Module Gnumed.pycommon.gmDispatcher
GNUmed client internal signal handling.
this code has been written by Patrick O'Brien
downloaded from
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"""GNUmed client internal signal handling.
# this code has been written by Patrick O'Brien <>
# downloaded from
import weakref
import logging
known_signals = [
'current_encounter_modified', # the current encounter was modified externally
'current_encounter_switched', # *another* encounter became the current one
'statustext', # args: msg=message, beep=whether to beep or not
'display_widget', # args: name=name of widget, other=widget specific (see receivers)
'plugin_loaded', # args: name=name of plugin
'clin_item_updated', # sent by SOAP importer
'register_pre_exit_callback', # args: callback = function to call
'focus_patient_search', # set focus to patient search box
_log = logging.getLogger('gm.messaging')
connections:dict[int, dict] = {}
senders:dict[int, weakref.ref] = {}
_boundMethods:weakref.WeakKeyDictionary = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
class _Any:
Any = _Any()
known_signals.append(Any) # type: ignore
class DispatcherError(Exception):
def __init__(self, args=None):
self.args = args
# external API
__execute_in_main_thread = None
def set_main_thread_caller(caller):
if not callable(caller):
raise TypeError('caller [%s] is not callable' % caller)
global __execute_in_main_thread
__execute_in_main_thread = caller
def connect(receiver=None, signal=Any, sender=Any, weak=0):
#def connect(receiver=None, signal=None, sender=Any, weak=0):
"""Connect receiver to sender for signal.
If sender is Any, receiver will receive signal from any sender.
If signal is Any, receiver will receive any signal from sender.
If sender is None, receiver will receive signal from anonymous.
If signal is Any and sender is None, receiver will receive any signal from anonymous.
If signal is Any and sender is Any, receiver will receive any signal from any sender.
If weak is true, weak references will be used.
ADDITIONAL gnumed specific documentation:
this dispatcher is not designed with a gui single threaded event loop in mind.
when connecting to a receiver that may eventually make
calls to gui objects such as wxWindows objects, it is
highly recommended that any such calls be wrapped in
wxCallAfter() e.g.
def receiveSignal(self, **args):
self._callsThatDoNotTriggerGuiUpdates() = processArgs(args)
wxCallAfter( self._callsThatTriggerGuiUpdates() )
since it is likely data change occurs before the signalling, it would probably look more simply like:
def receiveSignal(self, **args):
wxCallAfter(self._updateUI() )
def _updateUI(self):
# your code that reads data
Especially if the widget can get a reference to updated data through
a global reference, such as via gmCurrentPatient."""
if receiver is None:
raise ValueError('gmDispatcher.connect(): must define <receiver>')
if signal is not Any:
signal = str(signal)
if weak:
receiver = safeRef(receiver)
if sender is Any:
_log.debug('connecting (weak=%s): <any sender> ==%s==> %s', weak, signal, receiver)
_log.debug('connecting (weak=%s): %s ==%s==> %s', weak, sender, signal, receiver)
sender_identity = id(sender)
signals = {}
if sender_identity in connections:
signals = connections[sender_identity]
connections[sender_identity] = signals
# Keep track of senders for cleanup.
if sender not in (None, Any):
def _remove4weakref(object, sender_identity=sender_identity):
# Skip objects that can not be weakly referenced, which means
# they won't be automatically cleaned up, but that's too bad.
weakSender = weakref.ref(sender, _remove4weakref)
senders[sender_identity] = weakSender
except Exception:
receivers = []
if signal in signals:
receivers = signals[signal]
signals[signal] = receivers
except ValueError:
def disconnect(receiver, signal=Any, sender=Any, weak=1):
"""Disconnect receiver from sender for signal.
Disconnecting is not required. The use of disconnect is the same as for
connect, only in reverse. Think of it as undoing a previous connection."""
if signal not in known_signals:
_log.warning('unknown signal [%(sig)s]', {'sig': signal})
if signal is not Any:
signal = str(signal)
if weak: receiver = safeRef(receiver)
sender_identity = id(sender)
receivers = connections[sender_identity][signal]
except KeyError:
_log.warning('no receivers for signal %(sig)s from sender %(sender)s', {'sig': repr(signal), 'sender': sender})
print('DISPATCHER ERROR: no receivers for signal %s from sender %s' % (repr(signal), sender))
except ValueError:
_log.warning('receiver [%(rx)s] not connected to signal [%(sig)s] from [%(sender)s]', {'rx': receiver, 'sig': repr(signal), 'sender': sender})
print("DISPATCHER ERROR: receiver [%s] not connected to signal [%s] from [%s]" % (receiver, repr(signal), sender))
_cleanupConnections(sender_identity, signal)
def send(signal=None, sender=None, **kwds):
"""Send signal from sender to all connected receivers.
Return a list of tuple pairs [(receiver, response), ... ].
If sender is None, signal is sent anonymously.
signal = str(signal)
sender_identity = id(sender)
identity_of_Any = id(Any)
# Get receivers that receive *this* signal from *this* sender.
receivers = []
except KeyError:
# Add receivers that receive *any* signal from *this* sender.
anyreceivers = []
anyreceivers = connections[sender_identity][Any]
except KeyError:
for receiver in anyreceivers:
if receivers.count(receiver) == 0:
# Add receivers that receive *this* signal from *any* sender.
anyreceivers = []
anyreceivers = connections[identity_of_Any][signal]
except KeyError:
for receiver in anyreceivers:
if receivers.count(receiver) == 0:
# Add receivers that receive *any* signal from *any* sender.
anyreceivers = []
anyreceivers = connections[identity_of_Any][Any]
except KeyError:
for receiver in anyreceivers:
if receivers.count(receiver) == 0:
# Call each receiver with whatever arguments it can accept.
# Return a list of tuple pairs [(receiver, response), ... ].
responses = []
for receiver in receivers:
if (type(receiver) is weakref.ReferenceType) or (isinstance(receiver, BoundMethodWeakref)):
_log.debug('dereferencing weak_ref receiver [%s]', receiver)
# Dereference the weak reference.
receiver = receiver()
_log.debug('dereferenced receiver is [%s]', receiver)
if receiver is None:
# This receiver is dead, so skip it.
response = _call(receiver, signal=signal, sender=sender, **kwds)
responses += [(receiver, response)]
except Exception:
_log.exception('exception calling [%s]: (signal=%s, sender=%a, **kwds=%s)', receiver, signal, sender, str(kwds))
return responses
def safeRef(object):
"""Return a *safe* weak reference to a callable object."""
if hasattr(object, '__self__'):
if object.__self__ is not None:
# Turn a bound method into a BoundMethodWeakref instance.
# Keep track of these instances for lookup by disconnect().
selfkey = object.__self__
funckey = object.__func__
if selfkey not in _boundMethods:
_boundMethods[selfkey] = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
if funckey not in _boundMethods[selfkey]:
_boundMethods[selfkey][funckey] = BoundMethodWeakref(boundMethod=object)
return _boundMethods[selfkey][funckey]
return weakref.ref(object, _removeReceiver)
class BoundMethodWeakref:
"""BoundMethodWeakref class."""
def __init__(self, boundMethod):
"""Return a weak-reference-like instance for a bound method."""
self.isDead = 0
def remove(object, self=self):
"""Set self.isDead to true when method or instance is destroyed."""
self.isDead = 1
print('BoundMethodWeakref.__init__.remove(): _removeReceiver =', _removeReceiver)
print('BoundMethodWeakref.__init__.remove(): self =', self)
if callable(_removeReceiver):
_removeReceiver(receiver = self)
self.weakSelf = weakref.ref(boundMethod.__self__, remove)
self.weakFunc = weakref.ref(boundMethod.__func__, remove)
def __repr__(self):
"""Return the closest representation."""
return repr(self.weakFunc)
def __call__(self):
"""Return a strong reference to the bound method."""
if self.isDead:
return None
obj = self.weakSelf()
method = self.weakFunc().__name__
if not obj:
self.isDead = 1
return None
return getattr(obj, method)
except RuntimeError:
self.isDead = 1
return None
# internal API
def _call(receiver, **kwds):
"""Call receiver with only arguments it can accept."""
# # not used in GNUmed
# #if type(receiver) is types.InstanceType:
# #if isinstance(receiver, object):
# # if receiver is an instance -> get the "call" interface = the __init__() function
# if type(receiver) is object:
# # receiver is a class instance; assume it is callable.
# # Reassign receiver to the actual method that will be called.
# receiver = receiver.__call__
if hasattr(receiver, '__func__'):
# receiver is a method. Drop the first argument, usually 'self'.
func_code_def = receiver.__func__.__code__
acceptable_args = func_code_def.co_varnames[1:func_code_def.co_argcount]
elif hasattr(receiver, '__code__'):
# receiver is a function.
func_code_def = receiver.__code__
acceptable_args = func_code_def.co_varnames[0:func_code_def.co_argcount]
_log.error('<%s> must be instance, method or function, but is [%s]', str(receiver), type(receiver))
raise TypeError('DISPATCHER ERROR: _call(): <%s> must be instance, method or function, but is [%s]' % (str(receiver), type(receiver)))
# 0x08: bit for whether func uses **kwds syntax
if not (func_code_def.co_flags & 0x08):
# func_code_def does not have a **kwds type parameter,
# therefore remove unacceptable arguments.
keys = list(kwds)
for arg in keys:
if arg not in acceptable_args:
del kwds[arg]
if __execute_in_main_thread is None:
print('DISPATCHER problem: no main-thread executor available')
return receiver(**kwds)
# if a cross-thread executor is set
return __execute_in_main_thread(receiver, **kwds)
def _removeReceiver(receiver):
"""Remove receiver from connections."""
for sender_identity in connections:
for signal in connections[sender_identity]:
receivers = connections[sender_identity][signal]
except Exception:
_cleanupConnections(sender_identity, signal)
def _cleanupConnections(sender_identity, signal):
"""Delete any empty signals for sender_identity. Delete sender_identity if empty."""
receivers = connections[sender_identity][signal]
if not receivers:
# No more connected receivers. Therefore, remove the signal.
signals = connections[sender_identity]
del signals[signal]
if not signals:
# No more signal connections. Therefore, remove the sender.
def _removeSender(sender_identity):
"""Remove sender_identity from connections."""
del connections[sender_identity]
# sender_identity will only be in senders dictionary if sender
# could be weakly referenced.
try: del senders[sender_identity]
except Exception: pass
def connect(receiver=None, signal=<Gnumed.pycommon.gmDispatcher._Any object>, sender=<Gnumed.pycommon.gmDispatcher._Any object>, weak=0)
Connect receiver to sender for signal.
If sender is Any, receiver will receive signal from any sender. If signal is Any, receiver will receive any signal from sender. If sender is None, receiver will receive signal from anonymous. If signal is Any and sender is None, receiver will receive any signal from anonymous. If signal is Any and sender is Any, receiver will receive any signal from any sender. If weak is true, weak references will be used.
ADDITIONAL gnumed specific documentation:
this dispatcher is not designed with a gui single threaded event loop in mind.
when connecting to a receiver that may eventually make calls to gui objects such as wxWindows objects, it is highly recommended that any such calls be wrapped in wxCallAfter() e.g.
def receiveSignal(self, **args): self._callsThatDoNotTriggerGuiUpdates() = processArgs(args) wxCallAfter( self._callsThatTriggerGuiUpdates() )
since it is likely data change occurs before the signalling, it would probably look more simply like:
def receiveSignal(self, **args): wxCallAfter(self._updateUI() )
def _updateUI(self): # your code that reads data
Especially if the widget can get a reference to updated data through a global reference, such as via gmCurrentPatient.
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def connect(receiver=None, signal=Any, sender=Any, weak=0): #def connect(receiver=None, signal=None, sender=Any, weak=0): """Connect receiver to sender for signal. If sender is Any, receiver will receive signal from any sender. If signal is Any, receiver will receive any signal from sender. If sender is None, receiver will receive signal from anonymous. If signal is Any and sender is None, receiver will receive any signal from anonymous. If signal is Any and sender is Any, receiver will receive any signal from any sender. If weak is true, weak references will be used. ADDITIONAL gnumed specific documentation: this dispatcher is not designed with a gui single threaded event loop in mind. when connecting to a receiver that may eventually make calls to gui objects such as wxWindows objects, it is highly recommended that any such calls be wrapped in wxCallAfter() e.g. def receiveSignal(self, **args): self._callsThatDoNotTriggerGuiUpdates() = processArgs(args) wxCallAfter( self._callsThatTriggerGuiUpdates() ) since it is likely data change occurs before the signalling, it would probably look more simply like: def receiveSignal(self, **args): wxCallAfter(self._updateUI() ) def _updateUI(self): # your code that reads data Especially if the widget can get a reference to updated data through a global reference, such as via gmCurrentPatient.""" if receiver is None: raise ValueError('gmDispatcher.connect(): must define <receiver>') if signal is not Any: signal = str(signal) if weak: receiver = safeRef(receiver) if sender is Any: _log.debug('connecting (weak=%s): <any sender> ==%s==> %s', weak, signal, receiver) else: _log.debug('connecting (weak=%s): %s ==%s==> %s', weak, sender, signal, receiver) sender_identity = id(sender) signals = {} if sender_identity in connections: signals = connections[sender_identity] else: connections[sender_identity] = signals # Keep track of senders for cleanup. if sender not in (None, Any): def _remove4weakref(object, sender_identity=sender_identity): _removeSender(sender_identity=sender_identity) # Skip objects that can not be weakly referenced, which means # they won't be automatically cleaned up, but that's too bad. try: weakSender = weakref.ref(sender, _remove4weakref) senders[sender_identity] = weakSender except Exception: pass receivers = [] if signal in signals: receivers = signals[signal] else: signals[signal] = receivers try: receivers.remove(receiver) except ValueError: pass receivers.append(receiver)
def disconnect(receiver, signal=<Gnumed.pycommon.gmDispatcher._Any object>, sender=<Gnumed.pycommon.gmDispatcher._Any object>, weak=1)
Disconnect receiver from sender for signal.
Disconnecting is not required. The use of disconnect is the same as for connect, only in reverse. Think of it as undoing a previous connection.
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def disconnect(receiver, signal=Any, sender=Any, weak=1): """Disconnect receiver from sender for signal. Disconnecting is not required. The use of disconnect is the same as for connect, only in reverse. Think of it as undoing a previous connection.""" if signal not in known_signals: _log.warning('unknown signal [%(sig)s]', {'sig': signal}) if signal is not Any: signal = str(signal) if weak: receiver = safeRef(receiver) sender_identity = id(sender) try: receivers = connections[sender_identity][signal] except KeyError: _log.warning('no receivers for signal %(sig)s from sender %(sender)s', {'sig': repr(signal), 'sender': sender}) print('DISPATCHER ERROR: no receivers for signal %s from sender %s' % (repr(signal), sender)) return try: receivers.remove(receiver) except ValueError: _log.warning('receiver [%(rx)s] not connected to signal [%(sig)s] from [%(sender)s]', {'rx': receiver, 'sig': repr(signal), 'sender': sender}) print("DISPATCHER ERROR: receiver [%s] not connected to signal [%s] from [%s]" % (receiver, repr(signal), sender)) _cleanupConnections(sender_identity, signal)
def safeRef(object)
Return a safe weak reference to a callable object.
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def safeRef(object): """Return a *safe* weak reference to a callable object.""" if hasattr(object, '__self__'): if object.__self__ is not None: # Turn a bound method into a BoundMethodWeakref instance. # Keep track of these instances for lookup by disconnect(). selfkey = object.__self__ funckey = object.__func__ if selfkey not in _boundMethods: _boundMethods[selfkey] = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() if funckey not in _boundMethods[selfkey]: _boundMethods[selfkey][funckey] = BoundMethodWeakref(boundMethod=object) return _boundMethods[selfkey][funckey] return weakref.ref(object, _removeReceiver)
def send(signal=None, sender=None, **kwds)
Send signal from sender to all connected receivers.
Return a list of tuple pairs [(receiver, response), … ]. If sender is None, signal is sent anonymously.
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def send(signal=None, sender=None, **kwds): """Send signal from sender to all connected receivers. Return a list of tuple pairs [(receiver, response), ... ]. If sender is None, signal is sent anonymously. """ signal = str(signal) sender_identity = id(sender) identity_of_Any = id(Any) # Get receivers that receive *this* signal from *this* sender. receivers = [] try: receivers.extend(connections[sender_identity][signal]) except KeyError: pass # Add receivers that receive *any* signal from *this* sender. anyreceivers = [] try: anyreceivers = connections[sender_identity][Any] except KeyError: pass for receiver in anyreceivers: if receivers.count(receiver) == 0: receivers.append(receiver) # Add receivers that receive *this* signal from *any* sender. anyreceivers = [] try: anyreceivers = connections[identity_of_Any][signal] except KeyError: pass for receiver in anyreceivers: if receivers.count(receiver) == 0: receivers.append(receiver) # Add receivers that receive *any* signal from *any* sender. anyreceivers = [] try: anyreceivers = connections[identity_of_Any][Any] except KeyError: pass for receiver in anyreceivers: if receivers.count(receiver) == 0: receivers.append(receiver) # Call each receiver with whatever arguments it can accept. # Return a list of tuple pairs [(receiver, response), ... ]. responses = [] for receiver in receivers: if (type(receiver) is weakref.ReferenceType) or (isinstance(receiver, BoundMethodWeakref)): _log.debug('dereferencing weak_ref receiver [%s]', receiver) # Dereference the weak reference. receiver = receiver() _log.debug('dereferenced receiver is [%s]', receiver) if receiver is None: # This receiver is dead, so skip it. continue try: response = _call(receiver, signal=signal, sender=sender, **kwds) responses += [(receiver, response)] except Exception: _log.exception('exception calling [%s]: (signal=%s, sender=%a, **kwds=%s)', receiver, signal, sender, str(kwds)) return responses
def set_main_thread_caller(caller)
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def set_main_thread_caller(caller): if not callable(caller): raise TypeError('caller [%s] is not callable' % caller) global __execute_in_main_thread __execute_in_main_thread = caller
class BoundMethodWeakref (boundMethod)
BoundMethodWeakref class.
Return a weak-reference-like instance for a bound method.
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class BoundMethodWeakref: """BoundMethodWeakref class.""" def __init__(self, boundMethod): """Return a weak-reference-like instance for a bound method.""" self.isDead = 0 def remove(object, self=self): """Set self.isDead to true when method or instance is destroyed.""" self.isDead = 1 print('BoundMethodWeakref.__init__.remove(): _removeReceiver =', _removeReceiver) print('BoundMethodWeakref.__init__.remove(): self =', self) if callable(_removeReceiver): _removeReceiver(receiver = self) self.weakSelf = weakref.ref(boundMethod.__self__, remove) self.weakFunc = weakref.ref(boundMethod.__func__, remove) #------------------------------------------------------------------ def __repr__(self): """Return the closest representation.""" return repr(self.weakFunc) #------------------------------------------------------------------ def __call__(self): """Return a strong reference to the bound method.""" if self.isDead: return None obj = self.weakSelf() method = self.weakFunc().__name__ if not obj: self.isDead = 1 _removeReceiver(receiver=self) return None try: return getattr(obj, method) except RuntimeError: self.isDead = 1 _removeReceiver(receiver=self) return None
class DispatcherError (args=None)
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
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class DispatcherError(Exception): def __init__(self, args=None): self.args = args
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException