Module Gnumed.pycommon.gmPG2
GNUmed PostgreSQL connection handling.
TODO: iterator/generator batch fetching: - - search Google for "Geneator/Iterator Nesting Problem - Any Ideas? 2.4"
def resultset_functional_batchgenerator(cursor, size=100):
for results in iter(lambda: cursor.fetchmany(size), []):
for rec in results:
yield rec
Expand source code
"""GNUmed PostgreSQL connection handling.
TODO: iterator/generator batch fetching:
- search Google for "Geneator/Iterator Nesting Problem - Any Ideas? 2.4"
def resultset_functional_batchgenerator(cursor, size=100):
for results in iter(lambda: cursor.fetchmany(size), []):
for rec in results:
yield rec
# =======================================================================
__author__ = "K.Hilbert <>"
__license__ = 'GPL v2 or later (details at'
# stdlib
import time
import sys
import os
import pwd
import stat
import logging
import datetime as pydt
import hashlib
import shutil
from typing import Sequence, Collection
# GNUmed
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.path.insert(0, '../../')
_ = lambda x:x
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmLoginInfo
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmExceptions
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmDateTime
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmLog2
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmTools
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmConnectionPool
from Gnumed.pycommon.gmTools import prompted_input
_log = logging.getLogger('gm.db')
# 3rd party
import psycopg2 as dbapi
except ImportError:
_log.exception("Python database adapter psycopg2 not found.")
print("CRITICAL ERROR: Cannot find module psycopg2 for connecting to the database server.")
import psycopg2.errorcodes as PG_error_codes
import psycopg2.sql as PG_SQL
# =======================================================================
PG_ERROR_EXCEPTION = dbapi.DatabaseError
default_database = 'gnumed_v23'
postgresql_version_string = None
# =======================================================================
# global data
# =======================================================================
known_schema_hashes = {
0: 'not released, testing only',
2: 'b09d50d7ed3f91ddf4c4ddb8ea507720',
3: 'e73718eaf230d8f1d2d01afa8462e176',
4: '4428ccf2e54c289136819e701bb095ea',
5: '7e7b093af57aea48c288e76632a382e5', # ... old (v1) style hashes
6: '90e2026ac2efd236da9c8608b8685b2d', # new (v2) style hashes ...
7: '6c9f6d3981483f8e9433df99d1947b27',
8: '89b13a7af83337c3aad153b717e52360',
9: '641a9b2be3c378ffc2bb2f0b1c9f051d',
10: '7ef42a8fb2bd929a2cdd0c63864b4e8a',
11: '03042ae24f3f92877d986fb0a6184d76',
12: '06183a6616db62257e22814007a8ed07',
13: 'fab7c1ae408a6530c47f9b5111a0841e',
14: 'e170d543f067d1ea60bfe9076b1560cf',
15: '70012ff960b77ecdff4981c94b5b55b6',
16: '0bcf44ca22c479b52976e5eda1de8161',
17: '161428ee97a00e3bf56168c3a15b7b50',
18: 'a0f9efcabdecfb4ddb6d8c0b69c02092',
#19: '419e5225259c53dd36ad80d82066ff02' # 19.0 only
#19: '9765373098b03fb208332498f34cd4b5' # until 19.11
19: '57f009a159f55f77525cc0291e0c8b60', # starting with 19.12
20: 'baed1901ed4c2f272b56c8cb2c6d88e8',
21: 'e6a51a89dd22b75b61ead8f7083f251f',
22: 'bf45f01327fb5feb2f5d3c06ba4a6792',
23: 'devel'
map_schema_hash2version = {
'b09d50d7ed3f91ddf4c4ddb8ea507720': 2,
'e73718eaf230d8f1d2d01afa8462e176': 3,
'4428ccf2e54c289136819e701bb095ea': 4,
'7e7b093af57aea48c288e76632a382e5': 5,
'90e2026ac2efd236da9c8608b8685b2d': 6,
'6c9f6d3981483f8e9433df99d1947b27': 7,
'89b13a7af83337c3aad153b717e52360': 8,
'641a9b2be3c378ffc2bb2f0b1c9f051d': 9,
'7ef42a8fb2bd929a2cdd0c63864b4e8a': 10,
'03042ae24f3f92877d986fb0a6184d76': 11,
'06183a6616db62257e22814007a8ed07': 12,
'fab7c1ae408a6530c47f9b5111a0841e': 13,
'e170d543f067d1ea60bfe9076b1560cf': 14,
'70012ff960b77ecdff4981c94b5b55b6': 15,
'0bcf44ca22c479b52976e5eda1de8161': 16,
'161428ee97a00e3bf56168c3a15b7b50': 17,
'a0f9efcabdecfb4ddb6d8c0b69c02092': 18,
#'419e5225259c53dd36ad80d82066ff02': 19 # 19.0 only
#'9765373098b03fb208332498f34cd4b5': 19 # until 19.11
'57f009a159f55f77525cc0291e0c8b60': 19, # starting with 19.12
'baed1901ed4c2f272b56c8cb2c6d88e8': 20,
'e6a51a89dd22b75b61ead8f7083f251f': 21,
'bf45f01327fb5feb2f5d3c06ba4a6792': 22
map_client_branch2required_db_version = {
'GIT tree': 0,
'master': 0,
'0.3': 9,
'0.4': 10,
'0.5': 11,
'0.6': 12,
'0.7': 13,
'0.8': 14,
'0.9': 15,
'1.0': 16, # intentional duplicate with 1.1
'1.1': 16,
'1.2': 17,
'1.3': 18,
'1.4': 19,
'1.5': 20,
'1.6': 21,
'1.7': 22,
'1.8': 22 # Yes, SAME as 1.7, no DB change.
# get columns and data types for a given table
SQL__col_defs4table = """select
information_schema.columns cols
cols.table_schema = %(schema)s
cols.table_name = %(table)s
order by
SQL__cols4table = """select
information_schema.columns cols
cols.table_schema = %(schema)s
cols.table_name = %(table)s
order by
# only works for single-column FKs but that's fine
# needs gm-dbo, any-doc won't work
SQL_foreign_key_name = """SELECT
(SELECT nspname FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE oid = fk_tbl.connamespace) AS constraint_schema,
fk_tbl.conname AS constraint_name,
(SELECT nspname FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE oid = (SELECT relnamespace FROM pg_class where oid = fk_tbl.conrelid)) AS source_schema,
(SELECT relname FROM pg_catalog.pg_class where oid = fk_tbl.conrelid) AS source_table,
(SELECT attname FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute WHERE attnum = fk_tbl.conkey[1] AND attrelid = (%(src_schema)s || '.' || %(src_tbl)s)::regclass) AS source_column,
(SELECT nspname FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE oid = (SELECT relnamespace FROM pg_class where oid = fk_tbl.confrelid)) AS target_schema,
(SELECT relname FROM pg_catalog.pg_class where oid = fk_tbl.confrelid) AS target_table,
(SELECT attname FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute WHERE attnum = fk_tbl.confkey[1] AND attrelid = (%(target_schema)s || '.' || %(target_tbl)s)::regclass) AS target_column
pg_catalog.pg_constraint fk_tbl
fk_tbl.contype = 'f'
fk_tbl.conrelid = (%(src_schema)s || '.' || %(src_tbl)s)::regclass
fk_tbl.conkey[1] = (
pg_catalog.pg_attribute col_tbl1
col_tbl1.attname = %(src_col)s
col_tbl1.attrelid = (%(src_schema)s || '.' || %(src_tbl)s)::regclass
fk_tbl.confrelid = (%(target_schema)s || '.' || %(target_tbl)s)::regclass
fk_tbl.confkey[1] = (
pg_catalog.pg_attribute col_tbl2
col_tbl2.attname = %(target_col)s
col_tbl2.attrelid = (%(target_schema)s || '.' || %(target_tbl)s)::regclass
SQL_get_index_name = """
(SELECT nspname FROM pg_namespace WHERE pg_namespace.oid = pg_class.relnamespace)
AS index_schema,
AS index_name
pg_class.oid IN (
pg_index.indrelid = %(idx_tbl)s::regclass
pg_index.indnatts = 1 -- only one column in index
pg_index.indkey[0] IN (
pg_attribute.attrelid = %(idx_tbl)s::regclass
pg_attribute.attname = %(idx_col)s
SQL_get_pk_col_def = """
AS pk_col,
format_type(pg_attribute.atttypid, pg_attribute.atttypmod)
AS pk_type
FROM pg_index, pg_class, pg_attribute, pg_namespace
pg_class.oid = %(table)s::regclass
indrelid = pg_class.oid
-- nspname = %%(schema)s
-- AND
pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid
pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_class.oid
pg_attribute.attnum = any(pg_index.indkey)
SQL_get_primary_key_name = """
information_schema.key_column_usage AS is_kcu
LEFT JOIN information_schema.table_constraints AS is_tc ON is_tc.constraint_name = is_kcu.constraint_name
-- constrain to current database
is_tc.table_catalog = current_database()
is_tc.table_schema = %(schema)s
is_tc.table_name = %(table)s
is_tc.constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY';
__MIND_MELD = '_ı/'
__LLAP = '_\\//'
_TLnkObj = dbapi.extras.DictConnection | dbapi.extras.DictCursor | None
_TRow = dbapi.extras.DictRow
#_TQuerySQL = str | PG_SQL.Composed
#_TQueryArgsAsList = list
#_TQueryArgsAsDict = dict
#_TQueryArgs = _TQueryArgsAsList | _TQueryArgsAsDict
#__TQueries = Sequence [
# Mapping [
# str,
# Union[_TQuerySQL, _TQueryArgs]
# ]
_TQueries = Sequence[
dict[str, str] | dict[str, PG_SQL.Composed] | dict[str, Collection]
# | dict[dict, Mapping] | dict[str, list]
# =======================================================================
# login API
# =======================================================================
def __request_login_params_tui(user:str=None):
"""Text mode request of database login parameters"""
import getpass
login = gmLoginInfo.LoginInfo()
print("\nPlease enter the required login parameters:")
try: = prompted_input(prompt = "host ('' = non-TCP/IP)", default = '')
login.database = prompted_input(prompt = "database", default = default_database)
if user:
print('Fixed user: [%s]' % user)
login.user = user
login.user = prompted_input(prompt = "user name", default = '')
tmp = 'password for "%s" (not shown): ' % login.user
login.password = getpass.getpass(tmp)
login.port = prompted_input(prompt = "port", default = 5432)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
_log.warning("user cancelled text mode login dialog")
print("user cancelled text mode login dialog")
raise gmExceptions.ConnectionError(_("Cannot connect to database without login information!"))
creds = gmConnectionPool.cPGCredentials()
creds.database = login.database =
creds.port = login.port
creds.user = login.user
creds.password = login.password
return login, creds
def __request_login_params_gui_wx():
"""GUI (wx) input request for database login parameters.
Returns gmLoginInfo.LoginInfo object
import wx # pylint: disable=import-error
# OK, wxPython was already loaded. But has the main Application instance
# been initialized yet ? if not, the exception will kick us out
if wx.GetApp() is None:
raise AssertionError(_("The wxPython GUI framework hasn't been initialized yet!"))
# Let's launch the login dialog
# if wx was not initialized/no main App loop, an exception should be raised anyway
from Gnumed.wxpython import gmAuthWidgets
dlg = gmAuthWidgets.cLoginDialog(None, -1)
login = dlg.panel.GetLoginInfo()
#if user cancelled or something else went wrong, raise an exception
if login is None:
raise gmExceptions.ConnectionError(_("Can't connect to database without login information!"))
creds = gmConnectionPool.cPGCredentials()
creds.database = login.database =
creds.port = login.port
creds.user = login.user
creds.password = login.password
return login, creds
def request_login_params (
) -> tuple[gmLoginInfo.LoginInfo, gmConnectionPool.cPGCredentials]:
"""Request login parameters for database connection.
setup_pool: initialize connection pool
force_tui: do not attempt to use wxPython as UI
A tuple with login info.
# are we inside X ?
# if we aren't wxGTK would crash hard at the C-level with "can't open Display"
if 'DISPLAY' in os.environ and not force_tui:
# try wxPython GUI
login, creds = __request_login_params_gui_wx()
except Exception:
_log.exception('cannot request creds via wxPython')
if setup_pool:
pool = gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool()
pool.credentials = creds
return login, creds
# well, either we are on the console or
# wxPython does not work, use text mode
login, creds = __request_login_params_tui(user = user)
if setup_pool:
pool = gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool()
pool.credentials = creds
return login, creds
# =======================================================================
# netadata API
# =======================================================================
SQL__pg_temp_concat_table_structure_v19_and_up = """
create or replace function pg_temp.concat_table_structure_v19_and_up()
returns text
language 'plpgsql'
security definer
as '
_table_desc record;
_pk_desc record;
_column_desc record;
_constraint_def record;
_total text;
_total := '''';
-- find relevant tables
for _table_desc in
select * from information_schema.tables tabs where
tabs.table_schema in (''dem'', ''clin'', ''blobs'', ''cfg'', ''ref'', ''i18n'', ''bill'')
tabs.table_type = ''BASE TABLE''
order by
decode(md5(tabs.table_schema || tabs.table_name), ''hex'')
-- loop over tables
-- where are we at ?
_total := _total || ''TABLE:'' || _table_desc.table_schema || ''.'' || _table_desc.table_name || E''\n'';
-- find PKs of that table
for _pk_desc in
select * from (
pg_class.oid::regclass || ''.'' || pg_attribute.attname || ''::'' || format_type(pg_attribute.atttypid, pg_attribute.atttypmod) AS primary_key_column
pg_index, pg_class, pg_attribute
--pg_class.oid = ''TABLENAME''::regclass
pg_class.oid = (_table_desc.table_schema || ''.'' || _table_desc.table_name)::regclass
indrelid = pg_class.oid
pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_class.oid
pg_attribute.attnum = any(pg_index.indkey)
) AS PKs
order by
decode(md5(PKs.primary_key_column), ''hex'')
-- and loop over those PK columns
_total := _total || ''PK:'' || _pk_desc.primary_key_column || E''\n'';
end loop;
-- find columns of that table
for _column_desc in
select *
from information_schema.columns cols
cols.table_name = _table_desc.table_name
cols.table_schema = _table_desc.table_schema
order by
decode(md5(cols.column_name || cols.data_type), ''hex'')
-- and loop over those columns
-- add columns in the format "schema.table.column::data_type"
_total := _total || ''COL:''
|| _column_desc.table_schema || ''.''
|| _column_desc.table_name || ''.''
|| _column_desc.column_name || ''::''
|| _column_desc.udt_name || E''\n'';
end loop;
-- find and loop over CONSTRAINTs of that table
for _constraint_def in
select * from
|| tbl.contype::TEXT || '':''
|| replace(pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(tbl.oid, true), '' '', ''_'')
|| ''::active=''
|| tbl.convalidated::TEXT
as condef
from pg_catalog.pg_constraint tbl
tbl.conrelid = (_table_desc.table_schema || ''.'' || _table_desc.table_name)::regclass
-- include FKs only because we may have to add/remove
-- other (say, check) constraints in a minor release
-- for valid reasons which we do not want to affect
-- the hash, if however we need to modify a foreign
-- key that would, indeed, warrant a hash change
tbl.contype = ''f''
order by
decode(md5(CONSTRAINTs.condef), ''hex'')
_total := _total || _constraint_def.condef || E''\n'';
end loop;
end loop; -- over tables
return _total;
SQL__get_pg_temp_table_structure = "select pg_temp.concat_table_structure_v19_and_up();"
SQL__md5_pg_temp_table_structure = "select md5(pg_temp.concat_table_structure_v19_and_up()) AS md5;"
def is_beginning_of_time(dt:pydt.datetime) -> bool:
rows = run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': SQL}])
PG_BEGINNING_OF_TIME = rows[0]['big_bang']
_log.debug("psycopg2 puts PG's Big Bang at: %s ('-infinity' at UTC)", PG_BEGINNING_OF_TIME)
pydt_bing_bang = pydt.datetime(1,1,1)
if pydt_bing_bang == PG_BEGINNING_OF_TIME:
_log.debug('Python and PostgreSQL (via psycopg2) agree on the beginning of time')
_log.error('Python3 does not agree, it thinks: %s (datetime(1,1,1))', pydt_bing_bang.isoformat())
def database_schema_compatible(link_obj:_TLnkObj=None, version:int=None, verbose:bool=True) -> bool:
expected_hash = known_schema_hashes[version]
ver = 9999 if version == 0 else version
md5_db = get_schema_hash(link_obj = link_obj, version = ver)
if md5_db == expected_hash:'detected schema version [%s], hash [%s]' % (map_schema_hash2version[md5_db], md5_db))
return True
_log.error('database schema version mismatch')
_log.error('expected: %s (%s)' % (version, expected_hash))
_log.error('detected: %s (%s)', map_schema_hash2version[md5_db], md5_db)
except KeyError:
_log.error('detected: <unknown> (%s)', md5_db)
if verbose:
log_schema_structure(link_obj = link_obj)
log_schema_revision_history(link_obj = link_obj)
return False
def get_schema_version(link_obj:_TLnkObj=None) -> int|str:
md5_db = get_schema_hash(link_obj = link_obj)
if not md5_db:
_log.error('cannot determine schema version')
return None
return map_schema_hash2version[md5_db]
except KeyError:
return 'unknown database schema version, MD5 hash is [%s]' % md5_db
def __get_schema_structure_by_gm_func(link_obj=None) -> str:
SQL = 'select gm.concat_table_structure()'
rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj=link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': SQL}])
return rows[0][0]
except dbapi.errors.AmbiguousFunction as exc: # type-x: ignore [attr-defined] # pylint: disable=no-member
if hasattr(exc, 'diag') and 'gm.concat_table_structure_v19_and_up()' in exc.diag.context:
_log.error('gm.concat_table_structure_v19_and_up() failed')
return None
def __get_schema_structure_by_pg_temp_func() -> str:
queries = [
{'cmd': SQL__pg_temp_concat_table_structure_v19_and_up},
{'cmd': SQL__get_pg_temp_table_structure}
conn = get_connection(readonly = False)
rows = run_rw_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = queries, return_data = True)
return rows[0][0]
except PG_ERROR_EXCEPTION as exc:
_log.error('pg_temp.concat_table_structure_v19_and_up() failed')
# should never get here
return None
def get_schema_structure(link_obj:_TLnkObj=None) -> str:
schema_struct = __get_schema_structure_by_gm_func(link_obj = link_obj)
if not schema_struct:
_log.debug('retrying with temporary function')
schema_struct = __get_schema_structure_by_pg_temp_func()
return schema_struct
def log_schema_structure(link_obj=None):
_log.debug('schema structure dump:')
schema_struct = get_schema_structure(link_obj = link_obj)
if not schema_struct:
_log.error('cannot determine schema structure')
for line in schema_struct.split():
def __get_schema_hash_by_gm_func(link_obj=None, version=None) -> str:
args = {}
if version:
SQL = 'SELECT md5(gm.concat_table_structure(%(ver)s::INTEGER)) AS md5'
args['ver'] = version
SQL = 'SELECT md5(gm.concat_table_structure()) AS md5'
_log.debug('version: %s', version)
rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj=link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': SQL, 'args': args}])
_log.debug('hash: %s', rows[0]['md5'])
return rows[0]['md5']
except dbapi.errors.AmbiguousFunction as exc: # type-x: ignore [attr-defined] # pylint: disable=no-member
if hasattr(exc, 'diag') and 'gm.concat_table_structure_v19_and_up()' in exc.diag.context:
_log.error('gm.concat_table_structure_v19_and_up() failed')
return None
def __get_schema_hash_by_pg_temp_func() -> str:
conn = get_connection(readonly = False)
queries = [
{'cmd': SQL__pg_temp_concat_table_structure_v19_and_up},
{'cmd': SQL__md5_pg_temp_table_structure}
rows = run_rw_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = queries, return_data = True)
_log.debug('hash: %s', rows[0]['md5'])
return rows[0]['md5']
except PG_ERROR_EXCEPTION as exc:
_log.error('pg_temp.concat_table_structure_v19_and_up() failed')
# should never get here
return None
def get_schema_hash(link_obj:_TLnkObj=None, version=None) -> str:
md5_db = __get_schema_hash_by_gm_func(link_obj = link_obj, version = version)
if not md5_db:
_log.debug('retrying with temporary function')
md5_db = __get_schema_hash_by_pg_temp_func()
return md5_db
def get_schema_revision_history(link_obj:_TLnkObj=None) -> list[_TRow]:
if table_exists(link_obj = link_obj, schema = 'gm', table = 'schema_revision'):
cmd = """
FROM gm.schema_revision
ORDER BY imported"""
elif table_exists(link_obj = link_obj, schema = 'public', table = 'gm_schema_revision'):
cmd = """
FROM public.gm_schema_revision
ORDER BY imported"""
return []
rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': cmd}])
return rows
def log_schema_revision_history(link_obj=None):
_log.debug('schema revision history dump:')
for line in get_schema_revision_history(link_obj = link_obj):
_log.debug(' - '.join(line))
def get_db_fingerprint(conn=None, fname:str=None, with_dump:bool=False, eol:str=None):
"""Get a fingerprint for a GNUmed database.
A "fingerprint" is a collection of settings and typical row counts.
conn: a database connection
fname: name of file to write fingerprint to, *None* = return text
with_dump: include dump of schema structure (tables, views, ...)
eol: concatenate list by this string when returning text (rather than when writing to a file)
* if "fname" is not None: filename
* if "eol" is None: list of lines with fingerprint data
* if "eol" is not None: lines with fingerprint data joined with "eol"
queries = [
("Version (PG)", "SELECT setting FROM pg_settings WHERE name = 'server_version'"),
('Encoding (PG)', "SELECT setting FROM pg_settings WHERE name = 'server_encoding'"),
('LC_COLLATE (PG)', "SELECT setting FROM pg_settings WHERE name = 'lc_collate'"),
('LC_CTYPE (PG)', "SELECT setting FROM pg_settings WHERE name = 'lc_ctype'"),
('Patients', "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dem.identity"),
('Contacts', "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM clin.encounter"),
('Episodes', "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM clin.episode"),
('Issues', "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM clin.health_issue"),
('Results', "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM clin.test_result"),
('Vaccinations', "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM clin.vaccination"),
('Documents', "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM blobs.doc_med"),
('Objects', "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM blobs.doc_obj"),
('Organizations', "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM"),
("Organizational units", "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dem.org_unit"),
(' Earliest .modified_when', "SELECT min(modified_when) FROM audit.audit_fields"),
('Most recent .modified_when', "SELECT max(modified_when) FROM audit.audit_fields"),
(' Earliest .audit_when', "SELECT min(audit_when) FROM audit.audit_trail"),
(' Most recent .audit_when', "SELECT max(audit_when) FROM audit.audit_trail")
if conn is None:
conn = get_connection(readonly = True)
database = conn.get_dsn_parameters()['dbname']
lines = [
'Fingerprinting GNUmed database ...',
'%20s: %s' % ('Name (DB)', database)
curs = conn.cursor()
# get size
cmd = "SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('%s'))" % database
rows = curs.fetchall()
lines.append('%20s: %s' % ('Size (DB)', rows[0][0]))
# get hash
md5_sum = get_schema_hash(link_obj = curs)
lines.append('%20s: %s (v%s)' % ('Schema hash', md5_sum, map_schema_hash2version[md5_sum]))
except KeyError:
lines.append('%20s: %s' % ('Schema hash', md5_sum))
for label, cmd in queries:
rows = curs.fetchall()
lines.append('%20s: %s' % (label, rows[0][0]))
if with_dump:
lines.append(str(get_schema_structure(link_obj = curs)))
if fname is None:
if eol is None:
return lines
return eol.join(lines)
outfile = open(fname, mode = 'wt', encoding = 'utf8')
return fname
def run_fingerprint_tool() -> int:
fname = 'db-fingerprint.txt'
result = get_db_fingerprint(fname = fname, with_dump = True)
if result == fname:
print('Success: %s' % fname)
return 0
print('Failed. Check the log for details.')
return -2
def get_current_user() -> str:
rows = run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': 'select CURRENT_USER'}])
return rows[0][0]
def get_foreign_keys2column(schema='public', table=None, column=None, link_obj=None):
"""Get the foreign keys pointing to schema.table.column.
Does not properly work with multi-column FKs.
GNUmed doesn't use any, however.
args = {
'schema': schema,
'tbl': table,
'col': column
cmd = """
%(schema)s AS referenced_schema,
%(tbl)s AS referenced_table,
%(col)s AS referenced_column,
pgc.confkey AS referenced_column_list,
pgc.conrelid::regclass AS referencing_table,
pgc.conkey AS referencing_column_list,
(select attname from pg_attribute where attnum = pgc.conkey[1] and attrelid = pgc.conrelid) AS referencing_column
pg_constraint pgc
pgc.contype = 'f'
pgc.confrelid = (
select oid from pg_class where relname = %(tbl)s and relnamespace = (
select oid from pg_namespace where nspname = %(schema)s
) and
select attnum
from pg_attribute
attrelid = (select oid from pg_class where relname = %(tbl)s and relnamespace = (
select oid from pg_namespace where nspname = %(schema)s
attname = %(col)s
) = any(pgc.confkey)
rows = run_ro_queries (
link_obj = link_obj,
queries = [
{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}
return rows
def get_index_name(indexed_table=None, indexed_column=None, link_obj=None):
args = {
'idx_tbl': indexed_table,
'idx_col': indexed_column
rows = run_ro_queries (
link_obj = link_obj,
queries = [{'cmd': SQL_get_index_name, 'args': args}]
return rows
def get_foreign_key_names(src_schema=None, src_table=None, src_column=None, target_schema=None, target_table=None, target_column=None, link_obj=None):
args = {
'src_schema': src_schema,
'src_tbl': src_table,
'src_col': src_column,
'target_schema': target_schema,
'target_tbl': target_table,
'target_col': target_column
rows = run_ro_queries (
link_obj = link_obj,
queries = [{'cmd': SQL_foreign_key_name, 'args': args}]
return rows
def get_child_tables(schema='public', table=None, link_obj=None):
"""Return child tables of <table>."""
cmd = """
pgn.nspname as namespace,
pgc.relname as table
pg_namespace pgn,
pg_class pgc
pgc.relnamespace = pgn.oid
pgc.oid in (
select inhrelid from pg_inherits where inhparent = (
select oid from pg_class where
relnamespace = (select oid from pg_namespace where nspname = %(schema)s) and
relname = %(table)s
rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'schema': schema, 'table': table}}])
return rows
def schema_exists(link_obj:_TLnkObj=None, schema='gm') -> bool:
cmd = "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = %(schema)s)"
args = {'schema': schema}
rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
return rows[0][0]
def table_exists(link_obj:_TLnkObj=None, schema:str=None, table:str=None) -> bool:
"""Returns false, true."""
cmd = """
select exists (
select 1 from information_schema.tables
table_schema = %(ns)s and
table_name = %(tbl)s and
table_type = 'BASE TABLE'
rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'ns': schema, 'tbl': table}}])
return rows[0][0]
def function_exists(link_obj:_TLnkObj=None, schema=None, function=None):
cmd = """
SELECT 1 FROM pg_proc
WHERE proname = %(func)s AND pronamespace = (SELECT oid FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = %(schema)s)
args = {
'func': function,
'schema': schema
rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
return rows[0][0]
def get_col_indices(cursor = None):
if cursor.description is None:
_log.error('no result description available: unused cursor or last query did not select rows')
return None
col_indices = {}
col_index = 0
for col_desc in cursor.description:
col_name = col_desc[0]
# a query like "select 1,2;" will return two columns of the same name !
# hence adjust to that, note, however, that dict-style access won't work
# on results of such queries ...
if col_name in col_indices:
col_name = '%s_%s' % (col_name, col_index)
col_indices[col_name] = col_index
col_index += 1
return col_indices
def get_col_defs(link_obj:_TLnkObj=None, schema='public', table=None):
args = {'schema': schema, 'table': table}
rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': SQL__col_defs4table, 'args': args}])
col_names = []
col_type = {}
for row in rows:
# map array types
if row[1].startswith('_'):
col_type[row[0]] = row[1][1:] + '[]'
col_type[row[0]] = row[1]
col_defs = []
col_defs.append(col_type) # type: ignore [arg-type]
return col_defs
def get_col_names(link_obj:_TLnkObj=None, schema='public', table=None):
"""Return column attributes of table"""
args = {'schema': schema, 'table': table}
rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': SQL__cols4table, 'args': args}])
return [ row[0] for row in rows]
def revalidate_constraints(link_obj:_TLnkObj=None) -> str | bool:
"""Revalidate all database constraints.
This needs a gm-dbo connection.
Note that reindexing should have been run *before*
this if fixing collations.
Magic cookie on success.
_log.debug('revalidating all constraints in database')
SQL = 'SELECT gm.revalidate_all_constraints();'
run_rw_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': SQL}])
except dbapi.errors.UndefinedFunction as exc: # type-x: ignore [attr-defined] # pylint: disable=no-member
if 'gm.revalidate_all_constraints() does not exist' in exc.pgerror:
_log.error('gm.revalidate_all_constraints() does not exist')
return None
except dbapi.errors.InvalidSchemaName as exc: # type-x: ignore [attr-defined] # pylint: disable=no-member
if 'schema "gm" does not exist' in exc.pgerror:
_log.error('schema "gm" does not exist, cannot run gm.revalidate_all_constraints()')
return None
except Exception:
_log.exception('failure to revalidate constraints')
return False
return __LLAP
def reindex_database(conn=None) -> str | bool:
"""Reindex the database "conn" is connected to.
conn: a read-write connection in autocommit mode with sufficient
PG level permissions for reindexing, say, "postgres" or the
database owner
False on error, magic cookie on success.
assert conn, '<conn> must be given'
dbname = conn.get_dsn_parameters()['dbname']
_log.debug('rebuilding all indices in database [%s]', dbname)
SQL = PG_SQL.SQL('REINDEX (VERBOSE) DATABASE {}').format(PG_SQL.Identifier(dbname))
# REINDEX must be run outside transactions
conn.set_session(readonly = False, autocommit = True)
curs = conn.cursor()
run_rw_queries(link_obj = curs, queries = [{'cmd': SQL}], end_tx = True)
return __MIND_MELD
except Exception:
_log.exception('reindexing failed')
return False
# should never get here
return False
def sanity_check_database_default_collation_version(conn=None) -> bool:
"""Check whether the database default collation version has changed.
conn: a psycopg2 connection, for which connection's database the collation is to be checked
If this returns False you need to run
inside the affected database.
SQL = 'SELECT *, pg_database_collation_actual_version(oid) FROM pg_database WHERE datname = current_database()'
rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = [{'cmd': SQL}])
except dbapi.errors.UndefinedFunction as pg_exc: # type-x: ignore [attr-defined] # pylint: disable=no-member
_log.exception('cannot verify collation version, likely PG < 15')
return True
db = rows[0]
if db['datcollversion'] == db['pg_database_collation_actual_version']:
_log.debug('no version change in database default collation:')
return True
_log.error('database default collation version mismatch')
_log.error('collation: %s', db['datcollate'])
_log.error('provider: %s', db['datlocprovider'])
if db['daticulocale']:
_log.error('ICU locale: %s', db['daticulocale'])
_log.error('version (DB): %s', db['datcollversion'])
_log.error('version (OS): %s', db['pg_database_collation_actual_version'])
return False
def refresh_database_default_collation_version_information(conn=None, use_the_source_luke=False) -> bool:
"""Update the recorded version of the database default collation.
conn: a psycopg2 connection for the database intended to be updated
use_the_source_luke: do as you are told
if not use_the_source_luke:
_log.error('REINDEX and VALIDATE CONSTRAINT must have been run before updating collation version information')
return False
if __MIND_MELD not in use_the_source_luke:
_log.error('REINDEX and VALIDATE CONSTRAINT must have been run before updating collation version information')
return False
if __LLAP not in use_the_source_luke:
_log.error('REINDEX and VALIDATE CONSTRAINT must have been run before updating collation version information')
return False
_log.debug('Kelvin: refreshing database default collation version information')
run_rw_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = [{'cmd': SQL}])
except Exception:
_log.exception('failure to update default collation version information')
return False
return True
def sanity_check_collation_versions(conn=None) -> bool:
"""Check whether the version of collation has changed.
conn: a psycopg2 connection, in which connection's database the collations are to be checked
If this returns False you need to run
for each of the collations with mismatching versions from pg_collation.
SQL = """
FROM pg_collation
collprovider <> 'd'
collversion <> pg_catalog.pg_collation_actual_version(oid)
-- must ignore collations not intended for the database encoding
collencoding = (SELECT encoding FROM pg_database WHERE datname = pg_catalog.current_database())
rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = [{'cmd': SQL}])
except dbapi.errors.UndefinedFunction as pg_exc: # type-x: ignore [attr-defined] # pylint: disable=no-member
_log.exception('cannot verify collation versions, likely PG < 15')
return True
if not rows:
_log.debug('no version changes in pg_collation entries')
return True
_log.error('version mismatches in pg_collation')
for coll in rows:
return False
def refresh_collations_version_information(conn=None, use_the_source_luke=False) -> bool:
"""Update the recorded versions in pg_collations.
Needs to be run by the owner of the collations stored in
pg_collation, typically the database owner.
conn: a psycopg2 connection to the database intended to be updated
use_the_source_luke: do as you are told
False: cannot refresh collations
True: collations refreshed
None: collations refresh function missing
if not use_the_source_luke:
_log.error('REINDEX and VALIDATE CONSTRAINT must have been run before updating collation version information')
return False
if __MIND_MELD not in use_the_source_luke:
_log.error('REINDEX and VALIDATE CONSTRAINT must have been run before updating collation version information')
return False
if __LLAP not in use_the_source_luke:
_log.error('REINDEX and VALIDATE CONSTRAINT must have been run before updating collation version information')
return False
_log.debug('Kelvin: refreshing pg_collations row version information')
SQL = 'SELECT gm.update_pg_collations();'
run_rw_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = [{'cmd': SQL}])
except dbapi.errors.UndefinedFunction as exc: # type-x: ignore [attr-defined] # pylint: disable=no-member
if 'gm.update_pg_collations() does not exist' in exc.pgerror:
_log.error('gm.update_pg_collations() does not exist')
return None
except dbapi.errors.InvalidSchemaName as exc: # type-x: ignore [attr-defined] # pylint: disable=no-member
if 'schema "gm" does not exist' in exc.pgerror:
_log.error('schema "gm" does not exist, cannot run gm.update_pg_collations()')
return None
except Exception:
_log.exception('failure to update collations version information')
return False
return True
def run_collations_tool() -> int:
print('Fixing database collations version mismatches.')
if os.getuid() != 0:
print('Not running as root. Aborting.')
return -2
pg_demon_user_passwd_line = None
pg_demon_user_passwd_line = pwd.getpwnam('postgres')
except KeyError:
pg_demon_user_passwd_line = pwd.getpwnam('pgsql')
except KeyError:
print('cannot identify postgres superuser account')
return -2
_log.debug('PG demon user: %s', pg_demon_user_passwd_line)
if os.getuid() != pg_demon_user_passwd_line[2]:
if os.getuid() != pg_demon_user_passwd_line[2]:
print('Failed to become database superuser [%s]' % pg_demon_user_passwd_line[0])
return -2
request_login_params (
setup_pool = True,
force_tui = True,
user = pg_demon_user_passwd_line[0]
conn = get_connection(readonly = False)
default_collation_valid = sanity_check_database_default_collation_version(conn = conn)
other_collations_valid = sanity_check_collation_versions(conn = conn)
if default_collation_valid and other_collations_valid:
print('All collations valid.')
return 0
llap = []
llap.append(revalidate_constraints(link_obj = conn))
llap.append(reindex_database(conn = conn))
if not default_collation_valid:
print('Refreshing database default collation version.')
if not refresh_database_default_collation_version_information(conn = conn, use_the_source_luke = llap):
print('Failed. Aborting.')
return -2
if not other_collations_valid:
print('Refreshing general collation versions.')
if not refresh_collations_version_information(conn = conn, use_the_source_luke = llap):
print('Failed. Aborting.')
return -2
print('All collation versions refreshed.')
return 0
# i18n functions
def export_translations_from_database(filename=None):
tx_file = open(filename, mode = 'wt', encoding = 'utf8')
tx_file.write('-- GNUmed database string translations exported %s\n' % gmDateTime.pydt_now_here().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'))
tx_file.write('-- - contains translations for each of [%s]\n' % ', '.join(get_translation_languages()))
tx_file.write('-- - user database language is set to [%s]\n\n' % get_current_user_language())
tx_file.write('-- Please email this file to <>.\n')
tx_file.write('-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n')
tx_file.write('set default_transaction_read_only to off;\n\n')
tx_file.write("set client_encoding to 'utf-8';\n\n")
tx_file.write('\\unset ON_ERROR_STOP\n\n')
cmd = 'SELECT lang, orig, trans FROM i18n.translations ORDER BY lang, orig'
rows = run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd}])
for row in rows:
line = "select i18n.upd_tx(E'%s', E'%s', E'%s');\n" % (
row['lang'].replace("'", "\\'"),
row['orig'].replace("'", "\\'"),
row['trans'].replace("'", "\\'")
tx_file.write('\set ON_ERROR_STOP 1\n')
return True
def delete_translation_from_database(link_obj:_TLnkObj=None, language=None, original=None):
cmd = 'DELETE FROM i18n.translations WHERE lang = %(lang)s AND orig = %(orig)s'
args = {'lang': language, 'orig': original}
run_rw_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], return_data = False, end_tx = True)
return True
def update_translation_in_database(language=None, original=None, translation=None, link_obj=None):
if language is None:
cmd = 'SELECT i18n.upd_tx(%(orig)s, %(trans)s)'
cmd = 'SELECT i18n.upd_tx(%(lang)s, %(orig)s, %(trans)s)'
args = {'lang': language, 'orig': original, 'trans': translation}
run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], return_data = False, link_obj = link_obj)
return args
def get_translation_languages():
rows = run_ro_queries (
queries = [{'cmd': 'select distinct lang from i18n.translations'}]
return [ r[0] for r in rows ]
def get_database_translations(language=None, order_by=None):
args = {'lang': language}
_log.debug('language [%s]', language)
if order_by is None:
order_by = 'ORDER BY %s' % order_by
order_by = 'ORDER BY lang, orig'
if language is None:
cmd = """
lang, orig, trans
-- strings stored as translation keys whether translated or not
NULL as lang,
NULL AS trans
i18n.keys ik
-- already translated strings
i18n.translations it
)) as translatable_strings
%s""" % order_by
cmd = """
lang, orig, trans
-- strings stored as translation keys whether translated or not
%%(lang)s as lang,
i18n._(ik.orig, %%(lang)s) AS trans
i18n.keys ik
-- already translated strings
%%(lang)s as lang,
i18n._(it.orig, %%(lang)s) AS trans
i18n.translations it
)) AS translatable_strings
%s""" % order_by
rows = run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
if rows is None:
_log.error('no translatable strings found')
_log.debug('%s translatable strings found', len(rows))
return rows
def get_current_user_language():
cmd = 'select i18n.get_curr_lang()'
rows = run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd}])
return rows[0][0]
def set_user_language(user=None, language=None):
"""Set the user language in the database.
user = None: current db user
language = None: unset
"""'setting database language for user [%s] to [%s]', user, language)
args = {'usr': user, 'lang': language}
if language is None:
if user is None:
queries = [{'cmd': 'select i18n.unset_curr_lang()'}]
queries = [{'cmd': 'select i18n.unset_curr_lang(%(usr)s)', 'args': args}]
queries.append({'cmd': 'select True'})
if user is None:
queries = [{'cmd': 'select i18n.set_curr_lang(%(lang)s)', 'args': args}]
queries = [{'cmd': 'select i18n.set_curr_lang(%(lang)s, %(usr)s)', 'args': args}]
rows = run_rw_queries(queries = queries, return_data = True)
if not rows[0][0]:
_log.error('cannot set database language to [%s] for user [%s]', language, user)
return rows[0][0]
def force_user_language(language=None):
"""Set the user language in the database.
- regardless of whether there is any translation available.
- only for the current user
"""'forcing database language for current db user to [%s]', language)
run_rw_queries(queries = [{
'cmd': 'select i18n.force_curr_lang(%(lang)s)',
'args': {'lang': language}
# =======================================================================
# query runners and helpers
# =======================================================================
def send_maintenance_notification():
cmd = 'NOTIFY "db_maintenance_warning"'
run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd}], return_data = False)
def send_maintenance_shutdown():
cmd = 'NOTIFY "db_maintenance_disconnect"'
run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd}], return_data = False)
def is_pg_interval(candidate:str=None) -> bool:
cmd = 'SELECT %(candidate)s::interval'
run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'candidate': candidate}}])
except Exception:
cmd = 'SELECT %(candidate)s::text::interval'
run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'candidate': candidate}}])
except Exception:
return False
return True
def lock_row(link_obj:_TLnkObj=None, table:str=None, pk:int=None, exclusive:bool=False) -> bool:
"""Get advisory lock on a table row.
Uses pg_advisory(_shared). Technically, <table> and <pk>
are just conventions for reproducibly generating the lock
Locks stack upon each other and need one unlock per lock.
Same connection: all locks succeed
Different connections:
- shared + shared: succeeds
- shared + exclusive: fails
link_obj: None/connection/cursor
table: the table in which to lock a row
pk: the PK of the row to lock.
exclusive: whether or not to lock _shared
Whether lock was obtained or not.
_log.debug('locking row: [%s] [%s] (exclusive: %s)', table, pk, exclusive)
if exclusive:
cmd = """SELECT pg_try_advisory_lock('%s'::regclass::oid::int, %s)""" % (table, pk)
cmd = """SELECT pg_try_advisory_lock_shared('%s'::regclass::oid::int, %s)""" % (table, pk)
rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': cmd}])
if rows[0][0]:
return True
_log.warning('cannot lock row: [%s] [%s] (exclusive: %s)', table, pk, exclusive)
return False
def unlock_row(link_obj:_TLnkObj=None, table:str=None, pk:int=None, exclusive:bool=False) -> bool:
"""Uses pg_advisory_unlock(_shared).
- each lock needs one unlock
_log.debug('trying to unlock row: [%s] [%s] (exclusive: %s)', table, pk, exclusive)
if exclusive:
cmd = "SELECT pg_advisory_unlock('%s'::regclass::oid::int, %s)" % (table, pk)
cmd = "SELECT pg_advisory_unlock_shared('%s'::regclass::oid::int, %s)" % (table, pk)
rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': cmd}])
if rows[0][0]:
return True
_log.warning('cannot unlock row: [%s] [%s] (exclusive: %s)', table, pk, exclusive)
return False
def row_is_locked(table=None, pk=None) -> bool:
"""Checks pg_locks for (ADVISORY only) locks on the row identified by table and pk.
- does not take into account locks other than 'advisory', however
cmd = """SELECT EXISTS (
classid = '%s'::regclass::oid::int
objid = %s
locktype = 'advisory'
)""" % (table, pk)
rows = run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd}])
if rows[0][0]:
_log.debug('row is locked: [%s] [%s]', table, pk)
return True
_log.debug('row is NOT locked: [%s] [%s]', table, pk)
return False
# BYTEA cache handling
def __generate_cached_filename(cache_key_data) -> str:
md5 = hashlib.md5()
md5.update(('%s' % cache_key_data).encode('utf8'))
return os.path.join(gmTools.gmPaths().bytea_cache_dir, md5.hexdigest())
def __store_file_in_cache(filename, cache_key_data) -> str:
cached_name = __generate_cached_filename(cache_key_data)
_log.debug('[%s] -> [%s] -> [%s]', filename, cache_key_data, cached_name)
if not gmTools.remove_file(cached_name, log_error = True, force = True):
_log.error('cannot remove existing file [%s] for key [%s] from cache', filename, cached_name)
return None
PERMS_owner_only = 0o0660
shutil.copyfile(filename, cached_name, follow_symlinks = True)
os.chmod(cached_name, PERMS_owner_only)
except shutil.SameFileError:
_log.exception('file seems to exist in cache, despite having checked and possible removed it just before')
# don't use that file, it is unsafe, it might have come from
# a race being exploited to make us use the wrong data, this
# then constitutes a DOS attack against the cache but that's
# far less problematic than using the wrong data for care
return None
except PermissionError:
_log.exception('cannot set cache file [%s] permissions to [%s]', cached_name, stat.filemode(PERMS_owner_only))
return None
except OSError:
_log.exception('cannot copy file into cache: [%s] -> [%s]', filename, cached_name)
return None
return cached_name
def __get_filename_in_cache(cache_key_data=None, data_size=None) -> str:
"""Calculate and verify filename in cache given cache key details."""
cached_name = __generate_cached_filename(cache_key_data)
stat = os.stat(cached_name)
except FileNotFoundError:
return None
_log.debug('cache hit: [%s] -> [%s] (%s)', cache_key_data, cached_name, stat)
if os.path.islink(cached_name) or (not os.path.isfile(cached_name)):
_log.error('object in cache is not a regular file: %s', cached_name)
_log.error('possibly an attack, removing')
if gmTools.remove_file(cached_name, log_error = True):
return None
raise Exception('cannot delete suspicious object in cache dir: %s', cached_name)
if stat.st_size == data_size:
return cached_name
_log.debug('size in cache [%s] <> expected size [%s], removing cached file', stat.st_size, data_size)
if gmTools.remove_file(cached_name, log_error = True):
return None
raise Exception('cannot remove suspicious object from cache dir: %s', cached_name)
def __get_file_from_cache(filename, cache_key_data=None, data_size=None, link2cached=True) -> bool:
"""Get file from cache if available."""
cached_filename = __get_filename_in_cache(cache_key_data = cache_key_data, data_size = data_size)
if cached_filename is None:
return False
if link2cached:
# (hard)link as desired name, quite a few security
# and archival tools refuse to handle softlinks, filename)
_log.debug('hardlinked [%s] as [%s]', cached_filename, filename)
return True
except Exception:
_log.debug('cannot hardlink to cache, trying copy-from-cache')
shutil.copyfile(cached_filename, filename, follow_symlinks = True)
return True
except shutil.SameFileError:
# flaky - might be same name but different content
except OSError:
_log.exception('cannot copy cached file [%s] into [%s]', cached_filename, filename)
# if cache fails entirely -> fall through to new file
_log.debug('downloading new copy of file, despite found in cache')
return False
def bytea2file (
) -> bool:
"""Store data from a bytea field into a file.
* data_query['cmd']:str, SQL to retrieve the BYTEA column (say, <data>),
must contain '... SUBSTRING(data FROM %(start)s FOR %(size)s) ...',
must return one row with one field of type bytea
* data_query['args']:dict, must contain selectors for the BYTEA row
filename: the file to store into
data_size: total size of the expected data, or None
* only used when data_size is None
* dict {'cmd': ..., 'args': ...}
* must return one row with one field with the octet_length() of the data field
link2cached: if the bytea data is found in the cache, whether to return a link
to the cache file or to create a copy thereof
True/False based on success. Exception on errors.
if data_size == 0:
open(filename, 'wb').close()
return True
if data_size is None:
rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = [data_size_query])
if not rows:
_log.error('cannot determine size: %s', data_size_query)
return False
data_size = rows[0][0]
if data_size is None:
_log.error('cannot determine size: %s', data_size_query)
return False
if data_size == 0:
open(filename, 'wb').close()
return True
if conn is None:
conn = gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool().get_connection()
cache_key_data = '%s::%s' % (conn.dsn, data_query)
found_in_cache = __get_file_from_cache(filename, cache_key_data = cache_key_data, data_size = data_size, link2cached = link2cached)
if found_in_cache:
# FIXME: start thread checking cache staleness on file
return True
with open(filename, 'wb') as outfile:
result = bytea2file_object (
data_query = data_query,
file_obj = outfile,
chunk_size = chunk_size,
data_size = data_size,
data_size_query = data_size_query,
conn = conn
__store_file_in_cache(filename, cache_key_data)
return result
def bytea2file_object(data_query:dict=None, file_obj=None, chunk_size=0, data_size:int=None, data_size_query:dict=None, conn=None) -> bool:
"""Stream data from a bytea field into a file-like object.
* data_query['cmd']:str, SQL to retrieve the BYTEA column (say, <data>),
must contain '... SUBSTRING(data FROM %(start)s FOR %(size)s) ...',
must return one row with one field of type bytea
* data_query['args']:dict, must contain selectors for the BYTEA row
file_obj: a file-like Python object
data_size: total size of the expected data, or None
* only used when data_size is None
* dict {'cmd': ..., 'args': ...}
* must return one row with one field with the octet_length() of the data field
True on success. Exception on errors.
if data_size == 0:
return True
# If the client sets an encoding other than the default we
# will receive encoding-parsed data which isn't the binary
# content we want. Hence we need to get our own connection.
# It must be a read-write one so that we don't affect the
# encoding for other users of the shared read-only
# connections.
# Actually, encodings shouldn't be applied to binary data
# (eg. bytea types) in the first place but that is only
# reported to be fixed > v7.4.
# further tests reveal that at least on PG 8.0 this bug still
# manifests itself
if conn is None:
conn = get_raw_connection(readonly = True)
if data_size is None:
rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = [data_size_query])
data_size = rows[0][0]
if data_size in [None, 0]:
return True
max_chunk_size = 1024 * 1024 * 20 # 20 MB, works for typical CR DICOMs
if chunk_size == 0:
chunk_size = min(data_size, max_chunk_size)
_log.debug('expecting %s bytes of BYTEA data in chunks of %s bytes', data_size, chunk_size)
# Windoze sucks: it can't transfer objects of arbitrary size,
# anyways, we need to split the transfer,
# however, only possible if postgres >= 7.2
needed_chunks, remainder = divmod(data_size, chunk_size)
_log.debug('%s chunk(s), %s byte(s) remainder', needed_chunks, remainder)
# retrieve chunks, skipped if data size < chunk size,
# does this not carry the danger of cutting up multi-byte escape sequences ?
# no, since bytea is binary,
# yes, since in bytea there are *some* escaped values, still
# no, since those are only escaped during *transfer*, not on-disk, hence
# only complete escape sequences are put on the wire
for chunk_id in range(needed_chunks):
chunk_start = (chunk_id * chunk_size) + 1
data_query['args']['start'] = chunk_start
data_query['args']['size'] = chunk_size
rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj=conn, queries=[data_query])
except Exception:
_log.error('cannot retrieve chunk [%s/%s], size [%s], try decreasing chunk size' % (chunk_id+1, needed_chunks, chunk_size))
# it would be a fatal error to see more than one result as ids are supposed to be unique
# retrieve remainder
if remainder > 0:
chunk_start = (needed_chunks * chunk_size) + 1
data_query['args']['start'] = chunk_start
data_query['args']['size'] = remainder
rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj=conn, queries=[data_query])
except Exception:
_log.error('cannot retrieve remaining [%s] bytes' % remainder)
# it would be a fatal error to see more than one result as ids are supposed to be unique
return True
def file2bytea(query:str=None, filename:str=None, args:dict=None, conn=None, file_md5:str=None) -> bool:
"""Store data from a file into a bytea field.
query: SQL,
* must contain a format spec named '%(data)s' for the BYTEA data, say '... <BYTEA data column> = %(data)s::BYTEA'
* if UPDATE, must contain a format spec identifying the row (eg a primary key), say '... AND pk_column = %(pk_val)s'
* can contain a '... RETURNING md5(<BYTEA data column>) AS md5'
args: if UPDATE, must contain primary key placeholder matching format spec in <query>, say {'pk_val': pk_value, ...}
* md5 sum of the file in "filename"
* if given, and <query> RETURNs a column 'md5', the returned value is compared to the given value
Whether operation seems to have succeeded.
attempt = 0
infile = None
while attempt < 3:
attempt += 1
infile = open(filename, "rb")
except (BlockingIOError, FileNotFoundError, PermissionError):
_log.exception('#%s: cannot open [%s]', attempt, filename)
_log.error('retrying after 100ms')
if infile is None:
return False
data_as_byte_string =
if args is None:
args = {}
args['data'] = memoryview(data_as_byte_string) # really still needed for BYTEA input ?
if conn is None:
conn = get_raw_connection(readonly = False)
conn_close = conn.close
conn_close = lambda *x: None
rows = run_rw_queries (
link_obj = conn,
queries = [{'cmd': query, 'args': args}],
end_tx = False,
return_data = (file_md5 is not None)
if file_md5 is None:
return True
db_md5 = rows[0]['md5']
if file_md5 == db_md5:
_log.debug('MD5 sums of data file and database BYTEA field match: [file::%s] = [DB::%s]', file_md5, db_md5)
return True
_log.error('MD5 sums of data file and database BYTEA field do not match: [file::%s] <> [DB::%s]', file_md5, db_md5)
return False
def file2lo(filename=None, conn=None, check_md5=False, file_md5=None):
# 1 GB limit unless 64 bit Python build ...
file_size = os.path.getsize(filename)
if file_size > (1024 * 1024) * 1024:
_log.debug('file size of [%s] > 1 GB, supposedly not supported by psycopg2 large objects (but seems to work anyway ?)', file_size)
# return -1
if conn is None:
conn = get_raw_connection(readonly = False)
close_conn = conn.close
close_conn = lambda *x: None
_log.debug('[%s] -> large object', filename)
# insert the data
lo = conn.lobject(0, 'w', 0, filename)
lo_oid = lo.oid
_log.debug('large object OID: %s', lo_oid)
# verify
if file_md5 is None:
return lo_oid
cmd = 'SELECT md5(lo_get(%(loid)s::oid))'
args = {'loid': lo_oid}
rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
db_md5 = rows[0][0]
if file_md5 == db_md5:
_log.debug('MD5 sums of data file and database large object match: [file::%s] = [DB::%s]', file_md5, db_md5)
return lo_oid
_log.error('MD5 sums of data file and database large object [%s] do not match: [file::%s] <> [DB::%s]', lo_oid, file_md5, db_md5)
return -1
def __file2bytea_lo(filename=None, conn=None, file_md5=None):
# 1 GB limit unless 64 bit Python build ...
file_size = os.path.getsize(filename)
if file_size > (1024 * 1024) * 1024:
_log.debug('file size of [%s] > 1 GB, supposedly not supported by psycopg2 large objects (but seems to work anyway ?)', file_size)
# return -1
if conn is None:
conn = get_raw_connection(readonly = False)
close_conn = conn.close
close_conn = lambda *x: None
_log.debug('[%s] -> large object', filename)
# insert the data
lo = conn.lobject(0, 'w', 0, filename)
lo_oid = lo.oid
_log.debug('large object OID: %s', lo_oid)
# verify
if file_md5 is None:
return lo_oid
cmd = 'SELECT md5(lo_get(%(loid)s::oid))'
args = {'loid': lo_oid}
rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
db_md5 = rows[0][0]
if file_md5 == db_md5:
_log.debug('MD5 sums of data file and database large object match: [file::%s] = [DB::%s]', file_md5, db_md5)
return lo_oid
_log.error('MD5 sums of data file and database large object [%s] do not match: [file::%s] <> [DB::%s]', lo_oid, file_md5, db_md5)
return -1
def __file2bytea_copy_from(table=None, columns=None, filename=None, conn=None, md5_query=None, file_md5=None):
# md5_query: dict{'cmd': ..., 'args': ...}
chunk_size = 32 * (1024 * 1024)
_log.debug('[%s] (%s bytes) --(%s bytes)-> %s(%s)', filename, os.path.getsize(filename), chunk_size, table, columns)
if conn is None:
conn = get_raw_connection(readonly = False)
close_conn = True
close_conn = False
curs = conn.cursor()
# write
infile = open(filename, "rb")
curs.copy_from(infile, table, size = chunk_size, columns = columns)
if None in [file_md5, md5_query]:
# close_conn()
return True
# verify
rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = [md5_query])
db_md5 = rows[0][0]
if file_md5 == db_md5:
# close_conn()
_log.debug('MD5 sums of data file and database BYTEA field match: [file::%s] = [DB::%s]', file_md5, db_md5)
return True
if close_conn:
_log.error('MD5 sums of data file and database BYTEA field do not match: [file::%s] <> [DB::%s]', file_md5, db_md5)
return False
def __file2bytea_overlay(query=None, args=None, filename=None, conn=None, md5_query=None, file_md5=None):
"""Store data from a file into a bytea field.
The query must:
- 'cmd' must be in unicode
- 'cmd' must contain a format spec identifying the row (eg
a primary key) matching <args> if it is an UPDATE
- 'cmd' must contain "... SET ... <some_bytea_field> = OVERLAY(some_bytea_field PLACING %(data)s::bytea FROM %(start)s FOR %(size)s) ..."
- 'args' must be a dict matching 'cmd'
The query CAN return the MD5 of the inserted data:
RETURNING md5(<field>) AS md5
in which case it will compare it to the md5
of the file.
bytea_field = OVERLAY (
coalesce(bytea_field, '':bytea),
primary_key = pk_value
SELECT md5(bytea_field) FROM the_table WHERE primary_key = pk_value
chunk_size = 32 * (1024 * 1024)
file_size = os.path.getsize(filename)
if file_size <= chunk_size:
chunk_size = file_size
needed_chunks, remainder = divmod(file_size, chunk_size)
_log.debug('file data: %s bytes, chunks: %s, chunk size: %s bytes, remainder: %s bytes', file_size, needed_chunks, chunk_size, remainder)
if conn is None:
conn = get_raw_connection(readonly = False)
close_conn = conn.close
close_conn = lambda *x: None
infile = open(filename, "rb")
# write chunks
for chunk_id in range(needed_chunks):
chunk_start = (chunk_id * chunk_size) + 1
args['start'] = chunk_start
args['size'] = chunk_size
data_as_byte_string =
# really still needed for BYTEA input ?
args['data'] = memoryview(data_as_byte_string)
rows = run_rw_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = [{'cmd': query, 'args': args}], end_tx = False, return_data = False)
except Exception:
_log.exception('cannot write chunk [%s/%s] of size [%s], try decreasing chunk size', chunk_id+1, needed_chunks, chunk_size)
# write remainder
if remainder > 0:
chunk_start = (needed_chunks * chunk_size) + 1
args['start'] = chunk_start
args['size'] = remainder
data_as_byte_string =
# really still needed for BYTEA input ?
args['data'] = memoryview(data_as_byte_string)
rows = run_rw_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = [{'cmd': query, 'args': args}], end_tx = False, return_data = False)
except Exception:
_log.error('cannot retrieve remaining [%s] bytes' % remainder)
if None in [file_md5, md5_query]:
return True
# verify
rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = [{'cmd': md5_query, 'args': args}])
db_md5 = rows[0][0]
if file_md5 == db_md5:
_log.debug('MD5 sums of data file and database BYTEA field match: [file::%s] = [DB::%s]', file_md5, db_md5)
return True
_log.error('MD5 sums of data file and database BYTEA field do not match: [file::%s] <> [DB::%s]', file_md5, db_md5)
return False
def read_all_rows_of_table(schema=None, table=None):
if schema is None:
schema = prompted_input(prompt = 'schema for table to dump', default = None)
if schema is None:
_log.debug('aborted by user (no schema entered)')
return None
if table is None:
table = prompted_input(prompt = 'table to dump (in schema %s.)' % schema, default = None)
if table is None:
_log.debug('aborted by user (no table entered)')
return None
_log.debug('dumping <%s.%s>', schema, table)
conn = get_connection(readonly=True, verbose = False, pooled = True, connection_name = 'read_all_rows_of_table')
# get pk column name
rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = [{'cmd': SQL_get_primary_key_name, 'args': {'schema': schema, 'table': table}}])
if rows:
_log.debug('primary key def: %s', rows)
if len(rows) > 1:
_log.error('cannot handle multi-column primary key')
return False
pk_name = rows[0][0]
_log.debug('cannot determine primary key, asking user')
pk_name = prompted_input(prompt = 'primary key name for %s.%s' % (schema, table), default = None)
if pk_name is None:
_log.debug('aborted by user (no primary key name entered)')
return None
# get PK values
qualified_table = '%s.%s' % (schema, table)
qualified_pk_name = '%s.%s.%s' % (schema, table, pk_name)
cmd = PG_SQL.SQL('SELECT {schema_table_pk} FROM {schema_table} ORDER BY 1'.format (
schema_table_pk = qualified_pk_name,
schema_table = qualified_table
rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = [{'cmd': cmd}])
if not rows:
_log.debug('no rows to dump')
return True
# dump table rows
_log.debug('dumping %s rows', len(rows))
cmd = PG_SQL.SQL('SELECT * FROM {schema_table} WHERE {schema_table_pk} = %(pk_val)s'.format (
schema_table = qualified_table,
schema_table_pk = qualified_pk_name
found_errors = False
idx = 0
for row in rows:
idx += 1
args = {'pk_val': row[0]}
_log.debug('dumping row #%s with pk [%s]', idx, row[0])
run_ro_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
except dbapi.InternalError:
found_errors = True
_log.exception('error dumping row')
print('ERROR: cannot dump row %s of %s with pk %s = %s', idx, len(rows), qualified_pk_name, rows[0])
return found_errors is False
def run_sql_script(sql_script, conn=None):
if conn is None:
conn = get_connection(readonly = False)
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmPsql
psql = gmPsql.Psql(conn)
if == 0:
query = {
'cmd': 'select gm.log_script_insertion(%(name)s, %(ver)s)',
'args': {'name': sql_script, 'ver': 'current'}
run_rw_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = [query])
return True
_log.error('error running sql script: %s', sql_script)
return False
def sanitize_pg_regex(expression=None, escape_all=False):
"""Escape input for use in a PostgreSQL regular expression.
If a fragment comes from user input and is to be used
as a regular expression we need to make sure it doesn't
contain invalid regex patterns such as unbalanced ('s.
True: try to escape *all* metacharacters
False: only escape those which are known to render the regex invalid
return expression.replace (
'(', '\('
).replace (
')', '\)'
).replace (
'[', '\['
).replace (
'+', '\+'
).replace (
'.', '\.'
).replace (
'*', '\*'
).replace (
'?', '\?'
#']', '\]', # not needed
def __safely_close_cursor_and_rollback_close_conn(close_cursor=None, rollback_tx=None, close_conn=None):
if close_cursor:
except PG_ERROR_EXCEPTION as pg_exc:
_log.exception('cannot close cursor')
if rollback_tx:
# need to rollback so ABORT state isn't retained in pooled connections
except PG_ERROR_EXCEPTION as pg_exc:
_log.exception('cannot rollback transaction')
if close_conn:
#except dbapi.InterfaceError:
except PG_ERROR_EXCEPTION as pg_exc:
_log.exception('cannot close connection')
def run_ro_queries (
) -> list[_TRow] | None:
"""Run read-only queries.
link_obj: a psycopg2 cursor or connection, can be used to continue transactions, or None
queries: a list of dicts:
{'cmd': <SQL string with %(name)s placeholders>, 'args': <dict>},
return_data: attempt to fetch data produced by the last query and return that
A tuple holding (data rows, column index in row data as per DB-API)
assert queries is not None, '<queries> must not be None'
assert isinstance(link_obj, (dbapi._psycopg.connection, dbapi._psycopg.cursor, type(None))), '<link_obj> must be None, a cursor, or a connection, but [%s] is of type (%s)' % (link_obj, type(link_obj))
if link_obj is None:
conn = get_connection(readonly = True, verbose = verbose)
curs = conn.cursor()
curs_close = curs.close
tx_rollback = conn.rollback
readonly_rollback_just_in_case = conn.rollback
curs_close = lambda *x: None
tx_rollback = lambda *x: None
readonly_rollback_just_in_case = lambda *x: None
if isinstance(link_obj, dbapi._psycopg.cursor):
curs = link_obj
elif isinstance(link_obj, dbapi._psycopg.connection):
curs = link_obj.cursor()
curs_close = curs.close
tx_rollback = link_obj.rollback
if link_obj.autocommit is True: # readonly connection ?
readonly_rollback_just_in_case = link_obj.rollback
# do NOT rollback readonly queries on passed-in readwrite
# connections just in case because they may have already
# seen fully legitimate write action which would get lost
if verbose:
_log.debug('cursor: %s', curs)
for query in queries:
try: args = query['args']
except KeyError: args = None
curs.execute(query['cmd'], args)
except PG_ERROR_EXCEPTION as pg_exc:
_log.error('query failed in RO connection')
__safely_close_cursor_and_rollback_close_conn (
close_cursor = curs_close,
rollback_tx = tx_rollback, # rollback so any ABORT state isn't preserved in pooled connections
close_conn = False # do not close connection, RO connections are pooled
__perhaps_reraise_as_permissions_error(pg_exc, curs)
except Exception:
_log.exception('error during query run in RO connection')
__safely_close_cursor_and_rollback_close_conn (
close_cursor = curs_close,
rollback_tx = tx_rollback, # rollback so any ABORT state isn't preserved in pooled connections
close_conn = False # do not close connection, RO connections are pooled
if verbose:
if not return_data:
__safely_close_cursor_and_rollback_close_conn (
close_cursor = curs_close,
# rollback just-in-case so we can see data committed meanwhile if
# the link object had been passed in and thusly might be part of
# a long-running transaction -- but only if its a readonly framing
# transaction, do not rollback framing readwrite connections
rollback_tx = readonly_rollback_just_in_case,
close_conn = False # do not close connection, RO connections are pooled
return None
data = curs.fetchall()
if verbose:
_log.debug('last query returned [%s (%s)] rows', curs.rowcount, len(data))
_log.debug('cursor description: %s', curs.description)
__safely_close_cursor_and_rollback_close_conn (
close_cursor = curs_close,
# rollback just-in-case so we can see data committed meanwhile if
# the link object had been passed in and thusly might be part of
# a long-running transaction -- but only if its a readonly framing
# transaction, do not rollback framing readwrite connections
rollback_tx = readonly_rollback_just_in_case,
close_conn = False # do not close connection, RO connections are pooled
return data
def __log_notices(notices_accessor=None):
for notice in notices_accessor.notices:
_log.debug(notice.replace('\n', '/').replace('\n', '/'))
del notices_accessor.notices[:]
def __perhaps_reraise_as_permissions_error(pg_exc, curs):
if pg_exc.pgcode != PG_error_codes.INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE:
# privilege problem -- normalize as GNUmed exception
details = 'Query: [%s]' % curs.query.decode(errors = 'replace').strip().strip('\n').strip().strip('\n')
if curs.statusmessage != '':
details = 'Status: %s\n%s' % (
if pg_exc.pgerror is None:
msg = '[%s]' % pg_exc.pgcode
msg = '[%s]: %s' % (pg_exc.pgcode, pg_exc.pgerror)
raise gmExceptions.AccessDenied (
source = 'PostgreSQL',
code = pg_exc.pgcode,
details = details
def run_rw_queries (
) -> list[_TRow] | None:
"""Convenience function for running read-write queries.
Typically (part of) a transaction.
link_obj: None, cursor, connection
* a list of dicts [{'cmd': <string>, 'args': <dict> or <tuple>)
* to be executed as a single transaction
* the last query may usefully return rows, such as:
SELECT currval('some_sequence');
* controls whether the transaction is finalized (eg.
COMMITted/ROLLed BACK) or not, this allows the
call to run_rw_queries() to be part of a framing
* if link_obj is a *connection* then "end_tx" will
default to False unless it is explicitly set to
True which is taken to mean "yes, you do have full
control over the transaction" in which case the
transaction is properly finalized
* if link_obj is a *cursor* we CANNOT finalize the
transaction because we would need the connection for that
* if link_obj is *None* "end_tx" will, of course, always
be True, because we always have full control over the
connection, not ending the transaction would be pointless
* if true, the returned data will include the rows
the last query selected
* if false, it returns None instead
* None if last query did not return rows
* "fetchall() result" if last query returned any rows and "return_data" was True
assert queries is not None, '<queries> must not be None'
assert isinstance(link_obj, (dbapi._psycopg.connection, dbapi._psycopg.cursor, type(None))), '<link_obj> must be None, a cursor, or a connection, but [%s] is of type (%s)' % (link_obj, type(link_obj))
if link_obj is None:
conn = get_connection(readonly = False)
curs = conn.cursor()
conn_close = conn.close
tx_commit = conn.commit
tx_rollback = conn.rollback
curs_close = curs.close
notices_accessor = conn
conn_close = lambda *x: None
tx_commit = lambda *x: None
tx_rollback = lambda *x: None
curs_close = lambda *x: None
if isinstance(link_obj, dbapi._psycopg.cursor):
curs = link_obj
notices_accessor = curs.connection
elif isinstance(link_obj, dbapi._psycopg.connection):
curs = link_obj.cursor()
curs_close = curs.close
notices_accessor = link_obj
if end_tx:
tx_commit = link_obj.commit
tx_rollback = link_obj.rollback
for query in queries:
try: args = query['args']
except KeyError: args = None
curs.execute(query['cmd'], args)
except dbapi.Error as pg_exc: # DB related exceptions
_log.error('query failed in RW connection')
__safely_close_cursor_and_rollback_close_conn (
__perhaps_reraise_as_permissions_error(pg_exc, curs)
except Exception: # other exceptions
_log.exception('error running query in RW connection')
__safely_close_cursor_and_rollback_close_conn (
if verbose:
if not return_data:
#return (None, None)
return None
data = None
data = curs.fetchall()
except Exception:
_log.exception('error fetching data from RW query')
__safely_close_cursor_and_rollback_close_conn (
return data
# =======================================================================
# connection handling API
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_raw_connection(verbose:bool=False, readonly:bool=True, connection_name:str=None, autocommit:bool=False) -> dbapi.extras.DictConnection:
"""Get a raw, unadorned connection.
* this will not set any parameters such as encoding, timezone, datestyle
* the only requirement is valid connection parameters having been passed to the connection pool
* hence it can be used for "service" connections for verifying encodings etc
return gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool().get_raw_connection (
readonly = readonly,
verbose = verbose,
connection_name = connection_name,
autocommit = autocommit
# =======================================================================
def get_connection(readonly:bool=True, verbose:bool=False, pooled:bool=True, connection_name:str=None, autocommit:bool=False) -> dbapi.extras.DictConnection:
return gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool().get_connection (
readonly = readonly,
verbose = verbose,
connection_name = connection_name,
autocommit = autocommit,
pooled = pooled
def discard_pooled_connection_of_thread():
def shutdown():
# ======================================================================
# internal helpers
def log_pg_exception(exc:Exception, msg:str=None):
def log_database_access(action=None):
args = {'action': action}
SQL = "INSERT INTO gm.access_log (user_action) VALUES (%(action)s)"
run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': SQL, 'args': args}])
def sanity_check_time_skew(tolerance:int=60) -> bool:
"""Check server time and local time to be within
the given tolerance of each other.
tolerance: seconds
_log.debug('maximum skew tolerance (seconds): %s', tolerance)
cmd = "SELECT now() at time zone 'UTC'"
conn = get_raw_connection(readonly = True)
curs = conn.cursor()
start = time.time()
rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = curs, queries = [{'cmd': cmd}])
end = time.time()
client_now_as_utc = pydt.datetime.utcnow()
server_now_as_utc = rows[0][0]
query_duration = end - start'server "now" (UTC): %s', server_now_as_utc)'client "now" (UTC): %s', client_now_as_utc)
_log.debug('wire roundtrip (seconds): %s', query_duration)
if query_duration > tolerance:
_log.error('useless to check client/server time skew, wire roundtrip > tolerance')
return False
if server_now_as_utc > client_now_as_utc:
current_skew = server_now_as_utc - client_now_as_utc
current_skew = client_now_as_utc - server_now_as_utc
_log.debug('client/server time skew: %s', current_skew)
if current_skew > pydt.timedelta(seconds = tolerance):
_log.error('client/server time skew > tolerance')
return False
return True
def sanity_check_database_settings(hipaa:bool=True) -> tuple:
"""Check database settings for sanity.
hipaa: how to check HIPAA relevant settings, as fatal or warning
(status, message)
* 0: no problem
* 1: non-fatal problem
* 2: fatal problem
_log.debug('checking database settings')
conn = get_connection()
# - version string
global postgresql_version_string
if postgresql_version_string is None:
curs = conn.cursor()
curs.execute('SELECT version()')
postgresql_version_string = curs.fetchone()['version']
curs.close()'PostgreSQL version (string): "%s"' % postgresql_version_string)
# - postgresql settings
options2check:dict[str, list] = {
# setting: [expected value, risk, fatal?]
'allow_system_table_mods': [['off'], 'system breakage', False],
'check_function_bodies': [['on'], 'suboptimal error detection', False],
'datestyle': [['ISO'], 'faulty timestamp parsing', True],
'default_transaction_isolation': [['read committed'], 'faulty database reads', True],
'default_transaction_read_only': [['on'], 'accidental database writes', False],
'fsync': [['on'], 'data loss/corruption', True],
'full_page_writes': [['on'], 'data loss/corruption', False],
'lc_messages': [['C'], 'suboptimal error detection', False],
'password_encryption': [['on', 'md5', 'scram-sha-256'], 'breach of confidentiality', False],
#'regex_flavor': [[u'advanced'], u'query breakage', False], # 9.0 doesn't support this anymore, and default now "advanced" anyway
'synchronous_commit': [['on'], 'data loss/corruption', False],
'sql_inheritance': [['on'], 'query breakage, data loss/corruption', True], # IF returned (<PG10): better be ON, if NOT returned (PG10): hardwired
'ignore_checksum_failure': [['off'], 'data loss/corruption', False], # starting with PG 9.3
'track_commit_timestamp': [['on'], 'suboptimal auditing', False], # starting with PG 9.3
if hipaa:
options2check['log_connections'] = [['on'], 'non-compliance with HIPAA', True]
options2check['log_disconnections'] = [['on'], 'non-compliance with HIPAA', True]
options2check['log_connections'] = [['on'], 'non-compliance with HIPAA', None]
options2check['log_disconnections'] = [['on'], 'non-compliance with HIPAA', None]
cmd = 'SELECT name, setting FROM pg_settings WHERE name = ANY(%(settings)s)'
rows = run_ro_queries (
link_obj = conn,
queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'settings': list(options2check)}}]
found_error = False
found_problem = False
msg = []
for row in rows:
option = row['name']
value_found = row['setting']
values_expected = options2check[option][0]
risk = options2check[option][1]
fatal_setting = options2check[option][2]
if not value_found in values_expected:
if fatal_setting is True:
found_error = True
elif fatal_setting is False:
found_problem = True
elif fatal_setting is None:
raise ValueError('invalid database configuration sanity check')
msg.append(_(' option [%s]: %s') % (option, value_found))
msg.append(_(' risk: %s') % risk)
_log.warning('PG option [%s] set to [%s], expected %s, risk: <%s>' % (option, value_found, values_expected, risk))
# - collations
if not sanity_check_database_default_collation_version(conn = conn):
found_problem = True
msg.append(_(' collation version mismatch between database and operating system'))
msg.append(_(' risk: data corruption (duplicate entries, faulty sorting)'))
if not sanity_check_collation_versions(conn = conn):
found_problem = True
msg.append(_(' collations with version mismatch'))
msg.append(_(' risk: data corruption (duplicate entries, faulty sorting)'))
# - database encoding
curs = conn.cursor()
curs.execute('SELECT pg_encoding_to_char(encoding) FROM pg_database WHERE datname = current_database()')
encoding = curs.fetchone()['pg_encoding_to_char']
if encoding != 'UTF8':
found_problem = True
msg.append(_(' database encoding not UTF8 but rather: %s') % encoding)
msg.append(_(' risk: multilingual data storage problems'))
_log.warning('PG database encoding not UTF8 but [%s]', encoding)
except dbapi.Error:
_log.exception('cannot verify database encoding (probably PG < 15)')
# preloaded libraries
# SQL = "SELECT name, setting from pg_settings where name = 'shared_preload_libraries';"
# rows = run_ro_queries (link_obj = conn, queries = [{'cmd': SQL, 'args': None}])
# if rows:
# value_found = rows[0]['setting']
# else:
# value_found = []
# if 'auto_explain' not in value_found:
# msg.append(_(' option [shared_preload_libraries]: %s') % value_found)
# msg.append(_(' risk: suboptimal debugging'))
# _log.warning('PG option [shared_preload_libraries] set to: %s, expected to include "auto_explain", risk: <suboptimal debugging>', value_found)
# found_problem = True
if found_error:
return 2, '\n'.join(msg)
if found_problem:
return 1, '\n'.join(msg)
return 0, ''
# main
log_pg_exception_details = gmConnectionPool.log_pg_exception_details
exception_is_connection_loss = gmConnectionPool.exception_is_connection_loss
cAuthenticationError = gmConnectionPool.cAuthenticationError
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
if sys.argv[1] != 'test':
#from Gnumed.pycommon.gmTools import file2md5
def test_file2bytea():
login, creds = request_login_params()
pool = gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool()
pool.credentials = creds
run_rw_queries(queries = [
{'cmd': 'drop table if exists test_bytea'},
{'cmd': 'create table test_bytea (data bytea)'}
file2bytea(query = 'insert into test_bytea values (%(data)s::bytea)', filename = sys.argv[2])
except Exception:
run_rw_queries(queries = [
{'cmd': 'drop table test_bytea'}
# def test_file2bytea_lo():
# login, creds = request_login_params()
# pool = gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool()
# pool.credentials = creds
# lo_oid = file2bytea_lo (
# filename = sys.argv[2]
# #, file_md5 = file2md5(sys.argv[2], True)
# )
# print(lo_oid)
# if lo_oid != -1:
# run_rw_queries(queries = [
# {'cmd': u'select lo_unlink(%(loid)s::oid)', 'args': {'loid': lo_oid}}
# ])
# def test_file2bytea_copy_from():
# login, creds = request_login_params()
# pool = gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool()
# pool.credentials = creds
# run_rw_queries(queries = [
# {'cmd': 'drop table if exists test_bytea'},
# {'cmd': 'create table test_bytea (pk serial primary key, data bytea)'},
# {'cmd': "insert into test_bytea (data) values (NULL::bytea)"}
# ])
# md5_query = {
# 'cmd': 'select md5(data) AS md5 FROM test_bytea WHERE pk = %(pk)s',
# 'args': {'pk': 1}
# }
# file2bytea_copy_from (
# table = 'test_bytea',
# columns = ['data'],
# filename = sys.argv[2],
# md5_query = md5_query,
# file_md5 = file2md5(sys.argv[2], True)
# )
# run_rw_queries(queries = [
# {'cmd': 'drop table if exists test_bytea'}
# ])
# #--------------------------------------------------------------------
# def test_file2bytea_overlay():
# login, creds = request_login_params()
# pool = gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool()
# pool.credentials = creds
# run_rw_queries(queries = [
# {'cmd': 'drop table if exists test_bytea'},
# {'cmd': 'create table test_bytea (pk serial primary key, data bytea)'},
# {'cmd': "insert into test_bytea (data) values (NULL::bytea)"}
# ])
# cmd = """
# update test_bytea
# set data = overlay (
# coalesce(data, ''::bytea)
# placing %(data)s::bytea
# from %(start)s
# for %(size)s
# )
# where
# pk > %(pk)s
# """
# md5_cmd = 'select md5(data) from test_bytea'
# args = {'pk': 0}
# file2bytea_overlay (
# query = cmd,
# args = args,
# filename = sys.argv[2],
# conn = None,
# md5_query = md5_cmd,
# file_md5 = file2md5(sys.argv[2], True)
# )
# run_rw_queries(queries = [
# {'cmd': 'drop table test_bytea'}
# ])
def test_get_connection():
print("testing get_connection()")
login, creds = request_login_params()
pool = gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool()
pool.credentials = creds
dsn = 'foo'
conn = get_connection()
except dbapi.ProgrammingError:
print("1) SUCCESS: get_connection(%s) failed as expected" % dsn)
typ, val = sys.exc_info()[:2]
print (' ', typ)
print (' ', val)
dsn = 'dbname=gnumed_v22'
conn = get_connection()
print("2) ERROR: get_connection() did not fail")
except cAuthenticationError:
print("2) SUCCESS: get_connection(%s) failed as expected" % dsn)
typ, val = sys.exc_info()[:2]
print(' ', typ)
print(' ', val)
dsn = 'dbname=gnumed_v22 user=abc'
conn = get_connection()
print("3) ERROR: get_connection() did not fail")
except cAuthenticationError:
print("3) SUCCESS: get_connection(%s) failed as expected" % dsn)
typ, val = sys.exc_info()[:2]
print(' ', typ)
print(' ', val)
dsn = 'dbname=gnumed_v22 user=any-doc password=abc'
conn = get_connection()
print("4) ERROR: get_connection() did not fail")
except cAuthenticationError:
print("4) SUCCESS: get_connection(%s) failed as expected" % dsn)
typ, val = sys.exc_info()[:2]
print(' ', typ)
print(' ', val)
dsn = 'dbname=gnumed_v22 user=any-doc password=any-doc'
conn = get_connection(readonly=True)
print('5) SUCCESS: get_connection(ro)')
dsn = 'dbname=gnumed_v22 user=any-doc password=any-doc'
conn = get_connection(readonly=False, verbose=True)
print('6) SUCCESS: get_connection(rw)')
dsn = 'dbname=gnumed_v22 user=any-doc'
conn = get_connection()
print("8) SUCCESS:", dsn)
print('pid:', conn.get_backend_pid())
except cAuthenticationError:
print("4) SUCCESS: get_connection(%s) failed" % dsn)
typ, val = sys.exc_info()[:2]
print(' ', typ)
print(' ', val)
curs = conn.cursor()
input('hit enter to run query')
curs.execute('selec 1')
except Exception as exc:
_log.exception('exception occurred')
if gmConnectionPool.exception_is_connection_loss(exc):
_log.error('lost connection')
def test_rw_query():
login, creds = request_login_params()
pool = gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool()
pool.credentials = creds
conn = get_connection(readonly = False)
queries = [
{'cmd': 'create table staging.test (ts timestamp with time zone)'},
{'cmd': "INSERT INTO staging.test (ts) values (%(inf)s::TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE AT TIME ZONE 'UTC')", 'args': {'inf': '-infinity'}},
{'cmd': 'SELECT FROM staging.test'}
print(run_rw_queries(queries = queries, link_obj = conn))
def test_run_queries():
login, creds = request_login_params()
pool = gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool()
pool.credentials = creds
conn = get_connection(readonly = True)
while True:
SQL = input('Enter SQL:')
data = run_ro_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = [{'cmd': SQL}], return_data = True, verbose = True)
def test_ro_queries():
login, creds = request_login_params()
pool = gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool()
pool.credentials = creds
print("testing run_ro_queries()")
#dsn = 'dbname=gnumed_v22 user=any-doc password=any-doc'
conn = get_connection(readonly = True)
data = run_ro_queries(link_obj=conn, queries=[{'cmd': 'SELECT version()'}], return_data=True, verbose=True)
data = run_ro_queries(link_obj=conn, queries=[{'cmd': 'SELECT 1'}], return_data=True)
curs = conn.cursor()
data = run_ro_queries(link_obj=curs, queries=[{'cmd': 'SELECT version()'}], return_data=True, verbose=True)
data = run_ro_queries(link_obj=curs, queries=[{'cmd': 'SELECT 1'}], return_data=True, verbose=True)
data = run_ro_queries(link_obj=curs, queries=[{'cmd': 'selec 1'}], return_data=True, verbose=True)
except dbapi.ProgrammingError:
print('SUCCESS: run_ro_queries("selec 1") failed as expected')
typ, val = sys.exc_info()[:2]
print(' ', typ)
print(' ', val)
def test_connection_pool():
login, creds = request_login_params()
pool = gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool()
pool.credentials = creds
def test_list_args():
login, creds = request_login_params()
pool = gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool()
pool.credentials = creds
conn = get_connection(readonly = True)
curs = conn.cursor()
curs.execute('SELECT * from clin.clin_narrative where narrative = %s', ['a'])
def test_sanitize_pg_regex():
tests = [
['(', '\\(']
, ['[', '\\[']
, [')', '\\)']
for test in tests:
result = sanitize_pg_regex(test[0])
if result != test[1]:
print('ERROR: sanitize_pg_regex(%s) returned "%s", expected "%s"' % (test[0], result, test[1]))
def test_is_pg_interval():
login, creds = request_login_params()
pool = gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool()
pool.credentials = creds
status = True
tests = [
[None, True], # None == NULL == succeeds !
[1, True],
['1', True],
['abc', False]
if not is_pg_interval():
print('ERROR: is_pg_interval() returned "False", expected "True"')
status = False
for test in tests:
result = is_pg_interval(test[0])
if result != test[1]:
print('ERROR: is_pg_interval(%s) returned "%s", expected "%s"' % (test[0], result, test[1]))
status = False
return status
def test_sanity_check_database_settings():
login, creds = request_login_params()
pool = gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool()
pool.credentials = creds
print(sanity_check_database_settings(hipaa = True))
status, msg = sanity_check_database_settings()
def test_sanity_check_time_skew():
login, creds = request_login_params()
pool = gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool()
pool.credentials = creds
def test_get_foreign_key_details():
login, creds = request_login_params()
pool = gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool()
pool.credentials = creds
schema = 'clin'
table = 'episode'
col = 'pk'
print('column %s.%s.%s is referenced by:' % (schema, table, col))
for row in get_foreign_keys2column (
schema = schema,
table = table,
column = col
print(' <- %s.%s' % (
def test_set_user_language():
login, creds = request_login_params()
pool = gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool()
pool.credentials = creds
# (user, language, result, exception type)
tests = [
# current user
[None, 'de_DE', True],
[None, 'lang_w/o_tx', False],
[None, None, True],
# valid user
['any-doc', 'de_DE', True],
['any-doc', 'lang_w/o_tx', False],
['any-doc', None, True],
# invalid user
['invalid user', 'de_DE', None],
['invalid user', 'lang_w/o_tx', False], # lang checking happens before user checking
['invalid user', None, True]
for test in tests:
print('testing: %s', test)
result = set_user_language(user = test[0], language = test[1])
if result != test[2]:
print("test:", test)
print("result:", result, "expected:", test[2])
except dbapi.IntegrityError as e:
if test[2] is None:
print("test:", test)
print("expected exception")
print("result:", e)
def test_get_schema_revision_history():
login, creds = request_login_params()
pool = gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool()
pool.credentials = creds
for line in get_schema_revision_history():
print(' - '.join(line))
def test_run_query():
conn = get_connection(readonly=False)
curs = conn.cursor()
curs.execute('SELECT 1;')
#pool = gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool()
#pool.credentials = creds
args = {'dt': gmDateTime.pydt_max_here()}
cmd = "SELECT %(dt)s"
#cmd = u"SELECT 'infinity'::timestamp with time zone"
cmd = """
SELECT to_timestamp (foofoo,'YYMMDD.HH24MI') FROM (
't1.130729.0902.tif', -- string
E'(.1)\.([0-9\.]+)(\.tif)', -- pattern
E'\\\\2' -- replacement
) AS foofoo
) AS foo"""
cmd = u"SELECT 'infinity'::timestamp with time zone"
rows = run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
def test_schema_exists():
login, creds = request_login_params()
pool = gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool()
pool.credentials = creds
def test_row_locks():
login, creds = request_login_params()
pool = gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool()
pool.credentials = creds
row_is_locked(table = 'dem.identity', pk = 12)
print("on 1st connection:")
print(" locked:", row_is_locked(table = 'dem.identity', pk = 12))
print(" 1st shared lock succeeded:", lock_row(table = 'dem.identity', pk = 12, exclusive = False))
print(" locked:", row_is_locked(table = 'dem.identity', pk = 12))
print(" 2nd shared lock should succeed:", lock_row(table = 'dem.identity', pk = 12, exclusive = False))
print(" `-> unlock succeeded:", unlock_row(table = 'dem.identity', pk = 12, exclusive = False))
print(" locked:", row_is_locked(table = 'dem.identity', pk = 12))
print(" exclusive lock should succeed:", lock_row(table = 'dem.identity', pk = 12, exclusive = True))
print(" `-> unlock succeeded:", unlock_row(table = 'dem.identity', pk = 12, exclusive = True))
print(" locked:", row_is_locked(table = 'dem.identity', pk = 12))
print("on 2nd connection:")
conn = get_raw_connection(readonly=True)
print(" shared lock should succeed:", lock_row(link_obj = conn, table = 'dem.identity', pk = 12, exclusive = False))
print(" `-> unlock succeeded:", unlock_row(link_obj = conn, table = 'dem.identity', pk = 12, exclusive = False))
print(" locked:", row_is_locked(table = 'dem.identity', pk = 12))
print(" exclusive lock succeeded:", lock_row(link_obj = conn, table = 'dem.identity', pk = 12, exclusive = True), "(should be False)")
print(" locked:", row_is_locked(table = 'dem.identity', pk = 12))
print("on 1st connection again:")
print(" unlock succeeded:", unlock_row(table = 'dem.identity', pk = 12, exclusive = False))
print(" locked:", row_is_locked(table = 'dem.identity', pk = 12))
print("on 2nd connection:")
print(" exclusive lock should succeed:", lock_row(link_obj = conn, table = 'dem.identity', pk = 12, exclusive = True))
print(" locked:", row_is_locked(table = 'dem.identity', pk = 12))
print(" shared lock should succeed:", lock_row(link_obj = conn, table = 'dem.identity', pk = 12, exclusive = False))
print(" `-> unlock succeeded:", unlock_row(link_obj = conn, table = 'dem.identity', pk = 12, exclusive = False))
print(" locked:", row_is_locked(table = 'dem.identity', pk = 12))
print(" unlock succeeded:", unlock_row(link_obj = conn, table = 'dem.identity', pk = 12, exclusive = False))
print(" locked:", row_is_locked(table = 'dem.identity', pk = 12))
def test_get_foreign_key_names():
login, creds = request_login_params()
pool = gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool()
pool.credentials = creds
print(get_foreign_key_names (
src_schema = 'clin',
src_table = 'vaccination',
src_column = 'fk_episode',
target_schema = 'clin',
target_table = 'episode',
target_column = 'pk'
print(get_foreign_key_names (
src_schema = 'dem',
src_table = 'names',
src_column = 'id_identity',
target_schema = 'dem',
target_table = 'identity',
target_column = 'pk'
def test_get_index_name():
login, creds = request_login_params()
pool = gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool()
pool.credentials = creds
print(get_index_name(indexed_table = 'clin.vaccination', indexed_column = 'fk_episode'))
def test_faulty_SQL():
login, creds = request_login_params()
pool = gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool()
pool.credentials = creds
#conn = get_connection()
run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': 'SELEC 1'}])
def test_log_settings():
login, creds = request_login_params()
pool = gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool()
pool.credentials = creds
conn = get_connection()
gmConnectionPool.log_pg_settings(curs = conn.cursor())
def test_get_db_fingerprint():
login, creds = request_login_params()
pool = gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool()
pool.credentials = creds
#conn = get_connection()
#print(get_db_fingerprint(conn, with_dump = True, eol = '\n'))
print(get_db_fingerprint(with_dump = True, eol = '\n'))
def test_reindex_database():
print(reindex_database(conn = get_connection(readonly = False)))
def test_sanity_check_collation_versions():
print('DB default collation valid:', sanity_check_database_default_collation_version())
print('explicit collations valid:', sanity_check_collation_versions())
def test_refresh_collations_version_information():
print('fails:', refresh_collations_version_information())
print('fails:', refresh_collations_version_information(use_the_source_luke = __MIND_MELD))
print('fails:', refresh_collations_version_information(use_the_source_luke = __LLAP))
print('works:', refresh_collations_version_information(use_the_source_luke = [__MIND_MELD, __LLAP]))
def check_all_collations():
# print('checking DB default collation')
# db_collation_valid = sanity_check_database_default_collation_version()
# print(' valid:', db_collation_valid)
print('checking other collations')
other_collations_valid = sanity_check_collation_versions()
print(' valid:', other_collations_valid)
def refresh_all_collations_version_information():
print('checking DB default collation')
db_collation_valid = sanity_check_database_default_collation_version()
print(' valid:', db_collation_valid)
print('checking other collations')
other_collations_valid = sanity_check_collation_versions()
print(' valid:', other_collations_valid)
if db_collation_valid and other_collations_valid:
input('[enter] for reindexing/revalidation')
conn = get_connection(readonly = False)
leia = reindex_database(conn = conn)
print('reindexing:', leia)
luke = revalidate_constraints()
print('revalidation:', luke)
input('[enter] for collations updates')
conn = get_connection(readonly = False)
print('refreshing collations version information')
if not db_collation_valid:
db_collation_updated = refresh_database_default_collation_version_information(conn = conn, use_the_source_luke = [leia, luke])
print(' DB collation:', db_collation_updated)
if not other_collations_valid:
collations_updated = refresh_collations_version_information(conn = conn, use_the_source_luke = [leia, luke])
print(' other collations:', collations_updated)
def test_revalidate_constraints():
print(revalidate_constraints(link_obj = get_connection(readonly = False)))
def test_schema_compatible():
request_login_params(setup_pool = True)
print(database_schema_compatible(version=22, verbose=True))
def test_get_schema_structure():
request_login_params(setup_pool = True)
def test_pg_temp_concat():
request_login_params(setup_pool = True)
conn = get_connection(readonly = False)
queries = [
{'cmd': SQL__pg_temp_concat_table_structure_v19_and_up},
{'cmd': SQL__get_pg_temp_table_structure}
rows = run_rw_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = queries, return_data = True)
def test___get_schema_structure():
request_login_params(setup_pool = True)
with open('x-gm_func.txt', 'w', encoding = 'utf8') as f:
with open('x-pg_temp_func.txt', 'w', encoding = 'utf8') as f:
def test_big_bang():
login, creds = request_login_params()
pool = gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool()
pool.credentials = creds
print(is_beginning_of_time(pydt.datetime(1, 1, 1)))
# run tests
# legacy:
# tested:
#test_file2bytea_copy_from() # not fully implemented
#request_login_params(setup_pool = True, force_tui = True)
#gmConnectionPool._VERBOSE_PG_LOG = True
#SQL = 'select 1 as one, 2 as two'
#SQL = 'SELECT pg_sleep(4)'
#rows = run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': SQL}])
#r = rows[0]
#for field in r.keys():
#print(field, r[field])
# try:
# run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': 'select no_function(1)'}])
# except dbapi.errors.UndefinedFunction as e:
# print(type(e))
# for s in dir(e.diag):
# print(s, getattr(e.diag, s))
# ======================================================================
def bytea2file(data_query: dict = None, filename: str = None, chunk_size: int = 0, data_size: int = None, data_size_query: dict = None, conn=None, link2cached: bool = True) ‑> bool
Store data from a bytea field into a file.
- data_query['cmd']:str, SQL to retrieve the BYTEA column (say, ), must contain '… SUBSTRING(data FROM %(start)s FOR %(size)s) …', must return one row with one field of type bytea
- data_query['args']:dict, must contain selectors for the BYTEA row
- the file to store into
- total size of the expected data, or None
- only used when data_size is None
- dict {'cmd': …, 'args': …}
- must return one row with one field with the octet_length() of the data field
- if the bytea data is found in the cache, whether to return a link to the cache file or to create a copy thereof
True/False based on success. Exception on errors.
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def bytea2file ( data_query:dict=None, filename:str=None, chunk_size:int=0, data_size:int=None, data_size_query:dict=None, conn=None, link2cached:bool=True ) -> bool: """Store data from a bytea field into a file. Args: data_query: * data_query['cmd']:str, SQL to retrieve the BYTEA column (say, <data>), must contain '... SUBSTRING(data FROM %(start)s FOR %(size)s) ...', must return one row with one field of type bytea * data_query['args']:dict, must contain selectors for the BYTEA row filename: the file to store into data_size: total size of the expected data, or None data_size_query: * only used when data_size is None * dict {'cmd': ..., 'args': ...} * must return one row with one field with the octet_length() of the data field link2cached: if the bytea data is found in the cache, whether to return a link to the cache file or to create a copy thereof Returns: True/False based on success. Exception on errors. """ if data_size == 0: open(filename, 'wb').close() return True if data_size is None: rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = [data_size_query]) if not rows: _log.error('cannot determine size: %s', data_size_query) return False data_size = rows[0][0] if data_size is None: _log.error('cannot determine size: %s', data_size_query) return False if data_size == 0: open(filename, 'wb').close() return True if conn is None: conn = gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool().get_connection() cache_key_data = '%s::%s' % (conn.dsn, data_query) found_in_cache = __get_file_from_cache(filename, cache_key_data = cache_key_data, data_size = data_size, link2cached = link2cached) if found_in_cache: # FIXME: start thread checking cache staleness on file return True with open(filename, 'wb') as outfile: result = bytea2file_object ( data_query = data_query, file_obj = outfile, chunk_size = chunk_size, data_size = data_size, data_size_query = data_size_query, conn = conn ) __store_file_in_cache(filename, cache_key_data) return result
def bytea2file_object(data_query: dict = None, file_obj=None, chunk_size=0, data_size: int = None, data_size_query: dict = None, conn=None) ‑> bool
Stream data from a bytea field into a file-like object.
- data_query['cmd']:str, SQL to retrieve the BYTEA column (say, ), must contain '… SUBSTRING(data FROM %(start)s FOR %(size)s) …', must return one row with one field of type bytea
- data_query['args']:dict, must contain selectors for the BYTEA row
- a file-like Python object
- total size of the expected data, or None
- only used when data_size is None
- dict {'cmd': …, 'args': …}
- must return one row with one field with the octet_length() of the data field
True on success. Exception on errors.
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def bytea2file_object(data_query:dict=None, file_obj=None, chunk_size=0, data_size:int=None, data_size_query:dict=None, conn=None) -> bool: """Stream data from a bytea field into a file-like object. Args: data_query: * data_query['cmd']:str, SQL to retrieve the BYTEA column (say, <data>), must contain '... SUBSTRING(data FROM %(start)s FOR %(size)s) ...', must return one row with one field of type bytea * data_query['args']:dict, must contain selectors for the BYTEA row file_obj: a file-like Python object data_size: total size of the expected data, or None data_size_query: * only used when data_size is None * dict {'cmd': ..., 'args': ...} * must return one row with one field with the octet_length() of the data field Returns: True on success. Exception on errors. """ if data_size == 0: return True # If the client sets an encoding other than the default we # will receive encoding-parsed data which isn't the binary # content we want. Hence we need to get our own connection. # It must be a read-write one so that we don't affect the # encoding for other users of the shared read-only # connections. # Actually, encodings shouldn't be applied to binary data # (eg. bytea types) in the first place but that is only # reported to be fixed > v7.4. # further tests reveal that at least on PG 8.0 this bug still # manifests itself if conn is None: conn = get_raw_connection(readonly = True) if data_size is None: rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = [data_size_query]) data_size = rows[0][0] if data_size in [None, 0]: conn.rollback() return True max_chunk_size = 1024 * 1024 * 20 # 20 MB, works for typical CR DICOMs if chunk_size == 0: chunk_size = min(data_size, max_chunk_size) _log.debug('expecting %s bytes of BYTEA data in chunks of %s bytes', data_size, chunk_size) # Windoze sucks: it can't transfer objects of arbitrary size, # anyways, we need to split the transfer, # however, only possible if postgres >= 7.2 needed_chunks, remainder = divmod(data_size, chunk_size) _log.debug('%s chunk(s), %s byte(s) remainder', needed_chunks, remainder) # retrieve chunks, skipped if data size < chunk size, # does this not carry the danger of cutting up multi-byte escape sequences ? # no, since bytea is binary, # yes, since in bytea there are *some* escaped values, still # no, since those are only escaped during *transfer*, not on-disk, hence # only complete escape sequences are put on the wire for chunk_id in range(needed_chunks): chunk_start = (chunk_id * chunk_size) + 1 data_query['args']['start'] = chunk_start data_query['args']['size'] = chunk_size try: rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj=conn, queries=[data_query]) except Exception: _log.error('cannot retrieve chunk [%s/%s], size [%s], try decreasing chunk size' % (chunk_id+1, needed_chunks, chunk_size)) conn.rollback() raise # it would be a fatal error to see more than one result as ids are supposed to be unique file_obj.write(rows[0][0]) # retrieve remainder if remainder > 0: chunk_start = (needed_chunks * chunk_size) + 1 data_query['args']['start'] = chunk_start data_query['args']['size'] = remainder try: rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj=conn, queries=[data_query]) except Exception: _log.error('cannot retrieve remaining [%s] bytes' % remainder) conn.rollback() raise # it would be a fatal error to see more than one result as ids are supposed to be unique file_obj.write(rows[0][0]) conn.rollback() return True
def database_schema_compatible(link_obj: psycopg2.extras.DictConnection | psycopg2.extras.DictCursor | None = None, version: int = None, verbose: bool = True) ‑> bool
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def database_schema_compatible(link_obj:_TLnkObj=None, version:int=None, verbose:bool=True) -> bool: expected_hash = known_schema_hashes[version] ver = 9999 if version == 0 else version md5_db = get_schema_hash(link_obj = link_obj, version = ver) if md5_db == expected_hash:'detected schema version [%s], hash [%s]' % (map_schema_hash2version[md5_db], md5_db)) return True _log.error('database schema version mismatch') _log.error('expected: %s (%s)' % (version, expected_hash)) try: _log.error('detected: %s (%s)', map_schema_hash2version[md5_db], md5_db) except KeyError: _log.error('detected: <unknown> (%s)', md5_db) if verbose: log_schema_structure(link_obj = link_obj) log_schema_revision_history(link_obj = link_obj) return False
def delete_translation_from_database(link_obj: psycopg2.extras.DictConnection | psycopg2.extras.DictCursor | None = None, language=None, original=None)
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def delete_translation_from_database(link_obj:_TLnkObj=None, language=None, original=None): cmd = 'DELETE FROM i18n.translations WHERE lang = %(lang)s AND orig = %(orig)s' args = {'lang': language, 'orig': original} run_rw_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], return_data = False, end_tx = True) return True
def discard_pooled_connection_of_thread()
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def discard_pooled_connection_of_thread(): gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool().discard_pooled_connection_of_thread()
def export_translations_from_database(filename=None)
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def export_translations_from_database(filename=None): tx_file = open(filename, mode = 'wt', encoding = 'utf8') tx_file.write('-- GNUmed database string translations exported %s\n' % gmDateTime.pydt_now_here().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')) tx_file.write('-- - contains translations for each of [%s]\n' % ', '.join(get_translation_languages())) tx_file.write('-- - user database language is set to [%s]\n\n' % get_current_user_language()) tx_file.write('-- Please email this file to <>.\n') tx_file.write('-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n') tx_file.write('set default_transaction_read_only to off;\n\n') tx_file.write("set client_encoding to 'utf-8';\n\n") tx_file.write('\\unset ON_ERROR_STOP\n\n') cmd = 'SELECT lang, orig, trans FROM i18n.translations ORDER BY lang, orig' rows = run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd}]) for row in rows: line = "select i18n.upd_tx(E'%s', E'%s', E'%s');\n" % ( row['lang'].replace("'", "\\'"), row['orig'].replace("'", "\\'"), row['trans'].replace("'", "\\'") ) tx_file.write(line) tx_file.write('\n') tx_file.write('\set ON_ERROR_STOP 1\n') tx_file.close() return True
def file2bytea(query: str = None, filename: str = None, args: dict = None, conn=None, file_md5: str = None) ‑> bool
Store data from a file into a bytea field.
- SQL,
- must contain a format spec named '%(data)s' for the BYTEA data, say '…
= %(data)s::BYTEA' - if UPDATE, must contain a format spec identifying the row (eg a primary key), say '… AND pk_column = %(pk_val)s'
- can contain a '… RETURNING md5(
) AS md5'
- if UPDATE, must contain primary key placeholder matching format spec in
, say {'pk_val': pk_value, …}
- md5 sum of the file in "filename"
- if given, and
RETURNs a column 'md5', the returned value is compared to the given value
Whether operation seems to have succeeded.
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def file2bytea(query:str=None, filename:str=None, args:dict=None, conn=None, file_md5:str=None) -> bool: """Store data from a file into a bytea field. Args: query: SQL, * INSERT or UPDATE * must contain a format spec named '%(data)s' for the BYTEA data, say '... <BYTEA data column> = %(data)s::BYTEA' * if UPDATE, must contain a format spec identifying the row (eg a primary key), say '... AND pk_column = %(pk_val)s' * can contain a '... RETURNING md5(<BYTEA data column>) AS md5' args: if UPDATE, must contain primary key placeholder matching format spec in <query>, say {'pk_val': pk_value, ...} file_md5: * md5 sum of the file in "filename" * if given, and <query> RETURNs a column 'md5', the returned value is compared to the given value Returns: Whether operation seems to have succeeded. """ attempt = 0 infile = None while attempt < 3: attempt += 1 try: infile = open(filename, "rb") except (BlockingIOError, FileNotFoundError, PermissionError): _log.exception('#%s: cannot open [%s]', attempt, filename) _log.error('retrying after 100ms') time.sleep(0.1) break if infile is None: return False data_as_byte_string = infile.close() if args is None: args = {} args['data'] = memoryview(data_as_byte_string) # really still needed for BYTEA input ? del(data_as_byte_string) if conn is None: conn = get_raw_connection(readonly = False) conn_close = conn.close else: conn_close = lambda *x: None rows = run_rw_queries ( link_obj = conn, queries = [{'cmd': query, 'args': args}], end_tx = False, return_data = (file_md5 is not None) ) if file_md5 is None: conn.commit() conn_close() return True db_md5 = rows[0]['md5'] if file_md5 == db_md5: conn.commit() conn_close() _log.debug('MD5 sums of data file and database BYTEA field match: [file::%s] = [DB::%s]', file_md5, db_md5) return True conn.rollback() conn_close() _log.error('MD5 sums of data file and database BYTEA field do not match: [file::%s] <> [DB::%s]', file_md5, db_md5) return False
def file2lo(filename=None, conn=None, check_md5=False, file_md5=None)
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def file2lo(filename=None, conn=None, check_md5=False, file_md5=None): # 1 GB limit unless 64 bit Python build ... file_size = os.path.getsize(filename) if file_size > (1024 * 1024) * 1024: _log.debug('file size of [%s] > 1 GB, supposedly not supported by psycopg2 large objects (but seems to work anyway ?)', file_size) # return -1 if conn is None: conn = get_raw_connection(readonly = False) close_conn = conn.close else: close_conn = lambda *x: None _log.debug('[%s] -> large object', filename) # insert the data lo = conn.lobject(0, 'w', 0, filename) lo_oid = lo.oid lo.close() _log.debug('large object OID: %s', lo_oid) # verify if file_md5 is None: conn.commit() close_conn() return lo_oid cmd = 'SELECT md5(lo_get(%(loid)s::oid))' args = {'loid': lo_oid} rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) db_md5 = rows[0][0] if file_md5 == db_md5: conn.commit() close_conn() _log.debug('MD5 sums of data file and database large object match: [file::%s] = [DB::%s]', file_md5, db_md5) return lo_oid conn.rollback() close_conn() _log.error('MD5 sums of data file and database large object [%s] do not match: [file::%s] <> [DB::%s]', lo_oid, file_md5, db_md5) return -1
def force_user_language(language=None)
Set the user language in the database.
- regardless of whether there is any translation available.
- only for the current user
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def force_user_language(language=None): """Set the user language in the database. - regardless of whether there is any translation available. - only for the current user """'forcing database language for current db user to [%s]', language) run_rw_queries(queries = [{ 'cmd': 'select i18n.force_curr_lang(%(lang)s)', 'args': {'lang': language} }])
def function_exists(link_obj: psycopg2.extras.DictConnection | psycopg2.extras.DictCursor | None = None, schema=None, function=None)
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def function_exists(link_obj:_TLnkObj=None, schema=None, function=None): cmd = """ SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_proc WHERE proname = %(func)s AND pronamespace = (SELECT oid FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = %(schema)s) ) """ args = { 'func': function, 'schema': schema } rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return rows[0][0]
def get_child_tables(schema='public', table=None, link_obj=None)
Return child tables of
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def get_child_tables(schema='public', table=None, link_obj=None): """Return child tables of <table>.""" cmd = """ select pgn.nspname as namespace, pgc.relname as table from pg_namespace pgn, pg_class pgc where pgc.relnamespace = pgn.oid and pgc.oid in ( select inhrelid from pg_inherits where inhparent = ( select oid from pg_class where relnamespace = (select oid from pg_namespace where nspname = %(schema)s) and relname = %(table)s ) )""" rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'schema': schema, 'table': table}}]) return rows
def get_col_defs(link_obj: psycopg2.extras.DictConnection | psycopg2.extras.DictCursor | None = None, schema='public', table=None)
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def get_col_defs(link_obj:_TLnkObj=None, schema='public', table=None): args = {'schema': schema, 'table': table} rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': SQL__col_defs4table, 'args': args}]) col_names = [] col_type = {} for row in rows: col_names.append(row[0]) # map array types if row[1].startswith('_'): col_type[row[0]] = row[1][1:] + '[]' else: col_type[row[0]] = row[1] col_defs = [] col_defs.append(col_names) col_defs.append(col_type) # type: ignore [arg-type] return col_defs
def get_col_indices(cursor=None)
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def get_col_indices(cursor = None): if cursor.description is None: _log.error('no result description available: unused cursor or last query did not select rows') return None col_indices = {} col_index = 0 for col_desc in cursor.description: col_name = col_desc[0] # a query like "select 1,2;" will return two columns of the same name ! # hence adjust to that, note, however, that dict-style access won't work # on results of such queries ... if col_name in col_indices: col_name = '%s_%s' % (col_name, col_index) col_indices[col_name] = col_index col_index += 1 return col_indices
def get_col_names(link_obj: psycopg2.extras.DictConnection | psycopg2.extras.DictCursor | None = None, schema='public', table=None)
Return column attributes of table
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def get_col_names(link_obj:_TLnkObj=None, schema='public', table=None): """Return column attributes of table""" args = {'schema': schema, 'table': table} rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': SQL__cols4table, 'args': args}]) return [ row[0] for row in rows]
def get_connection(readonly: bool = True, verbose: bool = False, pooled: bool = True, connection_name: str = None, autocommit: bool = False) ‑> psycopg2.extras.DictConnection
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def get_connection(readonly:bool=True, verbose:bool=False, pooled:bool=True, connection_name:str=None, autocommit:bool=False) -> dbapi.extras.DictConnection: return gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool().get_connection ( readonly = readonly, verbose = verbose, connection_name = connection_name, autocommit = autocommit, pooled = pooled )
def get_current_user() ‑> str
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def get_current_user() -> str: rows = run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': 'select CURRENT_USER'}]) return rows[0][0]
def get_current_user_language()
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def get_current_user_language(): cmd = 'select i18n.get_curr_lang()' rows = run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd}]) return rows[0][0]
def get_database_translations(language=None, order_by=None)
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def get_database_translations(language=None, order_by=None): args = {'lang': language} _log.debug('language [%s]', language) if order_by is None: order_by = 'ORDER BY %s' % order_by else: order_by = 'ORDER BY lang, orig' if language is None: cmd = """ SELECT DISTINCT ON (orig, lang) lang, orig, trans FROM (( -- strings stored as translation keys whether translated or not SELECT NULL as lang, ik.orig, NULL AS trans FROM i18n.keys ik ) UNION ALL ( -- already translated strings SELECT it.lang, it.orig, it.trans FROM i18n.translations it )) as translatable_strings %s""" % order_by else: cmd = """ SELECT DISTINCT ON (orig, lang) lang, orig, trans FROM (( -- strings stored as translation keys whether translated or not SELECT %%(lang)s as lang, ik.orig, i18n._(ik.orig, %%(lang)s) AS trans FROM i18n.keys ik ) UNION ALL ( -- already translated strings SELECT %%(lang)s as lang, it.orig, i18n._(it.orig, %%(lang)s) AS trans FROM i18n.translations it )) AS translatable_strings %s""" % order_by rows = run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) if rows is None: _log.error('no translatable strings found') else: _log.debug('%s translatable strings found', len(rows)) return rows
def get_db_fingerprint(conn=None, fname: str = None, with_dump: bool = False, eol: str = None)
Get a fingerprint for a GNUmed database.
A "fingerprint" is a collection of settings and typical row counts.
- a database connection
- name of file to write fingerprint to, None = return text
- include dump of schema structure (tables, views, …)
- concatenate list by this string when returning text (rather than when writing to a file)
- if "fname" is not None: filename
- if "eol" is None: list of lines with fingerprint data
- if "eol" is not None: lines with fingerprint data joined with "eol"
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def get_db_fingerprint(conn=None, fname:str=None, with_dump:bool=False, eol:str=None): """Get a fingerprint for a GNUmed database. A "fingerprint" is a collection of settings and typical row counts. Args: conn: a database connection fname: name of file to write fingerprint to, *None* = return text with_dump: include dump of schema structure (tables, views, ...) eol: concatenate list by this string when returning text (rather than when writing to a file) Returns: * if "fname" is not None: filename * if "eol" is None: list of lines with fingerprint data * if "eol" is not None: lines with fingerprint data joined with "eol" """ queries = [ ("Version (PG)", "SELECT setting FROM pg_settings WHERE name = 'server_version'"), ('Encoding (PG)', "SELECT setting FROM pg_settings WHERE name = 'server_encoding'"), ('LC_COLLATE (PG)', "SELECT setting FROM pg_settings WHERE name = 'lc_collate'"), ('LC_CTYPE (PG)', "SELECT setting FROM pg_settings WHERE name = 'lc_ctype'"), ('Patients', "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dem.identity"), ('Contacts', "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM clin.encounter"), ('Episodes', "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM clin.episode"), ('Issues', "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM clin.health_issue"), ('Results', "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM clin.test_result"), ('Vaccinations', "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM clin.vaccination"), ('Documents', "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM blobs.doc_med"), ('Objects', "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM blobs.doc_obj"), ('Organizations', "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM"), ("Organizational units", "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dem.org_unit"), (' Earliest .modified_when', "SELECT min(modified_when) FROM audit.audit_fields"), ('Most recent .modified_when', "SELECT max(modified_when) FROM audit.audit_fields"), (' Earliest .audit_when', "SELECT min(audit_when) FROM audit.audit_trail"), (' Most recent .audit_when', "SELECT max(audit_when) FROM audit.audit_trail") ] if conn is None: conn = get_connection(readonly = True) database = conn.get_dsn_parameters()['dbname'] lines = [ 'Fingerprinting GNUmed database ...', '', '%20s: %s' % ('Name (DB)', database) ] curs = conn.cursor() # get size cmd = "SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('%s'))" % database curs.execute(cmd) rows = curs.fetchall() lines.append('%20s: %s' % ('Size (DB)', rows[0][0])) # get hash md5_sum = get_schema_hash(link_obj = curs) try: lines.append('%20s: %s (v%s)' % ('Schema hash', md5_sum, map_schema_hash2version[md5_sum])) except KeyError: lines.append('%20s: %s' % ('Schema hash', md5_sum)) for label, cmd in queries: curs.execute(cmd) rows = curs.fetchall() lines.append('%20s: %s' % (label, rows[0][0])) if with_dump: lines.append('') lines.append(str(get_schema_structure(link_obj = curs))) curs.close() if fname is None: if eol is None: return lines return eol.join(lines) outfile = open(fname, mode = 'wt', encoding = 'utf8') outfile.write('\n'.join(lines)) outfile.close() return fname
def get_foreign_key_names(src_schema=None, src_table=None, src_column=None, target_schema=None, target_table=None, target_column=None, link_obj=None)
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def get_foreign_key_names(src_schema=None, src_table=None, src_column=None, target_schema=None, target_table=None, target_column=None, link_obj=None): args = { 'src_schema': src_schema, 'src_tbl': src_table, 'src_col': src_column, 'target_schema': target_schema, 'target_tbl': target_table, 'target_col': target_column } rows = run_ro_queries ( link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': SQL_foreign_key_name, 'args': args}] ) return rows
def get_foreign_keys2column(schema='public', table=None, column=None, link_obj=None)
Get the foreign keys pointing to schema.table.column.
Does not properly work with multi-column FKs. GNUmed doesn't use any, however.
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def get_foreign_keys2column(schema='public', table=None, column=None, link_obj=None): """Get the foreign keys pointing to schema.table.column. Does not properly work with multi-column FKs. GNUmed doesn't use any, however. """ args = { 'schema': schema, 'tbl': table, 'col': column } cmd = """ SELECT %(schema)s AS referenced_schema, %(tbl)s AS referenced_table, %(col)s AS referenced_column, pgc.confkey AS referenced_column_list, pgc.conrelid::regclass AS referencing_table, pgc.conkey AS referencing_column_list, (select attname from pg_attribute where attnum = pgc.conkey[1] and attrelid = pgc.conrelid) AS referencing_column FROM pg_constraint pgc WHERE pgc.contype = 'f' AND pgc.confrelid = ( select oid from pg_class where relname = %(tbl)s and relnamespace = ( select oid from pg_namespace where nspname = %(schema)s ) ) and ( select attnum from pg_attribute where attrelid = (select oid from pg_class where relname = %(tbl)s and relnamespace = ( select oid from pg_namespace where nspname = %(schema)s )) and attname = %(col)s ) = any(pgc.confkey) """ rows = run_ro_queries ( link_obj = link_obj, queries = [ {'cmd': cmd, 'args': args} ] ) return rows
def get_index_name(indexed_table=None, indexed_column=None, link_obj=None)
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def get_index_name(indexed_table=None, indexed_column=None, link_obj=None): args = { 'idx_tbl': indexed_table, 'idx_col': indexed_column } rows = run_ro_queries ( link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': SQL_get_index_name, 'args': args}] ) return rows
def get_raw_connection(verbose: bool = False, readonly: bool = True, connection_name: str = None, autocommit: bool = False) ‑> psycopg2.extras.DictConnection
Get a raw, unadorned connection.
- this will not set any parameters such as encoding, timezone, datestyle
- the only requirement is valid connection parameters having been passed to the connection pool
- hence it can be used for "service" connections for verifying encodings etc
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def get_raw_connection(verbose:bool=False, readonly:bool=True, connection_name:str=None, autocommit:bool=False) -> dbapi.extras.DictConnection: """Get a raw, unadorned connection. * this will not set any parameters such as encoding, timezone, datestyle * the only requirement is valid connection parameters having been passed to the connection pool * hence it can be used for "service" connections for verifying encodings etc """ return gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool().get_raw_connection ( readonly = readonly, verbose = verbose, connection_name = connection_name, autocommit = autocommit )
def get_schema_hash(link_obj: psycopg2.extras.DictConnection | psycopg2.extras.DictCursor | None = None, version=None) ‑> str
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def get_schema_hash(link_obj:_TLnkObj=None, version=None) -> str: md5_db = __get_schema_hash_by_gm_func(link_obj = link_obj, version = version) if not md5_db: _log.debug('retrying with temporary function') md5_db = __get_schema_hash_by_pg_temp_func() return md5_db
def get_schema_revision_history(link_obj: psycopg2.extras.DictConnection | psycopg2.extras.DictCursor | None = None) ‑> list[psycopg2.extras.DictRow]
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def get_schema_revision_history(link_obj:_TLnkObj=None) -> list[_TRow]: if table_exists(link_obj = link_obj, schema = 'gm', table = 'schema_revision'): cmd = """ SELECT imported::text, version, filename FROM gm.schema_revision ORDER BY imported""" elif table_exists(link_obj = link_obj, schema = 'public', table = 'gm_schema_revision'): cmd = """ SELECT imported::text, version, filename FROM public.gm_schema_revision ORDER BY imported""" else: return [] rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': cmd}]) return rows
def get_schema_structure(link_obj: psycopg2.extras.DictConnection | psycopg2.extras.DictCursor | None = None) ‑> str
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def get_schema_structure(link_obj:_TLnkObj=None) -> str: schema_struct = __get_schema_structure_by_gm_func(link_obj = link_obj) if not schema_struct: _log.debug('retrying with temporary function') schema_struct = __get_schema_structure_by_pg_temp_func() return schema_struct
def get_schema_version(link_obj: psycopg2.extras.DictConnection | psycopg2.extras.DictCursor | None = None) ‑> str | int
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def get_schema_version(link_obj:_TLnkObj=None) -> int|str: md5_db = get_schema_hash(link_obj = link_obj) if not md5_db: _log.error('cannot determine schema version') return None try: return map_schema_hash2version[md5_db] except KeyError: return 'unknown database schema version, MD5 hash is [%s]' % md5_db
def get_translation_languages()
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def get_translation_languages(): rows = run_ro_queries ( queries = [{'cmd': 'select distinct lang from i18n.translations'}] ) return [ r[0] for r in rows ]
def is_beginning_of_time(dt: datetime.datetime) ‑> bool
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def is_beginning_of_time(dt:pydt.datetime) -> bool: global PG_BEGINNING_OF_TIME if not PG_BEGINNING_OF_TIME: SQL = "SELECT '-infinity'::TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' AS big_bang" rows = run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': SQL}]) PG_BEGINNING_OF_TIME = rows[0]['big_bang'] _log.debug("psycopg2 puts PG's Big Bang at: %s ('-infinity' at UTC)", PG_BEGINNING_OF_TIME) pydt_bing_bang = pydt.datetime(1,1,1) if pydt_bing_bang == PG_BEGINNING_OF_TIME: _log.debug('Python and PostgreSQL (via psycopg2) agree on the beginning of time') else: _log.error('Python3 does not agree, it thinks: %s (datetime(1,1,1))', pydt_bing_bang.isoformat()) return dt == PG_BEGINNING_OF_TIME
def is_pg_interval(candidate: str = None) ‑> bool
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def is_pg_interval(candidate:str=None) -> bool: cmd = 'SELECT %(candidate)s::interval' try: run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'candidate': candidate}}]) except Exception: cmd = 'SELECT %(candidate)s::text::interval' try: run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'candidate': candidate}}]) except Exception: return False return True
def lock_row(link_obj: psycopg2.extras.DictConnection | psycopg2.extras.DictCursor | None = None, table: str = None, pk: int = None, exclusive: bool = False) ‑> bool
Get advisory lock on a table row.
Uses pg_advisory(_shared). Technically,
are just conventions for reproducibly generating the lock token. Locks stack upon each other and need one unlock per lock.
Same connection: all locks succeed
Different connections:
- shared + shared: succeeds - shared + exclusive: fails
- None/connection/cursor
- the table in which to lock a row
- the PK of the row to lock.
- whether or not to lock _shared
Whether lock was obtained or not.
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def lock_row(link_obj:_TLnkObj=None, table:str=None, pk:int=None, exclusive:bool=False) -> bool: """Get advisory lock on a table row. Uses pg_advisory(_shared). Technically, <table> and <pk> are just conventions for reproducibly generating the lock token. Locks stack upon each other and need one unlock per lock. Same connection: all locks succeed Different connections: - shared + shared: succeeds - shared + exclusive: fails Args: link_obj: None/connection/cursor table: the table in which to lock a row pk: the PK of the row to lock. exclusive: whether or not to lock _shared Returns: Whether lock was obtained or not. """ _log.debug('locking row: [%s] [%s] (exclusive: %s)', table, pk, exclusive) if exclusive: cmd = """SELECT pg_try_advisory_lock('%s'::regclass::oid::int, %s)""" % (table, pk) else: cmd = """SELECT pg_try_advisory_lock_shared('%s'::regclass::oid::int, %s)""" % (table, pk) rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': cmd}]) if rows[0][0]: return True _log.warning('cannot lock row: [%s] [%s] (exclusive: %s)', table, pk, exclusive) return False
def log_database_access(action=None)
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def log_database_access(action=None): args = {'action': action} SQL = "INSERT INTO gm.access_log (user_action) VALUES (%(action)s)" run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': SQL, 'args': args}])
def log_pg_exception(exc: Exception, msg: str = None)
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def log_pg_exception(exc:Exception, msg:str=None): gmConnectionPool.log_pg_exception_details(exc) _log.exception(msg)
def log_schema_revision_history(link_obj=None)
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def log_schema_revision_history(link_obj=None): _log.debug('schema revision history dump:') for line in get_schema_revision_history(link_obj = link_obj): _log.debug(' - '.join(line))
def log_schema_structure(link_obj=None)
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def log_schema_structure(link_obj=None): _log.debug('schema structure dump:') schema_struct = get_schema_structure(link_obj = link_obj) if not schema_struct: _log.error('cannot determine schema structure') return for line in schema_struct.split(): _log.debug(line)
def read_all_rows_of_table(schema=None, table=None)
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def read_all_rows_of_table(schema=None, table=None): if schema is None: schema = prompted_input(prompt = 'schema for table to dump', default = None) if schema is None: _log.debug('aborted by user (no schema entered)') return None if table is None: table = prompted_input(prompt = 'table to dump (in schema %s.)' % schema, default = None) if table is None: _log.debug('aborted by user (no table entered)') return None _log.debug('dumping <%s.%s>', schema, table) conn = get_connection(readonly=True, verbose = False, pooled = True, connection_name = 'read_all_rows_of_table') # get pk column name rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = [{'cmd': SQL_get_primary_key_name, 'args': {'schema': schema, 'table': table}}]) if rows: _log.debug('primary key def: %s', rows) if len(rows) > 1: _log.error('cannot handle multi-column primary key') return False pk_name = rows[0][0] else: _log.debug('cannot determine primary key, asking user') pk_name = prompted_input(prompt = 'primary key name for %s.%s' % (schema, table), default = None) if pk_name is None: _log.debug('aborted by user (no primary key name entered)') return None # get PK values qualified_table = '%s.%s' % (schema, table) qualified_pk_name = '%s.%s.%s' % (schema, table, pk_name) cmd = PG_SQL.SQL('SELECT {schema_table_pk} FROM {schema_table} ORDER BY 1'.format ( schema_table_pk = qualified_pk_name, schema_table = qualified_table )) rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = [{'cmd': cmd}]) if not rows: _log.debug('no rows to dump') return True # dump table rows _log.debug('dumping %s rows', len(rows)) cmd = PG_SQL.SQL('SELECT * FROM {schema_table} WHERE {schema_table_pk} = %(pk_val)s'.format ( schema_table = qualified_table, schema_table_pk = qualified_pk_name )) found_errors = False idx = 0 for row in rows: idx += 1 args = {'pk_val': row[0]} _log.debug('dumping row #%s with pk [%s]', idx, row[0]) try: run_ro_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) except dbapi.InternalError: found_errors = True _log.exception('error dumping row') print('ERROR: cannot dump row %s of %s with pk %s = %s', idx, len(rows), qualified_pk_name, rows[0]) return found_errors is False
def refresh_collations_version_information(conn=None, use_the_source_luke=False) ‑> bool
Update the recorded versions in pg_collations.
Needs to be run by the owner of the collations stored in pg_collation, typically the database owner.
- a psycopg2 connection to the database intended to be updated
- do as you are told
- cannot refresh collations
- collations refreshed
- collations refresh function missing
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def refresh_collations_version_information(conn=None, use_the_source_luke=False) -> bool: """Update the recorded versions in pg_collations. Needs to be run by the owner of the collations stored in pg_collation, typically the database owner. Args: conn: a psycopg2 connection to the database intended to be updated use_the_source_luke: do as you are told Returns: False: cannot refresh collations True: collations refreshed None: collations refresh function missing """ if not use_the_source_luke: _log.error('REINDEX and VALIDATE CONSTRAINT must have been run before updating collation version information') return False if __MIND_MELD not in use_the_source_luke: _log.error('REINDEX and VALIDATE CONSTRAINT must have been run before updating collation version information') return False if __LLAP not in use_the_source_luke: _log.error('REINDEX and VALIDATE CONSTRAINT must have been run before updating collation version information') return False _log.debug('Kelvin: refreshing pg_collations row version information') # SQL = 'SELECT gm.update_pg_collations();' try: try: run_rw_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = [{'cmd': SQL}]) except dbapi.errors.UndefinedFunction as exc: # type-x: ignore [attr-defined] # pylint: disable=no-member if 'gm.update_pg_collations() does not exist' in exc.pgerror: _log.error('gm.update_pg_collations() does not exist') return None except dbapi.errors.InvalidSchemaName as exc: # type-x: ignore [attr-defined] # pylint: disable=no-member if 'schema "gm" does not exist' in exc.pgerror: _log.error('schema "gm" does not exist, cannot run gm.update_pg_collations()') return None raise except Exception: _log.exception('failure to update collations version information') return False return True
def refresh_database_default_collation_version_information(conn=None, use_the_source_luke=False) ‑> bool
Update the recorded version of the database default collation.
- a psycopg2 connection for the database intended to be updated
- do as you are told
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def refresh_database_default_collation_version_information(conn=None, use_the_source_luke=False) -> bool: """Update the recorded version of the database default collation. Args: conn: a psycopg2 connection for the database intended to be updated use_the_source_luke: do as you are told """ if not use_the_source_luke: _log.error('REINDEX and VALIDATE CONSTRAINT must have been run before updating collation version information') return False if __MIND_MELD not in use_the_source_luke: _log.error('REINDEX and VALIDATE CONSTRAINT must have been run before updating collation version information') return False if __LLAP not in use_the_source_luke: _log.error('REINDEX and VALIDATE CONSTRAINT must have been run before updating collation version information') return False _log.debug('Kelvin: refreshing database default collation version information') SQL = PG_SQL.SQL('ALTER DATABASE {} REFRESH COLLATION VERSION').format(PG_SQL.Identifier( try: run_rw_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = [{'cmd': SQL}]) except Exception: _log.exception('failure to update default collation version information') return False return True
def reindex_database(conn=None) ‑> bool | str
Reindex the database "conn" is connected to.
- a read-write connection in autocommit mode with sufficient PG level permissions for reindexing, say, "postgres" or the database owner
False on error, magic cookie on success.
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def reindex_database(conn=None) -> str | bool: """Reindex the database "conn" is connected to. Args: conn: a read-write connection in autocommit mode with sufficient PG level permissions for reindexing, say, "postgres" or the database owner Returns: False on error, magic cookie on success. """ assert conn, '<conn> must be given' dbname = conn.get_dsn_parameters()['dbname'] _log.debug('rebuilding all indices in database [%s]', dbname) SQL = PG_SQL.SQL('REINDEX (VERBOSE) DATABASE {}').format(PG_SQL.Identifier(dbname)) # REINDEX must be run outside transactions conn.commit() conn.set_session(readonly = False, autocommit = True) curs = conn.cursor() try: run_rw_queries(link_obj = curs, queries = [{'cmd': SQL}], end_tx = True) return __MIND_MELD except Exception: _log.exception('reindexing failed') return False finally: curs.close() conn.commit() # should never get here return False
def request_login_params(setup_pool: bool = False, force_tui: bool = False, user: str = None) ‑> tuple[LoginInfo, cPGCredentials]
Request login parameters for database connection.
- initialize connection pool
- do not attempt to use wxPython as UI
A tuple with login info.
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def request_login_params ( setup_pool:bool=False, force_tui:bool=False, user:str=None ) -> tuple[gmLoginInfo.LoginInfo, gmConnectionPool.cPGCredentials]: """Request login parameters for database connection. Args: setup_pool: initialize connection pool force_tui: do not attempt to use wxPython as UI Returns: A tuple with login info. """ # are we inside X ? # if we aren't wxGTK would crash hard at the C-level with "can't open Display" if 'DISPLAY' in os.environ and not force_tui: try: # try wxPython GUI login, creds = __request_login_params_gui_wx() except Exception: _log.exception('cannot request creds via wxPython') if setup_pool: pool = gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool() pool.credentials = creds return login, creds # well, either we are on the console or # wxPython does not work, use text mode login, creds = __request_login_params_tui(user = user) if setup_pool: pool = gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool() pool.credentials = creds return login, creds
def revalidate_constraints(link_obj: psycopg2.extras.DictConnection | psycopg2.extras.DictCursor | None = None) ‑> bool | str
Revalidate all database constraints.
This needs a gm-dbo connection.
Note that reindexing should have been run before this if fixing collations.
Magic cookie on success.
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def revalidate_constraints(link_obj:_TLnkObj=None) -> str | bool: """Revalidate all database constraints. This needs a gm-dbo connection. Note that reindexing should have been run *before* this if fixing collations. Returns: Magic cookie on success. """ _log.debug('revalidating all constraints in database') SQL = 'SELECT gm.revalidate_all_constraints();' try: try: run_rw_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': SQL}]) except dbapi.errors.UndefinedFunction as exc: # type-x: ignore [attr-defined] # pylint: disable=no-member if 'gm.revalidate_all_constraints() does not exist' in exc.pgerror: _log.error('gm.revalidate_all_constraints() does not exist') return None except dbapi.errors.InvalidSchemaName as exc: # type-x: ignore [attr-defined] # pylint: disable=no-member if 'schema "gm" does not exist' in exc.pgerror: _log.error('schema "gm" does not exist, cannot run gm.revalidate_all_constraints()') return None raise except Exception: _log.exception('failure to revalidate constraints') return False return __LLAP
def row_is_locked(table=None, pk=None) ‑> bool
Checks pg_locks for (ADVISORY only) locks on the row identified by table and pk.
- does not take into account locks other than 'advisory', however
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def row_is_locked(table=None, pk=None) -> bool: """Checks pg_locks for (ADVISORY only) locks on the row identified by table and pk. - does not take into account locks other than 'advisory', however """ cmd = """SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_locks WHERE classid = '%s'::regclass::oid::int AND objid = %s AND locktype = 'advisory' )""" % (table, pk) rows = run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd}]) if rows[0][0]: _log.debug('row is locked: [%s] [%s]', table, pk) return True _log.debug('row is NOT locked: [%s] [%s]', table, pk) return False
def run_collations_tool() ‑> int
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def run_collations_tool() -> int: print('Fixing database collations version mismatches.') print('----------------------------------------------') if os.getuid() != 0: print('Not running as root. Aborting.') return -2 pg_demon_user_passwd_line = None try: pg_demon_user_passwd_line = pwd.getpwnam('postgres') except KeyError: try: pg_demon_user_passwd_line = pwd.getpwnam('pgsql') except KeyError: print('cannot identify postgres superuser account') return -2 _log.debug('PG demon user: %s', pg_demon_user_passwd_line) if os.getuid() != pg_demon_user_passwd_line[2]: os.setuid(pg_demon_user_passwd_line[2]) if os.getuid() != pg_demon_user_passwd_line[2]: print('Failed to become database superuser [%s]' % pg_demon_user_passwd_line[0]) return -2 request_login_params ( setup_pool = True, force_tui = True, user = pg_demon_user_passwd_line[0] ) conn = get_connection(readonly = False) default_collation_valid = sanity_check_database_default_collation_version(conn = conn) other_collations_valid = sanity_check_collation_versions(conn = conn) if default_collation_valid and other_collations_valid: print('All collations valid.') return 0 llap = [] llap.append(revalidate_constraints(link_obj = conn)) llap.append(reindex_database(conn = conn)) if not default_collation_valid: print('Refreshing database default collation version.') if not refresh_database_default_collation_version_information(conn = conn, use_the_source_luke = llap): print('Failed. Aborting.') conn.rollback() conn.close() return -2 if not other_collations_valid: print('Refreshing general collation versions.') if not refresh_collations_version_information(conn = conn, use_the_source_luke = llap): print('Failed. Aborting.') conn.rollback() conn.close() return -2 conn.commit() conn.close() print('All collation versions refreshed.') return 0
def run_fingerprint_tool() ‑> int
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def run_fingerprint_tool() -> int: fname = 'db-fingerprint.txt' result = get_db_fingerprint(fname = fname, with_dump = True) if result == fname: print('Success: %s' % fname) return 0 print('Failed. Check the log for details.') return -2
def run_ro_queries(link_obj: psycopg2.extras.DictConnection | psycopg2.extras.DictCursor | None = None, queries: Sequence[dict[str, str] | dict[str, psycopg2.sql.Composed] | dict[str, Collection]] = None, verbose: bool = False, return_data: bool = True) ‑> list[psycopg2.extras.DictRow] | None
Run read-only queries.
- a psycopg2 cursor or connection, can be used to continue transactions, or None
- a list of dicts:
, 'args': }, {…}, … ] return_data
- attempt to fetch data produced by the last query and return that
A tuple holding (data rows, column index in row data as per DB-API)
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def run_ro_queries ( link_obj:_TLnkObj=None, queries:_TQueries=None, verbose:bool=False, return_data:bool=True ) -> list[_TRow] | None: """Run read-only queries. Args: link_obj: a psycopg2 cursor or connection, can be used to continue transactions, or None queries: a list of dicts: [ {'cmd': <SQL string with %(name)s placeholders>, 'args': <dict>}, {...}, ... ] return_data: attempt to fetch data produced by the last query and return that Returns: A tuple holding (data rows, column index in row data as per DB-API) """ assert queries is not None, '<queries> must not be None' assert isinstance(link_obj, (dbapi._psycopg.connection, dbapi._psycopg.cursor, type(None))), '<link_obj> must be None, a cursor, or a connection, but [%s] is of type (%s)' % (link_obj, type(link_obj)) if link_obj is None: conn = get_connection(readonly = True, verbose = verbose) curs = conn.cursor() curs_close = curs.close tx_rollback = conn.rollback readonly_rollback_just_in_case = conn.rollback else: curs_close = lambda *x: None tx_rollback = lambda *x: None readonly_rollback_just_in_case = lambda *x: None if isinstance(link_obj, dbapi._psycopg.cursor): curs = link_obj elif isinstance(link_obj, dbapi._psycopg.connection): curs = link_obj.cursor() curs_close = curs.close tx_rollback = link_obj.rollback if link_obj.autocommit is True: # readonly connection ? readonly_rollback_just_in_case = link_obj.rollback # do NOT rollback readonly queries on passed-in readwrite # connections just in case because they may have already # seen fully legitimate write action which would get lost if verbose: _log.debug('cursor: %s', curs) for query in queries: try: args = query['args'] except KeyError: args = None try: curs.execute(query['cmd'], args) except PG_ERROR_EXCEPTION as pg_exc: _log.error('query failed in RO connection') gmConnectionPool.log_pg_exception_details(pg_exc) __safely_close_cursor_and_rollback_close_conn ( close_cursor = curs_close, rollback_tx = tx_rollback, # rollback so any ABORT state isn't preserved in pooled connections close_conn = False # do not close connection, RO connections are pooled ) __perhaps_reraise_as_permissions_error(pg_exc, curs) raise except Exception: _log.exception('error during query run in RO connection') gmConnectionPool.log_cursor_state(curs) __safely_close_cursor_and_rollback_close_conn ( close_cursor = curs_close, rollback_tx = tx_rollback, # rollback so any ABORT state isn't preserved in pooled connections close_conn = False # do not close connection, RO connections are pooled ) raise if verbose: gmConnectionPool.log_cursor_state(curs) if not return_data: __safely_close_cursor_and_rollback_close_conn ( close_cursor = curs_close, # rollback just-in-case so we can see data committed meanwhile if # the link object had been passed in and thusly might be part of # a long-running transaction -- but only if its a readonly framing # transaction, do not rollback framing readwrite connections rollback_tx = readonly_rollback_just_in_case, close_conn = False # do not close connection, RO connections are pooled ) return None data = curs.fetchall() if verbose: _log.debug('last query returned [%s (%s)] rows', curs.rowcount, len(data)) _log.debug('cursor description: %s', curs.description) __safely_close_cursor_and_rollback_close_conn ( close_cursor = curs_close, # rollback just-in-case so we can see data committed meanwhile if # the link object had been passed in and thusly might be part of # a long-running transaction -- but only if its a readonly framing # transaction, do not rollback framing readwrite connections rollback_tx = readonly_rollback_just_in_case, close_conn = False # do not close connection, RO connections are pooled ) return data
def run_rw_queries(link_obj: psycopg2.extras.DictConnection | psycopg2.extras.DictCursor | None = None, queries: Sequence[dict[str, str] | dict[str, psycopg2.sql.Composed] | dict[str, Collection]] = None, end_tx: bool = False, return_data: bool = None, verbose: bool = False) ‑> list[psycopg2.extras.DictRow] | None
Convenience function for running read-write queries.
Typically (part of) a transaction.
- None, cursor, connection
- a list of dicts [{'cmd':
, 'args': or ) - to be executed as a single transaction
- the last query may usefully return rows, such as:
SELECT currval('some_sequence'); or INSERT/UPDATE ... RETURNING some_value;
- controls whether the transaction is finalized (eg. COMMITted/ROLLed BACK) or not, this allows the call to run_rw_queries() to be part of a framing transaction
- if link_obj is a connection then "end_tx" will default to False unless it is explicitly set to True which is taken to mean "yes, you do have full control over the transaction" in which case the transaction is properly finalized
- if link_obj is a cursor we CANNOT finalize the transaction because we would need the connection for that
- if link_obj is None "end_tx" will, of course, always be True, because we always have full control over the connection, not ending the transaction would be pointless
- if true, the returned data will include the rows the last query selected
- if false, it returns None instead
- None if last query did not return rows
- "fetchall() result" if last query returned any rows and "return_data" was True
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def run_rw_queries ( link_obj:_TLnkObj=None, queries:_TQueries=None, end_tx:bool=False, return_data:bool=None, verbose:bool=False ) -> list[_TRow] | None: """Convenience function for running read-write queries. Typically (part of) a transaction. Args: link_obj: None, cursor, connection queries: * a list of dicts [{'cmd': <string>, 'args': <dict> or <tuple>) * to be executed as a single transaction * the last query may usefully return rows, such as: SELECT currval('some_sequence'); or INSERT/UPDATE ... RETURNING some_value; end_tx: * controls whether the transaction is finalized (eg. COMMITted/ROLLed BACK) or not, this allows the call to run_rw_queries() to be part of a framing transaction * if link_obj is a *connection* then "end_tx" will default to False unless it is explicitly set to True which is taken to mean "yes, you do have full control over the transaction" in which case the transaction is properly finalized * if link_obj is a *cursor* we CANNOT finalize the transaction because we would need the connection for that * if link_obj is *None* "end_tx" will, of course, always be True, because we always have full control over the connection, not ending the transaction would be pointless return_data: * if true, the returned data will include the rows the last query selected * if false, it returns None instead Returns: * None if last query did not return rows * "fetchall() result" if last query returned any rows and "return_data" was True """ assert queries is not None, '<queries> must not be None' assert isinstance(link_obj, (dbapi._psycopg.connection, dbapi._psycopg.cursor, type(None))), '<link_obj> must be None, a cursor, or a connection, but [%s] is of type (%s)' % (link_obj, type(link_obj)) if link_obj is None: conn = get_connection(readonly = False) curs = conn.cursor() conn_close = conn.close tx_commit = conn.commit tx_rollback = conn.rollback curs_close = curs.close notices_accessor = conn else: conn_close = lambda *x: None tx_commit = lambda *x: None tx_rollback = lambda *x: None curs_close = lambda *x: None if isinstance(link_obj, dbapi._psycopg.cursor): curs = link_obj notices_accessor = curs.connection elif isinstance(link_obj, dbapi._psycopg.connection): curs = link_obj.cursor() curs_close = curs.close notices_accessor = link_obj if end_tx: tx_commit = link_obj.commit tx_rollback = link_obj.rollback for query in queries: try: args = query['args'] except KeyError: args = None try: curs.execute(query['cmd'], args) except dbapi.Error as pg_exc: # DB related exceptions _log.error('query failed in RW connection') gmConnectionPool.log_pg_exception_details(pg_exc) __safely_close_cursor_and_rollback_close_conn ( curs_close, tx_rollback, conn_close ) __perhaps_reraise_as_permissions_error(pg_exc, curs) gmLog2.log_stack_trace() raise except Exception: # other exceptions _log.exception('error running query in RW connection') gmConnectionPool.log_cursor_state(curs) gmLog2.log_stack_trace() __safely_close_cursor_and_rollback_close_conn ( curs_close, tx_rollback, conn_close ) raise if verbose: gmConnectionPool.log_cursor_state(curs) __log_notices(notices_accessor) if not return_data: curs_close() tx_commit() conn_close() #return (None, None) return None data = None try: data = curs.fetchall() except Exception: _log.exception('error fetching data from RW query') gmLog2.log_stack_trace() __safely_close_cursor_and_rollback_close_conn ( curs_close, tx_rollback, conn_close ) raise curs_close() tx_commit() conn_close() return data
def run_sql_script(sql_script, conn=None)
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def run_sql_script(sql_script, conn=None): if conn is None: conn = get_connection(readonly = False) from Gnumed.pycommon import gmPsql psql = gmPsql.Psql(conn) if == 0: query = { 'cmd': 'select gm.log_script_insertion(%(name)s, %(ver)s)', 'args': {'name': sql_script, 'ver': 'current'} } run_rw_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = [query]) conn.commit() return True _log.error('error running sql script: %s', sql_script) return False
def sanitize_pg_regex(expression=None, escape_all=False)
Escape input for use in a PostgreSQL regular expression.
If a fragment comes from user input and is to be used as a regular expression we need to make sure it doesn't contain invalid regex patterns such as unbalanced ('s.
True: try to escape all metacharacters False: only escape those which are known to render the regex invalid Expand source code
def sanitize_pg_regex(expression=None, escape_all=False): """Escape input for use in a PostgreSQL regular expression. If a fragment comes from user input and is to be used as a regular expression we need to make sure it doesn't contain invalid regex patterns such as unbalanced ('s. <escape_all> True: try to escape *all* metacharacters False: only escape those which are known to render the regex invalid """ return expression.replace ( '(', '\(' ).replace ( ')', '\)' ).replace ( '[', '\[' ).replace ( '+', '\+' ).replace ( '.', '\.' ).replace ( '*', '\*' ).replace ( '?', '\?' ) #']', '\]', # not needed
def sanity_check_collation_versions(conn=None) ‑> bool
Check whether the version of collation has changed.
- a psycopg2 connection, in which connection's database the collations are to be checked
If this returns False you need to run
for each of the collations with mismatching versions from pg_collation.
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def sanity_check_collation_versions(conn=None) -> bool: """Check whether the version of collation has changed. Args: conn: a psycopg2 connection, in which connection's database the collations are to be checked Returns: If this returns False you need to run REINDEX (VERBOSE) DATABASE the_database; VALIDATE CONSTRAINTS; ALTER COLLATION collation_name REFRESH VERSION; for each of the collations with mismatching versions from pg_collation. """ SQL = """ SELECT *, pg_catalog.pg_collation_actual_version(oid), pg_catalog.pg_encoding_to_char(collencoding), pg_catalog.current_database() FROM pg_collation WHERE collversion IS DISTINCT FROM NULL AND collprovider <> 'd' AND collversion <> pg_catalog.pg_collation_actual_version(oid) AND -- must ignore collations not intended for the database encoding collencoding = (SELECT encoding FROM pg_database WHERE datname = pg_catalog.current_database()) """ try: rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = [{'cmd': SQL}]) except dbapi.errors.UndefinedFunction as pg_exc: # type-x: ignore [attr-defined] # pylint: disable=no-member _log.exception('cannot verify collation versions, likely PG < 15') gmConnectionPool.log_pg_exception_details(pg_exc) return True if not rows: _log.debug('no version changes in pg_collation entries') return True _log.error('version mismatches in pg_collation') _log.debug('you need to run REINDEX DATABASE/VALIDATE CONSTRAINTS etc and ALTER COLLATION collation_name REFRESH VERSION') for coll in rows: _log.error(coll) return False
def sanity_check_database_default_collation_version(conn=None) ‑> bool
Check whether the database default collation version has changed.
- a psycopg2 connection, for which connection's database the collation is to be checked
If this returns False you need to run
inside the affected database.
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def sanity_check_database_default_collation_version(conn=None) -> bool: """Check whether the database default collation version has changed. Args: conn: a psycopg2 connection, for which connection's database the collation is to be checked Returns: If this returns False you need to run REINDEX (VERBOSE) DATABASE the_database; VALIDATE CONSTRAINTS; ALTER DATABASE the_database REFRESH COLLATION VERSION; inside the affected database. """ SQL = 'SELECT *, pg_database_collation_actual_version(oid) FROM pg_database WHERE datname = current_database()' try: rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = [{'cmd': SQL}]) except dbapi.errors.UndefinedFunction as pg_exc: # type-x: ignore [attr-defined] # pylint: disable=no-member _log.exception('cannot verify collation version, likely PG < 15') gmConnectionPool.log_pg_exception_details(pg_exc) return True db = rows[0] if db['datcollversion'] == db['pg_database_collation_actual_version']: _log.debug('no version change in database default collation:') _log.debug(db) return True _log.error('database default collation version mismatch') _log.error('collation: %s', db['datcollate']) _log.error('provider: %s', db['datlocprovider']) if db['daticulocale']: _log.error('ICU locale: %s', db['daticulocale']) _log.error('version (DB): %s', db['datcollversion']) _log.error('version (OS): %s', db['pg_database_collation_actual_version']) _log.debug('you need to run REINDEX DATABASE/VALIDATE CONSTRAINTS etc and ALTER DATABASE db_name REFRESH COLLATION VERSION') return False
def sanity_check_database_settings(hipaa: bool = True) ‑> tuple
Check database settings for sanity.
- how to check HIPAA relevant settings, as fatal or warning
(status, message)
- 0: no problem
- 1: non-fatal problem
- 2: fatal problem
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def sanity_check_database_settings(hipaa:bool=True) -> tuple: """Check database settings for sanity. Args: hipaa: how to check HIPAA relevant settings, as fatal or warning Returns: (status, message) status * 0: no problem * 1: non-fatal problem * 2: fatal problem """ _log.debug('checking database settings') conn = get_connection() # - version string global postgresql_version_string if postgresql_version_string is None: curs = conn.cursor() curs.execute('SELECT version()') postgresql_version_string = curs.fetchone()['version'] curs.close()'PostgreSQL version (string): "%s"' % postgresql_version_string) # - postgresql settings options2check:dict[str, list] = { # setting: [expected value, risk, fatal?] 'allow_system_table_mods': [['off'], 'system breakage', False], 'check_function_bodies': [['on'], 'suboptimal error detection', False], 'datestyle': [['ISO'], 'faulty timestamp parsing', True], 'default_transaction_isolation': [['read committed'], 'faulty database reads', True], 'default_transaction_read_only': [['on'], 'accidental database writes', False], 'fsync': [['on'], 'data loss/corruption', True], 'full_page_writes': [['on'], 'data loss/corruption', False], 'lc_messages': [['C'], 'suboptimal error detection', False], 'password_encryption': [['on', 'md5', 'scram-sha-256'], 'breach of confidentiality', False], #'regex_flavor': [[u'advanced'], u'query breakage', False], # 9.0 doesn't support this anymore, and default now "advanced" anyway 'synchronous_commit': [['on'], 'data loss/corruption', False], 'sql_inheritance': [['on'], 'query breakage, data loss/corruption', True], # IF returned (<PG10): better be ON, if NOT returned (PG10): hardwired 'ignore_checksum_failure': [['off'], 'data loss/corruption', False], # starting with PG 9.3 'track_commit_timestamp': [['on'], 'suboptimal auditing', False], # starting with PG 9.3 } if hipaa: options2check['log_connections'] = [['on'], 'non-compliance with HIPAA', True] options2check['log_disconnections'] = [['on'], 'non-compliance with HIPAA', True] else: options2check['log_connections'] = [['on'], 'non-compliance with HIPAA', None] options2check['log_disconnections'] = [['on'], 'non-compliance with HIPAA', None] cmd = 'SELECT name, setting FROM pg_settings WHERE name = ANY(%(settings)s)' rows = run_ro_queries ( link_obj = conn, queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'settings': list(options2check)}}] ) found_error = False found_problem = False msg = [] for row in rows: option = row['name'] value_found = row['setting'] values_expected = options2check[option][0] risk = options2check[option][1] fatal_setting = options2check[option][2] if not value_found in values_expected: if fatal_setting is True: found_error = True elif fatal_setting is False: found_problem = True elif fatal_setting is None: pass else: _log.error(options2check[option]) raise ValueError('invalid database configuration sanity check') msg.append(_(' option [%s]: %s') % (option, value_found)) msg.append(_(' risk: %s') % risk) _log.warning('PG option [%s] set to [%s], expected %s, risk: <%s>' % (option, value_found, values_expected, risk)) # - collations if not sanity_check_database_default_collation_version(conn = conn): found_problem = True msg.append(_(' collation version mismatch between database and operating system')) msg.append(_(' risk: data corruption (duplicate entries, faulty sorting)')) if not sanity_check_collation_versions(conn = conn): found_problem = True msg.append(_(' collations with version mismatch')) msg.append(_(' risk: data corruption (duplicate entries, faulty sorting)')) # - database encoding curs = conn.cursor() try: curs.execute('SELECT pg_encoding_to_char(encoding) FROM pg_database WHERE datname = current_database()') encoding = curs.fetchone()['pg_encoding_to_char'] if encoding != 'UTF8': found_problem = True msg.append(_(' database encoding not UTF8 but rather: %s') % encoding) msg.append(_(' risk: multilingual data storage problems')) _log.warning('PG database encoding not UTF8 but [%s]', encoding) except dbapi.Error: _log.exception('cannot verify database encoding (probably PG < 15)') finally: curs.close() # preloaded libraries # SQL = "SELECT name, setting from pg_settings where name = 'shared_preload_libraries';" # rows = run_ro_queries (link_obj = conn, queries = [{'cmd': SQL, 'args': None}]) # if rows: # value_found = rows[0]['setting'] # else: # value_found = [] # if 'auto_explain' not in value_found: # msg.append(_(' option [shared_preload_libraries]: %s') % value_found) # msg.append(_(' risk: suboptimal debugging')) # _log.warning('PG option [shared_preload_libraries] set to: %s, expected to include "auto_explain", risk: <suboptimal debugging>', value_found) # found_problem = True if found_error: return 2, '\n'.join(msg) if found_problem: return 1, '\n'.join(msg) return 0, ''
def sanity_check_time_skew(tolerance: int = 60) ‑> bool
Check server time and local time to be within the given tolerance of each other.
- seconds
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def sanity_check_time_skew(tolerance:int=60) -> bool: """Check server time and local time to be within the given tolerance of each other. Args: tolerance: seconds """ _log.debug('maximum skew tolerance (seconds): %s', tolerance) cmd = "SELECT now() at time zone 'UTC'" conn = get_raw_connection(readonly = True) curs = conn.cursor() start = time.time() rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = curs, queries = [{'cmd': cmd}]) end = time.time() client_now_as_utc = pydt.datetime.utcnow() curs.close() conn.commit() server_now_as_utc = rows[0][0] query_duration = end - start'server "now" (UTC): %s', server_now_as_utc)'client "now" (UTC): %s', client_now_as_utc) _log.debug('wire roundtrip (seconds): %s', query_duration) if query_duration > tolerance: _log.error('useless to check client/server time skew, wire roundtrip > tolerance') return False if server_now_as_utc > client_now_as_utc: current_skew = server_now_as_utc - client_now_as_utc else: current_skew = client_now_as_utc - server_now_as_utc _log.debug('client/server time skew: %s', current_skew) if current_skew > pydt.timedelta(seconds = tolerance): _log.error('client/server time skew > tolerance') return False return True
def schema_exists(link_obj: psycopg2.extras.DictConnection | psycopg2.extras.DictCursor | None = None, schema='gm') ‑> bool
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def schema_exists(link_obj:_TLnkObj=None, schema='gm') -> bool: cmd = "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = %(schema)s)" args = {'schema': schema} rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return rows[0][0]
def send_maintenance_notification()
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def send_maintenance_notification(): cmd = 'NOTIFY "db_maintenance_warning"' run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd}], return_data = False)
def send_maintenance_shutdown()
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def send_maintenance_shutdown(): cmd = 'NOTIFY "db_maintenance_disconnect"' run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd}], return_data = False)
def set_user_language(user=None, language=None)
Set the user language in the database.
user = None: current db user language = None: unset
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def set_user_language(user=None, language=None): """Set the user language in the database. user = None: current db user language = None: unset """'setting database language for user [%s] to [%s]', user, language) args = {'usr': user, 'lang': language} if language is None: if user is None: queries = [{'cmd': 'select i18n.unset_curr_lang()'}] else: queries = [{'cmd': 'select i18n.unset_curr_lang(%(usr)s)', 'args': args}] queries.append({'cmd': 'select True'}) else: if user is None: queries = [{'cmd': 'select i18n.set_curr_lang(%(lang)s)', 'args': args}] else: queries = [{'cmd': 'select i18n.set_curr_lang(%(lang)s, %(usr)s)', 'args': args}] rows = run_rw_queries(queries = queries, return_data = True) if not rows[0][0]: _log.error('cannot set database language to [%s] for user [%s]', language, user) return rows[0][0]
def shutdown()
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def shutdown(): gmConnectionPool.gmConnectionPool().shutdown()
def table_exists(link_obj: psycopg2.extras.DictConnection | psycopg2.extras.DictCursor | None = None, schema: str = None, table: str = None) ‑> bool
Returns false, true.
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def table_exists(link_obj:_TLnkObj=None, schema:str=None, table:str=None) -> bool: """Returns false, true.""" cmd = """ select exists ( select 1 from information_schema.tables where table_schema = %(ns)s and table_name = %(tbl)s and table_type = 'BASE TABLE' )""" rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'ns': schema, 'tbl': table}}]) return rows[0][0]
def unlock_row(link_obj: psycopg2.extras.DictConnection | psycopg2.extras.DictCursor | None = None, table: str = None, pk: int = None, exclusive: bool = False) ‑> bool
Uses pg_advisory_unlock(_shared).
- each lock needs one unlock
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def unlock_row(link_obj:_TLnkObj=None, table:str=None, pk:int=None, exclusive:bool=False) -> bool: """Uses pg_advisory_unlock(_shared). - each lock needs one unlock """ _log.debug('trying to unlock row: [%s] [%s] (exclusive: %s)', table, pk, exclusive) if exclusive: cmd = "SELECT pg_advisory_unlock('%s'::regclass::oid::int, %s)" % (table, pk) else: cmd = "SELECT pg_advisory_unlock_shared('%s'::regclass::oid::int, %s)" % (table, pk) rows = run_ro_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': cmd}]) if rows[0][0]: return True _log.warning('cannot unlock row: [%s] [%s] (exclusive: %s)', table, pk, exclusive) return False
def update_translation_in_database(language=None, original=None, translation=None, link_obj=None)
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def update_translation_in_database(language=None, original=None, translation=None, link_obj=None): if language is None: cmd = 'SELECT i18n.upd_tx(%(orig)s, %(trans)s)' else: cmd = 'SELECT i18n.upd_tx(%(lang)s, %(orig)s, %(trans)s)' args = {'lang': language, 'orig': original, 'trans': translation} run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], return_data = False, link_obj = link_obj) return args