Module Gnumed.pycommon.gmCrypto
GNUmed crypto tools.
First and only rule:
Use existing tools.
Expand source code
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""GNUmed crypto tools.
First and only rule:
Use existing tools.
__author__ = "K. Hilbert <>"
__license__ = "GPL v2 or later (details at"
# std libs
import sys
import os
import logging
import tempfile
import shutil
# GNUmed libs
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.path.insert(0, '../../')
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmLog2
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmShellAPI
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmTools
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmMimeLib
_log = logging.getLogger('gm.encryption')
# archiving methods
def create_encrypted_zip_archive_from_dir(source_dir:str, comment:str=None, overwrite:bool=True, passphrase:str=None, verbose:bool=False) -> str:
"""Create encrypted archive of a directory.
The encrypted archive file will always be named
for confidentiality reasons. If callers want another name
they will have to shutil.move() the zip file themselves.
This archive will be compressed and AES256 encrypted with
the given passphrase. Therefore, the result will not
decrypt with earlier versions of unzip software. On
Windows, 7z oder WinZip are needed.
The zip format does not support header encryption thereby
allowing attackers to gain knowledge of patient details
by observing the names of files and directories inside
the encrypted archive. To reduce that attack surface,
GNUmed will create _another_ zip archive inside
"", which eventually wraps up the patient
data as "". That archive is not compressed and
not encrypted, and can thus be unpacked with any old
Note that GNUmed does NOT remember the passphrase for
you. You will have to take care of that yourself, and
possibly also safely hand over the passphrase to any
receivers of the zip archive.
source_dir: the directory to archive and encrypt
comment: included as a file containing the comment
overwrite: remove preexisting archive before creation, avoiding *updating* of same, and thereby including unintended data
passphrase: minimum length of 5 if given
Archive path (always gmTools.gmPaths().tmp_dir/ or None.
assert (source_dir is not None), '<source_dir> must not be <None>'
if len(passphrase) < 5:
_log.error('<passphrase> must be at least 5 characters/signs/digits')
return None
source_dir = os.path.abspath(source_dir)
if not os.path.isdir(source_dir):
_log.error('<source_dir> does not exist or is not a directory: %s', source_dir)
return None
for cmd in ['7z', '7z.exe']:
found, binary = gmShellAPI.detect_external_binary(binary = cmd)
if found:
if not found:
_log.warning('no 7z binary found')
return None
_log.debug('source directory: %s', source_dir)
archive_sandbox = gmTools.mk_sandbox_dir()
_log.debug('archive creation sandbox: %s', archive_sandbox)
inner_archive_dir = os.path.join(archive_sandbox, 'inner')
if not gmTools.mkdir(inner_archive_dir):
_log.error('cannot create scratch space for inner archive: %s', inner_archive_dir)
return None
outer_archive_dir = os.path.join(archive_sandbox, 'outer')
if not gmTools.mkdir(outer_archive_dir):
_log.error('cannot create scratch space for outer archive: %s', outer_archive_dir)
return None
inner_archive_name = os.path.join(inner_archive_dir, '')
outer_archive_name = os.path.join(outer_archive_dir, '')
# remove existing archives so they don't get *updated* rather than newly created
if overwrite:
if not gmTools.remove_file(inner_archive_name, force = True):
_log.error('cannot remove existing archive [%s]', inner_archive_name)
return None
if not gmTools.remove_file(outer_archive_name, force = True):
_log.error('cannot remove existing archive [%s]', outer_archive_name)
return None
tmp = gmTools.copy_tree_content(source_dir, inner_archive_dir)
if not tmp:
_log.error('cannot move source data to inner archive creation scratch dir')
return None
# 7z does not support ZIP comments so create a text file holding the comment
if comment is not None:
tmp, fname = os.path.split(source_dir.rstrip(os.sep))
comment_filename = os.path.join(inner_archive_dir, '000-%s-comment.txt' % fname)
with open(comment_filename, mode = 'wt', encoding = 'utf8', errors = 'replace') as comment_file:
# create inner (data) archive: uncompressed, unencrypted, similar to a tar archive
args = [
'a', # create archive
'-sas', # be smart about archive name extension
'-bd', # no progress indicator
'-mx0', # no compression (only store files)
'-mcu=on', # UTF8 filenames
# now the default and switch not supported anymore
#'-l', # store content of links, not links
'-scsUTF-8', # console charset
'-tzip' # force ZIP format
if verbose:
args.append(os.path.join(inner_archive_dir, '.'))
old_cwd = os.getcwd()
success, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process(cmd_line = args, encoding = 'utf8', verbose = verbose)
if not success:
_log.error('cannot create inner archive')
return None
# test
args = [
't', # test archive
'-bd', # no progress indicator
'-scsUTF-8' # console charset
if verbose:
success, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process(cmd_line = args, encoding = 'utf8', verbose = verbose)
if not success:
_log.error('cannot verify integrity of inner zip archive')
return None
# FIXME: needs error handling
shutil.move(inner_archive_name, outer_archive_dir)
# create "decompress instructions" file
instructions_filename = os.path.join(outer_archive_dir, '000-on_Windows-open_with-WinZip_or_7z_tools')
open(instructions_filename, mode = 'wt').close()
# create outer (wrapper) archive: compressed, encrypted
args = [
'a', # create archive
'-sas', # be smart about archive name extension
'-bd', # no progress indicator
'-mx9', # best available zip compression ratio
'-mcu=on', # UTF8 filenames
# now the default and switch not supported anymore
#'-l', # store content of links, not links
'-scsUTF-8', # console charset
'-tzip', # force ZIP format
'-mem=AES256', # force useful encryption
'-p%s' % passphrase # set passphrase
if verbose:
args.append(os.path.join(outer_archive_dir, '.'))
old_cwd = os.getcwd()
success, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process(cmd_line = args, encoding = 'utf8', verbose = verbose)
if not success:
_log.error('cannot create wrapper archive')
return None
# test
args = [
't', # test archive
'-bd', # no progress indicator
'-scsUTF-8', # console charset
'-p%s' % passphrase # set passphrase
if verbose:
success, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process(cmd_line = args, encoding = 'utf8', verbose = verbose)
if not success:
_log.error('cannot verify integrity of outer zip archive')
return None
return outer_archive_name
def create_zip_archive_from_dir(source_dir:str, archive_name:str=None, comment:str=None, overwrite:bool=True, verbose:bool=False) -> str:
"""Create archive of a directory.
source_dir: the directory to archive and encrypt
archive_name: name of resulting zip archive
comment: included as a file containing the comment
overwrite: remove preexisting archive before creation, avoiding *updating* of same, and thereby including unintended data
Archive path or None.
assert (source_dir is not None), '<source_dir> must not be <None>'
source_dir = os.path.abspath(source_dir)
if not os.path.isdir(source_dir):
_log.error('<source_dir> does not exist or is not a directory: %s', source_dir)
return None
for cmd in ['7z', '7z.exe']:
found, binary = gmShellAPI.detect_external_binary(binary = cmd)
if found:
if not found:
_log.warning('no 7z binary found')
return None
if archive_name is None:
# do not assume we can write to "sourcedir/../"
archive_path = gmTools.gmPaths().tmp_dir
# but do take archive name from source_dir
tmp, archive_fname = os.path.split(source_dir.rstrip(os.sep) + '.zip')
archive_name = os.path.join(archive_path, archive_fname)
# remove any existing archives so they don't get *updated*
# rather than newly created
if overwrite:
if not gmTools.remove_file(archive_name, force = True):
_log.error('cannot remove existing archive [%s]', archive_name)
return None
# 7z does not support ZIP comments so create
# a text file holding the comment ...
if comment is not None:
comment_filename = os.path.abspath(archive_name) + '.comment.txt'
if gmTools.remove_file(comment_filename, force = True):
with open(comment_filename, mode = 'wt', encoding = 'utf8', errors = 'replace') as comment_file:
_log.error('cannot remove existing archive comment file [%s]', comment_filename)
comment = None
# compress
args = [
'a', # create archive
'-sas', # be smart about archive name extension
'-bd', # no progress indicator
'-mx9', # best available zip compression ratio
'-mcu=on', # UTF8 filenames
# now the default and switch not supported anymore:
#'-l', # store content of links, not links
'-scsUTF-8', # console charset
'-tzip' # force ZIP format
if verbose:
if comment is not None:
success, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process(cmd_line = args, encoding = 'utf8', verbose = verbose)
if comment is not None:
if not success:
_log.error('cannot create zip archive')
return None
# test
args = [
't', # test archive
'-bd', # no progress indicator
'-scsUTF-8' # console charset
if verbose:
success, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process(cmd_line = args, encoding = 'utf8', verbose = verbose)
if not success:
_log.error('cannot verify zip archive integrity')
return None
return archive_name
# file decryption methods
def gpg_decrypt_file(filename=None, verbose=False, target_ext=None):
"""The system is expected to be set up for safely getting the
passphrase from the user, typically via gpg-agent.
assert (filename is not None), '<filename> must not be None'
_log.debug('attempting GPG decryption')
for cmd in ['gpg2', 'gpg', 'gpg2.exe', 'gpg.exe']:
found, binary = gmShellAPI.detect_external_binary(binary = cmd)
if found:
if not found:
_log.warning('no gpg binary found')
return None
basename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
filename_decrypted = gmTools.get_unique_filename(prefix = '%s-decrypted-' % basename, suffix = target_ext)
args = [
'--display-charset', 'utf-8',
'--output', filename_decrypted
if verbose:
args.extend ([
'--verbose', '--verbose',
'--debug-level', '8',
'--debug', 'packet,mpi,crypto,filter,iobuf,memory,cache,memstat,trust,hashing,clock,lookup,extprog'
##'--debug-all', # will log passphrase
##'--debug, 'ipc', # will log passphrase
##'--debug-level', 'guru', # will log passphrase
##'--debug-level', '9', # will log passphrase
success, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process(cmd_line = args, verbose = verbose, encoding = 'utf-8')
if success:
return filename_decrypted
return None
def decrypt_pdf(filename:str=None, passphrase:str=None, verbose:bool=False) -> str:
assert (filename is not None), '<filename> must not be None'
assert (passphrase is not None), '<passphrase> must not be None'
_log.debug('attempting PDF decryption')
for cmd in ['qpdf', 'qpdf.exe']:
found, binary = gmShellAPI.detect_external_binary(binary = cmd)
if found:
if not found:
_log.warning('no qpdf binary found')
return None
filename_decrypted = '%s.decrypted.pdf' % os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
args = [
'--password=%s' % passphrase,
success, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process (
cmd_line = args,
encoding = 'utf8',
verbose = verbose,
acceptable_return_codes = [0, 3]
if not success:
return None
return filename_decrypted
# file encryption methods
def encrypt_file_symmetric_gpg(filename=None, comment=None, verbose=False, passphrase=None, remove_unencrypted=False) -> str:
"""Encrypt file symmetrically with GPG.
filename: the file to encrypt
passphrase: minimum of 5 characters if given
comment: a comment on the file to be put into a sidecar file, will also be encrypted
remove_unencrypted: remove unencrypted source file if encryption succeeded
Name of encrypted file or None.
#add short decr instr to comment
assert (filename is not None), '<filename> must not be None'
if passphrase is not None:
if len(passphrase) < 5:
_log.error('<passphrase> must be at least 5 characters/signs/digits')
return None
_log.debug('attempting symmetric GPG encryption')
for cmd in ['gpg2', 'gpg', 'gpg2.exe', 'gpg.exe']:
found, binary = gmShellAPI.detect_external_binary(binary = cmd)
if found:
if not found:
_log.warning('no gpg binary found')
return None
filename_encrypted = filename + '.asc'
args = [
'--display-charset', 'utf-8',
'--cipher-algo', 'AES256',
'--output', filename_encrypted
if comment is not None:
args.extend(['--comment', comment])
if verbose:
args.extend ([
'--verbose', '--verbose',
'--debug-level', '8',
'--debug', 'packet,mpi,crypto,filter,iobuf,memory,cache,memstat,trust,hashing,clock,lookup,extprog',
##'--debug-all', # will log passphrase
##'--debug, 'ipc', # will log passphrase
##'--debug-level', 'guru', # will log passphrase
##'--debug-level', '9', # will log passphrase
pwd_fname = None
if passphrase is not None:
pwd_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode = 'w+t', encoding = 'utf8', delete = False)
pwd_fname =
args.extend ([
'--pinentry-mode', 'loopback',
'--passphrase-file', pwd_fname
success, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process(cmd_line = args, verbose = verbose, encoding = 'utf-8')
if pwd_fname is not None:
if not success:
return None
if not remove_unencrypted:
return filename_encrypted
if gmTools.remove_file(filename):
return filename_encrypted
return None
def encrypt_file_symmetric_7z(filename:str=None, passphrase:str=None, comment:str=None, verbose:bool=False, remove_unencrypted:bool=False) -> str:
"""Encrypt a file symmetrically with 7zip.
filename: the file to encrypt
passphrase: minimum of 5 characters
comment: a comment on the file to be put into a sidecar file, will also be encrypted
remove_unencrypted: remove unencrypted source file if encryption succeeded
Name of encrypted file or None.
assert (filename is not None), '<filename> must not be None'
assert (passphrase is not None), '<passphrase> must not be None'
if len(passphrase) < 5:
_log.error('<passphrase> must be at least 5 characters/signs/digits')
return None
#add 7z/winzip url to comment.txt
_log.debug('attempting 7z AES encryption')
for cmd in ['7z', '7z.exe']:
found, binary = gmShellAPI.detect_external_binary(binary = cmd)
if found:
if not found:
_log.warning('no 7z binary found, trying gpg')
return None
if comment:
archive_path, archive_name = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(filename))
comment_filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename (
prefix = '%s.7z.comment-' % archive_name,
tmp_dir = archive_path,
suffix = '.txt'
with open(comment_filename, mode = 'wt', encoding = 'utf8', errors = 'replace') as comment_file:
comment_filename = None
filename_encrypted = '%s.7z' % filename
args = [binary, 'a', '-bb3', '-mx0', "-p%s" % passphrase, filename_encrypted, filename]
if comment_filename:
encrypted, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process(cmd_line = args, encoding = 'utf8', verbose = verbose)
if comment_filename:
if not encrypted:
return None
if not remove_unencrypted:
return filename_encrypted
if gmTools.remove_file(filename):
return filename_encrypted
return None
def encrypt_pdf(filename:str=None, passphrase:str=None, verbose:bool=False, remove_unencrypted:bool=False) -> str:
"""Encrypt a PDF file per spec (AES, that is).
filename: PDF file to encrypt
passphrase: minimum of 5 characters
remove_unencrypted: remove unencrypted source file if encryption succeeds
Name of encrypted PDF or None.
assert (filename is not None), '<filename> must not be None'
assert (passphrase is not None), '<passphrase> must not be None'
if len(passphrase) < 5:
_log.error('<passphrase> must be at least 5 characters/signs/digits')
return None
_log.debug('attempting PDF encryption')
for cmd in ['qpdf', 'qpdf.exe']:
found, binary = gmShellAPI.detect_external_binary(binary = cmd)
if found:
if not found:
_log.warning('no qpdf binary found')
return None
filename_encrypted = '%s.encrypted.pdf' % os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
args = [
'--encrypt', passphrase, '', '128',
'--print=full', '--modify=none', '--extract=n',
success, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process (
cmd_line = args,
encoding = 'utf8',
verbose = verbose,
acceptable_return_codes = [0, 3]
if not success:
return None
if not remove_unencrypted:
return filename_encrypted
if gmTools.remove_file(filename):
return filename_encrypted
return None
def encrypt_file_symmetric(filename:str=None, passphrase:str=None, comment:str=None, verbose:bool=False, remove_unencrypted:bool=False, convert2pdf:bool=False) -> str:
"""Encrypt file with a symmetric cipher.
filename: file to encrypt
passphrase: minimum of 5 characters
remove_unencrypted: remove unencrypted source file if encryption succeeded
comment: a comment to be included within the encrypted output
remove_unencrypted: remove unencrypted source file if encryption succeeds
convert2pdf: attempt converting _filename_ to PDF and encrypt that on success
Name of encrypted PDF or None.
assert (filename is not None), '<filename> must not be None'
if passphrase is None:
# try GPG based AES only, as GPG is the only supported method
# for securely getting a passphrase from the user
return encrypt_file_symmetric_gpg (
filename = filename,
passphrase = None,
comment = comment,
verbose = verbose,
remove_unencrypted = remove_unencrypted
# else try other methods, too
if len(passphrase) < 5:
_log.error('<passphrase> must be at least 5 characters/signs/digits')
return None
if convert2pdf:
_log.debug('PDF encryption preferred, attempting conversion if needed')
pdf_fname = gmMimeLib.convert_file (
filename = filename,
target_mime = 'application/pdf',
target_filename = filename + '.pdf',
verbose = verbose
if pdf_fname is not None:
_log.debug('successfully converted to PDF')
if remove_unencrypted:
# remove non-pdf file
filename = pdf_fname
# try PDF-based encryption
encrypted_filename = encrypt_pdf (
filename = filename,
passphrase = passphrase,
verbose = verbose,
remove_unencrypted = remove_unencrypted
if encrypted_filename is not None:
return encrypted_filename
# try 7z based encryption
encrypted_filename = encrypt_file_symmetric_7z (
filename = filename,
passphrase = passphrase,
comment = comment,
verbose = verbose,
remove_unencrypted = remove_unencrypted
if encrypted_filename is not None:
return encrypted_filename
# try GPG based encryption
return encrypt_file_symmetric_gpg (
filename = filename,
passphrase = passphrase,
comment = comment,
verbose = verbose,
remove_unencrypted = remove_unencrypted
def encrypt_file(filename:str=None, receiver_key_ids:list=None, passphrase:str=None, comment:str=None, verbose:bool=False, remove_unencrypted:bool=False, convert2pdf:bool=False) -> str:
"""Encrypt an arbitrary file, symmetrically or asymmetrically.
Asymmetric encryption will only be attempted if receiver_key_ids are given.
filename: file to encrypt
receiver_key_ids: list of public key ids of receivers, only relevant for asymmetric encryption
passphrase: minimum of 5 characters if given/needed
comment: a comment to be included within the encrypted output
remove_unencrypted: remove unencrypted source file if encryption succeeds
convert2pdf: _attempt_ conversion of input file to PDF before encryption
- success: the PDF is encrypted (and the non-PDF source file is removed)
- failure: the source file is encrypted
Name of encrypted file or None.
assert (filename is not None), '<filename> must not be None'
if receiver_key_ids is None:
# cannot do asymmetric
_log.debug('no receiver key IDs: cannot try asymmetric encryption')
return encrypt_file_symmetric (
filename = filename,
passphrase = passphrase,
comment = comment,
verbose = verbose,
remove_unencrypted = remove_unencrypted,
convert2pdf = convert2pdf
# asymmetric not implemented yet
_log.error('asymmetric encryption not implemented')
return None
def encrypt_directory_content(directory:str=None, receiver_key_ids:list=None, passphrase:str=None, comment:str=None, verbose:bool=False, remove_unencrypted:bool=True, convert2pdf:bool=False, store_passphrase_cb=None, master_passphrase:str=None) -> bool:
"""Encrypt the content of a directory, file by file, symmetrically or asymmetrically.
Asymmetric encryption will only be attempted if receiver_key_ids are given.
directory: directory from which to encrypt files
receiver_key_ids: list of public key ids of receivers, only relevant for asymmetric encryption
passphrase: minimum of 5 characters if given/needed
comment: a comment to be included within the encrypted output
remove_unencrypted: remove unencrypted source file if encryption succeeds
convert2pdf: _attempt_ conversion of input file to PDF before encryption
- success: the PDF is encrypted (and the non-PDF source file is removed)
- failure: the source file is encrypted
store_passphrase_cb: function to call to store passphrases for encrypted files (filename, passphrase, comment)
master_passphrase: password to symmetrically encrypt passphrase for safekeeping in GNUmed if no public keys available
True (success) or False.
assert (directory is not None), 'source <directory> must not be None'
_log.debug('encrypting content of [%s]', directory)
items = os.listdir(directory)
except OSError:
return False
for item in items:
full_item = os.path.join(directory, item)
if os.path.isdir(full_item):
subdir_encrypted = encrypt_directory_content (
directory = full_item,
receiver_key_ids = receiver_key_ids,
passphrase = passphrase,
comment = comment,
verbose = verbose
if subdir_encrypted is False:
return False
fname_encrypted = encrypt_file (
filename = full_item,
receiver_key_ids = receiver_key_ids,
passphrase = passphrase,
comment = comment,
verbose = verbose,
remove_unencrypted = remove_unencrypted,
convert2pdf = convert2pdf
if fname_encrypted is None:
return False
store_passphrase_cb(filename = fname_encrypted, passphrase = passphrase, comment = comment, master_passphrase = master_passphrase)
return True
def is_encrypted_pdf(filename:str=None, verbose:bool=False) -> bool:
"""Check encryption status of PDF.
Requires qpdf to be installed.
True/False/None: None -- unknown or not PDF
assert (filename is not None), '<filename> must not be None'
mimetype = gmMimeLib.guess_mimetype(filename = filename)
if mimetype != 'application/pdf':'not a PDF')
return None
_log.debug('checking PDF encryption')
for cmd in ['qpdf', 'qpdf.exe']:
found, binary = gmShellAPI.detect_external_binary(binary = cmd)
if found:
if not found:
_log.warning('no qpdf binary found')
return None
args = [
success, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process (
cmd_line = args,
encoding = 'utf8',
verbose = verbose,
acceptable_return_codes = [0, 2]
if not success:
return None
if exit_code == 0:
return True
if exit_code == 2:
return False
return None
def encrypt_data_with_7z(data, passphrase:str=None, verbose:bool=False) -> str:
"""Encrypt input data symmetrically with 7zip.
data: the data to encrypt
passphrase: minimum of 5 characters
Encrypted data or None.
assert data, '<data> must be defined'
assert passphrase, '<passphrase> must be defined'
if len(passphrase) < 5:
_log.error('<passphrase> must be at least 5 characters/signs/digits')
return None
_log.debug('attempting 7z AES encryption')
for cmd in ['7z', '7z.exe']:
found, binary = gmShellAPI.detect_external_binary(binary = cmd)
if found:
if not found:
_log.warning('no 7z binary found')
return None
args = [
'a', # create archive
'-si', # read data from STDIN
'-so', # write to STDOUT
'-bd', # no progress indicator
'-mx0', # compression level
'-an', # do not parse archive name
'-tgzip', # force data type to gzip (for streaming)
"-p%s" % passphrase
if verbose:
args.append('-bb3') # log level
args.append('-bt') # timings
if isinstance(data, str):
encoding = 'utf-8'
encoding = None
encrypted, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process (
cmd_line = args,
input_data = data,
encoding = encoding,
verbose = verbose
if not encrypted:
return None
return stdout
def encrypt_data_with_gpg_symmetrically(data, passphrase:str=None, comment:str=None, verbose:bool=False) -> str:
"""Encrypt input data symmetrically with gpg.
data: the data to encrypt
passphrase: minimum of 5 characters
comment: a comment to be attached to the (ASCII-armored) encrypted output
ASCII-armored encrypted data or None on failure.
assert data, '<data> must be defined'
assert passphrase, '<passphrase> must be defined'
if len(passphrase) < 5:
_log.error('<passphrase> must be at least 5 characters/signs/digits')
return None
_log.debug('attempting GPG AES encryption')
for cmd in ['gpg2', 'gpg', 'gpg2.exe', 'gpg.exe']:
found, binary = gmShellAPI.detect_external_binary(binary = cmd)
if found:
if not found:
_log.warning('no gpg binary found')
return None
gpg = [
'--display-charset', 'utf-8',
'--symmetric', # encrypt
'--cipher-algo', 'AES256',
'--no-tty', # there simply IS no TTY
'--batch', # required by passphrase file
'--pinentry-mode', 'loopback' # required by passphrase file
if comment and comment.strip():
gpg.extend(['--comment', comment.strip()])
if verbose:
gpg.extend ([
'--verbose', '--verbose',
'--debug-level', '8',
'--debug', 'packet,mpi,crypto,filter,iobuf,memory,cache,memstat,trust,hashing,clock,lookup,extprog',
##'--debug-all', # will log passphrase
##'--debug, 'ipc', # will log passphrase
##'--debug-level', 'guru', # will log passphrase
##'--debug-level', '9', # will log passphrase
if isinstance(data, str):
encoding = 'utf-8'
encoding = None
pwd_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode = 'w+t', encoding = 'utf8', delete = False)
pwd_fname =
success, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process (
cmd_line = gpg,
input_data = data,
verbose = verbose,
encoding = encoding
if not success:
return None
return stdout
def encrypt_data_with_gpg(data, recipient_key_files:list[str], comment:str=None, verbose:bool=False) -> str:
"""Encrypt data with public key(s).
Requires GPG to be installed.
data: data to be encrypted, assumed to be UTF-8 if a string, otherwise treated as binary
recipient_key_files: files with public keys to encrypt to
comment: a comment to be attached to the (ASCII-armored) encrypted output
ASCII-armored encrypted data or None on failure.
assert data, '<data> must be passed in'
assert recipient_key_files, '<recipient_key_files> must be passed in'
for cmd in ['gpg2', 'gpg', 'gpg2.exe', 'gpg.exe']:
found, binary = gmShellAPI.detect_external_binary(binary = cmd)
if found:
if not found:
_log.warning('no gpg binary found')
return None
gpg = [
'--display-charset', 'utf-8',
'--no-tty', # there simply IS no TTY
'--batch' # no interaction with user
for pk_file in recipient_key_files:
gpg.extend(['--recipient-file', pk_file])
if comment and comment.strip():
gpg.extend(['--comment', comment.strip()])
if verbose:
gpg.extend ([
'--verbose', '--verbose',
'--debug-level', '8',
'--debug', 'packet,mpi,crypto,filter,iobuf,memory,cache,memstat,trust,hashing,clock,lookup,extprog',
##'--debug-all', # will log passphrase
##'--debug, 'ipc', # will log passphrase
##'--debug-level', 'guru', # will log passphrase
##'--debug-level', '9', # will log passphrase
if isinstance(data, str):
encoding = 'utf-8'
encoding = None
success, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process (
cmd_line = gpg,
input_data = data,
verbose = verbose,
encoding = encoding
if not success:
return None
return stdout
def encrypt_data(data, recipient_key_files:list[str], comment:str=None, verbose:bool=False, retry_symmetric:bool=False, master_passphrase:str=None) -> dict[str, str] | None:
"""Encrypt data.
data: data to be encrypted, assumed to be UTF-8 if a string, otherwise treated as binary
recipient_key_files: files with public keys to encrypt to
comment: a comment to attach to the encrypted data, if possible
retry_symmetric: try symmetric if asymmetric fails despite having recipients
master_passphrase: if there is no recipients defined by public key use this key to *symmetrically* encrypt
a dictionary {'data': the encrypted data, 'method': a tag defining the method used} or None
assert recipient_key_files or master_passphrase, 'either <recipient_key_files> or <master_passphrase> must be defined'
if recipient_key_files:
enc_data = encrypt_data_with_gpg (
data = data,
recipient_key_files = recipient_key_files,
comment = comment,
verbose = verbose
if enc_data:
return {'data': enc_data, 'method': 'gpg::asymmetric'}
_log.error('cannot asymmetrically encrypt data')
if not retry_symmetric:
return None
if not master_passphrase:
_log.error('cannot symmetrically encrypt data')
return None
enc_data = encrypt_data_with_gpg_symmetrically (
data = data,
comment = comment,
passphrase = master_passphrase,
verbose = verbose
if enc_data:
return {'data': enc_data, 'method': 'gpg::symmetric'}
# enc_data = encrypt_data_with_7z (
# data,
# passphrase = master_passphrase,
# verbose = verbose
# )
# if enc_data:
# return {'data': enc_data, 'method': '7z::symmetric::gzip'}
return None
# file anonymization methods
def anonymize_file(filename):
assert (filename is not None), '<filename> must not be None'
# main
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
if sys.argv[1] != 'test':
# for testing:
logging.basicConfig(level = logging.DEBUG)
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmI18N
def test_gpg_decrypt():
print(gpg_decrypt_file(filename = sys.argv[2], verbose = True))
def test_gpg_encrypt_symmetric():
print(encrypt_file_symmetric_gpg(filename = sys.argv[2], passphrase = sys.argv[3], verbose = True, comment = 'GNUmed testing'))
def test_aes_encrypt():
print(encrypt_file_symmetric_7z(filename = sys.argv[2], passphrase = sys.argv[3], comment = sys.argv[4], verbose = True))
def test_encrypt_pdf():
print(encrypt_pdf(filename = sys.argv[2], passphrase = sys.argv[3], verbose = True))
#print(encrypt_pdf(filename = sys.argv[2], passphrase = 'PW mit Leerzeichen', verbose = True))
def test_encrypt_file():
print(encrypt_file(filename = sys.argv[2], passphrase = sys.argv[3], verbose = True, convert2pdf = True))
def test_zip_archive_from_dir():
print(create_zip_archive_from_dir (
comment = 'GNUmed test archive',
overwrite = True,
verbose = True
def test_encrypted_zip_archive_from_dir():
print(create_encrypted_zip_archive_from_dir (
comment = 'GNUmed test archive',
overwrite = True,
passphrase = sys.argv[3],
# passphrase = 'PW mit Leerzeichen',
verbose = True
def test_pdf_is_encrypted():
print (
is_encrypted_pdf(filename = sys.argv[2], verbose = True)
def test_decrypt_pdf():
print (
decrypt_pdf(filename = sys.argv[2], passphrase = sys.argv[3])
def test_encrypt_data_with_gpg():
print(encrypt_data_with_gpg (
data = sys.argv[2],
recipient_key_files = [sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4]],
comment = 'GNUmed testing',
verbose = True
def test_encrypt_data_with_gpg_symmetrically():
print(encrypt_data_with_gpg_symmetrically (
data = sys.argv[2],
comment = 'GNUmed testing',
passphrase = '123456',
verbose = True
def test_encrypt_data_with_7z():
enc = encrypt_data_with_7z (
data = 'abcdefghijk',
verbose = True,
passphrase = '12345'
def test_encrypt_data():
print(encrypt_data (
data = 'abcdefghijk',
recipient_key_files = [],
verbose = True,
master_passphrase = '123456',
comment = 'GNUmed testing',
retry_symmetric = True
# encryption
# decryption
def anonymize_file(filename)
Expand source code
def anonymize_file(filename): assert (filename is not None), '<filename> must not be None'
def create_encrypted_zip_archive_from_dir(source_dir: str, comment: str = None, overwrite: bool = True, passphrase: str = None, verbose: bool = False) ‑> str
Create encrypted archive of a directory.
The encrypted archive file will always be named
for confidentiality reasons. If callers want another name they will have to shutil.move() the zip file themselves. This archive will be compressed and AES256 encrypted with the given passphrase. Therefore, the result will not decrypt with earlier versions of unzip software. On Windows, 7z oder WinZip are needed.
The zip format does not support header encryption thereby allowing attackers to gain knowledge of patient details by observing the names of files and directories inside the encrypted archive. To reduce that attack surface, GNUmed will create another zip archive inside "", which eventually wraps up the patient data as "". That archive is not compressed and not encrypted, and can thus be unpacked with any old unzipper.
Note that GNUmed does NOT remember the passphrase for you. You will have to take care of that yourself, and possibly also safely hand over the passphrase to any receivers of the zip archive.
- the directory to archive and encrypt
- included as a file containing the comment
- remove preexisting archive before creation, avoiding updating of same, and thereby including unintended data
- minimum length of 5 if given
Archive path (always gmTools.gmPaths().tmp_dir/ or None.
Expand source code
def create_encrypted_zip_archive_from_dir(source_dir:str, comment:str=None, overwrite:bool=True, passphrase:str=None, verbose:bool=False) -> str: """Create encrypted archive of a directory. The encrypted archive file will always be named gmTools.gmPaths().tmp_dir/ for confidentiality reasons. If callers want another name they will have to shutil.move() the zip file themselves. This archive will be compressed and AES256 encrypted with the given passphrase. Therefore, the result will not decrypt with earlier versions of unzip software. On Windows, 7z oder WinZip are needed. The zip format does not support header encryption thereby allowing attackers to gain knowledge of patient details by observing the names of files and directories inside the encrypted archive. To reduce that attack surface, GNUmed will create _another_ zip archive inside "", which eventually wraps up the patient data as "". That archive is not compressed and not encrypted, and can thus be unpacked with any old unzipper. Note that GNUmed does NOT remember the passphrase for you. You will have to take care of that yourself, and possibly also safely hand over the passphrase to any receivers of the zip archive. Args: source_dir: the directory to archive and encrypt comment: included as a file containing the comment overwrite: remove preexisting archive before creation, avoiding *updating* of same, and thereby including unintended data passphrase: minimum length of 5 if given Returns: Archive path (always gmTools.gmPaths().tmp_dir/ or None. """ assert (source_dir is not None), '<source_dir> must not be <None>' if len(passphrase) < 5: _log.error('<passphrase> must be at least 5 characters/signs/digits') return None gmLog2.add_word2hide(passphrase) source_dir = os.path.abspath(source_dir) if not os.path.isdir(source_dir): _log.error('<source_dir> does not exist or is not a directory: %s', source_dir) return None for cmd in ['7z', '7z.exe']: found, binary = gmShellAPI.detect_external_binary(binary = cmd) if found: break if not found: _log.warning('no 7z binary found') return None _log.debug('source directory: %s', source_dir) archive_sandbox = gmTools.mk_sandbox_dir() _log.debug('archive creation sandbox: %s', archive_sandbox) inner_archive_dir = os.path.join(archive_sandbox, 'inner') if not gmTools.mkdir(inner_archive_dir): _log.error('cannot create scratch space for inner archive: %s', inner_archive_dir) return None outer_archive_dir = os.path.join(archive_sandbox, 'outer') if not gmTools.mkdir(outer_archive_dir): _log.error('cannot create scratch space for outer archive: %s', outer_archive_dir) return None inner_archive_name = os.path.join(inner_archive_dir, '') outer_archive_name = os.path.join(outer_archive_dir, '') # remove existing archives so they don't get *updated* rather than newly created if overwrite: if not gmTools.remove_file(inner_archive_name, force = True): _log.error('cannot remove existing archive [%s]', inner_archive_name) return None if not gmTools.remove_file(outer_archive_name, force = True): _log.error('cannot remove existing archive [%s]', outer_archive_name) return None tmp = gmTools.copy_tree_content(source_dir, inner_archive_dir) if not tmp: _log.error('cannot move source data to inner archive creation scratch dir') return None # 7z does not support ZIP comments so create a text file holding the comment if comment is not None: tmp, fname = os.path.split(source_dir.rstrip(os.sep)) comment_filename = os.path.join(inner_archive_dir, '000-%s-comment.txt' % fname) with open(comment_filename, mode = 'wt', encoding = 'utf8', errors = 'replace') as comment_file: comment_file.write(comment) # create inner (data) archive: uncompressed, unencrypted, similar to a tar archive args = [ binary, 'a', # create archive '-sas', # be smart about archive name extension '-bd', # no progress indicator '-mx0', # no compression (only store files) '-mcu=on', # UTF8 filenames # now the default and switch not supported anymore #'-l', # store content of links, not links '-scsUTF-8', # console charset '-tzip' # force ZIP format ] if verbose: args.append('-bb3') args.append('-bt') else: args.append('-bb1') args.append(inner_archive_name) args.append(os.path.join(inner_archive_dir, '.')) _log.debug(args) old_cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(inner_archive_dir) success, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process(cmd_line = args, encoding = 'utf8', verbose = verbose) os.chdir(old_cwd) if not success: _log.error('cannot create inner archive') return None # test args = [ binary, 't', # test archive '-bd', # no progress indicator '-scsUTF-8' # console charset ] if verbose: args.append('-bb3') args.append('-bt') else: args.append('-bb1') args.append(inner_archive_name) _log.debug(args) success, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process(cmd_line = args, encoding = 'utf8', verbose = verbose) if not success: _log.error('cannot verify integrity of inner zip archive') return None # FIXME: needs error handling shutil.move(inner_archive_name, outer_archive_dir) # create "decompress instructions" file instructions_filename = os.path.join(outer_archive_dir, '000-on_Windows-open_with-WinZip_or_7z_tools') open(instructions_filename, mode = 'wt').close() # create outer (wrapper) archive: compressed, encrypted args = [ binary, 'a', # create archive '-sas', # be smart about archive name extension '-bd', # no progress indicator '-mx9', # best available zip compression ratio '-mcu=on', # UTF8 filenames # now the default and switch not supported anymore #'-l', # store content of links, not links '-scsUTF-8', # console charset '-tzip', # force ZIP format '-mem=AES256', # force useful encryption '-p%s' % passphrase # set passphrase ] if verbose: args.append('-bb3') args.append('-bt') else: args.append('-bb1') args.append(outer_archive_name) args.append(os.path.join(outer_archive_dir, '.')) _log.debug(args) old_cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(outer_archive_dir) success, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process(cmd_line = args, encoding = 'utf8', verbose = verbose) os.chdir(old_cwd) if not success: _log.error('cannot create wrapper archive') return None # test args = [ binary, 't', # test archive '-bd', # no progress indicator '-scsUTF-8', # console charset '-p%s' % passphrase # set passphrase ] if verbose: args.append('-bb3') args.append('-bt') else: args.append('-bb1') args.append(outer_archive_name) _log.debug(args) success, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process(cmd_line = args, encoding = 'utf8', verbose = verbose) if not success: _log.error('cannot verify integrity of outer zip archive') return None return outer_archive_name
def create_zip_archive_from_dir(source_dir: str, archive_name: str = None, comment: str = None, overwrite: bool = True, verbose: bool = False) ‑> str
Create archive of a directory.
- the directory to archive and encrypt
- name of resulting zip archive
- included as a file containing the comment
- remove preexisting archive before creation, avoiding updating of same, and thereby including unintended data
Archive path or None.
Expand source code
def create_zip_archive_from_dir(source_dir:str, archive_name:str=None, comment:str=None, overwrite:bool=True, verbose:bool=False) -> str: """Create archive of a directory. Args: source_dir: the directory to archive and encrypt archive_name: name of resulting zip archive comment: included as a file containing the comment overwrite: remove preexisting archive before creation, avoiding *updating* of same, and thereby including unintended data Returns: Archive path or None. """ assert (source_dir is not None), '<source_dir> must not be <None>' source_dir = os.path.abspath(source_dir) if not os.path.isdir(source_dir): _log.error('<source_dir> does not exist or is not a directory: %s', source_dir) return None for cmd in ['7z', '7z.exe']: found, binary = gmShellAPI.detect_external_binary(binary = cmd) if found: break if not found: _log.warning('no 7z binary found') return None if archive_name is None: # do not assume we can write to "sourcedir/../" archive_path = gmTools.gmPaths().tmp_dir # but do take archive name from source_dir tmp, archive_fname = os.path.split(source_dir.rstrip(os.sep) + '.zip') archive_name = os.path.join(archive_path, archive_fname) # remove any existing archives so they don't get *updated* # rather than newly created if overwrite: if not gmTools.remove_file(archive_name, force = True): _log.error('cannot remove existing archive [%s]', archive_name) return None # 7z does not support ZIP comments so create # a text file holding the comment ... if comment is not None: comment_filename = os.path.abspath(archive_name) + '.comment.txt' if gmTools.remove_file(comment_filename, force = True): with open(comment_filename, mode = 'wt', encoding = 'utf8', errors = 'replace') as comment_file: comment_file.write(comment) else: _log.error('cannot remove existing archive comment file [%s]', comment_filename) comment = None # compress args = [ binary, 'a', # create archive '-sas', # be smart about archive name extension '-bd', # no progress indicator '-mx9', # best available zip compression ratio '-mcu=on', # UTF8 filenames # now the default and switch not supported anymore: #'-l', # store content of links, not links '-scsUTF-8', # console charset '-tzip' # force ZIP format ] if verbose: args.append('-bb3') args.append('-bt') else: args.append('-bb1') args.append(archive_name) args.append(source_dir) if comment is not None: args.append(comment_filename) _log.debug(args) success, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process(cmd_line = args, encoding = 'utf8', verbose = verbose) if comment is not None: gmTools.remove_file(comment_filename) if not success: _log.error('cannot create zip archive') return None # test args = [ binary, 't', # test archive '-bd', # no progress indicator '-scsUTF-8' # console charset ] if verbose: args.append('-bb3') args.append('-bt') else: args.append('-bb1') args.append(archive_name) _log.debug(args) success, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process(cmd_line = args, encoding = 'utf8', verbose = verbose) if not success: _log.error('cannot verify zip archive integrity') return None return archive_name
def decrypt_pdf(filename: str = None, passphrase: str = None, verbose: bool = False) ‑> str
Expand source code
def decrypt_pdf(filename:str=None, passphrase:str=None, verbose:bool=False) -> str: assert (filename is not None), '<filename> must not be None' assert (passphrase is not None), '<passphrase> must not be None' gmLog2.add_word2hide(passphrase) _log.debug('attempting PDF decryption') for cmd in ['qpdf', 'qpdf.exe']: found, binary = gmShellAPI.detect_external_binary(binary = cmd) if found: break if not found: _log.warning('no qpdf binary found') return None filename_decrypted = '%s.decrypted.pdf' % os.path.splitext(filename)[0] args = [ binary, '--verbose', '--password-mode=unicode', '--decrypt', '--password=%s' % passphrase, '--', filename, filename_decrypted ] success, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process ( cmd_line = args, encoding = 'utf8', verbose = verbose, acceptable_return_codes = [0, 3] ) if not success: return None return filename_decrypted
def encrypt_data(data, recipient_key_files: list[str], comment: str = None, verbose: bool = False, retry_symmetric: bool = False, master_passphrase: str = None) ‑> dict[str, str] | None
Encrypt data.
- data to be encrypted, assumed to be UTF-8 if a string, otherwise treated as binary
- files with public keys to encrypt to
- a comment to attach to the encrypted data, if possible
- try symmetric if asymmetric fails despite having recipients
- if there is no recipients defined by public key use this key to symmetrically encrypt
a dictionary {'data': the encrypted data, 'method': a tag defining the method used} or None
Expand source code
def encrypt_data(data, recipient_key_files:list[str], comment:str=None, verbose:bool=False, retry_symmetric:bool=False, master_passphrase:str=None) -> dict[str, str] | None: """Encrypt data. Args: data: data to be encrypted, assumed to be UTF-8 if a string, otherwise treated as binary recipient_key_files: files with public keys to encrypt to comment: a comment to attach to the encrypted data, if possible retry_symmetric: try symmetric if asymmetric fails despite having recipients master_passphrase: if there is no recipients defined by public key use this key to *symmetrically* encrypt Returns: a dictionary {'data': the encrypted data, 'method': a tag defining the method used} or None """ assert recipient_key_files or master_passphrase, 'either <recipient_key_files> or <master_passphrase> must be defined' if recipient_key_files: enc_data = encrypt_data_with_gpg ( data = data, recipient_key_files = recipient_key_files, comment = comment, verbose = verbose ) if enc_data: return {'data': enc_data, 'method': 'gpg::asymmetric'} _log.error('cannot asymmetrically encrypt data') if not retry_symmetric: return None if not master_passphrase: _log.error('cannot symmetrically encrypt data') return None enc_data = encrypt_data_with_gpg_symmetrically ( data = data, comment = comment, passphrase = master_passphrase, verbose = verbose ) if enc_data: return {'data': enc_data, 'method': 'gpg::symmetric'} # enc_data = encrypt_data_with_7z ( # data, # passphrase = master_passphrase, # verbose = verbose # ) # if enc_data: # return {'data': enc_data, 'method': '7z::symmetric::gzip'} return None
def encrypt_data_with_7z(data, passphrase: str = None, verbose: bool = False) ‑> str
Encrypt input data symmetrically with 7zip.
- the data to encrypt
- minimum of 5 characters
Encrypted data or None.
Expand source code
def encrypt_data_with_7z(data, passphrase:str=None, verbose:bool=False) -> str: """Encrypt input data symmetrically with 7zip. Args: data: the data to encrypt passphrase: minimum of 5 characters Returns: Encrypted data or None. """ assert data, '<data> must be defined' assert passphrase, '<passphrase> must be defined' if len(passphrase) < 5: _log.error('<passphrase> must be at least 5 characters/signs/digits') return None gmLog2.add_word2hide(passphrase) _log.debug('attempting 7z AES encryption') for cmd in ['7z', '7z.exe']: found, binary = gmShellAPI.detect_external_binary(binary = cmd) if found: break if not found: _log.warning('no 7z binary found') return None args = [ binary, 'a', # create archive '-si', # read data from STDIN '-so', # write to STDOUT '-bd', # no progress indicator '-mx0', # compression level '-an', # do not parse archive name '-tgzip', # force data type to gzip (for streaming) "-p%s" % passphrase ] if verbose: args.append('-bb3') # log level args.append('-bt') # timings if isinstance(data, str): encoding = 'utf-8' else: encoding = None encrypted, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process ( cmd_line = args, input_data = data, encoding = encoding, verbose = verbose ) if not encrypted: return None return stdout
def encrypt_data_with_gpg(data, recipient_key_files: list[str], comment: str = None, verbose: bool = False) ‑> str
Encrypt data with public key(s).
Requires GPG to be installed.
- data to be encrypted, assumed to be UTF-8 if a string, otherwise treated as binary
- files with public keys to encrypt to
- a comment to be attached to the (ASCII-armored) encrypted output
ASCII-armored encrypted data or None on failure.
Expand source code
def encrypt_data_with_gpg(data, recipient_key_files:list[str], comment:str=None, verbose:bool=False) -> str: """Encrypt data with public key(s). Requires GPG to be installed. Args: data: data to be encrypted, assumed to be UTF-8 if a string, otherwise treated as binary recipient_key_files: files with public keys to encrypt to comment: a comment to be attached to the (ASCII-armored) encrypted output Returns: ASCII-armored encrypted data or None on failure. """ assert data, '<data> must be passed in' assert recipient_key_files, '<recipient_key_files> must be passed in' for cmd in ['gpg2', 'gpg', 'gpg2.exe', 'gpg.exe']: found, binary = gmShellAPI.detect_external_binary(binary = cmd) if found: break if not found: _log.warning('no gpg binary found') return None gpg = [ binary, '--utf8-strings', '--display-charset', 'utf-8', '--encrypt', '--armor', '--no-greeting', '--no-tty', # there simply IS no TTY '--batch' # no interaction with user ] for pk_file in recipient_key_files: gpg.extend(['--recipient-file', pk_file]) if comment and comment.strip(): gpg.extend(['--comment', comment.strip()]) if verbose: gpg.extend ([ '--verbose', '--verbose', '--debug-level', '8', '--debug', 'packet,mpi,crypto,filter,iobuf,memory,cache,memstat,trust,hashing,clock,lookup,extprog', ##'--debug-all', # will log passphrase ##'--debug, 'ipc', # will log passphrase ##'--debug-level', 'guru', # will log passphrase ##'--debug-level', '9', # will log passphrase ]) if isinstance(data, str): encoding = 'utf-8' else: encoding = None success, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process ( cmd_line = gpg, input_data = data, verbose = verbose, encoding = encoding ) if not success: return None return stdout
def encrypt_data_with_gpg_symmetrically(data, passphrase: str = None, comment: str = None, verbose: bool = False) ‑> str
Encrypt input data symmetrically with gpg.
- the data to encrypt
- minimum of 5 characters
- a comment to be attached to the (ASCII-armored) encrypted output
ASCII-armored encrypted data or None on failure.
Expand source code
def encrypt_data_with_gpg_symmetrically(data, passphrase:str=None, comment:str=None, verbose:bool=False) -> str: """Encrypt input data symmetrically with gpg. Args: data: the data to encrypt passphrase: minimum of 5 characters comment: a comment to be attached to the (ASCII-armored) encrypted output Returns: ASCII-armored encrypted data or None on failure. """ assert data, '<data> must be defined' assert passphrase, '<passphrase> must be defined' if len(passphrase) < 5: _log.error('<passphrase> must be at least 5 characters/signs/digits') return None gmLog2.add_word2hide(passphrase) _log.debug('attempting GPG AES encryption') for cmd in ['gpg2', 'gpg', 'gpg2.exe', 'gpg.exe']: found, binary = gmShellAPI.detect_external_binary(binary = cmd) if found: break if not found: _log.warning('no gpg binary found') return None gpg = [ binary, '--utf8-strings', '--display-charset', 'utf-8', '--symmetric', # encrypt '--cipher-algo', 'AES256', '--armor', '--no-greeting', '--no-tty', # there simply IS no TTY '--batch', # required by passphrase file '--pinentry-mode', 'loopback' # required by passphrase file ] if comment and comment.strip(): gpg.extend(['--comment', comment.strip()]) if verbose: gpg.extend ([ '--verbose', '--verbose', '--debug-level', '8', '--debug', 'packet,mpi,crypto,filter,iobuf,memory,cache,memstat,trust,hashing,clock,lookup,extprog', ##'--debug-all', # will log passphrase ##'--debug, 'ipc', # will log passphrase ##'--debug-level', 'guru', # will log passphrase ##'--debug-level', '9', # will log passphrase ]) if isinstance(data, str): encoding = 'utf-8' else: encoding = None pwd_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode = 'w+t', encoding = 'utf8', delete = False) pwd_fname = gpg.append('--passphrase-file') gpg.append(pwd_fname) pwd_file.write(passphrase) pwd_file.close() success, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process ( cmd_line = gpg, input_data = data, verbose = verbose, encoding = encoding ) if not success: return None return stdout
def encrypt_directory_content(directory: str = None, receiver_key_ids: list = None, passphrase: str = None, comment: str = None, verbose: bool = False, remove_unencrypted: bool = True, convert2pdf: bool = False, store_passphrase_cb=None, master_passphrase: str = None) ‑> bool
Encrypt the content of a directory, file by file, symmetrically or asymmetrically.
Asymmetric encryption will only be attempted if receiver_key_ids are given.
- directory from which to encrypt files
- list of public key ids of receivers, only relevant for asymmetric encryption
- minimum of 5 characters if given/needed
- a comment to be included within the encrypted output
- remove unencrypted source file if encryption succeeds
- attempt conversion of input file to PDF before encryption - success: the PDF is encrypted (and the non-PDF source file is removed) - failure: the source file is encrypted
- function to call to store passphrases for encrypted files (filename, passphrase, comment)
- password to symmetrically encrypt passphrase for safekeeping in GNUmed if no public keys available
True (success) or False.
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def encrypt_directory_content(directory:str=None, receiver_key_ids:list=None, passphrase:str=None, comment:str=None, verbose:bool=False, remove_unencrypted:bool=True, convert2pdf:bool=False, store_passphrase_cb=None, master_passphrase:str=None) -> bool: """Encrypt the content of a directory, file by file, symmetrically or asymmetrically. Asymmetric encryption will only be attempted if receiver_key_ids are given. Args: directory: directory from which to encrypt files receiver_key_ids: list of public key ids of receivers, only relevant for asymmetric encryption passphrase: minimum of 5 characters if given/needed comment: a comment to be included within the encrypted output remove_unencrypted: remove unencrypted source file if encryption succeeds convert2pdf: _attempt_ conversion of input file to PDF before encryption - success: the PDF is encrypted (and the non-PDF source file is removed) - failure: the source file is encrypted store_passphrase_cb: function to call to store passphrases for encrypted files (filename, passphrase, comment) master_passphrase: password to symmetrically encrypt passphrase for safekeeping in GNUmed if no public keys available Returns: True (success) or False. """ assert (directory is not None), 'source <directory> must not be None' _log.debug('encrypting content of [%s]', directory) try: items = os.listdir(directory) except OSError: return False for item in items: full_item = os.path.join(directory, item) if os.path.isdir(full_item): subdir_encrypted = encrypt_directory_content ( directory = full_item, receiver_key_ids = receiver_key_ids, passphrase = passphrase, comment = comment, verbose = verbose ) if subdir_encrypted is False: return False continue fname_encrypted = encrypt_file ( filename = full_item, receiver_key_ids = receiver_key_ids, passphrase = passphrase, comment = comment, verbose = verbose, remove_unencrypted = remove_unencrypted, convert2pdf = convert2pdf ) if fname_encrypted is None: return False store_passphrase_cb(filename = fname_encrypted, passphrase = passphrase, comment = comment, master_passphrase = master_passphrase) return True
def encrypt_file(filename: str = None, receiver_key_ids: list = None, passphrase: str = None, comment: str = None, verbose: bool = False, remove_unencrypted: bool = False, convert2pdf: bool = False) ‑> str
Encrypt an arbitrary file, symmetrically or asymmetrically.
Asymmetric encryption will only be attempted if receiver_key_ids are given.
- file to encrypt
- list of public key ids of receivers, only relevant for asymmetric encryption
- minimum of 5 characters if given/needed
- a comment to be included within the encrypted output
- remove unencrypted source file if encryption succeeds
- attempt conversion of input file to PDF before encryption - success: the PDF is encrypted (and the non-PDF source file is removed) - failure: the source file is encrypted
Name of encrypted file or None.
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def encrypt_file(filename:str=None, receiver_key_ids:list=None, passphrase:str=None, comment:str=None, verbose:bool=False, remove_unencrypted:bool=False, convert2pdf:bool=False) -> str: """Encrypt an arbitrary file, symmetrically or asymmetrically. Asymmetric encryption will only be attempted if receiver_key_ids are given. Args: filename: file to encrypt receiver_key_ids: list of public key ids of receivers, only relevant for asymmetric encryption passphrase: minimum of 5 characters if given/needed comment: a comment to be included within the encrypted output remove_unencrypted: remove unencrypted source file if encryption succeeds convert2pdf: _attempt_ conversion of input file to PDF before encryption - success: the PDF is encrypted (and the non-PDF source file is removed) - failure: the source file is encrypted Returns: Name of encrypted file or None. """ assert (filename is not None), '<filename> must not be None' if receiver_key_ids is None: # cannot do asymmetric _log.debug('no receiver key IDs: cannot try asymmetric encryption') return encrypt_file_symmetric ( filename = filename, passphrase = passphrase, comment = comment, verbose = verbose, remove_unencrypted = remove_unencrypted, convert2pdf = convert2pdf ) # asymmetric not implemented yet _log.error('asymmetric encryption not implemented') return None
def encrypt_file_symmetric(filename: str = None, passphrase: str = None, comment: str = None, verbose: bool = False, remove_unencrypted: bool = False, convert2pdf: bool = False) ‑> str
Encrypt file with a symmetric cipher.
- file to encrypt
- minimum of 5 characters
- remove unencrypted source file if encryption succeeded
- a comment to be included within the encrypted output
- remove unencrypted source file if encryption succeeds
- attempt converting filename to PDF and encrypt that on success
Name of encrypted PDF or None.
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def encrypt_file_symmetric(filename:str=None, passphrase:str=None, comment:str=None, verbose:bool=False, remove_unencrypted:bool=False, convert2pdf:bool=False) -> str: """Encrypt file with a symmetric cipher. Args: filename: file to encrypt passphrase: minimum of 5 characters remove_unencrypted: remove unencrypted source file if encryption succeeded comment: a comment to be included within the encrypted output remove_unencrypted: remove unencrypted source file if encryption succeeds convert2pdf: attempt converting _filename_ to PDF and encrypt that on success Returns: Name of encrypted PDF or None. """ assert (filename is not None), '<filename> must not be None' if passphrase is None: # try GPG based AES only, as GPG is the only supported method # for securely getting a passphrase from the user return encrypt_file_symmetric_gpg ( filename = filename, passphrase = None, comment = comment, verbose = verbose, remove_unencrypted = remove_unencrypted ) # else try other methods, too if len(passphrase) < 5: _log.error('<passphrase> must be at least 5 characters/signs/digits') return None if convert2pdf: _log.debug('PDF encryption preferred, attempting conversion if needed') pdf_fname = gmMimeLib.convert_file ( filename = filename, target_mime = 'application/pdf', target_filename = filename + '.pdf', verbose = verbose ) if pdf_fname is not None: _log.debug('successfully converted to PDF') if remove_unencrypted: # remove non-pdf file gmTools.remove_file(filename) filename = pdf_fname # try PDF-based encryption encrypted_filename = encrypt_pdf ( filename = filename, passphrase = passphrase, verbose = verbose, remove_unencrypted = remove_unencrypted ) if encrypted_filename is not None: return encrypted_filename # try 7z based encryption encrypted_filename = encrypt_file_symmetric_7z ( filename = filename, passphrase = passphrase, comment = comment, verbose = verbose, remove_unencrypted = remove_unencrypted ) if encrypted_filename is not None: return encrypted_filename # try GPG based encryption return encrypt_file_symmetric_gpg ( filename = filename, passphrase = passphrase, comment = comment, verbose = verbose, remove_unencrypted = remove_unencrypted )
def encrypt_file_symmetric_7z(filename: str = None, passphrase: str = None, comment: str = None, verbose: bool = False, remove_unencrypted: bool = False) ‑> str
Encrypt a file symmetrically with 7zip.
- the file to encrypt
- minimum of 5 characters
- a comment on the file to be put into a sidecar file, will also be encrypted
- remove unencrypted source file if encryption succeeded
Name of encrypted file or None.
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def encrypt_file_symmetric_7z(filename:str=None, passphrase:str=None, comment:str=None, verbose:bool=False, remove_unencrypted:bool=False) -> str: """Encrypt a file symmetrically with 7zip. Args: filename: the file to encrypt passphrase: minimum of 5 characters comment: a comment on the file to be put into a sidecar file, will also be encrypted remove_unencrypted: remove unencrypted source file if encryption succeeded Returns: Name of encrypted file or None. """ assert (filename is not None), '<filename> must not be None' assert (passphrase is not None), '<passphrase> must not be None' if len(passphrase) < 5: _log.error('<passphrase> must be at least 5 characters/signs/digits') return None gmLog2.add_word2hide(passphrase) #add 7z/winzip url to comment.txt _log.debug('attempting 7z AES encryption') for cmd in ['7z', '7z.exe']: found, binary = gmShellAPI.detect_external_binary(binary = cmd) if found: break if not found: _log.warning('no 7z binary found, trying gpg') return None if comment: archive_path, archive_name = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(filename)) comment_filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename ( prefix = '%s.7z.comment-' % archive_name, tmp_dir = archive_path, suffix = '.txt' ) with open(comment_filename, mode = 'wt', encoding = 'utf8', errors = 'replace') as comment_file: comment_file.write(comment) else: comment_filename = None filename_encrypted = '%s.7z' % filename args = [binary, 'a', '-bb3', '-mx0', "-p%s" % passphrase, filename_encrypted, filename] if comment_filename: args.append(comment_filename) encrypted, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process(cmd_line = args, encoding = 'utf8', verbose = verbose) if comment_filename: gmTools.remove_file(comment_filename) if not encrypted: return None if not remove_unencrypted: return filename_encrypted if gmTools.remove_file(filename): return filename_encrypted gmTools.remove_file(filename_encrypted) return None
def encrypt_file_symmetric_gpg(filename=None, comment=None, verbose=False, passphrase=None, remove_unencrypted=False) ‑> str
Encrypt file symmetrically with GPG.
- the file to encrypt
- minimum of 5 characters if given
- a comment on the file to be put into a sidecar file, will also be encrypted
- remove unencrypted source file if encryption succeeded
Name of encrypted file or None.
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def encrypt_file_symmetric_gpg(filename=None, comment=None, verbose=False, passphrase=None, remove_unencrypted=False) -> str: """Encrypt file symmetrically with GPG. Args: filename: the file to encrypt passphrase: minimum of 5 characters if given comment: a comment on the file to be put into a sidecar file, will also be encrypted remove_unencrypted: remove unencrypted source file if encryption succeeded Returns: Name of encrypted file or None. """ #add short decr instr to comment assert (filename is not None), '<filename> must not be None' if passphrase is not None: if len(passphrase) < 5: _log.error('<passphrase> must be at least 5 characters/signs/digits') return None _log.debug('attempting symmetric GPG encryption') for cmd in ['gpg2', 'gpg', 'gpg2.exe', 'gpg.exe']: found, binary = gmShellAPI.detect_external_binary(binary = cmd) if found: break if not found: _log.warning('no gpg binary found') return None filename_encrypted = filename + '.asc' args = [ binary, '--utf8-strings', '--display-charset', 'utf-8', '--batch', '--no-greeting', '--symmetric', '--cipher-algo', 'AES256', '--armor', '--output', filename_encrypted ] if comment is not None: args.extend(['--comment', comment]) if verbose: args.extend ([ '--verbose', '--verbose', '--debug-level', '8', '--debug', 'packet,mpi,crypto,filter,iobuf,memory,cache,memstat,trust,hashing,clock,lookup,extprog', ##'--debug-all', # will log passphrase ##'--debug, 'ipc', # will log passphrase ##'--debug-level', 'guru', # will log passphrase ##'--debug-level', '9', # will log passphrase ]) pwd_fname = None if passphrase is not None: pwd_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode = 'w+t', encoding = 'utf8', delete = False) pwd_fname = args.extend ([ '--pinentry-mode', 'loopback', '--passphrase-file', pwd_fname ]) pwd_file.write(passphrase) pwd_file.close() args.append(filename) try: success, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process(cmd_line = args, verbose = verbose, encoding = 'utf-8') finally: if pwd_fname is not None: os.remove(pwd_fname) if not success: return None if not remove_unencrypted: return filename_encrypted if gmTools.remove_file(filename): return filename_encrypted gmTools.remove_file(filename_encrypted) return None
def encrypt_pdf(filename: str = None, passphrase: str = None, verbose: bool = False, remove_unencrypted: bool = False) ‑> str
Encrypt a PDF file per spec (AES, that is).
- PDF file to encrypt
- minimum of 5 characters
- remove unencrypted source file if encryption succeeds
Name of encrypted PDF or None.
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def encrypt_pdf(filename:str=None, passphrase:str=None, verbose:bool=False, remove_unencrypted:bool=False) -> str: """Encrypt a PDF file per spec (AES, that is). Args: filename: PDF file to encrypt passphrase: minimum of 5 characters remove_unencrypted: remove unencrypted source file if encryption succeeds Returns: Name of encrypted PDF or None. """ assert (filename is not None), '<filename> must not be None' assert (passphrase is not None), '<passphrase> must not be None' if len(passphrase) < 5: _log.error('<passphrase> must be at least 5 characters/signs/digits') return None gmLog2.add_word2hide(passphrase) _log.debug('attempting PDF encryption') for cmd in ['qpdf', 'qpdf.exe']: found, binary = gmShellAPI.detect_external_binary(binary = cmd) if found: break if not found: _log.warning('no qpdf binary found') return None filename_encrypted = '%s.encrypted.pdf' % os.path.splitext(filename)[0] args = [ binary, '--verbose', '--password-mode=unicode', '--encrypt', passphrase, '', '128', '--print=full', '--modify=none', '--extract=n', '--use-aes=y', '--', filename, filename_encrypted ] _log.debug(args) success, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process ( cmd_line = args, encoding = 'utf8', verbose = verbose, acceptable_return_codes = [0, 3] ) if not success: return None if not remove_unencrypted: return filename_encrypted if gmTools.remove_file(filename): return filename_encrypted gmTools.remove_file(filename_encrypted) return None
def gpg_decrypt_file(filename=None, verbose=False, target_ext=None)
The system is expected to be set up for safely getting the passphrase from the user, typically via gpg-agent.
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def gpg_decrypt_file(filename=None, verbose=False, target_ext=None): """The system is expected to be set up for safely getting the passphrase from the user, typically via gpg-agent. """ assert (filename is not None), '<filename> must not be None' _log.debug('attempting GPG decryption') for cmd in ['gpg2', 'gpg', 'gpg2.exe', 'gpg.exe']: found, binary = gmShellAPI.detect_external_binary(binary = cmd) if found: break if not found: _log.warning('no gpg binary found') return None basename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] filename_decrypted = gmTools.get_unique_filename(prefix = '%s-decrypted-' % basename, suffix = target_ext) args = [ binary, '--utf8-strings', '--display-charset', 'utf-8', '--batch', '--no-greeting', '--enable-progress-filter', '--decrypt', '--output', filename_decrypted ] if verbose: args.extend ([ '--verbose', '--verbose', '--debug-level', '8', '--debug', 'packet,mpi,crypto,filter,iobuf,memory,cache,memstat,trust,hashing,clock,lookup,extprog' ##'--debug-all', # will log passphrase ##'--debug, 'ipc', # will log passphrase ##'--debug-level', 'guru', # will log passphrase ##'--debug-level', '9', # will log passphrase ]) args.append(filename) success, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process(cmd_line = args, verbose = verbose, encoding = 'utf-8') if success: return filename_decrypted return None
def is_encrypted_pdf(filename: str = None, verbose: bool = False) ‑> bool
Check encryption status of PDF.
Requires qpdf to be installed.
True/False/None: None – unknown or not PDF
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def is_encrypted_pdf(filename:str=None, verbose:bool=False) -> bool: """Check encryption status of PDF. Requires qpdf to be installed. Returns: True/False/None: None -- unknown or not PDF """ assert (filename is not None), '<filename> must not be None' mimetype = gmMimeLib.guess_mimetype(filename = filename) if mimetype != 'application/pdf':'not a PDF') return None _log.debug('checking PDF encryption') for cmd in ['qpdf', 'qpdf.exe']: found, binary = gmShellAPI.detect_external_binary(binary = cmd) if found: break if not found: _log.warning('no qpdf binary found') return None args = [ binary, '--verbose', '--is-encrypted', '--', filename ] success, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process ( cmd_line = args, encoding = 'utf8', verbose = verbose, acceptable_return_codes = [0, 2] ) if not success: return None if exit_code == 0: return True if exit_code == 2: return False return None