Module Gnumed.pycommon.gmDateTime
GNUmed date/time handling.
This modules provides access to date/time handling and offers an fuzzy timestamp implementation
It utilizes
- Python time
- Python datetime
Note that if you want locale-aware formatting you need to call
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
somewhere before importing this script.
Note Regarding Utc Offsets
Looking from Greenwich: WEST (IOW "behind"): negative values EAST (IOW "ahead"): positive values
This is in compliance with what datetime.tzinfo.utcoffset() does but NOT what time.altzone/time.timezone do !
This module also implements a class which allows the programmer to define the degree of fuzziness, uncertainty or imprecision of the timestamp contained within.
This is useful in fields such as medicine where only partial timestamps may be known for certain events.
Other useful links:
Expand source code
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""GNUmed date/time handling.
This modules provides access to date/time handling
and offers an fuzzy timestamp implementation
It utilizes
- Python time
- Python datetime
Note that if you want locale-aware formatting you need to call
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
somewhere before importing this script.
Note regarding UTC offsets
Looking from Greenwich:
WEST (IOW "behind"): negative values
EAST (IOW "ahead"): positive values
This is in compliance with what datetime.tzinfo.utcoffset()
does but NOT what time.altzone/time.timezone do !
This module also implements a class which allows the
programmer to define the degree of fuzziness, uncertainty
or imprecision of the timestamp contained within.
This is useful in fields such as medicine where only partial
timestamps may be known for certain events.
Other useful links:
__author__ = "K. Hilbert <>"
__license__ = "GPL v2 or later (details at"
# stdlib
import sys, datetime as pyDT, time, os, re as regex, logging
from typing import Callable
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.path.insert(0, '../../')
_ = lambda x:x
_log = logging.getLogger('gm.datetime')
dst_locally_in_use = None
dst_currently_in_effect = None
py_timezone_name = None
py_dst_timezone_name = None
current_local_utc_offset_in_seconds = None
current_local_iso_numeric_timezone_string = None
current_local_timezone_name = None
gmCurrentLocalTimezone = None
( acc_years,
) = range(1,9)
_accuracy_strings = {
1: 'years',
2: 'months',
3: 'weeks',
4: 'days',
5: 'hours',
6: 'minutes',
7: 'seconds',
8: 'subseconds'
gregorian_month_length = {
1: 31,
2: 28, # FIXME: make leap year aware
3: 31,
4: 30,
5: 31,
6: 30,
7: 31,
8: 31,
9: 30,
10: 31,
11: 30,
12: 31
avg_days_per_gregorian_year = 365
avg_days_per_gregorian_month = 30
avg_seconds_per_day = 24 * 60 * 60
days_per_week = 7
# module init
def init():
"""Initialize date/time handling and log date/time environment."""
_log.debug(' : [%s]' %
_log.debug('time.localtime() : [%s]' % str(time.localtime()))
_log.debug('time.gmtime() : [%s]' % str(time.gmtime()))
_log.debug('$TZ: [%s]' % os.environ['TZ'])
except KeyError:
_log.debug('$TZ not defined')
_log.debug('time.daylight : [%s] (whether or not DST is locally used at all)', time.daylight)
_log.debug('time.timezone : [%s] seconds (+/-: WEST/EAST of Greenwich)', time.timezone)
_log.debug('time.altzone : [%s] seconds (+/-: WEST/EAST of Greenwich)', time.altzone)
_log.debug('time.tzname : [%s / %s] (non-DST / DST)' % time.tzname)
_log.debug('time.localtime.tm_zone : [%s]', time.localtime().tm_zone)
_log.debug('time.localtime.tm_gmtoff: [%s]', time.localtime().tm_gmtoff)
global py_timezone_name
py_timezone_name = time.tzname[0]
global py_dst_timezone_name
py_dst_timezone_name = time.tzname[1]
global dst_locally_in_use
dst_locally_in_use = (time.daylight != 0)
global dst_currently_in_effect
dst_currently_in_effect = bool(time.localtime()[8])
_log.debug('DST currently in effect: [%s]' % dst_currently_in_effect)
if (not dst_locally_in_use) and dst_currently_in_effect:
_log.error('system inconsistency: DST not in use - but DST currently in effect ?')
global current_local_utc_offset_in_seconds
msg = 'DST currently%sin effect: using UTC offset of [%s] seconds instead of [%s] seconds'
if dst_currently_in_effect:
current_local_utc_offset_in_seconds = time.altzone * -1
_log.debug(msg % (' ', time.altzone * -1, time.timezone * -1))
current_local_utc_offset_in_seconds = time.timezone * -1
_log.debug(msg % (' not ', time.timezone * -1, time.altzone * -1))
if current_local_utc_offset_in_seconds < 0:
_log.debug('UTC offset is negative, assuming WEST of Greenwich (clock is "behind")')
elif current_local_utc_offset_in_seconds > 0:
_log.debug('UTC offset is positive, assuming EAST of Greenwich (clock is "ahead")')
_log.debug('UTC offset is ZERO, assuming Greenwich Time')
global current_local_iso_numeric_timezone_string
current_local_iso_numeric_timezone_string = '%s' % current_local_utc_offset_in_seconds
_log.debug('ISO numeric timezone string: [%s]' % current_local_iso_numeric_timezone_string)
global current_local_timezone_name
current_local_timezone_name = os.environ['TZ']
except KeyError:
if dst_currently_in_effect:
current_local_timezone_name = time.tzname[1]
current_local_timezone_name = time.tzname[0]
global gmCurrentLocalTimezone
gmCurrentLocalTimezone = cPlatformLocalTimezone()
_log.debug('local-timezone class: %s', cPlatformLocalTimezone)
_log.debug('local-timezone instance: %s', gmCurrentLocalTimezone)
# _log.debug('')
# print (" (total) UTC offset:", gmCurrentLocalTimezone.utcoffset(
# print (" DST adjustment:", gmCurrentLocalTimezone.dst(
# print (" timezone name:", gmCurrentLocalTimezone.tzname(
class cPlatformLocalTimezone(pyDT.tzinfo):
"""Local timezone implementation (lifted from the docs).
A class capturing the platform's idea of local time.
May result in wrong values on historical times in
timezones where UTC offset and/or the DST rules had
changed in the past."""
def __init__(self):
self._SECOND = pyDT.timedelta(seconds = 1)
self._nonDST_OFFSET_FROM_UTC = pyDT.timedelta(seconds = -time.timezone)
if time.daylight:
self._DST_OFFSET_FROM_UTC = pyDT.timedelta(seconds = -time.altzone)
_log.debug('[%s]: UTC->non-DST offset [%s], UTC->DST offset [%s], DST shift [%s]', self.__class__.__name__, self._nonDST_OFFSET_FROM_UTC, self._DST_OFFSET_FROM_UTC, self._DST_SHIFT)
def fromutc(self, dt):
assert dt.tzinfo is self
stamp = (dt - pyDT.datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo = self)) // self._SECOND
args = time.localtime(stamp)[:6]
dst_diff = self._DST_SHIFT // self._SECOND
# Detect fold
fold = (args == time.localtime(stamp - dst_diff))
return pyDT.datetime(*args, microsecond = dt.microsecond, tzinfo = self, fold = fold)
def utcoffset(self, dt):
if self._isdst(dt):
return self._DST_OFFSET_FROM_UTC
return self._nonDST_OFFSET_FROM_UTC
def dst(self, dt):
if self._isdst(dt):
return self._DST_SHIFT
return pyDT.timedelta(0)
def tzname(self, dt):
return time.tzname[self._isdst(dt)]
def _isdst(self, dt):
tt = (dt.year, dt.month,, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second, dt.weekday(), 0, 0)
stamp = time.mktime(tt)
except (OverflowError, ValueError):
_log.exception('overflow in time.mktime(%s)', tt)
return False
tt = time.localtime(stamp)
return tt.tm_isdst > 0
# convenience functions
def get_next_month(dt:pyDT.datetime):
next_month = dt.month + 1
if next_month == 13:
return 1
return next_month
def get_last_month(dt:pyDT.datetime):
last_month = dt.month - 1
if last_month == 0:
return 12
return last_month
def get_date_of_weekday_in_week_of_date(weekday, base_dt:pyDT.datetime=None) -> pyDT.datetime:
# weekday:
# 0 = Sunday
# 1 = Monday ...
assert weekday in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7], 'weekday must be in 0 (Sunday) to 7 (Sunday, again)'
if base_dt is None:
base_dt = pydt_now_here()
dt_weekday = base_dt.isoweekday() # 1 = Mon
day_diff = dt_weekday - weekday
days2add = (-1 * day_diff)
return pydt_add(base_dt, days = days2add)
def get_date_of_weekday_following_date(weekday, base_dt:pyDT.datetime=None):
# weekday:
# 0 = Sunday # will be wrapped to 7
# 1 = Monday ...
if weekday not in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]:
raise ValueError('weekday must be in 0 (Sunday) to 7 (Sunday, again)')
if weekday == 0:
weekday = 7
if base_dt is None:
base_dt = pydt_now_here()
dt_weekday = base_dt.isoweekday() # 1 = Mon
days2add = weekday - dt_weekday
if days2add == 0:
days2add = 7
elif days2add < 0:
days2add += 7
return pydt_add(base_dt, days = days2add)
def format_dob(dob:pyDT.datetime, format='%Y %b %d', none_string=None, dob_is_estimated=False):
if dob is None:
if none_string is None:
return _('** DOB unknown **')
return none_string
dob_txt = pydt_strftime(dob, format = format, accuracy = acc_days)
if dob_is_estimated:
return '%s%s' % ('\u2248', dob_txt)
return dob_txt
def pydt_strftime(dt=None, format='%Y %b %d %H:%M.%S', accuracy=None, none_str=None):
if dt is None:
if none_str is not None:
return none_str
raise ValueError('must provide <none_str> if <dt>=None is to be dealt with')
return dt.strftime(format)
except ValueError:
return 'strftime() error'
def pydt_add(dt:pyDT.datetime, years=0, months=0, weeks=0, days=0, hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=0, milliseconds=0, microseconds=0):
"""Add some time to a given datetime."""
if months > 11 or months < -11:
raise ValueError('pydt_add(): months must be within [-11..11]')
dt = dt + pyDT.timedelta (
weeks = weeks,
days = days,
hours = hours,
minutes = minutes,
seconds = seconds,
milliseconds = milliseconds,
microseconds = microseconds
if (years == 0) and (months == 0):
return dt
target_year = dt.year + years
target_month = dt.month + months
if target_month > 12:
target_year += 1
target_month -= 12
elif target_month < 1:
target_year -= 1
target_month += 12
return pydt_replace(dt, year = target_year, month = target_month, strict = False)
def pydt_replace(dt:pyDT.datetime, strict=True, year=None, month=None, day=None, hour=None, minute=None, second=None, microsecond=None, tzinfo=None):
# normalization required because .replace() does not
# deal with keyword arguments being None ...
if year is None:
year = dt.year
if month is None:
month = dt.month
if day is None:
day =
if hour is None:
hour = dt.hour
if minute is None:
minute = dt.minute
if second is None:
second = dt.second
if microsecond is None:
microsecond = dt.microsecond
if tzinfo is None:
tzinfo = dt.tzinfo # can fail on naive dt's
if strict:
return dt.replace(year = year, month = month, day = day, hour = hour, minute = minute, second = second, microsecond = microsecond, tzinfo = tzinfo)
return dt.replace(year = year, month = month, day = day, hour = hour, minute = minute, second = second, microsecond = microsecond, tzinfo = tzinfo)
except ValueError:
_log.debug('error replacing datetime member(s): %s', locals())
# (target/existing) day did not exist in target month (which raised the exception)
if month == 2:
if day > 28:
if is_leap_year(year):
day = 29
day = 28
if day == 31:
day = 30
return dt.replace(year = year, month = month, day = day, hour = hour, minute = minute, second = second, microsecond = microsecond, tzinfo = tzinfo)
def pydt_is_same_day(dt1, dt2):
if !=
return False
if dt1.month != dt2.month:
return False
if dt1.year != dt2.year:
return False
return True
def pydt_is_today(dt):
"""Check wheter <dt> is today."""
if not dt:
return None
now =
return pydt_is_same_day(dt, now)
def pydt_is_yesterday(dt):
"""Check wheter <dt> is yesterday."""
if not dt:
return None
yesterday = - pyDT.timedelta(days = 1)
return pydt_is_same_day(dt, yesterday)
def pydt_now_here():
"""Returns NOW @ HERE (IOW, in the local timezone."""
def pydt_max_here():
return pyDT.datetime.max.replace(tzinfo = gmCurrentLocalTimezone)
# wxPython conversions
def wxDate2py_dt(wxDate=None):
if not wxDate.IsValid():
raise ValueError ('invalid wxDate: %s-%s-%s %s:%s %s.%s',
return pyDT.datetime (
year = wxDate.GetYear(),
month = wxDate.GetMonth() + 1,
day = wxDate.GetDay(),
tzinfo = gmCurrentLocalTimezone
except Exception:
_log.debug ('error converting wxDateTime to Python: %s-%s-%s %s:%s %s.%s',
# interval related
def format_interval(interval=None, accuracy_wanted=None, none_string=None, verbose=False):
if accuracy_wanted is None:
accuracy_wanted = acc_seconds
if interval is None:
if none_string is not None:
return none_string
years, days = divmod(interval.days, avg_days_per_gregorian_year)
months, days = divmod(days, avg_days_per_gregorian_month)
weeks, days = divmod(days, days_per_week)
days, secs = divmod((days * avg_seconds_per_day) + interval.seconds, avg_seconds_per_day)
hours, secs = divmod(secs, 3600)
mins, secs = divmod(secs, 60)
if verbose:
years_tag = ' ' + (_('year') if years == 1 else _('years'))
months_tag = ' ' + (_('month') if months == 1 else _('months'))
weeks_tag = ' ' + (_('week') if weeks == 1 else _('weeks'))
days_tag = ' ' + (_('day') if days == 1 else _('days'))
hours_tag = ' ' + (_('hour') if hours == 1 else _('hours'))
minutes_tag = ' ' + (_('minute') if mins == 1 else _('minutes'))
seconds_tag = ' ' + (_('second') if secs == 1 else _('seconds'))
years_tag = _('interval_format_tag::years::y')[-1:]
months_tag = _('interval_format_tag::months::m')[-1:]
weeks_tag = _('interval_format_tag::weeks::w')[-1:]
days_tag = _('interval_format_tag::days::d')[-1:]
hours_tag = '/24'
minutes_tag = '/60'
seconds_tag = 's'
# special cases
if years == 0:
if accuracy_wanted < acc_months:
return _('0 years') if verbose else '0%s' % years_tag
if years + months == 0:
if accuracy_wanted < acc_weeks:
return _('0 months') if verbose else '0%s' % months_tag
if years + months + weeks == 0:
if accuracy_wanted < acc_days:
return _('0 weeks') if verbose else '0%s' % weeks_tag
if years + months + weeks + days == 0:
if accuracy_wanted < acc_hours:
return _('0 days') if verbose else '0%s' % days_tag
if years + months + weeks + days + hours == 0:
if accuracy_wanted < acc_minutes:
return _('0 hours') if verbose else '0/24'
if years + months + weeks + days + hours + mins == 0:
if accuracy_wanted < acc_seconds:
return _('0 minutes') if verbose else '0/60'
if years + months + weeks + days + hours + mins + secs == 0:
return _('0 seconds') if verbose else '0s'
# normal cases
formatted_intv = ''
if years > 0:
formatted_intv += '%s%s' % (int(years), years_tag)
if accuracy_wanted < acc_months:
return formatted_intv.strip()
if months > 0:
formatted_intv += ' %s%s' % (int(months), months_tag)
if accuracy_wanted < acc_weeks:
return formatted_intv.strip()
if weeks > 0:
formatted_intv += ' %s%s' % (int(weeks), weeks_tag)
if accuracy_wanted < acc_days:
return formatted_intv.strip()
if days > 0:
formatted_intv += ' %s%s' % (int(days), days_tag)
if accuracy_wanted < acc_hours:
return formatted_intv.strip()
if hours > 0:
formatted_intv += ' %s%s' % (int(hours), hours_tag)
if accuracy_wanted < acc_minutes:
return formatted_intv.strip()
if mins > 0:
formatted_intv += ' %s%s' % (int(mins), minutes_tag)
if accuracy_wanted < acc_seconds:
return formatted_intv.strip()
if secs > 0:
formatted_intv += ' %s%s' % (int(secs), seconds_tag)
return formatted_intv.strip()
def format_interval_medically(interval:pyDT.timedelta=None, terse:bool=False, approximation_prefix:str=None, zero_duration_strings:list[str]=None):
"""Formats an interval.
This isn't mathematically correct but close enough for display.
interval: the interval to format
terse: output terse formatting or not
approximation_mark: an approxiation mark to apply in the formatting, if any
zero_duration_strings: a list of two strings, terse and verbose form, to return if a zero duration interval is to be formatted
assert interval is not None, '<interval> must be given'
if interval.total_seconds() == 0:
if not zero_duration_strings:
zero_duration_strings = [
_('zero_duration_text::no duration').removeprefix('zero_duration_text::')
if terse:
return zero_duration_strings[0]
return zero_duration_strings[1]
spacer = '' if terse else ' '
prefix = approximation_prefix if approximation_prefix else ''
# more than 1 year ?
if interval.days > 364:
years, days = divmod(interval.days, avg_days_per_gregorian_year)
months, day = divmod(days, 30.33)
if int(months) == 0:
return '%s%s%s%s' % (
return '%s%s%s%s%s%s%s' % (
# more than 30 days / 1 month ?
if interval.days > 30:
months, days = divmod(interval.days, 30.33) # type: ignore [assignment]
weeks, days = divmod(days, 7)
result = '%s%s%s%s' % (
if int(weeks) != 0:
result += '%s%s%s' % (spacer, int(weeks), _('interval_format_tag::weeks::w')[-1:])
if int(days) != 0:
result += '%s%s%s' % (spacer, int(days), _('interval_format_tag::days::d')[-1:])
return result
# between 7 and 30 days ?
if interval.days > 7:
return '%s%s%s%s' % (prefix, spacer, interval.days, _('interval_format_tag::days::d')[-1:])
# between 1 and 7 days ?
if interval.days > 0:
hours, seconds = divmod(interval.seconds, 3600)
if hours == 0:
return '%s%s%s%s' % (prefix, spacer, interval.days, _('interval_format_tag::days::d')[-1:])
return "%s%s%s%s%s%sh" % (
# between 5 hours and 1 day
if interval.seconds > (5*3600):
return '%s%s%sh' % (prefix, spacer, int(interval.seconds // 3600))
# between 1 and 5 hours
if interval.seconds > 3600:
hours, seconds = divmod(interval.seconds, 3600)
minutes = seconds // 60
if minutes == 0:
return '%s%s%sh' % (prefix, spacer, int(hours))
return '%s:%02d' % (int(hours), int(minutes))
# minutes only
if interval.seconds > (5*60):
return "0:%02d" % (int(interval.seconds // 60))
# seconds
minutes, seconds = divmod(interval.seconds, 60)
if minutes == 0:
return '%ss' % int(seconds)
if seconds == 0:
return '0:%02d' % int(minutes)
return '%s.%ss' % (int(minutes), int(seconds))
def format_pregnancy_weeks(age):
weeks, days = divmod(age.days, 7)
return '%s%s%s%s' % (
def format_pregnancy_months(age):
months, remainder = divmod(age.days, 28)
return '%s%s' % (
int(months) + 1,
def is_leap_year(year):
if year < 1582: # no leap years before Gregorian Reform
_log.debug('%s: before Gregorian Reform', year)
return False
# year is multiple of 4 ?
div, remainder = divmod(year, 4)
# * NOT divisible by 4
# -> common year
if remainder > 0:
return False
# year is a multiple of 100 ?
div, remainder = divmod(year, 100)
# * divisible by 4
# * NOT divisible by 100
# -> leap year
if remainder > 0:
return True
# year is a multiple of 400 ?
div, remainder = divmod(year, 400)
# * divisible by 4
# * divisible by 100, so, perhaps not leaping ?
# * but ALSO divisible by 400
# -> leap year
if remainder == 0:
return True
# all others
# -> common year
return False
def calculate_apparent_age(start=None, end=None) -> tuple:
"""Calculate age in a way humans naively expect it.
This does *not* take into account time zones which may
shift the result by up to one day.
start: the beginning of the period-to-be-aged, the 'birth' if you will
end: the end of the period, default *now*
A tuple (years, ..., seconds) as simple differences
between the fields:
(years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds)
assert not((end is None) and (start is None)), 'one of <start> or <end> must be given'
now =
if end is None:
if start <= now:
end = now
end = start
start = now
if end < start:
raise ValueError('calculate_apparent_age(): <end> (%s) before <start> (%s)' % (end, start))
if end == start:
return (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
# steer clear of leap years
if end.month == 2:
if == 29:
if not is_leap_year(start.year):
end = end.replace(day = 28)
# years
years = end.year - start.year
end = end.replace(year = start.year)
if end < start:
years = years - 1
# months
if end.month == start.month:
if end < start:
months = 11
months = 0
months = end.month - start.month
if months < 0:
months = months + 12
if > gregorian_month_length[start.month]:
end = end.replace(month = start.month, day = gregorian_month_length[start.month])
end = end.replace(month = start.month)
if end < start:
months = months - 1
# days
if ==
if end < start:
days = gregorian_month_length[start.month] - 1
days = 0
days = -
if days < 0:
days = days + gregorian_month_length[start.month]
end = end.replace(day =
if end < start:
days = days - 1
# hours
if end.hour == start.hour:
hours = 0
hours = end.hour - start.hour
if hours < 0:
hours = hours + 24
end = end.replace(hour = start.hour)
if end < start:
hours = hours - 1
# minutes
if end.minute == start.minute:
minutes = 0
minutes = end.minute - start.minute
if minutes < 0:
minutes = minutes + 60
end = end.replace(minute = start.minute)
if end < start:
minutes = minutes - 1
# seconds
if end.second == start.second:
seconds = 0
seconds = end.second - start.second
if seconds < 0:
seconds = seconds + 60
end = end.replace(second = start.second)
if end < start:
seconds = seconds - 1
return (years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds)
def format_apparent_age_medically(age=None):
"""<age> must be a tuple as created by calculate_apparent_age()"""
(years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds) = age
# at least 1 year ?
if years > 0:
if months == 0:
return '%s%s' % (
_('y::year_abbreviation').replace('::year_abbreviation', '')
return '%s%s %s%s' % (
_('y::year_abbreviation').replace('::year_abbreviation', ''),
_('m::month_abbreviation').replace('::month_abbreviation', '')
# at least 1 month ?
if months > 0:
if days == 0:
return '%s%s' % (
_('mo::month_only_abbreviation').replace('::month_only_abbreviation', '')
result = '%s%s' % (
_('m::month_abbreviation').replace('::month_abbreviation', '')
weeks, days = divmod(days, 7)
if int(weeks) != 0:
result += '%s%s' % (
_('w::week_abbreviation').replace('::week_abbreviation', '')
if int(days) != 0:
result += '%s%s' % (
_('d::day_abbreviation').replace('::day_abbreviation', '')
return result
# between 7 days and 1 month
if days > 7:
return "%s%s" % (
_('d::day_abbreviation').replace('::day_abbreviation', '')
# between 1 and 7 days ?
if days > 0:
if hours == 0:
return '%s%s' % (
_('d::day_abbreviation').replace('::day_abbreviation', '')
return '%s%s (%s%s)' % (
_('d::day_abbreviation').replace('::day_abbreviation', ''),
_('h::hour_abbreviation').replace('::hour_abbreviation', '')
# between 5 hours and 1 day
if hours > 5:
return '%s%s' % (
_('h::hour_abbreviation').replace('::hour_abbreviation', '')
# between 1 and 5 hours
if hours > 1:
if minutes == 0:
return '%s%s' % (
_('h::hour_abbreviation').replace('::hour_abbreviation', '')
return '%s:%02d' % (
# between 5 and 60 minutes
if minutes > 5:
return "0:%02d" % minutes
# less than 5 minutes
if minutes == 0:
return '%s%s' % (
_('s::second_abbreviation').replace('::second_abbreviation', '')
if seconds == 0:
return "0:%02d" % minutes
return "%s.%s%s" % (
_('s::second_abbreviation').replace('::second_abbreviation', '')
def str2interval(str_interval=None):
unit_keys = {
'year': _('yYaA_keys_year'),
'month': _('mM_keys_month'),
'week': _('wW_keys_week'),
'day': _('dD_keys_day'),
'hour': _('hH_keys_hour')
str_interval = str_interval.strip()
# "(~)35(yY)" - at age 35 years
keys = '|'.join(list(unit_keys['year'].replace('_keys_year', '')))
if regex.match(r'^~*(\s|\t)*\d+(%s)*$' % keys, str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE):
return pyDT.timedelta(days = (int(regex.findall(r'\d+', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE)[0]) * avg_days_per_gregorian_year))
# "(~)12mM" - at age 12 months
keys = '|'.join(list(unit_keys['month'].replace('_keys_month', '')))
if regex.match(r'^~*(\s|\t)*\d+(\s|\t)*(%s)+$' % keys, str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE):
years, months = divmod (
int(regex.findall(r'\d+', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE)[0]),
return pyDT.timedelta(days = ((years * avg_days_per_gregorian_year) + (months * avg_days_per_gregorian_month)))
# weeks
keys = '|'.join(list(unit_keys['week'].replace('_keys_week', '')))
if regex.match(r'^~*(\s|\t)*\d+(\s|\t)*(%s)+$' % keys, str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE):
return pyDT.timedelta(weeks = int(regex.findall(r'\d+', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE)[0]))
# days
keys = '|'.join(list(unit_keys['day'].replace('_keys_day', '')))
if regex.match(r'^~*(\s|\t)*\d+(\s|\t)*(%s)+$' % keys, str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE):
return pyDT.timedelta(days = int(regex.findall(r'\d+', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE)[0]))
# hours
keys = '|'.join(list(unit_keys['hour'].replace('_keys_hour', '')))
if regex.match(r'^~*(\s|\t)*\d+(\s|\t)*(%s)+$' % keys, str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE):
return pyDT.timedelta(hours = int(regex.findall(r'\d+', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE)[0]))
# x/12 - months
if regex.match(r'^~*(\s|\t)*\d+(\s|\t)*/(\s|\t)*12$', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE):
years, months = divmod (
int(regex.findall(r'\d+', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE)[0]),
return pyDT.timedelta(days = ((years * avg_days_per_gregorian_year) + (months * avg_days_per_gregorian_month)))
# x/52 - weeks
if regex.match(r'^~*(\s|\t)*\d+(\s|\t)*/(\s|\t)*52$', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE):
return pyDT.timedelta(weeks = int(regex.findall(r'\d+', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE)[0]))
# x/7 - days
if regex.match(r'^~*(\s|\t)*\d+(\s|\t)*/(\s|\t)*7$', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE):
return pyDT.timedelta(days = int(regex.findall(r'\d+', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE)[0]))
# x/24 - hours
if regex.match(r'^~*(\s|\t)*\d+(\s|\t)*/(\s|\t)*24$', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE):
return pyDT.timedelta(hours = int(regex.findall(r'\d+', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE)[0]))
# x/60 - minutes
if regex.match(r'^~*(\s|\t)*\d+(\s|\t)*/(\s|\t)*60$', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE):
return pyDT.timedelta(minutes = int(regex.findall(r'\d+', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE)[0]))
# nYnM - years, months
keys_year = '|'.join(list(unit_keys['year'].replace('_keys_year', '')))
keys_month = '|'.join(list(unit_keys['month'].replace('_keys_month', '')))
if regex.match(r'^~*(\s|\t)*\d+(%s|\s|\t)+\d+(\s|\t)*(%s)+$' % (keys_year, keys_month), str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE):
parts = regex.findall(r'\d+', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE)
years, months = divmod(int(parts[1]), 12)
years += int(parts[0])
return pyDT.timedelta(days = ((years * avg_days_per_gregorian_year) + (months * avg_days_per_gregorian_month)))
# nMnW - months, weeks
keys_month = '|'.join(list(unit_keys['month'].replace('_keys_month', '')))
keys_week = '|'.join(list(unit_keys['week'].replace('_keys_week', '')))
if regex.match(r'^~*(\s|\t)*\d+(%s|\s|\t)+\d+(\s|\t)*(%s)+$' % (keys_month, keys_week), str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE):
parts = regex.findall(r'\d+', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE)
months, weeks = divmod(int(parts[1]), 4)
months += int(parts[0])
return pyDT.timedelta(days = ((months * avg_days_per_gregorian_month) + (weeks * days_per_week)))
return None
# string -> python datetime parser
def __single_char2py_dt(str2parse, trigger_chars=None):
"""This matches on single characters.
Spaces and tabs are discarded.
Default is 'ndmy':
n - _N_ow
d - to_D_ay
m - to_M_orrow Someone please suggest a synonym ! ("2" does not cut it ...)
y - _Y_esterday
This also defines the significance of the order of the characters.
str2parse = str2parse.strip().casefold()
if len(str2parse) != 1:
return []
if trigger_chars is None:
trigger_chars = _('ndmy (single character date triggers)')[:4].casefold()
if str2parse not in trigger_chars:
return []
now = pydt_now_here()
# FIXME: handle uebermorgen/vorgestern ?
# right now
if str2parse == trigger_chars[0]:
return [{
'data': now,
'label': _('right now (%s, %s)') % (now.strftime('%A'), now)
# today
if str2parse == trigger_chars[1]:
return [{
'data': now,
'label': _('today (%s)') % now.strftime('%A, %Y-%m-%d')
# tomorrow
if str2parse == trigger_chars[2]:
ts = pydt_add(now, days = 1)
return [{
'data': ts,
'label': _('tomorrow (%s)') % ts.strftime('%A, %Y-%m-%d')
# yesterday
if str2parse == trigger_chars[3]:
ts = pydt_add(now, days = -1)
return [{
'data': ts,
'label': _('yesterday (%s)') % ts.strftime('%A, %Y-%m-%d')
return []
def __single_dot2py_dt(str2parse):
"""Expand fragments containing a single dot.
Standard colloquial date format in Germany: day.month.year
- the 14th of the current month
- the 14th of next month
- the 14th of last month
str2parse = str2parse.replace(' ', '').replace('\t', '')
if not str2parse.endswith('.'):
return []
day_val = int(str2parse[:-1])
except ValueError:
return []
if (day_val < -31) or (day_val > 31) or (day_val == 0):
return []
now = pydt_now_here()
matches = []
# day X of last month only
if day_val < 0:
ts = pydt_replace(pydt_add(now, months = -1), day = abs(day_val), strict = False)
if == day_val:
matches.append ({
'data': ts,
'label': _('%s-%s-%s: a %s last month') % (ts.year, ts.month,, ts.strftime('%A'))
# day X of ...
if day_val > 0:
# ... this month
ts = pydt_replace(now, day = day_val, strict = False)
matches.append ({
'data': ts,
'label': _('%s-%s-%s: a %s this month') % (ts.year, ts.month,, ts.strftime('%A'))
except ValueError:
# ... next month
ts = pydt_replace(pydt_add(now, months = 1), day = day_val, strict = False)
if == day_val:
matches.append ({
'data': ts,
'label': _('%s-%s-%s: a %s next month') % (ts.year, ts.month,, ts.strftime('%A'))
except ValueError:
# ... last month
ts = pydt_replace(pydt_add(now, months = -1), day = day_val, strict = False)
if == day_val:
matches.append ({
'data': ts,
'label': _('%s-%s-%s: a %s last month') % (ts.year, ts.month,, ts.strftime('%A'))
except ValueError:
return matches
def __single_slash2py_dt(str2parse):
"""Expand fragments containing a single slash.
- 2005/ (2000 - 2025)
- 1995/ (1990 - 1999)
- Mai/current year
- Mai/next year
- Mai/last year
- Mai/200x
- Mai/20xx
- Mai/199x
- Mai/198x
- Mai/197x
- Mai/19xx
str2parse = str2parse.strip()
now = pydt_now_here()
# 5/1999
if regex.match(r"^\d{1,2}(\s|\t)*/+(\s|\t)*\d{4}$", str2parse, flags = regex.UNICODE):
month, year = regex.findall(r'\d+', str2parse, flags = regex.UNICODE)
ts = pydt_replace(now, year = int(year), month = int(month), strict = False)
return [{
'data': ts,
'label': ts.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
matches = []
# 5/
if regex.match(r"^\d{1,2}(\s|\t)*/+$", str2parse, flags = regex.UNICODE):
val = int(str2parse.rstrip('/').strip())
# "55/" -> "1955"
if val < 100 and val >= 0:
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '%s-' % (val + 1900)
# "11/" -> "2011"
if val < 26 and val >= 0:
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '%s-' % (val + 2000)
# "5/" -> "1995"
if val < 10 and val >= 0:
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '%s-' % (val + 1990)
if val < 13 and val > 0:
# "11/" -> "11/this year"
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '%s-%.2d-' % (now.year, val)
# "11/" -> "11/next year"
ts = pydt_add(now, years = 1)
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '%s-%.2d-' % (ts.year, val)
# "11/" -> "11/last year"
ts = pydt_add(now, years = -1)
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '%s-%.2d-' % (ts.year, val)
# "11/" -> "201?-11-"
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '201?-%.2d-' % val
# "11/" -> "200?-11-"
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '200?-%.2d-' % val
# "11/" -> "20??-11-"
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '20??-%.2d-' % val
# "11/" -> "199?-11-"
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '199?-%.2d-' % val
# "11/" -> "198?-11-"
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '198?-%.2d-' % val
# "11/" -> "198?-11-"
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '197?-%.2d-' % val
# "11/" -> "19??-11-"
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '19??-%.2d-' % val
return matches
def __numbers_only2py_dt(str2parse):
"""This matches on single numbers.
Spaces or tabs are discarded.
val = int(str2parse.strip())
except ValueError:
return []
now = pydt_now_here()
matches = []
# that year
if (1850 < val) and (val < 2100):
ts = pydt_replace(now, year = val, strict = False)
matches.append ({
'data': ts,
'label': ts.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
# day X of this month
if (val > 0) and (val <= gregorian_month_length[now.month]):
ts = pydt_replace(now, day = val, strict = False)
matches.append ({
'data': ts,
'label': _('%d. of %s (this month): a %s') % (val, ts.strftime('%B'), ts.strftime('%A'))
# day X of ...
if (val > 0) and (val < 32):
# ... next month
ts = pydt_replace(pydt_add(now, months = 1), day = val, strict = False)
matches.append ({
'data': ts,
'label': _('%d. of %s (next month): a %s') % (val, ts.strftime('%B'), ts.strftime('%A'))
# ... last month
ts = pydt_replace(pydt_add(now, months = -1), day = val, strict = False)
matches.append ({
'data': ts,
'label': _('%d. of %s (last month): a %s') % (val, ts.strftime('%B'), ts.strftime('%A'))
# X days from now
if (val > 0) and (val <= 400): # more than a year ahead in days ?? nah !
ts = pydt_add(now, days = val)
matches.append ({
'data': ts,
'label': _('in %d day(s): %s') % (val, ts.strftime('%A, %Y-%m-%d'))
if (val < 0) and (val >= -400): # more than a year back in days ?? nah !
ts = pydt_add(now, days = val)
matches.append ({
'data': ts,
'label': _('%d day(s) ago: %s') % (abs(val), ts.strftime('%A, %Y-%m-%d'))
# X weeks from now
if (val > 0) and (val <= 50): # pregnancy takes about 40 weeks :-)
ts = pydt_add(now, weeks = val)
matches.append ({
'data': ts,
'label': _('in %d week(s): %s') % (val, ts.strftime('%A, %Y-%m-%d'))
if (val < 0) and (val >= -50): # pregnancy takes about 40 weeks :-)
ts = pydt_add(now, weeks = val)
matches.append ({
'data': ts,
'label': _('%d week(s) ago: %s') % (abs(val), ts.strftime('%A, %Y-%m-%d'))
# month X of ...
if (val < 13) and (val > 0):
# ... this year
ts = pydt_replace(now, month = val, strict = False)
matches.append ({
'data': ts,
'label': _('%s (%s this year)') % (ts.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), ts.strftime('%B'))
# ... next year
ts = pydt_replace(pydt_add(now, years = 1), month = val, strict = False)
matches.append ({
'data': ts,
'label': _('%s (%s next year)') % (ts.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), ts.strftime('%B'))
# ... last year
ts = pydt_replace(pydt_add(now, years = -1), month = val, strict = False)
matches.append ({
'data': ts,
'label': _('%s (%s last year)') % (ts.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), ts.strftime('%B'))
# fragment expansion
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '200?-%s' % val
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '199?-%s' % val
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '198?-%s' % val
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '19??-%s' % val
# needs mxDT
# # day X of ...
# if (val < 8) and (val > 0):
# # ... this week
# ts = now + mxDT.RelativeDateTime(weekday = (val-1, 0))
# matches.append ({
# 'data': mxdt2py_dt(ts),
# 'label': _('%s this week (%s of %s)') % (ts.strftime('%A'),, ts.strftime('%B'))
# })
# # ... next week
# ts = now + mxDT.RelativeDateTime(weeks = +1, weekday = (val-1, 0))
# matches.append ({
# 'data': mxdt2py_dt(ts),
# 'label': _('%s next week (%s of %s)') % (ts.strftime('%A'),, ts.strftime('%B'))
# })
# # ... last week
# ts = now + mxDT.RelativeDateTime(weeks = -1, weekday = (val-1, 0))
# matches.append ({
# 'data': mxdt2py_dt(ts),
# 'label': _('%s last week (%s of %s)') % (ts.strftime('%A'),, ts.strftime('%B'))
# })
if (val < 100) and (val > 0):
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '%s-' % (1900 + val)
if val == 201:
matches.append ({
'data': now,
'label': now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': now.strftime('%Y-%m')
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': now.strftime('%Y')
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '%s-' % (now.year + 1)
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '%s-' % (now.year - 1)
if val < 200 and val >= 190:
for i in range(10):
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '%s%s-' % (val, i)
return matches
def __explicit_offset2py_dt(str2parse, offset_chars=None):
"""Default is 'hdwmy':
h - hours
d - days
w - weeks
m - months
y - years
This also defines the significance of the order of the characters.
if offset_chars is None:
offset_chars = _('hdwmy (single character date offset triggers)')[:5].casefold()
str2parse = str2parse.replace(' ', '').replace('\t', '')
# "+/-XXXh/d/w/m/t"
if regex.fullmatch(r"(\+|-){,1}\d{1,3}[%s]" % offset_chars, str2parse) is None:
return []
offset_val = int(str2parse[:-1])
offset_char = str2parse[-1:]
is_past = str2parse.startswith('-')
now = pydt_now_here()
ts = None
# hours
if offset_char == offset_chars[0]:
ts = pydt_add(now, hours = offset_val)
if is_past:
label = _('%d hour(s) ago: %s') % (abs(offset_val), ts.strftime('%H:%M'))
label = _('in %d hour(s): %s') % (offset_val, ts.strftime('%H:%M'))
# days
elif offset_char == offset_chars[1]:
ts = pydt_add(now, days = offset_val)
if is_past:
label = _('%d day(s) ago: %s') % (abs(offset_val), ts.strftime('%A, %Y-%m-%d'))
label = _('in %d day(s): %s') % (offset_val, ts.strftime('%A, %Y-%m-%d'))
# weeks
elif offset_char == offset_chars[2]:
ts = pydt_add(now, weeks = offset_val)
if is_past:
label = _('%d week(s) ago: %s') % (abs(offset_val), ts.strftime('%A, %Y-%m-%d'))
label = _('in %d week(s): %s') % (offset_val, ts.strftime('%A, %Y-%m-%d'))
# months
elif offset_char == offset_chars[3]:
ts = pydt_add(now, months = offset_val)
if is_past:
label = _('%d month(s) ago: %s') % (abs(offset_val), ts.strftime('%A, %Y-%m-%d'))
label = _('in %d month(s): %s') % (offset_val, ts.strftime('%A, %Y-%m-%d'))
# years
elif offset_char == offset_chars[4]:
ts = pydt_add(now, years = offset_val)
if is_past:
label = _('%d year(s) ago: %s') % (abs(offset_val), ts.strftime('%A, %Y-%m-%d'))
label = _('in %d year(s): %s') % (offset_val, ts.strftime('%A, %Y-%m-%d'))
if ts is None:
return []
return [{'data': ts, 'label': label}]
"""Default patterns being passed to strptime()."""
STR2PYDT_PARSERS:list[Callable[[str], dict]] = [
"""Specialized parsers for string -> datetime conversion."""
def str2pydt_matches(str2parse:str=None, patterns:list=None) -> list:
"""Turn a string into candidate datetimes.
str2parse: string to turn into candidate datetimes
patterns: additional patterns to try with strptime()
A number of default patterns will be tried. Also, a few
specialized parsers will be run. See the source for
If the input contains a space followed by more characters
matching either hour:minute or hour:minute:second that
will be used as the time part of the datetime returned.
Otherwise 11:11:11 will be used as default.
Note: You must have previously called
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
somewhere in your code.
List of Python datetimes the input could be parsed as.
matches:list[dict] = []
for parser in STR2PYDT_PARSERS:
parts = str2parse.split(maxsplit = 1)
hour = 11
minute = 11
second = 11
acc = acc_days
lbl_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d'
if len(parts) > 1:
for pattern in ['%H:%M', '%H:%M:%S']:
date = pyDT.datetime.strptime(parts[1], pattern)
hour = date.hour
minute = date.minute
second = date.second
acc = acc_minutes
lbl_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'
except ValueError:
# C-level overflow
if patterns is None:
patterns = []
for pattern in patterns:
date = pyDT.datetime.strptime(parts[0], pattern).replace (
hour = hour,
minute = minute,
second = second,
tzinfo = gmCurrentLocalTimezone
matches.append ({
'data': date,
'label': pydt_strftime(date, format = lbl_fmt, accuracy = acc)
except ValueError:
# C-level overflow
return matches
# string -> fuzzy timestamp parser
def __single_slash(str2parse):
"""Expand fragments containing a single slash.
- 2005/ (2000 - 2025)
- 1995/ (1990 - 1999)
- Mai/current year
- Mai/next year
- Mai/last year
- Mai/200x
- Mai/20xx
- Mai/199x
- Mai/198x
- Mai/197x
- Mai/19xx
matches = []
now = pydt_now_here()
# "xx/yyyy"
if regex.match(r"^(\s|\t)*\d{1,2}(\s|\t)*/+(\s|\t)*\d{4}(\s|\t)*$", str2parse, flags = regex.UNICODE):
parts = regex.findall(r'\d+', str2parse, flags = regex.UNICODE)
month = int(parts[0])
if month in range(1, 13):
fts = cFuzzyTimestamp (
timestamp = now.replace(year = int(parts[1], month = month)),
accuracy = acc_months
matches.append ({
'data': fts,
'label': fts.format_accurately()
# "xx/"
elif regex.match(r"^(\s|\t)*\d{1,2}(\s|\t)*/+(\s|\t)*$", str2parse, flags = regex.UNICODE):
val = int(regex.findall(r'\d+', str2parse, flags = regex.UNICODE)[0])
if val < 100 and val >= 0:
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '%s/' % (val + 1900)
if val < 26 and val >= 0:
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '%s/' % (val + 2000)
if val < 10 and val >= 0:
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '%s/' % (val + 1990)
if val < 13 and val > 0:
matches.append ({
'data': cFuzzyTimestamp(timestamp = now, accuracy = acc_months),
'label': '%.2d/%s' % (val, now.year)
ts = now.replace(year = now.year + 1)
matches.append ({
'data': cFuzzyTimestamp(timestamp = ts, accuracy = acc_months),
'label': '%.2d/%s' % (val, ts.year)
ts = now.replace(year = now.year - 1)
matches.append ({
'data': cFuzzyTimestamp(timestamp = ts, accuracy = acc_months),
'label': '%.2d/%s' % (val, ts.year)
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '%.2d/200' % val
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '%.2d/20' % val
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '%.2d/199' % val
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '%.2d/198' % val
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '%.2d/197' % val
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '%.2d/19' % val
return matches
def __numbers_only(str2parse):
"""This matches on single numbers.
Spaces or tabs are discarded.
if not regex.match(r"^(\s|\t)*\d{1,4}(\s|\t)*$", str2parse, flags = regex.UNICODE):
return []
val = int(regex.findall(r'\d{1,4}', str2parse, flags = regex.UNICODE)[0])
if val == 0:
return []
now = pydt_now_here()
matches = []
# today in that year
if (1850 < val) and (val < 2100):
target_date = cFuzzyTimestamp (
timestamp = now.replace(year = val),
accuracy = acc_years
tmp = {
'data': target_date,
'label': '%s' % target_date
# day X of this month
if val <= gregorian_month_length[now.month]:
ts = now.replace(day = val)
target_date = cFuzzyTimestamp (
timestamp = ts,
accuracy = acc_days
tmp = {
'data': target_date,
'label': _('%d. of %s (this month) - a %s') % (val, ts.strftime('%B'), ts.strftime('%A'))
# day X of next month
next_month = get_next_month(now)
if val <= gregorian_month_length[next_month]:
ts = now.replace(day = val, month = next_month)
target_date = cFuzzyTimestamp (
timestamp = ts,
accuracy = acc_days
tmp = {
'data': target_date,
'label': _('%d. of %s (next month) - a %s') % (val, ts.strftime('%B'), ts.strftime('%A'))
# day X of last month
last_month = get_last_month(now)
if val <= gregorian_month_length[last_month]:
ts = now.replace(day = val, month = last_month)
target_date = cFuzzyTimestamp (
timestamp = ts,
accuracy = acc_days
tmp = {
'data': target_date,
'label': _('%d. of %s (last month) - a %s') % (val, ts.strftime('%B'), ts.strftime('%A'))
# X days from now
if val <= 400: # more than a year ahead in days ?? nah !
target_date = cFuzzyTimestamp(timestamp = now + pyDT.timedelta(days = val))
tmp = {
'data': target_date,
'label': _('in %d day(s) - %s') % (val, target_date.timestamp.strftime('%A, %Y-%m-%d'))
# X weeks from now
if val <= 50: # pregnancy takes about 40 weeks :-)
target_date = cFuzzyTimestamp(timestamp = now + pyDT.timedelta(weeks = val))
tmp = {
'data': target_date,
'label': _('in %d week(s) - %s') % (val, target_date.timestamp.strftime('%A, %Y-%m-%d'))
# month X of ...
if val < 13:
# ... this year
target_date = cFuzzyTimestamp (
timestamp = pydt_replace(now, month = val, strict = False),
accuracy = acc_months
tmp = {
'data': target_date,
'label': _('%s (%s this year)') % (target_date, ts.strftime('%B'))
# ... next year
target_date = cFuzzyTimestamp (
timestamp = pydt_add(pydt_replace(now, month = val, strict = False), years = 1),
accuracy = acc_months
tmp = {
'data': target_date,
'label': _('%s (%s next year)') % (target_date, ts.strftime('%B'))
# ... last year
target_date = cFuzzyTimestamp (
timestamp = pydt_add(pydt_replace(now, month = val, strict = False), years = -1),
accuracy = acc_months
tmp = {
'data': target_date,
'label': _('%s (%s last year)') % (target_date, ts.strftime('%B'))
# fragment expansion
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '%s/200' % val
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '%s/199' % val
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '%s/198' % val
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '%s/19' % val
# reactivate when mxDT becomes available on py3k
# # day X of ...
# if val < 8:
# # ... this week
# ts = now + mxDT.RelativeDateTime(weekday = (val-1, 0))
# target_date = cFuzzyTimestamp (
# timestamp = ts,
# accuracy = acc_days
# )
# tmp = {
# 'data': target_date,
# 'label': _('%s this week (%s of %s)') % (ts.strftime('%A'),, ts.strftime('%B'))
# }
# matches.append(tmp)
# # ... next week
# ts = now + mxDT.RelativeDateTime(weeks = +1, weekday = (val-1, 0))
# target_date = cFuzzyTimestamp (
# timestamp = ts,
# accuracy = acc_days
# )
# tmp = {
# 'data': target_date,
# 'label': _('%s next week (%s of %s)') % (ts.strftime('%A'),, ts.strftime('%B'))
# }
# matches.append(tmp)
# # ... last week
# ts = now + mxDT.RelativeDateTime(weeks = -1, weekday = (val-1, 0))
# target_date = cFuzzyTimestamp (
# timestamp = ts,
# accuracy = acc_days
# )
# tmp = {
# 'data': target_date,
# 'label': _('%s last week (%s of %s)') % (ts.strftime('%A'),, ts.strftime('%B'))
# }
# matches.append(tmp)
if val < 100:
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '%s/' % (1900 + val)
# year 2k
if val == 200:
tmp = {
'data': cFuzzyTimestamp(timestamp = now, accuracy = acc_days),
'label': '%s' % target_date
matches.append ({
'data': cFuzzyTimestamp(timestamp = now, accuracy = acc_months),
'label': '%.2d/%s' % (now.month, now.year)
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '%s/' % now.year
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '%s/' % (now.year + 1)
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '%s/' % (now.year - 1)
if val < 200 and val >= 190:
for i in range(10):
matches.append ({
'data': None,
'label': '%s%s/' % (val, i)
return matches
def str2fuzzy_timestamp_matches(str2parse=None, default_time=None, patterns=None):
Turn a string into candidate fuzzy timestamps and auto-completions the user is likely to type.
You MUST have called locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
somewhere in your code previously.
@param default_time: if you want to force the time part of the time
stamp to a given value and the user doesn't type any time part
this value will be used
@type default_time: an mx.DateTime.DateTimeDelta instance
@param patterns: list of [time.strptime compatible date/time pattern, accuracy]
@type patterns: list
matches = []
matches.extend ([
{ 'data': cFuzzyTimestamp(timestamp = m['data'], accuracy = acc_days),
'label': m['label']
} for m in __single_dot2py_dt(str2parse)
matches.extend ([
{ 'data': cFuzzyTimestamp(timestamp = m['data'], accuracy = acc_days),
'label': m['label']
} for m in __single_char2py_dt(str2parse)
matches.extend ([
{ 'data': cFuzzyTimestamp(timestamp = m['data'], accuracy = acc_days),
'label': m['label']
} for m in __explicit_offset2py_dt(str2parse)
if patterns is None:
patterns = []
parts = str2parse.split(maxsplit = 1)
hour = 11
minute = 11
second = 11
acc = acc_days
if len(parts) > 1:
for pattern in ['%H:%M', '%H:%M:%S']:
date = pyDT.datetime.strptime(parts[1], pattern)
hour = date.hour
minute = date.minute
second = date.second
acc = acc_minutes
except ValueError:
# C-level overflow
for pattern in patterns:
ts = pyDT.datetime.strptime(parts[0], pattern).replace (
hour = hour,
minute = minute,
second = second,
tzinfo = gmCurrentLocalTimezone
fts = cFuzzyTimestamp(timestamp = ts, accuracy = acc)
matches.append ({
'data': fts,
'label': fts.format_accurately()
except ValueError:
# C-level overflow
return matches
# fuzzy timestamp class
class cFuzzyTimestamp:
# FIXME: add properties for year, month, ...
"""A timestamp implementation with definable inaccuracy.
This class contains an datetime.datetime instance to
hold the actual timestamp. It adds an accuracy attribute
to allow the programmer to set the precision of the
The timestamp will have to be initialized with a fully
precise value (which may, of course, contain partially
fake data to make up for missing values). One can then
set the accuracy value to indicate up to which part of
the timestamp the data is valid. Optionally a modifier
can be set to indicate further specification of the
value (such as "summer", "afternoon", etc).
accuracy values:
1: year only
7: everything including milliseconds value
Unfortunately, one cannot directly derive a class from mx.DateTime.DateTime :-(
def __init__(self, timestamp=None, accuracy=acc_subseconds, modifier=''):
if timestamp is None:
timestamp = pydt_now_here()
accuracy = acc_subseconds
modifier = ''
if (accuracy < 1) or (accuracy > 8):
raise ValueError('%s.__init__(): <accuracy> must be between 1 and 8' % self.__class__.__name__)
if not isinstance(timestamp, pyDT.datetime):
raise TypeError('%s.__init__(): <timestamp> must be of datetime.datetime type, but is %s' % self.__class__.__name__, type(timestamp))
if timestamp.tzinfo is None:
raise ValueError('%s.__init__(): <tzinfo> must be defined' % self.__class__.__name__)
self.timestamp = timestamp
self.accuracy = accuracy
self.modifier = modifier
# magic API
def __str__(self):
"""Return string representation meaningful to a user, also for %s formatting."""
return self.format_accurately()
def __repr__(self):
"""Return string meaningful to a programmer to aid in debugging."""
tmp = '<[%s]: timestamp [%s], accuracy [%s] (%s), modifier [%s] at %s>' % (
return tmp
# external API
def strftime(self, format_string):
if self.accuracy == 7:
return self.timestamp.strftime(format_string)
return self.format_accurately()
def Format(self, format_string):
return self.strftime(format_string)
def format_accurately(self, accuracy=None):
if accuracy is None:
accuracy = self.accuracy
if accuracy == acc_years:
return str(self.timestamp.year)
if accuracy == acc_months:
return self.timestamp.strftime('%m/%Y') # FIXME: use 3-letter month ?
if accuracy == acc_weeks:
return self.timestamp.strftime('%m/%Y') # FIXME: use 3-letter month ?
if accuracy == acc_days:
return self.timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
if accuracy == acc_hours:
return self.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %I%p")
if accuracy == acc_minutes:
return self.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
if accuracy == acc_seconds:
return self.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
if accuracy == acc_subseconds:
return self.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
raise ValueError('%s.format_accurately(): <accuracy> (%s) must be between 1 and 7' % (
def get_pydt(self):
return self.timestamp
# main
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
if sys.argv[1] != "test":
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmI18N
del _
intervals_as_str = [
'7', '12', ' 12', '12 ', ' 12 ', ' 12 ', '0', '~12', '~ 12', ' ~ 12', ' ~ 12 ',
'12a', '12 a', '12 a', '12j', '12J', '12y', '12Y', ' ~ 12 a ', '~0a',
'12m', '17 m', '12 m', '17M', ' ~ 17 m ', ' ~ 3 / 12 ', '7/12', '0/12',
'12w', '17 w', '12 w', '17W', ' ~ 17 w ', ' ~ 15 / 52', '2/52', '0/52',
'12d', '17 d', '12 t', '17D', ' ~ 17 T ', ' ~ 12 / 7', '3/7', '0/7',
'12h', '17 h', '12 H', '17H', ' ~ 17 h ', ' ~ 36 / 24', '7/24', '0/24',
' ~ 36 / 60', '7/60', '190/60', '0/60',
'12a1m', '12 a 1 M', '12 a17m', '12j 12m', '12J7m', '12y7m', '12Y7M', ' ~ 12 a 37 m ', '~0a0m',
'invalid interval input'
def test_format_interval():
intv = pyDT.timedelta(minutes=1, seconds=2)
for acc in _accuracy_strings:
print ('[%s]: "%s" -> "%s"' % (acc, intv, format_interval(intv, acc)))
for tmp in intervals_as_str:
intv = str2interval(str_interval = tmp)
if intv is None:
print(tmp, '->', intv)
for acc in _accuracy_strings:
print ('[%s]: "%s" -> "%s"' % (acc, tmp, format_interval(intv, acc)))
def test_format_interval_medically():
now = pydt_now_here()
print(format_interval_medically(now - now, terse = False))
print(format_interval_medically(now - now, terse = True))
intervals = [
pyDT.timedelta(seconds = 1),
pyDT.timedelta(seconds = 5),
pyDT.timedelta(seconds = 30),
pyDT.timedelta(seconds = 60),
pyDT.timedelta(seconds = 94),
pyDT.timedelta(seconds = 120),
pyDT.timedelta(minutes = 5),
pyDT.timedelta(minutes = 30),
pyDT.timedelta(minutes = 60),
pyDT.timedelta(minutes = 90),
pyDT.timedelta(minutes = 120),
pyDT.timedelta(minutes = 200),
pyDT.timedelta(minutes = 400),
pyDT.timedelta(minutes = 600),
pyDT.timedelta(minutes = 800),
pyDT.timedelta(minutes = 1100),
pyDT.timedelta(minutes = 2000),
pyDT.timedelta(minutes = 3500),
pyDT.timedelta(minutes = 4000),
pyDT.timedelta(hours = 1),
pyDT.timedelta(hours = 2),
pyDT.timedelta(hours = 4),
pyDT.timedelta(hours = 8),
pyDT.timedelta(hours = 12),
pyDT.timedelta(hours = 20),
pyDT.timedelta(hours = 23),
pyDT.timedelta(hours = 24),
pyDT.timedelta(hours = 25),
pyDT.timedelta(hours = 30),
pyDT.timedelta(hours = 48),
pyDT.timedelta(hours = 98),
pyDT.timedelta(hours = 120),
pyDT.timedelta(days = 1),
pyDT.timedelta(days = 2),
pyDT.timedelta(days = 4),
pyDT.timedelta(days = 16),
pyDT.timedelta(days = 29),
pyDT.timedelta(days = 30),
pyDT.timedelta(days = 31),
pyDT.timedelta(days = 37),
pyDT.timedelta(days = 40),
pyDT.timedelta(days = 47),
pyDT.timedelta(days = 126),
pyDT.timedelta(days = 127),
pyDT.timedelta(days = 128),
pyDT.timedelta(days = 300),
pyDT.timedelta(days = 359),
pyDT.timedelta(days = 360),
pyDT.timedelta(days = 361),
pyDT.timedelta(days = 362),
pyDT.timedelta(days = 363),
pyDT.timedelta(days = 364),
pyDT.timedelta(days = 365),
pyDT.timedelta(days = 366),
pyDT.timedelta(days = 367),
pyDT.timedelta(days = 400),
pyDT.timedelta(weeks = 53 * 30),
pyDT.timedelta(weeks = 53 * 79, days = 33),
pyDT.timedelta(days = 3650)
idx = 1
for intv in intervals:
print('%s) %s:' % (idx, intv))
print(' -> %s // %s // %s // %s' % (
format_interval_medically(intv, terse = False),
format_interval_medically(intv, terse = False, approximation_prefix = '\u2248'),
format_interval_medically(intv, terse = True),
format_interval_medically(intv, terse = True, approximation_prefix = '\u2248')
idx += 1
if idx / 20 in [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]:
#intv = pyDT.timedelta(days = 3650)
#print ('%s -> %s' % (intv, format_interval_medically(intv)))
def test_str2interval():
print ("testing str2interval()")
print ("----------------------")
for interval_as_str in intervals_as_str:
print ("input: <%s>" % interval_as_str)
print (" ==>", str2interval(str_interval=interval_as_str))
return True
def test_date_time():
print ("DST currently in effect:", dst_currently_in_effect)
print ("current UTC offset:", current_local_utc_offset_in_seconds, "seconds")
print ("current timezone (ISO conformant numeric string):", current_local_iso_numeric_timezone_string)
print ("local timezone class:", cPlatformLocalTimezone)
print ("")
tz = cPlatformLocalTimezone()
print ("local timezone instance:", tz)
print (" (total) UTC offset:", tz.utcoffset(
print (" DST adjustment:", tz.dst(
print (" timezone name:", tz.tzname(
print ("")
print ("current local timezone:", gmCurrentLocalTimezone)
print (" (total) UTC offset:", gmCurrentLocalTimezone.utcoffset(
print (" DST adjustment:", gmCurrentLocalTimezone.dst(
print (" timezone name:", gmCurrentLocalTimezone.tzname(
print ("")
print ("now here:", pydt_now_here())
print ("")
def test_str2fuzzy_timestamp_matches():
print ("testing function str2fuzzy_timestamp_matches")
print ("--------------------------------------------")
val = None
while val != 'exit':
val = input('Enter date fragment ("exit" quits): ')
matches = str2fuzzy_timestamp_matches(str2parse = val)
for match in matches:
print ('label shown :', match['label'])
print ('data attached:', match['data'], match['data'].timestamp)
print ("")
print ("---------------")
def test_cFuzzyTimeStamp():
print ("testing fuzzy timestamp class")
print ("-----------------------------")
fts = cFuzzyTimestamp()
print ("\nfuzzy timestamp <%s '%s'>" % ('class', fts.__class__.__name__))
for accuracy in range(1,8):
fts.accuracy = accuracy
print (" accuracy : %s (%s)" % (accuracy, _accuracy_strings[accuracy]))
print (" format_accurately:", fts.format_accurately())
print (" strftime() :", fts.strftime('%Y %b %d %H:%M:%S'))
print (" print ... :", fts)
print (" print '%%s' %% ... : %s" % fts)
print (" str() :", str(fts))
print (" repr() :", repr(fts))
input('press ENTER to continue')
def test_get_pydt():
print ("testing platform for handling dates before 1970")
print ("-----------------------------------------------")
#ts = mxDT.DateTime(1935, 4, 2)
#fts = cFuzzyTimestamp(timestamp=ts)
#print ("fts :", fts)
#print ("fts.get_pydt():", fts.get_pydt())
def test_calculate_apparent_age():
# test leap year glitches
start = pydt_now_here().replace(year = 2000).replace(month = 2).replace(day = 29)
end = pydt_now_here().replace(year = 2012).replace(month = 2).replace(day = 27)
print ("start is leap year: 29.2.2000")
print (" ", calculate_apparent_age(start = start, end = end))
print (" ", format_apparent_age_medically(calculate_apparent_age(start = start)))
start = pydt_now_here().replace(month = 10).replace(day = 23).replace(year = 1974)
end = pydt_now_here().replace(year = 2012).replace(month = 2).replace(day = 29)
print ("end is leap year: 29.2.2012")
print (" ", calculate_apparent_age(start = start, end = end))
print (" ", format_apparent_age_medically(calculate_apparent_age(start = start)))
start = pydt_now_here().replace(year = 2000).replace(month = 2).replace(day = 29)
end = pydt_now_here().replace(year = 2012).replace(month = 2).replace(day = 29)
print ("start is leap year: 29.2.2000")
print ("end is leap year: 29.2.2012")
print (" ", calculate_apparent_age(start = start, end = end))
print (" ", format_apparent_age_medically(calculate_apparent_age(start = start)))
print ("leap year tests worked")
start = pydt_now_here().replace(month = 10).replace(day = 23).replace(year = 1974)
print (calculate_apparent_age(start = start))
print (format_apparent_age_medically(calculate_apparent_age(start = start)))
start = pydt_now_here().replace(month = 3).replace(day = 13).replace(year = 1979)
print (calculate_apparent_age(start = start))
print (format_apparent_age_medically(calculate_apparent_age(start = start)))
start = pydt_now_here().replace(month = 2, day = 2).replace(year = 1979)
end = pydt_now_here().replace(month = 3).replace(day = 31).replace(year = 1979)
print (calculate_apparent_age(start = start, end = end))
start = pydt_now_here().replace(month = 7, day = 21).replace(year = 2009)
print (format_apparent_age_medically(calculate_apparent_age(start = start)))
print ("-------")
start = pydt_now_here().replace(month = 1).replace(day = 23).replace(hour = 12).replace(minute = 11).replace(year = 2011)
print (calculate_apparent_age(start = start))
print (format_apparent_age_medically(calculate_apparent_age(start = start)))
def test_str2pydt_matches():
print ("testing function str2pydt_matches")
print ("---------------------------------")
val = None
while val != 'exit':
val = input('Enter date fragment ("exit" quits): ')
matches = str2pydt_matches(str2parse = val)
for match in matches:
print ('label shown :', match['label'])
print ('data attached:', match['data'])
print ("")
print ("---------------")
def test_pydt_strftime():
dt = pydt_now_here()
print (pydt_strftime(dt, '-(%Y %b %d)-'))
print (pydt_strftime(dt))
print (pydt_strftime(dt, accuracy = acc_days))
print (pydt_strftime(dt, accuracy = acc_minutes))
print (pydt_strftime(dt, accuracy = acc_seconds))
dt = dt.replace(year = 1899)
print (pydt_strftime(dt))
print (pydt_strftime(dt, accuracy = acc_days))
print (pydt_strftime(dt, accuracy = acc_minutes))
print (pydt_strftime(dt, accuracy = acc_seconds))
dt = dt.replace(year = 198)
print (pydt_strftime(dt, accuracy = acc_seconds))
def test_is_leap_year():
for idx in range(120):
year = 1993 + idx
tmp, offset = divmod(idx, 4)
if is_leap_year(year):
print (offset+1, '--', year, 'leaps')
print (offset+1, '--', year)
def test_get_date_of_weekday_in_week_of_date():
dt = pydt_now_here()
print('weekday', dt.isoweekday(), '(2day):', dt)
for weekday in range(8):
dt = get_date_of_weekday_in_week_of_date(weekday)
print('weekday', weekday, '(same):', dt)
dt = get_date_of_weekday_following_date(weekday)
print('weekday', weekday, '(next):', dt)
except ValueError as exc:
except ValueError as exc:
def test__numbers_only():
for val in range(-1, 35):
matches = __numbers_only(str(val))
print(val, ':')
for m in matches:
print(' ', m)
# GNUmed libs
Global variables
Default patterns being passed to strptime().
var STR2PYDT_PARSERS : list[typing.Callable[[str], dict]]
Specialized parsers for string -> datetime conversion.
def calculate_apparent_age(start=None, end=None) ‑> tuple
Calculate age in a way humans naively expect it.
This does not take into account time zones which may shift the result by up to one day.
- the beginning of the period-to-be-aged, the 'birth' if you will
- the end of the period, default now
A tuple (years, …, seconds) as simple differences between the fields:
(years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds)
Expand source code
def calculate_apparent_age(start=None, end=None) -> tuple: """Calculate age in a way humans naively expect it. This does *not* take into account time zones which may shift the result by up to one day. Args: start: the beginning of the period-to-be-aged, the 'birth' if you will end: the end of the period, default *now* Returns: A tuple (years, ..., seconds) as simple differences between the fields: (years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds) """ assert not((end is None) and (start is None)), 'one of <start> or <end> must be given' now = if end is None: if start <= now: end = now else: end = start start = now if end < start: raise ValueError('calculate_apparent_age(): <end> (%s) before <start> (%s)' % (end, start)) if end == start: return (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) # steer clear of leap years if end.month == 2: if == 29: if not is_leap_year(start.year): end = end.replace(day = 28) # years years = end.year - start.year end = end.replace(year = start.year) if end < start: years = years - 1 # months if end.month == start.month: if end < start: months = 11 else: months = 0 else: months = end.month - start.month if months < 0: months = months + 12 if > gregorian_month_length[start.month]: end = end.replace(month = start.month, day = gregorian_month_length[start.month]) else: end = end.replace(month = start.month) if end < start: months = months - 1 # days if == if end < start: days = gregorian_month_length[start.month] - 1 else: days = 0 else: days = - if days < 0: days = days + gregorian_month_length[start.month] end = end.replace(day = if end < start: days = days - 1 # hours if end.hour == start.hour: hours = 0 else: hours = end.hour - start.hour if hours < 0: hours = hours + 24 end = end.replace(hour = start.hour) if end < start: hours = hours - 1 # minutes if end.minute == start.minute: minutes = 0 else: minutes = end.minute - start.minute if minutes < 0: minutes = minutes + 60 end = end.replace(minute = start.minute) if end < start: minutes = minutes - 1 # seconds if end.second == start.second: seconds = 0 else: seconds = end.second - start.second if seconds < 0: seconds = seconds + 60 end = end.replace(second = start.second) if end < start: seconds = seconds - 1 return (years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds)
def format_apparent_age_medically(age=None)
must be a tuple as created by calculate_apparent_age() Expand source code
def format_apparent_age_medically(age=None): """<age> must be a tuple as created by calculate_apparent_age()""" (years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds) = age # at least 1 year ? if years > 0: if months == 0: return '%s%s' % ( years, _('y::year_abbreviation').replace('::year_abbreviation', '') ) return '%s%s %s%s' % ( years, _('y::year_abbreviation').replace('::year_abbreviation', ''), months, _('m::month_abbreviation').replace('::month_abbreviation', '') ) # at least 1 month ? if months > 0: if days == 0: return '%s%s' % ( months, _('mo::month_only_abbreviation').replace('::month_only_abbreviation', '') ) result = '%s%s' % ( months, _('m::month_abbreviation').replace('::month_abbreviation', '') ) weeks, days = divmod(days, 7) if int(weeks) != 0: result += '%s%s' % ( int(weeks), _('w::week_abbreviation').replace('::week_abbreviation', '') ) if int(days) != 0: result += '%s%s' % ( int(days), _('d::day_abbreviation').replace('::day_abbreviation', '') ) return result # between 7 days and 1 month if days > 7: return "%s%s" % ( days, _('d::day_abbreviation').replace('::day_abbreviation', '') ) # between 1 and 7 days ? if days > 0: if hours == 0: return '%s%s' % ( days, _('d::day_abbreviation').replace('::day_abbreviation', '') ) return '%s%s (%s%s)' % ( days, _('d::day_abbreviation').replace('::day_abbreviation', ''), hours, _('h::hour_abbreviation').replace('::hour_abbreviation', '') ) # between 5 hours and 1 day if hours > 5: return '%s%s' % ( hours, _('h::hour_abbreviation').replace('::hour_abbreviation', '') ) # between 1 and 5 hours if hours > 1: if minutes == 0: return '%s%s' % ( hours, _('h::hour_abbreviation').replace('::hour_abbreviation', '') ) return '%s:%02d' % ( hours, minutes ) # between 5 and 60 minutes if minutes > 5: return "0:%02d" % minutes # less than 5 minutes if minutes == 0: return '%s%s' % ( seconds, _('s::second_abbreviation').replace('::second_abbreviation', '') ) if seconds == 0: return "0:%02d" % minutes return "%s.%s%s" % ( minutes, seconds, _('s::second_abbreviation').replace('::second_abbreviation', '') )
def format_dob(dob: datetime.datetime, format='%Y %b %d', none_string=None, dob_is_estimated=False)
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def format_dob(dob:pyDT.datetime, format='%Y %b %d', none_string=None, dob_is_estimated=False): if dob is None: if none_string is None: return _('** DOB unknown **') return none_string dob_txt = pydt_strftime(dob, format = format, accuracy = acc_days) if dob_is_estimated: return '%s%s' % ('\u2248', dob_txt) return dob_txt
def format_interval(interval=None, accuracy_wanted=None, none_string=None, verbose=False)
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def format_interval(interval=None, accuracy_wanted=None, none_string=None, verbose=False): if accuracy_wanted is None: accuracy_wanted = acc_seconds if interval is None: if none_string is not None: return none_string years, days = divmod(interval.days, avg_days_per_gregorian_year) months, days = divmod(days, avg_days_per_gregorian_month) weeks, days = divmod(days, days_per_week) days, secs = divmod((days * avg_seconds_per_day) + interval.seconds, avg_seconds_per_day) hours, secs = divmod(secs, 3600) mins, secs = divmod(secs, 60) if verbose: years_tag = ' ' + (_('year') if years == 1 else _('years')) months_tag = ' ' + (_('month') if months == 1 else _('months')) weeks_tag = ' ' + (_('week') if weeks == 1 else _('weeks')) days_tag = ' ' + (_('day') if days == 1 else _('days')) hours_tag = ' ' + (_('hour') if hours == 1 else _('hours')) minutes_tag = ' ' + (_('minute') if mins == 1 else _('minutes')) seconds_tag = ' ' + (_('second') if secs == 1 else _('seconds')) else: years_tag = _('interval_format_tag::years::y')[-1:] months_tag = _('interval_format_tag::months::m')[-1:] weeks_tag = _('interval_format_tag::weeks::w')[-1:] days_tag = _('interval_format_tag::days::d')[-1:] hours_tag = '/24' minutes_tag = '/60' seconds_tag = 's' # special cases if years == 0: if accuracy_wanted < acc_months: return _('0 years') if verbose else '0%s' % years_tag if years + months == 0: if accuracy_wanted < acc_weeks: return _('0 months') if verbose else '0%s' % months_tag if years + months + weeks == 0: if accuracy_wanted < acc_days: return _('0 weeks') if verbose else '0%s' % weeks_tag if years + months + weeks + days == 0: if accuracy_wanted < acc_hours: return _('0 days') if verbose else '0%s' % days_tag if years + months + weeks + days + hours == 0: if accuracy_wanted < acc_minutes: return _('0 hours') if verbose else '0/24' if years + months + weeks + days + hours + mins == 0: if accuracy_wanted < acc_seconds: return _('0 minutes') if verbose else '0/60' if years + months + weeks + days + hours + mins + secs == 0: return _('0 seconds') if verbose else '0s' # normal cases formatted_intv = '' if years > 0: formatted_intv += '%s%s' % (int(years), years_tag) if accuracy_wanted < acc_months: return formatted_intv.strip() if months > 0: formatted_intv += ' %s%s' % (int(months), months_tag) if accuracy_wanted < acc_weeks: return formatted_intv.strip() if weeks > 0: formatted_intv += ' %s%s' % (int(weeks), weeks_tag) if accuracy_wanted < acc_days: return formatted_intv.strip() if days > 0: formatted_intv += ' %s%s' % (int(days), days_tag) if accuracy_wanted < acc_hours: return formatted_intv.strip() if hours > 0: formatted_intv += ' %s%s' % (int(hours), hours_tag) if accuracy_wanted < acc_minutes: return formatted_intv.strip() if mins > 0: formatted_intv += ' %s%s' % (int(mins), minutes_tag) if accuracy_wanted < acc_seconds: return formatted_intv.strip() if secs > 0: formatted_intv += ' %s%s' % (int(secs), seconds_tag) return formatted_intv.strip()
def format_interval_medically(interval: datetime.timedelta = None, terse: bool = False, approximation_prefix: str = None, zero_duration_strings: list[str] = None)
Formats an interval.
This isn't mathematically correct but close enough for display.
- the interval to format
- output terse formatting or not
- an approxiation mark to apply in the formatting, if any
- a list of two strings, terse and verbose form, to return if a zero duration interval is to be formatted
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def format_interval_medically(interval:pyDT.timedelta=None, terse:bool=False, approximation_prefix:str=None, zero_duration_strings:list[str]=None): """Formats an interval. This isn't mathematically correct but close enough for display. Args: interval: the interval to format terse: output terse formatting or not approximation_mark: an approxiation mark to apply in the formatting, if any zero_duration_strings: a list of two strings, terse and verbose form, to return if a zero duration interval is to be formatted """ assert interval is not None, '<interval> must be given' if interval.total_seconds() == 0: if not zero_duration_strings: zero_duration_strings = [ _('zero_duration_symbol::\u2300').removeprefix('zero_duration_symbol::'), _('zero_duration_text::no duration').removeprefix('zero_duration_text::') ] if terse: return zero_duration_strings[0] return zero_duration_strings[1] spacer = '' if terse else ' ' prefix = approximation_prefix if approximation_prefix else '' # more than 1 year ? if interval.days > 364: years, days = divmod(interval.days, avg_days_per_gregorian_year) months, day = divmod(days, 30.33) if int(months) == 0: return '%s%s%s%s' % ( prefix, spacer, int(years), _('interval_format_tag::years::y')[-1:] ) return '%s%s%s%s%s%s%s' % ( prefix, spacer, int(years), _('interval_format_tag::years::y')[-1:], spacer, int(months), _('interval_format_tag::months::m')[-1:] ) # more than 30 days / 1 month ? if interval.days > 30: months, days = divmod(interval.days, 30.33) # type: ignore [assignment] weeks, days = divmod(days, 7) result = '%s%s%s%s' % ( prefix, spacer, int(months), _('interval_format_tag::months::m')[-1:] ) if int(weeks) != 0: result += '%s%s%s' % (spacer, int(weeks), _('interval_format_tag::weeks::w')[-1:]) if int(days) != 0: result += '%s%s%s' % (spacer, int(days), _('interval_format_tag::days::d')[-1:]) return result # between 7 and 30 days ? if interval.days > 7: return '%s%s%s%s' % (prefix, spacer, interval.days, _('interval_format_tag::days::d')[-1:]) # between 1 and 7 days ? if interval.days > 0: hours, seconds = divmod(interval.seconds, 3600) if hours == 0: return '%s%s%s%s' % (prefix, spacer, interval.days, _('interval_format_tag::days::d')[-1:]) return "%s%s%s%s%s%sh" % ( prefix, spacer, interval.days, _('interval_format_tag::days::d')[-1:], spacer, int(hours) ) # between 5 hours and 1 day if interval.seconds > (5*3600): return '%s%s%sh' % (prefix, spacer, int(interval.seconds // 3600)) # between 1 and 5 hours if interval.seconds > 3600: hours, seconds = divmod(interval.seconds, 3600) minutes = seconds // 60 if minutes == 0: return '%s%s%sh' % (prefix, spacer, int(hours)) return '%s:%02d' % (int(hours), int(minutes)) # minutes only if interval.seconds > (5*60): return "0:%02d" % (int(interval.seconds // 60)) # seconds minutes, seconds = divmod(interval.seconds, 60) if minutes == 0: return '%ss' % int(seconds) if seconds == 0: return '0:%02d' % int(minutes) return '%s.%ss' % (int(minutes), int(seconds))
def format_pregnancy_months(age)
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def format_pregnancy_months(age): months, remainder = divmod(age.days, 28) return '%s%s' % ( int(months) + 1, _('interval_format_tag::months::m')[-1:] )
def format_pregnancy_weeks(age)
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def format_pregnancy_weeks(age): weeks, days = divmod(age.days, 7) return '%s%s%s%s' % ( int(weeks), _('interval_format_tag::weeks::w')[-1:], int(days), _('interval_format_tag::days::d')[-1:] )
def get_date_of_weekday_following_date(weekday, base_dt: datetime.datetime = None)
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def get_date_of_weekday_following_date(weekday, base_dt:pyDT.datetime=None): # weekday: # 0 = Sunday # will be wrapped to 7 # 1 = Monday ... if weekday not in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: raise ValueError('weekday must be in 0 (Sunday) to 7 (Sunday, again)') if weekday == 0: weekday = 7 if base_dt is None: base_dt = pydt_now_here() dt_weekday = base_dt.isoweekday() # 1 = Mon days2add = weekday - dt_weekday if days2add == 0: days2add = 7 elif days2add < 0: days2add += 7 return pydt_add(base_dt, days = days2add)
def get_date_of_weekday_in_week_of_date(weekday, base_dt: datetime.datetime = None) ‑> datetime.datetime
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def get_date_of_weekday_in_week_of_date(weekday, base_dt:pyDT.datetime=None) -> pyDT.datetime: # weekday: # 0 = Sunday # 1 = Monday ... assert weekday in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7], 'weekday must be in 0 (Sunday) to 7 (Sunday, again)' if base_dt is None: base_dt = pydt_now_here() dt_weekday = base_dt.isoweekday() # 1 = Mon day_diff = dt_weekday - weekday days2add = (-1 * day_diff) return pydt_add(base_dt, days = days2add)
def get_last_month(dt: datetime.datetime)
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def get_last_month(dt:pyDT.datetime): last_month = dt.month - 1 if last_month == 0: return 12 return last_month
def get_next_month(dt: datetime.datetime)
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def get_next_month(dt:pyDT.datetime): next_month = dt.month + 1 if next_month == 13: return 1 return next_month
def init()
Initialize date/time handling and log date/time environment.
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def init(): """Initialize date/time handling and log date/time environment.""" _log.debug(' : [%s]' % _log.debug('time.localtime() : [%s]' % str(time.localtime())) _log.debug('time.gmtime() : [%s]' % str(time.gmtime())) try: _log.debug('$TZ: [%s]' % os.environ['TZ']) except KeyError: _log.debug('$TZ not defined') _log.debug('time.daylight : [%s] (whether or not DST is locally used at all)', time.daylight) _log.debug('time.timezone : [%s] seconds (+/-: WEST/EAST of Greenwich)', time.timezone) _log.debug('time.altzone : [%s] seconds (+/-: WEST/EAST of Greenwich)', time.altzone) _log.debug('time.tzname : [%s / %s] (non-DST / DST)' % time.tzname) _log.debug('time.localtime.tm_zone : [%s]', time.localtime().tm_zone) _log.debug('time.localtime.tm_gmtoff: [%s]', time.localtime().tm_gmtoff) global py_timezone_name py_timezone_name = time.tzname[0] global py_dst_timezone_name py_dst_timezone_name = time.tzname[1] global dst_locally_in_use dst_locally_in_use = (time.daylight != 0) global dst_currently_in_effect dst_currently_in_effect = bool(time.localtime()[8]) _log.debug('DST currently in effect: [%s]' % dst_currently_in_effect) if (not dst_locally_in_use) and dst_currently_in_effect: _log.error('system inconsistency: DST not in use - but DST currently in effect ?') global current_local_utc_offset_in_seconds msg = 'DST currently%sin effect: using UTC offset of [%s] seconds instead of [%s] seconds' if dst_currently_in_effect: current_local_utc_offset_in_seconds = time.altzone * -1 _log.debug(msg % (' ', time.altzone * -1, time.timezone * -1)) else: current_local_utc_offset_in_seconds = time.timezone * -1 _log.debug(msg % (' not ', time.timezone * -1, time.altzone * -1)) if current_local_utc_offset_in_seconds < 0: _log.debug('UTC offset is negative, assuming WEST of Greenwich (clock is "behind")') elif current_local_utc_offset_in_seconds > 0: _log.debug('UTC offset is positive, assuming EAST of Greenwich (clock is "ahead")') else: _log.debug('UTC offset is ZERO, assuming Greenwich Time') global current_local_iso_numeric_timezone_string current_local_iso_numeric_timezone_string = '%s' % current_local_utc_offset_in_seconds _log.debug('ISO numeric timezone string: [%s]' % current_local_iso_numeric_timezone_string) global current_local_timezone_name try: current_local_timezone_name = os.environ['TZ'] except KeyError: if dst_currently_in_effect: current_local_timezone_name = time.tzname[1] else: current_local_timezone_name = time.tzname[0] global gmCurrentLocalTimezone gmCurrentLocalTimezone = cPlatformLocalTimezone() _log.debug('local-timezone class: %s', cPlatformLocalTimezone) _log.debug('local-timezone instance: %s', gmCurrentLocalTimezone)
def is_leap_year(year)
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def is_leap_year(year): if year < 1582: # no leap years before Gregorian Reform _log.debug('%s: before Gregorian Reform', year) return False # year is multiple of 4 ? div, remainder = divmod(year, 4) # * NOT divisible by 4 # -> common year if remainder > 0: return False # year is a multiple of 100 ? div, remainder = divmod(year, 100) # * divisible by 4 # * NOT divisible by 100 # -> leap year if remainder > 0: return True # year is a multiple of 400 ? div, remainder = divmod(year, 400) # * divisible by 4 # * divisible by 100, so, perhaps not leaping ? # * but ALSO divisible by 400 # -> leap year if remainder == 0: return True # all others # -> common year return False
def pydt_add(dt: datetime.datetime, years=0, months=0, weeks=0, days=0, hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=0, milliseconds=0, microseconds=0)
Add some time to a given datetime.
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def pydt_add(dt:pyDT.datetime, years=0, months=0, weeks=0, days=0, hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=0, milliseconds=0, microseconds=0): """Add some time to a given datetime.""" if months > 11 or months < -11: raise ValueError('pydt_add(): months must be within [-11..11]') dt = dt + pyDT.timedelta ( weeks = weeks, days = days, hours = hours, minutes = minutes, seconds = seconds, milliseconds = milliseconds, microseconds = microseconds ) if (years == 0) and (months == 0): return dt target_year = dt.year + years target_month = dt.month + months if target_month > 12: target_year += 1 target_month -= 12 elif target_month < 1: target_year -= 1 target_month += 12 return pydt_replace(dt, year = target_year, month = target_month, strict = False)
def pydt_is_same_day(dt1, dt2)
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def pydt_is_same_day(dt1, dt2): if != return False if dt1.month != dt2.month: return False if dt1.year != dt2.year: return False return True
def pydt_is_today(dt)
Check wheter
- is today.
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def pydt_is_today(dt): """Check wheter <dt> is today.""" if not dt: return None now = return pydt_is_same_day(dt, now)
def pydt_is_yesterday(dt)
Check wheter
- is yesterday.
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def pydt_is_yesterday(dt): """Check wheter <dt> is yesterday.""" if not dt: return None yesterday = - pyDT.timedelta(days = 1) return pydt_is_same_day(dt, yesterday)
def pydt_max_here()
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def pydt_max_here(): return pyDT.datetime.max.replace(tzinfo = gmCurrentLocalTimezone)
def pydt_now_here()
Returns NOW @ HERE (IOW, in the local timezone.
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def pydt_now_here(): """Returns NOW @ HERE (IOW, in the local timezone.""" return
def pydt_replace(dt: datetime.datetime, strict=True, year=None, month=None, day=None, hour=None, minute=None, second=None, microsecond=None, tzinfo=None)
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def pydt_replace(dt:pyDT.datetime, strict=True, year=None, month=None, day=None, hour=None, minute=None, second=None, microsecond=None, tzinfo=None): # normalization required because .replace() does not # deal with keyword arguments being None ... if year is None: year = dt.year if month is None: month = dt.month if day is None: day = if hour is None: hour = dt.hour if minute is None: minute = dt.minute if second is None: second = dt.second if microsecond is None: microsecond = dt.microsecond if tzinfo is None: tzinfo = dt.tzinfo # can fail on naive dt's if strict: return dt.replace(year = year, month = month, day = day, hour = hour, minute = minute, second = second, microsecond = microsecond, tzinfo = tzinfo) try: return dt.replace(year = year, month = month, day = day, hour = hour, minute = minute, second = second, microsecond = microsecond, tzinfo = tzinfo) except ValueError: _log.debug('error replacing datetime member(s): %s', locals()) # (target/existing) day did not exist in target month (which raised the exception) if month == 2: if day > 28: if is_leap_year(year): day = 29 else: day = 28 else: if day == 31: day = 30 return dt.replace(year = year, month = month, day = day, hour = hour, minute = minute, second = second, microsecond = microsecond, tzinfo = tzinfo)
def pydt_strftime(dt=None, format='%Y %b %d %H:%M.%S', accuracy=None, none_str=None)
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def pydt_strftime(dt=None, format='%Y %b %d %H:%M.%S', accuracy=None, none_str=None): if dt is None: if none_str is not None: return none_str raise ValueError('must provide <none_str> if <dt>=None is to be dealt with') try: return dt.strftime(format) except ValueError: _log.exception() return 'strftime() error'
def str2fuzzy_timestamp_matches(str2parse=None, default_time=None, patterns=None)
Turn a string into candidate fuzzy timestamps and auto-completions the user is likely to type.
You MUST have called locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') somewhere in your code previously.
@param default_time: if you want to force the time part of the time stamp to a given value and the user doesn't type any time part this value will be used @type default_time: an mx.DateTime.DateTimeDelta instance
@param patterns: list of [time.strptime compatible date/time pattern, accuracy] @type patterns: list
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def str2fuzzy_timestamp_matches(str2parse=None, default_time=None, patterns=None): """ Turn a string into candidate fuzzy timestamps and auto-completions the user is likely to type. You MUST have called locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') somewhere in your code previously. @param default_time: if you want to force the time part of the time stamp to a given value and the user doesn't type any time part this value will be used @type default_time: an mx.DateTime.DateTimeDelta instance @param patterns: list of [time.strptime compatible date/time pattern, accuracy] @type patterns: list """ matches = [] matches.extend(__numbers_only(str2parse)) matches.extend(__single_slash(str2parse)) matches.extend ([ { 'data': cFuzzyTimestamp(timestamp = m['data'], accuracy = acc_days), 'label': m['label'] } for m in __single_dot2py_dt(str2parse) ]) matches.extend ([ { 'data': cFuzzyTimestamp(timestamp = m['data'], accuracy = acc_days), 'label': m['label'] } for m in __single_char2py_dt(str2parse) ]) matches.extend ([ { 'data': cFuzzyTimestamp(timestamp = m['data'], accuracy = acc_days), 'label': m['label'] } for m in __explicit_offset2py_dt(str2parse) ]) if patterns is None: patterns = [] patterns.extend([ '%Y-%m-%d', '%y-%m-%d', '%Y/%m/%d', '%y/%m/%d', '%d-%m-%Y', '%d-%m-%y', '%d/%m/%Y', '%d/%m/%y', '%d.%m.%Y', '%m-%d-%Y', '%m-%d-%y', '%m/%d/%Y', '%m/%d/%y' ]) parts = str2parse.split(maxsplit = 1) hour = 11 minute = 11 second = 11 acc = acc_days if len(parts) > 1: for pattern in ['%H:%M', '%H:%M:%S']: try: date = pyDT.datetime.strptime(parts[1], pattern) hour = date.hour minute = date.minute second = date.second acc = acc_minutes break except ValueError: # C-level overflow continue for pattern in patterns: try: ts = pyDT.datetime.strptime(parts[0], pattern).replace ( hour = hour, minute = minute, second = second, tzinfo = gmCurrentLocalTimezone ) fts = cFuzzyTimestamp(timestamp = ts, accuracy = acc) matches.append ({ 'data': fts, 'label': fts.format_accurately() }) except ValueError: # C-level overflow continue return matches
def str2interval(str_interval=None)
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def str2interval(str_interval=None): unit_keys = { 'year': _('yYaA_keys_year'), 'month': _('mM_keys_month'), 'week': _('wW_keys_week'), 'day': _('dD_keys_day'), 'hour': _('hH_keys_hour') } str_interval = str_interval.strip() # "(~)35(yY)" - at age 35 years keys = '|'.join(list(unit_keys['year'].replace('_keys_year', ''))) if regex.match(r'^~*(\s|\t)*\d+(%s)*$' % keys, str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE): return pyDT.timedelta(days = (int(regex.findall(r'\d+', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE)[0]) * avg_days_per_gregorian_year)) # "(~)12mM" - at age 12 months keys = '|'.join(list(unit_keys['month'].replace('_keys_month', ''))) if regex.match(r'^~*(\s|\t)*\d+(\s|\t)*(%s)+$' % keys, str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE): years, months = divmod ( int(regex.findall(r'\d+', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE)[0]), 12 ) return pyDT.timedelta(days = ((years * avg_days_per_gregorian_year) + (months * avg_days_per_gregorian_month))) # weeks keys = '|'.join(list(unit_keys['week'].replace('_keys_week', ''))) if regex.match(r'^~*(\s|\t)*\d+(\s|\t)*(%s)+$' % keys, str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE): return pyDT.timedelta(weeks = int(regex.findall(r'\d+', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE)[0])) # days keys = '|'.join(list(unit_keys['day'].replace('_keys_day', ''))) if regex.match(r'^~*(\s|\t)*\d+(\s|\t)*(%s)+$' % keys, str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE): return pyDT.timedelta(days = int(regex.findall(r'\d+', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE)[0])) # hours keys = '|'.join(list(unit_keys['hour'].replace('_keys_hour', ''))) if regex.match(r'^~*(\s|\t)*\d+(\s|\t)*(%s)+$' % keys, str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE): return pyDT.timedelta(hours = int(regex.findall(r'\d+', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE)[0])) # x/12 - months if regex.match(r'^~*(\s|\t)*\d+(\s|\t)*/(\s|\t)*12$', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE): years, months = divmod ( int(regex.findall(r'\d+', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE)[0]), 12 ) return pyDT.timedelta(days = ((years * avg_days_per_gregorian_year) + (months * avg_days_per_gregorian_month))) # x/52 - weeks if regex.match(r'^~*(\s|\t)*\d+(\s|\t)*/(\s|\t)*52$', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE): return pyDT.timedelta(weeks = int(regex.findall(r'\d+', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE)[0])) # x/7 - days if regex.match(r'^~*(\s|\t)*\d+(\s|\t)*/(\s|\t)*7$', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE): return pyDT.timedelta(days = int(regex.findall(r'\d+', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE)[0])) # x/24 - hours if regex.match(r'^~*(\s|\t)*\d+(\s|\t)*/(\s|\t)*24$', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE): return pyDT.timedelta(hours = int(regex.findall(r'\d+', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE)[0])) # x/60 - minutes if regex.match(r'^~*(\s|\t)*\d+(\s|\t)*/(\s|\t)*60$', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE): return pyDT.timedelta(minutes = int(regex.findall(r'\d+', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE)[0])) # nYnM - years, months keys_year = '|'.join(list(unit_keys['year'].replace('_keys_year', ''))) keys_month = '|'.join(list(unit_keys['month'].replace('_keys_month', ''))) if regex.match(r'^~*(\s|\t)*\d+(%s|\s|\t)+\d+(\s|\t)*(%s)+$' % (keys_year, keys_month), str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE): parts = regex.findall(r'\d+', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE) years, months = divmod(int(parts[1]), 12) years += int(parts[0]) return pyDT.timedelta(days = ((years * avg_days_per_gregorian_year) + (months * avg_days_per_gregorian_month))) # nMnW - months, weeks keys_month = '|'.join(list(unit_keys['month'].replace('_keys_month', ''))) keys_week = '|'.join(list(unit_keys['week'].replace('_keys_week', ''))) if regex.match(r'^~*(\s|\t)*\d+(%s|\s|\t)+\d+(\s|\t)*(%s)+$' % (keys_month, keys_week), str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE): parts = regex.findall(r'\d+', str_interval, flags = regex.UNICODE) months, weeks = divmod(int(parts[1]), 4) months += int(parts[0]) return pyDT.timedelta(days = ((months * avg_days_per_gregorian_month) + (weeks * days_per_week))) return None
def str2pydt_matches(str2parse: str = None, patterns: list = None) ‑> list
Turn a string into candidate datetimes.
- string to turn into candidate datetimes
- additional patterns to try with strptime()
A number of default patterns will be tried. Also, a few specialized parsers will be run. See the source for details.
If the input contains a space followed by more characters matching either hour:minute or hour:minute:second that will be used as the time part of the datetime returned. Otherwise 11:11:11 will be used as default.
Note: You must have previously called
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
somewhere in your code.
List of Python datetimes the input could be parsed as.
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def str2pydt_matches(str2parse:str=None, patterns:list=None) -> list: """Turn a string into candidate datetimes. Args: str2parse: string to turn into candidate datetimes patterns: additional patterns to try with strptime() A number of default patterns will be tried. Also, a few specialized parsers will be run. See the source for details. If the input contains a space followed by more characters matching either hour:minute or hour:minute:second that will be used as the time part of the datetime returned. Otherwise 11:11:11 will be used as default. Note: You must have previously called locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') somewhere in your code. Returns: List of Python datetimes the input could be parsed as. """ matches:list[dict] = [] for parser in STR2PYDT_PARSERS: matches.extend(parser(str2parse)) parts = str2parse.split(maxsplit = 1) hour = 11 minute = 11 second = 11 acc = acc_days lbl_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d' if len(parts) > 1: for pattern in ['%H:%M', '%H:%M:%S']: try: date = pyDT.datetime.strptime(parts[1], pattern) hour = date.hour minute = date.minute second = date.second acc = acc_minutes lbl_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M' break except ValueError: # C-level overflow continue if patterns is None: patterns = [] patterns.extend(STR2PYDT_DEFAULT_PATTERNS) for pattern in patterns: try: date = pyDT.datetime.strptime(parts[0], pattern).replace ( hour = hour, minute = minute, second = second, tzinfo = gmCurrentLocalTimezone ) matches.append ({ 'data': date, 'label': pydt_strftime(date, format = lbl_fmt, accuracy = acc) }) except ValueError: # C-level overflow continue return matches
def wxDate2py_dt(wxDate=None)
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def wxDate2py_dt(wxDate=None): if not wxDate.IsValid(): raise ValueError ('invalid wxDate: %s-%s-%s %s:%s %s.%s', wxDate.GetYear(), wxDate.GetMonth(), wxDate.GetDay(), wxDate.GetHour(), wxDate.GetMinute(), wxDate.GetSecond(), wxDate.GetMillisecond() ) try: return pyDT.datetime ( year = wxDate.GetYear(), month = wxDate.GetMonth() + 1, day = wxDate.GetDay(), tzinfo = gmCurrentLocalTimezone ) except Exception: _log.debug ('error converting wxDateTime to Python: %s-%s-%s %s:%s %s.%s', wxDate.GetYear(), wxDate.GetMonth(), wxDate.GetDay(), wxDate.GetHour(), wxDate.GetMinute(), wxDate.GetSecond(), wxDate.GetMillisecond() ) raise
class cFuzzyTimestamp (timestamp=None, accuracy=8, modifier='')
A timestamp implementation with definable inaccuracy.
This class contains an datetime.datetime instance to hold the actual timestamp. It adds an accuracy attribute to allow the programmer to set the precision of the timestamp.
The timestamp will have to be initialized with a fully precise value (which may, of course, contain partially fake data to make up for missing values). One can then set the accuracy value to indicate up to which part of the timestamp the data is valid. Optionally a modifier can be set to indicate further specification of the value (such as "summer", "afternoon", etc).
accuracy values: 1: year only … 7: everything including milliseconds value
Unfortunately, one cannot directly derive a class from mx.DateTime.DateTime :-(
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class cFuzzyTimestamp: # FIXME: add properties for year, month, ... """A timestamp implementation with definable inaccuracy. This class contains an datetime.datetime instance to hold the actual timestamp. It adds an accuracy attribute to allow the programmer to set the precision of the timestamp. The timestamp will have to be initialized with a fully precise value (which may, of course, contain partially fake data to make up for missing values). One can then set the accuracy value to indicate up to which part of the timestamp the data is valid. Optionally a modifier can be set to indicate further specification of the value (such as "summer", "afternoon", etc). accuracy values: 1: year only ... 7: everything including milliseconds value Unfortunately, one cannot directly derive a class from mx.DateTime.DateTime :-( """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, timestamp=None, accuracy=acc_subseconds, modifier=''): if timestamp is None: timestamp = pydt_now_here() accuracy = acc_subseconds modifier = '' if (accuracy < 1) or (accuracy > 8): raise ValueError('%s.__init__(): <accuracy> must be between 1 and 8' % self.__class__.__name__) if not isinstance(timestamp, pyDT.datetime): raise TypeError('%s.__init__(): <timestamp> must be of datetime.datetime type, but is %s' % self.__class__.__name__, type(timestamp)) if timestamp.tzinfo is None: raise ValueError('%s.__init__(): <tzinfo> must be defined' % self.__class__.__name__) self.timestamp = timestamp self.accuracy = accuracy self.modifier = modifier #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # magic API #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def __str__(self): """Return string representation meaningful to a user, also for %s formatting.""" return self.format_accurately() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def __repr__(self): """Return string meaningful to a programmer to aid in debugging.""" tmp = '<[%s]: timestamp [%s], accuracy [%s] (%s), modifier [%s] at %s>' % ( self.__class__.__name__, repr(self.timestamp), self.accuracy, _accuracy_strings[self.accuracy], self.modifier, id(self) ) return tmp #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # external API #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def strftime(self, format_string): if self.accuracy == 7: return self.timestamp.strftime(format_string) return self.format_accurately() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def Format(self, format_string): return self.strftime(format_string) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def format_accurately(self, accuracy=None): if accuracy is None: accuracy = self.accuracy if accuracy == acc_years: return str(self.timestamp.year) if accuracy == acc_months: return self.timestamp.strftime('%m/%Y') # FIXME: use 3-letter month ? if accuracy == acc_weeks: return self.timestamp.strftime('%m/%Y') # FIXME: use 3-letter month ? if accuracy == acc_days: return self.timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if accuracy == acc_hours: return self.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %I%p") if accuracy == acc_minutes: return self.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") if accuracy == acc_seconds: return self.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if accuracy == acc_subseconds: return self.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") raise ValueError('%s.format_accurately(): <accuracy> (%s) must be between 1 and 7' % ( self.__class__.__name__, accuracy )) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_pydt(self): return self.timestamp
def Format(self, format_string)
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def Format(self, format_string): return self.strftime(format_string)
def format_accurately(self, accuracy=None)
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def format_accurately(self, accuracy=None): if accuracy is None: accuracy = self.accuracy if accuracy == acc_years: return str(self.timestamp.year) if accuracy == acc_months: return self.timestamp.strftime('%m/%Y') # FIXME: use 3-letter month ? if accuracy == acc_weeks: return self.timestamp.strftime('%m/%Y') # FIXME: use 3-letter month ? if accuracy == acc_days: return self.timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if accuracy == acc_hours: return self.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %I%p") if accuracy == acc_minutes: return self.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") if accuracy == acc_seconds: return self.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if accuracy == acc_subseconds: return self.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") raise ValueError('%s.format_accurately(): <accuracy> (%s) must be between 1 and 7' % ( self.__class__.__name__, accuracy ))
def get_pydt(self)
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def get_pydt(self): return self.timestamp
def strftime(self, format_string)
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def strftime(self, format_string): if self.accuracy == 7: return self.timestamp.strftime(format_string) return self.format_accurately()
class cPlatformLocalTimezone
Local timezone implementation (lifted from the docs).
A class capturing the platform's idea of local time.
May result in wrong values on historical times in timezones where UTC offset and/or the DST rules had changed in the past.
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class cPlatformLocalTimezone(pyDT.tzinfo): """Local timezone implementation (lifted from the docs). A class capturing the platform's idea of local time. May result in wrong values on historical times in timezones where UTC offset and/or the DST rules had changed in the past.""" def __init__(self): self._SECOND = pyDT.timedelta(seconds = 1) self._nonDST_OFFSET_FROM_UTC = pyDT.timedelta(seconds = -time.timezone) if time.daylight: self._DST_OFFSET_FROM_UTC = pyDT.timedelta(seconds = -time.altzone) else: self._DST_OFFSET_FROM_UTC = self._nonDST_OFFSET_FROM_UTC self._DST_SHIFT = self._DST_OFFSET_FROM_UTC - self._nonDST_OFFSET_FROM_UTC _log.debug('[%s]: UTC->non-DST offset [%s], UTC->DST offset [%s], DST shift [%s]', self.__class__.__name__, self._nonDST_OFFSET_FROM_UTC, self._DST_OFFSET_FROM_UTC, self._DST_SHIFT) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def fromutc(self, dt): assert dt.tzinfo is self stamp = (dt - pyDT.datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo = self)) // self._SECOND args = time.localtime(stamp)[:6] dst_diff = self._DST_SHIFT // self._SECOND # Detect fold fold = (args == time.localtime(stamp - dst_diff)) return pyDT.datetime(*args, microsecond = dt.microsecond, tzinfo = self, fold = fold) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def utcoffset(self, dt): if self._isdst(dt): return self._DST_OFFSET_FROM_UTC return self._nonDST_OFFSET_FROM_UTC #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def dst(self, dt): if self._isdst(dt): return self._DST_SHIFT return pyDT.timedelta(0) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def tzname(self, dt): return time.tzname[self._isdst(dt)] #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def _isdst(self, dt): tt = (dt.year, dt.month,, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second, dt.weekday(), 0, 0) try: stamp = time.mktime(tt) except (OverflowError, ValueError): _log.exception('overflow in time.mktime(%s)', tt) return False tt = time.localtime(stamp) return tt.tm_isdst > 0
- datetime.tzinfo
def dst(self, dt)
datetime -> DST offset as timedelta positive east of UTC.
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def dst(self, dt): if self._isdst(dt): return self._DST_SHIFT return pyDT.timedelta(0)
def fromutc(self, dt)
datetime in UTC -> datetime in local time.
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def fromutc(self, dt): assert dt.tzinfo is self stamp = (dt - pyDT.datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo = self)) // self._SECOND args = time.localtime(stamp)[:6] dst_diff = self._DST_SHIFT // self._SECOND # Detect fold fold = (args == time.localtime(stamp - dst_diff)) return pyDT.datetime(*args, microsecond = dt.microsecond, tzinfo = self, fold = fold)
def tzname(self, dt)
datetime -> string name of time zone.
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def tzname(self, dt): return time.tzname[self._isdst(dt)]
def utcoffset(self, dt)
datetime -> timedelta showing offset from UTC, negative values indicating West of UTC
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def utcoffset(self, dt): if self._isdst(dt): return self._DST_OFFSET_FROM_UTC return self._nonDST_OFFSET_FROM_UTC