GNUmed vaccination related business objects.
Expand source code
"""GNUmed vaccination related business objects.
__author__ = "K.Hilbert <>"
__license__ = "GPL"
import sys
import locale
import logging
import functools
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.path.insert(0, '../../')
_ = lambda x:x
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmBusinessDBObject
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmPG2
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmTools
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmDateTime
from import gmMedication
_log = logging.getLogger('gm.vacc')
URL_vaccination_plan = ''
URL_vaccine_adr_german_default = ''
# vaccine related code
_SQL_get_vaccine_fields = """SELECT * FROM ref.v_vaccines WHERE %s"""
class cVaccine(gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject):
"""Represents one vaccine."""
_cmd_fetch_payload = _SQL_get_vaccine_fields % "pk_vaccine = %s"
_cmds_store_payload = [
"""UPDATE ref.vaccine SET
is_live = %(is_live)s,
min_age = %(min_age)s,
max_age = %(max_age)s,
comment = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(comment)s),
fk_drug_product = %(pk_drug_product)s,
atc = %(atc_vaccine)s
pk = %(pk_vaccine)s
xmin = %(xmin_vaccine)s
xmin as xmin_vaccine
_updatable_fields = [
def format(self, *args, **kwargs):
lines = []
live = gmTools.bool2subst(self._payload['is_live'], _(' (live)'), '', ' <liveness error in DB>')
if self._payload['pk_drug_product']:
lines.append(_('"%s" [#%s]%s -- #%s') % (
gmTools.coalesce(self._payload['pk_drug_product'], '', '#%s')
lines.append(_('Generic vaccine%s [#%s]%s') % (
gmTools.coalesce(self._payload['atc_vaccine'], '', ' "ATC:%s"'),
lines.append(_(' Targets:'))
lines.extend([ ' %s [ATC:%s]' % (i['l10n_indication'], i['atc_indication']) for i in self._payload['indications'] ])
if self._payload['pk_drug_product']:
lines.append(' %s%s%s' % (
gmTools.coalesce(self._payload['atc_product'], '', ' [ATC:%s]'),
gmTools.coalesce(self._payload['external_code'], '', ' [%s:%%s]' % self._payload['external_code_type'])
lines.append(_(' Age range: %s - %s') % (
gmDateTime.format_interval(interval = self._payload['min_age'], accuracy_wanted = gmDateTime.acc_months, none_string = ''),
gmDateTime.format_interval(interval = self._payload['max_age'], accuracy_wanted = gmDateTime.acc_months, none_string = '')
if self._payload['comment'] is not None:
lines.extend([ ' %s' % l for l in self._payload['comment'].split('\n')] )
return lines
# properties
def _get_product(self):
if self._payload['pk_drug_product']:
return gmMedication.cDrugProduct(aPK_obj = self._payload['pk_drug_product'])
return None
product = property(_get_product)
def _get_is_in_use(self):
cmd = 'SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM clin.vaccination WHERE fk_vaccine = %(pk)s)'
args = {'pk': self._payload['pk_vaccine']}
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
return rows[0][0]
is_in_use = property(_get_is_in_use)
# indications handling
def atcs2indication_pks(atcs:list[str]=None) -> list[int]:
query = {
'cmd': 'SELECT pk FROM ref.vacc_indication WHERE atc = ANY(%(atcs)s)',
'args': {'atcs': atcs}
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [query])
if len(atcs) != len(rows): # all mapped ?
_log.error('cannot map all ATCs to vaccine indications')
_log.error('ATCs: %s', atcs)
return None
return [ r['pk'] for r in rows ]
def targets2indication_pks(targets:list[str]=None) -> list[int]:
query = {
'cmd': 'SELECT pk FROM ref.vacc_indication WHERE atc = ANY(%(targets)s)',
'args': {'targets': targets}
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [query])
if len(targets) != len(rows):
return None
return [ r['pk'] for r in rows ]
def add_indication(self, pk_indication:int=None, atc:str=None, indication:str=None):
if not pk_indication:
args = {
'atc': atc,
'indication': indication
if atc:
SQL = 'SELECT pk FROM ref.vacc_indication WHERE atc = %(atc)s'
elif indication:
SQL = 'SELECT pk FROM ref.vacc_indication WHERE target = %(indication)s'
_log.error('neither <pk_indication>, nor <atc>, nor <indication> given')
return False
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': SQL, 'args': args}])
if not rows:
_log.error('indication [%s: %s] does not exist', atc, indication)
return False
pk_indication = rows[0]['pk']
args = {
'pk_ind': pk_indication,
'pk_vacc': self._payload['pk_vaccine']
SQL = """
INSERT INTO ref.lnk_indic2vaccine (fk_indication, fk_vaccine)
SELECT %(pk_ind)s, %(pk_vacc)s WHERE NOT EXISTS (
SELECT 1 FROM ref.lnk_indic2vaccine WHERE fk_indication %(pk_ind)s = AND fk_vaccine = %(pk_vacc)s
gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': SQL, 'args': args}])
return True
def remove_indication(self, pk_indication:int=None):
args = {
'pk_ind': pk_indication,
'pk_vacc': self._payload['pk_vaccine']
SQL = 'DELETE FROM ref.lnk_indic2vaccine WHERE fk_indication %(pk_ind)s = AND fk_vaccine = %(pk_vacc)s'
gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': SQL, 'args': args}])
def remove_indications(self):
args = {'pk_vacc': self._payload['pk_vaccine']}
SQL = 'DELETE FROM ref.lnk_indic2vaccine WHERE fk_vaccine = %(pk_vacc)s'
gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': SQL, 'args': args}])
def set_indications(self, pk_indications:list[int]=None) -> bool:
if not pk_indications:
return False
if set(pk_indications) == set([ ind['pk_indication'] for ind in self._payload['indications'] ]):
# already the same
return True
queries = [{
'cmd': 'DELETE FROM ref.lnk_indic2vaccine WHERE fk_vaccine = %(pk_vacc)s',
'args': {'pk_vacc': self._payload['pk_vaccine']}
for pk_ind in set(pk_indications): # remove dupes
queries.append ({
'cmd': 'INSERT INTO ref.lnk_indic2vaccine (fk_indication, fk_vaccine) VALUES (%(pk_ind)s, %(pk_vacc)s)',
'args': {'pk_ind': pk_ind, 'pk_vacc': self._payload['pk_vaccine']}
gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = queries)
return True
def create_vaccine_dummy_dose(link_obj=None) -> int:
# brands require a component, so:
SQL = """-- INSERT dummy vaccine substance
INSERT INTO ref.substance (description, atc)
SELECT %(subst)s, %(atc)s
SELECT 1 FROM ref.substance WHERE description = %(subst)s AND atc = %(atc)s
-- INSERT dummy vaccine dose
INSERT INTO ref.dose (fk_substance, amount, unit, dose_unit)
(SELECT pk FROM ref.substance WHERE description = %(subst)s AND atc = %(atc)s),
1, %(unit)s, %(dose_unit)s
SELECT 1 FROM ref.dose WHERE fk_substance = (
SELECT pk FROM ref.substance WHERE description = %(subst)s AND atc = %(atc)s
SELECT pk FROM ref.dose WHERE fk_substance = (
SELECT pk FROM ref.substance WHERE description = %(subst)s AND atc = %(atc)s
args = {
'subst': 'vaccine',
'atc': 'J07',
'unit': 'dose',
'dose_unit': 'shot'
rows = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': SQL, 'args': args}], link_obj = link_obj, return_data = True)
return rows[0]['pk']
def create_vaccine(pk_drug_product=None, product_name=None, is_live=None):
# force caller to make a decision, which is hoped
# to bubble up towards the end user ;-)
assert (is_live is not None), '<is_live> must not be <None>'
conn = gmPG2.get_connection(readonly = False)
dose = create_vaccine_dummy_dose(link_obj = conn)
if not pk_drug_product:
if product_name:
_log.debug('creating vaccine drug product [%s]', product_name)
vacc_prod = gmMedication.create_drug_product (
product_name = product_name,
preparation = 'vaccine',
return_existing = True,
pk_doses = [dose],
link_obj = conn
pk_drug_product = vacc_prod['pk_drug_product']
if pk_drug_product:
SQL = 'INSERT INTO ref.vaccine (fk_drug_product, is_live) values (%(pk_drug_product)s, %(live)s) RETURNING pk'
SQL = 'INSERT INTO ref.vaccine (is_live) values (%(live)s) RETURNING pk'
args = {
'pk_drug_product': pk_drug_product,
'live': is_live
queries = [{'cmd': SQL, 'args': args}]
rows = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = queries, return_data = True, end_tx = True)
return cVaccine(aPK_obj = rows[0]['pk'], link_obj = conn)
def delete_vaccine(pk_vaccine:int=None, also_delete_product:bool=False) -> bool:
args = {'pk_vacc': pk_vaccine, 'pk_drug': None}
if also_delete_product:
SQL = 'SELECT fk_drug_product FROM ref.vaccine WHERE pk = %(pk_vacc)s'
q = {'cmd': SQL, 'args': args}
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [q])
if rows:
args['pk_drug'] = rows[0]['fk_drug_product']
queries = []
SQL = 'DELETE FROM ref.lnk_indic2vaccine WHERE fk_vaccine = %(pk_vacc)s'
queries.append({'cmd': SQL, 'args': args})
SQL = 'DELETE FROM ref.vaccine WHERE pk = %(pk_vacc)s'
queries.append({'cmd': SQL, 'args': args})
if args['pk_drug']:
SQL = 'DELETE FROM ref.lnk_dose2drug WHERE fk_drug_product = %(pk_drug)s'
queries.append({'cmd': SQL, 'args': args})
SQL = 'DELETE FROM ref.drug_product WHERE pk = %(pk_drug)s'
queries.append({'cmd': SQL, 'args': args})
gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = queries)
except gmPG2.dbapi.IntegrityError:
_log.exception('cannot delete vaccine [#%s]', pk_vaccine)
return False
return True
def get_vaccines(order_by=None, return_pks=False):
if order_by is None:
cmd = _SQL_get_vaccine_fields % 'TRUE'
cmd = _SQL_get_vaccine_fields % ('TRUE\nORDER BY %s' % order_by)
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd}])
if return_pks:
return [ r['pk_vaccine'] for r in rows ]
return [ cVaccine(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_vaccine'}) for r in rows ]
def get_vaccination_indications(order_by=None):
SQL = 'SELECT * from ref.vacc_indication'
if order_by:
SQL += ' ORDER BY %s' % order_by
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': SQL}])
return rows
# vaccination related classes
_SQL_get_vaccination_fields = """SELECT * FROM clin.v_vaccinations WHERE %s"""
class cVaccination(gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject):
_cmd_fetch_payload = _SQL_get_vaccination_fields % "pk_vaccination = %s"
_cmds_store_payload = [
"""UPDATE clin.vaccination SET
soap_cat = %(soap_cat)s,
clin_when = %(date_given)s,
site = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(site)s),
batch_no = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(batch_no)s),
reaction = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(reaction)s),
narrative = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(comment)s),
fk_vaccine = %(pk_vaccine)s,
fk_provider = %(pk_provider)s,
fk_encounter = %(pk_encounter)s,
fk_episode = %(pk_episode)s
pk = %(pk_vaccination)s
xmin = %(xmin_vaccination)s
xmin as xmin_vaccination
_updatable_fields = [
def format_maximum_information(self, patient=None):
return self.format (
with_indications = True,
with_comment = True,
with_reaction = True,
date_format = '%Y %b %d'
def format(self, with_indications=False, with_comment=False, with_reaction=False, date_format='%Y-%m-%d'):
lines = []
lines.append (' %s: %s [%s]%s' % (
gmTools.coalesce(self._payload['site'], '', ' (%s)')
if with_comment:
if self._payload['comment'] is not None:
lines.append(' %s' % self._payload['comment'])
if with_reaction:
if self._payload['reaction'] is not None:
lines.append(' %s' % self._payload['reaction'])
if with_indications:
lines.append(' %s' % ' / '.join([ i['l10n_indication'] for i in self._payload['indications'] ]))
return lines
def format_for_failsafe_output(self, max_width:int=80) -> list[str]:
lines = []
'%s: %s [%s]%s' % (
self._payload['date_given'].strftime('%Y %b %d'),
gmTools.coalesce(self._payload['site'], '', ' (%s)')
lines.append(' ' + _('Indications: %s') % ' / '.join([ i['l10n_indication'] for i in self._payload['indications'] ]))
if self._payload['comment']:
lines.append(gmTools.shorten_text(' ' + self._payload['comment'], max_width))
if self._payload['reaction']:
lines.append(gmTools.shorten_text(' ' + self._payload['reaction'], max_width))
return lines
def _get_vaccine(self):
return cVaccine(aPK_obj = self._payload['pk_vaccine'])
vaccine = property(_get_vaccine)
def get_vaccinations(pk_identity=None, pk_episodes=None, pk_health_issues=None, pk_encounters=None, order_by=None, return_pks=False):
args = {}
where_parts = []
if pk_identity is not None:
args = {'pk_identity': pk_identity}
where_parts.append('pk_patient = %(pk_identity)s')
if (pk_episodes is not None) and (len(pk_episodes) > 0):
where_parts.append('pk_episode = ANY(%(pk_epis)s)')
args['pk_epis'] = pk_episodes
if (pk_health_issues is not None) and (len(pk_health_issues) > 0):
where_parts.append('pk_episode = ANY(SELECT pk FROM clin.episode WHERE fk_health_issue = ANY(%(pk_issues)s))')
args['pk_issues'] = pk_health_issues
if (pk_encounters is not None) and (len(pk_encounters) > 0):
where_parts.append('pk_encounter = ANY(%(pk_encs)s)')
args['pk_encs'] = pk_encounters
ORDER_BY = gmTools.coalesce (
value2test = order_by,
return_instead = '',
value2return = 'ORDER BY %s' % order_by
if len(where_parts) == 0:
WHERE = 'True'
WHERE = '\nAND '.join(where_parts)
SQL = '%s %s' % (
_SQL_get_vaccination_fields % WHERE,
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': SQL, 'args': args}])
if return_pks:
return [ r['pk_vaccination'] for r in rows ]
vaccs = [ cVaccination(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_vaccination'}) for r in rows ]
return vaccs
def format_vaccinations_by_indication_for_failsafe_output(pk_patient:int, max_width:int=80) -> list[str]:
shots = get_vaccinations(pk_identity = pk_patient)
if not shots:
return []
shots_by_ind:dict[str, list[cVaccination]] = {}
for shot in shots:
inds = shot['indications']
for ind in inds:
except KeyError:
shots_by_ind[ind['l10n_indication']] = []
lines = []
l10n_inds_sorted = sorted(shots_by_ind.keys(), key = functools.cmp_to_key(locale.strcoll))
for ind in l10n_inds_sorted:
lines.append(_('Indication: %s') % ind)
shots4ind = sorted(shots_by_ind[ind], key = lambda d: d['date_given'], reverse = True)
for shot in shots4ind:
lines.append(gmTools.shorten_text (
' %s: %s [%s]' % (
shot['date_given'].strftime('%Y %b %d'),
if shot['comment']:
lines.append(gmTools.shorten_text(' ' + shot['comment'], max_width))
if shot._payload['reaction']:
lines.append(gmTools.shorten_text(' ' + shot['reaction'], max_width))
return lines
def create_vaccination(encounter:int=None, episode:int=None, pk_vaccine:int=None, batch_no:str=None):
cmd = """
INSERT INTO clin.vaccination (
args = {
'enc': encounter,
'epi': episode,
'pk_vacc': pk_vaccine,
'batch': batch_no
rows = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], return_data = True)
return cVaccination(aPK_obj = rows[0][0])
def delete_vaccination(vaccination=None):
cmd = """DELETE FROM clin.vaccination WHERE pk = %(pk)s"""
args = {'pk': vaccination}
gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
def format_latest_vaccinations(output_format='latex', emr=None):
_log.debug('formatting latest vaccinations into [%s]', output_format)
vaccs = emr.get_latest_vaccinations()
if output_format == 'latex':
return __format_latest_vaccinations_latex(vaccinations = vaccs)
msg = _('unknown vaccinations output format [%s]') % output_format
return msg
def __format_latest_vaccinations_latex(vaccinations=None):
if not vaccinations:
return '\\noindent %s' % gmTools.tex_escape_string(_('No vaccinations recorded.'))
tex = '\\noindent %s {\\tiny (%s)\\par}\n' % (
gmTools.tex_escape_string(_('Latest vaccinations')),
gmTools.tex_escape_string(_('per target condition'))
tex += '\n'
tex += '\\noindent \\begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|l|l|}\n'
tex += '\\hline\n'
tex += '%s & %s & {\\footnotesize %s} & {\\footnotesize %s} & {\\footnotesize %s\\footnotemark} & {\\footnotesize $\\Sigma$\\footnotemark}\\\\\n' % (
gmTools.tex_escape_string(_('Last given')),
gmTools.tex_escape_string(_('Lot #')),
tex += '\\hline\n'
tex += '\n'
tex += '\\hline\n'
tex += '%s' # this is where the actual vaccination rows end up
tex += '\n'
tex += '\\end{tabular}\n'
tex += '\n'
tex += '\\addtocounter{footnote}{-1}\n'
tex += '\\footnotetext{%s}\n' % gmTools.tex_escape_string (
_('SoaP -- "S"ubjective: Reported. "P"lan: Administered here/taken from trustworthy records.')
tex += '\\addtocounter{footnote}{1}\n'
tex += '\\footnotetext{$\\Sigma$ -- %s}\n' % gmTools.tex_escape_string (
_('Total number of vaccinations recorded for the corresponding target condition.')
tex += '\n'
row_template = '%s & %s & {\\scriptsize %s} & {\\scriptsize %s} & {\\scriptsize %s} & {\\scriptsize %s}\\\\\n'
lines = ''
targets = sorted(vaccinations)
for target in targets:
target_count, vacc = vaccinations[target]
lines += row_template % (
gmTools.tex_escape_string(gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(vacc['date_given'], '%Y %b %d')),
gmTools.tex_escape_string(gmTools.coalesce(vacc['vaccine'], _('generic'))),
if vacc['site']:
tag = gmTools.tex_escape_string(_('Injection site'))
site = gmTools.tex_escape_string(vacc['site'])
lines += ' & \\multicolumn{5}{l|}{\\scriptsize %s: %s\\par}\\\\\n' % (tag, site)
if vacc['reaction']:
tag = gmTools.tex_escape_string(_('Reaction'))
reaction = gmTools.tex_escape_string(vacc['reaction'])
lines += ' & \\multicolumn{5}{l|}{\\scriptsize %s: %s\\par}\\\\\n' % (tag, reaction)
if vacc['comment']:
tag = gmTools.tex_escape_string(_('Comment'))
cmt = gmTools.tex_escape_string(vacc['comment'])
lines += ' & \\multicolumn{5}{l|}{\\scriptsize %s: %s\\par}\\\\\n' % (tag, cmt)
lines += '\\hline\n'
return tex % lines
# main - unit testing
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
if sys.argv[1] != 'test':
del _
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmI18N
# from Gnumed.pycommon import gmPG
def test_vacc():
vacc = cVaccination(aPK_obj=1)
fields = vacc.get_fields()
for field in fields:
print(field, ':', vacc[field])
print("updatable:", vacc.get_updatable_fields())
# #--------------------------------------------------------
# def test_due_vacc():
# # Test for a due vaccination
# pk_args = {
# 'pat_id': 12,
# 'indication': 'meningococcus C',
# 'seq_no': 1
# }
# missing_vacc = cMissingVaccination(aPK_obj=pk_args)
# fields = missing_vacc.get_fields()
# print("\nDue vaccination:")
# print(missing_vacc)
# for field in fields:
# print(field, ':', missing_vacc[field])
# # Test for an overdue vaccination
# pk_args = {
# 'pat_id': 12,
# 'indication': 'haemophilus influenzae b',
# 'seq_no': 2
# }
# missing_vacc = cMissingVaccination(aPK_obj=pk_args)
# fields = missing_vacc.get_fields()
# print("\nOverdue vaccination (?):")
# print(missing_vacc)
# for field in fields:
# print(field, ':', missing_vacc[field])
# #--------------------------------------------------------
# def test_due_booster():
# pk_args = {
# 'pat_id': 12,
# 'indication': 'tetanus'
# }
# missing_booster = cMissingBooster(aPK_obj=pk_args)
# fields = missing_booster.get_fields()
# print("\nDue booster:")
# print(missing_booster)
# for field in fields:
# print(field, ':', missing_booster[field])
# def test_scheduled_vacc():
# scheduled_vacc = cScheduledVaccination(aPK_obj=20)
# print("\nScheduled vaccination:")
# print(scheduled_vacc)
# fields = scheduled_vacc.get_fields()
# for field in fields:
# print(field, ':', scheduled_vacc[field])
# print("updatable:", scheduled_vacc.get_updatable_fields())
# #--------------------------------------------------------
# def test_vaccination_course():
# vaccination_course = cVaccinationCourse(aPK_obj=7)
# print("\nVaccination course:")
# print(vaccination_course)
# fields = vaccination_course.get_fields()
# for field in fields:
# print(field, ':', vaccination_course[field])
# print("updatable:", vaccination_course.get_updatable_fields())
# def test_put_patient_on_schedule():
# result, msg = put_patient_on_schedule(patient_id=12, course_id=1)
# print('\nPutting patient id 12 on schedule id 1... %s (%s)' % (result, msg))
def test_get_vaccines():
for vaccine in get_vaccines():
def test_get_vaccinations():
#v1 = get_vaccinations(return_pks = True, order_by = 'date_given')
for v in get_vaccinations(order_by = 'date_given, vaccine'):
def test_format_vaccs_failsafe():
print('\n'.join(format_vaccinations_by_indication_for_failsafe_output(pk_patient = 12)))
def test_create_vaccine_dummy_dose():
def test_format_latest_vaccinations():
from import gmPraxis
from import gmClinicalRecord
emr = gmClinicalRecord.cClinicalRecord(12)
shots = emr.latest_vaccinations
#shots = get_vaccinations(pk_identity = 12, return_pks = False)
print(__format_latest_vaccinations_latex(vaccinations = shots))
def test_create_vaccination():
print(create_vaccination (
encounter = 1,
episode = 1,
pk_vaccine = 204,
batch_no = 'testing create_vaccination()'
gmPG2.request_login_params(setup_pool = True)
def create_vaccination(encounter: int = None, episode: int = None, pk_vaccine: int = None, batch_no: str = None)
Expand source code
def create_vaccination(encounter:int=None, episode:int=None, pk_vaccine:int=None, batch_no:str=None): cmd = """ INSERT INTO clin.vaccination ( fk_encounter, fk_episode, fk_vaccine, batch_no ) VALUES ( %(enc)s, %(epi)s, %(pk_vacc)s, %(batch)s ) RETURNING pk; """ args = { 'enc': encounter, 'epi': episode, 'pk_vacc': pk_vaccine, 'batch': batch_no } rows = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], return_data = True) return cVaccination(aPK_obj = rows[0][0])
def create_vaccine(pk_drug_product=None, product_name=None, is_live=None)
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def create_vaccine(pk_drug_product=None, product_name=None, is_live=None): # force caller to make a decision, which is hoped # to bubble up towards the end user ;-) assert (is_live is not None), '<is_live> must not be <None>' conn = gmPG2.get_connection(readonly = False) dose = create_vaccine_dummy_dose(link_obj = conn) if not pk_drug_product: if product_name: _log.debug('creating vaccine drug product [%s]', product_name) vacc_prod = gmMedication.create_drug_product ( product_name = product_name, preparation = 'vaccine', return_existing = True, pk_doses = [dose], link_obj = conn ) pk_drug_product = vacc_prod['pk_drug_product'] if pk_drug_product: SQL = 'INSERT INTO ref.vaccine (fk_drug_product, is_live) values (%(pk_drug_product)s, %(live)s) RETURNING pk' else: SQL = 'INSERT INTO ref.vaccine (is_live) values (%(live)s) RETURNING pk' args = { 'pk_drug_product': pk_drug_product, 'live': is_live } queries = [{'cmd': SQL, 'args': args}] rows = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = queries, return_data = True, end_tx = True) return cVaccine(aPK_obj = rows[0]['pk'], link_obj = conn)
def create_vaccine_dummy_dose(link_obj=None) ‑> int
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def create_vaccine_dummy_dose(link_obj=None) -> int: # brands require a component, so: SQL = """-- INSERT dummy vaccine substance INSERT INTO ref.substance (description, atc) SELECT %(subst)s, %(atc)s WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM ref.substance WHERE description = %(subst)s AND atc = %(atc)s ); -- INSERT dummy vaccine dose INSERT INTO ref.dose (fk_substance, amount, unit, dose_unit) SELECT (SELECT pk FROM ref.substance WHERE description = %(subst)s AND atc = %(atc)s), 1, %(unit)s, %(dose_unit)s WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM ref.dose WHERE fk_substance = ( SELECT pk FROM ref.substance WHERE description = %(subst)s AND atc = %(atc)s ) ); SELECT pk FROM ref.dose WHERE fk_substance = ( SELECT pk FROM ref.substance WHERE description = %(subst)s AND atc = %(atc)s ); """ args = { 'subst': 'vaccine', 'atc': 'J07', 'unit': 'dose', 'dose_unit': 'shot' } rows = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': SQL, 'args': args}], link_obj = link_obj, return_data = True) return rows[0]['pk']
def delete_vaccination(vaccination=None)
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def delete_vaccination(vaccination=None): cmd = """DELETE FROM clin.vaccination WHERE pk = %(pk)s""" args = {'pk': vaccination} gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
def delete_vaccine(pk_vaccine: int = None, also_delete_product: bool = False) ‑> bool
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def delete_vaccine(pk_vaccine:int=None, also_delete_product:bool=False) -> bool: args = {'pk_vacc': pk_vaccine, 'pk_drug': None} if also_delete_product: SQL = 'SELECT fk_drug_product FROM ref.vaccine WHERE pk = %(pk_vacc)s' q = {'cmd': SQL, 'args': args} rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [q]) if rows: args['pk_drug'] = rows[0]['fk_drug_product'] queries = [] SQL = 'DELETE FROM ref.lnk_indic2vaccine WHERE fk_vaccine = %(pk_vacc)s' queries.append({'cmd': SQL, 'args': args}) SQL = 'DELETE FROM ref.vaccine WHERE pk = %(pk_vacc)s' queries.append({'cmd': SQL, 'args': args}) if args['pk_drug']: SQL = 'DELETE FROM ref.lnk_dose2drug WHERE fk_drug_product = %(pk_drug)s' queries.append({'cmd': SQL, 'args': args}) SQL = 'DELETE FROM ref.drug_product WHERE pk = %(pk_drug)s' queries.append({'cmd': SQL, 'args': args}) try: gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = queries) except gmPG2.dbapi.IntegrityError: _log.exception('cannot delete vaccine [#%s]', pk_vaccine) return False return True
def format_latest_vaccinations(output_format='latex', emr=None)
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def format_latest_vaccinations(output_format='latex', emr=None): _log.debug('formatting latest vaccinations into [%s]', output_format) vaccs = emr.get_latest_vaccinations() if output_format == 'latex': return __format_latest_vaccinations_latex(vaccinations = vaccs) msg = _('unknown vaccinations output format [%s]') % output_format _log.error(msg) return msg
def format_vaccinations_by_indication_for_failsafe_output(pk_patient: int, max_width: int = 80) ‑> list[str]
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def format_vaccinations_by_indication_for_failsafe_output(pk_patient:int, max_width:int=80) -> list[str]: shots = get_vaccinations(pk_identity = pk_patient) if not shots: return [] shots_by_ind:dict[str, list[cVaccination]] = {} for shot in shots: inds = shot['indications'] for ind in inds: try: shots_by_ind[ind['l10n_indication']] except KeyError: shots_by_ind[ind['l10n_indication']] = [] shots_by_ind[ind['l10n_indication']].append(shot) lines = [] l10n_inds_sorted = sorted(shots_by_ind.keys(), key = functools.cmp_to_key(locale.strcoll)) for ind in l10n_inds_sorted: lines.append('') lines.append(_('Indication: %s') % ind) shots4ind = sorted(shots_by_ind[ind], key = lambda d: d['date_given'], reverse = True) for shot in shots4ind: lines.append(gmTools.shorten_text ( ' %s: %s [%s]' % ( shot['date_given'].strftime('%Y %b %d'), shot['vaccine'], shot['batch_no'] ), max_width )) if shot['comment']: lines.append(gmTools.shorten_text(' ' + shot['comment'], max_width)) if shot._payload['reaction']: lines.append(gmTools.shorten_text(' ' + shot['reaction'], max_width)) return lines
def get_vaccination_indications(order_by=None)
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def get_vaccination_indications(order_by=None): SQL = 'SELECT * from ref.vacc_indication' if order_by: SQL += ' ORDER BY %s' % order_by rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': SQL}]) return rows
def get_vaccinations(pk_identity=None, pk_episodes=None, pk_health_issues=None, pk_encounters=None, order_by=None, return_pks=False)
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def get_vaccinations(pk_identity=None, pk_episodes=None, pk_health_issues=None, pk_encounters=None, order_by=None, return_pks=False): args = {} where_parts = [] if pk_identity is not None: args = {'pk_identity': pk_identity} where_parts.append('pk_patient = %(pk_identity)s') if (pk_episodes is not None) and (len(pk_episodes) > 0): where_parts.append('pk_episode = ANY(%(pk_epis)s)') args['pk_epis'] = pk_episodes if (pk_health_issues is not None) and (len(pk_health_issues) > 0): where_parts.append('pk_episode = ANY(SELECT pk FROM clin.episode WHERE fk_health_issue = ANY(%(pk_issues)s))') args['pk_issues'] = pk_health_issues if (pk_encounters is not None) and (len(pk_encounters) > 0): where_parts.append('pk_encounter = ANY(%(pk_encs)s)') args['pk_encs'] = pk_encounters ORDER_BY = gmTools.coalesce ( value2test = order_by, return_instead = '', value2return = 'ORDER BY %s' % order_by ) if len(where_parts) == 0: WHERE = 'True' else: WHERE = '\nAND '.join(where_parts) SQL = '%s %s' % ( _SQL_get_vaccination_fields % WHERE, ORDER_BY ) rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': SQL, 'args': args}]) if return_pks: return [ r['pk_vaccination'] for r in rows ] vaccs = [ cVaccination(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_vaccination'}) for r in rows ] return vaccs
def get_vaccines(order_by=None, return_pks=False)
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def get_vaccines(order_by=None, return_pks=False): if order_by is None: cmd = _SQL_get_vaccine_fields % 'TRUE' else: cmd = _SQL_get_vaccine_fields % ('TRUE\nORDER BY %s' % order_by) rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd}]) if return_pks: return [ r['pk_vaccine'] for r in rows ] return [ cVaccine(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_vaccine'}) for r in rows ]
class cVaccination (aPK_obj: int | dict = None, row: dict = None, link_obj=None)
Represents business objects in the database.
- instances ARE ASSUMED TO EXIST in the database
- PK construction (aPK_obj): DOES verify its existence on instantiation (fetching data fails)
- Row construction (row): allowed by using a dict of pairs of field name: field value (PERFORMANCE improvement)
- does NOT verify FK target existence
- does NOT create new entries in the database
- does NOT lazy-fetch fields on access
Class scope SQL commands and variables:
- must return exactly one row
- WHERE clause argument values are expected in self.pk_obj (taken from init(aPK_obj))
- must return xmin of all rows that _cmds_store_payload will be updating, so views must support the xmin columns of their underlying tables
- one or multiple "update … set … where xmin_ = … and pk = …" statements which actually update the database from the data in self._payload,
- the last query must refetch at least the XMIN values needed to detect concurrent updates, their field names had better be the same as in _cmd_fetch_payload,
- the last query CAN return other fields which is particularly useful when those other fields are computed in the backend and may thus change upon save but will not have been set by the client code explicitly - this is only really of concern if the saved subclass is to be reused after saving rather than re-instantiated
- when subclasses tend to live a while after save_payload() was called and they support computed fields (say, _(some_column) you need to return all columns (see cEncounter)
- a list of fields available for update via object['field']
Call init from child classes like so:
super().__init__(aPK_obj = aPK_obj, row = row, link_obj = link_obj)
- retrieve data from backend
- an scalar value the ._cmd_fetch_payload WHERE condition must be a simple column: "… WHERE pk_col = %s"
- a dictionary of values the ._cmd_fetch_payload WHERE condition must consume the dictionary and produce a unique row
- must hold the fields
- data: list of column values for the row selected by ._cmd_fetch_payload (as returned by cursor.fetchone() in the DB-API)
- pk_field: the name of the primary key column OR
- pk_obj: a dictionary suitable for being passed to cursor.execute and holding the primary key values, used for composite PKs
- for example:
row = { 'data': rows[0], 'pk_field': 'pk_XXX (the PK column name)', 'pk_obj': {'pk_col1': pk_col1_val, 'pk_col2': pk_col2_val} } rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) objects = [ cChildClass(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'the PK column name'}) for r in rows ]
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class cVaccination(gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject): _cmd_fetch_payload = _SQL_get_vaccination_fields % "pk_vaccination = %s" _cmds_store_payload = [ """UPDATE clin.vaccination SET soap_cat = %(soap_cat)s, clin_when = %(date_given)s, site = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(site)s), batch_no = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(batch_no)s), reaction = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(reaction)s), narrative = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(comment)s), fk_vaccine = %(pk_vaccine)s, fk_provider = %(pk_provider)s, fk_encounter = %(pk_encounter)s, fk_episode = %(pk_episode)s WHERE pk = %(pk_vaccination)s AND xmin = %(xmin_vaccination)s RETURNING xmin as xmin_vaccination """ ] _updatable_fields = [ 'soap_cat', 'date_given', 'site', 'batch_no', 'reaction', 'comment', 'pk_vaccine', 'pk_provider', 'pk_encounter', 'pk_episode' ] #-------------------------------------------------------- def format_maximum_information(self, patient=None): return self.format ( with_indications = True, with_comment = True, with_reaction = True, date_format = '%Y %b %d' ) #-------------------------------------------------------- def format(self, with_indications=False, with_comment=False, with_reaction=False, date_format='%Y-%m-%d'): lines = [] lines.append (' %s: %s [%s]%s' % ( self._payload['date_given'].strftime(date_format), self._payload['vaccine'], self._payload['batch_no'], gmTools.coalesce(self._payload['site'], '', ' (%s)') )) if with_comment: if self._payload['comment'] is not None: lines.append(' %s' % self._payload['comment']) if with_reaction: if self._payload['reaction'] is not None: lines.append(' %s' % self._payload['reaction']) if with_indications: lines.append(' %s' % ' / '.join([ i['l10n_indication'] for i in self._payload['indications'] ])) return lines #-------------------------------------------------------- def format_for_failsafe_output(self, max_width:int=80) -> list[str]: lines = [] lines.append(gmTools.shorten_text( '%s: %s [%s]%s' % ( self._payload['date_given'].strftime('%Y %b %d'), self._payload['vaccine'], self._payload['batch_no'], gmTools.coalesce(self._payload['site'], '', ' (%s)') ), max_width )) lines.append(' ' + _('Indications: %s') % ' / '.join([ i['l10n_indication'] for i in self._payload['indications'] ])) if self._payload['comment']: lines.append(gmTools.shorten_text(' ' + self._payload['comment'], max_width)) if self._payload['reaction']: lines.append(gmTools.shorten_text(' ' + self._payload['reaction'], max_width)) return lines #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_vaccine(self): return cVaccine(aPK_obj = self._payload['pk_vaccine']) vaccine = property(_get_vaccine)
Instance variables
var vaccine
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def _get_vaccine(self): return cVaccine(aPK_obj = self._payload['pk_vaccine'])
def format_for_failsafe_output(self, max_width: int = 80) ‑> list[str]
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def format_for_failsafe_output(self, max_width:int=80) -> list[str]: lines = [] lines.append(gmTools.shorten_text( '%s: %s [%s]%s' % ( self._payload['date_given'].strftime('%Y %b %d'), self._payload['vaccine'], self._payload['batch_no'], gmTools.coalesce(self._payload['site'], '', ' (%s)') ), max_width )) lines.append(' ' + _('Indications: %s') % ' / '.join([ i['l10n_indication'] for i in self._payload['indications'] ])) if self._payload['comment']: lines.append(gmTools.shorten_text(' ' + self._payload['comment'], max_width)) if self._payload['reaction']: lines.append(gmTools.shorten_text(' ' + self._payload['reaction'], max_width)) return lines
def format_maximum_information(self, patient=None)
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def format_maximum_information(self, patient=None): return self.format ( with_indications = True, with_comment = True, with_reaction = True, date_format = '%Y %b %d' )
Inherited members
class cVaccine (aPK_obj: int | dict = None, row: dict = None, link_obj=None)
Represents one vaccine.
Call init from child classes like so:
super().__init__(aPK_obj = aPK_obj, row = row, link_obj = link_obj)
- retrieve data from backend
- an scalar value the ._cmd_fetch_payload WHERE condition must be a simple column: "… WHERE pk_col = %s"
- a dictionary of values the ._cmd_fetch_payload WHERE condition must consume the dictionary and produce a unique row
- must hold the fields
- data: list of column values for the row selected by ._cmd_fetch_payload (as returned by cursor.fetchone() in the DB-API)
- pk_field: the name of the primary key column OR
- pk_obj: a dictionary suitable for being passed to cursor.execute and holding the primary key values, used for composite PKs
- for example:
row = { 'data': rows[0], 'pk_field': 'pk_XXX (the PK column name)', 'pk_obj': {'pk_col1': pk_col1_val, 'pk_col2': pk_col2_val} } rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) objects = [ cChildClass(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'the PK column name'}) for r in rows ]
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class cVaccine(gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject): """Represents one vaccine.""" _cmd_fetch_payload = _SQL_get_vaccine_fields % "pk_vaccine = %s" _cmds_store_payload = [ """UPDATE ref.vaccine SET is_live = %(is_live)s, min_age = %(min_age)s, max_age = %(max_age)s, comment = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(comment)s), fk_drug_product = %(pk_drug_product)s, atc = %(atc_vaccine)s WHERE pk = %(pk_vaccine)s AND xmin = %(xmin_vaccine)s RETURNING xmin as xmin_vaccine """ ] _updatable_fields = [ 'is_live', 'min_age', 'max_age', 'comment', 'pk_drug_product', 'atc_vaccine' ] #-------------------------------------------------------- def format(self, *args, **kwargs): lines = [] live = gmTools.bool2subst(self._payload['is_live'], _(' (live)'), '', ' <liveness error in DB>') if self._payload['pk_drug_product']: lines.append(_('"%s" [#%s]%s -- #%s') % ( self._payload['vaccine'], self._payload['pk_vaccine'], live, gmTools.coalesce(self._payload['pk_drug_product'], '', '#%s') )) else: lines.append(_('Generic vaccine%s [#%s]%s') % ( gmTools.coalesce(self._payload['atc_vaccine'], '', ' "ATC:%s"'), self._payload['pk_vaccine'], live )) lines.append(_(' Targets:')) lines.extend([ ' %s [ATC:%s]' % (i['l10n_indication'], i['atc_indication']) for i in self._payload['indications'] ]) if self._payload['pk_drug_product']: lines.append(' %s%s%s' % ( self._payload['l10n_preparation'], gmTools.coalesce(self._payload['atc_product'], '', ' [ATC:%s]'), gmTools.coalesce(self._payload['external_code'], '', ' [%s:%%s]' % self._payload['external_code_type']) )) lines.append(_(' Age range: %s - %s') % ( gmDateTime.format_interval(interval = self._payload['min_age'], accuracy_wanted = gmDateTime.acc_months, none_string = ''), gmDateTime.format_interval(interval = self._payload['max_age'], accuracy_wanted = gmDateTime.acc_months, none_string = '') )) if self._payload['comment'] is not None: lines.extend([ ' %s' % l for l in self._payload['comment'].split('\n')] ) return lines #-------------------------------------------------------- # properties #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_product(self): if self._payload['pk_drug_product']: return gmMedication.cDrugProduct(aPK_obj = self._payload['pk_drug_product']) return None product = property(_get_product) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_is_in_use(self): cmd = 'SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM clin.vaccination WHERE fk_vaccine = %(pk)s)' args = {'pk': self._payload['pk_vaccine']} rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return rows[0][0] is_in_use = property(_get_is_in_use) #-------------------------------------------------------- # indications handling #-------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def atcs2indication_pks(atcs:list[str]=None) -> list[int]: query = { 'cmd': 'SELECT pk FROM ref.vacc_indication WHERE atc = ANY(%(atcs)s)', 'args': {'atcs': atcs} } rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [query]) if len(atcs) != len(rows): # all mapped ? _log.error('cannot map all ATCs to vaccine indications') _log.error('ATCs: %s', atcs) return None return [ r['pk'] for r in rows ] #-------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def targets2indication_pks(targets:list[str]=None) -> list[int]: query = { 'cmd': 'SELECT pk FROM ref.vacc_indication WHERE atc = ANY(%(targets)s)', 'args': {'targets': targets} } rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [query]) if len(targets) != len(rows): return None return [ r['pk'] for r in rows ] #-------------------------------------------------------- def add_indication(self, pk_indication:int=None, atc:str=None, indication:str=None): if not pk_indication: args = { 'atc': atc, 'indication': indication } if atc: SQL = 'SELECT pk FROM ref.vacc_indication WHERE atc = %(atc)s' elif indication: SQL = 'SELECT pk FROM ref.vacc_indication WHERE target = %(indication)s' else: _log.error('neither <pk_indication>, nor <atc>, nor <indication> given') return False rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': SQL, 'args': args}]) if not rows: _log.error('indication [%s: %s] does not exist', atc, indication) return False pk_indication = rows[0]['pk'] args = { 'pk_ind': pk_indication, 'pk_vacc': self._payload['pk_vaccine'] } SQL = """ INSERT INTO ref.lnk_indic2vaccine (fk_indication, fk_vaccine) SELECT %(pk_ind)s, %(pk_vacc)s WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM ref.lnk_indic2vaccine WHERE fk_indication %(pk_ind)s = AND fk_vaccine = %(pk_vacc)s ) """ gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': SQL, 'args': args}]) return True #-------------------------------------------------------- def remove_indication(self, pk_indication:int=None): args = { 'pk_ind': pk_indication, 'pk_vacc': self._payload['pk_vaccine'] } SQL = 'DELETE FROM ref.lnk_indic2vaccine WHERE fk_indication %(pk_ind)s = AND fk_vaccine = %(pk_vacc)s' gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': SQL, 'args': args}]) #-------------------------------------------------------- def remove_indications(self): args = {'pk_vacc': self._payload['pk_vaccine']} SQL = 'DELETE FROM ref.lnk_indic2vaccine WHERE fk_vaccine = %(pk_vacc)s' gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': SQL, 'args': args}]) #-------------------------------------------------------- def set_indications(self, pk_indications:list[int]=None) -> bool: if not pk_indications: return False if set(pk_indications) == set([ ind['pk_indication'] for ind in self._payload['indications'] ]): # already the same return True queries = [{ 'cmd': 'DELETE FROM ref.lnk_indic2vaccine WHERE fk_vaccine = %(pk_vacc)s', 'args': {'pk_vacc': self._payload['pk_vaccine']} }] for pk_ind in set(pk_indications): # remove dupes queries.append ({ 'cmd': 'INSERT INTO ref.lnk_indic2vaccine (fk_indication, fk_vaccine) VALUES (%(pk_ind)s, %(pk_vacc)s)', 'args': {'pk_ind': pk_ind, 'pk_vacc': self._payload['pk_vaccine']} }) gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = queries) self.refetch_payload() return True
Static methods
def atcs2indication_pks(atcs: list[str] = None) ‑> list[int]
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@staticmethod def atcs2indication_pks(atcs:list[str]=None) -> list[int]: query = { 'cmd': 'SELECT pk FROM ref.vacc_indication WHERE atc = ANY(%(atcs)s)', 'args': {'atcs': atcs} } rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [query]) if len(atcs) != len(rows): # all mapped ? _log.error('cannot map all ATCs to vaccine indications') _log.error('ATCs: %s', atcs) return None return [ r['pk'] for r in rows ]
def targets2indication_pks(targets: list[str] = None) ‑> list[int]
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@staticmethod def targets2indication_pks(targets:list[str]=None) -> list[int]: query = { 'cmd': 'SELECT pk FROM ref.vacc_indication WHERE atc = ANY(%(targets)s)', 'args': {'targets': targets} } rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [query]) if len(targets) != len(rows): return None return [ r['pk'] for r in rows ]
Instance variables
var is_in_use
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def _get_is_in_use(self): cmd = 'SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM clin.vaccination WHERE fk_vaccine = %(pk)s)' args = {'pk': self._payload['pk_vaccine']} rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return rows[0][0]
var product
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def _get_product(self): if self._payload['pk_drug_product']: return gmMedication.cDrugProduct(aPK_obj = self._payload['pk_drug_product']) return None
def add_indication(self, pk_indication: int = None, atc: str = None, indication: str = None)
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def add_indication(self, pk_indication:int=None, atc:str=None, indication:str=None): if not pk_indication: args = { 'atc': atc, 'indication': indication } if atc: SQL = 'SELECT pk FROM ref.vacc_indication WHERE atc = %(atc)s' elif indication: SQL = 'SELECT pk FROM ref.vacc_indication WHERE target = %(indication)s' else: _log.error('neither <pk_indication>, nor <atc>, nor <indication> given') return False rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': SQL, 'args': args}]) if not rows: _log.error('indication [%s: %s] does not exist', atc, indication) return False pk_indication = rows[0]['pk'] args = { 'pk_ind': pk_indication, 'pk_vacc': self._payload['pk_vaccine'] } SQL = """ INSERT INTO ref.lnk_indic2vaccine (fk_indication, fk_vaccine) SELECT %(pk_ind)s, %(pk_vacc)s WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM ref.lnk_indic2vaccine WHERE fk_indication %(pk_ind)s = AND fk_vaccine = %(pk_vacc)s ) """ gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': SQL, 'args': args}]) return True
def remove_indication(self, pk_indication: int = None)
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def remove_indication(self, pk_indication:int=None): args = { 'pk_ind': pk_indication, 'pk_vacc': self._payload['pk_vaccine'] } SQL = 'DELETE FROM ref.lnk_indic2vaccine WHERE fk_indication %(pk_ind)s = AND fk_vaccine = %(pk_vacc)s' gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': SQL, 'args': args}])
def remove_indications(self)
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def remove_indications(self): args = {'pk_vacc': self._payload['pk_vaccine']} SQL = 'DELETE FROM ref.lnk_indic2vaccine WHERE fk_vaccine = %(pk_vacc)s' gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': SQL, 'args': args}])
def set_indications(self, pk_indications: list[int] = None) ‑> bool
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def set_indications(self, pk_indications:list[int]=None) -> bool: if not pk_indications: return False if set(pk_indications) == set([ ind['pk_indication'] for ind in self._payload['indications'] ]): # already the same return True queries = [{ 'cmd': 'DELETE FROM ref.lnk_indic2vaccine WHERE fk_vaccine = %(pk_vacc)s', 'args': {'pk_vacc': self._payload['pk_vaccine']} }] for pk_ind in set(pk_indications): # remove dupes queries.append ({ 'cmd': 'INSERT INTO ref.lnk_indic2vaccine (fk_indication, fk_vaccine) VALUES (%(pk_ind)s, %(pk_vacc)s)', 'args': {'pk_ind': pk_ind, 'pk_vacc': self._payload['pk_vaccine']} }) gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = queries) self.refetch_payload() return True
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