines.append(' ' + _('Code:') + ' ' + self._payload['substance_code']) if self._payload['atc_code'] is not None: lines.append(' ' + _('ATC:') + ' ' + self._payload['atc_code']) lines.append(' ' + _('Specific to:') + ' ' + gmTools.bool2subst ( self._payload['generic_specific'], _('this substance only'), _('drug class'), _('unknown') )) if self._payload['generics']: lines.append(' ' + _('Generics:') + ' ' + self._payload['generics']) return lines #-------------------------------------------------------- def format_for_failsafe_output(self, max_width:int=80) -> list[str]: lines = [ '%s%s: %s' % ( self._payload['l10n_type'], gmTools.bool2subst ( self._payload['definite'], ' (%s)' % _('definite'), ' (%s)' % _('indefinite'), '' ), self._payload['descriptor'] ) ] if self._payload['reaction']: lines.append(gmTools.shorten_text(' ' + self._payload['reaction'], max_width)) return lines #-------------------------------------------------------- def __setitem__(self, attribute, value): if attribute == 'pk_type': if value in ['allergy', 'sensitivity']: cmd = 'select pk from clin._enum_allergy_type where value=%s' rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': [value]}]) value = rows[0][0] gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject.__setitem__(self, attribute, value) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_as_amts_latex(self, strict=True): # Freitextzeile: 200 Zeichen, @... cells = ['\\multicolumn{1}{>{\\RaggedRight}p{4cm}}{%s}' % gmTools.tex_escape_string(self['descriptor'])] txt = '%s%s' % ( self['l10n_type'], gmTools.coalesce(self['reaction'], '', ': %s') ) if strict: txt = txt[:(200-len(self['descriptor']))] cells.append('\\multicolumn{10}{>{\\RaggedRight}p{23.9cm}}{%s}' % gmTools.tex_escape_string(txt)) table_row = ' & '.join(cells) table_row += '\\tabularnewline' return table_row as_amts_latex = property(_get_as_amts_latex) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_as_amts_data_v_2_0(self, strict=True): # Freitextzeile: 200 Zeichen, @..., \textwidth txt = '@%s %s%s' % ( self['descriptor'], self['l10n_type'], gmTools.coalesce(self['reaction'], '', ': %s') ) if strict: return txt[:200] return txt #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_as_amts_data(self, strict=True): txt = '%s %s%s' % ( self['descriptor'], self['l10n_type'], gmTools.coalesce(self['reaction'], '', ': %s') ) if strict: txt = txt[:200] # Freitextzeile: 200 Zeichen return '<X t="%s"/>' % txt as_amts_data = property(_get_as_amts_data)
Instance variables
var as_amts_data
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def _get_as_amts_data(self, strict=True): txt = '%s %s%s' % ( self['descriptor'], self['l10n_type'], gmTools.coalesce(self['reaction'], '', ': %s') ) if strict: txt = txt[:200] # Freitextzeile: 200 Zeichen return '<X t="%s"/>' % txt
var as_amts_latex
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def _get_as_amts_latex(self, strict=True): # Freitextzeile: 200 Zeichen, @... cells = ['\\multicolumn{1}{>{\\RaggedRight}p{4cm}}{%s}' % gmTools.tex_escape_string(self['descriptor'])] txt = '%s%s' % ( self['l10n_type'], gmTools.coalesce(self['reaction'], '', ': %s') ) if strict: txt = txt[:(200-len(self['descriptor']))] cells.append('\\multicolumn{10}{>{\\RaggedRight}p{23.9cm}}{%s}' % gmTools.tex_escape_string(txt)) table_row = ' & '.join(cells) table_row += '\\tabularnewline' return table_row
def format_for_failsafe_output(self, max_width: int = 80) ‑> list[str]
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def format_for_failsafe_output(self, max_width:int=80) -> list[str]: lines = [ '%s%s: %s' % ( self._payload['l10n_type'], gmTools.bool2subst ( self._payload['definite'], ' (%s)' % _('definite'), ' (%s)' % _('indefinite'), '' ), self._payload['descriptor'] ) ] if self._payload['reaction']: lines.append(gmTools.shorten_text(' ' + self._payload['reaction'], max_width)) return lines
def format_maximum_information(self, patient=None)
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def format_maximum_information(self, patient=None): lines = [] lines.append('%s%s: %s [#%s]' % ( self._payload['l10n_type'], gmTools.bool2subst ( self._payload['definite'], ' (%s)' % _('definite'), ' (%s)' % _('indefinite'), '' ), self._payload['descriptor'], self._payload['pk_allergy'] )) if self._payload['reaction'] is not None: lines.append(' ' + _('Reaction:') + ' ' + self._payload['reaction']) if self._payload['date'] is not None: lines.append(' ' + _('Noted:') + ' ' + gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self._payload['date'], '%Y %b %d')) if self._payload['allergene'] is not None: lines.append(' ' + _('Allergene:') + ' ' + self._payload['allergene']) if self._payload['substance'] is not None: lines.append(' ' + _('Substance:') + ' ' + self._payload['substance']) if self._payload['substance_code'] is not None: lines.append(' ' + _('Code:') + ' ' + self._payload['substance_code']) if self._payload['atc_code'] is not None: lines.append(' ' + _('ATC:') + ' ' + self._payload['atc_code']) lines.append(' ' + _('Specific to:') + ' ' + gmTools.bool2subst ( self._payload['generic_specific'], _('this substance only'), _('drug class'), _('unknown') )) if self._payload['generics']: lines.append(' ' + _('Generics:') + ' ' + self._payload['generics']) return lines
Inherited members
class cAllergyState (aPK_obj: int | dict = None, row: dict = None, link_obj=None)
Represents the allergy state of one patient.
See ALLERGY_STATES for the meaning of cAllergyState['has_allergy'].
Call init from child classes like so:
super().__init__(aPK_obj = aPK_obj, row = row, link_obj = link_obj)
- retrieve data from backend
- an scalar value the ._cmd_fetch_payload WHERE condition must be a simple column: "… WHERE pk_col = %s"
- a dictionary of values the ._cmd_fetch_payload WHERE condition must consume the dictionary and produce a unique row
- must hold the fields
- data: list of column values for the row selected by ._cmd_fetch_payload (as returned by cursor.fetchone() in the DB-API)
- pk_field: the name of the primary key column OR
- pk_obj: a dictionary suitable for being passed to cursor.execute and holding the primary key values, used for composite PKs
- for example:
row = { 'data': rows[0], 'pk_field': 'pk_XXX (the PK column name)', 'pk_obj': {'pk_col1': pk_col1_val, 'pk_col2': pk_col2_val} } rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) objects = [ cChildClass(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'the PK column name'}) for r in rows ]
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class cAllergyState(gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject): """Represents the allergy state of one patient. See ALLERGY_STATES for the meaning of cAllergyState['has_allergy']. """ _cmd_fetch_payload = "select * from clin.v_pat_allergy_state where pk_allergy_state = %s" _cmds_store_payload = [ """update clin.allergy_state set last_confirmed = %(last_confirmed)s, has_allergy = %(has_allergy)s, comment = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(comment)s) where pk = %(pk_allergy_state)s and xmin = %(xmin_allergy_state)s RETURNING xmin AS xmin_allergy_state""" #,"""select xmin_allergy_state from clin.v_pat_allergy_state where pk_allergy_state = %(pk_allergy_state)s""" ] _updatable_fields = [ 'last_confirmed', # special value 'now' will set to in the local time zone 'has_allergy', # verified against ALLERGY_STATES (see above) 'comment' # '' maps to None / NULL ] #-------------------------------------------------------- def format_maximum_information(self, patient=None): lines = [] lines.append('%s (%s)' % ( self.state_string, gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self['last_confirmed'], '%Y %b %d', none_str = '?') )) if self._payload['comment']: lines.append(' %s' % self._payload['comment']) return lines #-------------------------------------------------------- # properties #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_as_string(self): if self._payload['has_allergy'] is ALLERGY_STATE_UNKNOWN: return _('unknown allergy state') if self._payload['has_allergy'] == ALLERGY_STATE_NONE: return _('no known allergies') if self._payload['has_allergy'] == ALLERGY_STATE_SOME: return _('*does* have allergies') _log.error('unknown allergy state [%s]', self._payload['has_allergy']) return _('ERROR: unknown allergy state [%s]') % self._payload['has_allergy'] state_string = property(_get_as_string) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_as_symbol(self): try: symbol = ALLERGY_STATE_SYMBOLS[self._payload['has_allergy']] except KeyError: _log.error('unknown allergy state [%s]', self._payload['has_allergy']) symbol = _('ERROR: unknown allergy state [%s]') % self._payload['has_allergy'] if self._payload['comment']: symbol += gmTools.u_superscript_one return symbol state_symbol = property(_get_as_symbol) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_as_amts_latex(self, strict=True): table_rows = [] # Trennzeile als leere Zeile für bessere Lesbarkeit table_rows.append('\\multicolumn{11}{l}{}\\tabularnewline') # Zwischenüberschrift: 31 Zeichen, $..., 14pt, no frame, \textwidth state = '%s (%s)' % ( self.state_string, gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self['last_confirmed'], '%b %Y', none_str = '?') ) if strict: state = state[:31] table_rows.append('\\multicolumn{11}{>{\\RaggedRight}p{27.9cm}}{\\rule{0pt}{4.5mm} \\fontsize{14pt}{16pt}\selectfont %s\label{AnchorAllergieDetails}}\\tabularnewline' % gmTools.tex_escape_string(state)) # Freitextzeile: 200 Zeichen, @..., \textwidth if self['comment'] is not None: if strict: cmt = self['comment'].strip()[:200] else: cmt = self['comment'].strip() table_rows.append('\\multicolumn{11}{>{\\RaggedRight}p{27.9cm}}{%s}\\tabularnewline') % gmTools.tex_escape_string(cmt) return table_rows as_amts_latex = property(_get_as_amts_latex) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_as_amts_data_v_2_0(self, strict=True): lines = [] # Trennzeile für bessere Lesbarkeit als leere Zwischenüberschrift lines.append('$ ') # Zwischenüberschrift: 31 Zeichen, $..., \textwidth txt = '$%s (%s)' % ( self.state_string, gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self['last_confirmed'], '%b %Y', none_str = '?') ) if strict: lines.append(txt[:32]) else: lines.append(txt) # Freitextzeile: 200 Zeichen, @..., \textwidth if self['comment']: if strict: lines.append('@%s' % self['comment'][:200]) else: lines.append('@%s' % self['comment']) return lines #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_as_amts_data(self, strict=True): # Zwischenüberschrift state = '%s (%s)' % (self.state_string, gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self['last_confirmed'], '%b %Y', none_str = '?')) if strict: state = state[:32] # Freitextzeile if self['comment'] is None: comment = '' else: comment = '<X t="%s"/>' % self['comment'] if strict: comment = '<X t="%s"/>' % self['comment'][:200] return '<S t="%s">%s%%s</S>' % (state, comment) as_amts_data = property(_get_as_amts_data) #-------------------------------------------------------- def __setitem__(self, attribute, value): if attribute == 'last_confirmed': if value == 'now': value = = gmDateTime.gmCurrentLocalTimezone) return if attribute == 'has_allergy': if value not in ALLERGY_STATES: raise ValueError('invalid allergy state [%s]' % value) super().__setitem__(attribute, value)
Instance variables
var as_amts_data
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def _get_as_amts_data(self, strict=True): # Zwischenüberschrift state = '%s (%s)' % (self.state_string, gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self['last_confirmed'], '%b %Y', none_str = '?')) if strict: state = state[:32] # Freitextzeile if self['comment'] is None: comment = '' else: comment = '<X t="%s"/>' % self['comment'] if strict: comment = '<X t="%s"/>' % self['comment'][:200] return '<S t="%s">%s%%s</S>' % (state, comment)
var as_amts_latex
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def _get_as_amts_latex(self, strict=True): table_rows = [] # Trennzeile als leere Zeile für bessere Lesbarkeit table_rows.append('\\multicolumn{11}{l}{}\\tabularnewline') # Zwischenüberschrift: 31 Zeichen, $..., 14pt, no frame, \textwidth state = '%s (%s)' % ( self.state_string, gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self['last_confirmed'], '%b %Y', none_str = '?') ) if strict: state = state[:31] table_rows.append('\\multicolumn{11}{>{\\RaggedRight}p{27.9cm}}{\\rule{0pt}{4.5mm} \\fontsize{14pt}{16pt}\selectfont %s\label{AnchorAllergieDetails}}\\tabularnewline' % gmTools.tex_escape_string(state)) # Freitextzeile: 200 Zeichen, @..., \textwidth if self['comment'] is not None: if strict: cmt = self['comment'].strip()[:200] else: cmt = self['comment'].strip() table_rows.append('\\multicolumn{11}{>{\\RaggedRight}p{27.9cm}}{%s}\\tabularnewline') % gmTools.tex_escape_string(cmt) return table_rows
var state_string
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def _get_as_string(self): if self._payload['has_allergy'] is ALLERGY_STATE_UNKNOWN: return _('unknown allergy state') if self._payload['has_allergy'] == ALLERGY_STATE_NONE: return _('no known allergies') if self._payload['has_allergy'] == ALLERGY_STATE_SOME: return _('*does* have allergies') _log.error('unknown allergy state [%s]', self._payload['has_allergy']) return _('ERROR: unknown allergy state [%s]') % self._payload['has_allergy']
var state_symbol
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def _get_as_symbol(self): try: symbol = ALLERGY_STATE_SYMBOLS[self._payload['has_allergy']] except KeyError: _log.error('unknown allergy state [%s]', self._payload['has_allergy']) symbol = _('ERROR: unknown allergy state [%s]') % self._payload['has_allergy'] if self._payload['comment']: symbol += gmTools.u_superscript_one return symbol
def format_maximum_information(self, patient=None)
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def format_maximum_information(self, patient=None): lines = [] lines.append('%s (%s)' % ( self.state_string, gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self['last_confirmed'], '%Y %b %d', none_str = '?') )) if self._payload['comment']: lines.append(' %s' % self._payload['comment']) return lines
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