Module Gnumed.pycommon.gmTools
GNUmed general tools.
Expand source code
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""GNUmed general tools."""
__author__ = "K. Hilbert <>"
__license__ = "GPL v2 or later (details at"
# std libs
import sys
import os
import os.path
import csv
import tempfile
import logging
import hashlib
import decimal
import getpass
import functools
import json
import shutil
import zipfile
import datetime as pydt
import re as regex
import xml.sax.saxutils as xml_tools
from typing import Any
from types import ModuleType
# old:
import pickle, zlib
# docutils
du_core = None
# GNUmed libs
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.path.insert(0, '../../')
_ = lambda x:x
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmBorg
_log = logging.getLogger('')
# CAPitalization modes:
( CAPS_NONE, # don't touch it
CAPS_FIRST, # CAP first char, leave rest as is
CAPS_ALLCAPS, # CAP all chars
CAPS_WORDS, # CAP first char of every word
CAPS_NAMES, # CAP in a way suitable for names (tries to be smart)
CAPS_FIRST_ONLY # CAP first char, lowercase the rest
) = range(6)
u_currency_pound = '\u00A3' # Pound sign
u_currency_sign = '\u00A4' # generic currency sign
u_currency_yen = '\u00A5' # Yen sign
u_right_double_angle_quote = '\u00AB' # <<
u_registered_trademark = '\u00AE'
u_plus_minus = '\u00B1'
u_superscript_one = '\u00B9' # ^1
u_left_double_angle_quote = '\u00BB' # >>
u_one_quarter = '\u00BC'
u_one_half = '\u00BD'
u_three_quarters = '\u00BE'
u_multiply = '\u00D7' # x
u_greek_ALPHA = '\u0391'
u_greek_alpha = '\u03b1'
u_greek_OMEGA = '\u03A9'
u_greek_omega = '\u03c9'
u_dagger = '\u2020'
u_triangular_bullet = '\u2023' # triangular bullet (>)
u_ellipsis = '\u2026' # ...
u_euro = '\u20AC' # EURO sign
u_numero = '\u2116' # No. / # sign
u_down_left_arrow = '\u21B5' # <-'
u_left_arrow = '\u2190' # <--
u_up_arrow = '\u2191'
u_arrow2right = '\u2192' # -->
u_down_arrow = '\u2193'
u_left_arrow_with_tail = '\u21a2' # <--<
u_arrow2right_from_bar = '\u21a6' # |->
u_arrow2right_until_vertical_bar = '\u21e5' # -->|
u_sum = '\u2211' # sigma
u_almost_equal_to = '\u2248' # approximately / nearly / roughly
u_corresponds_to = '\u2258'
u_infinity = '\u221E'
u_arrow2right_until_vertical_bar2 = '\u2b72' # -->|
u_diameter = '\u2300'
u_checkmark_crossed_out = '\u237B'
u_box_horiz_high = '\u23ba'
u_box_vert_left = '\u23b8'
u_box_vert_right = '\u23b9'
u_space_as_open_box = '\u2423'
u_box_horiz_single = '\u2500' # -
u_box_vert_light = '\u2502'
u_box_horiz_light_3dashes = '\u2504' # ...
u_box_vert_light_4dashes = '\u2506'
u_box_horiz_4dashes = '\u2508' # ....
u_box_T_right = '\u251c' # |-
u_box_T_left = '\u2524' # -|
u_box_T_down = '\u252c'
u_box_T_up = '\u2534'
u_box_plus = '\u253c'
u_box_top_double = '\u2550'
u_box_top_left_double_single = '\u2552'
u_box_top_right_double_single = '\u2555'
u_box_top_left_arc = '\u256d'
u_box_top_right_arc = '\u256e'
u_box_bottom_right_arc = '\u256f'
u_box_bottom_left_arc = '\u2570'
u_box_horiz_light_heavy = '\u257c'
u_box_horiz_heavy_light = '\u257e'
u_skull_and_crossbones = '\u2620'
u_caduceus = '\u2624'
u_frowning_face = '\u2639'
u_smiling_face = '\u263a'
u_black_heart = '\u2665'
u_female = '\u2640'
u_male = '\u2642'
u_male_female = '\u26a5'
u_chain = '\u26d3'
u_checkmark_thin = '\u2713'
u_checkmark_thick = '\u2714'
u_heavy_greek_cross = '\u271a'
u_arrow2right_thick = '\u2794'
u_writing_hand = '\u270d'
u_pencil_1 = '\u270e'
u_pencil_2 = '\u270f'
u_pencil_3 = '\u2710'
u_latin_cross = '\u271d'
u_arrow2right_until_black_diamond = '\u291e' # ->*
u_kanji_yen = '\u5186' # Yen kanji
u_replacement_character = '\ufffd'
u_link_symbol = '\u1f517'
u_kidneys = '\u1fad8' # beans :-)
_kB = 1024
_MB = 1024 * _kB
_GB = 1024 * _MB
_TB = 1024 * _GB
_PB = 1024 * _TB
_client_version = None
def handle_uncaught_exception_console(t, v, tb):
print("| Unhandled exception caught !")
print("| Type :", t)
print("| Value:", v)
_log.critical('unhandled exception caught', exc_info = (t,v,tb))
# path level operations
def normalize_path(path:str) -> str:
norm_path = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path)))
_log.debug('%s -> %s', path, norm_path)
return norm_path
def mkdir(directory:str=None, mode=None) -> bool:
"""Create directory.
- creates parent dirs if necessary
- does not fail if directory exists
mode: numeric, say 0o0700 for "-rwx------"
True/False based on success
if os.path.isdir(directory):
if mode is None:
return True
changed = False
old_umask = os.umask(0)
# does not WORK !
#os.chmod(directory, mode, follow_symlinks = (os.chmod in os.supports_follow_symlinks)) # can't do better
os.chmod(directory, mode)
changed = True
return changed
if mode is None:
return True
old_umask = os.umask(0)
os.makedirs(directory, mode)
return True
def create_directory_description_file(directory:str=None, readme:str=None, suffix:str=None) -> bool:
"""Create a directory description file.
<False> if it cannot create the description file.
assert (directory is not None), '<directory> must not be None'
README_fname = _GM_DIR_DESC_FILENAME_PREFIX + coalesce(suffix, '.dir')
README_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(directory, README_fname)))
_log.debug('%s', README_path)
if readme is None:
_log.debug('no README text, boilerplate only')
README = open(README_path, mode = 'wt', encoding = 'utf8')
except Exception:
return False
line = 'GNUmed v%s -- %s' % (_client_version,'%c'))
len_sep = len(line)
line = README_path
len_sep = max(len_sep, len(line))
README.write('-' * len_sep)
return True
def rmdir(directory:str) -> int:
"""Remove a directory _and_ its content.
Count of items that were not removable. IOW, 0 = success.
def _on_rm_error(func, path, exc):
_log.error('error while shutil.rmtree(%s)', path, exc_info=exc)
return True
error_count = 0
shutil.rmtree(directory, False, _on_rm_error)
except Exception:
_log.exception('cannot shutil.rmtree(%s)', directory)
error_count += 1
return error_count
def rm_dir_content(directory:str) -> bool:
"""Remove the content of _directory_.
_log.debug('cleaning out [%s]', directory)
items = os.listdir(directory)
except OSError:
return False
for item in items:
# attempt file/link removal and ignore (but log) errors
full_item = os.path.join(directory, item)
except OSError: # as per the docs, this is a directory
_log.debug('[%s] seems to be a subdirectory', full_item)
errors = rmdir(full_item)
if errors > 0:
return False
except Exception:
_log.exception('cannot os.remove(%s) [a file or a link]', full_item)
return False
return True
def mk_sandbox_dir(prefix:str=None, base_dir:str=None) -> str:
"""Create a sandbox directory.
prefix: use this prefix to the directory name
base_dir: create sandbox inside this directory, or else in the temp dir
The newly created sandbox directory.
if base_dir is None:
base_dir = gmPaths().tmp_dir
if not os.path.isdir(base_dir):
mkdir(base_dir, mode = 0o0700) # (invoking user only)
if prefix is None:
prefix = 'sndbx-'
return tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix = prefix, suffix = '', dir = base_dir)
def parent_dir(directory:str) -> str:
"""/tmp/path/subdir/ -> /tmp/path/"""
return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(directory, '..'))
def dirname_stem(directory:str) -> str:
"""Return stem of leaf directory name.
- /home/user/dir/ -> dir
- /home/user/dir -> dir
# normpath removes trailing slashes if any
return os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(directory))
def dir_is_empty(directory:str=None) -> bool:
"""Check for any entries inside _directory_.
True / False / None (directory not found)
empty = (len(os.listdir(directory)) == 0)
except OSError as exc:
if exc.errno != 2: # no such file
empty = None
return empty
def dir_list_files(directory:str=None, exclude_subdirs:bool=True) -> list[str]:
all_dir_items = os.listdir(directory)
except OSError:
_log.exception('cannot list dir [%s]', directory)
return None
filenames2return = []
for item in all_dir_items:
item = os.path.join(directory, item)
if os.path.isdir(item):
if exclude_subdirs:
return filenames2return
def copy_tree_content(directory:str, target_directory:str) -> str:
"""Copy the *content* of _directory_ into _target_directory_.
The target directory is created if need be.
The target directory or None on error.
assert (directory is not None), 'source <directory> must not be None'
assert (target_directory is not None), '<target_directory> must not be None'
_log.debug('copying content of [%s] into [%s]', directory, target_directory)
base_dir_items = os.listdir(directory)
except OSError:
_log.exception('cannot list dir [%s]', directory)
return None
for item in base_dir_items:
full_item = os.path.join(directory, item)
if os.path.isdir(full_item):
target_subdir = os.path.join(target_directory, item)
shutil.copytree(full_item, target_subdir)
except Exception:
_log.exception('cannot copy subdir [%s]', full_item)
return None
shutil.copy2(full_item, target_directory)
except Exception:
_log.exception('cannot copy file [%s]', full_item)
return None
return target_directory
class gmPaths(gmBorg.cBorg):
"""Singleton class providing standard paths.
- .home_dir: user home
- .local_base_dir: script installation dir
- .working_dir: current dir
- .user_config_dir, in the following order:
- ~/.config/gnumed/
- ~/
- .user_appdata_dir, in the following order:
- ~/.local/gnumed/
- ~/
- .system_config_dir
- .system_app_data_dir
- .tmp_dir: instance-local
- .user_tmp_dir: user-local (NOT per instance)
- .bytea_cache_dir: caches downloaded BYTEA data
- .user_work_dir: app specific user work dir, say, ~/gnumed/
It will take into account the application name.
def __init__(self, app_name:str=None, wx:ModuleType=None):
"""Setup paths.
app_name: name of application, default "name of main script without .py"
wx: wxPython module reference, optional, used to detect more standard paths
if hasattr(self, 'already_inited'):
if not wx:
if self.__wx:
self.__wx:ModuleType = wx
self.init_paths(app_name = app_name)
self.already_inited:bool = True
# public API
def init_paths(self, app_name:str=None, wx=None) -> bool:
"""Detect paths in the system.
app_name: name of application, default "name of main script without .py"
wx: wxPython module reference, optional, used to better detect standard paths
if not self.__wx:
self.__wx = wx
if not self.__wx:
_log.debug('wxPython not available')
_log.debug('detecting paths directly')
if app_name is None:
app_name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))'app name detected as [%s]', app_name)
else:'app name passed in as [%s]', app_name)
# the user home, doesn't work in Wine so work around that
self.__home_dir = None
# where the main script (the "binary") is installed
if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):'frozen app, installed into temporary path')
# this would find the path of *THIS* file
#self.local_base_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
# while this is documented on the web, the ${_MEIPASS2} does not exist
#self.local_base_dir = os.environ.get('_MEIPASS2')
# this is what Martin Zibricky <> told us to use
# when asking about this on
#self.local_base_dir = sys._MEIPASS
# however, we are --onedir, so we should look at sys.executable
# as per the pyinstaller manual
self.local_base_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.executable)
self.local_base_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
# the current working dir at the OS
self.working_dir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
# user-specific config dir, usually below the home dir, default to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME
_dir = os.path.join(self.home_dir, '.config', app_name)
if not mkdir(_dir):
_log.error('cannot make config dir [%s], falling back to home dir', _dir)
_dir = self.home_dir
self.user_config_dir = _dir
# user-specific app dir, usually below the home dir
mkdir(os.path.join(self.home_dir, app_name))
self.user_work_dir = os.path.join(self.home_dir, app_name)
# user-specific app data/state dir, usually below home dir
_dir = os.path.join(self.home_dir, '.local', app_name)
if not mkdir(_dir):
_log.error('cannot make data/state dir [%s], falling back to home dir', _dir)
_dir = self.home_dir
self.user_appdata_dir = _dir
# system-wide config dir, under UN*X usually below /etc/
self.system_config_dir = os.path.join('/etc', app_name)
except ValueError:
#self.system_config_dir = self.local_base_dir
self.system_config_dir = self.user_config_dir
# system-wide application data dir
self.system_app_data_dir = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'share', app_name)
except ValueError:
self.system_app_data_dir = self.local_base_dir
# temporary directory
_log.debug('temp dir already set')
except AttributeError:'temp file prefix: %s', tempfile.gettempprefix())'initial (user level) temp dir: %s', tempfile.gettempdir())
bytes_free = shutil.disk_usage(tempfile.gettempdir()).free'free disk space for temp dir: %s (%s bytes)', size2str(size = bytes_free), bytes_free)
# $TMP/gnumed-$USER/
self.user_tmp_dir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), '%s-%s' % (app_name, getpass.getuser()))
mkdir(self.user_tmp_dir, 0o700)'intermediate (app+user level) temp dir: %s', self.user_tmp_dir)
# $TMP/gnumed-$USER/g-$UNIQUE/
tempfile.tempdir = self.user_tmp_dir # tell mkdtemp about intermediate dir
self.tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix = 'g-') # will set tempfile.tempdir as side effect'final (app instance level) temp dir: %s', tempfile.gettempdir())
create_directory_description_file(directory = self.tmp_dir, readme = 'client instance tmp dir')
# BYTEA cache dir
cache_dir = os.path.join(self.user_tmp_dir, '.bytea_cache')
stat = os.stat(cache_dir)
_log.warning('reusing BYTEA cache dir: %s', cache_dir)
except FileNotFoundError:
mkdir(cache_dir, mode = 0o0700)
self.bytea_cache_dir = cache_dir
create_directory_description_file(directory = self.bytea_cache_dir, readme = 'cache dir for BYTEA data')
if not self.__wx:
return True
# retry with wxPython
_log.debug('re-detecting paths with wxPython')
std_paths = self.__wx.StandardPaths.Get()'wxPython app name is [%s]', self.__wx.GetApp().GetAppName())
# user-specific config dir, usually below the home dir
_dir = std_paths.UserConfigDir
if _dir == self.home_dir:
_dir = os.path.join(self.home_dir, '.config', app_name)
_dir = os.path.join(_dir, '.%s' % app_name)
if not mkdir(_dir):
_log.error('cannot make config dir [%s], falling back to home dir', _dir)
_dir = self.home_dir
self.user_config_dir = _dir
# system-wide config dir, usually below /etc/ under UN*X
tmp = std_paths.GetConfigDir()
if not tmp.endswith(app_name):
tmp = os.path.join(tmp, app_name)
self.system_config_dir = tmp
except ValueError:
# leave it at what it was from direct detection
# system-wide application data dir
# Robin attests that the following doesn't always
# give sane values on Windows, so IFDEF it
if 'wxMSW' in self.__wx.PlatformInfo:
_log.warning('this platform (wxMSW) sometimes returns a broken value for the system-wide application data dir')
self.system_app_data_dir = std_paths.GetDataDir()
except ValueError:
return True
def __log_paths(self):
_log.debug('sys.argv[0]: %s', sys.argv[0])
_log.debug('sys.executable: %s', sys.executable)
_log.debug('sys._MEIPASS: %s', getattr(sys, '_MEIPASS', '<not found>'))
_log.debug('os.environ["_MEIPASS2"]: %s', os.environ.get('_MEIPASS2', '<not found>'))
_log.debug('__file__ : %s', __file__)
_log.debug('local application base dir: %s', self.local_base_dir)
_log.debug('current working dir: %s', self.working_dir)
_log.debug('user home dir: %s', self.home_dir)
_log.debug('user-specific config dir: %s', self.user_config_dir)
_log.debug('user-specific application data dir: %s', self.user_appdata_dir)
_log.debug('system-wide config dir: %s', self.system_config_dir)
_log.debug('system-wide application data dir: %s', self.system_app_data_dir)
_log.debug('temporary dir (user): %s', self.user_tmp_dir)
_log.debug('temporary dir (instance): %s', self.tmp_dir)
_log.debug('temporary dir (tempfile.tempdir): %s', tempfile.tempdir)
_log.debug('temporary dir (tempfile.gettempdir()): %s', tempfile.gettempdir())
_log.debug('BYTEA cache dir: %s', self.bytea_cache_dir)
# properties
def _set_user_config_dir(self, path):
if not (os.access(path, os.R_OK) and os.access(path, os.X_OK)):
msg = '[%s:user_config_dir]: unusable path [%s]' % (self.__class__.__name__, path)
raise ValueError(msg)
self.__user_config_dir = path
def _get_user_config_dir(self):
"""User-level application configuration data directory."""
return self.__user_config_dir
user_config_dir = property(_get_user_config_dir, _set_user_config_dir)
def _set_system_config_dir(self, path):
if not (os.access(path, os.R_OK) and os.access(path, os.X_OK)):
msg = '[%s:system_config_dir]: invalid path [%s]' % (self.__class__.__name__, path)
raise ValueError(msg)
self.__system_config_dir = path
def _get_system_config_dir(self):
"""System-wide application configuration directory.
Typically not writable.
return self.__system_config_dir
system_config_dir = property(_get_system_config_dir, _set_system_config_dir)
def _set_system_app_data_dir(self, path):
if not (os.access(path, os.R_OK) and os.access(path, os.X_OK)):
msg = '[%s:system_app_data_dir]: invalid path [%s]' % (self.__class__.__name__, path)
raise ValueError(msg)
self.__system_app_data_dir = path
def _get_system_app_data_dir(self):
"""The system-wide application data directory.
Typically not writable.
return self.__system_app_data_dir
system_app_data_dir = property(_get_system_app_data_dir, _set_system_app_data_dir)
def _set_home_dir(self, path):
raise ValueError('invalid to set home dir')
def _get_home_dir(self):
"""Home directory of OS user."""
if self.__home_dir is not None:
return self.__home_dir
tmp = os.path.expanduser('~')
if tmp == '~':
_log.error('this platform does not expand ~ properly')
tmp = os.environ['USERPROFILE']
except KeyError:
_log.error('cannot access $USERPROFILE in environment')
if not (
os.access(tmp, os.R_OK)
os.access(tmp, os.X_OK)
os.access(tmp, os.W_OK)
msg = '[%s:home_dir]: invalid path [%s]' % (self.__class__.__name__, tmp)
raise ValueError(msg)
self.__home_dir = tmp
return self.__home_dir
home_dir = property(_get_home_dir, _set_home_dir)
def _set_tmp_dir(self, path):
if not (os.access(path, os.R_OK) and os.access(path, os.X_OK)):
msg = '[%s:tmp_dir]: invalid path [%s]' % (self.__class__.__name__, path)
raise ValueError(msg)
_log.debug('previous temp dir: %s', tempfile.gettempdir())
self.__tmp_dir = path
tempfile.tempdir = self.__tmp_dir
_log.debug('new temp dir: %s', tempfile.gettempdir())
self.__tmp_dir_already_set = True
def _get_tmp_dir(self):
"""Temporary directory.
- per instance of main script
- _may_ be confined to the OS user
return self.__tmp_dir
tmp_dir = property(_get_tmp_dir, _set_tmp_dir)
# file related tools
def recode_file(source_file=None, target_file=None, source_encoding='utf8', target_encoding=None, base_dir=None, error_mode='replace'):
if target_encoding is None:
return source_file
if target_encoding == source_encoding:
return source_file
if target_file is None:
target_file = get_unique_filename (
prefix = '%s-%s_%s-' % (fname_stem(source_file), source_encoding, target_encoding),
suffix = fname_extension(source_file, '.txt'),
tmp_dir = base_dir
_log.debug('[%s] -> [%s] (%s -> %s)', source_encoding, target_encoding, source_file, target_file)
in_file = open(source_file, mode = 'rt', encoding = source_encoding)
out_file = open(target_file, mode = 'wt', encoding = target_encoding, errors = error_mode)
for line in in_file:
return target_file
def unzip_archive(archive_name, target_dir=None, remove_archive=False):
_log.debug('unzipping [%s] -> [%s]', archive_name, target_dir)
success = False
with zipfile.ZipFile(archive_name) as archive:
success = True
except Exception:
_log.exception('cannot unzip')
return False
if remove_archive:
return success
def remove_file(filename:str, log_error:bool=True, force:bool=False) -> bool:
"""Remove a file.
filename: file to remove
force: if remove does not work attempt to rename the file
True/False: Removed or not.
if not os.path.lexists(filename):
return True
# attempt file removal and ignore (but log) errors
return True
except Exception:
if log_error:
_log.exception('cannot os.remove(%s)', filename)
if not force:
return False
tmp_name = get_unique_filename(tmp_dir = fname_dir(filename))
_log.debug('attempting os.replace(%s -> %s)', filename, tmp_name)
os.replace(filename, tmp_name)
return True
except Exception:
if log_error:
_log.exception('cannot os.replace(%s)', filename)
return False
def rename_file(filename:str, new_filename:str, overwrite:bool=False, allow_symlink:bool=False, allow_hardlink:bool=True) -> bool:
"""Rename a file.
filename: source filename
new_filename: target filename
overwrite: overwrite existing target ?
allow_symlink: allow soft links ?
allow_hardlink: allow hard links ?
True/False: Renamed or not.
_log.debug('renaming: [%s] -> [%s]', filename, new_filename)
if filename == new_filename:
_log.debug('no copy onto self')
return True
if not os.path.lexists(filename):
_log.error('source does not exist')
return False
if overwrite and not remove_file(new_filename, force = True):
_log.error('cannot remove existing target')
return False
shutil.move(filename, new_filename)
return True
except OSError:
_log.exception('shutil.move() failed')
os.replace(filename, new_filename)
return True
except Exception:
_log.exception('os.replace() failed')
if allow_hardlink:
try:, new_filename)
return True
except Exception:
_log.exception(' failed')
if allow_symlink:
os.symlink(filename, new_filename)
return True
except Exception:
_log.exception('os.symlink() failed')
return False
def file2md5(filename:str=None, return_hex:bool=True):
blocksize = 2**10 * 128 # 128k, since md5 uses 128 byte blocks
_log.debug('md5(%s): <%s> byte blocks', filename, blocksize)
f = open(filename, mode = 'rb')
md5 = hashlib.md5()
while True:
data =
if not data:
_log.debug('md5(%s): %s', filename, md5.hexdigest())
if return_hex:
return md5.hexdigest()
return md5.digest()
def file2chunked_md5(filename=None, chunk_size=500*_MB):
_log.debug('chunked_md5(%s, chunk_size=%s bytes)', filename, chunk_size)
md5_concat = ''
f = open(filename, 'rb')
while True:
md5 = hashlib.md5()
data =
if not data:
md5_concat += md5.hexdigest()
md5 = hashlib.md5()
hex_digest = md5.hexdigest()
_log.debug('md5("%s"): %s', md5_concat, hex_digest)
return hex_digest
default_csv_reader_rest_key = 'list_of_values_of_unknown_fields'
def unicode_csv_reader(unicode_csv_data, dialect=csv.excel, encoding='utf-8', **kwargs):
is_dict_reader = kwargs['dict']
del kwargs['dict']
except KeyError:
is_dict_reader = False
if is_dict_reader:
kwargs['restkey'] = default_csv_reader_rest_key
return csv.DictReader(unicode_csv_data, dialect=dialect, **kwargs)
return csv.reader(unicode_csv_data, dialect=dialect, **kwargs)
def old_unicode2charset_encoder(unicode_csv_data, encoding='utf-8'):
for line in unicode_csv_data:
yield line.encode(encoding)
#def utf_8_encoder(unicode_csv_data):
# for line in unicode_csv_data:
# yield line.encode('utf-8')
def old_unicode_csv_reader(unicode_csv_data, dialect=csv.excel, encoding='utf-8', **kwargs):
# doesn't do Unicode; encode temporarily as UTF-8:
is_dict_reader = kwargs['dict']
del kwargs['dict']
if is_dict_reader is not True:
raise KeyError
kwargs['restkey'] = default_csv_reader_rest_key
csv_reader = csv.DictReader(old_unicode2charset_encoder(unicode_csv_data), dialect=dialect, **kwargs)
except KeyError:
is_dict_reader = False
csv_reader = csv.reader(old_unicode2charset_encoder(unicode_csv_data), dialect=dialect, **kwargs)
for row in csv_reader:
# decode ENCODING back to Unicode, cell by cell:
if is_dict_reader:
for key in row:
if key == default_csv_reader_rest_key:
old_data = row[key]
new_data = []
for val in old_data:
new_data.append(str(val, encoding))
row[key] = new_data
if default_csv_reader_rest_key not in csv_reader.fieldnames:
row[key] = str(row[key], encoding)
yield row
yield [ str(cell, encoding) for cell in row ]
#yield [str(cell, 'utf-8') for cell in row]
def fname_sanitize(filename:str) -> str:
"""Normalizes unicode, removes non-alpha characters, converts spaces to underscores."""
dir_part, name_part = os.path.split(filename)
if name_part == '':
return filename
import unicodedata
name_part = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', name_part)
# remove everything not in group []
name_part = regex.sub (
flags = regex.UNICODE
# translate whitespace to underscore
name_part = regex.sub (
flags = regex.UNICODE
return os.path.join(dir_part, name_part)
def fname_stem(filename:str) -> str:
"""/home/user/dir/filename.ext -> filename"""
return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
def fname_stem_with_path(filename:str) -> str:
"""/home/user/dir/filename.ext -> /home/user/dir/filename"""
return os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
def fname_extension(filename:str=None, fallback:str=None) -> str:
""" /home/user/dir/filename.ext -> .ext
If extension becomes '' or '.' -> return fallback if any else return ''.
fallback: Return this if extension computes to '.' or '' (IOW, is empty)
ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]
if ext.strip() not in ['.', '']:
return ext
if fallback is None:
return ''
return fallback
def fname_dir(filename:str) -> str:
"""/home/user/dir/filename.ext -> /home/user/dir"""
return os.path.split(filename)[0]
def fname_from_path(filename):
"""/home/user/dir/filename.ext -> filename.ext"""
return os.path.split(filename)[1]
def get_unique_filename(prefix:str=None, suffix:str=None, tmp_dir:str=None, include_timestamp:bool=False) -> str:
"""Generate a unique filename.
prefix: use this prefix to the filename, default 'gm-', '' means "no prefix"
suffix: use this suffix to the filename, default '.tmp'
tmp_dir: generate filename based suitable for this directory, default system tmpdir
include_timestamp: include current timestamp within the filename
The full path of a unique file not existing at this moment.
There is a TOCTOU race conditition between generating the
filename here and actually using the filename in callers.
Note: The file will NOT exist after calling this function.
if tmp_dir is None:
gmPaths() # setup tmp dir if necessary
if (
not os.access(tmp_dir, os.F_OK)
not os.access(tmp_dir, os.X_OK | os.W_OK)
_log.warning('cannot os.access() temporary dir [%s], using system default', tmp_dir)
tmp_dir = None
if include_timestamp:
ts ='%m%d-%H%M%S-')
ts = ''
kwargs:dict[str, Any] = {
'dir': tmp_dir,
# make sure file gets deleted as soon as it is
# .close()d so we can "safely" open it again
'delete': True
if prefix is None:
kwargs['prefix'] = 'gm-%s' % ts
kwargs['prefix'] = prefix + ts
if suffix in [None, '']:
kwargs['suffix'] = '.tmp'
if not suffix.startswith('.'):
suffix = '.' + suffix
kwargs['suffix'] = suffix
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(**kwargs)
filename =
return filename
def __make_symlink_on_windows(physical_name, link_name):
import ctypes
#windows_create_symlink = ctypes.windll.kernel32.CreateSymbolicLinkW
kernel32 = ctypes.WinDLL('kernel32', use_last_error = True)
windows_create_symlink = kernel32.CreateSymbolicLinkW
windows_create_symlink.argtypes = (ctypes.c_wchar_p, ctypes.c_wchar_p, ctypes.c_uint32)
windows_create_symlink.restype = ctypes.c_ubyte
if os.path.isdir(physical_name):
flags = 1
flags = 0
ret_code = windows_create_symlink(link_name, physical_name.replace('/', '\\'), flags)
_log.debug('ctypes.windll.kernel32.CreateSymbolicLinkW() [%s] exit code: %s', windows_create_symlink, ret_code)
if ret_code == 0:
raise ctypes.WinError()
return ret_code
def mklink(physical_name:str, link_name:str, overwrite:bool=False) -> bool:
"""Create a symbolic link.
physical_name: the pre-existing filesystem object the symlink is to point to
link_name: the name of the symlink pointing to the existing filesystem object
_log.debug('creating symlink (overwrite = %s):', overwrite)
_log.debug('link [%s] =>', link_name)
_log.debug('=> physical [%s]', physical_name)
if os.path.exists(link_name):
_log.debug('link exists')
if overwrite:
return True # unsafe :/
return False
os.symlink(physical_name, link_name)
except (AttributeError, NotImplementedError):
_log.debug('this Python does not have os.symlink(), trying via ctypes')
__make_symlink_on_windows(physical_name, link_name)
except PermissionError:
_log.exception('cannot create link')
return False
#except OSError:
# unprivileged on Windows
return True
def import_module_from_directory(module_path=None, module_name=None, always_remove_path=False):
"""Import a module from any location."""
_log.debug('CWD: %s', os.getcwd())
remove_path = always_remove_path or False
if module_path not in sys.path:'appending to sys.path: [%s]' % module_path)
remove_path = True
_log.debug('will remove import path: %s', remove_path)
if module_name.endswith('.py'):
module_name = module_name[:-3]
module = __import__(module_name)
except Exception:
_log.exception('cannot __import__() module [%s] from [%s]' % (module_name, module_path))
while module_path in sys.path:
raise'imported module [%s] as [%s]' % (module_name, module))
if remove_path:
while module_path in sys.path:
return module
# text related tools
def empty_str(text:str) -> bool:
"""Check "text" for emptiness.
* True: None, '', '\w*'
* False: ' anything else 1234'
if text: return False
# could still be '\w+'
if text.strip(): return False
return True
def size2str(size=0, template='%s'):
if size == 1:
return template % _('1 Byte')
if size < 10 * _kB:
return template % _('%s Bytes') % size
if size < _MB:
return template % '%.1f kB' % (float(size) / _kB)
if size < _GB:
return template % '%.1f MB' % (float(size) / _MB)
if size < _TB:
return template % '%.1f GB' % (float(size) / _GB)
if size < _PB:
return template % '%.1f TB' % (float(size) / _TB)
return template % '%.1f PB' % (float(size) / _PB)
def bool2subst(boolean=None, true_return=True, false_return=False, none_return=None):
if boolean is None:
return none_return
if boolean:
return true_return
if not boolean:
return false_return
raise ValueError('bool2subst(): <boolean> arg must be either of True, False, None')
def bool2str(boolean=None, true_str='True', false_str='False'):
return bool2subst (
boolean = bool(boolean),
true_return = true_str,
false_return = false_str
def xor(val1, val2, mutually_exclusive_values:list=None, check_defined:bool=False) -> bool:
"""Test values for not BOTH being in list of mutually exclusive values.
This can be used to assert mutually exclusive function
inputs (say, a patient name and a patient PK for a search
val1: value to check
val2: value to check
mutually_exclusive_values: in which *either* one *or* the other value must not be contained
True if only one of the values is defined.
False if both values are undefined or defined.
if mutually_exclusive_values is None:
mutually_exclusive_values = [None]
if (val1 in mutually_exclusive_values) and (val2 in mutually_exclusive_values):
return False
if (val1 not in mutually_exclusive_values) and (val2 not in mutually_exclusive_values):
return False
return True
def none_if(value=None, none_equivalent=None, strip_string=False):
"""Modelled after the SQL NULLIF function.
value: the value to test for "none"-likeness
none_equivalent: values to be considered eqivalent to "none"
strip_string: apply .strip() to value
if value is None:
return None
if strip_string:
stripped = value.strip()
stripped = value
if stripped == none_equivalent:
return None
#return value
return stripped
def coalesce(value2test=None, return_instead=None, template4value=None, template4instead=None, none_equivalents=None, function4value=None, value2return=None):
"""Modelled after the SQL coalesce function.
To be used to simplify constructs like:
if value2test is None (or in none_equivalents):
value = (template4instead % return_instead) or return_instead
value = (template4value % value2test) or value2test
value2test: the value to be tested for _None_
return_instead: the value to be returned if _value2test_ *is* None
template4value: if _value2test_ is returned, substitute the value into this template (which must contain one '%s')
template4instead: if "return_instead" is returned, substitute the instead-value into this template (which must contain one <%s>)
function4value: a tuple of (function name, function arguments) to call on _value2test_, eg "function4value = ('strftime', '%Y-%m-%d')"
value2return: a *value* to return if _value2test_ is NOT None, AND there's no _template4value_
- list of return_insteads: initial, [return_instead, template], [return_instead, template], [return_instead, template], template4value, ...
if none_equivalents is None:
none_equivalents = [None]
if value2test in none_equivalents:
if template4instead is None:
return return_instead
return template4instead % return_instead
# at this point, value2test was not equivalent to None
# 1) explicit value to return supplied ?
if value2return is not None:
return value2return
value2return = value2test
# 2) function supplied to be applied to the value ?
if function4value is not None:
funcname, args = function4value
func = getattr(value2test, funcname)
value2return = func(args)
# 3) template supplied to be applied to the value ?
if template4value is None:
return value2return
return template4value % value2return
except TypeError:
# except (TypeError, ValueError):
# this should go, actually, only needed because "old" calls
# to coalesce will still abuse template4value as explicit value2return,
# relying on the replacement to above to fail
if hasattr(_log, 'log_stack_trace'):
_log.log_stack_trace(message = 'deprecated use of <template4value> for <value2return>')
_log.error('deprecated use of <template4value> for <value2return>')
return template4value
def __cap_name(match_obj=None):
val =
if val in ['von', 'van', 'de', 'la', 'l', 'der', 'den']: # FIXME: this needs to expand, configurable ?
return val
buf = list(val)
buf[0] = buf[0].upper()
for part in ['mac', 'mc', 'de', 'la']:
if len(val) > len(part) and val[:len(part)] == part:
buf[len(part)] = buf[len(part)].upper()
return ''.join(buf)
def capitalize(text=None, mode=CAPS_NAMES):
"""Capitalize the first character but leave the rest alone.
Note that we must be careful about the locale, this may
have issues ! However, for UTF strings it should just work.
if (mode is None) or (mode == CAPS_NONE):
return text
if len(text) == 0:
return text
if mode == CAPS_FIRST:
if len(text) == 1:
return text[0].upper()
return text[0].upper() + text[1:]
if mode == CAPS_ALLCAPS:
return text.upper()
if mode == CAPS_FIRST_ONLY:
# if len(text) == 1:
# return text[0].upper()
return text[0].upper() + text[1:].casefold()
if mode == CAPS_WORDS:
#return regex.sub(ur'(\w)(\w+)', lambda x: +, text)
return regex.sub(r'(\w)(\w+)', lambda x: +, text)
if mode == CAPS_NAMES:
#return regex.sub(r'\w+', __cap_name, text)
return capitalize(text=text, mode=CAPS_FIRST) # until fixed
print("ERROR: invalid capitalization mode: [%s], leaving input as is" % mode)
return text
def input2decimal(initial=None):
if isinstance(initial, decimal.Decimal):
return True, initial
val = initial
# float ? -> to string first
if type(val) == type(float(1.4)):
val = str(val)
# string ? -> "," to "."
if isinstance(val, str):
val = val.replace(',', '.', 1)
val = val.strip()
d = decimal.Decimal(val)
return True, d
except (TypeError, decimal.InvalidOperation):
return False, val
def input2int(initial=None, minval=None, maxval=None):
val = initial
# string ? -> "," to "."
if isinstance(val, str):
val = val.replace(',', '.', 1)
val = val.strip()
int_val = int(val)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
_log.exception('int(%s) failed', val)
return False, initial
if minval is not None:
if int_val < minval:
_log.debug('%s < min (%s)', val, minval)
return False, initial
if maxval is not None:
if int_val > maxval:
_log.debug('%s > max (%s)', val, maxval)
return False, initial
return True, int_val
def strip_prefix(text, prefix, remove_repeats=False, remove_whitespace=False):
if remove_whitespace:
text = text.lstrip()
if not text.startswith(prefix):
return text
text = text.replace(prefix, '', 1)
if not remove_repeats:
if remove_whitespace:
return text.lstrip()
return text
return strip_prefix(text, prefix, remove_repeats = True, remove_whitespace = remove_whitespace)
def strip_suffix(text, suffix, remove_repeats=False, remove_whitespace=False):
suffix_len = len(suffix)
if remove_repeats:
if remove_whitespace:
while text.rstrip().endswith(suffix):
text = text.rstrip()[:-suffix_len].rstrip()
return text
while text.endswith(suffix):
text = text[:-suffix_len]
return text
if remove_whitespace:
return text.rstrip()[:-suffix_len].rstrip()
return text[:-suffix_len]
def strip_leading_empty_lines(lines=None, text=None, eol='\n', return_list=True):
if lines is None:
lines = text.split(eol)
while True:
if lines[0].strip(eol).strip() != '':
lines = lines[1:]
if return_list:
return lines
return eol.join(lines)
def strip_trailing_empty_lines(lines=None, text=None, eol='\n', return_list=True):
if lines is None:
lines = text.split(eol)
while True:
if lines[-1].strip(eol).strip() != '':
lines = lines[:-1]
if return_list:
return lines
return eol.join(lines)
def strip_empty_lines(lines=None, text=None, eol='\n', return_list=True):
return strip_trailing_empty_lines (
lines = strip_leading_empty_lines(lines = lines, text = text, eol = eol, return_list = True),
text = None,
eol = eol,
return_list = return_list
def list2text(lines, initial_indent='', subsequent_indent='', eol='\n', strip_leading_empty_lines=True, strip_trailing_empty_lines=True, strip_trailing_whitespace=True, max_line_width=None):
if len(lines) == 0:
return ''
if strip_leading_empty_lines:
lines = strip_leading_empty_lines(lines = lines, eol = eol, return_list = True)
if strip_trailing_empty_lines:
lines = strip_trailing_empty_lines(lines = lines, eol = eol, return_list = True)
if strip_trailing_whitespace:
lines = [ l.rstrip() for l in lines ]
if max_line_width is not None:
wrapped_lines = []
for l in lines:
wrapped_lines.extend(wrap(l, max_line_width).split('\n'))
lines = wrapped_lines
indented_lines = [initial_indent + lines[0]]
indented_lines.extend([ subsequent_indent + l for l in lines[1:] ])
return eol.join(indented_lines)
def wrap(text=None, width=None, initial_indent='', subsequent_indent='', eol='\n'):
"""A word-wrap function that preserves existing line breaks
and most spaces in the text. Expects that existing line
breaks are posix newlines (\n).
if width is None:
return text
wrapped = initial_indent + functools.reduce (
lambda line, word, width=width: '%s%s%s' % (
' \n'[(len(line) - line.rfind('\n') - 1 + len(word.split('\n',1)[0]) >= width)],
text.split(' ')
if subsequent_indent != '':
wrapped = ('\n%s' % subsequent_indent).join(wrapped.split('\n'))
if eol != '\n':
wrapped = wrapped.replace('\n', eol)
return wrapped
def unwrap(text=None, max_length=None, strip_whitespace=True, remove_empty_lines=True, line_separator = ' // '):
text = text.replace('\r', '')
lines = text.split('\n')
text = ''
for line in lines:
if strip_whitespace:
line = line.strip().strip('\t').strip()
if remove_empty_lines:
if line == '':
text += ('%s%s' % (line, line_separator))
text = text.rstrip(line_separator)
if max_length is not None:
text = text[:max_length]
text = text.rstrip(line_separator)
return text
def shorten_text(text:str=None, max_length:int=None, ellipsis:str=u_ellipsis) -> str:
"""Shorten <text> to <max_length>-1 and append <ellipsis>."""
if not max_length:
return text
if len(text) <= max_length:
return text
return text[:max_length-1] + ellipsis
def shorten_words_in_line(text:str=None, max_length:int=None, min_word_length:int=3, ignore_numbers:bool=True, ellipsis:str=u_ellipsis) -> str:
if text is None:
return None
if not max_length:
return text
if len(text) <= max_length:
return text
old_words = regex.split(r'\s+', text, flags = regex.UNICODE)
nbr_old_words = len(old_words)
max_word_length = max(min_word_length, (max_length // nbr_old_words))
new_words = []
for word in old_words:
if len(word) <= max_word_length:
if ignore_numbers:
tmp = word.replace('-', '').replace('+', '').replace('.', '').replace(',', '').replace('/', '').replace('&', '').replace('*', '')
if tmp.isdigit():
new_words.append(word[:max_word_length] + ellipsis)
return ' '.join(new_words)
def xml_escape_string(text=None):
"""check for special XML characters and transform them"""
return xml_tools.escape(text)
def tex_escape_string(text:str=None, replace_known_unicode:bool=True, replace_eol:bool=False, keep_visual_eol:bool=False, strip_whitespace:bool=True) -> str:
"""Check for special TeX characters and transform them.
text: plain (unicode) text to escape for LaTeX processing,
note that any valid LaTeX code contained within will be
escaped, too
replace_eol: replaces "\n" with "\\newline{}"
keep_visual_eol: replaces "\n" with "\\newline{}%\n" such that
both LaTeX will know to place a line break
at this point as well as the visual formatting
is preserved in the LaTeX source (think multi-
row table cells)
strip_whitespace: whether to remove surrounding whitespace
A hopefully properly escaped string palatable to LaTeX.
# must happen first
text = text.replace('{', '-----{{{{{-----')
text = text.replace('}', '-----}}}}}-----')
text = text.replace('\\', '\\textbackslash{}') # requires \usepackage{textcomp} in LaTeX source
text = text.replace('-----{{{{{-----', '\\{{}')
text = text.replace('-----}}}}}-----', '\\}{}')
text = text.replace('^', '\\textasciicircum{}')
text = text.replace('~', '\\textasciitilde{}')
text = text.replace('%', '\\%{}')
text = text.replace('&', '\\&{}')
text = text.replace('#', '\\#{}')
text = text.replace('$', '\\${}')
text = text.replace('_', '\\_{}')
if replace_eol:
if keep_visual_eol:
text = text.replace('\n', '\\newline{}%\n')
text = text.replace('\n', '\\newline{}')
if replace_known_unicode:
# this should NOT be replaced for Xe(La)Tex
text = text.replace(u_euro, '\\euro{}') # requires \usepackage[official]{eurosym} in LaTeX source
text = text.replace(u_sum, '$\\Sigma$')
if strip_whitespace:
return text.strip()
return text
def rst2latex_snippet(rst_text):
global du_core
if du_core is None:
from docutils import core as du_core
except ImportError:
_log.warning('cannot turn ReST into LaTeX: docutils not installed')
return tex_escape_string(text = rst_text)
parts = du_core.publish_parts (
source = rst_text.replace('\\', '\\\\'),
source_path = '<internal>',
writer_name = 'latex',
#destination_path = '/path/to/LaTeX-template/for/calculating/relative/links/template.tex',
settings_overrides = {
'input_encoding': 'unicode' # un-encoded unicode
enable_exit_status = True # how to use ?
return parts['body']
def rst2html(rst_text, replace_eol=False, keep_visual_eol=False):
global du_core
if du_core is None:
from docutils import core as du_core
except ImportError:
_log.warning('cannot turn ReST into HTML: docutils not installed')
return html_escape_string(text = rst_text, replace_eol=False, keep_visual_eol=False)
parts = du_core.publish_parts (
source = rst_text.replace('\\', '\\\\'),
source_path = '<internal>',
writer_name = 'latex',
#destination_path = '/path/to/LaTeX-template/for/calculating/relative/links/template.tex',
settings_overrides = {
'input_encoding': 'unicode' # un-encoded unicode
enable_exit_status = True # how to use ?
return parts['body']
def xetex_escape_string(text=None):
# a web search did not reveal anything else for Xe(La)Tex
# as opposed to LaTeX, except true unicode chars
return tex_escape_string(text = text, replace_known_unicode = False)
__html_escape_table = {
"&": "&",
'"': """,
"'": "'",
">": ">",
"<": "<",
def html_escape_string(text=None, replace_eol=False, keep_visual_eol=False):
text = ''.join(__html_escape_table.get(char, char) for char in text)
if replace_eol:
if keep_visual_eol:
text = text.replace('\n', '<br>\n')
text = text.replace('\n', '<br>')
return text
def dict2json(obj):
return json.dumps(obj, default = json_serialize)
def json_serialize(obj):
if isinstance(obj, pydt.datetime):
return obj.isoformat()
raise TypeError('cannot json_serialize(%s)' % type(obj))
def compare_dict_likes(d1, d2, title1=None, title2=None):'comparing dict-likes: %s[%s] vs %s[%s]', coalesce(title1, '', '"%s" '), type(d1), coalesce(title2, '', '"%s" '), type(d2))
d1 = dict(d1)
except TypeError:
d2 = dict(d2)
except TypeError:
keys_d1 = list(d1)
keys_d2 = list(d2)
different = False
if len(keys_d1) != len(keys_d2):'different number of keys: %s vs %s', len(keys_d1), len(keys_d2))
different = True
for key in keys_d1:
if key in keys_d2:
if type(d1[key]) != type(d2[key]):'%25.25s: type(dict1) = %s = >>>%s<<<' % (key, type(d1[key]), d1[key]))'%25.25s type(dict2) = %s = >>>%s<<<' % ('', type(d2[key]), d2[key]))
different = True
if d1[key] == d2[key]:'%25.25s: both = >>>%s<<<' % (key, d1[key]))
else:'%25.25s: dict1 = >>>%s<<<' % (key, d1[key]))'%25.25s dict2 = >>>%s<<<' % ('', d2[key]))
different = True
else:'%25.25s: %50.50s | <MISSING>' % (key, '>>>%s<<<' % d1[key]))
different = True
for key in keys_d2:
if key in keys_d1:
continue'%25.25s: %50.50s | %.50s' % (key, '<MISSING>', '>>>%s<<<' % d2[key]))
different = True
if different:
_log.warning('dict-likes appear to be different from each other')
return False'dict-likes appear equal to each other')
return True
def format_dict_likes_comparison(d1, d2, title_left=None, title_right=None, left_margin=0, key_delim=' || ', data_delim=' | ', missing_string='=/=', difference_indicator='! ', ignore_diff_in_keys=None):'comparing dict-likes: %s[%s] vs %s[%s]', coalesce(title_left, '', '"%s" '), type(d1), coalesce(title_right, '', '"%s" '), type(d2))
append_type = False
if None not in [title_left, title_right]:
append_type = True
type_left = type(d1)
type_right = type(d2)
if title_left is None:
title_left = '%s' % type_left
if title_right is None:
title_right = '%s' % type_right
try: d1 = dict(d1)
except TypeError: pass
try: d2 = dict(d2)
except TypeError: pass
keys_d1 = list(d1)
keys_d2 = list(d2)
data = {}
for key in keys_d1:
data[key] = [d1[key], ' ']
if key in d2:
data[key][1] = d2[key]
for key in keys_d2:
if key in keys_d1:
data[key] = [' ', d2[key]]
max1 = max([ len('%s' % k) for k in keys_d1 ])
max2 = max([ len('%s' % k) for k in keys_d2 ])
max_len = max(max1, max2, len(_('<type>')))
max_key_len_str = '%' + '%s.%s' % (max_len, max_len) + 's'
max1 = max([ len('%s' % d1[k]) for k in keys_d1 ])
max2 = max([ len('%s' % d2[k]) for k in keys_d2 ])
max_data_len = min(max(max1, max2), 100)
max_data_len_str = '%' + '%s.%s' % (max_data_len, max_data_len) + 's'
diff_indicator_len_str = '%' + '%s.%s' % (len(difference_indicator), len(difference_indicator)) + 's'
line_template = (' ' * left_margin) + diff_indicator_len_str + max_key_len_str + key_delim + max_data_len_str + data_delim + '%s'
lines = []
# debugging:
#lines.append(u' (40 regular spaces)')
#lines.append((u' ' * 40) + u"(u' ' * 40)")
#lines.append((u'%40.40s' % u'') + u"(u'%40.40s' % u'')")
#lines.append((u'%40.40s' % u' ') + u"(u'%40.40s' % u' ')")
#lines.append((u'%40.40s' % u'.') + u"(u'%40.40s' % u'.')")
lines.append(line_template % ('', '', title_left, title_right))
if append_type:
lines.append(line_template % ('', _('<type>'), type_left, type_right))
if ignore_diff_in_keys is None:
ignore_diff_in_keys = []
for key in keys_d1:
append_type = False
txt_left_col = '%s' % d1[key]
txt_right_col = '%s' % d2[key]
if type(d1[key]) != type(d2[key]):
append_type = True
except KeyError:
txt_right_col = missing_string
lines.append(line_template % (
bool2subst (
((txt_left_col == txt_right_col) or (key in ignore_diff_in_keys)),
shorten_text(txt_left_col, max_data_len),
shorten_text(txt_right_col, max_data_len)
if append_type:
lines.append(line_template % (
shorten_text('%s' % type(d1[key]), max_data_len),
shorten_text('%s' % type(d2[key]), max_data_len)
for key in keys_d2:
if key in keys_d1:
lines.append(line_template % (
bool2subst((key in ignore_diff_in_keys), '', difference_indicator),
shorten_text(missing_string, max_data_len),
shorten_text('%s' % d2[key], max_data_len)
return lines
def format_dict_like(d, relevant_keys=None, template=None, missing_key_template='<[%(key)s] MISSING>', left_margin=0, tabular=False, value_delimiters=('>>>', '<<<'), eol='\n', values2ignore=None):
if values2ignore is None:
values2ignore = []
if template is not None:
# all keys in template better exist in d
return template % d
except KeyError:
# or else
_log.exception('template contains %%()s key(s) which do not exist in data dict')
# try to extend dict <d> to contain all required keys,
# for that to work <relevant_keys> better list all
# keys used in <template>
if relevant_keys is not None:
for key in relevant_keys:
except KeyError:
d[key] = missing_key_template % {'key': key}
return template % d
if relevant_keys is None:
relevant_keys = list(d)
lines = []
if value_delimiters is None:
delim_left = ''
delim_right = ''
delim_left, delim_right = value_delimiters
if tabular:
max_len = max([ len('%s' % k) for k in relevant_keys ])
max_len_str = '%s.%s' % (max_len, max_len)
line_template = (' ' * left_margin) + '%' + max_len_str + ('s: %s%%s%s' % (delim_left, delim_right))
line_template = (' ' * left_margin) + '%%s: %s%%s%s' % (delim_left, delim_right)
for key in relevant_keys:
val = d[key]
except KeyError:
if val not in values2ignore:
lines.append(line_template % (key, val))
if eol is None:
return lines
return eol.join(lines)
def dict2table_row (
col_sep:str=' | ',
date_format:str='%Y %b %d %H:%M',
) -> str:
"""Turn a dict like into a row for a table.
bool3_vals: text replacements for True/False/None
None - cell content will be wrapped as necessary
empty ('') - cell content will not be shortened or wrapped
nonempty - character(s) to signify abbreviation (say, dot, ellipsis, ...)
relevant_keys: list of keys into <d> which are deemed relevant, and therefore required, too, also defines cell order
eol: EOL to be used when wrapping cell content
if not bool3_vals:
bool3_vals = {True: 'True', False: 'False', None: '?'}
if not relevant_keys:
relevant_keys = list(d.keys())
d = normalize_dict_like(d, relevant_keys, missing_key_template = missing_key_template)
cells = []
for key in relevant_keys:
val = d[key]
if isinstance(val, bool) or val is None:
val = bool3_vals[val]
elif isinstance(val, str):
if ellipsis is None:
# actually: wrap as necessary
val = unwrap(val, line_separator = '//')
elif ellipsis:
val = unwrap(val, line_separator = '//')
#val = gmTools.shorten_text()
val = unwrap(val, line_separator = '//')
elif isinstance(val, pydt.datetime):
if not date_format:
val = '%s' % val
val = val.strftime(date_format)
val = '%s' % val
return col_sep.join(cells)
def dicts2table_columns(dict_list, left_margin=0, eol='\n', keys2ignore=None, column_labels=None, show_only_changes=False, equality_value='<=>', date_format=None): #, relevant_keys=None, template=None
"""Each dict in <dict_list> becomes a column of a table.
Think of a list of lab results.
- each key of dict becomes a row label, unless in keys2ignore
- each entry in the <column_labels> list becomes a column title
keys2show = []
col_max_width = {}
max_width_of_row_label_col = 0
col_label_key = '__________#header#__________'
if keys2ignore is None:
keys2ignore = []
if column_labels is not None:
# extract keys from all dicts and calculate column sizes
for dict_idx in range(len(dict_list)):
# convert potentially dict-*like* into dict
d = dict(dict_list[dict_idx])
# add max-len column label row from <column_labels> list, if available
if column_labels is not None:
d[col_label_key] = max(column_labels[dict_idx].split('\n'), key = len)
field_lengths = []
# loop over all keys in this dict
for key in d:
# ignore this key
if key in keys2ignore:
# remember length of value when displayed
if isinstance(d[key], pydt.datetime):
if date_format is None:
field_lengths.append(len('%s' % d[key]))
field_lengths.append(len('%s' % d[key]))
if key in keys2show:
max_width_of_row_label_col = max(max_width_of_row_label_col, len('%s' % key))
col_max_width[dict_idx] = max(field_lengths)
# pivot data into dict of lists per line
lines = { k: [] for k in keys2show }
prev_vals = {}
for dict_idx in range(len(dict_list)):
max_width_this_col = max(col_max_width[dict_idx], len(equality_value)) if show_only_changes else col_max_width[dict_idx]
max_len_str = '%s.%s' % (max_width_this_col, max_width_this_col)
field_template = ' %' + max_len_str + 's'
d = dict_list[dict_idx]
for key in keys2show:
val = d[key]
except KeyError:
lines[key].append(field_template % _('<missing>'))
if isinstance(val, pydt.datetime):
if date_format is not None:
val = val.strftime(date_format)
lines[key].append(field_template % val)
if show_only_changes:
if key not in prev_vals:
prev_vals[key] = '%s' % lines[key][-1]
if lines[key][-1] != prev_vals[key]:
prev_vals[key] = '%s' % lines[key][-1]
lines[key][-1] = field_template % equality_value
# format data into table
table_lines = []
max_len_str = '%s.%s' % (max_width_of_row_label_col, max_width_of_row_label_col)
row_label_template = '%' + max_len_str + 's'
for key in lines:
# row label (= key) into first column
line = (' ' * left_margin) + row_label_template % key + '|'
# append list values as subsequent columns
line += '|'.join(lines[key])
# insert lines with column labels (column headers) if any
if column_labels is not None:
# first column contains row labels, so no column label needed
table_header_line_w_col_labels = (' ' * left_margin) + row_label_template % ''
# second table header line: horizontal separator
table_header_line_w_separator = (' ' * left_margin) + u_box_horiz_single * (max_width_of_row_label_col)
max_col_label_widths = [ max(col_max_width[dict_idx], len(equality_value)) for dict_idx in range(len(dict_list)) ]
for col_idx in range(len(column_labels)):
max_len_str = '%s.%s' % (max_col_label_widths[col_idx], max_col_label_widths[col_idx])
col_label_template = '%' + max_len_str + 's'
table_header_line_w_col_labels += '| '
table_header_line_w_col_labels += col_label_template % column_labels[col_idx]
table_header_line_w_separator += '%s%s' % (u_box_plus, u_box_horiz_single)
table_header_line_w_separator += u_box_horiz_single * max_col_label_widths[col_idx]
table_lines.insert(0, table_header_line_w_separator)
table_lines.insert(0, table_header_line_w_col_labels)
if eol is None:
return table_lines
return ('|' + eol).join(table_lines) + '|' + eol
def normalize_dict_like(d, required_keys:list, missing_key_template:str='<[%(key)s] MISSING>'):
for key in required_keys:
except KeyError:
if missing_key_template is None:
d[key] = None
d[key] = missing_key_template % {'key': key}
return d
def enumerate_removable_partitions():
import pyudev
import psutil
except ImportError:
_log.error('pyudev and/or psutil not installed')
return {}
removable_partitions = {}
ctxt = pyudev.Context()
removable_devices = [ dev for dev in ctxt.list_devices(subsystem='block', DEVTYPE='disk') if dev.attributes.get('removable') == b'1' ]
all_mounted_partitions = { part.device: part for part in psutil.disk_partitions() }
for device in removable_devices:
_log.debug('removable device: %s',['ID_MODEL'])
partitions_on_removable_device = {
part.device_node: {
'is_mounted': False,
'mountpoint': None,
'fs_type': None,
'size_in_bytes': -1,
'bytes_free': 0
} for part in ctxt.list_devices(subsystem='block', DEVTYPE='partition', parent=device)
for part in partitions_on_removable_device:
partitions_on_removable_device[part]['mountpoint'] = all_mounted_partitions[part].mountpoint
partitions_on_removable_device[part]['is_mounted'] = True
partitions_on_removable_device[part]['fs_type'] = all_mounted_partitions[part].fstype
du = shutil.disk_usage(all_mounted_partitions[part].mountpoint)
partitions_on_removable_device[part]['size_in_bytes'] =
partitions_on_removable_device[part]['bytes_free'] =
except KeyError:
pass # not mounted
return removable_partitions
# debugging:
#ctxt = pyudev.Context()
#for dev in ctxt.list_devices(subsystem='block', DEVTYPE='disk'):# if dev.attributes.get('removable') == b'1':
# for a in dev.attributes.available_attributes:
# print(a, dev.attributes.get(a))
# for key, value in dev.items():
# print('{key}={value}'.format(key=key, value=value))
# print('---------------------------')
def enumerate_optical_writers():
import pyudev
except ImportError:
_log.error('pyudev not installed')
return []
optical_writers = []
ctxt = pyudev.Context()
for dev in [ dev for dev in ctxt.list_devices(subsystem='block', DEVTYPE='disk') if'ID_CDROM_CD_RW', None) == '1' ]:
optical_writers.append ({
return optical_writers
def prompted_input(prompt=None, default=None):
"""Obtain entry from standard input.
CTRL-C aborts and returns _None_
prompt: Prompt text to display in standard output
default: Default value (for user to press enter only)
The input, _default_, or _None_.
if prompt is None:
msg = '(CTRL-C aborts)'
msg = '%s (CTRL-C aborts)' % prompt
if default is None:
msg = msg + ': '
msg = '%s [%s]: ' % (msg, default)
usr_input = input(msg)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
return None
if usr_input == '':
return default
return usr_input
# image handling tools
# builtin (ugly but tried and true) fallback icon
__icon_serpent = \
"""x\xdae\x8f\xb1\x0e\x83 \x10\x86w\x9f\xe2\x92\x1blb\xf2\x07\x96\xeaH:0\xd6\
\xcf\xf8ye\xd0\x00\x90\x0etH \x84\x80B\xaa\x8a\x88\x85\xc4(U\x9d$\xfeR;\xc5J\
def get_icon(wx=None):
paths = gmPaths(app_name = 'gnumed', wx = wx)
candidates = [
os.path.join(paths.system_app_data_dir, 'bitmaps', 'gm_icon-serpent_and_gnu.png'),
os.path.join(paths.local_base_dir, 'bitmaps', 'gm_icon-serpent_and_gnu.png'),
os.path.join(paths.system_app_data_dir, 'bitmaps', 'serpent.png'),
os.path.join(paths.local_base_dir, 'bitmaps', 'serpent.png')
found_as = None
for candidate in candidates:
open(candidate, 'r').close()
found_as = candidate
except IOError:
_log.debug('icon not found in [%s]', candidate)
if found_as is None:
_log.warning('no icon file found, falling back to builtin (ugly) icon')
icon_bmp_data = wx.BitmapFromXPMData(pickle.loads(zlib.decompress(__icon_serpent)))
icon = wx.Icon()
_log.debug('icon found in [%s]', found_as)
icon = wx.Icon()
icon.LoadFile(found_as, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY) #_PNG
except AttributeError:
_log.exception("this platform doesn't support wx.Icon().LoadFile()")
return icon
def create_qrcode(text:str=None, filename:str=None, qr_filename:str=None, verbose:bool=False, ecc_level:str='H', create_svg:bool=False) -> str:
"""Create a QR code from text or a file.
text: data to encode
filename: filename to read data from instead of processing _text_
qr_filename: target file for QR code PNG image, if not specified: generated from _filename_ if that is given
ecc_level: level of error correction coding, L/M/Q/H
create_svg: whether to also create an SVG image
Filename of QR code or _None_.
The returned filename will be an SVG file if create_svg is
(.png if create_svg is False, .svg if create_svg is True)
assert xor(text, filename), 'either <text> OR <filename> must be specified'
if not text:
assert qr_filename if not filename else filename, '<qr_filename> must be specified if <filename> is unspecified'
import pyqrcode
except ImportError:
_log.exception('cannot import <pyqrcode>')
return None
if text is None:
with open(filename, mode = 'rt', encoding = 'utf-8-sig') as input_file:
text =
if qr_filename is None:
if filename is None:
qr_filename = get_unique_filename(prefix = 'gm-qr-', suffix = '.png')
qr_filename = get_unique_filename (
prefix = fname_stem(filename) + '-',
suffix = fname_extension(filename) + '.png'
_log.debug('[%s] -> [%s]', filename, qr_filename)
qr = pyqrcode.create(text, encoding = 'utf8', error = ecc_level)
if verbose:
print('input file:', filename)
print('output file:', qr_filename)
print('text to encode:', text)
qr.png(qr_filename, quiet_zone = 1)
if create_svg:
qr_filename += '.svg'
qr.svg(qr_filename, quiet_zone = 1)
return qr_filename
# main
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
if sys.argv[1] != 'test':
# for testing:
logging.basicConfig(level = logging.DEBUG)
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmI18N
def test_input2decimal():
tests = [
[None, False],
['', False],
[' 0 ', True, 0],
[0, True, 0],
[0.0, True, 0],
[.0, True, 0],
['0', True, 0],
['0.0', True, 0],
['0,0', True, 0],
['00.0', True, 0],
['.0', True, 0],
[',0', True, 0],
[0.1, True, decimal.Decimal('0.1')],
[.01, True, decimal.Decimal('0.01')],
['0.1', True, decimal.Decimal('0.1')],
['0,1', True, decimal.Decimal('0.1')],
['00.1', True, decimal.Decimal('0.1')],
['.1', True, decimal.Decimal('0.1')],
[',1', True, decimal.Decimal('0.1')],
[1, True, 1],
[1.0, True, 1],
['1', True, 1],
['1.', True, 1],
['1,', True, 1],
['1.0', True, 1],
['1,0', True, 1],
['01.0', True, 1],
['01,0', True, 1],
[' 01, ', True, 1],
[decimal.Decimal('1.1'), True, decimal.Decimal('1.1')]
for test in tests:
conversion_worked, result = input2decimal(initial = test[0])
expected2work = test[1]
if conversion_worked:
if expected2work:
if result == test[2]:
print("ERROR (conversion result wrong): >%s<, expected >%s<, got >%s<" % (test[0], test[2], result))
print("ERROR (conversion worked but was expected to fail): >%s<, got >%s<" % (test[0], result))
if not expected2work:
print("ERROR (conversion failed but was expected to work): >%s<, expected >%s<" % (test[0], test[2]))
def test_input2int():
print(input2int('0', 0, 0))
def test_coalesce():
val = None
print(val, coalesce(val, 'is None', 'is not None'))
val = 1
print(val, coalesce(val, 'is None', 'is not None'))
import datetime as dt
print(coalesce(value2test =, template4value = '-- %s --', function4value = ('strftime', '%Y-%m-%d')))
print('testing coalesce()')
tests = [
[None, 'something other than <None>', None, None, 'something other than <None>'],
['Captain', 'Mr.', '%s.'[:4], 'Mr.', 'Capt.'],
['value to test', 'test 3 failed', 'template with "%s" included', None, 'template with "value to test" included'],
['value to test', 'test 4 failed', 'template with value not included', None, 'template with value not included'],
[None, 'initial value was None', 'template4value: %s', None, 'initial value was None'],
[None, 'initial value was None', 'template4value: %%(abc)s', None, 'initial value was None']
passed = True
for test in tests:
result = coalesce (
value2test = test[0],
return_instead = test[1],
template4value = test[2],
template4instead = test[3]
if result != test[4]:
print("coalesce: (%s, %s, %s, %s)" % (test[0], test[1], test[2], test[3]))
print("expected:", test[4])
print("received:", result)
passed = False
if passed:
return passed
def test_capitalize():
print('testing capitalize() ...')
success = True
pairs = [
# [original, expected result, CAPS mode]
['Boot', 'Boot', CAPS_FIRST_ONLY],
['boot', 'Boot', CAPS_FIRST_ONLY],
['booT', 'Boot', CAPS_FIRST_ONLY],
['BoOt', 'Boot', CAPS_FIRST_ONLY],
['boots-Schau', 'Boots-Schau', CAPS_WORDS],
['boots-sChau', 'Boots-Schau', CAPS_WORDS],
['boot camp', 'Boot Camp', CAPS_WORDS],
['fahrner-Kampe', 'Fahrner-Kampe', CAPS_NAMES],
['häkkönen', 'Häkkönen', CAPS_NAMES],
['McBurney', 'McBurney', CAPS_NAMES],
['mcBurney', 'McBurney', CAPS_NAMES],
['blumberg', 'Blumberg', CAPS_NAMES],
['roVsing', 'RoVsing', CAPS_NAMES],
['Özdemir', 'Özdemir', CAPS_NAMES],
['özdemir', 'Özdemir', CAPS_NAMES],
for pair in pairs:
result = capitalize(pair[0], pair[2])
if result != pair[1]:
success = False
print('ERROR (caps mode %s): "%s" -> "%s", expected "%s"' % (pair[2], pair[0], result, pair[1]))
if success:
print("... SUCCESS")
return success
def test_import_module():
print("testing import_module_from_directory()")
path = sys.argv[1]
name = sys.argv[2]
mod = import_module_from_directory(module_path = path, module_name = name)
except Exception:
print("module import failed, see log")
return False
print("module import succeeded", mod)
return True
def test_mkdir():
print("testing mkdir(%s)" % sys.argv[2])
mkdir(sys.argv[2], 0o0700)
def test_gmPaths():
print("testing gmPaths()")
#paths = gmPaths(wx=wx, app_name='gnumed')
paths = gmPaths(wx=None, app_name='gnumed')
print("user home dir:", paths.home_dir)
print("user config dir:", paths.user_config_dir)
print("user appdata dir:", paths.user_appdata_dir)
print("user work dir:", paths.user_work_dir)
print("user temp dir:", paths.user_tmp_dir)
print("app@user temp dir:", paths.tmp_dir)
print("system config dir:", paths.system_config_dir)
print("local base dir:", paths.local_base_dir)
print("system app data dir:", paths.system_app_data_dir)
print("working directory :", paths.working_dir)
print("BYTEA cache dir :", paths.bytea_cache_dir)
def test_none_if():
print("testing none_if()")
tests = [
[None, None, None],
['a', 'a', None],
['a', 'b', 'a'],
['a', None, 'a'],
[None, 'a', None],
[1, 1, None],
[1, 2, 1],
[1, None, 1],
[None, 1, None]
for test in tests:
if none_if(value = test[0], none_equivalent = test[1]) != test[2]:
print('ERROR: none_if(%s) returned [%s], expected [%s]' % (test[0], none_if(test[0], test[1]), test[2]))
return True
def test_bool2str():
tests = [
[True, 'Yes', 'Yes', 'Yes'],
[False, 'OK', 'not OK', 'not OK']
for test in tests:
if bool2str(test[0], test[1], test[2]) != test[3]:
print('ERROR: bool2str(%s, %s, %s) returned [%s], expected [%s]' % (test[0], test[1], test[2], bool2str(test[0], test[1], test[2]), test[3]))
return True
def test_bool2subst():
print(bool2subst(True, 'True', 'False', 'is None'))
print(bool2subst(False, 'True', 'False', 'is None'))
print(bool2subst(None, 'True', 'False', 'is None'))
def test_get_unique_filename():
print(get_unique_filename(prefix='test-', suffix='tst'))
def test_size2str():
print("testing size2str()")
tests = [0, 1, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000, 10000000000, 100000000000, 1000000000000, 10000000000000]
for test in tests:
def test_unwrap():
test = """
second line\n
3rd starts with tab \n
4th with a space \n
print(unwrap(text = test, max_length = 25))
def test_wrap():
test = 'line 1\nline 2\nline 3'
print("wrap 5-6-7 initial 0, subsequent 0")
print(wrap(test, 5))
print(wrap(test, 6))
print(wrap(test, 7))
print("wrap 5 initial 1-1-3, subsequent 1-3-1")
print(wrap(test, 5, ' ', ' '))
print(wrap(test, 5, ' ', ' '))
print(wrap(test, 5, ' ', ' '))
print("wrap 6 initial 1-1-3, subsequent 1-3-1")
print(wrap(test, 6, ' ', ' '))
print(wrap(test, 6, ' ', ' '))
print(wrap(test, 6, ' ', ' '))
print("wrap 7 initial 1-1-3, subsequent 1-3-1")
print(wrap(test, 7, ' ', ' '))
print(wrap(test, 7, ' ', ' '))
print(wrap(test, 7, ' ', ' '))
def test_md5():
print('md5 %s: %s' % (sys.argv[2], file2md5(sys.argv[2])))
print('chunked md5 %s: %s' % (sys.argv[2], file2chunked_md5(sys.argv[2])))
def test_unicode():
print(u_link_symbol * 10)
def test_xml_escape():
def test_tex_escape():
tests = ['\\', '^', '~', '{', '}', '%', '&', '#', '$', '_', u_euro, 'abc\ndef\n\n1234']
tests.append(' '.join(tests))
for test in tests:
print('%s:' % test, tex_escape_string(test))
def test_rst2latex_snippet():
tests = ['\\', '^', '~', '{', '}', '%', '&', '#', '$', '_', u_euro, 'abc\ndef\n\n1234']
tests.append(' '.join(tests))
tests.append('C:\Windows\Programme\System 32\lala.txt')
'should be identical',
'text *some text* text',
"""A List
1. 1
2. 2
3. ist-list
1. more
2. noch was ü
#. nummer x"""
for test in tests:
print('ReST 2 LaTeX:')
latex = rst2latex_snippet(test)
if latex.strip() == test.strip():
print('=> identical')
def test_strip_trailing_empty_lines():
tests = [
'one line, no embedded line breaks ',
'one line\nwith embedded\nline\nbreaks\n '
for test in tests:
print('as list:')
print(strip_trailing_empty_lines(text = test, eol='\n', return_list = True))
print('as string:')
print('>>>%s<<<' % strip_trailing_empty_lines(text = test, eol='\n', return_list = False))
tests = [
['list', 'without', 'empty', 'trailing', 'lines'],
['list', 'with', 'empty', 'trailing', 'lines', '', ' ', '']
for test in tests:
print('as list:')
print(strip_trailing_empty_lines(lines = test, eol = '\n', return_list = True))
print('as string:')
print(strip_trailing_empty_lines(lines = test, eol = '\n', return_list = False))
def test_fname_stem():
tests = [
for t in tests:
print("[%s] -> [%s]" % (t, fname_stem(t)))
def test_dir_is_empty():
print(sys.argv[2], 'empty:', dir_is_empty(sys.argv[2]))
def test_compare_dicts():
d1 = {}
d2 = {}
d1[1] = 1
d1[2] = 2
d1[3] = 3
# 4
d1[5] = 5
d2[1] = 1
d2[2] = None
# 3
d2[4] = 4
#compare_dict_likes(d1, d2)
d1 = {1: 1, 2: 2}
d2 = {1: 1, 2: 2}
#compare_dict_likes(d1, d2, 'same1', 'same2')
print(format_dict_like(d1, tabular = False))
print(format_dict_like(d1, tabular = True))
def test_format_compare_dicts():
d1 = {}
d2 = {}
d1[1] = 1
d1[2] = 2
d1[3] = 3
# 4
d1[5] = 5
d2[1] = 1
d2[2] = None
# 3
d2[4] = 4
print('\n'.join(format_dict_likes_comparison(d1, d2, 'd1', 'd2')))
d1 = {1: 1, 2: 2}
d2 = {1: 1, 2: 2}
print('\n'.join(format_dict_likes_comparison(d1, d2, 'd1', 'd2')))
def test_rm_dir():
def test_rm_dir_content():
def test_strip_prefix():
tests = [
('', '', ''),
('a', 'a', ''),
('GMd: a window title', _GM_TITLE_PREFIX + ':', 'a window title'),
('\.br\MICROCYTES+1\.br\SPHEROCYTES present\.br\POLYCHROMASIAmoderate\.br\\', '\.br\\', 'MICROCYTES+1\.br\SPHEROCYTES present\.br\POLYCHROMASIAmoderate\.br\\')
for test in tests:
text, prefix, expect = test
result = strip_prefix(text, prefix, remove_whitespace = True)
if result == expect:
print('test failed:', test)
print('result:', result)
def test_shorten_text():
tst = [
('123', 1),
('123', 2),
('123', 3),
('123', 4),
('', 1),
('1', 1),
('12', 1),
('', 2),
('1', 2),
('12', 2),
('123', 2)
for txt, lng in tst:
print('max', lng, 'of', txt, '=', shorten_text(txt, lng))
def test_fname_sanitize():
tests = [
'/tmp/ test.txt',
'/tmp/ tes\\t.txt',
for test in tests:
print (test, fname_sanitize(test))
def test_create_qrcode():
print(create_qrcode(text = sys.argv[2], filename=None, qr_filename=None, verbose = True))
def test_enumerate_removable_partitions():
parts = enumerate_removable_partitions()
for part_name in parts:
part = parts[part_name]
if part['is_mounted']:
print('%s@%s: %s on %s by %s @ %s (FS=%s: %s free of %s total)' % (
print('%s@%s: %s on %s by %s (not mounted)' % (
def test_enumerate_optical_writers():
for writer in enumerate_optical_writers():
print('%s@%s: %s @ %s' % (
def test_copy_tree_content():
print(sys.argv[2], '->', sys.argv[3])
print(copy_tree_content(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3]))
def test_mk_sandbox_dir():
print(mk_sandbox_dir(base_dir = '/tmp/abcd/efg/h'))
def test_make_table_from_dicts():
dicts = [
{'pkey': 1, 'value': 'a122'},
{'pkey': 2, 'value': 'b23'},
{'pkey': 3, 'value': 'c3'},
{'pkey': 4, 'value': 'd4ssssssssssss'},
{'pkey': 5, 'value': 'd4 asdfas '},
{'pkey': 5, 'value': 'c5---'},
with open('x.txt', 'w', encoding = 'utf8') as f:
f.write(dicts2table_columns(dicts, left_margin=2, eol='\n', keys2ignore=None, show_only_changes=True, column_labels = ['d1', 'd2', 'd3', 'd4', 'd5', 'd6']))
#print(dicts2table_columns(dicts, left_margin=2, eol='\n', keys2ignore=None, show_only_changes=True, column_labels = ['d1', 'd2', 'd3', 'd4', 'd5', 'd6']))
def test_create_dir_desc_file():
global _client_version
_client_version = 'dev.test'
print(create_directory_description_file (
directory = './',
readme = 'test\ntest2\nsome more text',
suffix = None
def test_dir_list_files():
print(dir_list_files(directory = sys.argv[2], exclude_subdirs = True))
print(dir_list_files(directory = sys.argv[2], exclude_subdirs = False))
def test_rename_file():
print(rename_file (
overwrite = True,
allow_symlink = False,
allow_hardlink = False
def test_xor():
vals = [
[False, False, [None]],
[False, True, [None]],
[True, True, [None]],
[None, None, [None]],
[None, True, [None]],
[None, False, [None]],
[None, 0, [None]],
[None, 1, [None]],
[None, '', [None]],
[None, ' ', [None]],
[None, '<None>', [None]],
[0,0, [None]],
[0,1, [None]],
[1,1, [None]],
[1,2, [None]],
[1, '', [None]],
[1, ' ', [None]],
[1, '<1>', [None]],
for rec in vals:
print('%s xor %s: %s (exactly one in: %s)' % (
xor(rec[0], rec[1], rec[2]),
def bool2str(boolean=None, true_str='True', false_str='False')
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def bool2str(boolean=None, true_str='True', false_str='False'): return bool2subst ( boolean = bool(boolean), true_return = true_str, false_return = false_str )
def bool2subst(boolean=None, true_return=True, false_return=False, none_return=None)
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def bool2subst(boolean=None, true_return=True, false_return=False, none_return=None): if boolean is None: return none_return if boolean: return true_return if not boolean: return false_return raise ValueError('bool2subst(): <boolean> arg must be either of True, False, None')
def capitalize(text=None, mode=4)
Capitalize the first character but leave the rest alone.
Note that we must be careful about the locale, this may have issues ! However, for UTF strings it should just work.
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def capitalize(text=None, mode=CAPS_NAMES): """Capitalize the first character but leave the rest alone. Note that we must be careful about the locale, this may have issues ! However, for UTF strings it should just work. """ if (mode is None) or (mode == CAPS_NONE): return text if len(text) == 0: return text if mode == CAPS_FIRST: if len(text) == 1: return text[0].upper() return text[0].upper() + text[1:] if mode == CAPS_ALLCAPS: return text.upper() if mode == CAPS_FIRST_ONLY: # if len(text) == 1: # return text[0].upper() return text[0].upper() + text[1:].casefold() if mode == CAPS_WORDS: #return regex.sub(ur'(\w)(\w+)', lambda x: +, text) return regex.sub(r'(\w)(\w+)', lambda x: +, text) if mode == CAPS_NAMES: #return regex.sub(r'\w+', __cap_name, text) return capitalize(text=text, mode=CAPS_FIRST) # until fixed print("ERROR: invalid capitalization mode: [%s], leaving input as is" % mode) return text
def coalesce(value2test=None, return_instead=None, template4value=None, template4instead=None, none_equivalents=None, function4value=None, value2return=None)
Modelled after the SQL coalesce function.
To be used to simplify constructs like:
if value2test is None (or in none_equivalents): value = (template4instead % return_instead) or return_instead else: value = (template4value % value2test) or value2test print(value)
- the value to be tested for None
- the value to be returned if value2test is None
- if value2test is returned, substitute the value into this template (which must contain one '%s')
- if "return_instead" is returned, substitute the instead-value into this template (which must contain one <%s>)
- a tuple of (function name, function arguments) to call on value2test, eg "function4value = ('strftime', '%Y-%m-%d')"
- a value to return if value2test is NOT None, AND there's no template4value
- list of return_insteads: initial, [return_instead, template], [return_instead, template], [return_instead, template], template4value, …
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def coalesce(value2test=None, return_instead=None, template4value=None, template4instead=None, none_equivalents=None, function4value=None, value2return=None): """Modelled after the SQL coalesce function. To be used to simplify constructs like: if value2test is None (or in none_equivalents): value = (template4instead % return_instead) or return_instead else: value = (template4value % value2test) or value2test print(value) Args: value2test: the value to be tested for _None_ return_instead: the value to be returned if _value2test_ *is* None template4value: if _value2test_ is returned, substitute the value into this template (which must contain one '%s') template4instead: if "return_instead" is returned, substitute the instead-value into this template (which must contain one <%s>) function4value: a tuple of (function name, function arguments) to call on _value2test_, eg "function4value = ('strftime', '%Y-%m-%d')" value2return: a *value* to return if _value2test_ is NOT None, AND there's no _template4value_ Ideas: - list of return_insteads: initial, [return_instead, template], [return_instead, template], [return_instead, template], template4value, ... """ if none_equivalents is None: none_equivalents = [None] if value2test in none_equivalents: if template4instead is None: return return_instead return template4instead % return_instead # at this point, value2test was not equivalent to None # 1) explicit value to return supplied ? if value2return is not None: return value2return value2return = value2test # 2) function supplied to be applied to the value ? if function4value is not None: funcname, args = function4value func = getattr(value2test, funcname) value2return = func(args) # 3) template supplied to be applied to the value ? if template4value is None: return value2return try: return template4value % value2return except TypeError: # except (TypeError, ValueError): # this should go, actually, only needed because "old" calls # to coalesce will still abuse template4value as explicit value2return, # relying on the replacement to above to fail if hasattr(_log, 'log_stack_trace'): _log.log_stack_trace(message = 'deprecated use of <template4value> for <value2return>') else: _log.error('deprecated use of <template4value> for <value2return>') _log.error(locals()) return template4value
def compare_dict_likes(d1, d2, title1=None, title2=None)
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def compare_dict_likes(d1, d2, title1=None, title2=None):'comparing dict-likes: %s[%s] vs %s[%s]', coalesce(title1, '', '"%s" '), type(d1), coalesce(title2, '', '"%s" '), type(d2)) try: d1 = dict(d1) except TypeError: pass try: d2 = dict(d2) except TypeError: pass keys_d1 = list(d1) keys_d2 = list(d2) different = False if len(keys_d1) != len(keys_d2):'different number of keys: %s vs %s', len(keys_d1), len(keys_d2)) different = True for key in keys_d1: if key in keys_d2: if type(d1[key]) != type(d2[key]):'%25.25s: type(dict1) = %s = >>>%s<<<' % (key, type(d1[key]), d1[key]))'%25.25s type(dict2) = %s = >>>%s<<<' % ('', type(d2[key]), d2[key])) different = True continue if d1[key] == d2[key]:'%25.25s: both = >>>%s<<<' % (key, d1[key])) else:'%25.25s: dict1 = >>>%s<<<' % (key, d1[key]))'%25.25s dict2 = >>>%s<<<' % ('', d2[key])) different = True else:'%25.25s: %50.50s | <MISSING>' % (key, '>>>%s<<<' % d1[key])) different = True for key in keys_d2: if key in keys_d1: continue'%25.25s: %50.50s | %.50s' % (key, '<MISSING>', '>>>%s<<<' % d2[key])) different = True if different: _log.warning('dict-likes appear to be different from each other') return False'dict-likes appear equal to each other') return True
def copy_tree_content(directory: str, target_directory: str) ‑> str
Copy the content of directory into target_directory.
The target directory is created if need be.
The target directory or None on error.
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def copy_tree_content(directory:str, target_directory:str) -> str: """Copy the *content* of _directory_ into _target_directory_. The target directory is created if need be. Returns: The target directory or None on error. """ assert (directory is not None), 'source <directory> must not be None' assert (target_directory is not None), '<target_directory> must not be None' _log.debug('copying content of [%s] into [%s]', directory, target_directory) try: base_dir_items = os.listdir(directory) except OSError: _log.exception('cannot list dir [%s]', directory) return None for item in base_dir_items: full_item = os.path.join(directory, item) if os.path.isdir(full_item): target_subdir = os.path.join(target_directory, item) try: shutil.copytree(full_item, target_subdir) continue except Exception: _log.exception('cannot copy subdir [%s]', full_item) return None try: shutil.copy2(full_item, target_directory) except Exception: _log.exception('cannot copy file [%s]', full_item) return None return target_directory
def create_directory_description_file(directory: str = None, readme: str = None, suffix: str = None) ‑> bool
Create a directory description file.
if it cannot create the description file. Expand source code
def create_directory_description_file(directory:str=None, readme:str=None, suffix:str=None) -> bool: """Create a directory description file. Returns: <False> if it cannot create the description file. """ assert (directory is not None), '<directory> must not be None' README_fname = _GM_DIR_DESC_FILENAME_PREFIX + coalesce(suffix, '.dir') README_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(directory, README_fname))) _log.debug('%s', README_path) if readme is None: _log.debug('no README text, boilerplate only') try: README = open(README_path, mode = 'wt', encoding = 'utf8') except Exception: return False line = 'GNUmed v%s -- %s' % (_client_version,'%c')) len_sep = len(line) README.write(line) README.write('\n') line = README_path len_sep = max(len_sep, len(line)) README.write(line) README.write('\n') README.write('-' * len_sep) README.write('\n') README.write('\n') README.write(readme) README.write('\n') README.close() return True
def create_qrcode(text: str = None, filename: str = None, qr_filename: str = None, verbose: bool = False, ecc_level: str = 'H', create_svg: bool = False) ‑> str
Create a QR code from text or a file.
- data to encode
- filename to read data from instead of processing text
- target file for QR code PNG image, if not specified: generated from filename if that is given
- level of error correction coding, L/M/Q/H
- whether to also create an SVG image
Filename of QR code or None. The returned filename will be an SVG file if create_svg is
(.png if create_svg is False, .svg if create_svg is True)
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def create_qrcode(text:str=None, filename:str=None, qr_filename:str=None, verbose:bool=False, ecc_level:str='H', create_svg:bool=False) -> str: """Create a QR code from text or a file. Args: text: data to encode filename: filename to read data from instead of processing _text_ qr_filename: target file for QR code PNG image, if not specified: generated from _filename_ if that is given ecc_level: level of error correction coding, L/M/Q/H create_svg: whether to also create an SVG image Returns: Filename of QR code or _None_. The returned filename will be an SVG file if create_svg is (.png if create_svg is False, .svg if create_svg is True) """ assert xor(text, filename), 'either <text> OR <filename> must be specified' if not text: assert qr_filename if not filename else filename, '<qr_filename> must be specified if <filename> is unspecified' try: import pyqrcode except ImportError: _log.exception('cannot import <pyqrcode>') return None if text is None: with open(filename, mode = 'rt', encoding = 'utf-8-sig') as input_file: text = if qr_filename is None: if filename is None: qr_filename = get_unique_filename(prefix = 'gm-qr-', suffix = '.png') else: qr_filename = get_unique_filename ( prefix = fname_stem(filename) + '-', suffix = fname_extension(filename) + '.png' ) _log.debug('[%s] -> [%s]', filename, qr_filename) qr = pyqrcode.create(text, encoding = 'utf8', error = ecc_level) if verbose: print('input file:', filename) print('output file:', qr_filename) print('text to encode:', text) print(qr.terminal()) qr.png(qr_filename, quiet_zone = 1) if create_svg: qr_filename += '.svg' qr.svg(qr_filename, quiet_zone = 1) return qr_filename
def dict2json(obj)
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def dict2json(obj): return json.dumps(obj, default = json_serialize)
def dict2table_row(d: dict, col_sep: str = ' | ', bool3_vals: dict[bool | None, str] = None, date_format: str = '%Y %b %d %H:%M', max_row_lng: int = 80, ellipsis: str = '…', relevant_keys: list = None, missing_key_template: str = '<?>', eol: str = '\n') ‑> str
Turn a dict like into a row for a table.
- text replacements for True/False/None
- ellipsis:
- None - cell content will be wrapped as necessary
- empty ('') - cell content will not be shortened or wrapped
- nonempty - character(s) to signify abbreviation (say, dot, ellipsis, …)
- list of keys into
which are deemed relevant, and therefore required, too, also defines cell order eol
- EOL to be used when wrapping cell content
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def dict2table_row ( d:dict, col_sep:str=' | ', bool3_vals:dict[bool|None,str]=None, date_format:str='%Y %b %d %H:%M', max_row_lng:int=80, ellipsis:str=u_ellipsis, relevant_keys:list=None, missing_key_template:str='<?>', eol:str='\n' ) -> str: """Turn a dict like into a row for a table. Args: bool3_vals: text replacements for True/False/None ellipsis: None - cell content will be wrapped as necessary empty ('') - cell content will not be shortened or wrapped nonempty - character(s) to signify abbreviation (say, dot, ellipsis, ...) relevant_keys: list of keys into <d> which are deemed relevant, and therefore required, too, also defines cell order eol: EOL to be used when wrapping cell content """ if not bool3_vals: bool3_vals = {True: 'True', False: 'False', None: '?'} if not relevant_keys: relevant_keys = list(d.keys()) d = normalize_dict_like(d, relevant_keys, missing_key_template = missing_key_template) cells = [] for key in relevant_keys: val = d[key] if isinstance(val, bool) or val is None: val = bool3_vals[val] elif isinstance(val, str): if ellipsis is None: # actually: wrap as necessary val = unwrap(val, line_separator = '//') elif ellipsis: val = unwrap(val, line_separator = '//') #val = gmTools.shorten_text() else: val = unwrap(val, line_separator = '//') elif isinstance(val, pydt.datetime): if not date_format: val = '%s' % val else: val = val.strftime(date_format) else: val = '%s' % val cells.append(val) print(col_sep.join(cells)) return col_sep.join(cells)
def dicts2table_columns(dict_list, left_margin=0, eol='\n', keys2ignore=None, column_labels=None, show_only_changes=False, equality_value='<=>', date_format=None)
Each dict in
becomes a column of a table. Think of a list of lab results.
each key of dict becomes a row label, unless in keys2ignore
each entry in the
list becomes a column title
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def dicts2table_columns(dict_list, left_margin=0, eol='\n', keys2ignore=None, column_labels=None, show_only_changes=False, equality_value='<=>', date_format=None): #, relevant_keys=None, template=None """Each dict in <dict_list> becomes a column of a table. Think of a list of lab results. - each key of dict becomes a row label, unless in keys2ignore - each entry in the <column_labels> list becomes a column title """ keys2show = [] col_max_width = {} max_width_of_row_label_col = 0 col_label_key = '__________#header#__________' if keys2ignore is None: keys2ignore = [] if column_labels is not None: keys2ignore.append(col_label_key) # extract keys from all dicts and calculate column sizes for dict_idx in range(len(dict_list)): # convert potentially dict-*like* into dict d = dict(dict_list[dict_idx]) # add max-len column label row from <column_labels> list, if available if column_labels is not None: d[col_label_key] = max(column_labels[dict_idx].split('\n'), key = len) field_lengths = [] # loop over all keys in this dict for key in d: # ignore this key if key in keys2ignore: continue # remember length of value when displayed if isinstance(d[key], pydt.datetime): if date_format is None: field_lengths.append(len('%s' % d[key])) else: field_lengths.append(len(d[key].strftime(date_format))) else: field_lengths.append(len('%s' % d[key])) if key in keys2show: continue keys2show.append(key) max_width_of_row_label_col = max(max_width_of_row_label_col, len('%s' % key)) col_max_width[dict_idx] = max(field_lengths) # pivot data into dict of lists per line lines = { k: [] for k in keys2show } prev_vals = {} for dict_idx in range(len(dict_list)): max_width_this_col = max(col_max_width[dict_idx], len(equality_value)) if show_only_changes else col_max_width[dict_idx] max_len_str = '%s.%s' % (max_width_this_col, max_width_this_col) field_template = ' %' + max_len_str + 's' d = dict_list[dict_idx] for key in keys2show: try: val = d[key] except KeyError: lines[key].append(field_template % _('<missing>')) continue if isinstance(val, pydt.datetime): if date_format is not None: val = val.strftime(date_format) lines[key].append(field_template % val) if show_only_changes: if key not in prev_vals: prev_vals[key] = '%s' % lines[key][-1] continue if lines[key][-1] != prev_vals[key]: prev_vals[key] = '%s' % lines[key][-1] continue lines[key][-1] = field_template % equality_value # format data into table table_lines = [] max_len_str = '%s.%s' % (max_width_of_row_label_col, max_width_of_row_label_col) row_label_template = '%' + max_len_str + 's' for key in lines: # row label (= key) into first column line = (' ' * left_margin) + row_label_template % key + '|' # append list values as subsequent columns line += '|'.join(lines[key]) table_lines.append(line) # insert lines with column labels (column headers) if any if column_labels is not None: # first column contains row labels, so no column label needed table_header_line_w_col_labels = (' ' * left_margin) + row_label_template % '' # second table header line: horizontal separator table_header_line_w_separator = (' ' * left_margin) + u_box_horiz_single * (max_width_of_row_label_col) max_col_label_widths = [ max(col_max_width[dict_idx], len(equality_value)) for dict_idx in range(len(dict_list)) ] for col_idx in range(len(column_labels)): max_len_str = '%s.%s' % (max_col_label_widths[col_idx], max_col_label_widths[col_idx]) col_label_template = '%' + max_len_str + 's' table_header_line_w_col_labels += '| ' table_header_line_w_col_labels += col_label_template % column_labels[col_idx] table_header_line_w_separator += '%s%s' % (u_box_plus, u_box_horiz_single) table_header_line_w_separator += u_box_horiz_single * max_col_label_widths[col_idx] table_lines.insert(0, table_header_line_w_separator) table_lines.insert(0, table_header_line_w_col_labels) if eol is None: return table_lines return ('|' + eol).join(table_lines) + '|' + eol
def dir_is_empty(directory: str = None) ‑> bool
Check for any entries inside directory.
True / False / None (directory not found)
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def dir_is_empty(directory:str=None) -> bool: """Check for any entries inside _directory_. Returns: True / False / None (directory not found) """ try: empty = (len(os.listdir(directory)) == 0) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno != 2: # no such file raise empty = None return empty
def dir_list_files(directory: str = None, exclude_subdirs: bool = True) ‑> list[str]
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def dir_list_files(directory:str=None, exclude_subdirs:bool=True) -> list[str]: try: all_dir_items = os.listdir(directory) except OSError: _log.exception('cannot list dir [%s]', directory) return None filenames2return = [] for item in all_dir_items: item = os.path.join(directory, item) if os.path.isdir(item): if exclude_subdirs: continue filenames2return.append(item) return filenames2return
def dirname_stem(directory: str) ‑> str
Return stem of leaf directory name.
- /home/user/dir/ -> dir
- /home/user/dir -> dir
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def dirname_stem(directory:str) -> str: """Return stem of leaf directory name. - /home/user/dir/ -> dir - /home/user/dir -> dir """ # normpath removes trailing slashes if any return os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(directory))
def empty_str(text: str) ‑> bool
Check "text" for emptiness.
- True: None, '', '\w*'
- False: ' anything else 1234'
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def empty_str(text:str) -> bool: """Check "text" for emptiness. Returns: * True: None, '', '\w*' * False: ' anything else 1234' """ if text: return False # could still be '\w+' if text.strip(): return False return True
def enumerate_optical_writers()
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def enumerate_optical_writers(): try: import pyudev except ImportError: _log.error('pyudev not installed') return [] optical_writers = [] ctxt = pyudev.Context() for dev in [ dev for dev in ctxt.list_devices(subsystem='block', DEVTYPE='disk') if'ID_CDROM_CD_RW', None) == '1' ]: optical_writers.append ({ 'type':['ID_TYPE'], 'bus':['ID_BUS'], 'device':['DEVNAME'], 'model':['ID_MODEL'] }) return optical_writers
def enumerate_removable_partitions()
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def enumerate_removable_partitions(): try: import pyudev import psutil except ImportError: _log.error('pyudev and/or psutil not installed') return {} removable_partitions = {} ctxt = pyudev.Context() removable_devices = [ dev for dev in ctxt.list_devices(subsystem='block', DEVTYPE='disk') if dev.attributes.get('removable') == b'1' ] all_mounted_partitions = { part.device: part for part in psutil.disk_partitions() } for device in removable_devices: _log.debug('removable device: %s',['ID_MODEL']) partitions_on_removable_device = { part.device_node: { 'type':['ID_TYPE'], 'bus':['ID_BUS'], 'device':['DEVNAME'], 'partition':['DEVNAME'], 'vendor':['ID_VENDOR'], 'model':['ID_MODEL'], 'fs_label':['ID_FS_LABEL'], 'is_mounted': False, 'mountpoint': None, 'fs_type': None, 'size_in_bytes': -1, 'bytes_free': 0 } for part in ctxt.list_devices(subsystem='block', DEVTYPE='partition', parent=device) } for part in partitions_on_removable_device: try: partitions_on_removable_device[part]['mountpoint'] = all_mounted_partitions[part].mountpoint partitions_on_removable_device[part]['is_mounted'] = True partitions_on_removable_device[part]['fs_type'] = all_mounted_partitions[part].fstype du = shutil.disk_usage(all_mounted_partitions[part].mountpoint) partitions_on_removable_device[part]['size_in_bytes'] = partitions_on_removable_device[part]['bytes_free'] = except KeyError: pass # not mounted removable_partitions.update(partitions_on_removable_device) return removable_partitions # debugging: #ctxt = pyudev.Context() #for dev in ctxt.list_devices(subsystem='block', DEVTYPE='disk'):# if dev.attributes.get('removable') == b'1': # for a in dev.attributes.available_attributes: # print(a, dev.attributes.get(a)) # for key, value in dev.items(): # print('{key}={value}'.format(key=key, value=value)) # print('---------------------------')
def file2chunked_md5(filename=None, chunk_size=524288000)
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def file2chunked_md5(filename=None, chunk_size=500*_MB): _log.debug('chunked_md5(%s, chunk_size=%s bytes)', filename, chunk_size) md5_concat = '' f = open(filename, 'rb') while True: md5 = hashlib.md5() data = if not data: break md5.update(data) md5_concat += md5.hexdigest() f.close() md5 = hashlib.md5() md5.update(md5_concat) hex_digest = md5.hexdigest() _log.debug('md5("%s"): %s', md5_concat, hex_digest) return hex_digest
def file2md5(filename: str = None, return_hex: bool = True)
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def file2md5(filename:str=None, return_hex:bool=True): blocksize = 2**10 * 128 # 128k, since md5 uses 128 byte blocks _log.debug('md5(%s): <%s> byte blocks', filename, blocksize) f = open(filename, mode = 'rb') md5 = hashlib.md5() while True: data = if not data: break md5.update(data) f.close() _log.debug('md5(%s): %s', filename, md5.hexdigest()) if return_hex: return md5.hexdigest() return md5.digest()
def fname_dir(filename: str) ‑> str
/home/user/dir/filename.ext -> /home/user/dir
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def fname_dir(filename:str) -> str: """/home/user/dir/filename.ext -> /home/user/dir""" return os.path.split(filename)[0]
def fname_extension(filename: str = None, fallback: str = None) ‑> str
/home/user/dir/filename.ext -> .ext
If extension becomes '' or '.' -> return fallback if any else return ''.
- Return this if extension computes to '.' or '' (IOW, is empty)
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def fname_extension(filename:str=None, fallback:str=None) -> str: """ /home/user/dir/filename.ext -> .ext If extension becomes '' or '.' -> return fallback if any else return ''. Args: fallback: Return this if extension computes to '.' or '' (IOW, is empty) """ ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] if ext.strip() not in ['.', '']: return ext if fallback is None: return '' return fallback
def fname_from_path(filename)
/home/user/dir/filename.ext -> filename.ext
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def fname_from_path(filename): """/home/user/dir/filename.ext -> filename.ext""" return os.path.split(filename)[1]
def fname_sanitize(filename: str) ‑> str
Normalizes unicode, removes non-alpha characters, converts spaces to underscores.
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def fname_sanitize(filename:str) -> str: """Normalizes unicode, removes non-alpha characters, converts spaces to underscores.""" dir_part, name_part = os.path.split(filename) if name_part == '': return filename import unicodedata name_part = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', name_part) # remove everything not in group [] name_part = regex.sub ( r'[^.\w\s[\]()%§#+-]', '', name_part, flags = regex.UNICODE ).strip() # translate whitespace to underscore name_part = regex.sub ( r'\s+', '_', name_part, flags = regex.UNICODE ) return os.path.join(dir_part, name_part)
def fname_stem(filename: str) ‑> str
/home/user/dir/filename.ext -> filename
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def fname_stem(filename:str) -> str: """/home/user/dir/filename.ext -> filename""" return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
def fname_stem_with_path(filename: str) ‑> str
/home/user/dir/filename.ext -> /home/user/dir/filename
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def fname_stem_with_path(filename:str) -> str: """/home/user/dir/filename.ext -> /home/user/dir/filename""" return os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
def format_dict_like(d, relevant_keys=None, template=None, missing_key_template='<[%(key)s] MISSING>', left_margin=0, tabular=False, value_delimiters=('>>>', '<<<'), eol='\n', values2ignore=None)
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def format_dict_like(d, relevant_keys=None, template=None, missing_key_template='<[%(key)s] MISSING>', left_margin=0, tabular=False, value_delimiters=('>>>', '<<<'), eol='\n', values2ignore=None): if values2ignore is None: values2ignore = [] if template is not None: # all keys in template better exist in d try: return template % d except KeyError: # or else _log.exception('template contains %%()s key(s) which do not exist in data dict') # try to extend dict <d> to contain all required keys, # for that to work <relevant_keys> better list all # keys used in <template> if relevant_keys is not None: for key in relevant_keys: try: d[key] except KeyError: d[key] = missing_key_template % {'key': key} return template % d if relevant_keys is None: relevant_keys = list(d) lines = [] if value_delimiters is None: delim_left = '' delim_right = '' else: delim_left, delim_right = value_delimiters if tabular: max_len = max([ len('%s' % k) for k in relevant_keys ]) max_len_str = '%s.%s' % (max_len, max_len) line_template = (' ' * left_margin) + '%' + max_len_str + ('s: %s%%s%s' % (delim_left, delim_right)) else: line_template = (' ' * left_margin) + '%%s: %s%%s%s' % (delim_left, delim_right) for key in relevant_keys: try: val = d[key] except KeyError: continue if val not in values2ignore: lines.append(line_template % (key, val)) if eol is None: return lines return eol.join(lines)
def format_dict_likes_comparison(d1, d2, title_left=None, title_right=None, left_margin=0, key_delim=' || ', data_delim=' | ', missing_string='=/=', difference_indicator='! ', ignore_diff_in_keys=None)
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def format_dict_likes_comparison(d1, d2, title_left=None, title_right=None, left_margin=0, key_delim=' || ', data_delim=' | ', missing_string='=/=', difference_indicator='! ', ignore_diff_in_keys=None):'comparing dict-likes: %s[%s] vs %s[%s]', coalesce(title_left, '', '"%s" '), type(d1), coalesce(title_right, '', '"%s" '), type(d2)) append_type = False if None not in [title_left, title_right]: append_type = True type_left = type(d1) type_right = type(d2) if title_left is None: title_left = '%s' % type_left if title_right is None: title_right = '%s' % type_right try: d1 = dict(d1) except TypeError: pass try: d2 = dict(d2) except TypeError: pass keys_d1 = list(d1) keys_d2 = list(d2) data = {} for key in keys_d1: data[key] = [d1[key], ' '] if key in d2: data[key][1] = d2[key] for key in keys_d2: if key in keys_d1: continue data[key] = [' ', d2[key]] max1 = max([ len('%s' % k) for k in keys_d1 ]) max2 = max([ len('%s' % k) for k in keys_d2 ]) max_len = max(max1, max2, len(_('<type>'))) max_key_len_str = '%' + '%s.%s' % (max_len, max_len) + 's' max1 = max([ len('%s' % d1[k]) for k in keys_d1 ]) max2 = max([ len('%s' % d2[k]) for k in keys_d2 ]) max_data_len = min(max(max1, max2), 100) max_data_len_str = '%' + '%s.%s' % (max_data_len, max_data_len) + 's' diff_indicator_len_str = '%' + '%s.%s' % (len(difference_indicator), len(difference_indicator)) + 's' line_template = (' ' * left_margin) + diff_indicator_len_str + max_key_len_str + key_delim + max_data_len_str + data_delim + '%s' lines = [] # debugging: #lines.append(u' (40 regular spaces)') #lines.append((u' ' * 40) + u"(u' ' * 40)") #lines.append((u'%40.40s' % u'') + u"(u'%40.40s' % u'')") #lines.append((u'%40.40s' % u' ') + u"(u'%40.40s' % u' ')") #lines.append((u'%40.40s' % u'.') + u"(u'%40.40s' % u'.')") #lines.append(line_template) lines.append(line_template % ('', '', title_left, title_right)) if append_type: lines.append(line_template % ('', _('<type>'), type_left, type_right)) if ignore_diff_in_keys is None: ignore_diff_in_keys = [] for key in keys_d1: append_type = False txt_left_col = '%s' % d1[key] try: txt_right_col = '%s' % d2[key] if type(d1[key]) != type(d2[key]): append_type = True except KeyError: txt_right_col = missing_string lines.append(line_template % ( bool2subst ( ((txt_left_col == txt_right_col) or (key in ignore_diff_in_keys)), '', difference_indicator ), key, shorten_text(txt_left_col, max_data_len), shorten_text(txt_right_col, max_data_len) )) if append_type: lines.append(line_template % ( '', _('<type>'), shorten_text('%s' % type(d1[key]), max_data_len), shorten_text('%s' % type(d2[key]), max_data_len) )) for key in keys_d2: if key in keys_d1: continue lines.append(line_template % ( bool2subst((key in ignore_diff_in_keys), '', difference_indicator), key, shorten_text(missing_string, max_data_len), shorten_text('%s' % d2[key], max_data_len) )) return lines
def get_icon(wx=None)
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def get_icon(wx=None): paths = gmPaths(app_name = 'gnumed', wx = wx) candidates = [ os.path.join(paths.system_app_data_dir, 'bitmaps', 'gm_icon-serpent_and_gnu.png'), os.path.join(paths.local_base_dir, 'bitmaps', 'gm_icon-serpent_and_gnu.png'), os.path.join(paths.system_app_data_dir, 'bitmaps', 'serpent.png'), os.path.join(paths.local_base_dir, 'bitmaps', 'serpent.png') ] found_as = None for candidate in candidates: try: open(candidate, 'r').close() found_as = candidate break except IOError: _log.debug('icon not found in [%s]', candidate) if found_as is None: _log.warning('no icon file found, falling back to builtin (ugly) icon') icon_bmp_data = wx.BitmapFromXPMData(pickle.loads(zlib.decompress(__icon_serpent))) icon = wx.Icon() icon.CopyFromBitmap(icon_bmp_data) else: _log.debug('icon found in [%s]', found_as) icon = wx.Icon() try: icon.LoadFile(found_as, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY) #_PNG except AttributeError: _log.exception("this platform doesn't support wx.Icon().LoadFile()") return icon
def get_unique_filename(prefix: str = None, suffix: str = None, tmp_dir: str = None, include_timestamp: bool = False) ‑> str
Generate a unique filename.
- use this prefix to the filename, default 'gm-', '' means "no prefix"
- use this suffix to the filename, default '.tmp'
- generate filename based suitable for this directory, default system tmpdir
- include current timestamp within the filename
The full path of a unique file not existing at this moment. There is a TOCTOU race conditition between generating the filename here and actually using the filename in callers.
Note: The file will NOT exist after calling this function.
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def get_unique_filename(prefix:str=None, suffix:str=None, tmp_dir:str=None, include_timestamp:bool=False) -> str: """Generate a unique filename. Args: prefix: use this prefix to the filename, default 'gm-', '' means "no prefix" suffix: use this suffix to the filename, default '.tmp' tmp_dir: generate filename based suitable for this directory, default system tmpdir include_timestamp: include current timestamp within the filename Returns: The full path of a unique file not existing at this moment. There is a TOCTOU race conditition between generating the filename here and actually using the filename in callers. Note: The file will NOT exist after calling this function. """ if tmp_dir is None: gmPaths() # setup tmp dir if necessary else: if ( not os.access(tmp_dir, os.F_OK) or not os.access(tmp_dir, os.X_OK | os.W_OK) ): _log.warning('cannot os.access() temporary dir [%s], using system default', tmp_dir) tmp_dir = None if include_timestamp: ts ='%m%d-%H%M%S-') else: ts = '' kwargs:dict[str, Any] = { 'dir': tmp_dir, # make sure file gets deleted as soon as it is # .close()d so we can "safely" open it again 'delete': True } if prefix is None: kwargs['prefix'] = 'gm-%s' % ts else: kwargs['prefix'] = prefix + ts if suffix in [None, '']: kwargs['suffix'] = '.tmp' else: if not suffix.startswith('.'): suffix = '.' + suffix kwargs['suffix'] = suffix f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(**kwargs) filename = f.close() return filename
def handle_uncaught_exception_console(t, v, tb)
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def handle_uncaught_exception_console(t, v, tb): print(".========================================================") print("| Unhandled exception caught !") print("| Type :", t) print("| Value:", v) print("`========================================================") _log.critical('unhandled exception caught', exc_info = (t,v,tb)) sys.__excepthook__(t,v,tb)
def html_escape_string(text=None, replace_eol=False, keep_visual_eol=False)
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def html_escape_string(text=None, replace_eol=False, keep_visual_eol=False): text = ''.join(__html_escape_table.get(char, char) for char in text) if replace_eol: if keep_visual_eol: text = text.replace('\n', '<br>\n') else: text = text.replace('\n', '<br>') return text
def import_module_from_directory(module_path=None, module_name=None, always_remove_path=False)
Import a module from any location.
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def import_module_from_directory(module_path=None, module_name=None, always_remove_path=False): """Import a module from any location.""" _log.debug('CWD: %s', os.getcwd()) remove_path = always_remove_path or False if module_path not in sys.path:'appending to sys.path: [%s]' % module_path) sys.path.append(module_path) remove_path = True _log.debug('will remove import path: %s', remove_path) if module_name.endswith('.py'): module_name = module_name[:-3] try: module = __import__(module_name) except Exception: _log.exception('cannot __import__() module [%s] from [%s]' % (module_name, module_path)) while module_path in sys.path: sys.path.remove(module_path) raise'imported module [%s] as [%s]' % (module_name, module)) if remove_path: while module_path in sys.path: sys.path.remove(module_path) return module
def input2decimal(initial=None)
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def input2decimal(initial=None): if isinstance(initial, decimal.Decimal): return True, initial val = initial # float ? -> to string first if type(val) == type(float(1.4)): val = str(val) # string ? -> "," to "." if isinstance(val, str): val = val.replace(',', '.', 1) val = val.strip() try: d = decimal.Decimal(val) return True, d except (TypeError, decimal.InvalidOperation): return False, val
def input2int(initial=None, minval=None, maxval=None)
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def input2int(initial=None, minval=None, maxval=None): val = initial # string ? -> "," to "." if isinstance(val, str): val = val.replace(',', '.', 1) val = val.strip() try: int_val = int(val) except (TypeError, ValueError): _log.exception('int(%s) failed', val) return False, initial if minval is not None: if int_val < minval: _log.debug('%s < min (%s)', val, minval) return False, initial if maxval is not None: if int_val > maxval: _log.debug('%s > max (%s)', val, maxval) return False, initial return True, int_val
def json_serialize(obj)
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def json_serialize(obj): if isinstance(obj, pydt.datetime): return obj.isoformat() raise TypeError('cannot json_serialize(%s)' % type(obj))
def list2text(lines, initial_indent='', subsequent_indent='', eol='\n', strip_leading_empty_lines=True, strip_trailing_empty_lines=True, strip_trailing_whitespace=True, max_line_width=None)
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def list2text(lines, initial_indent='', subsequent_indent='', eol='\n', strip_leading_empty_lines=True, strip_trailing_empty_lines=True, strip_trailing_whitespace=True, max_line_width=None): if len(lines) == 0: return '' if strip_leading_empty_lines: lines = strip_leading_empty_lines(lines = lines, eol = eol, return_list = True) if strip_trailing_empty_lines: lines = strip_trailing_empty_lines(lines = lines, eol = eol, return_list = True) if strip_trailing_whitespace: lines = [ l.rstrip() for l in lines ] if max_line_width is not None: wrapped_lines = [] for l in lines: wrapped_lines.extend(wrap(l, max_line_width).split('\n')) lines = wrapped_lines indented_lines = [initial_indent + lines[0]] indented_lines.extend([ subsequent_indent + l for l in lines[1:] ]) return eol.join(indented_lines)
def mk_sandbox_dir(prefix: str = None, base_dir: str = None) ‑> str
Create a sandbox directory.
- use this prefix to the directory name
- create sandbox inside this directory, or else in the temp dir
The newly created sandbox directory.
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def mk_sandbox_dir(prefix:str=None, base_dir:str=None) -> str: """Create a sandbox directory. Args: prefix: use this prefix to the directory name base_dir: create sandbox inside this directory, or else in the temp dir Returns: The newly created sandbox directory. """ if base_dir is None: base_dir = gmPaths().tmp_dir else: if not os.path.isdir(base_dir): mkdir(base_dir, mode = 0o0700) # (invoking user only) if prefix is None: prefix = 'sndbx-' return tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix = prefix, suffix = '', dir = base_dir)
def mkdir(directory: str = None, mode=None) ‑> bool
Create directory.
- creates parent dirs if necessary
- does not fail if directory exists
- numeric, say 0o0700 for "-rwx------"
True/False based on success
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def mkdir(directory:str=None, mode=None) -> bool: """Create directory. - creates parent dirs if necessary - does not fail if directory exists Args: mode: numeric, say 0o0700 for "-rwx------" Returns: True/False based on success """ if os.path.isdir(directory): if mode is None: return True changed = False old_umask = os.umask(0) try: # does not WORK ! #os.chmod(directory, mode, follow_symlinks = (os.chmod in os.supports_follow_symlinks)) # can't do better os.chmod(directory, mode) changed = True finally: os.umask(old_umask) return changed if mode is None: os.makedirs(directory) return True old_umask = os.umask(0) try: os.makedirs(directory, mode) finally: os.umask(old_umask) return True
def mklink(physical_name: str, link_name: str, overwrite: bool = False) ‑> bool
Create a symbolic link.
- the pre-existing filesystem object the symlink is to point to
- the name of the symlink pointing to the existing filesystem object
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def mklink(physical_name:str, link_name:str, overwrite:bool=False) -> bool: """Create a symbolic link. Args: physical_name: the pre-existing filesystem object the symlink is to point to link_name: the name of the symlink pointing to the existing filesystem object """ _log.debug('creating symlink (overwrite = %s):', overwrite) _log.debug('link [%s] =>', link_name) _log.debug('=> physical [%s]', physical_name) if os.path.exists(link_name): _log.debug('link exists') if overwrite: return True # unsafe :/ return False try: os.symlink(physical_name, link_name) except (AttributeError, NotImplementedError): _log.debug('this Python does not have os.symlink(), trying via ctypes') __make_symlink_on_windows(physical_name, link_name) except PermissionError: _log.exception('cannot create link') return False #except OSError: # unprivileged on Windows return True
def none_if(value=None, none_equivalent=None, strip_string=False)
Modelled after the SQL NULLIF function.
- the value to test for "none"-likeness
- values to be considered eqivalent to "none"
- apply .strip() to value
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def none_if(value=None, none_equivalent=None, strip_string=False): """Modelled after the SQL NULLIF function. Args: value: the value to test for "none"-likeness none_equivalent: values to be considered eqivalent to "none" strip_string: apply .strip() to value """ if value is None: return None if strip_string: stripped = value.strip() else: stripped = value if stripped == none_equivalent: return None #return value return stripped
def normalize_dict_like(d, required_keys: list, missing_key_template: str = '<[%(key)s] MISSING>')
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def normalize_dict_like(d, required_keys:list, missing_key_template:str='<[%(key)s] MISSING>'): for key in required_keys: try: d[key] except KeyError: if missing_key_template is None: d[key] = None else: d[key] = missing_key_template % {'key': key} return d
def normalize_path(path: str) ‑> str
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def normalize_path(path:str) -> str: norm_path = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path))) _log.debug('%s -> %s', path, norm_path) return norm_path
def old_unicode2charset_encoder(unicode_csv_data, encoding='utf-8')
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def old_unicode2charset_encoder(unicode_csv_data, encoding='utf-8'): for line in unicode_csv_data: yield line.encode(encoding)
def old_unicode_csv_reader(unicode_csv_data, dialect=csv.excel, encoding='utf-8', **kwargs)
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def old_unicode_csv_reader(unicode_csv_data, dialect=csv.excel, encoding='utf-8', **kwargs): # doesn't do Unicode; encode temporarily as UTF-8: try: is_dict_reader = kwargs['dict'] del kwargs['dict'] if is_dict_reader is not True: raise KeyError kwargs['restkey'] = default_csv_reader_rest_key csv_reader = csv.DictReader(old_unicode2charset_encoder(unicode_csv_data), dialect=dialect, **kwargs) except KeyError: is_dict_reader = False csv_reader = csv.reader(old_unicode2charset_encoder(unicode_csv_data), dialect=dialect, **kwargs) for row in csv_reader: # decode ENCODING back to Unicode, cell by cell: if is_dict_reader: for key in row: if key == default_csv_reader_rest_key: old_data = row[key] new_data = [] for val in old_data: new_data.append(str(val, encoding)) row[key] = new_data if default_csv_reader_rest_key not in csv_reader.fieldnames: csv_reader.fieldnames.append(default_csv_reader_rest_key) else: row[key] = str(row[key], encoding) yield row else: yield [ str(cell, encoding) for cell in row ] #yield [str(cell, 'utf-8') for cell in row]
def parent_dir(directory: str) ‑> str
/tmp/path/subdir/ -> /tmp/path/
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def parent_dir(directory:str) -> str: """/tmp/path/subdir/ -> /tmp/path/""" return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(directory, '..'))
def prompted_input(prompt=None, default=None)
Obtain entry from standard input.
CTRL-C aborts and returns None
- Prompt text to display in standard output
- Default value (for user to press enter only)
The input, default, or None.
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def prompted_input(prompt=None, default=None): """Obtain entry from standard input. CTRL-C aborts and returns _None_ Args: prompt: Prompt text to display in standard output default: Default value (for user to press enter only) Returns: The input, _default_, or _None_. """ if prompt is None: msg = '(CTRL-C aborts)' else: msg = '%s (CTRL-C aborts)' % prompt if default is None: msg = msg + ': ' else: msg = '%s [%s]: ' % (msg, default) try: usr_input = input(msg) except KeyboardInterrupt: return None if usr_input == '': return default return usr_input
def recode_file(source_file=None, target_file=None, source_encoding='utf8', target_encoding=None, base_dir=None, error_mode='replace')
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def recode_file(source_file=None, target_file=None, source_encoding='utf8', target_encoding=None, base_dir=None, error_mode='replace'): if target_encoding is None: return source_file if target_encoding == source_encoding: return source_file if target_file is None: target_file = get_unique_filename ( prefix = '%s-%s_%s-' % (fname_stem(source_file), source_encoding, target_encoding), suffix = fname_extension(source_file, '.txt'), tmp_dir = base_dir ) _log.debug('[%s] -> [%s] (%s -> %s)', source_encoding, target_encoding, source_file, target_file) in_file = open(source_file, mode = 'rt', encoding = source_encoding) out_file = open(target_file, mode = 'wt', encoding = target_encoding, errors = error_mode) for line in in_file: out_file.write(line) out_file.close() in_file.close() return target_file
def remove_file(filename: str, log_error: bool = True, force: bool = False) ‑> bool
Remove a file.
- file to remove
- if remove does not work attempt to rename the file
True/False: Removed or not.
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def remove_file(filename:str, log_error:bool=True, force:bool=False) -> bool: """Remove a file. Args: filename: file to remove force: if remove does not work attempt to rename the file Returns: True/False: Removed or not. """ if not os.path.lexists(filename): return True # attempt file removal and ignore (but log) errors try: os.remove(filename) return True except Exception: if log_error: _log.exception('cannot os.remove(%s)', filename) if not force: return False tmp_name = get_unique_filename(tmp_dir = fname_dir(filename)) _log.debug('attempting os.replace(%s -> %s)', filename, tmp_name) try: os.replace(filename, tmp_name) return True except Exception: if log_error: _log.exception('cannot os.replace(%s)', filename) return False
def rename_file(filename: str, new_filename: str, overwrite: bool = False, allow_symlink: bool = False, allow_hardlink: bool = True) ‑> bool
Rename a file.
- source filename
- target filename
- overwrite existing target ?
- allow soft links ?
- allow hard links ?
True/False: Renamed or not.
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def rename_file(filename:str, new_filename:str, overwrite:bool=False, allow_symlink:bool=False, allow_hardlink:bool=True) -> bool: """Rename a file. Args: filename: source filename new_filename: target filename overwrite: overwrite existing target ? allow_symlink: allow soft links ? allow_hardlink: allow hard links ? Returns: True/False: Renamed or not. """ _log.debug('renaming: [%s] -> [%s]', filename, new_filename) if filename == new_filename: _log.debug('no copy onto self') return True if not os.path.lexists(filename): _log.error('source does not exist') return False if overwrite and not remove_file(new_filename, force = True): _log.error('cannot remove existing target') return False try: shutil.move(filename, new_filename) return True except OSError: _log.exception('shutil.move() failed') try: os.replace(filename, new_filename) return True except Exception: _log.exception('os.replace() failed') if allow_hardlink: try:, new_filename) return True except Exception: _log.exception(' failed') if allow_symlink: try: os.symlink(filename, new_filename) return True except Exception: _log.exception('os.symlink() failed') return False
def rm_dir_content(directory: str) ‑> bool
Remove the content of directory.
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def rm_dir_content(directory:str) -> bool: """Remove the content of _directory_. """ _log.debug('cleaning out [%s]', directory) try: items = os.listdir(directory) except OSError: return False for item in items: # attempt file/link removal and ignore (but log) errors full_item = os.path.join(directory, item) try: os.remove(full_item) except OSError: # as per the docs, this is a directory _log.debug('[%s] seems to be a subdirectory', full_item) errors = rmdir(full_item) if errors > 0: return False except Exception: _log.exception('cannot os.remove(%s) [a file or a link]', full_item) return False return True
def rmdir(directory: str) ‑> int
Remove a directory and its content.
Count of items that were not removable. IOW, 0 = success.
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def rmdir(directory:str) -> int: """Remove a directory _and_ its content. Returns: Count of items that were not removable. IOW, 0 = success. """ #------------------------------- def _on_rm_error(func, path, exc): _log.error('error while shutil.rmtree(%s)', path, exc_info=exc) return True #------------------------------- error_count = 0 try: shutil.rmtree(directory, False, _on_rm_error) except Exception: _log.exception('cannot shutil.rmtree(%s)', directory) error_count += 1 return error_count
def rst2html(rst_text, replace_eol=False, keep_visual_eol=False)
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def rst2html(rst_text, replace_eol=False, keep_visual_eol=False): global du_core if du_core is None: try: from docutils import core as du_core except ImportError: _log.warning('cannot turn ReST into HTML: docutils not installed') return html_escape_string(text = rst_text, replace_eol=False, keep_visual_eol=False) parts = du_core.publish_parts ( source = rst_text.replace('\\', '\\\\'), source_path = '<internal>', writer_name = 'latex', #destination_path = '/path/to/LaTeX-template/for/calculating/relative/links/template.tex', settings_overrides = { 'input_encoding': 'unicode' # un-encoded unicode }, enable_exit_status = True # how to use ? ) return parts['body']
def rst2latex_snippet(rst_text)
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def rst2latex_snippet(rst_text): global du_core if du_core is None: try: from docutils import core as du_core except ImportError: _log.warning('cannot turn ReST into LaTeX: docutils not installed') return tex_escape_string(text = rst_text) parts = du_core.publish_parts ( source = rst_text.replace('\\', '\\\\'), source_path = '<internal>', writer_name = 'latex', #destination_path = '/path/to/LaTeX-template/for/calculating/relative/links/template.tex', settings_overrides = { 'input_encoding': 'unicode' # un-encoded unicode }, enable_exit_status = True # how to use ? ) return parts['body']
def shorten_text(text: str = None, max_length: int = None, ellipsis: str = '…') ‑> str
to -1 and append . Expand source code
def shorten_text(text:str=None, max_length:int=None, ellipsis:str=u_ellipsis) -> str: """Shorten <text> to <max_length>-1 and append <ellipsis>.""" if not max_length: return text if len(text) <= max_length: return text return text[:max_length-1] + ellipsis
def shorten_words_in_line(text: str = None, max_length: int = None, min_word_length: int = 3, ignore_numbers: bool = True, ellipsis: str = '…') ‑> str
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def shorten_words_in_line(text:str=None, max_length:int=None, min_word_length:int=3, ignore_numbers:bool=True, ellipsis:str=u_ellipsis) -> str: if text is None: return None if not max_length: return text if len(text) <= max_length: return text old_words = regex.split(r'\s+', text, flags = regex.UNICODE) nbr_old_words = len(old_words) max_word_length = max(min_word_length, (max_length // nbr_old_words)) new_words = [] for word in old_words: if len(word) <= max_word_length: new_words.append(word) continue if ignore_numbers: tmp = word.replace('-', '').replace('+', '').replace('.', '').replace(',', '').replace('/', '').replace('&', '').replace('*', '') if tmp.isdigit(): new_words.append(word) continue new_words.append(word[:max_word_length] + ellipsis) return ' '.join(new_words)
def size2str(size=0, template='%s')
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def size2str(size=0, template='%s'): if size == 1: return template % _('1 Byte') if size < 10 * _kB: return template % _('%s Bytes') % size if size < _MB: return template % '%.1f kB' % (float(size) / _kB) if size < _GB: return template % '%.1f MB' % (float(size) / _MB) if size < _TB: return template % '%.1f GB' % (float(size) / _GB) if size < _PB: return template % '%.1f TB' % (float(size) / _TB) return template % '%.1f PB' % (float(size) / _PB)
def strip_empty_lines(lines=None, text=None, eol='\n', return_list=True)
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def strip_empty_lines(lines=None, text=None, eol='\n', return_list=True): return strip_trailing_empty_lines ( lines = strip_leading_empty_lines(lines = lines, text = text, eol = eol, return_list = True), text = None, eol = eol, return_list = return_list )
def strip_leading_empty_lines(lines=None, text=None, eol='\n', return_list=True)
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def strip_leading_empty_lines(lines=None, text=None, eol='\n', return_list=True): if lines is None: lines = text.split(eol) while True: if lines[0].strip(eol).strip() != '': break lines = lines[1:] if return_list: return lines return eol.join(lines)
def strip_prefix(text, prefix, remove_repeats=False, remove_whitespace=False)
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def strip_prefix(text, prefix, remove_repeats=False, remove_whitespace=False): if remove_whitespace: text = text.lstrip() if not text.startswith(prefix): return text text = text.replace(prefix, '', 1) if not remove_repeats: if remove_whitespace: return text.lstrip() return text return strip_prefix(text, prefix, remove_repeats = True, remove_whitespace = remove_whitespace)
def strip_suffix(text, suffix, remove_repeats=False, remove_whitespace=False)
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def strip_suffix(text, suffix, remove_repeats=False, remove_whitespace=False): suffix_len = len(suffix) if remove_repeats: if remove_whitespace: while text.rstrip().endswith(suffix): text = text.rstrip()[:-suffix_len].rstrip() return text while text.endswith(suffix): text = text[:-suffix_len] return text if remove_whitespace: return text.rstrip()[:-suffix_len].rstrip() return text[:-suffix_len]
def strip_trailing_empty_lines(lines=None, text=None, eol='\n', return_list=True)
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def strip_trailing_empty_lines(lines=None, text=None, eol='\n', return_list=True): if lines is None: lines = text.split(eol) while True: if lines[-1].strip(eol).strip() != '': break lines = lines[:-1] if return_list: return lines return eol.join(lines)
def tex_escape_string(text: str = None, replace_known_unicode: bool = True, replace_eol: bool = False, keep_visual_eol: bool = False, strip_whitespace: bool = True) ‑> str
Check for special TeX characters and transform them.
Args: text: plain (unicode) text to escape for LaTeX processing, note that any valid LaTeX code contained within will be escaped, too replace_eol: replaces "
" with "\newline{}" keep_visual_eol: replaces " " with "\newline{}% " such that both LaTeX will know to place a line break at this point as well as the visual formatting is preserved in the LaTeX source (think multi- row table cells) strip_whitespace: whether to remove surrounding whitespace
Returns: A hopefully properly escaped string palatable to LaTeX.
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def tex_escape_string(text:str=None, replace_known_unicode:bool=True, replace_eol:bool=False, keep_visual_eol:bool=False, strip_whitespace:bool=True) -> str: """Check for special TeX characters and transform them. Args: text: plain (unicode) text to escape for LaTeX processing, note that any valid LaTeX code contained within will be escaped, too replace_eol: replaces "\n" with "\\newline{}" keep_visual_eol: replaces "\n" with "\\newline{}%\n" such that both LaTeX will know to place a line break at this point as well as the visual formatting is preserved in the LaTeX source (think multi- row table cells) strip_whitespace: whether to remove surrounding whitespace Returns: A hopefully properly escaped string palatable to LaTeX. """ # must happen first text = text.replace('{', '-----{{{{{-----') text = text.replace('}', '-----}}}}}-----') text = text.replace('\\', '\\textbackslash{}') # requires \usepackage{textcomp} in LaTeX source text = text.replace('-----{{{{{-----', '\\{{}') text = text.replace('-----}}}}}-----', '\\}{}') text = text.replace('^', '\\textasciicircum{}') text = text.replace('~', '\\textasciitilde{}') text = text.replace('%', '\\%{}') text = text.replace('&', '\\&{}') text = text.replace('#', '\\#{}') text = text.replace('$', '\\${}') text = text.replace('_', '\\_{}') if replace_eol: if keep_visual_eol: text = text.replace('\n', '\\newline{}%\n') else: text = text.replace('\n', '\\newline{}') if replace_known_unicode: # this should NOT be replaced for Xe(La)Tex text = text.replace(u_euro, '\\euro{}') # requires \usepackage[official]{eurosym} in LaTeX source text = text.replace(u_sum, '$\\Sigma$') if strip_whitespace: return text.strip() return text
def unicode_csv_reader(unicode_csv_data, dialect=csv.excel, encoding='utf-8', **kwargs)
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def unicode_csv_reader(unicode_csv_data, dialect=csv.excel, encoding='utf-8', **kwargs): try: is_dict_reader = kwargs['dict'] del kwargs['dict'] except KeyError: is_dict_reader = False if is_dict_reader: kwargs['restkey'] = default_csv_reader_rest_key return csv.DictReader(unicode_csv_data, dialect=dialect, **kwargs) return csv.reader(unicode_csv_data, dialect=dialect, **kwargs)
def unwrap(text=None, max_length=None, strip_whitespace=True, remove_empty_lines=True, line_separator=' // ')
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def unwrap(text=None, max_length=None, strip_whitespace=True, remove_empty_lines=True, line_separator = ' // '): text = text.replace('\r', '') lines = text.split('\n') text = '' for line in lines: if strip_whitespace: line = line.strip().strip('\t').strip() if remove_empty_lines: if line == '': continue text += ('%s%s' % (line, line_separator)) text = text.rstrip(line_separator) if max_length is not None: text = text[:max_length] text = text.rstrip(line_separator) return text
def unzip_archive(archive_name, target_dir=None, remove_archive=False)
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def unzip_archive(archive_name, target_dir=None, remove_archive=False): _log.debug('unzipping [%s] -> [%s]', archive_name, target_dir) success = False try: with zipfile.ZipFile(archive_name) as archive: archive.extractall(target_dir) success = True except Exception: _log.exception('cannot unzip') return False if remove_archive: remove_file(archive_name) return success
def wrap(text=None, width=None, initial_indent='', subsequent_indent='', eol='\n')
A word-wrap function that preserves existing line breaks and most spaces in the text. Expects that existing line breaks are posix newlines ( ).
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def wrap(text=None, width=None, initial_indent='', subsequent_indent='', eol='\n'): """A word-wrap function that preserves existing line breaks and most spaces in the text. Expects that existing line breaks are posix newlines (\n). """ if width is None: return text wrapped = initial_indent + functools.reduce ( lambda line, word, width=width: '%s%s%s' % ( line, ' \n'[(len(line) - line.rfind('\n') - 1 + len(word.split('\n',1)[0]) >= width)], word ), text.split(' ') ) if subsequent_indent != '': wrapped = ('\n%s' % subsequent_indent).join(wrapped.split('\n')) if eol != '\n': wrapped = wrapped.replace('\n', eol) return wrapped
def xetex_escape_string(text=None)
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def xetex_escape_string(text=None): # a web search did not reveal anything else for Xe(La)Tex # as opposed to LaTeX, except true unicode chars return tex_escape_string(text = text, replace_known_unicode = False)
def xml_escape_string(text=None)
check for special XML characters and transform them
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def xml_escape_string(text=None): """check for special XML characters and transform them""" return xml_tools.escape(text)
def xor(val1, val2, mutually_exclusive_values: list = None, check_defined: bool = False) ‑> bool
Test values for not BOTH being in list of mutually exclusive values.
This can be used to assert mutually exclusive function inputs (say, a patient name and a patient PK for a search function).
- value to check
- value to check
- in which either one or the other value must not be contained
True if only one of the values is defined. False if both values are undefined or defined.
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def xor(val1, val2, mutually_exclusive_values:list=None, check_defined:bool=False) -> bool: """Test values for not BOTH being in list of mutually exclusive values. This can be used to assert mutually exclusive function inputs (say, a patient name and a patient PK for a search function). Args: val1: value to check val2: value to check mutually_exclusive_values: in which *either* one *or* the other value must not be contained Returns: True if only one of the values is defined. False if both values are undefined or defined. """ if mutually_exclusive_values is None: mutually_exclusive_values = [None] if (val1 in mutually_exclusive_values) and (val2 in mutually_exclusive_values): return False if (val1 not in mutually_exclusive_values) and (val2 not in mutually_exclusive_values): return False return True
class gmPaths (app_name: str = None, wx: module = None)
Singleton class providing standard paths.
.home_dir: user home
.local_base_dir: script installation dir
.working_dir: current dir
.user_config_dir, in the following order: - ~/.config/gnumed/ - ~/
.user_appdata_dir, in the following order: - ~/.local/gnumed/ - ~/
.tmp_dir: instance-local
.user_tmp_dir: user-local (NOT per instance)
.bytea_cache_dir: caches downloaded BYTEA data
.user_work_dir: app specific user work dir, say, ~/gnumed/
It will take into account the application name.
Setup paths.
- name of application, default "name of main script without .py"
- wxPython module reference, optional, used to detect more standard paths
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class gmPaths(gmBorg.cBorg): """Singleton class providing standard paths. - .home_dir: user home - .local_base_dir: script installation dir - .working_dir: current dir - .user_config_dir, in the following order: - ~/.config/gnumed/ - ~/ - .user_appdata_dir, in the following order: - ~/.local/gnumed/ - ~/ - .system_config_dir - .system_app_data_dir - .tmp_dir: instance-local - .user_tmp_dir: user-local (NOT per instance) - .bytea_cache_dir: caches downloaded BYTEA data - .user_work_dir: app specific user work dir, say, ~/gnumed/ It will take into account the application name. """ def __init__(self, app_name:str=None, wx:ModuleType=None): """Setup paths. Args: app_name: name of application, default "name of main script without .py" wx: wxPython module reference, optional, used to detect more standard paths """ if hasattr(self, 'already_inited'): if not wx: return if self.__wx: return self.__wx:ModuleType = wx self.init_paths(app_name = app_name) self.already_inited:bool = True #-------------------------------------- # public API #-------------------------------------- def init_paths(self, app_name:str=None, wx=None) -> bool: """Detect paths in the system. Args: app_name: name of application, default "name of main script without .py" wx: wxPython module reference, optional, used to better detect standard paths """ if not self.__wx: self.__wx = wx if not self.__wx: _log.debug('wxPython not available') _log.debug('detecting paths directly') if app_name is None: app_name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))'app name detected as [%s]', app_name) else:'app name passed in as [%s]', app_name) # the user home, doesn't work in Wine so work around that self.__home_dir = None # where the main script (the "binary") is installed if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):'frozen app, installed into temporary path') # this would find the path of *THIS* file #self.local_base_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) # while this is documented on the web, the ${_MEIPASS2} does not exist #self.local_base_dir = os.environ.get('_MEIPASS2') # this is what Martin Zibricky <> told us to use # when asking about this on #self.local_base_dir = sys._MEIPASS # however, we are --onedir, so we should look at sys.executable # as per the pyinstaller manual self.local_base_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.executable) else: self.local_base_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) # the current working dir at the OS self.working_dir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) # user-specific config dir, usually below the home dir, default to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME _dir = os.path.join(self.home_dir, '.config', app_name) if not mkdir(_dir): _log.error('cannot make config dir [%s], falling back to home dir', _dir) _dir = self.home_dir self.user_config_dir = _dir # user-specific app dir, usually below the home dir mkdir(os.path.join(self.home_dir, app_name)) self.user_work_dir = os.path.join(self.home_dir, app_name) # user-specific app data/state dir, usually below home dir _dir = os.path.join(self.home_dir, '.local', app_name) if not mkdir(_dir): _log.error('cannot make data/state dir [%s], falling back to home dir', _dir) _dir = self.home_dir self.user_appdata_dir = _dir # system-wide config dir, under UN*X usually below /etc/ try: self.system_config_dir = os.path.join('/etc', app_name) except ValueError: #self.system_config_dir = self.local_base_dir self.system_config_dir = self.user_config_dir # system-wide application data dir try: self.system_app_data_dir = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'share', app_name) except ValueError: self.system_app_data_dir = self.local_base_dir # temporary directory try: self.__tmp_dir_already_set _log.debug('temp dir already set') except AttributeError:'temp file prefix: %s', tempfile.gettempprefix())'initial (user level) temp dir: %s', tempfile.gettempdir()) bytes_free = shutil.disk_usage(tempfile.gettempdir()).free'free disk space for temp dir: %s (%s bytes)', size2str(size = bytes_free), bytes_free) # $TMP/gnumed-$USER/ self.user_tmp_dir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), '%s-%s' % (app_name, getpass.getuser())) mkdir(self.user_tmp_dir, 0o700)'intermediate (app+user level) temp dir: %s', self.user_tmp_dir) # $TMP/gnumed-$USER/g-$UNIQUE/ tempfile.tempdir = self.user_tmp_dir # tell mkdtemp about intermediate dir self.tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix = 'g-') # will set tempfile.tempdir as side effect'final (app instance level) temp dir: %s', tempfile.gettempdir()) create_directory_description_file(directory = self.tmp_dir, readme = 'client instance tmp dir') # BYTEA cache dir cache_dir = os.path.join(self.user_tmp_dir, '.bytea_cache') try: stat = os.stat(cache_dir) _log.warning('reusing BYTEA cache dir: %s', cache_dir) _log.debug(stat) except FileNotFoundError: mkdir(cache_dir, mode = 0o0700) self.bytea_cache_dir = cache_dir create_directory_description_file(directory = self.bytea_cache_dir, readme = 'cache dir for BYTEA data') self.__log_paths() if not self.__wx: return True # retry with wxPython _log.debug('re-detecting paths with wxPython') std_paths = self.__wx.StandardPaths.Get()'wxPython app name is [%s]', self.__wx.GetApp().GetAppName()) # user-specific config dir, usually below the home dir _dir = std_paths.UserConfigDir if _dir == self.home_dir: _dir = os.path.join(self.home_dir, '.config', app_name) else: _dir = os.path.join(_dir, '.%s' % app_name) if not mkdir(_dir): _log.error('cannot make config dir [%s], falling back to home dir', _dir) _dir = self.home_dir self.user_config_dir = _dir # system-wide config dir, usually below /etc/ under UN*X try: tmp = std_paths.GetConfigDir() if not tmp.endswith(app_name): tmp = os.path.join(tmp, app_name) self.system_config_dir = tmp except ValueError: # leave it at what it was from direct detection pass # system-wide application data dir # Robin attests that the following doesn't always # give sane values on Windows, so IFDEF it if 'wxMSW' in self.__wx.PlatformInfo: _log.warning('this platform (wxMSW) sometimes returns a broken value for the system-wide application data dir') else: try: self.system_app_data_dir = std_paths.GetDataDir() except ValueError: pass self.__log_paths() return True #-------------------------------------- def __log_paths(self): _log.debug('sys.argv[0]: %s', sys.argv[0]) _log.debug('sys.executable: %s', sys.executable) _log.debug('sys._MEIPASS: %s', getattr(sys, '_MEIPASS', '<not found>')) _log.debug('os.environ["_MEIPASS2"]: %s', os.environ.get('_MEIPASS2', '<not found>')) _log.debug('__file__ : %s', __file__) _log.debug('local application base dir: %s', self.local_base_dir) _log.debug('current working dir: %s', self.working_dir) _log.debug('user home dir: %s', self.home_dir) _log.debug('user-specific config dir: %s', self.user_config_dir) _log.debug('user-specific application data dir: %s', self.user_appdata_dir) _log.debug('system-wide config dir: %s', self.system_config_dir) _log.debug('system-wide application data dir: %s', self.system_app_data_dir) _log.debug('temporary dir (user): %s', self.user_tmp_dir) _log.debug('temporary dir (instance): %s', self.tmp_dir) _log.debug('temporary dir (tempfile.tempdir): %s', tempfile.tempdir) _log.debug('temporary dir (tempfile.gettempdir()): %s', tempfile.gettempdir()) _log.debug('BYTEA cache dir: %s', self.bytea_cache_dir) #-------------------------------------- # properties #-------------------------------------- def _set_user_config_dir(self, path): if not (os.access(path, os.R_OK) and os.access(path, os.X_OK)): msg = '[%s:user_config_dir]: unusable path [%s]' % (self.__class__.__name__, path) _log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) self.__user_config_dir = path def _get_user_config_dir(self): """User-level application configuration data directory.""" return self.__user_config_dir user_config_dir = property(_get_user_config_dir, _set_user_config_dir) #-------------------------------------- def _set_system_config_dir(self, path): if not (os.access(path, os.R_OK) and os.access(path, os.X_OK)): msg = '[%s:system_config_dir]: invalid path [%s]' % (self.__class__.__name__, path) _log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) self.__system_config_dir = path def _get_system_config_dir(self): """System-wide application configuration directory. Typically not writable. """ return self.__system_config_dir system_config_dir = property(_get_system_config_dir, _set_system_config_dir) #-------------------------------------- def _set_system_app_data_dir(self, path): if not (os.access(path, os.R_OK) and os.access(path, os.X_OK)): msg = '[%s:system_app_data_dir]: invalid path [%s]' % (self.__class__.__name__, path) _log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) self.__system_app_data_dir = path def _get_system_app_data_dir(self): """The system-wide application data directory. Typically not writable. """ return self.__system_app_data_dir system_app_data_dir = property(_get_system_app_data_dir, _set_system_app_data_dir) #-------------------------------------- def _set_home_dir(self, path): raise ValueError('invalid to set home dir') def _get_home_dir(self): """Home directory of OS user.""" if self.__home_dir is not None: return self.__home_dir tmp = os.path.expanduser('~') if tmp == '~': _log.error('this platform does not expand ~ properly') try: tmp = os.environ['USERPROFILE'] except KeyError: _log.error('cannot access $USERPROFILE in environment') if not ( os.access(tmp, os.R_OK) and os.access(tmp, os.X_OK) and os.access(tmp, os.W_OK) ): msg = '[%s:home_dir]: invalid path [%s]' % (self.__class__.__name__, tmp) _log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) self.__home_dir = tmp return self.__home_dir home_dir = property(_get_home_dir, _set_home_dir) #-------------------------------------- def _set_tmp_dir(self, path): if not (os.access(path, os.R_OK) and os.access(path, os.X_OK)): msg = '[%s:tmp_dir]: invalid path [%s]' % (self.__class__.__name__, path) _log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) _log.debug('previous temp dir: %s', tempfile.gettempdir()) self.__tmp_dir = path tempfile.tempdir = self.__tmp_dir _log.debug('new temp dir: %s', tempfile.gettempdir()) self.__tmp_dir_already_set = True def _get_tmp_dir(self): """Temporary directory. - per instance of main script - _may_ be confined to the OS user """ return self.__tmp_dir tmp_dir = property(_get_tmp_dir, _set_tmp_dir)
Instance variables
var home_dir
Home directory of OS user.
Expand source code
def _get_home_dir(self): """Home directory of OS user.""" if self.__home_dir is not None: return self.__home_dir tmp = os.path.expanduser('~') if tmp == '~': _log.error('this platform does not expand ~ properly') try: tmp = os.environ['USERPROFILE'] except KeyError: _log.error('cannot access $USERPROFILE in environment') if not ( os.access(tmp, os.R_OK) and os.access(tmp, os.X_OK) and os.access(tmp, os.W_OK) ): msg = '[%s:home_dir]: invalid path [%s]' % (self.__class__.__name__, tmp) _log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) self.__home_dir = tmp return self.__home_dir
var system_app_data_dir
The system-wide application data directory.
Typically not writable.
Expand source code
def _get_system_app_data_dir(self): """The system-wide application data directory. Typically not writable. """ return self.__system_app_data_dir
var system_config_dir
System-wide application configuration directory.
Typically not writable.
Expand source code
def _get_system_config_dir(self): """System-wide application configuration directory. Typically not writable. """ return self.__system_config_dir
var tmp_dir
Temporary directory.
per instance of main script
may be confined to the OS user
Expand source code
def _get_tmp_dir(self): """Temporary directory. - per instance of main script - _may_ be confined to the OS user """ return self.__tmp_dir
var user_config_dir
User-level application configuration data directory.
Expand source code
def _get_user_config_dir(self): """User-level application configuration data directory.""" return self.__user_config_dir
def init_paths(self, app_name: str = None, wx=None) ‑> bool
Detect paths in the system.
- name of application, default "name of main script without .py"
- wxPython module reference, optional, used to better detect standard paths
Expand source code
def init_paths(self, app_name:str=None, wx=None) -> bool: """Detect paths in the system. Args: app_name: name of application, default "name of main script without .py" wx: wxPython module reference, optional, used to better detect standard paths """ if not self.__wx: self.__wx = wx if not self.__wx: _log.debug('wxPython not available') _log.debug('detecting paths directly') if app_name is None: app_name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))'app name detected as [%s]', app_name) else:'app name passed in as [%s]', app_name) # the user home, doesn't work in Wine so work around that self.__home_dir = None # where the main script (the "binary") is installed if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):'frozen app, installed into temporary path') # this would find the path of *THIS* file #self.local_base_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) # while this is documented on the web, the ${_MEIPASS2} does not exist #self.local_base_dir = os.environ.get('_MEIPASS2') # this is what Martin Zibricky <> told us to use # when asking about this on #self.local_base_dir = sys._MEIPASS # however, we are --onedir, so we should look at sys.executable # as per the pyinstaller manual self.local_base_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.executable) else: self.local_base_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) # the current working dir at the OS self.working_dir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) # user-specific config dir, usually below the home dir, default to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME _dir = os.path.join(self.home_dir, '.config', app_name) if not mkdir(_dir): _log.error('cannot make config dir [%s], falling back to home dir', _dir) _dir = self.home_dir self.user_config_dir = _dir # user-specific app dir, usually below the home dir mkdir(os.path.join(self.home_dir, app_name)) self.user_work_dir = os.path.join(self.home_dir, app_name) # user-specific app data/state dir, usually below home dir _dir = os.path.join(self.home_dir, '.local', app_name) if not mkdir(_dir): _log.error('cannot make data/state dir [%s], falling back to home dir', _dir) _dir = self.home_dir self.user_appdata_dir = _dir # system-wide config dir, under UN*X usually below /etc/ try: self.system_config_dir = os.path.join('/etc', app_name) except ValueError: #self.system_config_dir = self.local_base_dir self.system_config_dir = self.user_config_dir # system-wide application data dir try: self.system_app_data_dir = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'share', app_name) except ValueError: self.system_app_data_dir = self.local_base_dir # temporary directory try: self.__tmp_dir_already_set _log.debug('temp dir already set') except AttributeError:'temp file prefix: %s', tempfile.gettempprefix())'initial (user level) temp dir: %s', tempfile.gettempdir()) bytes_free = shutil.disk_usage(tempfile.gettempdir()).free'free disk space for temp dir: %s (%s bytes)', size2str(size = bytes_free), bytes_free) # $TMP/gnumed-$USER/ self.user_tmp_dir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), '%s-%s' % (app_name, getpass.getuser())) mkdir(self.user_tmp_dir, 0o700)'intermediate (app+user level) temp dir: %s', self.user_tmp_dir) # $TMP/gnumed-$USER/g-$UNIQUE/ tempfile.tempdir = self.user_tmp_dir # tell mkdtemp about intermediate dir self.tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix = 'g-') # will set tempfile.tempdir as side effect'final (app instance level) temp dir: %s', tempfile.gettempdir()) create_directory_description_file(directory = self.tmp_dir, readme = 'client instance tmp dir') # BYTEA cache dir cache_dir = os.path.join(self.user_tmp_dir, '.bytea_cache') try: stat = os.stat(cache_dir) _log.warning('reusing BYTEA cache dir: %s', cache_dir) _log.debug(stat) except FileNotFoundError: mkdir(cache_dir, mode = 0o0700) self.bytea_cache_dir = cache_dir create_directory_description_file(directory = self.bytea_cache_dir, readme = 'cache dir for BYTEA data') self.__log_paths() if not self.__wx: return True # retry with wxPython _log.debug('re-detecting paths with wxPython') std_paths = self.__wx.StandardPaths.Get()'wxPython app name is [%s]', self.__wx.GetApp().GetAppName()) # user-specific config dir, usually below the home dir _dir = std_paths.UserConfigDir if _dir == self.home_dir: _dir = os.path.join(self.home_dir, '.config', app_name) else: _dir = os.path.join(_dir, '.%s' % app_name) if not mkdir(_dir): _log.error('cannot make config dir [%s], falling back to home dir', _dir) _dir = self.home_dir self.user_config_dir = _dir # system-wide config dir, usually below /etc/ under UN*X try: tmp = std_paths.GetConfigDir() if not tmp.endswith(app_name): tmp = os.path.join(tmp, app_name) self.system_config_dir = tmp except ValueError: # leave it at what it was from direct detection pass # system-wide application data dir # Robin attests that the following doesn't always # give sane values on Windows, so IFDEF it if 'wxMSW' in self.__wx.PlatformInfo: _log.warning('this platform (wxMSW) sometimes returns a broken value for the system-wide application data dir') else: try: self.system_app_data_dir = std_paths.GetDataDir() except ValueError: pass self.__log_paths() return True