Dumped on 2015-04-16

Index of database - gnumed_v19

Table: doc_desc

A textual description of the content such as a result summary. Several of these may belong to one document object.

doc_desc Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
doc_med.pk fk_doc integer UNIQUE#1
text text UNIQUE#1
idx_doc_desc_fk_doc fk_doc

Index - Schema blobs

Table: doc_med

a medical document object possibly containing several data objects such as several pages of a paper document

doc_med Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
fk_encounter integer NOT NULL

the encounter in which this document was entered into the system
fk_episode integer NOT NULL

the episode this document pertains to, this may not be the only one applicable to the document (think discharge letters), see also lnk_doc_med2episode
doc_type.pk fk_type integer NOT NULL

semantic type of document (not type of file or mime type), such as "referral letter", "discharge summary", etc.
comment text

additional short comment such as "abdominal", "ward 3, Dr. Stein", etc.
clin_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()

date of document content creation (such as exam date), NOT date of document creation or date of import; may be imprecise such as "7/99"
ext_ref text

external reference string of physical document, original paper copy can be found with this

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema blobs

Table: doc_obj

possibly several of these form a medical document such as multiple scanned pages/images

doc_obj Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
doc_med.pk fk_doc integer NOT NULL
seq_idx integer

index of this object in the sequence of objects for this document
comment text

optional tiny comment for this object, such as "page 1"
fk_intended_reviewer integer NOT NULL

who is *supposed* to review this item
data bytea NOT NULL

actual binary object data; here is why we use bytea: == -------------------------------------------------- To: leon@oss.minimetria.com Cc: pgsql-sql@postgresql.org Subject: Re: [SQL] Recommendation on bytea or blob for binary data like images Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 16:33:09 -0400 Message-ID: <17794.1125693189@sss.pgh.pa.us> From: Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> List-Archive: <http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-sql> List-Help: <mailto:majordomo@postgresql.org?body=help> List-ID: <pgsql-sql.postgresql.org> leon@oss.minimetria.com writes: > Hi, I"d like to know what the official recommendation is on which binary > datatype to use for common small-binary size use. If bytea will work for you, it"s definitely the thing to use. The only real drawback to bytea is that there"s currently no API to read and write bytea values in a streaming fashion. If your objects are small enough that you can load and store them as units, bytea is fine. BLOBs, on the other hand, have a number of drawbacks --- hard to dump, impossible to secure, etc. regards, tom lane == --------------------------------------------------
filename text

the filename from when the data was imported - if any, can be NULL, useful for re-export since legacy devices/applications might expect particular file names and not use mime types for file detection


doc_obj Constraints
Name Constraint
doc_obj_filename_check CHECK ((btrim(COALESCE(filename, 'NULL'::text)) <> ''::text))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema blobs

Table: doc_type

this table enumerates the document types known to the system

doc_type Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY

the name/label of the document type

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema blobs

Table: lnk_doc2hospital_stay

links documents to any hospital stay they might pertain to

lnk_doc2hospital_stay Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
fk_stay integer NOT NULL
doc_med.pk fk_document integer UNIQUE NOT NULL

Index - Schema blobs

Table: lnk_doc_med2episode

this allows linking documents to episodes, each document can apply to several episodes but only once each

lnk_doc_med2episode Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
fk_episode integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
doc_med.pk fk_doc_med integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

Index - Schema blobs

Table: reviewed_doc_objs

review table for documents (per object such as a page)

reviewed_doc_objs Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('clin.review_root_pk_seq'::regclass)
doc_obj.pk fk_reviewed_row integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
fk_reviewer integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
is_technically_abnormal boolean NOT NULL
clinically_relevant boolean NOT NULL
comment text

Index - Schema blobs

View: v_doc_desc

aggregates some document data descriptions

v_doc_desc Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
pk_doc integer
description text
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
pk_doc_desc integer
SELECT vdm.pk_patient
, dd.fk_doc AS pk_doc
, dd.text AS description
, vdm.pk_encounter
, vdm.pk_episode
, vdm.pk_health_issue
, dd.pk AS pk_doc_desc 
FROM blobs.doc_desc dd
, blobs.v_doc_med vdm 
WHERE (dd.fk_doc = vdm.pk_doc);

Index - Schema blobs

View: v_doc_med

v_doc_med Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
pk_doc integer
clin_when timestamp with time zone
type text
l10n_type text
ext_ref text
episode text
comment text
episode_open boolean
pk_type integer
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
xmin_doc_med xid
health_issue text
SELECT encounter.fk_patient 
  FROM clin.encounter 
 WHERE (encounter.pk = dm.fk_encounter)
) AS pk_patient
, dm.pk AS pk_doc
, dm.clin_when
, dt.name AS type
, _
(dt.name) AS l10n_type
, dm.ext_ref
, cle.description AS episode
, dm.comment
, cle.is_open AS episode_open
, dm.fk_type AS pk_type
, dm.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, dm.fk_episode AS pk_episode
, cle.fk_health_issue AS pk_health_issue
, dm.modified_when
, dm.modified_by
, dm.xmin AS xmin_doc_med
, chi.description AS health_issue 
FROM blobs.doc_med dm
, blobs.doc_type dt
, (clin.episode cle 
LEFT JOIN clin.health_issue chi 
    ON (
           (chi.pk = cle.fk_health_issue)
     (dt.pk = dm.fk_type)
   AND (cle.pk = dm.fk_episode)

Index - Schema blobs

View: v_doc_med_journal

v_doc_med_journal Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
clin_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by text
soap_cat text
narrative text
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
src_pk integer
src_table text
SELECT encounter.fk_patient 
  FROM clin.encounter 
 WHERE (encounter.pk = dm.fk_encounter)
) AS pk_patient
, dm.modified_when
, dm.clin_when
      SELECT staff.short_alias 
        FROM dem.staff 
       WHERE (staff.db_user = dm.modified_by)
     , (
           ('<'::text || 
           ) || '>'::text
) AS modified_by
, NULL::text AS soap_cat
, (
                                   ('Document'::text) || ': '::text
                             ) || _
                       ) || COALESCE
                                   (' "'::text || dm.ext_ref) || 
                               '" ('::text)
                                   , ' ('::text)
                             ) || to_char
                                   ,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI'::text
                       ) || 
           ) || COALESCE
 '::text || dm.comment)
     ) AS narrative
     , dm.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
     , dm.fk_episode AS pk_episode
     , (
      SELECT episode.fk_health_issue 
        FROM clin.episode 
       WHERE (episode.pk = dm.fk_episode)
     ) AS pk_health_issue
     , dm.pk AS src_pk
     ,'blobs.doc_med'::text AS src_table 
  FROM blobs.doc_med dm
     , blobs.doc_type dt 
 WHERE (dt.pk = dm.fk_type);

Index - Schema blobs

View: v_doc_type

list active document types, those that are activated for use

v_doc_type Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_doc_type integer
type text
l10n_type text
is_user_defined boolean
is_in_use boolean
xmin_doc_type xid
SELECT dt.pk AS pk_doc_type
, dt.name AS type
, _
(dt.name) AS l10n_type
, (NOT 
            SELECT 1 
              FROM ref.document_type 
             WHERE (document_type.description = dt.name)
) AS is_user_defined
      SELECT 1 
        FROM blobs.doc_med 
       WHERE (doc_med.fk_type = dt.pk)
) AS is_in_use
, dt.xmin AS xmin_doc_type 
FROM blobs.doc_type dt;

Index - Schema blobs

View: v_latest_mugshot

shows the latest picture of the patient, currently the highest seq_idx of the newest document of type "patient photograph"

v_latest_mugshot Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
doc_comment text
date_taken timestamp with time zone
ext_ref text
obj_seq_idx integer
obj_comment text
pk_doc integer
pk_obj integer
image bytea
SELECT vo4d.pk_patient
, vo4d.doc_comment
, vo4d.date_generated AS date_taken
, vo4d.ext_ref
, vo4d.seq_idx AS obj_seq_idx
, vo4d.obj_comment
, vo4d.pk_doc
, vo4d.pk_obj
, bdo.data AS image 
FROM blobs.v_obj4doc_no_data vo4d
, blobs.doc_obj bdo 
           (vo4d.type = 'patient photograph'::text)
         AND (vo4d.seq_idx = 
                  SELECT max
                       (vo4d1.seq_idx) AS max 
                    FROM blobs.v_obj4doc_no_data vo4d1 
                   WHERE (
                             (vo4d1.pk_patient = vo4d.pk_patient)
                           AND (vo4d1.type = 'patient photograph'::text)
                GROUP BY vo4d1.date_generated 
                ORDER BY vo4d1.date_generated DESC LIMIT 1
   AND (bdo.pk = vo4d.pk_obj)

Index - Schema blobs

View: v_obj4doc_no_data

denormalized metadata for blobs.doc_obj but without the data itself

v_obj4doc_no_data Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
pk_obj integer
seq_idx integer
size integer
date_generated timestamp with time zone
type text
l10n_type text
ext_ref text
episode text
doc_comment text
obj_comment text
filename text
pk_intended_reviewer integer
reviewed boolean
reviewed_by_you boolean
reviewed_by_intended_reviewer boolean
pk_doc integer
pk_type integer
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
xmin_doc_obj xid
SELECT vdm.pk_patient
, dobj.pk AS pk_obj
, dobj.seq_idx
, octet_length
) AS size
, vdm.clin_when AS date_generated
, vdm.type
, vdm.l10n_type
, vdm.ext_ref
, vdm.episode
, vdm.comment AS doc_comment
, dobj.comment AS obj_comment
, dobj.filename
, dobj.fk_intended_reviewer AS pk_intended_reviewer
      SELECT 1 
        FROM blobs.reviewed_doc_objs 
       WHERE (reviewed_doc_objs.fk_reviewed_row = dobj.pk)
) AS reviewed
      SELECT 1 
        FROM blobs.reviewed_doc_objs 
       WHERE (
                 (reviewed_doc_objs.fk_reviewed_row = dobj.pk)
               AND (reviewed_doc_objs.fk_reviewer = 
                        SELECT staff.pk 
                          FROM dem.staff 
                         WHERE (staff.db_user = "current_user"
) AS reviewed_by_you
      SELECT 1 
        FROM blobs.reviewed_doc_objs 
       WHERE (
                 (reviewed_doc_objs.fk_reviewed_row = dobj.pk)
               AND (reviewed_doc_objs.fk_reviewer = dobj.fk_intended_reviewer)
) AS reviewed_by_intended_reviewer
, vdm.pk_doc
, vdm.pk_type
, vdm.pk_encounter
, vdm.pk_episode
, vdm.pk_health_issue
, dobj.xmin AS xmin_doc_obj 
FROM blobs.v_doc_med vdm
, blobs.doc_obj dobj 
WHERE (vdm.pk_doc = dobj.fk_doc);

Index - Schema blobs

View: v_reviewed_doc_objects

v_reviewed_doc_objects Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_doc_obj integer
reviewer text
is_technically_abnormal boolean
clinically_relevant boolean
is_review_by_responsible_reviewer boolean
is_your_review boolean
comment text
reviewed_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk_review_root integer
pk_reviewer integer
pk_patient integer
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
SELECT rdo.fk_reviewed_row AS pk_doc_obj
      SELECT staff.short_alias 
        FROM dem.staff 
       WHERE (staff.pk = rdo.fk_reviewer)
     , (
           ('<#'::text || rdo.fk_reviewer) || '>'::text
) AS reviewer
, rdo.is_technically_abnormal
, rdo.clinically_relevant
      SELECT 1 
        FROM blobs.doc_obj 
       WHERE (
                 (doc_obj.pk = rdo.fk_reviewed_row)
               AND (doc_obj.fk_intended_reviewer = rdo.fk_reviewer)
) AS is_review_by_responsible_reviewer
      SELECT 1 
        FROM dem.staff 
       WHERE (
                 (staff.pk = rdo.fk_reviewer)
               AND (staff.db_user = "current_user"
) AS is_your_review
, rdo.comment
, rdo.modified_when AS reviewed_when
, rdo.modified_by
, rdo.pk AS pk_review_root
, rdo.fk_reviewer AS pk_reviewer
, (
SELECT v_obj4doc_no_data.pk_patient 
  FROM blobs.v_obj4doc_no_data 
 WHERE (v_obj4doc_no_data.pk_obj = rdo.fk_reviewed_row)
) AS pk_patient
, (
SELECT v_obj4doc_no_data.pk_encounter 
  FROM blobs.v_obj4doc_no_data 
 WHERE (v_obj4doc_no_data.pk_obj = rdo.fk_reviewed_row)
) AS pk_encounter
, (
SELECT v_obj4doc_no_data.pk_episode 
  FROM blobs.v_obj4doc_no_data 
 WHERE (v_obj4doc_no_data.pk_obj = rdo.fk_reviewed_row)
) AS pk_episode
, (
SELECT v_obj4doc_no_data.pk_health_issue 
  FROM blobs.v_obj4doc_no_data 
 WHERE (v_obj4doc_no_data.pk_obj = rdo.fk_reviewed_row)
) AS pk_health_issue 
FROM blobs.reviewed_doc_objs rdo;

Index - Schema blobs

Function: delete_document(integer, integer)

Returns: boolean

Language: PLPGSQL

	_pk_doc alias for $1;
	_pk_encounter alias for $2;
	_del_note text;
	_doc_row record;
	_obj_row record;
	tmp text;
	select * into _doc_row from blobs.doc_med where pk = _pk_doc;
	_del_note := _('Deletion of document') || E':
		|| ' '
			|| to_char(_doc_row.clin_when, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI')
			|| ' "' || (select _(dt.name) from blobs.doc_type dt where pk = _doc_row.fk_type) || '"'
			|| coalesce(' (' || _doc_row.ext_ref || ')', '')
		|| coalesce(E'
 ' || _doc_row.comment, '')
	FOR _obj_row IN select * from blobs.doc_obj where fk_doc = _pk_doc order by seq_idx LOOP
		_del_note := _del_note || E'
			|| ' #' || coalesce(_obj_row.seq_idx, '-1') || ': "' || coalesce(_obj_row.comment, '') || E'"
			|| ' ' || coalesce(_obj_row.filename, '') || E'
	end LOOP;
	insert into clin.clin_narrative
		(fk_encounter, fk_episode, narrative, soap_cat)
	values (
	-- should auto-cascade:
	--delete from blobs.doc_obj where fk_doc = _pk_doc;
	-- should auto-NULL:
	delete from blobs.doc_med where pk = _pk_doc;
	return True;

Function: delete_document_part(integer, integer)

Returns: boolean

Language: PLPGSQL

	_pk_doc_part alias for $1;
	_pk_encounter alias for $2;
	_del_note text;
	_doc_row record;
	_obj_row record;
	tmp text;
	select * into _obj_row from blobs.doc_obj where pk = _pk_doc_part;
	select * into _doc_row from blobs.doc_med where pk = _obj_row.fk_doc;
	_del_note := _('Deletion of part from document') || E':
		|| ' '
			|| to_char(_doc_row.clin_when, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI')
			|| ' "' || (select _(dt.name) from blobs.doc_type dt where pk = _doc_row.fk_type) || '"'
			|| coalesce(' (' || _doc_row.ext_ref || ')', '')
		|| coalesce(E'
 ' || _doc_row.comment, '')
		|| E'
		|| ' #' || coalesce(_obj_row.seq_idx, '-1') || ': "' || coalesce(_obj_row.comment, '') || E'"
		|| ' ' || coalesce(_obj_row.filename, '') || E'
	insert into clin.clin_narrative
		(fk_encounter, fk_episode, narrative, soap_cat)
	values (
	delete from blobs.doc_obj where pk = _pk_doc_part;
	return True;

Function: trf_do_not_duplicate_primary_episode_in_link_table()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

This trigger function is called before a lnk_doc_med2episode row is inserted or updated. It makes sure the episode does not duplicate the primary episode for this document listed in doc_med. If it does the insert/update is skipped.

	-- if already in doc_med
	perform 1 from blobs.doc_med dm where dm.fk_episode = NEW.fk_episode and dm.pk = NEW.fk_doc_med;
	if FOUND then
		-- skip the insert/update
		return null;
	end if;
	return NEW;

Function: trf_mark_unreviewed_on_doc_obj_update()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

	if (NEW.data != OLD.data) or ((NEW.data != OLD.data) is NULL) then
		delete from blobs.reviewed_doc_objs where fk_reviewed_row = OLD.pk;
	end if;
	return NEW;

Function: trf_remove_primary_episode_from_link_table()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

This trigger function is called when a doc_med row is inserted or updated. It makes sure the primary episode listed in doc_med is not duplicated in lnk_doc_med2episode for the same document. If it exists in the latter it is removed from there.

	-- if update
	if TG_OP = 'UPDATE' then
		-- and no change
		if NEW.fk_episode = OLD.fk_episode then
			-- then do nothing
			return NEW;
		end if;
	end if;
	-- if already in link table
	perform 1 from blobs.lnk_doc_med2episode ldm2e where ldm2e.fk_episode = NEW.fk_episode and ldm2e.fk_doc_med = NEW.pk;
	if FOUND then
		-- delete from link table
		delete from blobs.lnk_doc_med2episode where fk_episode = NEW.fk_episode and fk_doc_med = NEW.pk;
	end if;
	return NEW;

Function: trf_set_intended_reviewer()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

Set the default on blobs.doc_obj.fk_intended_reviewer.

	_pk_patient integer;
	_pk_provider integer;
	-- explicitely set ?
	if NEW.fk_intended_reviewer is not NULL then
		return NEW;
	end if;
	-- find patient via document
		fk_patient into _pk_patient
		clin.encounter.pk = (
			select fk_encounter from blobs.doc_med where pk = NEW.fk_doc
	-- does patient have primary provider ?
		fk_primary_provider into _pk_provider
		dem.identity.pk = _pk_patient;
	if _pk_provider is not NULL then
		NEW.fk_intended_reviewer := _pk_provider;
		return NEW;
	end if;
	-- else use CURRENT_USER
		pk into _pk_provider
		dem.staff.db_user = current_user;
	NEW.fk_intended_reviewer := _pk_provider;
	return NEW;

Function: trf_verify_page_number()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

	msg text;
	if NEW.seq_idx is NULL then
		return NEW;
	end if;
	perform 1 from blobs.doc_obj where pk <> NEW.pk and fk_doc = NEW.fk_doc and seq_idx = NEW.seq_idx;
	if FOUND then
		msg := '[blobs.trf_verify_page_number]: uniqueness violation: seq_idx [' || NEW.seq_idx || '] already exists for fk_doc [' || NEW.fk_doc || ']';
		raise exception '%', msg;
	end if;
	return NEW;

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