GNUmed German XDT parsing objects.
This encapsulates some of the XDT data into objects for easy access.
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"""GNUmed German XDT parsing objects.
This encapsulates some of the XDT data into
objects for easy access.
__author__ = "K.Hilbert, S.Hilbert"
__license__ = "GPL"
import os.path, sys, linecache, re as regex, time, datetime as pyDT, logging
import fileinput
import hashlib
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.path.insert(0, '../../')
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmDateTime, gmTools
from import gmXdtMappings, gmPerson
_log = logging.getLogger('gm.xdt')
class cDTO_xdt_person(gmPerson.cDTO_person):
def store(self):
def determine_xdt_encoding(filename=None, default_encoding=None):
f = open(filename, mode = 'rt', encoding = 'utf-8-sig', errors = 'ignore')
file_encoding = None
for line in f:
field = line[3:7]
if field in gmXdtMappings._charset_fields:
_log.debug('found charset field [%s] in <%s>', field, filename)
val = line[7:8]
file_encoding = gmXdtMappings._map_field2charset[field][val]
_log.debug('encoding in file is "%s" (%s)', file_encoding, val)
if file_encoding is None:
_log.debug('no encoding found in <%s>, assuming [%s]', filename, default_encoding)
return default_encoding
return file_encoding
def read_person_from_xdt(filename=None, encoding=None, dob_format=None):
_map_id2name = {
'3101': 'lastnames',
'3102': 'firstnames',
'3103': 'dob',
'3110': 'gender',
'3106': 'zipurb',
'3107': 'street',
'3112': 'zip',
'3113': 'urb',
'8316': 'source'
needed_fields = (
interesting_fields = list(_map_id2name)
data = {}
# try to find encoding if not given
if encoding is None:
encoding = determine_xdt_encoding(filename=filename)
xdt_file = open(filename, mode = 'rt', encoding = encoding)
for line in xdt_file:
# # can't use more than what's interesting ... ;-)
# if len(data) == len(interesting_fields):
# break
line = line.replace('\015','')
line = line.replace('\012','')
# xDT line format: aaabbbbcccccccccccCRLF where aaa = length, bbbb = record type, cccc... = content
field = line[3:7]
# do we care about this line ?
if field in interesting_fields:
except KeyError:
data[_map_id2name[field]] = line[7:]
# found enough data ?
if len(data) < len(needed_fields):
raise ValueError('insufficient patient data in XDT file [%s], found only: %s' % (filename, data))
from import gmPerson
dto = gmPerson.cDTO_person()
dto.firstnames = data['firstnames']
dto.lastnames = data['lastnames']
# CAVE: different data orders are possible, so configuration may be needed
# FIXME: detect xDT version and use default from the standard when dob_format is None
dob = time.strptime(data['dob'], gmTools.coalesce(dob_format, '%d%m%Y'))
dto.dob = pyDT.datetime(dob.tm_year, dob.tm_mon, dob.tm_mday, tzinfo = gmDateTime.gmCurrentLocalTimezone)
except KeyError:
dto.dob = None
dto.gender = gmXdtMappings.map_gender_xdt2gm[data['gender'].casefold()]
except KeyError:
dto.gender = None = None
try: = regex.match(r'\d{5}', data['zipurb']).group()
except KeyError: pass
try: = data['zip']
except KeyError: pass
dto.urb = None
dto.urb = regex.sub(r'\d{5} ', '', data['zipurb'])
except KeyError: pass
dto.urb = data['urb']
except KeyError: pass
dto.street = data['street']
except KeyError:
dto.street = None
dto.source = data['source']
except KeyError:
dto.source = None
return dto
class cLDTFile(object):
def __init__(self, filename=None, encoding=None, override_encoding=False):
file_encoding = determine_xdt_encoding(filename=filename)
if file_encoding is None:
_log.warning('LDT file <%s> does not specify encoding', filename)
if encoding is None:
raise ValueError('no encoding specified in file <%s> or method call' % filename)
if override_encoding:
if encoding is None:
raise ValueError('no encoding specified in method call for overriding encoding in file <%s>' % filename)
self.encoding = encoding
if file_encoding is None:
self.encoding = encoding
self.encoding = file_encoding
self.filename = filename
self.__header = None
self.__tail = None
def _get_header(self):
if self.__header is not None:
return self.__header
ldt_file = open(self.filename, mode = 'rt', encoding = self.encoding)
self.__header = []
for line in ldt_file:
#length, field, content = line[:3], line[3:7], line[7:].replace('\015','').replace('\012','')
field = line[3:7]
content = line[7:].replace('\015','').replace('\012','')
# loop until found first LG-Bericht
if field == '8000':
if content in ['8202']:
return self.__header
header = property(_get_header)
def _get_tail(self):
if self.__tail is not None:
return self.__tail
ldt_file = open(self.filename, mode = 'rt', encoding = self.encoding)
self.__tail = []
in_tail = False
for line in ldt_file:
if in_tail:
#length, field, content = line[:3], line[3:7], line[7:].replace('\015','').replace('\012','')
field = line[3:7]
content = line[7:].replace('\015','').replace('\012','')
# loop until found tail
if field == '8000':
if content not in ['8221']:
in_tail = True
return self.__tail
tail = property(_get_tail)
def split_by_patient(self, dir=None, file=None):
ldt_file = open(self.filename, mode = 'rt', encoding = self.encoding)
out_file = None
in_patient = False
for line in ldt_file:
if in_patient:
#length, field, content = line[:3], line[3:7], line[7:].replace('\015','').replace('\012','')
content = line[7:].replace('\015','').replace('\012','')
field = line[3:7]
# start of record
if field == '8000':
# start of LG-Bericht
if content == '8202':
in_patient = True
if out_file is not None:
#out_file = open(filename=filename_xxxx, mode=xxxx_'rU', encoding=self.encoding)
in_patient = False
if out_file is not None:
if out_file is not None:
if not out_file.closed:
# FIXME: the following *should* get wrapped in class XdtFile ...
def xdt_get_pats(aFile):
pat_ids = []
pat_names = []
pats = {}
# xDT line format: aaabbbbcccccccccccCRLF where aaa = length, bbbb = record type, cccc... = content
# read patient dat
for line in fileinput.input(aFile):
# remove trailing CR and/or LF
line = line.replace('\015','')
line = line.replace('\012','')
# do we care about this line ?
field = line[3:7]
# yes, if type = patient id
if field == '3000':
pat_id = line[7:]
if pat_id not in pat_ids:
# yes, if type = patient name
if field == '3101':
pat_name = line [7:]
if pat_name not in pat_names:
pats[pat_id] = pat_name
_log.debug("patients found: %s" % len(pat_ids))
return pats
def get_pat_files(aFile, ID, name, patdir = None, patlst = None):
_log.debug("getting files for patient [%s:%s]" % (ID, name))
files = patlst.get(aGroup = "%s:%s" % (ID, name), anOption = "files")
_log.debug("%s => %s" % (patdir, files))
return [patdir, files]
def split_xdt_file(aFile,patlst,cfg):
# xDT line format: aaabbbbcccccccccccCRLF where aaa = length, bbbb = record type, cccc... = content
content = []
record_start_lines = []
# find record starts
for line in fileinput.input(aFile):
strippedline = line.replace('\015','')
strippedline = strippedline.replace('\012','')
# do we care about this line ? (records start with 8000)
if strippedline[3:7] == '8000':
# loop over patient records
for aline in record_start_lines:
# WHY +2 ?!?
line = linecache.getline(aFile,aline+2)
# remove trailing CR and/or LF
strippedline = line.replace('\015','')
strippedline = strippedline.replace('\012','')
# do we care about this line ?
field = strippedline[3:7]
# extract patient id
if field == '3000':
ID = strippedline[7:]
line = linecache.getline(aFile,aline+3)
# remove trailing CR and/or LF
strippedline = line.replace('\015','')
strippedline = strippedline.replace('\012','')
# do we care about this line ?
field = strippedline[3:7]
if field == '3101':
name = strippedline [7:]
_log.debug("reading from%s" %str(startline)+' '+str(endline) )
for tmp in range(startline,endline):
_log.debug("reading %s" % tmp )
hashes = check_for_previous_records(ID,name,patlst)
# is this new content ?
#data_hash = # FIXME: use hashlib
#map(data_hash.update, content)
data_hash = hashlib.md5(''.join(content).encode('utf8'))
digest = data_hash.hexdigest()
if digest not in hashes:
pat_dir = cfg.get("xdt-viewer", "export-dir")
file = write_xdt_pat_data(content, pat_dir)
add_file_to_patlst(ID, name, patlst, file, data_hash)
content = []
# cleanup
return 1
def get_rand_fname(aDir):
tmpname = gmTools.get_unique_filename(prefix='', suffix = time.strftime(".%Y%m%d-%H%M%S", time.localtime()), tmp_dir=aDir)
path, fname = os.path.split(tmpname)
return fname
def write_xdt_pat_data(data, aDir):
"""write record for this patient to new file"""
fname = os.path.join(aDir, get_rand_fname(aDir))
pat_file = open(fname, mode = "wt", encoding = 'utf8')
map(pat_file.write, data)
return fname
def check_for_previous_records(ID, name, patlst):
anIdentity = "%s:%s" % (ID, name)
hashes = []
# patient not listed yet
if anIdentity not in patlst.getGroups():
_log.debug("identity not yet in list" )
patlst.set(aGroup = anIdentity, anOption = 'files', aValue = [], aComment = '')
# file already listed ?
file_defs = patlst.get(aGroup = anIdentity, anOption = "files")
for line in file_defs:
file, ahash = line.split(':')
return hashes
def add_file_to_patlst(ID, name, patlst, new_file, ahash):
anIdentity = "%s:%s" % (ID, name)
files = patlst.get(aGroup = anIdentity, anOption = "files")
files.append("%s:%s" % (new_file, ahash))
_log.debug("files now there : %s" % files)
patlst.set(aGroup=anIdentity, anOption="files", aValue = files, aComment="")
# main
if __name__ == "__main__":
root_log = logging.getLogger()
_log = logging.getLogger('gm.xdt')
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmI18N
ldt = cLDTFile(filename = sys.argv[1])
for line in ldt.header:
print(line.encode('utf8', 'replace'))
for line in ldt.tail:
print(line.encode('utf8', 'replace'))
# # test framework if run by itself
# patfile = sys.argv[1]
# dobformat = sys.argv[2]
# encoding = sys.argv[3]
# print "reading patient data from xDT file [%s]" % patfile
# dto = read_person_from_xdt(patfile, dob_format=dobformat, encoding=encoding)
# print "DTO:", dto
# print "dto.dob:", dto.dob, type(dto.dob)
# print "", dto.dob.tzinfo
# print " %s dto.urb: %s" % (, dto.urb)
# print "dto.street", dto.street
# searcher = gmPersonSearch.cPatientSearcher_SQL()
# ident = searcher.get_identities(dto=dto)[0]
# print ident
## print ident.get_medical_age()
def add_file_to_patlst(ID, name, patlst, new_file, ahash)
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def add_file_to_patlst(ID, name, patlst, new_file, ahash): anIdentity = "%s:%s" % (ID, name) files = patlst.get(aGroup = anIdentity, anOption = "files") files.append("%s:%s" % (new_file, ahash)) _log.debug("files now there : %s" % files) patlst.set(aGroup=anIdentity, anOption="files", aValue = files, aComment="")
def check_for_previous_records(ID, name, patlst)
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def check_for_previous_records(ID, name, patlst): anIdentity = "%s:%s" % (ID, name) hashes = [] # patient not listed yet if anIdentity not in patlst.getGroups(): _log.debug("identity not yet in list" ) patlst.set(aGroup = anIdentity, anOption = 'files', aValue = [], aComment = '') # file already listed ? file_defs = patlst.get(aGroup = anIdentity, anOption = "files") for line in file_defs: file, ahash = line.split(':') hashes.append(ahash) return hashes
def determine_xdt_encoding(filename=None, default_encoding=None)
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def determine_xdt_encoding(filename=None, default_encoding=None): f = open(filename, mode = 'rt', encoding = 'utf-8-sig', errors = 'ignore') file_encoding = None for line in f: field = line[3:7] if field in gmXdtMappings._charset_fields: _log.debug('found charset field [%s] in <%s>', field, filename) val = line[7:8] file_encoding = gmXdtMappings._map_field2charset[field][val] _log.debug('encoding in file is "%s" (%s)', file_encoding, val) break f.close() if file_encoding is None: _log.debug('no encoding found in <%s>, assuming [%s]', filename, default_encoding) return default_encoding return file_encoding
def get_pat_files(aFile, ID, name, patdir=None, patlst=None)
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def get_pat_files(aFile, ID, name, patdir = None, patlst = None): _log.debug("getting files for patient [%s:%s]" % (ID, name)) files = patlst.get(aGroup = "%s:%s" % (ID, name), anOption = "files") _log.debug("%s => %s" % (patdir, files)) return [patdir, files]
def get_rand_fname(aDir)
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def get_rand_fname(aDir): tmpname = gmTools.get_unique_filename(prefix='', suffix = time.strftime(".%Y%m%d-%H%M%S", time.localtime()), tmp_dir=aDir) path, fname = os.path.split(tmpname) return fname
def read_person_from_xdt(filename=None, encoding=None, dob_format=None)
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def read_person_from_xdt(filename=None, encoding=None, dob_format=None): _map_id2name = { '3101': 'lastnames', '3102': 'firstnames', '3103': 'dob', '3110': 'gender', '3106': 'zipurb', '3107': 'street', '3112': 'zip', '3113': 'urb', '8316': 'source' } needed_fields = ( '3101', '3102' ) interesting_fields = list(_map_id2name) data = {} # try to find encoding if not given if encoding is None: encoding = determine_xdt_encoding(filename=filename) xdt_file = open(filename, mode = 'rt', encoding = encoding) for line in xdt_file: # # can't use more than what's interesting ... ;-) # if len(data) == len(interesting_fields): # break line = line.replace('\015','') line = line.replace('\012','') # xDT line format: aaabbbbcccccccccccCRLF where aaa = length, bbbb = record type, cccc... = content field = line[3:7] # do we care about this line ? if field in interesting_fields: try: data[_map_id2name[field]] break except KeyError: data[_map_id2name[field]] = line[7:] xdt_file.close() # found enough data ? if len(data) < len(needed_fields): raise ValueError('insufficient patient data in XDT file [%s], found only: %s' % (filename, data)) from import gmPerson dto = gmPerson.cDTO_person() dto.firstnames = data['firstnames'] dto.lastnames = data['lastnames'] # CAVE: different data orders are possible, so configuration may be needed # FIXME: detect xDT version and use default from the standard when dob_format is None try: dob = time.strptime(data['dob'], gmTools.coalesce(dob_format, '%d%m%Y')) dto.dob = pyDT.datetime(dob.tm_year, dob.tm_mon, dob.tm_mday, tzinfo = gmDateTime.gmCurrentLocalTimezone) except KeyError: dto.dob = None try: dto.gender = gmXdtMappings.map_gender_xdt2gm[data['gender'].casefold()] except KeyError: dto.gender = None = None try: = regex.match(r'\d{5}', data['zipurb']).group() except KeyError: pass try: = data['zip'] except KeyError: pass dto.urb = None try: dto.urb = regex.sub(r'\d{5} ', '', data['zipurb']) except KeyError: pass try: dto.urb = data['urb'] except KeyError: pass try: dto.street = data['street'] except KeyError: dto.street = None try: dto.source = data['source'] except KeyError: dto.source = None return dto
def split_xdt_file(aFile, patlst, cfg)
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def split_xdt_file(aFile,patlst,cfg): # xDT line format: aaabbbbcccccccccccCRLF where aaa = length, bbbb = record type, cccc... = content content = [] record_start_lines = [] # find record starts for line in fileinput.input(aFile): strippedline = line.replace('\015','') strippedline = strippedline.replace('\012','') # do we care about this line ? (records start with 8000) if strippedline[3:7] == '8000': record_start_lines.append(fileinput.filelineno()) # loop over patient records for aline in record_start_lines: # WHY +2 ?!? line = linecache.getline(aFile,aline+2) # remove trailing CR and/or LF strippedline = line.replace('\015','') strippedline = strippedline.replace('\012','') # do we care about this line ? field = strippedline[3:7] # extract patient id if field == '3000': ID = strippedline[7:] line = linecache.getline(aFile,aline+3) # remove trailing CR and/or LF strippedline = line.replace('\015','') strippedline = strippedline.replace('\012','') # do we care about this line ? field = strippedline[3:7] if field == '3101': name = strippedline [7:] startline=aline endline=record_start_lines[record_start_lines.index(aline)+1] _log.debug("reading from%s" %str(startline)+' '+str(endline) ) for tmp in range(startline,endline): content.append(linecache.getline(aFile,tmp)) _log.debug("reading %s" % tmp ) hashes = check_for_previous_records(ID,name,patlst) # is this new content ? #data_hash = # FIXME: use hashlib #map(data_hash.update, content) data_hash = hashlib.md5(''.join(content).encode('utf8')) digest = data_hash.hexdigest() if digest not in hashes: pat_dir = cfg.get("xdt-viewer", "export-dir") file = write_xdt_pat_data(content, pat_dir) add_file_to_patlst(ID, name, patlst, file, data_hash) content = [] else: continue # cleanup fileinput.close() return 1
def write_xdt_pat_data(data, aDir)
write record for this patient to new file
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def write_xdt_pat_data(data, aDir): """write record for this patient to new file""" fname = os.path.join(aDir, get_rand_fname(aDir)) pat_file = open(fname, mode = "wt", encoding = 'utf8') map(pat_file.write, data) pat_file.close() return fname
def xdt_get_pats(aFile)
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def xdt_get_pats(aFile): pat_ids = [] pat_names = [] pats = {} # xDT line format: aaabbbbcccccccccccCRLF where aaa = length, bbbb = record type, cccc... = content # read patient dat for line in fileinput.input(aFile): # remove trailing CR and/or LF line = line.replace('\015','') line = line.replace('\012','') # do we care about this line ? field = line[3:7] # yes, if type = patient id if field == '3000': pat_id = line[7:] if pat_id not in pat_ids: pat_ids.append(pat_id) continue # yes, if type = patient name if field == '3101': pat_name = line [7:] if pat_name not in pat_names: pat_names.append(pat_name) pats[pat_id] = pat_name continue fileinput.close() _log.debug("patients found: %s" % len(pat_ids)) return pats
class cDTO_xdt_person
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class cDTO_xdt_person(gmPerson.cDTO_person): def store(self): pass
def store(self)
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def store(self): pass
Inherited members
class cLDTFile (filename=None, encoding=None, override_encoding=False)
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class cLDTFile(object): def __init__(self, filename=None, encoding=None, override_encoding=False): file_encoding = determine_xdt_encoding(filename=filename) if file_encoding is None: _log.warning('LDT file <%s> does not specify encoding', filename) if encoding is None: raise ValueError('no encoding specified in file <%s> or method call' % filename) if override_encoding: if encoding is None: raise ValueError('no encoding specified in method call for overriding encoding in file <%s>' % filename) self.encoding = encoding else: if file_encoding is None: self.encoding = encoding else: self.encoding = file_encoding self.filename = filename self.__header = None self.__tail = None #---------------------------------------------------------- def _get_header(self): if self.__header is not None: return self.__header ldt_file = open(self.filename, mode = 'rt', encoding = self.encoding) self.__header = [] for line in ldt_file: #length, field, content = line[:3], line[3:7], line[7:].replace('\015','').replace('\012','') field = line[3:7] content = line[7:].replace('\015','').replace('\012','') # loop until found first LG-Bericht if field == '8000': if content in ['8202']: break self.__header.append(line) ldt_file.close() return self.__header header = property(_get_header) #---------------------------------------------------------- def _get_tail(self): if self.__tail is not None: return self.__tail ldt_file = open(self.filename, mode = 'rt', encoding = self.encoding) self.__tail = [] in_tail = False for line in ldt_file: if in_tail: self.__tail.append(line) continue #length, field, content = line[:3], line[3:7], line[7:].replace('\015','').replace('\012','') field = line[3:7] content = line[7:].replace('\015','').replace('\012','') # loop until found tail if field == '8000': if content not in ['8221']: continue in_tail = True self.__tail.append(line) ldt_file.close() return self.__tail tail = property(_get_tail) #---------------------------------------------------------- def split_by_patient(self, dir=None, file=None): ldt_file = open(self.filename, mode = 'rt', encoding = self.encoding) out_file = None in_patient = False for line in ldt_file: if in_patient: out_file.write(line) continue #length, field, content = line[:3], line[3:7], line[7:].replace('\015','').replace('\012','') content = line[7:].replace('\015','').replace('\012','') field = line[3:7] # start of record if field == '8000': # start of LG-Bericht if content == '8202': in_patient = True if out_file is not None: out_file.write(''.join(self.tail)) out_file.close() #out_file = open(filename=filename_xxxx, mode=xxxx_'rU', encoding=self.encoding) out_file.write(''.join(self.header)) else: in_patient = False if out_file is not None: out_file.write(''.join(self.tail)) out_file.close() if out_file is not None: if not out_file.closed: out_file.write(''.join(self.tail)) out_file.close() ldt_file.close()
Instance variables
var header
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def _get_header(self): if self.__header is not None: return self.__header ldt_file = open(self.filename, mode = 'rt', encoding = self.encoding) self.__header = [] for line in ldt_file: #length, field, content = line[:3], line[3:7], line[7:].replace('\015','').replace('\012','') field = line[3:7] content = line[7:].replace('\015','').replace('\012','') # loop until found first LG-Bericht if field == '8000': if content in ['8202']: break self.__header.append(line) ldt_file.close() return self.__header
var tail
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def _get_tail(self): if self.__tail is not None: return self.__tail ldt_file = open(self.filename, mode = 'rt', encoding = self.encoding) self.__tail = [] in_tail = False for line in ldt_file: if in_tail: self.__tail.append(line) continue #length, field, content = line[:3], line[3:7], line[7:].replace('\015','').replace('\012','') field = line[3:7] content = line[7:].replace('\015','').replace('\012','') # loop until found tail if field == '8000': if content not in ['8221']: continue in_tail = True self.__tail.append(line) ldt_file.close() return self.__tail
def split_by_patient(self, dir=None, file=None)
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def split_by_patient(self, dir=None, file=None): ldt_file = open(self.filename, mode = 'rt', encoding = self.encoding) out_file = None in_patient = False for line in ldt_file: if in_patient: out_file.write(line) continue #length, field, content = line[:3], line[3:7], line[7:].replace('\015','').replace('\012','') content = line[7:].replace('\015','').replace('\012','') field = line[3:7] # start of record if field == '8000': # start of LG-Bericht if content == '8202': in_patient = True if out_file is not None: out_file.write(''.join(self.tail)) out_file.close() #out_file = open(filename=filename_xxxx, mode=xxxx_'rU', encoding=self.encoding) out_file.write(''.join(self.header)) else: in_patient = False if out_file is not None: out_file.write(''.join(self.tail)) out_file.close() if out_file is not None: if not out_file.closed: out_file.write(''.join(self.tail)) out_file.close() ldt_file.close()