Module Gnumed.pycommon.gmI18N
GNUmed client internationalization/localization.
All i18n/l10n issues should be handled through this modules.
Theory of operation:
To activate proper locale settings and translation services you need to
- import this module
- call activate_locale()
- call install_domain()
The translating method gettext.gettext() will then be installed into the global (!) namespace as (). Your own modules thus need not do _anything (not even import gmI18N) to have () available to them for translating strings. You need to make sure, however, that gmI18N is imported in your main module before any of the modules using it. In order to resolve circular references involving modules that absolutely _have to be imported before this module you can explicitly import gmI18N into them at the very beginning.
The text domain (i.e. the name of the message catalog file) is derived from the name of the main executing script unless explicitly passed to install_domain(). The language you want to translate to is derived from environment variables by the locale system unless explicitly passed to install_domain().
This module searches for message catalog files in 3 main locations:
- standard POSIX places (/usr/share/locale/ …)
- below "${YOURAPPNAME_DIR}/po/"
- below "
For DOS/Windows I don't know of standard places so probably only the last option will work. I don't know a thing about classic Mac behaviour. New Macs are POSIX, of course.
It will then try to install candidates and verify whether the translation works by checking for the translation of a tag within itself (this is similar to the self-compiling compiler inserting a backdoor into its self-compiled copies).
If none of this works it will fall back to making _() a noop.
Module template:
at top of file
if name == 'main': sys.path.insert(0, '../../') # we are the main script, setup a fake () for now, # such that it can be used in module level definitions _ = lambda x:x else: # we are being imported from elsewhere, say, mypy or some such try: # do we already have () ? _ except NameError: # no, setup i18n handling from Gnumed.pycommon import gmI18N gmI18N.activate_locale() gmI18N.install_domain()
in main, for testing code:
if name == "main": … # setup a real translation del _ from Gnumed.pycommon import gmI18N gmI18N.activate_locale() gmI18N.install_domain()
Expand source code
"""GNUmed client internationalization/localization.
All i18n/l10n issues should be handled through this modules.
Theory of operation:
To activate proper locale settings and translation services you need to
- import this module
- call activate_locale()
- call install_domain()
The translating method gettext.gettext() will then be
installed into the global (!) namespace as _(). Your own
modules thus need not do _anything_ (not even import gmI18N)
to have _() available to them for translating strings. You
need to make sure, however, that gmI18N is imported in your
main module before any of the modules using it. In order to
resolve circular references involving modules that
absolutely _have_ to be imported before this module you can
explicitly import gmI18N into them at the very beginning.
The text domain (i.e. the name of the message catalog file)
is derived from the name of the main executing script unless
explicitly passed to install_domain(). The language you
want to translate to is derived from environment variables
by the locale system unless explicitly passed to
This module searches for message catalog files in 3 main locations:
- standard POSIX places (/usr/share/locale/ ...)
- below "${YOURAPPNAME_DIR}/po/"
- below "<directory of binary of your app>/../po/"
For DOS/Windows I don't know of standard places so probably
only the last option will work. I don't know a thing about
classic Mac behaviour. New Macs are POSIX, of course.
It will then try to install candidates and *verify* whether
the translation works by checking for the translation of a
tag within itself (this is similar to the self-compiling
compiler inserting a backdoor into its self-compiled
If none of this works it will fall back to making _() a noop.
Module template:
# at top of file
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.path.insert(0, '../../')
# we are the main script, setup a fake _() for now,
# such that it can be used in module level definitions
_ = lambda x:x
# we are being imported from elsewhere, say, mypy or some such
# do we already have _() ?
except NameError:
# no, setup i18n handling
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmI18N
# in __main__, for testing code:
if __name__ == "__main__":
# setup a real translation
del _
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmI18N
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
__author__ = "H. Herb <>, I. Haywood <>, K. Hilbert <>"
__license__ = "GPL v2 or later (details at"
# stdlib
import sys
import os.path
import os
import locale
import gettext
import logging
import codecs
import builtins
import re as regex
_log = logging.getLogger('gm.i18n')
if __name__ == "__main__":
_ = lambda x:x
system_locale = ''
system_locale_level = {}
_translate_via_gettext = lambda x:x
_substitutes_regex = regex.compile(r'%\(.+?\)s')
__LOCALE_ERROR = locale.Error # only defined in Python 3.11+
except AttributeError:
print('locale.Error undefined (Python < 3.11), monkey-patching')
__LOCALE_ERROR = Exception
# ***************************************************************************
# ***************************************************************************
# The following line is needed to check for successful
# installation of the desired message catalog.
# -- do not remove or change this line --------------------------------------
__orig_tag__ = 'Translate this or i18n into <en_EN> will not work properly !'
# ***************************************************************************
# ***************************************************************************
def __split_locale_into_levels():
"""Split locale into language, country and variant parts.
- we have observed the following formats in the wild:
- de_DE@euro
- ec_CA.UTF-8
- en_US:en
- German_Germany.1252
_log.debug('splitting canonical locale [%s] into levels', system_locale)
global system_locale_level
system_locale_level['full'] = system_locale
# trim '@<variant>' part
system_locale_level['country'] = regex.split(r'@|:|\.', system_locale, 1)[0]
# trim '_<COUNTRY>@<variant>' part
system_locale_level['language'] = system_locale.split(r'_', 1)[0]
_log.debug('system locale levels: %s', system_locale_level)
def __log_getlocale_categories():
_getlocale_categories = {}
_getlocale_categories[category] = getattr(locale, category)
except Exception:
_log.debug('locale.getlocale(): %s' % str(locale.getlocale()))
for category in _getlocale_categories:
_log.debug('locale.getlocale(%s): %s' % (category, locale.getlocale(_getlocale_categories[category])))
def __log_setlocale_categories():
_setlocale_categories = {}
_setlocale_categories[category] = getattr(locale, category)
except Exception:
_log.warning('this OS does not have locale.%s', category)
for category in _setlocale_categories:
_log.debug('(locale.setlocale(%s): %s)' % (category, locale.setlocale(_setlocale_categories[category])))
def __log_locale_ENV():
_log.debug('locale related environment variables (${LANG} is typically used):')
for var in 'LANGUAGE LC_ALL LC_CTYPE LANG'.split():
_log.debug('${%s}=%s' % (var, os.environ[var]))
except KeyError:
_log.debug('${%s} not set' % (var))
def __log_localeconv(encoding):
_log.debug('database of locale conventions:')
data = locale.localeconv()
for key in data:
if encoding is None:
_log.debug('locale.localeconv(%s): %s', key, data[key])
_log.debug('locale.localeconv(%s): %s', key, str(data[key]))
except UnicodeDecodeError:
_log.debug('locale.localeconv(%s): %s', key, str(data[key], encoding))
def __log_nl_langinfo(encoding):
except Exception:
_log.exception('this OS does not support nl_langinfo')
_nl_langinfo_categories = {}
_nl_langinfo_categories[category] = getattr(locale, category)
except Exception:
_log.warning('this OS does not support nl_langinfo category locale.%s' % category)
for category in _nl_langinfo_categories:
if encoding is None:
_log.debug('locale.nl_langinfo(%s): %s' % (category, locale.nl_langinfo(_nl_langinfo_categories[category])))
_log.debug('locale.nl_langinfo(%s): %s', category, str(locale.nl_langinfo(_nl_langinfo_categories[category])))
except UnicodeDecodeError:
_log.debug('locale.nl_langinfo(%s): %s', category, str(locale.nl_langinfo(_nl_langinfo_categories[category]), encoding))
def __log_encoding_settings():
_log.debug('encoding sanity check (also check "locale.nl_langinfo(CODESET)"):')
pref_loc_enc = locale.getpreferredencoding(do_setlocale = False)
loc_enc = locale.getlocale()[1]
py_str_enc = sys.getdefaultencoding()
sys_fs_enc = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
_log.debug('sys.getdefaultencoding(): [%s]' % py_str_enc)
_log.debug('locale.getpreferredencoding(): [%s]' % pref_loc_enc)
_log.debug('locale.getlocale()[1]: [%s]' % loc_enc)
_log.debug('locale.getencoding(): [%s]', locale.getencoding())
_log.debug('sys.getfilesystemencoding(): [%s]' % sys_fs_enc)
_log.debug('sys.getfilesystemencodeerrors(): [%s]', sys.getfilesystemencodeerrors())
if loc_enc:
loc_enc = loc_enc.upper()
loc_enc_compare = loc_enc.replace('-', '')
loc_enc_compare = loc_enc
if pref_loc_enc.upper().replace('-', '') != loc_enc_compare:
_log.warning('encoding suggested by locale (%s) does not match encoding currently set in locale (%s)' % (pref_loc_enc, loc_enc))
_log.warning('this might lead to encoding errors')
for enc in [pref_loc_enc, loc_enc, py_str_enc, sys_fs_enc]:
if not enc:
_log.debug('<codecs> module CAN handle encoding [%s]' % enc)
except LookupError:
_log.warning('<codecs> module can NOT handle encoding [%s]' % enc)
_log.debug('on Linux you can determine a likely candidate for the encoding by running "locale charmap"')
_log.debug('gmI18N.get_encoding(): %s', get_encoding())
return loc_enc
def __log_locale_settings(message=None):
if message:
_log.debug('current locale settings:')
loc_enc = __log_encoding_settings()
def _translate_safely(term):
"""This wraps _().
It protects against translation errors such as a different number of "%s".
translation = _translate_via_gettext(term)
# different number of %s substitutes ?
if translation.count('%s') != term.count('%s'):
_log.error('count("%s") mismatch, returning untranslated string')
_log.error('original : %s', term)
_log.error('translation: %s', translation)
return term
substitution_keys_in_original = set(_substitutes_regex.findall(term))
substitution_keys_in_translation = set(_substitutes_regex.findall(translation))
if not substitution_keys_in_translation.issubset(substitution_keys_in_original):
_log.error('"%(...)s" keys in translation not a subset of keys in original, returning untranslated string')
_log.error('original : %s', term)
_log.error('translation: %s', translation)
return term
return translation
# external API
def activate_locale():
"""Get system locale from environment settings and activate it if need be."""
global system_locale
__log_locale_settings('unmodified startup locale settings (could be [C])')
loc = None
# activate user-preferred locale
loc = locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
_log.debug("activating user-default locale with <locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')> returns: [%s]" % loc)
except AttributeError:
_log.exception('Windows does not support locale.LC_ALL')
# except locale.Error: # 3.11+
# _log.exception('error activating user-default locale')
# except Exception: # < 3.11
except __LOCALE_ERROR:
_log.exception('error activating user-default locale')
__log_locale_settings('locale settings after activating user-default locale')
# assume en_EN if we did not find any locale settings
if loc in [None, 'C']:
_log.error('the current system locale is still [None] or [C], falling back to [en_EN]')
system_locale = "en_EN"
system_locale = loc
# generate system locale levels
return True
def install_domain(domain:str=None, language:str=None, prefer_local_catalog:bool=False) -> bool:
"""Install a text domain suitable for the main script.
domain: a named translation domain (typically the base name of the translation file), defaults to the python script's name
language: a language code, as in the first part of a locale name, say, en_EN or de_DE, defaults to user locale language
# text domain directly specified ?
if domain is None:'domain not specified, deriving from script name')
# get text domain from name of script
domain = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))[0]'text domain is [%s]' % domain)
_log.debug('searching message catalog file for system locale [%s]' % system_locale)
_log.debug('checking process environment:')
for env_var in ['LANGUAGE', 'LC_ALL', 'LC_MESSAGES', 'LANG']:
tmp = os.getenv(env_var)
if env_var is None:
_log.debug(' ${%s} not set' % env_var)
_log.debug(' ${%s} = [%s]' % (env_var, tmp))
# language codes to try
lang_candidates = []
# 1) explicit language or default system language
if language:'explicit request for target language [%s]' % language)
# also try default language for user in case explicit language fails
# default language for user (locale.getlocale()[0] value)
# 2) try locale.getlocale()[0], if not yet in list
# (this can be strange on, say, Windows: Hungarian_Hungary)
if locale.getlocale()[0] not in lang_candidates:
# 3) add variants
lang_variants = []
for lang in lang_candidates:
if lang is None:
cand = lang.split('.')[0]
if cand not in lang_candidates:
_log.debug('new language candidate: %s -> %s', lang, cand)
cand = lang.split('@')[0]
if cand not in lang_candidates:
_log.debug('new language candidate: %s -> %s', lang, cand)
cand = lang.split('_')[0]
if cand not in lang_candidates:
_log.debug('new language candidate: %s -> %s', lang, cand)
for lang in lang_variants:
if lang in lang_candidates:
_log.debug('languages to try for translation: %s (None: implicit system default)', lang_candidates)
initial_lang = os.getenv('LANG')'initial ${LANG} setting: %s', initial_lang)
# loop over language candidates
for lang_candidate in lang_candidates:
# setup baseline
_log.debug('resetting ${LANG} to initial user default [%s]', initial_lang)
if initial_lang is None:
del os.environ['LANG']
lang2log = '$LANG=<>'
os.environ['LANG'] = initial_lang
lang2log = '$LANG(default)=%s' % initial_lang
# setup candidate language
if lang_candidate is not None:'explicitly overriding system locale language [%s] by setting ${LANG} to [%s]', initial_lang, lang_candidate)
os.environ['LANG'] = lang_candidate
lang2log = '$LANG(explicit)=%s' % lang_candidate
if __install_domain(domain = domain, prefer_local_catalog = prefer_local_catalog, language = lang2log):
return True
# install a dummy translation class
_log.warning("falling back to NullTranslations() class")
# this shouldn't fail
dummy = gettext.NullTranslations()
return True
def __install_domain(domain, prefer_local_catalog, language='?'):
"""<language> only used for logging"""
_log.debug('domain=%s, prefer_local_catalog=%s, language=%s', domain, prefer_local_catalog, language)
# search for message catalog
candidate_PO_dirs = []
# - locally
if prefer_local_catalog:
_log.debug('prioritizing local message catalog')
# - one level above path to binary
# last resort for inferior operating systems such as DOS/Windows
# strip one directory level
# this is a rather neat trick :-)
loc_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), '..', 'po'))
_log.debug('looking one level above binary install directory: %s', loc_dir)
# - in path to binary
loc_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), 'po'))
_log.debug('looking in binary install directory: %s', loc_dir)
# - standard places
if == 'posix':
_log.debug('system is POSIX, looking in standard locations (see Python Manual)')
# if this is reported to segfault/fail/except on some
# systems we may have to assume "sys.prefix/share/locale/"
_log.debug('No use looking in standard POSIX locations - not a POSIX system.')
# - $(<script-name>_DIR)/
env_key = "%s_DIR" % os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))[0].upper()
_log.debug('looking at ${%s}' % env_key)
if env_key in os.environ:
loc_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.environ[env_key], 'po'))
_log.debug('${%s} = "%s" -> [%s]' % (env_key, os.environ[env_key], loc_dir))
else:"${%s} not set" % env_key)
# - locally
if not prefer_local_catalog:
# - one level above path to binary
# last resort for inferior operating systems such as DOS/Windows
# strip one directory level
# this is a rather neat trick :-)
loc_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), '..', 'po'))
_log.debug('looking above binary install directory [%s]' % loc_dir)
# - in path to binary
loc_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), 'po' ))
_log.debug('looking in binary install directory [%s]' % loc_dir)
# now try to actually install it
for candidate_PO_dir in candidate_PO_dirs:
_log.debug('trying with (base=%s, %s, domain=%s)', candidate_PO_dir, language, domain)
_log.debug(' ->', os.path.join(candidate_PO_dir, language, domain))
if not os.path.exists(candidate_PO_dir):
_log.debug('base dir not found')
gettext.install(domain, candidate_PO_dir)
except Exception:
_log.exception('installing text domain [%s] failed from [%s]', domain, candidate_PO_dir)
# does it translate ?
if _(__orig_tag__) == __orig_tag__:
_log.debug('does not translate: [%s] => [%s]', __orig_tag__, _(__orig_tag__))
_log.debug('found msg catalog: [%s] => [%s]', __orig_tag__, _(__orig_tag__))
global _translate_via_gettext
_translate_via_gettext = builtins._
_log.debug('message catalog details from %s', _translate_via_gettext.__self__)
_log.debug(' charset: %s', _translate_via_gettext.__self__.charset())
mo_info =
for key in mo_info:
_log.debug(' %s: %s', key, mo_info[key])
builtins._ = _translate_safely
return True
return False
_encoding_mismatch_already_logged = False
_current_encoding = None
def get_encoding():
"""Try to get a sane encoding.
On MaxOSX locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') does not
have the desired effect, so that locale.getlocale()[1]
still returns None. So in that case try to fallback to
- what Python itself uses to convert string <-> unicode
when no other encoding was specified
- ascii by default
- can be set in and
- what the current locale is *actually* using
as the encoding for text conversion
- what the current locale would *recommend* using
as the encoding for text conversion
global _current_encoding
if _current_encoding is not None:
return _current_encoding
enc = sys.getdefaultencoding()
if enc != 'ascii':
_current_encoding = enc
return _current_encoding
enc = locale.getlocale()[1]
if enc is not None:
_current_encoding = enc
return _current_encoding
global _encoding_mismatch_already_logged
if not _encoding_mismatch_already_logged:
_log.debug('*actual* encoding of locale is None, using encoding *recommended* by locale')
_encoding_mismatch_already_logged = True
return locale.getpreferredencoding(do_setlocale = False)
# Main
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
if sys.argv[1] != 'test':
del _
sys.path.insert(0, '../../')
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmLog2
def test_strcoll():
candidates = [
# (u'a', u'a'),
# (u'a', u'b'),
# (u'1', u'1'),
# (u'1', u'2'),
# (u'A', u'A'),
# (u'a', u'A'),
('\u270d', '\u270d'),
('4', '\u270d' + '4'),
('4.4', '\u270d' + '4.4'),
('44', '\u270d' + '44'),
('4', '\u270d' + '9'),
('4', '\u270d' + '2'),
# (u'9', u'\u270d' + u'9'),
# (u'9', u'\u270d' + u'4'),
for cands in candidates:
print(cands[0], '<vs>', cands[1], '=', locale.strcoll(cands[0], cands[1]))
print(cands[1], '<vs>', cands[0], '=', locale.strcoll(cands[1], cands[0]))
def test_translating():
txt = 'test without placeholder'
print(txt, '->', _(txt))
txt = 'test with placeholder: %s'
print(txt, '->', _(txt))
txt = 'test with placeholder and percent (%) sign: %s'
print(txt, '->', _(txt))
print("GNUmed i18n")
print("authors:", __author__)
print("license:", __license__)
print("system locale: ", system_locale, "; levels:", system_locale_level)
print("likely encoding:", get_encoding())
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
print('attempting to install domain:', sys.argv[2])
print(install_domain(domain = sys.argv[2]))
print('attempting to install "default" domain')
print(_(__orig_tag__)) # type: ignore
# ********************************************************************* #
# == do not remove this line ========================================== #
# it is needed to check for successful installation of #
# the desired message catalog #
# ********************************************************************* #
tmp = _('Translate this or i18n into <en_EN> will not work properly !') # type: ignore
# ********************************************************************* #
# ********************************************************************* #
def activate_locale()
Get system locale from environment settings and activate it if need be.
Expand source code
def activate_locale(): """Get system locale from environment settings and activate it if need be.""" global system_locale __log_locale_settings('unmodified startup locale settings (could be [C])') loc = None # activate user-preferred locale try: loc = locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') _log.debug("activating user-default locale with <locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')> returns: [%s]" % loc) except AttributeError: _log.exception('Windows does not support locale.LC_ALL') # except locale.Error: # 3.11+ # _log.exception('error activating user-default locale') # except Exception: # < 3.11 except __LOCALE_ERROR: _log.exception('error activating user-default locale') __log_locale_settings('locale settings after activating user-default locale') # assume en_EN if we did not find any locale settings if loc in [None, 'C']: _log.error('the current system locale is still [None] or [C], falling back to [en_EN]') system_locale = "en_EN" else: system_locale = loc # generate system locale levels __split_locale_into_levels() return True
def get_encoding()
Try to get a sane encoding.
On MaxOSX locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') does not have the desired effect, so that locale.getlocale()[1] still returns None. So in that case try to fallback to locale.getpreferredencoding().
sys.getdefaultencoding() - what Python itself uses to convert string <-> unicode when no other encoding was specified - ascii by default - can be set in and locale.getlocale()[1] - what the current locale is actually using as the encoding for text conversion locale.getpreferredencoding() - what the current locale would recommend using as the encoding for text conversion
Expand source code
def get_encoding(): """Try to get a sane encoding. On MaxOSX locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') does not have the desired effect, so that locale.getlocale()[1] still returns None. So in that case try to fallback to locale.getpreferredencoding(). *sys.getdefaultencoding()* - what Python itself uses to convert string <-> unicode when no other encoding was specified - ascii by default - can be set in and *locale.getlocale()[1]* - what the current locale is *actually* using as the encoding for text conversion *locale.getpreferredencoding()* - what the current locale would *recommend* using as the encoding for text conversion """ global _current_encoding if _current_encoding is not None: return _current_encoding enc = sys.getdefaultencoding() if enc != 'ascii': _current_encoding = enc return _current_encoding enc = locale.getlocale()[1] if enc is not None: _current_encoding = enc return _current_encoding global _encoding_mismatch_already_logged if not _encoding_mismatch_already_logged: _log.debug('*actual* encoding of locale is None, using encoding *recommended* by locale') _encoding_mismatch_already_logged = True return locale.getpreferredencoding(do_setlocale = False)
def install_domain(domain: str = None, language: str = None, prefer_local_catalog: bool = False) ‑> bool
Install a text domain suitable for the main script.
- a named translation domain (typically the base name of the translation file), defaults to the python script's name
- a language code, as in the first part of a locale name, say, en_EN or de_DE, defaults to user locale language
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def install_domain(domain:str=None, language:str=None, prefer_local_catalog:bool=False) -> bool: """Install a text domain suitable for the main script. Args: domain: a named translation domain (typically the base name of the translation file), defaults to the python script's name language: a language code, as in the first part of a locale name, say, en_EN or de_DE, defaults to user locale language """ # text domain directly specified ? if domain is None:'domain not specified, deriving from script name') # get text domain from name of script domain = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))[0]'text domain is [%s]' % domain) # _log.debug('searching message catalog file for system locale [%s]' % system_locale) _log.debug('checking process environment:') for env_var in ['LANGUAGE', 'LC_ALL', 'LC_MESSAGES', 'LANG']: tmp = os.getenv(env_var) if env_var is None: _log.debug(' ${%s} not set' % env_var) else: _log.debug(' ${%s} = [%s]' % (env_var, tmp)) # language codes to try lang_candidates = [] # 1) explicit language or default system language if language:'explicit request for target language [%s]' % language) lang_candidates.append(language) # also try default language for user in case explicit language fails lang_candidates.append(None) else: # default language for user (locale.getlocale()[0] value) lang_candidates.append(None) # 2) try locale.getlocale()[0], if not yet in list # (this can be strange on, say, Windows: Hungarian_Hungary) if locale.getlocale()[0] not in lang_candidates: lang_candidates.append(locale.getlocale()[0]) # 3) add variants lang_variants = [] for lang in lang_candidates: if lang is None: continue cand = lang.split('.')[0] if cand not in lang_candidates: _log.debug('new language candidate: %s -> %s', lang, cand) lang_variants.append(cand) cand = lang.split('@')[0] if cand not in lang_candidates: _log.debug('new language candidate: %s -> %s', lang, cand) lang_variants.append(cand) cand = lang.split('_')[0] if cand not in lang_candidates: _log.debug('new language candidate: %s -> %s', lang, cand) lang_variants.append(cand) for lang in lang_variants: if lang in lang_candidates: continue lang_candidates.append(lang) _log.debug('languages to try for translation: %s (None: implicit system default)', lang_candidates) initial_lang = os.getenv('LANG')'initial ${LANG} setting: %s', initial_lang) # loop over language candidates for lang_candidate in lang_candidates: # setup baseline _log.debug('resetting ${LANG} to initial user default [%s]', initial_lang) if initial_lang is None: del os.environ['LANG'] lang2log = '$LANG=<>' else: os.environ['LANG'] = initial_lang lang2log = '$LANG(default)=%s' % initial_lang # setup candidate language if lang_candidate is not None:'explicitly overriding system locale language [%s] by setting ${LANG} to [%s]', initial_lang, lang_candidate) os.environ['LANG'] = lang_candidate lang2log = '$LANG(explicit)=%s' % lang_candidate if __install_domain(domain = domain, prefer_local_catalog = prefer_local_catalog, language = lang2log): return True # install a dummy translation class _log.warning("falling back to NullTranslations() class") # this shouldn't fail dummy = gettext.NullTranslations() dummy.install() return True