GNUmed health related business object.
license: GPL v2 or later
Expand source code
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""GNUmed health related business object.
license: GPL v2 or later
__author__ = "Carlos Moro <>, <>"
import sys
import datetime
import logging
import inspect
import os
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.path.insert(0, '../../')
_ = lambda x:x
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmPG2
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmI18N
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmTools
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmDateTime
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmBusinessDBObject
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmExceptions
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmMatchProvider
from import gmClinNarrative
from import gmSoapDefs
from import gmCoding
from import gmPraxis
from import gmOrganization
from import gmExternalCare
from import gmDocuments
_log = logging.getLogger('gm.emr')
# diagnostic certainty classification
__diagnostic_certainty_classification_map = None
def diagnostic_certainty_classification2str(classification):
global __diagnostic_certainty_classification_map
if __diagnostic_certainty_classification_map is None:
__diagnostic_certainty_classification_map = {
None: '',
'A': _('A: Sign'),
'B': _('B: Cluster of signs'),
'C': _('C: Syndromic diagnosis'),
'D': _('D: Scientific diagnosis')
return __diagnostic_certainty_classification_map[classification]
except KeyError:
return _('<%s>: unknown diagnostic certainty classification') % classification
# Health Issues API
laterality2str = {
None: '?',
'na': '',
'sd': _('bilateral'),
'ds': _('bilateral'),
's': _('left'),
'd': _('right')
class cHealthIssue(gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject):
"""Represents one health issue."""
#_cmd_fetch_payload = u"select *, xmin_health_issue from clin.v_health_issues where pk_health_issue=%s"
_cmd_fetch_payload = "select * from clin.v_health_issues where pk_health_issue = %s"
_cmds_store_payload = [
"""update clin.health_issue set
description = %(description)s,
summary = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(summary)s),
age_noted = %(age_noted)s,
laterality = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(laterality)s),
grouping = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(grouping)s),
diagnostic_certainty_classification = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(diagnostic_certainty_classification)s),
is_active = %(is_active)s,
clinically_relevant = %(clinically_relevant)s,
is_confidential = %(is_confidential)s,
is_cause_of_death = %(is_cause_of_death)s
pk = %(pk_health_issue)s
xmin = %(xmin_health_issue)s""",
"select xmin as xmin_health_issue from clin.health_issue where pk = %(pk_health_issue)s"
_updatable_fields = [
def __init__(self, aPK_obj=None, encounter=None, name='xxxDEFAULTxxx', patient=None, row=None):
pk = aPK_obj
if (pk is not None) or (row is not None):
gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject.__init__(self, aPK_obj=pk, row=row)
if patient is None:
cmd = """select *, xmin_health_issue from clin.v_health_issues
description = %(desc)s
pk_patient = (select fk_patient from clin.encounter where pk = %(enc)s)"""
cmd = """select *, xmin_health_issue from clin.v_health_issues
description = %(desc)s
pk_patient = %(pat)s"""
queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'enc': encounter, 'desc': name, 'pat': patient}}]
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = queries)
if len(rows) == 0:
raise gmExceptions.NoSuchBusinessObjectError('no health issue for [enc:%s::desc:%s::pat:%s]' % (encounter, name, patient))
pk = rows[0][0]
r = {'data': rows[0], 'pk_field': 'pk_health_issue'}
gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject.__init__(self, row=r)
# external API
def from_problem(cls, problem:'cProblem') -> 'cHealthIssue':
"""Initialize health issue from issue-type problem."""
if isinstance(problem, cHealthIssue):
return problem
assert isinstance(problem, cProblem), 'cannot convert [%s] to health issue' % problem
assert problem['type'] == 'issue', 'cannot convert [%s] to health issue' % problem
return cls(aPK_obj = problem['pk_health_issue'])
def rename(self, description:str=None) -> bool:
"""Rename health issue.
description: the new descriptive name for the issue
if description.strip() == '':
return False
# update the issue description
old_description = self._payload['description']
self._payload['description'] = description.strip()
self._is_modified = True
successful, data = self.save_payload()
if not successful:
_log.error('cannot rename health issue [%s] with [%s]' % (self, description))
self._payload['description'] = old_description
return False
return True
def get_episodes(self) -> list['cEpisode']:
"""The episodes linked to this health issue."""
cmd = "SELECT * FROM clin.v_pat_episodes WHERE pk_health_issue = %(pk)s"
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'pk': self.pk_obj}}])
return [ cEpisode(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_episode'}) for r in rows ]
episodes = property(get_episodes)
def close_expired_episode(self, ttl:int=180) -> bool:
"""Close open episode if "older" than the Time To Live.
ttl: maximum "age" of episode in days
open_episode = self.open_episode
if open_episode is None:
return True
#clinical_end = open_episode.best_guess_clinical_end_date
clinical_end = open_episode.latest_access_date # :-/
ttl = datetime.timedelta(ttl)
now = = clinical_end.tzinfo)
if (clinical_end + ttl) > now:
return False
open_episode['episode_open'] = False
success, data = open_episode.save_payload()
if success:
return True
return False
def close_episode(self) -> bool:
"""Unconditionally close the open episode, if any."""
open_episode = self.get_open_episode()
open_episode['episode_open'] = False
success_state, data = open_episode.save_payload()
return success_state
def get_open_episode(self) -> 'cEpisode':
SQL = "select pk FROM clin.episode WHERE fk_health_issue = %(pk_issue)s AND is_open IS True LIMIT 1"
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': SQL, 'args': {'pk_issue': self.pk_obj}}])
if rows:
return cEpisode(aPK_obj = rows[0][0])
return None
open_episode = property(get_open_episode)
def age_noted_human_readable(self):
if self._payload['age_noted'] is None:
return '<???>'
# since we've already got an interval we are bound to use it,
# further transformation will only introduce more errors,
# later we can improve this deeper inside
return gmDateTime.format_interval_medically(self._payload['age_noted'])
def add_code(self, pk_code=None):
"""<pk_code> must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code)"""
cmd = "INSERT INTO clin.lnk_code2h_issue (fk_item, fk_generic_code) values (%(item)s, %(code)s)"
args = {
'item': self._payload['pk_health_issue'],
'code': pk_code
gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
return True
def remove_code(self, pk_code=None):
"""<pk_code> must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code)"""
cmd = "DELETE FROM clin.lnk_code2h_issue WHERE fk_item = %(item)s AND fk_generic_code = %(code)s"
args = {
'item': self._payload['pk_health_issue'],
'code': pk_code
gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
return True
def format_as_journal(self, left_margin=0, date_format='%Y %b %d, %a'):
rows = gmClinNarrative.get_as_journal (
issues = [self.pk_obj],
order_by = 'pk_episode, pk_encounter, clin_when, scr, src_table'
if len(rows) == 0:
return ''
left_margin = ' ' * left_margin
lines = []
lines.append(_('Clinical data generated during encounters under this health issue:'))
prev_epi = None
for row in rows:
if row['pk_episode'] != prev_epi:
prev_epi = row['pk_episode']
when = gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(row['clin_when'], date_format)
top_row = '%s%s %s (%s) %s' % (
gmTools.u_box_horiz_single * 5
soap = gmTools.wrap (
text = row['narrative'],
width = 60,
initial_indent = ' ',
subsequent_indent = ' ' + left_margin
row_ver = ''
if row['row_version'] > 0:
row_ver = 'v%s: ' % row['row_version']
bottom_row = '%s%s %s, %s%s %s' % (
' ' * 40,
gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(row['modified_when'], date_format),
eol_w_margin = '\n%s' % left_margin
return left_margin + eol_w_margin.join(lines) + '\n'
def format (self, left_margin=0, patient=None,
lines = []
lines.append(_('Health Issue %s%s%s%s [#%s]') % (
gmTools.coalesce (
value2test = self.laterality_description,
return_instead = '',
template4value = ' (%s)',
none_equivalents = [None, '', '?']
if self._payload['is_confidential']:
lines.append(_(' ***** CONFIDENTIAL *****'))
if self._payload['is_cause_of_death']:
lines.append(_(' contributed to death of patient'))
enc = cEncounter(aPK_obj = self._payload['pk_encounter'])
lines.append (_(' Created during encounter: %s (%s - %s) [#%s]') % (
enc['started_original_tz'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'),
if self._payload['age_noted'] is not None:
lines.append(_(' Noted at age: %s') % self.age_noted_human_readable())
lines.append(' ' + _('Status') + ': %s, %s%s' % (
gmTools.bool2subst(self._payload['is_active'], _('active'), _('inactive')),
gmTools.bool2subst(self._payload['clinically_relevant'], _('clinically relevant'), _('not clinically relevant')),
gmTools.coalesce (
value2test = diagnostic_certainty_classification2str(self._payload['diagnostic_certainty_classification']),
return_instead = '',
template4value = ', %s',
none_equivalents = [None, '']
if with_summary:
if self._payload['summary'] is not None:
lines.append(' %s:' % _('Synopsis'))
lines.append(gmTools.wrap (
text = self._payload['summary'],
width = 60,
initial_indent = ' ',
subsequent_indent = ' '
# codes ?
if with_codes:
codes = self.generic_codes
if len(codes) > 0:
for c in codes:
lines.append(' %s: %s (%s - %s)' % (
del codes
# patient/emr dependant
if patient is not None:
if patient.ID != self._payload['pk_patient']:
msg = '<patient>.ID = %s but health issue %s belongs to patient %s' % (
raise ValueError(msg)
emr = patient.emr
# episodes
if with_episodes:
epis = self.get_episodes()
if epis is None:
lines.append(_('Error retrieving episodes for this health issue.'))
elif len(epis) == 0:
lines.append(_('There are no episodes for this health issue.'))
lines.append (
_('Episodes: %s (most recent: %s%s%s)') % (
emr.get_most_recent_episode(issue = self._payload['pk_health_issue'])['description'],
for epi in epis:
lines.append(' \u00BB%s\u00AB (%s)' % (
gmTools.bool2subst(epi['episode_open'], _('ongoing'), _('closed'))
# encounters
if with_encounters:
first_encounter = emr.get_first_encounter(issue_id = self._payload['pk_health_issue'])
last_encounter = emr.get_last_encounter(issue_id = self._payload['pk_health_issue'])
if first_encounter is None or last_encounter is None:
lines.append(_('No encounters found for this health issue.'))
encs = emr.get_encounters(issues = [self._payload['pk_health_issue']])
lines.append(_('Encounters: %s (%s - %s):') % (
lines.append(_(' Most recent: %s - %s') % (
last_encounter['started_original_tz'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'),
# medications
if with_medications:
meds = emr.get_current_medications (
issues = [ self._payload['pk_health_issue'] ],
order_by = 'discontinued DESC NULLS FIRST, started, substance'
if len(meds) > 0:
lines.append(_('Medications and Substances'))
for m in meds:
lines.append(m.format(left_margin = (left_margin + 1)))
del meds
# hospitalizations
if with_hospital_stays:
stays = emr.get_hospital_stays (
issues = [ self._payload['pk_health_issue'] ]
if len(stays) > 0:
lines.append(_('Hospitalizations: %s') % len(stays))
for s in stays:
lines.append(s.format(left_margin = (left_margin + 1)))
del stays
# procedures
if with_procedures:
procs = emr.get_performed_procedures (
issues = [ self._payload['pk_health_issue'] ]
if len(procs) > 0:
lines.append(_('Procedures performed: %s') % len(procs))
for p in procs:
lines.append(p.format(left_margin = (left_margin + 1)))
del procs
# family history
if with_family_history:
fhx = emr.get_family_history(issues = [ self._payload['pk_health_issue'] ])
if len(fhx) > 0:
lines.append(_('Family History: %s') % len(fhx))
for f in fhx:
lines.append(f.format (
left_margin = (left_margin + 1),
include_episode = True,
include_comment = True,
include_codes = False
del fhx
epis = self.get_episodes()
if len(epis) > 0:
epi_pks = [ e['pk_episode'] for e in epis ]
# documents
if with_documents:
doc_folder = patient.get_document_folder()
docs = doc_folder.get_documents(pk_episodes = epi_pks)
if len(docs) > 0:
lines.append(_('Documents: %s') % len(docs))
del docs
# test results
if with_tests:
tests = emr.get_test_results_by_date(episodes = epi_pks)
if len(tests) > 0:
lines.append(_('Measurements and Results: %s') % len(tests))
del tests
# vaccinations
if with_vaccinations:
vaccs = emr.get_vaccinations(episodes = epi_pks, order_by = 'date_given, vaccine')
if len(vaccs) > 0:
for vacc in vaccs:
lines.extend(vacc.format(with_reaction = True))
del vaccs
del epis
if with_external_care:
care = self._get_external_care(order_by = 'organization, unit, provider')
if len(care) > 0:
lines.append(_('External care:'))
for item in care:
lines.append(' %s%s@%s%s' % (
gmTools.coalesce(item['provider'], '', '%s: '),
gmTools.coalesce(item['comment'], '', ' (%s)')
left_margin = ' ' * left_margin
eol_w_margin = '\n%s' % left_margin
lines = gmTools.strip_trailing_empty_lines(lines = lines, eol = '\n')
return left_margin + eol_w_margin.join(lines) + '\n'
# properties
def _get_external_care(self, order_by=None):
return gmExternalCare.get_external_care_items(pk_health_issue = self.pk_obj, order_by = order_by)
external_care = property(_get_external_care)
def _get_first_episode(self):
args = {'pk_issue': self.pk_obj}
cmd = """SELECT
earliest, pk_episode
-- .modified_when of all episodes of this issue,
-- earliest-possible thereof = when created,
-- should actually go all the way back into audit.log_episode
c_epi.modified_when AS earliest, AS pk_episode
FROM clin.episode c_epi
WHERE c_epi.fk_health_issue = %(pk_issue)s
-- last modification of encounter in which episodes of this issue were created,
-- earliest-possible thereof = initial creation of that encounter
c_enc.modified_when AS earliest, AS pk_episode
clin.episode c_epi
INNER JOIN clin.encounter c_enc ON ( = c_epi.fk_encounter)
INNER JOIN clin.health_issue c_hi ON ( = c_epi.fk_health_issue)
WHERE = %(pk_issue)s
-- start of encounter in which episodes of this issue were created,
-- earliest-possible thereof = set by user
c_enc.started AS earliest, AS pk_episode
clin.episode c_epi
INNER JOIN clin.encounter c_enc ON ( = c_epi.fk_encounter)
INNER JOIN clin.health_issue c_hi ON ( = c_epi.fk_health_issue)
WHERE = %(pk_issue)s
-- start of encounters of clinical items linked to episodes of this issue,
-- earliest-possible thereof = explicitly set by user
c_enc.started AS earliest, AS pk_episode
clin.clin_root_item c_cri
INNER JOIN clin.encounter c_enc ON (c_cri.fk_encounter =
INNER JOIN clin.episode c_epi ON (c_cri.fk_episode =
INNER JOIN clin.health_issue c_hi ON (c_epi.fk_health_issue =
WHERE = %(pk_issue)s
-- .clin_when of clinical items linked to episodes of this issue,
-- earliest-possible thereof = explicitly set by user
c_cri.clin_when AS earliest, AS pk_episode
clin.clin_root_item c_cri
INNER JOIN clin.episode c_epi ON (c_cri.fk_episode =
INNER JOIN clin.health_issue c_hi ON (c_epi.fk_health_issue =
WHERE = %(pk_issue)s
-- earliest modification time of clinical items linked to episodes of this issue
-- this CAN be used since if an item is linked to an episode it can be
-- assumed the episode (should have) existed at the time of creation
c_cri.modified_when AS earliest, AS pk_episode
clin.clin_root_item c_cri
INNER JOIN clin.episode c_epi ON (c_cri.fk_episode =
INNER JOIN clin.health_issue c_hi ON (c_epi.fk_health_issue =
WHERE = %(pk_issue)s
-- there may not be items, but there may still be documents ...
b_dm.clin_when AS earliest, AS pk_episode
blobs.doc_med b_dm
INNER JOIN clin.episode c_epi ON (b_dm.fk_episode =
INNER JOIN clin.health_issue c_hi ON (c_epi.fk_health_issue =
WHERE = %(pk_issue)s
) AS candidates
LIMIT 1"""
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
if len(rows) == 0:
return None
return cEpisode(aPK_obj = rows[0]['pk_episode'])
first_episode = property(_get_first_episode)
def _get_latest_episode(self):
# explicit always wins:
if self._payload['has_open_episode']:
return self.open_episode
args = {'pk_issue': self.pk_obj}
# cheap query first: any episodes at all ?
cmd = "SELECT 1 FROM clin.episode WHERE fk_health_issue = %(pk_issue)s"
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
if len(rows) == 0:
return None
cmd = """SELECT
latest, pk_episode
-- .clin_when of clinical items linked to episodes of this issue,
-- latest-possible thereof = explicitly set by user
c_cri.clin_when AS latest, AS pk_episode,
1 AS rank
clin.clin_root_item c_cri
INNER JOIN clin.episode c_epi ON (c_cri.fk_episode =
INNER JOIN clin.health_issue c_hi ON (c_epi.fk_health_issue =
WHERE = %(pk_issue)s
-- .clin_when of documents linked to episodes of this issue
b_dm.clin_when AS latest, AS pk_episode,
1 AS rank
blobs.doc_med b_dm
INNER JOIN clin.episode c_epi ON (b_dm.fk_episode =
INNER JOIN clin.health_issue c_hi ON (c_epi.fk_health_issue =
WHERE = %(pk_issue)s
-- last_affirmed of encounter in which episodes of this issue were created,
-- earliest-possible thereof = set by user
c_enc.last_affirmed AS latest, AS pk_episode,
2 AS rank
clin.episode c_epi
INNER JOIN clin.encounter c_enc ON ( = c_epi.fk_encounter)
INNER JOIN clin.health_issue c_hi ON ( = c_epi.fk_health_issue)
WHERE = %(pk_issue)s
) AS candidates
-- weed out NULL rows due to episodes w/o clinical items and w/o documents
latest IS NOT NULL
latest DESC
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
if len(rows) == 0:
# there were no episodes for this issue
return None
return cEpisode(aPK_obj = rows[0]['pk_episode'])
latest_episode = property(_get_latest_episode)
# Steffi suggested we divide into safe and assumed (= possible) start dates
def _get_safe_start_date(self):
"""This returns the date when we can assume to safely KNOW
the health issue existed (because the provider said so)."""
args = {
'enc': self._payload['pk_encounter'],
'pk': self._payload['pk_health_issue']
-- this one must override all:
-- .age_noted if not null and DOB is known
WHEN c_hi.age_noted IS NULL
THEN NULL::timestamp with time zone
(SELECT d_i.dob FROM dem.identity d_i WHERE = (
SELECT c_enc.fk_patient FROM clin.encounter c_enc WHERE = %(enc)s
THEN NULL::timestamp with time zone
c_hi.age_noted + (
SELECT d_i.dob FROM dem.identity d_i WHERE = (
SELECT c_enc.fk_patient FROM clin.encounter c_enc WHERE = %(enc)s
-- look at best_guess_clinical_start_date of all linked episodes
-- start of encounter in which created, earliest = explicitly set
(SELECT c_enc.started AS earliest FROM clin.encounter c_enc WHERE = c_hi.fk_encounter)
FROM clin.health_issue c_hi
WHERE = %(pk)s"""
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
start = rows[0][0]
# leads to a loop:
#end = self.clinical_end_date
#if start > end:
# return end
return start
safe_start_date = property(_get_safe_start_date)
def _get_possible_start_date(self):
args = {'pk': self._payload['pk_health_issue']}
cmd = """
SELECT MIN(earliest) FROM (
-- last modification, earliest = when created in/changed to the current state
(SELECT modified_when AS earliest FROM clin.health_issue WHERE pk = %(pk)s)
-- last modification of encounter in which created, earliest = initial creation of that encounter
(SELECT c_enc.modified_when AS earliest FROM clin.encounter c_enc WHERE = (
SELECT c_hi.fk_encounter FROM clin.health_issue c_hi WHERE = %(pk)s
-- earliest explicit .clin_when of clinical items linked to this health_issue
(SELECT MIN(c_vpi.clin_when) AS earliest FROM clin.v_pat_items c_vpi WHERE c_vpi.pk_health_issue = %(pk)s)
-- earliest modification time of clinical items linked to this health issue
-- this CAN be used since if an item is linked to a health issue it can be
-- assumed the health issue (should have) existed at the time of creation
(SELECT MIN(c_vpi.modified_when) AS earliest FROM clin.v_pat_items c_vpi WHERE c_vpi.pk_health_issue = %(pk)s)
-- earliest start of encounters of clinical items linked to this episode
(SELECT MIN(c_enc.started) AS earliest FROM clin.encounter c_enc WHERE IN (
SELECT c_vpi.pk_encounter FROM clin.v_pat_items c_vpi WHERE c_vpi.pk_health_issue = %(pk)s
-- here we should be looking at
-- .best_guess_clinical_start_date of all episodes linked to this encounter
) AS candidates"""
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
return rows[0][0]
possible_start_date = property(_get_possible_start_date)
def _get_clinical_end_date(self):
if self._payload['is_active']:
return None
if self._payload['has_open_episode']:
return None
latest_episode = self.latest_episode
if latest_episode is not None:
return latest_episode.best_guess_clinical_end_date
# apparently, there are no episodes for this issue
# and the issue is not active either
# so, we simply do not know, the safest assumption is:
return self.safe_start_date
clinical_end_date = property(_get_clinical_end_date)
def _get_latest_access_date(self):
cmd = """
-- last modification, latest = when last changed to the current state
-- DO NOT USE: database upgrades may change this field
(SELECT modified_when AS latest FROM clin.health_issue WHERE pk = %(pk)s)
-- last modification of encounter in which created, latest = initial creation of that encounter
-- DO NOT USE: just because one corrects a typo does not mean the issue took any longer
--(SELECT c_enc.modified_when AS latest FROM clin.encounter c_enc WHERE = (
-- SELECT fk_encounter FROM clin.episode WHERE pk = %(pk)s
-- )
-- end of encounter in which created, latest = explicitly set
-- DO NOT USE: we can retrospectively create issues which
-- DO NOT USE: are long since finished
--(SELECT c_enc.last_affirmed AS latest FROM clin.encounter c_enc WHERE = (
-- SELECT fk_encounter FROM clin.episode WHERE pk = %(pk)s
-- )
-- latest end of encounters of clinical items linked to this issue
MAX(last_affirmed) AS latest
FROM clin.encounter
SELECT pk_encounter FROM clin.v_pat_items WHERE pk_health_issue = %(pk)s
-- latest explicit .clin_when of clinical items linked to this issue
MAX(clin_when) AS latest
FROM clin.v_pat_items
WHERE pk_health_issue = %(pk)s
-- latest modification time of clinical items linked to this issue
-- this CAN be used since if an item is linked to an issue it can be
-- assumed the issue (should have) existed at the time of modification
-- DO NOT USE, because typo fixes should not extend the issue
--(SELECT MIN(modified_when) AS latest FROM clin.clin_root_item WHERE fk_episode = %(pk)s)
) AS candidates"""
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'pk': self.pk_obj}}])
return rows[0][0]
latest_access_date = property(_get_latest_access_date)
def _get_laterality_description(self):
return laterality2str[self._payload['laterality']]
except KeyError:
return '<?>'
laterality_description = property(_get_laterality_description)
def _get_diagnostic_certainty_description(self):
return diagnostic_certainty_classification2str(self._payload['diagnostic_certainty_classification'])
diagnostic_certainty_description = property(_get_diagnostic_certainty_description)
def _get_formatted_revision_history(self):
cmd = """SELECT
'<N/A>'::TEXT as audit__action_applied,
NULL AS audit__action_when,
'<N/A>'::TEXT AS audit__action_by,
FROM clin.health_issue
WHERE pk = %(pk_health_issue)s
audit_action as audit__action_applied,
audit_when as audit__action_when,
audit_by as audit__action_by,
orig_version as row_version,
orig_when as modified_when,
orig_by as modified_by,
FROM audit.log_health_issue
WHERE pk = %(pk_health_issue)s
ORDER BY row_version DESC
args = {'pk_health_issue': self.pk_obj}
title = _('Health issue: %s%s%s') % (
return '\n'.join(self._get_revision_history(cmd, args, title))
formatted_revision_history = property(_get_formatted_revision_history)
def _get_generic_codes(self):
if len(self._payload['pk_generic_codes']) == 0:
return []
cmd = gmCoding._SQL_get_generic_linked_codes % 'pk_generic_code = ANY(%(pks)s)'
args = {'pks': self._payload['pk_generic_codes']}
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
return [ gmCoding.cGenericLinkedCode(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_lnk_code2item'}) for r in rows ]
def _set_generic_codes(self, pk_codes):
queries = []
# remove all codes
if len(self._payload['pk_generic_codes']) > 0:
queries.append ({
'cmd': 'DELETE FROM clin.lnk_code2h_issue WHERE fk_item = %(issue)s AND fk_generic_code = ANY(%(codes)s)',
'args': {
'issue': self._payload['pk_health_issue'],
'codes': self._payload['pk_generic_codes']
# add new codes
for pk_code in pk_codes:
queries.append ({
'cmd': 'INSERT INTO clin.lnk_code2h_issue (fk_item, fk_generic_code) VALUES (%(issue)s, %(pk_code)s)',
'args': {
'issue': self._payload['pk_health_issue'],
'pk_code': pk_code
if len(queries) == 0:
# run it all in one transaction
gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = queries)
generic_codes = property(_get_generic_codes, _set_generic_codes)
def create_health_issue(description=None, encounter=None, patient=None, link_obj=None):
"""Creates a new health issue for a given patient.
description - health issue name
h_issue = cHealthIssue(name = description, encounter = encounter, patient = patient)
return h_issue
except gmExceptions.NoSuchBusinessObjectError:
queries = []
cmd = "insert into clin.health_issue (description, fk_encounter) values (%(desc)s, %(enc)s)"
queries.append({'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'desc': description, 'enc': encounter}})
cmd = "select currval('clin.health_issue_pk_seq')"
queries.append({'cmd': cmd})
rows = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = queries, return_data = True, link_obj = link_obj)
h_issue = cHealthIssue(aPK_obj = rows[0][0])
return h_issue
def delete_health_issue(health_issue=None):
if isinstance(health_issue, cHealthIssue):
args = {'pk': health_issue['pk_health_issue']}
args = {'pk': int(health_issue)}
gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': 'DELETE FROM clin.health_issue WHERE pk = %(pk)s', 'args': args}])
except gmPG2.dbapi.IntegrityError:
# should be parsing pgcode/and or error message
_log.exception('cannot delete health issue')
return False
return True
# use as dummy for unassociated episodes
def get_dummy_health_issue():
issue = {
'pk_health_issue': None,
'description': _('Unattributed episodes'),
'age_noted': None,
'laterality': 'na',
'is_active': True,
'clinically_relevant': True,
'is_confidential': None,
'is_cause_of_death': False,
'is_dummy': True,
'grouping': None
return issue
def health_issue2problem(health_issue=None, allow_irrelevant=False):
return cProblem (
aPK_obj = {
'pk_patient': health_issue['pk_patient'],
'pk_health_issue': health_issue['pk_health_issue'],
'pk_episode': None
try_potential_problems = allow_irrelevant
# episodes API
class cEpisode(gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject):
"""Represents one clinical episode.
_cmd_fetch_payload = "select * from clin.v_pat_episodes where pk_episode=%s"
_cmds_store_payload = [
"""update clin.episode set
fk_health_issue = %(pk_health_issue)s,
is_open = %(episode_open)s::boolean,
description = %(description)s,
summary = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(summary)s),
diagnostic_certainty_classification = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(diagnostic_certainty_classification)s)
pk = %(pk_episode)s and
xmin = %(xmin_episode)s""",
"""select xmin_episode from clin.v_pat_episodes where pk_episode = %(pk_episode)s"""
_updatable_fields = [
def __init__(self, aPK_obj=None, id_patient=None, name='xxxDEFAULTxxx', health_issue=None, row=None, encounter=None, link_obj=None):
pk = aPK_obj
if pk is None and row is None:
where_parts = ['description = %(desc)s']
if id_patient is not None:
where_parts.append('pk_patient = %(pat)s')
if health_issue is not None:
where_parts.append('pk_health_issue = %(issue)s')
if encounter is not None:
where_parts.append('pk_patient = (SELECT fk_patient FROM clin.encounter WHERE pk = %(enc)s)')
args = {
'pat': id_patient,
'issue': health_issue,
'enc': encounter,
'desc': name
cmd = 'SELECT * FROM clin.v_pat_episodes WHERE %s' % ' AND '.join(where_parts)
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries (
link_obj = link_obj,
queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}],
if len(rows) == 0:
raise gmExceptions.NoSuchBusinessObjectError('no episode for [%s:%s:%s:%s]' % (id_patient, name, health_issue, encounter))
r = {'data': rows[0], 'pk_field': 'pk_episode'}
gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject.__init__(self, row=r)
gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject.__init__(self, aPK_obj=pk, row=row, link_obj = link_obj)
# external API
def from_problem(cls, problem:'cProblem') -> 'cEpisode':
"""Initialize episode from episody-type problem."""
if isinstance(problem, cEpisode):
return problem
assert isinstance(problem, cProblem), 'cannot convert [%s] to episode' % problem
assert problem['type'] == 'episode', 'cannot convert [%s] to episode' % problem
return cls(aPK_obj = problem['pk_episode'])
def get_patient(self):
return self._payload['pk_patient']
def get_narrative(self, soap_cats=None, encounters=None, order_by = None):
return gmClinNarrative.get_narrative (
soap_cats = soap_cats,
encounters = encounters,
episodes = [self.pk_obj],
order_by = order_by
def rename(self, description=None):
"""Method for episode editing, that is, episode renaming.
@param description
- the new descriptive name for the encounter
@type description
- a string instance
# sanity check
if description.strip() == '':
_log.error('<description> must be a non-empty string instance')
return False
# update the episode description
old_description = self._payload['description']
self._payload['description'] = description.strip()
self._is_modified = True
successful, data = self.save_payload()
if not successful:
_log.error('cannot rename episode [%s] to [%s]' % (self, description))
self._payload['description'] = old_description
return False
return True
def add_code(self, pk_code=None):
"""<pk_code> must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code)"""
if pk_code in self._payload['pk_generic_codes']:
cmd = """
INSERT INTO clin.lnk_code2episode
(fk_item, fk_generic_code)
SELECT 1 FROM clin.lnk_code2episode
fk_item = %(item)s
fk_generic_code = %(code)s
args = {
'item': self._payload['pk_episode'],
'code': pk_code
gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
def remove_code(self, pk_code=None):
"""<pk_code> must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code)"""
cmd = "DELETE FROM clin.lnk_code2episode WHERE fk_item = %(item)s AND fk_generic_code = %(code)s"
args = {
'item': self._payload['pk_episode'],
'code': pk_code
gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
return True
def format_as_journal(self, left_margin=0, date_format='%Y %b %d, %a'):
rows = gmClinNarrative.get_as_journal (
episodes = [self.pk_obj],
order_by = 'pk_encounter, clin_when, scr, src_table'
#order_by = u'pk_encounter, scr, clin_when, src_table'
if len(rows) == 0:
return ''
lines = []
lines.append(_('Clinical data generated during encounters within this episode:'))
left_margin = ' ' * left_margin
prev_enc = None
for row in rows:
if row['pk_encounter'] != prev_enc:
prev_enc = row['pk_encounter']
when = row['clin_when'].strftime(date_format)
top_row = '%s%s %s (%s) %s' % (
gmTools.u_box_horiz_single * 5
soap = gmTools.wrap (
text = row['narrative'],
width = 60,
initial_indent = ' ',
subsequent_indent = ' ' + left_margin
row_ver = ''
if row['row_version'] > 0:
row_ver = 'v%s: ' % row['row_version']
bottom_row = '%s%s %s, %s%s %s' % (
' ' * 40,
gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(row['modified_when'], date_format),
eol_w_margin = '\n%s' % left_margin
return left_margin + eol_w_margin.join(lines) + '\n'
def format_maximum_information(self, patient=None):
if patient is None:
from import gmCurrentPatient, cPerson
if self._payload['pk_patient'] == gmCurrentPatient().ID:
patient = gmCurrentPatient()
patient = cPerson(self._payload['pk_patient'])
return self.format (
patient = patient,
with_summary = True,
with_codes = True,
with_encounters = True,
with_documents = True,
with_hospital_stays = True,
with_procedures = True,
with_family_history = True,
with_tests = False, # does not inform on the episode itself
with_vaccinations = True,
with_health_issue = True,
return_list = True
def format(self, left_margin=0, patient=None,
if patient is not None:
if patient.ID != self._payload['pk_patient']:
msg = '<patient>.ID = %s but episode %s belongs to patient %s' % (
raise ValueError(msg)
emr = patient.emr
with_encounters = False
with_documents = False
with_hospital_stays = False
with_procedures = False
with_family_history = False
with_tests = False
with_vaccinations = False
lines = []
# episode details
lines.append (_('Episode %s%s%s [#%s]') % (
enc = cEncounter(aPK_obj = self._payload['pk_encounter'])
lines.append (' ' + _('Created during encounter: %s (%s - %s) [#%s]') % (
enc['started_original_tz'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'),
if patient is not None:
range_str, range_str_verb, duration_str = self.formatted_clinical_duration
lines.append(_(' Duration: %s (%s)') % (duration_str, range_str_verb))
lines.append(' ' + _('Status') + ': %s%s' % (
gmTools.bool2subst(self._payload['episode_open'], _('active'), _('finished')),
gmTools.coalesce (
value2test = diagnostic_certainty_classification2str(self._payload['diagnostic_certainty_classification']),
return_instead = '',
template4value = ', %s',
none_equivalents = [None, '']
if with_health_issue:
lines.append(' ' + _('Health issue') + ': %s' % gmTools.coalesce (
_('none associated')
if with_summary:
if self._payload['summary'] is not None:
lines.append(' %s:' % _('Synopsis'))
lines.append(gmTools.wrap (
text = self._payload['summary'],
width = 60,
initial_indent = ' ',
subsequent_indent = ' '
# codes
if with_codes:
codes = self.generic_codes
if len(codes) > 0:
for c in codes:
lines.append(' %s: %s (%s - %s)' % (
del codes
# encounters
if with_encounters:
encs = emr.get_encounters(episodes = [self._payload['pk_episode']])
if encs is None:
lines.append(_('Error retrieving encounters for this episode.'))
elif len(encs) == 0:
#lines.append(_('There are no encounters for this issue.'))
first_encounter = emr.get_first_encounter(episode_id = self._payload['pk_episode'])
last_encounter = emr.get_last_encounter(episode_id = self._payload['pk_episode'])
lines.append(_('Last worked on: %s\n') % last_encounter['last_affirmed_original_tz'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'))
if len(encs) < 4:
line = _('%s encounter(s) (%s - %s):')
line = _('1st and (up to 3) most recent (of %s) encounters (%s - %s):')
lines.append(line % (
lines.append(' %s - %s (%s):%s' % (
first_encounter['started_original_tz'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'),
gmTools.coalesce (
gmTools.coalesce (
' \u00BB%s\u00AB' + (' (%s)' % _('RFE'))
' \u00BB%s\u00AB' + (' (%s)' % _('AOE'))
if len(encs) > 4:
lines.append(_(' %s %s skipped %s') % (
(len(encs) - 4),
for enc in encs[1:][-3:]:
lines.append(' %s - %s (%s):%s' % (
enc['started_original_tz'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'),
gmTools.coalesce (
gmTools.coalesce (
' \u00BB%s\u00AB' + (' (%s)' % _('RFE'))
' \u00BB%s\u00AB' + (' (%s)' % _('AOE'))
del encs
# spell out last encounter
if last_encounter is not None:
lines.append(_('Progress notes in most recent encounter:'))
lines.extend(last_encounter.format_soap (
episodes = [ self._payload['pk_episode'] ],
left_margin = left_margin,
soap_cats = 'soapu',
emr = emr
# documents
if with_documents:
doc_folder = patient.get_document_folder()
docs = doc_folder.get_documents (
pk_episodes = [ self._payload['pk_episode'] ]
if len(docs) > 0:
lines.append(_('Documents: %s') % len(docs))
for d in docs:
lines.append(' ' + d.format(single_line = True))
del docs
# hospitalizations
if with_hospital_stays:
stays = emr.get_hospital_stays(episodes = [ self._payload['pk_episode'] ])
if len(stays) > 0:
lines.append(_('Hospitalizations: %s') % len(stays))
for s in stays:
lines.append(s.format(left_margin = (left_margin + 1)))
del stays
# procedures
if with_procedures:
procs = emr.get_performed_procedures(episodes = [ self._payload['pk_episode'] ])
if len(procs) > 0:
lines.append(_('Procedures performed: %s') % len(procs))
for p in procs:
lines.append(p.format (
left_margin = (left_margin + 1),
include_episode = False,
include_codes = True
del procs
# family history
if with_family_history:
fhx = emr.get_family_history(episodes = [ self._payload['pk_episode'] ])
if len(fhx) > 0:
lines.append(_('Family History: %s') % len(fhx))
for f in fhx:
lines.append(f.format (
left_margin = (left_margin + 1),
include_episode = False,
include_comment = True,
include_codes = True
del fhx
# test results
if with_tests:
tests = emr.get_test_results_by_date(episodes = [ self._payload['pk_episode'] ])
if len(tests) > 0:
lines.append(_('Measurements and Results:'))
for t in tests:
lines.append(' ' + t.format_concisely(date_format = '%Y %b %d', with_notes = True))
del tests
# vaccinations
if with_vaccinations:
vaccs = emr.get_vaccinations (
episodes = [ self._payload['pk_episode'] ],
order_by = 'date_given DESC, vaccine'
if len(vaccs) > 0:
for vacc in vaccs:
lines.extend(vacc.format (
with_indications = True,
with_comment = True,
with_reaction = True,
date_format = '%Y-%m-%d'
del vaccs
lines = gmTools.strip_trailing_empty_lines(lines = lines, eol = '\n')
if return_list:
return lines
left_margin = ' ' * left_margin
eol_w_margin = '\n%s' % left_margin
return left_margin + eol_w_margin.join(lines) + '\n'
# properties
def _get_best_guess_clinical_start_date(self):
return get_best_guess_clinical_start_date_for_episode(pk_episode = self.pk_obj)
best_guess_clinical_start_date = property(_get_best_guess_clinical_start_date)
def _get_best_guess_clinical_end_date(self):
return get_best_guess_clinical_end_date_for_episode(self.pk_obj)
best_guess_clinical_end_date = property(_get_best_guess_clinical_end_date)
def _get_formatted_clinical_duration(self):
return format_clinical_duration_of_episode (
start = get_best_guess_clinical_start_date_for_episode(self.pk_obj),
end = get_best_guess_clinical_end_date_for_episode(self.pk_obj)
formatted_clinical_duration = property(_get_formatted_clinical_duration)
def _get_latest_access_date(self):
cmd = """SELECT MAX(latest) FROM (
-- last modification, latest = when last changed to the current state
(SELECT c_epi.modified_when AS latest, 'clin.episode.modified_when'::text AS candidate FROM clin.episode c_epi WHERE = %(pk)s)
-- last modification of encounter in which created, latest = initial creation of that encounter
-- DO NOT USE: just because one corrects a typo does not mean the episode took longer
--(SELECT c_enc.modified_when AS latest FROM clin.encounter c_enc WHERE = (
-- SELECT fk_encounter FROM clin.episode WHERE pk = %(pk)s
-- end of encounter in which created, latest = explicitly set
-- DO NOT USE: we can retrospectively create episodes which
-- DO NOT USE: are long since finished
--(SELECT c_enc.last_affirmed AS latest FROM clin.encounter c_enc WHERE = (
-- SELECT fk_encounter FROM clin.episode WHERE pk = %(pk)s
-- latest end of encounters of clinical items linked to this episode
MAX(last_affirmed) AS latest,
' = clin.clin_root_item,fk_episode -> .fk_encounter.last_affirmed'::text AS candidate
FROM clin.encounter
SELECT fk_encounter FROM clin.clin_root_item WHERE fk_episode = %(pk)s
-- latest explicit .clin_when of clinical items linked to this episode
MAX(clin_when) AS latest,
' = clin.clin_root_item,fk_episode -> .clin_when'::text AS candidate
FROM clin.clin_root_item
WHERE fk_episode = %(pk)s
-- latest modification time of clinical items linked to this episode
-- this CAN be used since if an item is linked to an episode it can be
-- assumed the episode (should have) existed at the time of creation
-- DO NOT USE, because typo fixes should not extend the episode
--(SELECT MIN(modified_when) AS latest FROM clin.clin_root_item WHERE fk_episode = %(pk)s)
-- not sure about this one:
-- .pk -> clin.clin_root_item.fk_encounter.modified_when
) AS candidates"""
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'pk': self.pk_obj}}])
return rows[0][0]
latest_access_date = property(_get_latest_access_date)
def _get_diagnostic_certainty_description(self):
return diagnostic_certainty_classification2str(self._payload['diagnostic_certainty_classification'])
diagnostic_certainty_description = property(_get_diagnostic_certainty_description)
def _get_formatted_revision_history(self):
cmd = """SELECT
'<N/A>'::TEXT as audit__action_applied,
NULL AS audit__action_when,
'<N/A>'::TEXT AS audit__action_by,
pk, fk_health_issue, description, is_open, fk_encounter,
FROM clin.episode
WHERE pk = %(pk_episode)s
audit_action as audit__action_applied,
audit_when as audit__action_when,
audit_by as audit__action_by,
orig_version as row_version,
orig_when as modified_when,
orig_by as modified_by,
pk, fk_health_issue, description, is_open, fk_encounter,
FROM audit.log_episode
WHERE pk = %(pk_episode)s
ORDER BY row_version DESC
args = {'pk_episode': self.pk_obj}
title = _('Episode: %s%s%s') % (
return '\n'.join(self._get_revision_history(cmd, args, title))
formatted_revision_history = property(_get_formatted_revision_history)
def _get_generic_codes(self):
if len(self._payload['pk_generic_codes']) == 0:
return []
cmd = gmCoding._SQL_get_generic_linked_codes % 'pk_generic_code = ANY(%(pks)s)'
args = {'pks': self._payload['pk_generic_codes']}
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
return [ gmCoding.cGenericLinkedCode(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_lnk_code2item'}) for r in rows ]
def _set_generic_codes(self, pk_codes):
queries = []
# remove all codes
if len(self._payload['pk_generic_codes']) > 0:
queries.append ({
'cmd': 'DELETE FROM clin.lnk_code2episode WHERE fk_item = %(epi)s AND fk_generic_code = ANY(%(codes)s)',
'args': {
'epi': self._payload['pk_episode'],
'codes': self._payload['pk_generic_codes']
# add new codes
for pk_code in pk_codes:
queries.append ({
'cmd': 'INSERT INTO clin.lnk_code2episode (fk_item, fk_generic_code) VALUES (%(epi)s, %(pk_code)s)',
'args': {
'epi': self._payload['pk_episode'],
'pk_code': pk_code
if len(queries) == 0:
# run it all in one transaction
gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = queries)
generic_codes = property(_get_generic_codes, _set_generic_codes)
def _get_has_narrative(self):
cmd = """SELECT EXISTS (
SELECT 1 FROM clin.clin_narrative
fk_episode = %(epi)s
fk_encounter IN (
SELECT pk FROM clin.encounter WHERE fk_patient = %(pat)s
args = {
'pat': self._payload['pk_patient'],
'epi': self._payload['pk_episode']
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
return rows[0][0]
has_narrative = property(_get_has_narrative)
def _get_health_issue(self):
if self._payload['pk_health_issue'] is None:
return None
return cHealthIssue(self._payload['pk_health_issue'])
health_issue = property(_get_health_issue)
def create_episode(pk_health_issue=None, episode_name=None, is_open=False, allow_dupes=False, encounter=None, link_obj=None):
"""Creates a new episode for a given patient's health issue.
pk_health_issue - given health issue PK
episode_name - name of episode
is_open - whether a *new* episode is to be open (don't tinker with existing ones)
if not allow_dupes:
return cEpisode(name = episode_name, health_issue = pk_health_issue, encounter = encounter, link_obj = link_obj)
except gmExceptions.ConstructorError:
queries = []
cmd = "INSERT INTO clin.episode (fk_health_issue, description, is_open, fk_encounter) VALUES (%s, %s, %s::boolean, %s)"
queries.append({'cmd': cmd, 'args': [pk_health_issue, episode_name, is_open, encounter]})
queries.append({'cmd': cEpisode._cmd_fetch_payload % "currval('clin.episode_pk_seq')"})
rows = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = queries, return_data=True)
return cEpisode(row = {'data': rows[0], 'pk_field': 'pk_episode'})
def delete_episode(episode=None):
if isinstance(episode, cEpisode):
pk = episode['pk_episode']
pk = int(episode)
cmd = 'DELETE FROM clin.episode WHERE pk = %(pk)s'
gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'pk': pk}}])
except gmPG2.dbapi.IntegrityError:
# should be parsing pgcode/and or error message
_log.exception('cannot delete episode, it is in use')
return False
return True
def episode2problem(episode=None, allow_closed=False):
return cProblem (
aPK_obj = {
'pk_patient': episode['pk_patient'],
'pk_episode': episode['pk_episode'],
'pk_health_issue': episode['pk_health_issue']
try_potential_problems = allow_closed
_SQL_best_guess_clinical_start_date_for_episode = """
SELECT MIN(earliest) FROM (
-- modified_when of episode,
-- earliest possible thereof = when created,
-- should actually go all the way back into audit.log_episode
(SELECT c_epi.modified_when AS earliest FROM clin.episode c_epi WHERE = %(pk)s)
-- last modification of encounter in which created,
-- earliest-possible thereof = initial creation of that encounter
(SELECT c_enc.modified_when AS earliest FROM clin.encounter c_enc WHERE = (
SELECT fk_encounter FROM clin.episode WHERE pk = %(pk)s
-- start of encounter in which created,
-- earliest-possible thereof = explicitly set by user
(SELECT c_enc.started AS earliest FROM clin.encounter c_enc WHERE = (
SELECT fk_encounter FROM clin.episode WHERE pk = %(pk)s
-- start of encounters of clinical items linked to this episode,
-- earliest-possible thereof = explicitly set by user
(SELECT MIN(started) AS earliest FROM clin.encounter WHERE pk IN (
SELECT fk_encounter FROM clin.clin_root_item WHERE fk_episode = %(pk)s
-- .clin_when of clinical items linked to this episode,
-- earliest-possible thereof = explicitly set by user
(SELECT MIN(clin_when) AS earliest FROM clin.clin_root_item WHERE fk_episode = %(pk)s)
-- earliest modification time of clinical items linked to this episode
-- this CAN be used since if an item is linked to an episode it can be
-- assumed the episode (should have) existed at the time of creation
(SELECT MIN(modified_when) AS earliest FROM clin.clin_root_item WHERE fk_episode = %(pk)s)
-- there may not be items, but there may still be documents ...
(SELECT MIN(clin_when) AS earliest FROM blobs.doc_med WHERE fk_episode = %(pk)s)
) AS candidates
def get_best_guess_clinical_start_date_for_episode(pk_episode=None):
assert (pk_episode is not None), '<pk_episode> must not be None'
query = {
'cmd': _SQL_best_guess_clinical_start_date_for_episode,
'args': {'pk': pk_episode}
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [query])
return rows[0][0]
_SQL_best_guess_clinical_end_date_for_episode = """
-- if open episode ...
(SELECT is_open FROM clin.episode WHERE pk = %(pk)s)
-- ... no end date
NULL::timestamp with time zone
latest --, source_type
-- latest explicit .clin_when of clinical items linked to this episode
MAX(clin_when) AS latest,
' = clin.clin_root_item.fk_episode -> .clin_when'::text AS source_type
FROM clin.clin_root_item
WHERE fk_episode = %(pk)s
-- latest explicit .clin_when of documents linked to this episode
MAX(clin_when) AS latest,
' = blobs.doc_med.fk_episode -> .clin_when'::text AS source_type
FROM blobs.doc_med
WHERE fk_episode = %(pk)s
) AS candidates
-- last ditch, always exists, only use when no clinical items or documents linked:
-- last modification, latest = when last changed to the current state
(SELECT c_epi.modified_when AS latest --, 'clin.episode.modified_when'::text AS source_type
FROM clin.episode c_epi WHERE = %(pk)s
def get_best_guess_clinical_end_date_for_episode(pk_episode=None):
assert (pk_episode is not None), '<pk_episode> must not be None'
query = {
'cmd': _SQL_best_guess_clinical_end_date_for_episode,
'args': {'pk': pk_episode}
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [query])
return rows[0][0]
def format_clinical_duration_of_episode(start=None, end=None):
assert (start is not None), '<start> must not be None'
if end is None:
start_end_str = '%s-%s' % (
gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(start, "%b'%y"),
start_end_str_long = '%s - %s' % (
gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(start, '%b %d %Y'),
duration_str = _('%s so far') % gmDateTime.format_interval_medically(gmDateTime.pydt_now_here() - start)
return (start_end_str, start_end_str_long, duration_str)
duration_str = gmDateTime.format_interval_medically(end - start)
# year different:
if end.year != start.year:
start_end_str = '%s-%s' % (
gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(start, "%b'%y"),
gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(end, "%b'%y")
start_end_str_long = '%s - %s' % (
gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(start, '%b %d %Y'),
gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(end, '%b %d %Y')
return (start_end_str, start_end_str_long, duration_str)
# same year:
if end.month != start.month:
start_end_str = '%s-%s' % (
gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(start, '%b'),
gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(end, "%b'%y")
start_end_str_long = '%s - %s' % (
gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(start, '%b %d'),
gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(end, '%b %d %Y')
return (start_end_str, start_end_str_long, duration_str)
# same year and same month
start_end_str = gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(start, "%b'%y")
start_end_str_long = gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(start, '%b %d %Y')
return (start_end_str, start_end_str_long, duration_str)
class cEpisodeMatchProvider(gmMatchProvider.cMatchProvider_SQL2):
"""Find episodes for patient."""
_SQL_episode_start = _SQL_best_guess_clinical_start_date_for_episode % {'pk': 'c_vpe.pk_episode'}
_SQL_episode_end = _SQL_best_guess_clinical_end_date_for_episode % {'pk': 'c_vpe.pk_episode'}
_SQL_open_episodes = """
AS episode,
1 AS rank,
(%s) AS episode_start,
NULL::timestamp with time zone AS episode_end
clin.v_pat_episodes c_vpe
c_vpe.episode_open IS TRUE
c_vpe.description %%(fragment_condition)s
""" % _SQL_episode_start
_SQL_closed_episodes = """
AS episode,
2 AS rank,
(%s) AS episode_start,
(%s) AS episode_end
clin.v_pat_episodes c_vpe
c_vpe.episode_open IS FALSE
c_vpe.description %%(fragment_condition)s
""" % (
def __init__(self):
query = """
ORDER BY rank, episode
LIMIT 30""" % (
ctxt = {'ctxt_pat': {'where_part': 'AND pk_patient = %(pat)s', 'placeholder': 'pat'}}
super().__init__(queries = [query], context = ctxt)
def _find_matches(self, fragment_condition):
pat = self._context_vals['pat']
except KeyError:
pat = None
if not pat:
# not patient, no search
return (False, [])
return super()._find_matches(fragment_condition)
def _rows2matches(self, rows):
matches = []
for row in rows:
match = {
'weight': 0,
'data': row['pk_episode']
label = '%s (%s)%s' % (
format_clinical_duration_of_episode (
start = row['episode_start'],
end = row['episode_end']
gmTools.coalesce (
' - %s'
match['list_label'] = label
match['field_label'] = label
return matches
# encounter API
SQL_get_encounters = "SELECT * FROM clin.v_pat_encounters WHERE %s"
class cEncounter(gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject):
"""Represents one encounter."""
_cmd_fetch_payload = SQL_get_encounters % 'pk_encounter = %s'
_cmds_store_payload = [
"""UPDATE clin.encounter SET
started = %(started)s,
last_affirmed = %(last_affirmed)s,
fk_location = %(pk_org_unit)s,
fk_type = %(pk_type)s,
reason_for_encounter = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(reason_for_encounter)s),
assessment_of_encounter = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(assessment_of_encounter)s)
pk = %(pk_encounter)s AND
xmin = %(xmin_encounter)s
# need to return all fields so we can survive in-place upgrades
"SELECT * FROM clin.v_pat_encounters WHERE pk_encounter = %(pk_encounter)s"
_updatable_fields = [
def set_active(self):
"""Set the encounter as the active one.
"Setting active" means making sure the encounter
row has the youngest "last_affirmed" timestamp of
all encounter rows for this patient.
self['last_affirmed'] = gmDateTime.pydt_now_here()
def lock(self, exclusive=False, link_obj=None):
return lock_encounter(self.pk_obj, exclusive = exclusive, link_obj = link_obj)
def unlock(self, exclusive=False, link_obj=None):
return unlock_encounter(self.pk_obj, exclusive = exclusive, link_obj = link_obj)
def transfer_clinical_data(self, source_episode=None, target_episode=None):
Moves every element currently linked to the current encounter
and the source_episode onto target_episode.
@param source_episode The episode the elements are currently linked to.
@type target_episode A cEpisode intance.
@param target_episode The episode the elements will be relinked to.
@type target_episode A cEpisode intance.
if source_episode['pk_episode'] == target_episode['pk_episode']:
return True
cmd = """
UPDATE clin.clin_root_item
SET fk_episode = %(trg)s
fk_encounter = %(enc)s AND
fk_episode = %(src)s
gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{
'cmd': cmd,
'args': {
'trg': target_episode['pk_episode'],
'enc': self.pk_obj,
'src': source_episode['pk_episode']
return True
def transfer_all_data_to_another_encounter(self, pk_target_encounter=None):
if pk_target_encounter == self.pk_obj:
return True
cmd = "SELECT clin.transfer_all_encounter_data(%(src)s, %(trg)s)"
args = {
'src': self.pk_obj,
'trg': pk_target_encounter
gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
return True
# conn = gmPG2.get_connection()
# curs = conn.cursor()
# curs.callproc('clin.get_hints_for_patient', [pk_identity])
# rows = curs.fetchall()
# idx = gmPG2.get_col_indices(curs)
# curs.close()
# conn.rollback()
def same_payload(self, another_object=None):
relevant_fields = [
for field in relevant_fields:
if self._payload[field] != another_object[field]:
_log.debug('mismatch on [%s]: "%s" vs. "%s"', field, self._payload[field], another_object[field])
return False
relevant_fields = [
for field in relevant_fields:
if self._payload[field] is None:
if another_object[field] is None:
_log.debug('mismatch on [%s]: here="%s", other="%s"', field, self._payload[field], another_object[field])
return False
if another_object[field] is None:
return False
# compares at seconds granularity
if self._payload[field].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') != another_object[field].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'):
_log.debug('mismatch on [%s]: here="%s", other="%s"', field, self._payload[field], another_object[field])
return False
# compare codes
# 1) RFE
if another_object['pk_generic_codes_rfe'] is None:
if self._payload['pk_generic_codes_rfe'] is not None:
return False
if another_object['pk_generic_codes_rfe'] is not None:
if self._payload['pk_generic_codes_rfe'] is None:
return False
if (
(another_object['pk_generic_codes_rfe'] is None)
(self._payload['pk_generic_codes_rfe'] is None)
) is False:
if set(another_object['pk_generic_codes_rfe']) != set(self._payload['pk_generic_codes_rfe']):
return False
# 2) AOE
if another_object['pk_generic_codes_aoe'] is None:
if self._payload['pk_generic_codes_aoe'] is not None:
return False
if another_object['pk_generic_codes_aoe'] is not None:
if self._payload['pk_generic_codes_aoe'] is None:
return False
if (
(another_object['pk_generic_codes_aoe'] is None)
(self._payload['pk_generic_codes_aoe'] is None)
) is False:
if set(another_object['pk_generic_codes_aoe']) != set(self._payload['pk_generic_codes_aoe']):
return False
return True
def has_clinical_data(self):
cmd = """
select exists (
select 1 from clin.v_pat_items where pk_patient = %(pat)s and pk_encounter = %(enc)s
union all
select 1 from blobs.v_doc_med where pk_patient = %(pat)s and pk_encounter = %(enc)s
args = {
'pat': self._payload['pk_patient'],
'enc': self.pk_obj
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries (
queries = [{
'cmd': cmd,
'args': args
return rows[0][0]
def has_narrative(self):
cmd = """
select exists (
select 1 from clin.v_pat_items where pk_patient=%(pat)s and pk_encounter=%(enc)s
args = {
'pat': self._payload['pk_patient'],
'enc': self.pk_obj
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries (
queries = [{
'cmd': cmd,
'args': args
return rows[0][0]
def has_soap_narrative(self, soap_cats=None):
"""soap_cats: <space> = admin category"""
if soap_cats is None:
soap_cats = 'soap '
soap_cats = soap_cats.casefold()
cats = []
for cat in soap_cats:
if cat in 'soapu':
if cat == ' ':
cmd = """
SELECT 1 FROM clin.clin_narrative
fk_encounter = %(enc)s
soap_cat = ANY(%(cats)s)
args = {'enc': self._payload['pk_encounter'], 'cats': cats}
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd,'args': args}])
return rows[0][0]
def has_documents(self):
cmd = """
select exists (
select 1 from blobs.v_doc_med where pk_patient = %(pat)s and pk_encounter = %(enc)s
args = {
'pat': self._payload['pk_patient'],
'enc': self.pk_obj
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries (
queries = [{
'cmd': cmd,
'args': args
return rows[0][0]
def get_latest_soap(self, soap_cat=None, episode=None):
if soap_cat is not None:
soap_cat = soap_cat.casefold()
if episode is None:
epi_part = 'fk_episode is null'
epi_part = 'fk_episode = %(epi)s'
cmd = """
select narrative
from clin.clin_narrative
fk_encounter = %%(enc)s
soap_cat = %%(cat)s
order by clin_when desc
limit 1
""" % epi_part
args = {'enc': self.pk_obj, 'cat': soap_cat, 'epi': episode}
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries (
queries = [{
'cmd': cmd,
'args': args
if len(rows) == 0:
return None
return rows[0][0]
def get_episodes(self, exclude=None):
cmd = """
SELECT * FROM clin.v_pat_episodes
WHERE pk_episode IN (
FROM clin.clin_root_item
WHERE fk_encounter = %%(enc)s
FROM blobs.doc_med
WHERE fk_encounter = %%(enc)s
) %s"""
args = {'enc': self.pk_obj}
if exclude is not None:
cmd = cmd % 'AND pk_episode <> ALL(%(excluded)s)'
args['excluded'] = exclude
cmd = cmd % ''
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
return [ cEpisode(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_episode'}) for r in rows ]
episodes = property(get_episodes)
def add_code(self, pk_code=None, field=None):
"""<pk_code> must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code)"""
if field == 'rfe':
cmd = "INSERT INTO clin.lnk_code2rfe (fk_item, fk_generic_code) values (%(item)s, %(code)s)"
elif field == 'aoe':
cmd = "INSERT INTO clin.lnk_code2aoe (fk_item, fk_generic_code) values (%(item)s, %(code)s)"
raise ValueError('<field> must be one of "rfe" or "aoe", not "%s"', field)
args = {
'item': self._payload['pk_encounter'],
'code': pk_code
gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
return True
def remove_code(self, pk_code=None, field=None):
"""<pk_code> must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code)"""
if field == 'rfe':
cmd = "DELETE FROM clin.lnk_code2rfe WHERE fk_item = %(item)s AND fk_generic_code = %(code)s"
elif field == 'aoe':
cmd = "DELETE FROM clin.lnk_code2aoe WHERE fk_item = %(item)s AND fk_generic_code = %(code)s"
raise ValueError('<field> must be one of "rfe" or "aoe", not "%s"', field)
args = {
'item': self._payload['pk_encounter'],
'code': pk_code
gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
return True
# data formatting
def format_soap(self, episodes=None, left_margin=0, soap_cats='soapu', emr=None, issues=None):
lines = []
for soap_cat in gmSoapDefs.soap_cats_str2list(soap_cats):
soap_cat_narratives = emr.get_clin_narrative (
episodes = episodes,
issues = issues,
encounters = [self._payload['pk_encounter']],
soap_cats = [soap_cat]
if soap_cat_narratives is None:
if len(soap_cat_narratives) == 0:
lines.append('%s%s %s %s' % (
gmTools.u_box_horiz_single * 5
for soap_entry in soap_cat_narratives:
txt = gmTools.wrap (
text = soap_entry['narrative'],
width = 75,
initial_indent = '',
subsequent_indent = (' ' * left_margin)
when = gmDateTime.pydt_strftime (
format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M',
accuracy = gmDateTime.acc_minutes
txt = '%s%s %.8s, %s %s' % (
' ' * 40,
return lines
def format_latex(self, date_format=None, soap_cats=None, soap_order=None):
nothing2format = (
(self._payload['reason_for_encounter'] is None)
(self._payload['assessment_of_encounter'] is None)
(self.has_soap_narrative(soap_cats = 'soapu') is False)
if nothing2format:
return ''
if date_format is None:
date_format = '%A, %b %d %Y'
tex = '% -------------------------------------------------------------\n'
tex += '% much recommended: \\usepackage(tabu)\n'
tex += '% much recommended: \\usepackage(longtable)\n'
tex += '% best wrapped in: "\\begin{longtabu} to \\textwidth {lX[,L]}"\n'
tex += '% -------------------------------------------------------------\n'
tex += '\\hline \n'
tex += '\\multicolumn{2}{l}{%s: %s ({\\footnotesize %s - %s})} \\tabularnewline \n' % (
gmTools.tex_escape_string (
gmDateTime.pydt_strftime (
accuracy = gmDateTime.acc_days
gmTools.tex_escape_string (
gmDateTime.pydt_strftime (
accuracy = gmDateTime.acc_minutes
gmTools.tex_escape_string (
gmDateTime.pydt_strftime (
accuracy = gmDateTime.acc_minutes
tex += '\\hline \n'
if self._payload['reason_for_encounter'] is not None:
tex += '%s & %s \\tabularnewline \n' % (
if self._payload['assessment_of_encounter'] is not None:
tex += '%s & %s \\tabularnewline \n' % (
for epi in self.get_episodes():
soaps = epi.get_narrative(soap_cats = soap_cats, encounters = [self.pk_obj], order_by = soap_order)
if len(soaps) == 0:
tex += '\\multicolumn{2}{l}{\\emph{%s: %s%s}} \\tabularnewline \n' % (
gmTools.tex_escape_string (
gmTools.coalesce (
value2test = diagnostic_certainty_classification2str(epi['diagnostic_certainty_classification']),
return_instead = '',
template4value = ' {\\footnotesize [%s]}',
none_equivalents = [None, '']
if epi['pk_health_issue'] is not None:
tex += '\\multicolumn{2}{l}{\\emph{%s: %s%s}} \\tabularnewline \n' % (
gmTools.tex_escape_string(_('Health issue')),
gmTools.tex_escape_string (
gmTools.coalesce (
value2test = diagnostic_certainty_classification2str(epi['diagnostic_certainty_classification_issue']),
return_instead = '',
template4value = ' {\\footnotesize [%s]}',
none_equivalents = [None, '']
for soap in soaps:
tex += '{\\small %s} & {\\small %s} \\tabularnewline \n' % (
gmTools.tex_escape_string(soap['narrative'], replace_eol = True)
tex += ' & \\tabularnewline \n'
return tex
def __format_header_fancy(self, left_margin=0):
lines = []
lines.append('%s%s: %s - %s (@%s)%s [#%s]' % (
' ' * left_margin,
self._payload['started_original_tz'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'),
gmTools.coalesce (
' %s%%s%s' % (gmTools.u_left_double_angle_quote, gmTools.u_right_double_angle_quote)
lines.append(_(' your time: %s - %s (@%s = %s%s)\n') % (
self._payload['started'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'),
gmTools.bool2subst (
gmTools.bool2subst(gmDateTime.dst_currently_in_effect, ' - ' + _('daylight savings time in effect'), '')
if self._payload['praxis_branch'] is not None:
lines.append(_('Location: %s (%s)') % (self._payload['praxis_branch'], self._payload['praxis']))
if self._payload['reason_for_encounter'] is not None:
lines.append('%s: %s' % (_('RFE'), self._payload['reason_for_encounter']))
codes = self.generic_codes_rfe
for c in codes:
lines.append(' %s: %s (%s - %s)' % (
if len(codes) > 0:
if self._payload['assessment_of_encounter'] is not None:
lines.append('%s: %s' % (_('AOE'), self._payload['assessment_of_encounter']))
codes = self.generic_codes_aoe
for c in codes:
lines.append(' %s: %s (%s - %s)' % (
if len(codes) > 0:
del codes
return lines
def format_header(self, fancy_header=True, left_margin=0, with_rfe_aoe=False):
lines = []
if fancy_header:
return self.__format_header_fancy(left_margin = left_margin)
now = gmDateTime.pydt_now_here()
if now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == self._payload['started_original_tz'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d'):
start = '%s %s' % (
start = self._payload['started_original_tz'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
lines.append('%s%s: %s - %s%s%s' % (
' ' * left_margin,
gmTools.coalesce(self._payload['assessment_of_encounter'], '', ' \u00BB%s\u00AB'),
gmTools.coalesce(self._payload['praxis_branch'], '', ' @%s')
if with_rfe_aoe:
if self._payload['reason_for_encounter'] is not None:
lines.append('%s: %s' % (_('RFE'), self._payload['reason_for_encounter']))
codes = self.generic_codes_rfe
for c in codes:
lines.append(' %s: %s (%s - %s)' % (
if len(codes) > 0:
if self._payload['assessment_of_encounter'] is not None:
lines.append('%s: %s' % (_('AOE'), self._payload['assessment_of_encounter']))
codes = self.generic_codes_aoe
if len(codes) > 0:
for c in codes:
lines.append(' %s: %s (%s - %s)' % (
if len(codes) > 0:
del codes
return lines
def format_by_episode(self, episodes=None, issues=None, left_margin=0, patient=None, with_soap=False, with_tests=True, with_docs=True, with_vaccinations=True, with_family_history=True):
if patient is not None:
emr = patient.emr
lines = []
if episodes is None:
episodes = [ e['pk_episode'] for e in self.episodes ]
for pk in episodes:
epi = cEpisode(aPK_obj = pk)
lines.append(_('\nEpisode %s%s%s%s:') % (
gmTools.coalesce(epi['health_issue'], '', ' (%s)')
# soap
if with_soap:
if patient.ID != self._payload['pk_patient']:
msg = '<patient>.ID = %s but encounter %s belongs to patient %s' % (
raise ValueError(msg)
lines.extend(self.format_soap (
episodes = [pk],
left_margin = left_margin,
soap_cats = None, # meaning: all
emr = emr,
issues = issues
# test results
if with_tests:
tests = emr.get_test_results_by_date (
episodes = [pk],
encounter = self._payload['pk_encounter']
if len(tests) > 0:
lines.append(_('Measurements and Results:'))
for t in tests:
del tests
# vaccinations
if with_vaccinations:
vaccs = emr.get_vaccinations (
episodes = [pk],
encounters = [ self._payload['pk_encounter'] ],
order_by = 'date_given DESC, vaccine'
if len(vaccs) > 0:
for vacc in vaccs:
lines.extend(vacc.format (
with_indications = True,
with_comment = True,
with_reaction = True,
date_format = '%Y-%m-%d'
del vaccs
# family history
if with_family_history:
fhx = emr.get_family_history(episodes = [pk])
if len(fhx) > 0:
lines.append(_('Family History: %s') % len(fhx))
for f in fhx:
lines.append(f.format (
left_margin = (left_margin + 1),
include_episode = False,
include_comment = True
del fhx
# documents
if with_docs:
doc_folder = patient.get_document_folder()
docs = doc_folder.get_documents (
pk_episodes = [pk],
encounter = self._payload['pk_encounter']
if len(docs) > 0:
for d in docs:
lines.append(' ' + d.format(single_line = True))
del docs
return lines
def format_maximum_information(self, patient=None):
if patient is None:
from import gmCurrentPatient, cPerson
if self._payload['pk_patient'] == gmCurrentPatient().ID:
patient = gmCurrentPatient()
patient = cPerson(self._payload['pk_patient'])
return self.format (
patient = patient,
fancy_header = True,
with_rfe_aoe = True,
with_soap = True,
with_docs = True,
with_tests = False,
with_vaccinations = True,
with_co_encountlet_hints = True,
with_family_history = True,
by_episode = False,
return_list = True
def format(self, episodes=None, with_soap=False, left_margin=0, patient=None, issues=None, with_docs=True, with_tests=True, fancy_header=True, with_vaccinations=True, with_co_encountlet_hints=False, with_rfe_aoe=False, with_family_history=True, by_episode=False, return_list=False):
"""Format an encounter.
episode: which episodes, touched upon by this encounter, to include information for
- whether to include which *other* episodes were discussed during this encounter
- (only makes sense if episodes is not None, since that would preclude information)
lines = self.format_header (
fancy_header = fancy_header,
left_margin = left_margin,
with_rfe_aoe = with_rfe_aoe
if patient is None:
_log.debug('no patient, cannot load patient related data')
with_soap = False
with_tests = False
with_vaccinations = False
with_docs = False
if by_episode:
lines.extend(self.format_by_episode (
episodes = episodes,
issues = issues,
left_margin = left_margin,
patient = patient,
with_soap = with_soap,
with_tests = with_tests,
with_docs = with_docs,
with_vaccinations = with_vaccinations,
with_family_history = with_family_history
if with_soap:
if patient.ID != self._payload['pk_patient']:
msg = '<patient>.ID = %s but encounter %s belongs to patient %s' % (
raise ValueError(msg)
emr = patient.emr
lines.extend(self.format_soap (
episodes = episodes,
left_margin = left_margin,
soap_cats = None, # meaning: all
emr = emr,
issues = issues
# # family history
# if with_family_history:
# if episodes is not None:
# fhx = emr.get_family_history(episodes = episodes)
# if len(fhx) > 0:
# lines.append(u'')
# lines.append(_('Family History: %s') % len(fhx))
# for f in fhx:
# lines.append(f.format (
# left_margin = (left_margin + 1),
# include_episode = False,
# include_comment = True
# ))
# del fhx
# test results
if with_tests:
emr = patient.emr
tests = emr.get_test_results_by_date (
episodes = episodes,
encounter = self._payload['pk_encounter']
if len(tests) > 0:
lines.append(_('Measurements and Results:'))
for t in tests:
del tests
# vaccinations
if with_vaccinations:
emr = patient.emr
vaccs = emr.get_vaccinations (
episodes = episodes,
encounters = [ self._payload['pk_encounter'] ],
order_by = 'date_given DESC, vaccine'
if len(vaccs) > 0:
for vacc in vaccs:
lines.extend(vacc.format (
with_indications = True,
with_comment = True,
with_reaction = True,
date_format = '%Y-%m-%d'
del vaccs
# documents
if with_docs:
doc_folder = patient.get_document_folder()
docs = doc_folder.get_documents (
pk_episodes = episodes,
encounter = self._payload['pk_encounter']
if len(docs) > 0:
for d in docs:
lines.append(' ' + d.format(single_line = True))
del docs
# co-encountlets
if with_co_encountlet_hints:
if episodes is not None:
other_epis = self.get_episodes(exclude = episodes)
if len(other_epis) > 0:
lines.append(_('%s other episodes touched upon during this encounter:') % len(other_epis))
for epi in other_epis:
lines.append(' %s%s%s%s' % (
gmTools.coalesce(epi['health_issue'], '', ' (%s)')
if return_list:
return lines
eol_w_margin = '\n%s' % (' ' * left_margin)
return '%s\n' % eol_w_margin.join(lines)
# properties
def _get_generic_codes_rfe(self):
if len(self._payload['pk_generic_codes_rfe']) == 0:
return []
cmd = gmCoding._SQL_get_generic_linked_codes % 'pk_generic_code = ANY(%(pks)s)'
args = {'pks': self._payload['pk_generic_codes_rfe']}
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
return [ gmCoding.cGenericLinkedCode(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_lnk_code2item'}) for r in rows ]
def _set_generic_codes_rfe(self, pk_codes):
queries = []
# remove all codes
if len(self._payload['pk_generic_codes_rfe']) > 0:
queries.append ({
'cmd': 'DELETE FROM clin.lnk_code2rfe WHERE fk_item = %(enc)s AND fk_generic_code = ANY(%(codes)s)',
'args': {
'enc': self._payload['pk_encounter'],
'codes': self._payload['pk_generic_codes_rfe']
# add new codes
for pk_code in pk_codes:
queries.append ({
'cmd': 'INSERT INTO clin.lnk_code2rfe (fk_item, fk_generic_code) VALUES (%(enc)s, %(pk_code)s)',
'args': {
'enc': self._payload['pk_encounter'],
'pk_code': pk_code
if len(queries) == 0:
# run it all in one transaction
gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = queries)
generic_codes_rfe = property(_get_generic_codes_rfe, _set_generic_codes_rfe)
def _get_generic_codes_aoe(self):
if len(self._payload['pk_generic_codes_aoe']) == 0:
return []
cmd = gmCoding._SQL_get_generic_linked_codes % 'pk_generic_code = ANY(%(pks)s)'
args = {'pks': self._payload['pk_generic_codes_aoe']}
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
return [ gmCoding.cGenericLinkedCode(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_lnk_code2item'}) for r in rows ]
def _set_generic_codes_aoe(self, pk_codes):
queries = []
# remove all codes
if len(self._payload['pk_generic_codes_aoe']) > 0:
queries.append ({
'cmd': 'DELETE FROM clin.lnk_code2aoe WHERE fk_item = %(enc)s AND fk_generic_code = ANY(%(codes)s)',
'args': {
'enc': self._payload['pk_encounter'],
'codes': self._payload['pk_generic_codes_aoe']
# add new codes
for pk_code in pk_codes:
queries.append ({
'cmd': 'INSERT INTO clin.lnk_code2aoe (fk_item, fk_generic_code) VALUES (%(enc)s, %(pk_code)s)',
'args': {
'enc': self._payload['pk_encounter'],
'pk_code': pk_code
if len(queries) == 0:
# run it all in one transaction
gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = queries)
generic_codes_aoe = property(_get_generic_codes_aoe, _set_generic_codes_aoe)
def _get_praxis_branch(self):
if self._payload['pk_org_unit'] is None:
return None
return gmPraxis.get_praxis_branch_by_org_unit(pk_org_unit = self._payload['pk_org_unit'])
praxis_branch = property(_get_praxis_branch)
def _get_org_unit(self):
if self._payload['pk_org_unit'] is None:
return None
return gmOrganization.cOrgUnit(aPK_obj = self._payload['pk_org_unit'])
org_unit = property(_get_org_unit)
def _get_formatted_revision_history(self):
cmd = """SELECT
'<N/A>'::TEXT as audit__action_applied,
NULL AS audit__action_when,
'<N/A>'::TEXT AS audit__action_by,
pk, fk_patient, fk_type, fk_location, source_time_zone, reason_for_encounter, assessment_of_encounter, started, last_affirmed
FROM clin.encounter
WHERE pk = %(pk_encounter)s
audit_action as audit__action_applied,
audit_when as audit__action_when,
audit_by as audit__action_by,
orig_version as row_version,
orig_when as modified_when,
orig_by as modified_by,
pk, fk_patient, fk_type, fk_location, source_time_zone, reason_for_encounter, assessment_of_encounter, started, last_affirmed
FROM audit.log_encounter
WHERE pk = %(pk_encounter)s
ORDER BY row_version DESC
args = {'pk_encounter': self._payload['pk_encounter']}
title = _('Encounter: %s%s%s') % (
return '\n'.join(self._get_revision_history(cmd, args, title))
formatted_revision_history = property(_get_formatted_revision_history)
def create_encounter(fk_patient=None, enc_type=None):
"""Creates a new encounter for a patient.
fk_patient - patient PK
enc_type - type of encounter
if enc_type is None:
enc_type = 'in surgery'
# insert new encounter
queries = []
enc_type = int(enc_type)
cmd = """
INSERT INTO clin.encounter (fk_patient, fk_type, fk_location)
VALUES (%(pat)s, %(typ)s, %(prax)s) RETURNING pk"""
except ValueError:
enc_type = enc_type
cmd = """
INSERT INTO clin.encounter (fk_patient, fk_location, fk_type)
coalesce (
(select pk from clin.encounter_type where description = %(typ)s),
-- pick the first available
(select pk from clin.encounter_type limit 1)
praxis = gmPraxis.gmCurrentPraxisBranch()
args = {'pat': fk_patient, 'typ': enc_type, 'prax': praxis['pk_org_unit']}
queries.append({'cmd': cmd, 'args': args})
rows = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = queries, return_data = True)
encounter = cEncounter(aPK_obj = rows[0]['pk'])
return encounter
def lock_encounter(pk_encounter, exclusive=False, link_obj=None):
"""Used to protect against deletion of active encounter from another client."""
return gmPG2.lock_row(link_obj = link_obj, table = 'clin.encounter', pk = pk_encounter, exclusive = exclusive)
def unlock_encounter(pk_encounter, exclusive=False, link_obj=None):
unlocked = gmPG2.unlock_row(link_obj = link_obj, table = 'clin.encounter', pk = pk_encounter, exclusive = exclusive)
if not unlocked:
_log.warning('cannot unlock encounter [#%s]', pk_encounter)
call_stack = inspect.stack()
for idx in range(1, len(call_stack)):
caller = call_stack[idx]
_log.error('%s[%s] @ [%s] in [%s]', ' ' * idx, caller[3], caller[2], caller[1])
del call_stack
return unlocked
def delete_encounter(pk_encounter):
"""Deletes an encounter by PK.
- attempts to obtain an exclusive lock which should
fail if the encounter is the active encounter in
this or any other client
- catches DB exceptions which should mostly be related
to clinical data already having been attached to
the encounter thus making deletion fail
conn = gmPG2.get_connection(readonly = False)
if not lock_encounter(pk_encounter, exclusive = True, link_obj = conn):
_log.debug('cannot lock encounter [%s] for deletion, it seems in use', pk_encounter)
return False
cmd = """DELETE FROM clin.encounter WHERE pk = %(enc)s"""
args = {'enc': pk_encounter}
gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
except gmPG2.PG_ERROR_EXCEPTION as exc:
_log.exception('cannot delete encounter [%s]', pk_encounter)
unlock_encounter(pk_encounter, exclusive = True, link_obj = conn)
return False
unlock_encounter(pk_encounter, exclusive = True, link_obj = conn)
return True
# encounter types handling
def update_encounter_type(description=None, l10n_description=None):
rows = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(
queries = [{
'cmd': "select i18n.upd_tx(%(desc)s, %(l10n_desc)s)",
'args': {'desc': description, 'l10n_desc': l10n_description}
return_data = True
success = rows[0][0]
if not success:
_log.warning('updating encounter type [%s] to [%s] failed', description, l10n_description)
return {'description': description, 'l10n_description': l10n_description}
def create_encounter_type(description=None, l10n_description=None):
"""This will attempt to create a NEW encounter type."""
# need a system name, so derive one if necessary
if description is None:
description = l10n_description
args = {
'desc': description,
'l10n_desc': l10n_description
_log.debug('creating encounter type: %s, %s', description, l10n_description)
# does it exist already ?
cmd = "select description, _(description) from clin.encounter_type where description = %(desc)s"
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
# yes
if len(rows) > 0:
# both system and l10n name are the same so all is well
if (rows[0][0] == description) and (rows[0][1] == l10n_description):'encounter type [%s] already exists with the proper translation')
return {'description': description, 'l10n_description': l10n_description}
# or maybe there just wasn't a translation to
# the current language for this type yet ?
cmd = "select exists (select 1 from i18n.translations where orig = %(desc)s and lang = i18n.get_curr_lang())"
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
# there was, so fail
if rows[0][0]:
_log.error('encounter type [%s] already exists but with another translation')
return None
# else set it
cmd = "select i18n.upd_tx(%(desc)s, %(l10n_desc)s)"
rows = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
return {'description': description, 'l10n_description': l10n_description}
# no
queries = [
{'cmd': "insert into clin.encounter_type (description) values (%(desc)s)", 'args': args},
{'cmd': "select i18n.upd_tx(%(desc)s, %(l10n_desc)s)", 'args': args}
rows = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = queries)
return {'description': description, 'l10n_description': l10n_description}
def get_most_commonly_used_encounter_type():
cmd = """
COUNT(*) AS type_count,
FROM clin.encounter
GROUP BY fk_type
ORDER BY type_count DESC
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd}])
if len(rows) == 0:
return None
return rows[0]['fk_type']
def get_encounter_types():
cmd = """
_(description) AS l10n_description,
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd}])
return rows
def get_encounter_type(description=None):
cmd = "SELECT * from clin.encounter_type where description = %s"
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': [description]}])
return rows
def delete_encounter_type(description=None):
deleted = False
cmd = "delete from clin.encounter_type where description = %(desc)s"
args = {'desc': description}
gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
deleted = True
except gmPG2.dbapi.IntegrityError as e:
if e.pgcode != gmPG2.PG_error_codes.FOREIGN_KEY_VIOLATION:
return deleted
class cProblem(gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject):
"""Represents one problem.
problems are the aggregation of
.clinically_relevant=True issues and
.is_open=True episodes
_cmd_fetch_payload = '' # will get programmatically defined in __init__
_cmds_store_payload:list = ["select 1"]
_updatable_fields:list = []
def __init__(self, aPK_obj=None, try_potential_problems=False):
aPK_obj must contain the keys
if aPK_obj is None:
raise gmExceptions.ConstructorError('cannot instatiate cProblem for PK: [%s]' % (aPK_obj))
# As problems are rows from a view of different emr struct items,
# the PK can't be a single field and, as some of the values of the
# composed PK may be None, they must be queried using 'is null',
# so we must programmatically construct the SQL query
where_parts = []
pk = {}
for col_name in aPK_obj:
val = aPK_obj[col_name]
if val is None:
where_parts.append('%s IS NULL' % col_name)
where_parts.append('%s = %%(%s)s' % (col_name, col_name))
pk[col_name] = val
# try to instantiate from true problem view
cProblem._cmd_fetch_payload = """
SELECT *, False as is_potential_problem
FROM clin.v_problem_list
WHERE %s""" % ' AND '.join(where_parts)
gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject.__init__(self, aPK_obj = pk)
except gmExceptions.ConstructorError:
_log.exception('actual problem not found, trying "potential" problems')
if try_potential_problems is False:
# try to instantiate from potential-problems view
cProblem._cmd_fetch_payload = """
SELECT *, True as is_potential_problem
FROM clin.v_potential_problem_list
WHERE %s""" % ' AND '.join(where_parts)
gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject.__init__(self, aPK_obj=pk)
def get_as_episode(self):
Retrieve the cEpisode instance equivalent to this problem.
The problem's type attribute must be 'episode'
if self._payload['type'] != 'episode':
_log.error('cannot convert problem [%s] of type [%s] to episode' % (self._payload['problem'], self._payload['type']))
return None
return cEpisode(aPK_obj = self._payload['pk_episode'])
def get_as_health_issue(self):
Retrieve the cHealthIssue instance equivalent to this problem.
The problem's type attribute must be 'issue'
if self._payload['type'] != 'issue':
_log.error('cannot convert problem [%s] of type [%s] to health issue' % (self._payload['problem'], self._payload['type']))
return None
return cHealthIssue(aPK_obj = self._payload['pk_health_issue'])
def get_visual_progress_notes(self, encounter_id=None):
if self._payload['type'] == 'issue':
latest = cHealthIssue(aPK_obj = self._payload['pk_health_issue']).latest_episode
if latest is None:
return []
pk_episode = latest['pk_episode']
pk_episode = self._payload['pk_episode']
doc_folder = gmDocuments.cDocumentFolder(aPKey = self._payload['pk_patient'])
return doc_folder.get_visual_progress_notes(episodes = [pk_episode])
# properties
# doubles as 'diagnostic_certainty_description' getter:
def get_diagnostic_certainty_description(self):
return diagnostic_certainty_classification2str(self._payload['diagnostic_certainty_classification'])
diagnostic_certainty_description = property(get_diagnostic_certainty_description)
def _get_generic_codes(self):
if self._payload['type'] == 'issue':
cmd = """
SELECT * FROM clin.v_linked_codes WHERE
item_table = 'clin.lnk_code2h_issue'::regclass
pk_item = %(item)s
args = {'item': self._payload['pk_health_issue']}
cmd = """
SELECT * FROM clin.v_linked_codes WHERE
item_table = 'clin.lnk_code2episode'::regclass
pk_item = %(item)s
args = {'item': self._payload['pk_episode']}
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
return [ gmCoding.cGenericLinkedCode(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_lnk_code2item'}) for r in rows ]
generic_codes = property(_get_generic_codes)
def reclass_problem(problem=None):
"""Transform given problem into either episode or health issue instance.
if isinstance(problem, (cEpisode, cHealthIssue)):
return problem
exc = TypeError('cannot reclass [%s] instance to either episode or health issue' % type(problem))
if not isinstance(problem, cProblem):
_log.debug('%s' % problem)
raise exc
if problem['type'] == 'episode':
return cEpisode(aPK_obj = problem['pk_episode'])
if problem['type'] == 'issue':
return cHealthIssue(aPK_obj = problem['pk_health_issue'])
raise exc
_SQL_get_hospital_stays = "select * from clin.v_hospital_stays where %s"
class cHospitalStay(gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject):
_cmd_fetch_payload = _SQL_get_hospital_stays % "pk_hospital_stay = %s"
_cmds_store_payload = [
"""UPDATE clin.hospital_stay SET
clin_when = %(admission)s,
discharge = %(discharge)s,
fk_org_unit = %(pk_org_unit)s,
narrative = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(comment)s),
fk_episode = %(pk_episode)s,
fk_encounter = %(pk_encounter)s
pk = %(pk_hospital_stay)s
xmin = %(xmin_hospital_stay)s
xmin AS xmin_hospital_stay
_updatable_fields = [
def format_maximum_information(self, patient=None):
return self.format (
include_procedures = True,
include_docs = True
def format(self, left_margin=0, include_procedures=False, include_docs=False, include_episode=True):
if self._payload['discharge'] is not None:
discharge = ' - %s' % gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self._payload['discharge'], '%Y %b %d')
discharge = ''
episode = ''
if include_episode:
episode = ': %s%s%s' % (
lines = ['%s%s%s (%s@%s)%s' % (
' ' * left_margin,
gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self._payload['admission'], '%Y %b %d'),
if include_docs:
for doc in self.documents:
lines.append('%s%s: %s\n' % (
' ' * left_margin,
doc.format(single_line = True)
return '\n'.join(lines)
def _get_documents(self):
return [ gmDocuments.cDocument(aPK_obj = pk_doc) for pk_doc in self._payload['pk_documents'] ]
documents = property(_get_documents)
def get_latest_patient_hospital_stay(patient=None):
cmd = _SQL_get_hospital_stays % "pk_patient = %(pat)s ORDER BY admission DESC LIMIT 1"
queries = [{
# this assumes non-overarching stays
#'cmd': u'SELECT * FROM clin.v_hospital_stays WHERE pk_patient = %(pat)s ORDER BY admission DESC LIMIT 1',
'cmd': cmd,
'args': {'pat': patient}
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = queries)
if len(rows) == 0:
return None
return cHospitalStay(row = {'data': rows[0], 'pk_field': 'pk_hospital_stay'})
def get_patient_hospital_stays(patient=None, ongoing_only=False, return_pks=False):
args = {'pat': patient}
if ongoing_only:
cmd = _SQL_get_hospital_stays % "pk_patient = %(pat)s AND discharge is NULL ORDER BY admission"
cmd = _SQL_get_hospital_stays % "pk_patient = %(pat)s ORDER BY admission"
queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = queries)
if return_pks:
return [ r['pk_hospital_stay'] for r in rows ]
return [ cHospitalStay(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_hospital_stay'}) for r in rows ]
def create_hospital_stay(encounter=None, episode=None, fk_org_unit=None):
queries = [{
'cmd': 'INSERT INTO clin.hospital_stay (fk_encounter, fk_episode, fk_org_unit) VALUES (%(enc)s, %(epi)s, %(fk_org_unit)s) RETURNING pk',
'args': {'enc': encounter, 'epi': episode, 'fk_org_unit': fk_org_unit}
rows = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = queries, return_data = True)
return cHospitalStay(aPK_obj = rows[0][0])
def delete_hospital_stay(stay=None):
cmd = 'DELETE FROM clin.hospital_stay WHERE pk = %(pk)s'
args = {'pk': stay}
gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
return True
_SQL_get_procedures = "select * from clin.v_procedures where %s"
class cPerformedProcedure(gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject):
_cmd_fetch_payload = _SQL_get_procedures % "pk_procedure = %s"
_cmds_store_payload = [
"""UPDATE clin.procedure SET
soap_cat = 'p',
clin_when = %(clin_when)s,
clin_end = %(clin_end)s,
is_ongoing = %(is_ongoing)s,
narrative = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(performed_procedure)s),
fk_hospital_stay = %(pk_hospital_stay)s,
fk_org_unit = (CASE
WHEN %(pk_hospital_stay)s IS NULL THEN %(pk_org_unit)s
fk_episode = %(pk_episode)s,
fk_encounter = %(pk_encounter)s,
fk_doc = %(pk_doc)s,
comment = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(comment)s)
pk = %(pk_procedure)s AND
xmin = %(xmin_procedure)s
RETURNING xmin as xmin_procedure"""
_updatable_fields = [
def __setitem__(self, attribute, value):
if (attribute == 'pk_hospital_stay') and (value is not None):
gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject.__setitem__(self, 'pk_org_unit', None)
if (attribute == 'pk_org_unit') and (value is not None):
gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject.__setitem__(self, 'pk_hospital_stay', None)
gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject.__setitem__(self, attribute, value)
def format_maximum_information(self, left_margin=0, patient=None):
return self.format (
left_margin = left_margin,
include_episode = True,
include_codes = True,
include_address = True,
include_comm = True,
include_doc = True
def format(self, left_margin=0, include_episode=True, include_codes=False, include_address=False, include_comm=False, include_doc=False):
if self._payload['is_ongoing']:
end = _(' (ongoing)')
end = self._payload['clin_end']
if end is None:
end = ''
end = ' - %s' % gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(end, '%Y %b %d')
line = '%s%s%s: %s%s [%s @ %s]' % (
(' ' * left_margin),
gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self._payload['clin_when'], '%Y %b %d'),
gmTools.bool2str(include_episode, ' (%s)' % self._payload['episode'], ''),
line += gmTools.coalesce(self._payload['comment'], '', '\n' + (' ' * left_margin) + _('Comment: ') + '%s')
if include_comm:
for channel in self.org_unit.comm_channels:
line += ('\n%(comm_type)s: %(url)s' % channel)
if include_address:
adr = self.org_unit.address
if adr is not None:
line += '\n'
line += '\n'.join(adr.format(single_line = False, show_type = False))
line += '\n'
if include_doc:
doc = self.doc
if doc is not None:
line += '\n'
line += _('Document') + ': ' + doc.format(single_line = True)
line += '\n'
if include_codes:
codes = self.generic_codes
if len(codes) > 0:
line += '\n'
for c in codes:
line += '%s %s: %s (%s - %s)\n' % (
(' ' * left_margin),
del codes
return line
def add_code(self, pk_code=None):
"""<pk_code> must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code)"""
cmd = "INSERT INTO clin.lnk_code2procedure (fk_item, fk_generic_code) values (%(issue)s, %(code)s)"
args = {
'issue': self._payload['pk_procedure'],
'code': pk_code
gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
return True
def remove_code(self, pk_code=None):
"""<pk_code> must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code)"""
cmd = "DELETE FROM clin.lnk_code2procedure WHERE fk_item = %(issue)s AND fk_generic_code = %(code)s"
args = {
'issue': self._payload['pk_procedure'],
'code': pk_code
gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
return True
# properties
def _get_stay(self):
if self._payload['pk_hospital_stay'] is None:
return None
return cHospitalStay(aPK_obj = self._payload['pk_hospital_stay'])
hospital_stay = property(_get_stay)
def _get_org_unit(self):
return gmOrganization.cOrgUnit(self._payload['pk_org_unit'])
org_unit = property(_get_org_unit)
def _get_doc(self):
if self._payload['pk_doc'] is None:
return None
return gmDocuments.cDocument(aPK_obj = self._payload['pk_doc'])
doc = property(_get_doc)
def _get_generic_codes(self):
if len(self._payload['pk_generic_codes']) == 0:
return []
cmd = gmCoding._SQL_get_generic_linked_codes % 'pk_generic_code = ANY(%(pks)s)'
args = {'pks': self._payload['pk_generic_codes']}
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
return [ gmCoding.cGenericLinkedCode(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_lnk_code2item'}) for r in rows ]
def _set_generic_codes(self, pk_codes):
queries = []
# remove all codes
if len(self._payload['pk_generic_codes']) > 0:
queries.append ({
'cmd': 'DELETE FROM clin.lnk_code2procedure WHERE fk_item = %(proc)s AND fk_generic_code = ANY(%(codes)s)',
'args': {
'proc': self._payload['pk_procedure'],
'codes': self._payload['pk_generic_codes']
# add new codes
for pk_code in pk_codes:
queries.append ({
'cmd': 'INSERT INTO clin.lnk_code2procedure (fk_item, fk_generic_code) VALUES (%(proc)s, %(pk_code)s)',
'args': {
'proc': self._payload['pk_procedure'],
'pk_code': pk_code
if len(queries) == 0:
# run it all in one transaction
gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = queries)
generic_codes = property(_get_generic_codes, _set_generic_codes)
def get_performed_procedures(patient=None, return_pks=False):
queries = [{
'cmd': 'SELECT * FROM clin.v_procedures WHERE pk_patient = %(pat)s ORDER BY clin_when',
'args': {'pat': patient}
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = queries)
if return_pks:
return [ r['pk_procedure'] for r in rows ]
return [ cPerformedProcedure(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_procedure'}) for r in rows ]
def get_procedures4document(pk_document=None, return_pks=False):
args = {'pk_doc': pk_document}
cmd = _SQL_get_procedures % 'pk_doc = %(pk_doc)s'
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
if return_pks:
return [ r['pk_procedure'] for r in rows ]
return [ cPerformedProcedure(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_procedure'}) for r in rows ]
def get_latest_performed_procedure(patient=None):
queries = [{
'cmd': 'select * FROM clin.v_procedures WHERE pk_patient = %(pat)s ORDER BY clin_when DESC LIMIT 1',
'args': {'pat': patient}
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = queries)
if len(rows) == 0:
return None
return cPerformedProcedure(row = {'data': rows[0], 'pk_field': 'pk_procedure'})
def create_performed_procedure(encounter=None, episode=None, location=None, hospital_stay=None, procedure=None):
queries = [{
'cmd': """
INSERT INTO clin.procedure (
'args': {'enc': encounter, 'epi': episode, 'loc': location, 'stay': hospital_stay, 'proc': procedure}
rows = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = queries, return_data = True)
return cPerformedProcedure(aPK_obj = rows[0][0])
def delete_performed_procedure(procedure=None):
cmd = 'delete from clin.procedure where pk = %(pk)s'
args = {'pk': procedure}
gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
return True
def export_emr_structure(patient=None, filename=None):
if filename is None:
filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename(prefix = 'gm-emr_struct-%s-' % patient.subdir_name, suffix = '.txt')
f = open(filename, 'w+', encoding = 'utf8')
f.write('patient [%s]\n' % patient.description_gender)
emr = patient.emr
for issue in emr.health_issues:
f.write('issue [%s] #%s\n' % (issue['description'], issue['pk_health_issue']))
f.write(' is active : %s\n' % issue['is_active'])
f.write(' has open epi : %s\n' % issue['has_open_episode'])
f.write(' possible start: %s\n' % issue.possible_start_date)
f.write(' safe start : %s\n' % issue.safe_start_date)
end = issue.clinical_end_date
if end is None:
f.write(' end : active and/or open episode\n')
f.write(' end : %s\n' % end)
f.write(' latest access : %s\n' % issue.latest_access_date)
first = issue.first_episode
if first is not None:
first = first['description']
f.write(' 1st episode : %s\n' % first)
last = issue.latest_episode
if last is not None:
last = last['description']
f.write(' latest episode: %s\n' % last)
epis = sorted(issue.get_episodes(), key = lambda e: e.best_guess_clinical_start_date)
for epi in epis:
f.write(' episode [%s] #%s\n' % (epi['description'], epi['pk_episode']))
f.write(' is open : %s\n' % epi['episode_open'])
f.write(' best guess start: %s\n' % epi.best_guess_clinical_start_date)
f.write(' best guess end : %s\n' % epi.best_guess_clinical_end_date)
f.write(' latest access : %s\n' % epi.latest_access_date)
f.write(' start 1st enc : %s\n' % epi['started_first'])
f.write(' start last enc : %s\n' % epi['started_last'])
f.write(' end last enc : %s\n' % epi['last_affirmed'])
return filename
# tools
def check_fk_encounter_fk_episode_x_ref():
aggregate_result = 0
fks_linking2enc = gmPG2.get_foreign_keys2column(schema = 'clin', table = 'encounter', column = 'pk')
tables_linking2enc = set([ r['referencing_table'] for r in fks_linking2enc ])
fks_linking2epi = gmPG2.get_foreign_keys2column(schema = 'clin', table = 'episode', column = 'pk')
tables_linking2epi = [ r['referencing_table'] for r in fks_linking2epi ]
tables_linking2both = tables_linking2enc.intersection(tables_linking2epi)
tables_linking2enc = {}
for fk in fks_linking2enc:
table = fk['referencing_table']
tables_linking2enc[table] = fk
tables_linking2epi = {}
for fk in fks_linking2epi:
table = fk['referencing_table']
tables_linking2epi[table] = fk
for t in tables_linking2both:
table_file_name = 'x-check_enc_epi_xref-%s.log' % t
table_file = open(table_file_name, 'w+', encoding = 'utf8')
# get PK column
args = {'table': t}
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': gmPG2.SQL_get_pk_col_def, 'args': args}])
pk_col = rows[0][0]
print("checking table:", t, '- pk col:', pk_col)
print(' =>', table_file_name)
table_file.write('table: %s\n' % t)
table_file.write('PK col: %s\n' % pk_col)
# get PKs
cmd = 'select %s from %s' % (pk_col, t)
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd}])
pks = [ r[0] for r in rows ]
for pk in pks:
args = {'pk': pk, 'tbl': t}
enc_cmd = "select fk_patient from clin.encounter where pk = (select fk_encounter from %s where %s = %%(pk)s)" % (t, pk_col)
epi_cmd = "select fk_patient from clin.encounter where pk = (select fk_encounter from clin.episode where pk = (select fk_episode from %s where %s = %%(pk)s))" % (t, pk_col)
enc_rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': enc_cmd, 'args': args}])
epi_rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': epi_cmd, 'args': args}])
enc_pat = enc_rows[0][0]
epi_pat = epi_rows[0][0]
args['pat_enc'] = enc_pat
args['pat_epi'] = epi_pat
if epi_pat != enc_pat:
print(' mismatch: row pk=%s, enc pat=%s, epi pat=%s' % (pk, enc_pat, epi_pat))
aggregate_result = -2
table_file.write('mismatch on row with pk: %s\n' % pk)
table_file.write('journal entry:\n')
cmd = 'SELECT * from clin.v_emr_journal where src_table = %(tbl)s AND src_pk = %(pk)s'
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
if len(rows) > 0:
table_file.write(gmTools.format_dict_like(rows[0], left_margin = 1, tabular = False, value_delimiters = None))
table_file.write('row data:\n')
cmd = 'SELECT * from %s where %s = %%(pk)s' % (t, pk_col)
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
table_file.write(gmTools.format_dict_like(rows[0], left_margin = 1, tabular = False, value_delimiters = None))
cmd = 'SELECT * from clin.v_pat_episodes WHERE pk_episode = (select fk_episode from %s where %s = %%(pk)s)' % (t, pk_col)
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
table_file.write(gmTools.format_dict_like(rows[0], left_margin = 1, tabular = False, value_delimiters = None))
table_file.write('patient of episode:\n')
cmd = 'SELECT * FROM dem.v_persons WHERE pk_identity = %(pat_epi)s'
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
table_file.write(gmTools.format_dict_like(rows[0], left_margin = 1, tabular = False, value_delimiters = None))
cmd = 'SELECT * from clin.v_pat_encounters WHERE pk_encounter = (select fk_encounter from %s where %s = %%(pk)s)' % (t, pk_col)
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
table_file.write(gmTools.format_dict_like(rows[0], left_margin = 1, tabular = False, value_delimiters = None))
table_file.write('patient of encounter:\n')
cmd = 'SELECT * FROM dem.v_persons WHERE pk_identity = %(pat_enc)s'
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
table_file.write(gmTools.format_dict_like(rows[0], left_margin = 1, tabular = False, value_delimiters = None))
return aggregate_result
def export_patient_emr_structure():
from import gmPersonSearch
gmPraxis.gmCurrentPraxisBranch(branch = gmPraxis.get_praxis_branches()[0])
pat = gmPersonSearch.ask_for_patient()
while pat is not None:
print('patient:', pat.description_gender)
fname = os.path.expanduser('~/gnumed/gm-emr_structure-%s.txt' % pat.subdir_name)
print('exported into:', export_emr_structure(patient = pat, filename = fname))
pat = gmPersonSearch.ask_for_patient()
return 0
# main - unit testing
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
if sys.argv[1] != 'test':
# define tests
def test_problem():
print("\nProblem test")
prob = cProblem(aPK_obj={'pk_patient': 12, 'pk_health_issue': 1, 'pk_episode': None})
fields = prob.get_fields()
for field in fields:
print(field, ':', prob[field])
print('\nupdatable:', prob.get_updatable_fields())
epi = prob.get_as_episode()
print('\nas episode:')
if epi is not None:
for field in epi.get_fields():
print(' .%s : %s' % (field, epi[field]))
def test_health_issue():
print("\nhealth issue test")
#h_issue = cHealthIssue(aPK_obj = 894)
h_issue = cHealthIssue(aPK_obj = 1)
# print('possible start:', h_issue.possible_start_date)
# print('safe start :', h_issue.safe_start_date)
# print('end date :', h_issue.clinical_end_date)
# fields = h_issue.get_fields()
# for field in fields:
# print field, ':', h_issue[field]
# print "has open episode:", h_issue.has_open_episode()
# print "open episode:", h_issue.get_open_episode()
# print "updateable:", h_issue.get_updatable_fields()
# h_issue.close_expired_episode(ttl=7300)
# h_issue = cHealthIssue(encounter = 1, name = u'post appendectomy/peritonitis')
# print h_issue
# print h_issue.format_as_journal()
def test_episode():
print("episode test")
for i in range(1,15):
episode = cEpisode(aPK_obj = i)#322) #1674) #1354) #1461) #1299)
print(' start:', episode.best_guess_clinical_start_date)
print(' end :', episode.best_guess_clinical_end_date)
#print(' dura :', get_formatted_clinical_duration(pk_episode = i))
fields = episode.get_fields()
for field in fields:
print(field, ':', episode[field])
print("updatable:", episode.get_updatable_fields())
input('ENTER to continue')
desc = '1-%s' % episode['description']
print("==> renaming to", desc)
successful = episode.rename (
description = desc
if not successful:
for field in fields:
print(field, ':', episode[field])
input('ENTER to continue')
def test_encounter():
print("\nencounter test")
encounter = cEncounter(aPK_obj=1)
fields = encounter.get_fields()
for field in fields:
print(field, ':', encounter[field])
print("updatable:", encounter.get_updatable_fields())
#print encounter.formatted_revision_history
print(encounter.transfer_all_data_to_another_encounter(pk_target_encounter = 2))
def test_encounter2latex():
encounter = cEncounter(aPK_obj=1)
def test_performed_procedure():
procs = get_performed_procedures(patient = 12)
for proc in procs:
def test_hospital_stay():
stay = create_hospital_stay(encounter = 1, episode = 2, fk_org_unit = 1)
# stay['hospital'] = u'Starfleet Galaxy General Hospital'
# stay.save_payload()
for s in get_patient_hospital_stays(12):
stay = create_hospital_stay(encounter = 1, episode = 4, fk_org_unit = 1)
def test_diagnostic_certainty_classification_map():
tests = [None, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
for t in tests:
print(type(t), t)
print(type(diagnostic_certainty_classification2str(t)), diagnostic_certainty_classification2str(t))
def test_episode_codes():
epi = cEpisode(aPK_obj = 2)
def test_episode_encounters():
epi = cEpisode(aPK_obj = 1638)
def test_export_emr_structure():
#praxis = gmPraxis.gmCurrentPraxisBranch(branch = gmPraxis.get_praxis_branches()[0])
#from import gmPerson
## 12 / 20 / 138 / 58 / 20 / 5 / 14
#pat = gmPerson.gmCurrentPatient(gmPerson.cPatient(aPK_obj = 138))
#fname = os.path.expanduser(u'~/gnumed/emr_structure-%s.txt' % pat.subdir_name)
#print export_emr_structure(patient = pat, filename = fname)
def test_cEpisodeMatchProvider():
mp = cEpisodeMatchProvider()
print(mp._find_matches('no patient'))
# run them
def check_fk_encounter_fk_episode_x_ref()
Expand source code
def check_fk_encounter_fk_episode_x_ref(): aggregate_result = 0 fks_linking2enc = gmPG2.get_foreign_keys2column(schema = 'clin', table = 'encounter', column = 'pk') tables_linking2enc = set([ r['referencing_table'] for r in fks_linking2enc ]) fks_linking2epi = gmPG2.get_foreign_keys2column(schema = 'clin', table = 'episode', column = 'pk') tables_linking2epi = [ r['referencing_table'] for r in fks_linking2epi ] tables_linking2both = tables_linking2enc.intersection(tables_linking2epi) tables_linking2enc = {} for fk in fks_linking2enc: table = fk['referencing_table'] tables_linking2enc[table] = fk tables_linking2epi = {} for fk in fks_linking2epi: table = fk['referencing_table'] tables_linking2epi[table] = fk for t in tables_linking2both: table_file_name = 'x-check_enc_epi_xref-%s.log' % t table_file = open(table_file_name, 'w+', encoding = 'utf8') # get PK column args = {'table': t} rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': gmPG2.SQL_get_pk_col_def, 'args': args}]) pk_col = rows[0][0] print("checking table:", t, '- pk col:', pk_col) print(' =>', table_file_name) table_file.write('table: %s\n' % t) table_file.write('PK col: %s\n' % pk_col) # get PKs cmd = 'select %s from %s' % (pk_col, t) rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd}]) pks = [ r[0] for r in rows ] for pk in pks: args = {'pk': pk, 'tbl': t} enc_cmd = "select fk_patient from clin.encounter where pk = (select fk_encounter from %s where %s = %%(pk)s)" % (t, pk_col) epi_cmd = "select fk_patient from clin.encounter where pk = (select fk_encounter from clin.episode where pk = (select fk_episode from %s where %s = %%(pk)s))" % (t, pk_col) enc_rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': enc_cmd, 'args': args}]) epi_rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': epi_cmd, 'args': args}]) enc_pat = enc_rows[0][0] epi_pat = epi_rows[0][0] args['pat_enc'] = enc_pat args['pat_epi'] = epi_pat if epi_pat != enc_pat: print(' mismatch: row pk=%s, enc pat=%s, epi pat=%s' % (pk, enc_pat, epi_pat)) aggregate_result = -2 table_file.write('--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n') table_file.write('mismatch on row with pk: %s\n' % pk) table_file.write('\n') table_file.write('journal entry:\n') cmd = 'SELECT * from clin.v_emr_journal where src_table = %(tbl)s AND src_pk = %(pk)s' rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) if len(rows) > 0: table_file.write(gmTools.format_dict_like(rows[0], left_margin = 1, tabular = False, value_delimiters = None)) table_file.write('\n\n') table_file.write('row data:\n') cmd = 'SELECT * from %s where %s = %%(pk)s' % (t, pk_col) rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) table_file.write(gmTools.format_dict_like(rows[0], left_margin = 1, tabular = False, value_delimiters = None)) table_file.write('\n\n') table_file.write('episode:\n') cmd = 'SELECT * from clin.v_pat_episodes WHERE pk_episode = (select fk_episode from %s where %s = %%(pk)s)' % (t, pk_col) rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) table_file.write(gmTools.format_dict_like(rows[0], left_margin = 1, tabular = False, value_delimiters = None)) table_file.write('\n\n') table_file.write('patient of episode:\n') cmd = 'SELECT * FROM dem.v_persons WHERE pk_identity = %(pat_epi)s' rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) table_file.write(gmTools.format_dict_like(rows[0], left_margin = 1, tabular = False, value_delimiters = None)) table_file.write('\n\n') table_file.write('encounter:\n') cmd = 'SELECT * from clin.v_pat_encounters WHERE pk_encounter = (select fk_encounter from %s where %s = %%(pk)s)' % (t, pk_col) rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) table_file.write(gmTools.format_dict_like(rows[0], left_margin = 1, tabular = False, value_delimiters = None)) table_file.write('\n\n') table_file.write('patient of encounter:\n') cmd = 'SELECT * FROM dem.v_persons WHERE pk_identity = %(pat_enc)s' rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) table_file.write(gmTools.format_dict_like(rows[0], left_margin = 1, tabular = False, value_delimiters = None)) table_file.write('\n') table_file.write('done\n') table_file.close() return aggregate_result
def create_encounter(fk_patient=None, enc_type=None)
Creates a new encounter for a patient.
fk_patient - patient PK enc_type - type of encounter
Expand source code
def create_encounter(fk_patient=None, enc_type=None): """Creates a new encounter for a patient. fk_patient - patient PK enc_type - type of encounter """ if enc_type is None: enc_type = 'in surgery' # insert new encounter queries = [] try: enc_type = int(enc_type) cmd = """ INSERT INTO clin.encounter (fk_patient, fk_type, fk_location) VALUES (%(pat)s, %(typ)s, %(prax)s) RETURNING pk""" except ValueError: enc_type = enc_type cmd = """ INSERT INTO clin.encounter (fk_patient, fk_location, fk_type) VALUES ( %(pat)s, %(prax)s, coalesce ( (select pk from clin.encounter_type where description = %(typ)s), -- pick the first available (select pk from clin.encounter_type limit 1) ) ) RETURNING pk""" praxis = gmPraxis.gmCurrentPraxisBranch() args = {'pat': fk_patient, 'typ': enc_type, 'prax': praxis['pk_org_unit']} queries.append({'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}) rows = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = queries, return_data = True) encounter = cEncounter(aPK_obj = rows[0]['pk']) return encounter
def create_encounter_type(description=None, l10n_description=None)
This will attempt to create a NEW encounter type.
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def create_encounter_type(description=None, l10n_description=None): """This will attempt to create a NEW encounter type.""" # need a system name, so derive one if necessary if description is None: description = l10n_description args = { 'desc': description, 'l10n_desc': l10n_description } _log.debug('creating encounter type: %s, %s', description, l10n_description) # does it exist already ? cmd = "select description, _(description) from clin.encounter_type where description = %(desc)s" rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) # yes if len(rows) > 0: # both system and l10n name are the same so all is well if (rows[0][0] == description) and (rows[0][1] == l10n_description):'encounter type [%s] already exists with the proper translation') return {'description': description, 'l10n_description': l10n_description} # or maybe there just wasn't a translation to # the current language for this type yet ? cmd = "select exists (select 1 from i18n.translations where orig = %(desc)s and lang = i18n.get_curr_lang())" rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) # there was, so fail if rows[0][0]: _log.error('encounter type [%s] already exists but with another translation') return None # else set it cmd = "select i18n.upd_tx(%(desc)s, %(l10n_desc)s)" rows = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return {'description': description, 'l10n_description': l10n_description} # no queries = [ {'cmd': "insert into clin.encounter_type (description) values (%(desc)s)", 'args': args}, {'cmd': "select i18n.upd_tx(%(desc)s, %(l10n_desc)s)", 'args': args} ] rows = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = queries) return {'description': description, 'l10n_description': l10n_description}
def create_episode(pk_health_issue=None, episode_name=None, is_open=False, allow_dupes=False, encounter=None, link_obj=None)
Creates a new episode for a given patient's health issue.
pk_health_issue - given health issue PK episode_name - name of episode is_open - whether a new episode is to be open (don't tinker with existing ones)
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def create_episode(pk_health_issue=None, episode_name=None, is_open=False, allow_dupes=False, encounter=None, link_obj=None): """Creates a new episode for a given patient's health issue. pk_health_issue - given health issue PK episode_name - name of episode is_open - whether a *new* episode is to be open (don't tinker with existing ones) """ if not allow_dupes: try: return cEpisode(name = episode_name, health_issue = pk_health_issue, encounter = encounter, link_obj = link_obj) except gmExceptions.ConstructorError: pass queries = [] cmd = "INSERT INTO clin.episode (fk_health_issue, description, is_open, fk_encounter) VALUES (%s, %s, %s::boolean, %s)" queries.append({'cmd': cmd, 'args': [pk_health_issue, episode_name, is_open, encounter]}) queries.append({'cmd': cEpisode._cmd_fetch_payload % "currval('clin.episode_pk_seq')"}) rows = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = queries, return_data=True) return cEpisode(row = {'data': rows[0], 'pk_field': 'pk_episode'})
def create_health_issue(description=None, encounter=None, patient=None, link_obj=None)
Creates a new health issue for a given patient.
description - health issue name
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def create_health_issue(description=None, encounter=None, patient=None, link_obj=None): """Creates a new health issue for a given patient. description - health issue name """ try: h_issue = cHealthIssue(name = description, encounter = encounter, patient = patient) return h_issue except gmExceptions.NoSuchBusinessObjectError: pass queries = [] cmd = "insert into clin.health_issue (description, fk_encounter) values (%(desc)s, %(enc)s)" queries.append({'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'desc': description, 'enc': encounter}}) cmd = "select currval('clin.health_issue_pk_seq')" queries.append({'cmd': cmd}) rows = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = queries, return_data = True, link_obj = link_obj) h_issue = cHealthIssue(aPK_obj = rows[0][0]) return h_issue
def create_hospital_stay(encounter=None, episode=None, fk_org_unit=None)
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def create_hospital_stay(encounter=None, episode=None, fk_org_unit=None): queries = [{ 'cmd': 'INSERT INTO clin.hospital_stay (fk_encounter, fk_episode, fk_org_unit) VALUES (%(enc)s, %(epi)s, %(fk_org_unit)s) RETURNING pk', 'args': {'enc': encounter, 'epi': episode, 'fk_org_unit': fk_org_unit} }] rows = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = queries, return_data = True) return cHospitalStay(aPK_obj = rows[0][0])
def create_performed_procedure(encounter=None, episode=None, location=None, hospital_stay=None, procedure=None)
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def create_performed_procedure(encounter=None, episode=None, location=None, hospital_stay=None, procedure=None): queries = [{ 'cmd': """ INSERT INTO clin.procedure ( fk_encounter, fk_episode, soap_cat, fk_org_unit, fk_hospital_stay, narrative ) VALUES ( %(enc)s, %(epi)s, 'p', %(loc)s, %(stay)s, gm.nullify_empty_string(%(proc)s) ) RETURNING pk""", 'args': {'enc': encounter, 'epi': episode, 'loc': location, 'stay': hospital_stay, 'proc': procedure} }] rows = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = queries, return_data = True) return cPerformedProcedure(aPK_obj = rows[0][0])
def delete_encounter(pk_encounter)
Deletes an encounter by PK.
- attempts to obtain an exclusive lock which should fail if the encounter is the active encounter in this or any other client
- catches DB exceptions which should mostly be related to clinical data already having been attached to the encounter thus making deletion fail
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def delete_encounter(pk_encounter): """Deletes an encounter by PK. - attempts to obtain an exclusive lock which should fail if the encounter is the active encounter in this or any other client - catches DB exceptions which should mostly be related to clinical data already having been attached to the encounter thus making deletion fail """ conn = gmPG2.get_connection(readonly = False) if not lock_encounter(pk_encounter, exclusive = True, link_obj = conn): _log.debug('cannot lock encounter [%s] for deletion, it seems in use', pk_encounter) return False cmd = """DELETE FROM clin.encounter WHERE pk = %(enc)s""" args = {'enc': pk_encounter} try: gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) except gmPG2.PG_ERROR_EXCEPTION as exc: _log.exception('cannot delete encounter [%s]', pk_encounter) gmPG2.log_pg_exception_details(exc) unlock_encounter(pk_encounter, exclusive = True, link_obj = conn) return False unlock_encounter(pk_encounter, exclusive = True, link_obj = conn) return True
def delete_encounter_type(description=None)
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def delete_encounter_type(description=None): deleted = False cmd = "delete from clin.encounter_type where description = %(desc)s" args = {'desc': description} try: gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) deleted = True except gmPG2.dbapi.IntegrityError as e: if e.pgcode != gmPG2.PG_error_codes.FOREIGN_KEY_VIOLATION: raise return deleted
def delete_episode(episode=None)
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def delete_episode(episode=None): if isinstance(episode, cEpisode): pk = episode['pk_episode'] else: pk = int(episode) cmd = 'DELETE FROM clin.episode WHERE pk = %(pk)s' try: gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'pk': pk}}]) except gmPG2.dbapi.IntegrityError: # should be parsing pgcode/and or error message _log.exception('cannot delete episode, it is in use') return False return True
def delete_health_issue(health_issue=None)
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def delete_health_issue(health_issue=None): if isinstance(health_issue, cHealthIssue): args = {'pk': health_issue['pk_health_issue']} else: args = {'pk': int(health_issue)} try: gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': 'DELETE FROM clin.health_issue WHERE pk = %(pk)s', 'args': args}]) except gmPG2.dbapi.IntegrityError: # should be parsing pgcode/and or error message _log.exception('cannot delete health issue') return False return True
def delete_hospital_stay(stay=None)
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def delete_hospital_stay(stay=None): cmd = 'DELETE FROM clin.hospital_stay WHERE pk = %(pk)s' args = {'pk': stay} gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return True
def delete_performed_procedure(procedure=None)
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def delete_performed_procedure(procedure=None): cmd = 'delete from clin.procedure where pk = %(pk)s' args = {'pk': procedure} gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return True
def diagnostic_certainty_classification2str(classification)
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def diagnostic_certainty_classification2str(classification): global __diagnostic_certainty_classification_map if __diagnostic_certainty_classification_map is None: __diagnostic_certainty_classification_map = { None: '', 'A': _('A: Sign'), 'B': _('B: Cluster of signs'), 'C': _('C: Syndromic diagnosis'), 'D': _('D: Scientific diagnosis') } try: return __diagnostic_certainty_classification_map[classification] except KeyError: return _('<%s>: unknown diagnostic certainty classification') % classification
def episode2problem(episode=None, allow_closed=False)
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def episode2problem(episode=None, allow_closed=False): return cProblem ( aPK_obj = { 'pk_patient': episode['pk_patient'], 'pk_episode': episode['pk_episode'], 'pk_health_issue': episode['pk_health_issue'] }, try_potential_problems = allow_closed )
def export_emr_structure(patient=None, filename=None)
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def export_emr_structure(patient=None, filename=None): if filename is None: filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename(prefix = 'gm-emr_struct-%s-' % patient.subdir_name, suffix = '.txt') f = open(filename, 'w+', encoding = 'utf8') f.write('patient [%s]\n' % patient.description_gender) emr = patient.emr for issue in emr.health_issues: f.write('\n') f.write('\n') f.write('issue [%s] #%s\n' % (issue['description'], issue['pk_health_issue'])) f.write(' is active : %s\n' % issue['is_active']) f.write(' has open epi : %s\n' % issue['has_open_episode']) f.write(' possible start: %s\n' % issue.possible_start_date) f.write(' safe start : %s\n' % issue.safe_start_date) end = issue.clinical_end_date if end is None: f.write(' end : active and/or open episode\n') else: f.write(' end : %s\n' % end) f.write(' latest access : %s\n' % issue.latest_access_date) first = issue.first_episode if first is not None: first = first['description'] f.write(' 1st episode : %s\n' % first) last = issue.latest_episode if last is not None: last = last['description'] f.write(' latest episode: %s\n' % last) epis = sorted(issue.get_episodes(), key = lambda e: e.best_guess_clinical_start_date) for epi in epis: f.write('\n') f.write(' episode [%s] #%s\n' % (epi['description'], epi['pk_episode'])) f.write(' is open : %s\n' % epi['episode_open']) f.write(' best guess start: %s\n' % epi.best_guess_clinical_start_date) f.write(' best guess end : %s\n' % epi.best_guess_clinical_end_date) f.write(' latest access : %s\n' % epi.latest_access_date) f.write(' start 1st enc : %s\n' % epi['started_first']) f.write(' start last enc : %s\n' % epi['started_last']) f.write(' end last enc : %s\n' % epi['last_affirmed']) f.close() return filename
def export_patient_emr_structure()
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def export_patient_emr_structure(): from import gmPersonSearch gmPraxis.gmCurrentPraxisBranch(branch = gmPraxis.get_praxis_branches()[0]) pat = gmPersonSearch.ask_for_patient() while pat is not None: print('patient:', pat.description_gender) fname = os.path.expanduser('~/gnumed/gm-emr_structure-%s.txt' % pat.subdir_name) print('exported into:', export_emr_structure(patient = pat, filename = fname)) pat = gmPersonSearch.ask_for_patient() return 0
def format_clinical_duration_of_episode(start=None, end=None)
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def format_clinical_duration_of_episode(start=None, end=None): assert (start is not None), '<start> must not be None' if end is None: start_end_str = '%s-%s' % ( gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(start, "%b'%y"), gmTools.u_ellipsis ) start_end_str_long = '%s - %s' % ( gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(start, '%b %d %Y'), gmTools.u_ellipsis ) duration_str = _('%s so far') % gmDateTime.format_interval_medically(gmDateTime.pydt_now_here() - start) return (start_end_str, start_end_str_long, duration_str) duration_str = gmDateTime.format_interval_medically(end - start) # year different: if end.year != start.year: start_end_str = '%s-%s' % ( gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(start, "%b'%y"), gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(end, "%b'%y") ) start_end_str_long = '%s - %s' % ( gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(start, '%b %d %Y'), gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(end, '%b %d %Y') ) return (start_end_str, start_end_str_long, duration_str) # same year: if end.month != start.month: start_end_str = '%s-%s' % ( gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(start, '%b'), gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(end, "%b'%y") ) start_end_str_long = '%s - %s' % ( gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(start, '%b %d'), gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(end, '%b %d %Y') ) return (start_end_str, start_end_str_long, duration_str) # same year and same month start_end_str = gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(start, "%b'%y") start_end_str_long = gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(start, '%b %d %Y') return (start_end_str, start_end_str_long, duration_str)
def get_best_guess_clinical_end_date_for_episode(pk_episode=None)
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def get_best_guess_clinical_end_date_for_episode(pk_episode=None): assert (pk_episode is not None), '<pk_episode> must not be None' query = { 'cmd': _SQL_best_guess_clinical_end_date_for_episode, 'args': {'pk': pk_episode} } rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [query]) return rows[0][0]
def get_best_guess_clinical_start_date_for_episode(pk_episode=None)
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def get_best_guess_clinical_start_date_for_episode(pk_episode=None): assert (pk_episode is not None), '<pk_episode> must not be None' query = { 'cmd': _SQL_best_guess_clinical_start_date_for_episode, 'args': {'pk': pk_episode} } rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [query]) return rows[0][0]
def get_dummy_health_issue()
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def get_dummy_health_issue(): issue = { 'pk_health_issue': None, 'description': _('Unattributed episodes'), 'age_noted': None, 'laterality': 'na', 'is_active': True, 'clinically_relevant': True, 'is_confidential': None, 'is_cause_of_death': False, 'is_dummy': True, 'grouping': None } return issue
def get_encounter_type(description=None)
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def get_encounter_type(description=None): cmd = "SELECT * from clin.encounter_type where description = %s" rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': [description]}]) return rows
def get_encounter_types()
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def get_encounter_types(): cmd = """ SELECT _(description) AS l10n_description, description FROM clin.encounter_type ORDER BY l10n_description """ rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd}]) return rows
def get_latest_patient_hospital_stay(patient=None)
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def get_latest_patient_hospital_stay(patient=None): cmd = _SQL_get_hospital_stays % "pk_patient = %(pat)s ORDER BY admission DESC LIMIT 1" queries = [{ # this assumes non-overarching stays #'cmd': u'SELECT * FROM clin.v_hospital_stays WHERE pk_patient = %(pat)s ORDER BY admission DESC LIMIT 1', 'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'pat': patient} }] rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = queries) if len(rows) == 0: return None return cHospitalStay(row = {'data': rows[0], 'pk_field': 'pk_hospital_stay'})
def get_latest_performed_procedure(patient=None)
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def get_latest_performed_procedure(patient=None): queries = [{ 'cmd': 'select * FROM clin.v_procedures WHERE pk_patient = %(pat)s ORDER BY clin_when DESC LIMIT 1', 'args': {'pat': patient} }] rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = queries) if len(rows) == 0: return None return cPerformedProcedure(row = {'data': rows[0], 'pk_field': 'pk_procedure'})
def get_most_commonly_used_encounter_type()
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def get_most_commonly_used_encounter_type(): cmd = """ SELECT COUNT(*) AS type_count, fk_type FROM clin.encounter GROUP BY fk_type ORDER BY type_count DESC LIMIT 1 """ rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd}]) if len(rows) == 0: return None return rows[0]['fk_type']
def get_patient_hospital_stays(patient=None, ongoing_only=False, return_pks=False)
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def get_patient_hospital_stays(patient=None, ongoing_only=False, return_pks=False): args = {'pat': patient} if ongoing_only: cmd = _SQL_get_hospital_stays % "pk_patient = %(pat)s AND discharge is NULL ORDER BY admission" else: cmd = _SQL_get_hospital_stays % "pk_patient = %(pat)s ORDER BY admission" queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}] rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = queries) if return_pks: return [ r['pk_hospital_stay'] for r in rows ] return [ cHospitalStay(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_hospital_stay'}) for r in rows ]
def get_performed_procedures(patient=None, return_pks=False)
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def get_performed_procedures(patient=None, return_pks=False): queries = [{ 'cmd': 'SELECT * FROM clin.v_procedures WHERE pk_patient = %(pat)s ORDER BY clin_when', 'args': {'pat': patient} }] rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = queries) if return_pks: return [ r['pk_procedure'] for r in rows ] return [ cPerformedProcedure(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_procedure'}) for r in rows ]
def get_procedures4document(pk_document=None, return_pks=False)
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def get_procedures4document(pk_document=None, return_pks=False): args = {'pk_doc': pk_document} cmd = _SQL_get_procedures % 'pk_doc = %(pk_doc)s' rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) if return_pks: return [ r['pk_procedure'] for r in rows ] return [ cPerformedProcedure(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_procedure'}) for r in rows ]
def health_issue2problem(health_issue=None, allow_irrelevant=False)
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def health_issue2problem(health_issue=None, allow_irrelevant=False): return cProblem ( aPK_obj = { 'pk_patient': health_issue['pk_patient'], 'pk_health_issue': health_issue['pk_health_issue'], 'pk_episode': None }, try_potential_problems = allow_irrelevant )
def lock_encounter(pk_encounter, exclusive=False, link_obj=None)
Used to protect against deletion of active encounter from another client.
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def lock_encounter(pk_encounter, exclusive=False, link_obj=None): """Used to protect against deletion of active encounter from another client.""" return gmPG2.lock_row(link_obj = link_obj, table = 'clin.encounter', pk = pk_encounter, exclusive = exclusive)
def reclass_problem(problem=None)
Transform given problem into either episode or health issue instance.
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def reclass_problem(problem=None): """Transform given problem into either episode or health issue instance. """ if isinstance(problem, (cEpisode, cHealthIssue)): return problem exc = TypeError('cannot reclass [%s] instance to either episode or health issue' % type(problem)) if not isinstance(problem, cProblem): _log.debug('%s' % problem) raise exc if problem['type'] == 'episode': return cEpisode(aPK_obj = problem['pk_episode']) if problem['type'] == 'issue': return cHealthIssue(aPK_obj = problem['pk_health_issue']) raise exc
def unlock_encounter(pk_encounter, exclusive=False, link_obj=None)
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def unlock_encounter(pk_encounter, exclusive=False, link_obj=None): unlocked = gmPG2.unlock_row(link_obj = link_obj, table = 'clin.encounter', pk = pk_encounter, exclusive = exclusive) if not unlocked: _log.warning('cannot unlock encounter [#%s]', pk_encounter) call_stack = inspect.stack() call_stack.reverse() for idx in range(1, len(call_stack)): caller = call_stack[idx] _log.error('%s[%s] @ [%s] in [%s]', ' ' * idx, caller[3], caller[2], caller[1]) del call_stack return unlocked
def update_encounter_type(description=None, l10n_description=None)
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def update_encounter_type(description=None, l10n_description=None): rows = gmPG2.run_rw_queries( queries = [{ 'cmd': "select i18n.upd_tx(%(desc)s, %(l10n_desc)s)", 'args': {'desc': description, 'l10n_desc': l10n_description} }], return_data = True ) success = rows[0][0] if not success: _log.warning('updating encounter type [%s] to [%s] failed', description, l10n_description) return {'description': description, 'l10n_description': l10n_description}
class cEncounter (aPK_obj: int | dict = None, row: dict = None, link_obj=None)
Represents one encounter.
Call init from child classes like so:
super().__init__(aPK_obj = aPK_obj, row = row, link_obj = link_obj)
- retrieve data from backend
- an scalar value the ._cmd_fetch_payload WHERE condition must be a simple column: "… WHERE pk_col = %s"
- a dictionary of values the ._cmd_fetch_payload WHERE condition must consume the dictionary and produce a unique row
- must hold the fields
- data: list of column values for the row selected by ._cmd_fetch_payload (as returned by cursor.fetchone() in the DB-API)
- pk_field: the name of the primary key column OR
- pk_obj: a dictionary suitable for being passed to cursor.execute and holding the primary key values, used for composite PKs
- for example:
row = { 'data': rows[0], 'pk_field': 'pk_XXX (the PK column name)', 'pk_obj': {'pk_col1': pk_col1_val, 'pk_col2': pk_col2_val} } rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) objects = [ cChildClass(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'the PK column name'}) for r in rows ]
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class cEncounter(gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject): """Represents one encounter.""" _cmd_fetch_payload = SQL_get_encounters % 'pk_encounter = %s' _cmds_store_payload = [ """UPDATE clin.encounter SET started = %(started)s, last_affirmed = %(last_affirmed)s, fk_location = %(pk_org_unit)s, fk_type = %(pk_type)s, reason_for_encounter = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(reason_for_encounter)s), assessment_of_encounter = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(assessment_of_encounter)s) WHERE pk = %(pk_encounter)s AND xmin = %(xmin_encounter)s """, # need to return all fields so we can survive in-place upgrades "SELECT * FROM clin.v_pat_encounters WHERE pk_encounter = %(pk_encounter)s" ] _updatable_fields = [ 'started', 'last_affirmed', 'pk_org_unit', 'pk_type', 'reason_for_encounter', 'assessment_of_encounter' ] #-------------------------------------------------------- def set_active(self): """Set the encounter as the active one. "Setting active" means making sure the encounter row has the youngest "last_affirmed" timestamp of all encounter rows for this patient. """ self['last_affirmed'] = gmDateTime.pydt_now_here() #-------------------------------------------------------- def lock(self, exclusive=False, link_obj=None): return lock_encounter(self.pk_obj, exclusive = exclusive, link_obj = link_obj) #-------------------------------------------------------- def unlock(self, exclusive=False, link_obj=None): return unlock_encounter(self.pk_obj, exclusive = exclusive, link_obj = link_obj) #-------------------------------------------------------- def transfer_clinical_data(self, source_episode=None, target_episode=None): """ Moves every element currently linked to the current encounter and the source_episode onto target_episode. @param source_episode The episode the elements are currently linked to. @type target_episode A cEpisode intance. @param target_episode The episode the elements will be relinked to. @type target_episode A cEpisode intance. """ if source_episode['pk_episode'] == target_episode['pk_episode']: return True cmd = """ UPDATE clin.clin_root_item SET fk_episode = %(trg)s WHERE fk_encounter = %(enc)s AND fk_episode = %(src)s """ gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{ 'cmd': cmd, 'args': { 'trg': target_episode['pk_episode'], 'enc': self.pk_obj, 'src': source_episode['pk_episode'] } }]) self.refetch_payload() return True #-------------------------------------------------------- def transfer_all_data_to_another_encounter(self, pk_target_encounter=None): if pk_target_encounter == self.pk_obj: return True cmd = "SELECT clin.transfer_all_encounter_data(%(src)s, %(trg)s)" args = { 'src': self.pk_obj, 'trg': pk_target_encounter } gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return True # conn = gmPG2.get_connection() # curs = conn.cursor() # curs.callproc('clin.get_hints_for_patient', [pk_identity]) # rows = curs.fetchall() # idx = gmPG2.get_col_indices(curs) # curs.close() # conn.rollback() #-------------------------------------------------------- def same_payload(self, another_object=None): relevant_fields = [ 'pk_org_unit', 'pk_type', 'pk_patient', 'reason_for_encounter', 'assessment_of_encounter' ] for field in relevant_fields: if self._payload[field] != another_object[field]: _log.debug('mismatch on [%s]: "%s" vs. "%s"', field, self._payload[field], another_object[field]) return False relevant_fields = [ 'started', 'last_affirmed', ] for field in relevant_fields: if self._payload[field] is None: if another_object[field] is None: continue _log.debug('mismatch on [%s]: here="%s", other="%s"', field, self._payload[field], another_object[field]) return False if another_object[field] is None: return False # compares at seconds granularity if self._payload[field].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') != another_object[field].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'): _log.debug('mismatch on [%s]: here="%s", other="%s"', field, self._payload[field], another_object[field]) return False # compare codes # 1) RFE if another_object['pk_generic_codes_rfe'] is None: if self._payload['pk_generic_codes_rfe'] is not None: return False if another_object['pk_generic_codes_rfe'] is not None: if self._payload['pk_generic_codes_rfe'] is None: return False if ( (another_object['pk_generic_codes_rfe'] is None) and (self._payload['pk_generic_codes_rfe'] is None) ) is False: if set(another_object['pk_generic_codes_rfe']) != set(self._payload['pk_generic_codes_rfe']): return False # 2) AOE if another_object['pk_generic_codes_aoe'] is None: if self._payload['pk_generic_codes_aoe'] is not None: return False if another_object['pk_generic_codes_aoe'] is not None: if self._payload['pk_generic_codes_aoe'] is None: return False if ( (another_object['pk_generic_codes_aoe'] is None) and (self._payload['pk_generic_codes_aoe'] is None) ) is False: if set(another_object['pk_generic_codes_aoe']) != set(self._payload['pk_generic_codes_aoe']): return False return True #-------------------------------------------------------- def has_clinical_data(self): cmd = """ select exists ( select 1 from clin.v_pat_items where pk_patient = %(pat)s and pk_encounter = %(enc)s union all select 1 from blobs.v_doc_med where pk_patient = %(pat)s and pk_encounter = %(enc)s )""" args = { 'pat': self._payload['pk_patient'], 'enc': self.pk_obj } rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries ( queries = [{ 'cmd': cmd, 'args': args }] ) return rows[0][0] #-------------------------------------------------------- def has_narrative(self): cmd = """ select exists ( select 1 from clin.v_pat_items where pk_patient=%(pat)s and pk_encounter=%(enc)s )""" args = { 'pat': self._payload['pk_patient'], 'enc': self.pk_obj } rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries ( queries = [{ 'cmd': cmd, 'args': args }] ) return rows[0][0] #-------------------------------------------------------- def has_soap_narrative(self, soap_cats=None): """soap_cats: <space> = admin category""" if soap_cats is None: soap_cats = 'soap ' else: soap_cats = soap_cats.casefold() cats = [] for cat in soap_cats: if cat in 'soapu': cats.append(cat) continue if cat == ' ': cats.append(None) cmd = """ SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM clin.clin_narrative WHERE fk_encounter = %(enc)s AND soap_cat = ANY(%(cats)s) LIMIT 1 ) """ args = {'enc': self._payload['pk_encounter'], 'cats': cats} rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd,'args': args}]) return rows[0][0] #-------------------------------------------------------- def has_documents(self): cmd = """ select exists ( select 1 from blobs.v_doc_med where pk_patient = %(pat)s and pk_encounter = %(enc)s )""" args = { 'pat': self._payload['pk_patient'], 'enc': self.pk_obj } rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries ( queries = [{ 'cmd': cmd, 'args': args }] ) return rows[0][0] #-------------------------------------------------------- def get_latest_soap(self, soap_cat=None, episode=None): if soap_cat is not None: soap_cat = soap_cat.casefold() if episode is None: epi_part = 'fk_episode is null' else: epi_part = 'fk_episode = %(epi)s' cmd = """ select narrative from clin.clin_narrative where fk_encounter = %%(enc)s and soap_cat = %%(cat)s and %s order by clin_when desc limit 1 """ % epi_part args = {'enc': self.pk_obj, 'cat': soap_cat, 'epi': episode} rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries ( queries = [{ 'cmd': cmd, 'args': args }] ) if len(rows) == 0: return None return rows[0][0] #-------------------------------------------------------- def get_episodes(self, exclude=None): cmd = """ SELECT * FROM clin.v_pat_episodes WHERE pk_episode IN ( SELECT DISTINCT fk_episode FROM clin.clin_root_item WHERE fk_encounter = %%(enc)s UNION SELECT DISTINCT fk_episode FROM blobs.doc_med WHERE fk_encounter = %%(enc)s ) %s""" args = {'enc': self.pk_obj} if exclude is not None: cmd = cmd % 'AND pk_episode <> ALL(%(excluded)s)' args['excluded'] = exclude else: cmd = cmd % '' rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return [ cEpisode(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_episode'}) for r in rows ] episodes = property(get_episodes) #-------------------------------------------------------- def add_code(self, pk_code=None, field=None): """<pk_code> must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code)""" if field == 'rfe': cmd = "INSERT INTO clin.lnk_code2rfe (fk_item, fk_generic_code) values (%(item)s, %(code)s)" elif field == 'aoe': cmd = "INSERT INTO clin.lnk_code2aoe (fk_item, fk_generic_code) values (%(item)s, %(code)s)" else: raise ValueError('<field> must be one of "rfe" or "aoe", not "%s"', field) args = { 'item': self._payload['pk_encounter'], 'code': pk_code } gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return True #-------------------------------------------------------- def remove_code(self, pk_code=None, field=None): """<pk_code> must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code)""" if field == 'rfe': cmd = "DELETE FROM clin.lnk_code2rfe WHERE fk_item = %(item)s AND fk_generic_code = %(code)s" elif field == 'aoe': cmd = "DELETE FROM clin.lnk_code2aoe WHERE fk_item = %(item)s AND fk_generic_code = %(code)s" else: raise ValueError('<field> must be one of "rfe" or "aoe", not "%s"', field) args = { 'item': self._payload['pk_encounter'], 'code': pk_code } gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return True #-------------------------------------------------------- # data formatting #-------------------------------------------------------- def format_soap(self, episodes=None, left_margin=0, soap_cats='soapu', emr=None, issues=None): lines = [] for soap_cat in gmSoapDefs.soap_cats_str2list(soap_cats): soap_cat_narratives = emr.get_clin_narrative ( episodes = episodes, issues = issues, encounters = [self._payload['pk_encounter']], soap_cats = [soap_cat] ) if soap_cat_narratives is None: continue if len(soap_cat_narratives) == 0: continue lines.append('%s%s %s %s' % ( gmTools.u_box_top_left_arc, gmTools.u_box_horiz_single, gmSoapDefs.soap_cat2l10n_str[soap_cat], gmTools.u_box_horiz_single * 5 )) for soap_entry in soap_cat_narratives: txt = gmTools.wrap ( text = soap_entry['narrative'], width = 75, initial_indent = '', subsequent_indent = (' ' * left_margin) ) lines.append(txt) when = gmDateTime.pydt_strftime ( soap_entry['date'], format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', accuracy = gmDateTime.acc_minutes ) txt = '%s%s %.8s, %s %s' % ( ' ' * 40, gmTools.u_box_horiz_light_heavy, soap_entry['modified_by'], when, gmTools.u_box_horiz_heavy_light ) lines.append(txt) lines.append('') return lines #-------------------------------------------------------- def format_latex(self, date_format=None, soap_cats=None, soap_order=None): nothing2format = ( (self._payload['reason_for_encounter'] is None) and (self._payload['assessment_of_encounter'] is None) and (self.has_soap_narrative(soap_cats = 'soapu') is False) ) if nothing2format: return '' if date_format is None: date_format = '%A, %b %d %Y' tex = '% -------------------------------------------------------------\n' tex += '% much recommended: \\usepackage(tabu)\n' tex += '% much recommended: \\usepackage(longtable)\n' tex += '% best wrapped in: "\\begin{longtabu} to \\textwidth {lX[,L]}"\n' tex += '% -------------------------------------------------------------\n' tex += '\\hline \n' tex += '\\multicolumn{2}{l}{%s: %s ({\\footnotesize %s - %s})} \\tabularnewline \n' % ( gmTools.tex_escape_string(self._payload['l10n_type']), gmTools.tex_escape_string ( gmDateTime.pydt_strftime ( self._payload['started'], date_format, accuracy = gmDateTime.acc_days ) ), gmTools.tex_escape_string ( gmDateTime.pydt_strftime ( self._payload['started'], '%H:%M', accuracy = gmDateTime.acc_minutes ) ), gmTools.tex_escape_string ( gmDateTime.pydt_strftime ( self._payload['last_affirmed'], '%H:%M', accuracy = gmDateTime.acc_minutes ) ) ) tex += '\\hline \n' if self._payload['reason_for_encounter'] is not None: tex += '%s & %s \\tabularnewline \n' % ( gmTools.tex_escape_string(_('RFE')), gmTools.tex_escape_string(self._payload['reason_for_encounter']) ) if self._payload['assessment_of_encounter'] is not None: tex += '%s & %s \\tabularnewline \n' % ( gmTools.tex_escape_string(_('AOE')), gmTools.tex_escape_string(self._payload['assessment_of_encounter']) ) for epi in self.get_episodes(): soaps = epi.get_narrative(soap_cats = soap_cats, encounters = [self.pk_obj], order_by = soap_order) if len(soaps) == 0: continue tex += '\\multicolumn{2}{l}{\\emph{%s: %s%s}} \\tabularnewline \n' % ( gmTools.tex_escape_string(_('Problem')), gmTools.tex_escape_string(epi['description']), gmTools.tex_escape_string ( gmTools.coalesce ( value2test = diagnostic_certainty_classification2str(epi['diagnostic_certainty_classification']), return_instead = '', template4value = ' {\\footnotesize [%s]}', none_equivalents = [None, ''] ) ) ) if epi['pk_health_issue'] is not None: tex += '\\multicolumn{2}{l}{\\emph{%s: %s%s}} \\tabularnewline \n' % ( gmTools.tex_escape_string(_('Health issue')), gmTools.tex_escape_string(epi['health_issue']), gmTools.tex_escape_string ( gmTools.coalesce ( value2test = diagnostic_certainty_classification2str(epi['diagnostic_certainty_classification_issue']), return_instead = '', template4value = ' {\\footnotesize [%s]}', none_equivalents = [None, ''] ) ) ) for soap in soaps: tex += '{\\small %s} & {\\small %s} \\tabularnewline \n' % ( gmTools.tex_escape_string(gmSoapDefs.soap_cat2l10n[soap['soap_cat']]), gmTools.tex_escape_string(soap['narrative'], replace_eol = True) ) tex += ' & \\tabularnewline \n' return tex #-------------------------------------------------------- def __format_header_fancy(self, left_margin=0): lines = [] lines.append('%s%s: %s - %s (@%s)%s [#%s]' % ( ' ' * left_margin, self._payload['l10n_type'], self._payload['started_original_tz'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), self._payload['last_affirmed_original_tz'].strftime('%H:%M'), self._payload['source_time_zone'], gmTools.coalesce ( self._payload['assessment_of_encounter'], '', ' %s%%s%s' % (gmTools.u_left_double_angle_quote, gmTools.u_right_double_angle_quote) ), self._payload['pk_encounter'] )) lines.append(_(' your time: %s - %s (@%s = %s%s)\n') % ( self._payload['started'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), self._payload['last_affirmed'].strftime('%H:%M'), gmDateTime.current_local_timezone_name, gmTools.bool2subst ( gmDateTime.dst_currently_in_effect, gmDateTime.py_dst_timezone_name, gmDateTime.py_timezone_name ), gmTools.bool2subst(gmDateTime.dst_currently_in_effect, ' - ' + _('daylight savings time in effect'), '') )) if self._payload['praxis_branch'] is not None: lines.append(_('Location: %s (%s)') % (self._payload['praxis_branch'], self._payload['praxis'])) if self._payload['reason_for_encounter'] is not None: lines.append('%s: %s' % (_('RFE'), self._payload['reason_for_encounter'])) codes = self.generic_codes_rfe for c in codes: lines.append(' %s: %s (%s - %s)' % ( c['code'], c['term'], c['name_short'], c['version'] )) if len(codes) > 0: lines.append('') if self._payload['assessment_of_encounter'] is not None: lines.append('%s: %s' % (_('AOE'), self._payload['assessment_of_encounter'])) codes = self.generic_codes_aoe for c in codes: lines.append(' %s: %s (%s - %s)' % ( c['code'], c['term'], c['name_short'], c['version'] )) if len(codes) > 0: lines.append('') del codes return lines #-------------------------------------------------------- def format_header(self, fancy_header=True, left_margin=0, with_rfe_aoe=False): lines = [] if fancy_header: return self.__format_header_fancy(left_margin = left_margin) now = gmDateTime.pydt_now_here() if now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == self._payload['started_original_tz'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d'): start = '%s %s' % ( _('today'), self._payload['started_original_tz'].strftime('%H:%M') ) else: start = self._payload['started_original_tz'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') lines.append('%s%s: %s - %s%s%s' % ( ' ' * left_margin, self._payload['l10n_type'], start, self._payload['last_affirmed_original_tz'].strftime('%H:%M'), gmTools.coalesce(self._payload['assessment_of_encounter'], '', ' \u00BB%s\u00AB'), gmTools.coalesce(self._payload['praxis_branch'], '', ' @%s') )) if with_rfe_aoe: if self._payload['reason_for_encounter'] is not None: lines.append('%s: %s' % (_('RFE'), self._payload['reason_for_encounter'])) codes = self.generic_codes_rfe for c in codes: lines.append(' %s: %s (%s - %s)' % ( c['code'], c['term'], c['name_short'], c['version'] )) if len(codes) > 0: lines.append('') if self._payload['assessment_of_encounter'] is not None: lines.append('%s: %s' % (_('AOE'), self._payload['assessment_of_encounter'])) codes = self.generic_codes_aoe if len(codes) > 0: lines.append('') for c in codes: lines.append(' %s: %s (%s - %s)' % ( c['code'], c['term'], c['name_short'], c['version'] )) if len(codes) > 0: lines.append('') del codes return lines #-------------------------------------------------------- def format_by_episode(self, episodes=None, issues=None, left_margin=0, patient=None, with_soap=False, with_tests=True, with_docs=True, with_vaccinations=True, with_family_history=True): if patient is not None: emr = patient.emr lines = [] if episodes is None: episodes = [ e['pk_episode'] for e in self.episodes ] for pk in episodes: epi = cEpisode(aPK_obj = pk) lines.append(_('\nEpisode %s%s%s%s:') % ( gmTools.u_left_double_angle_quote, epi['description'], gmTools.u_right_double_angle_quote, gmTools.coalesce(epi['health_issue'], '', ' (%s)') )) # soap if with_soap: if patient.ID != self._payload['pk_patient']: msg = '<patient>.ID = %s but encounter %s belongs to patient %s' % ( patient.ID, self._payload['pk_encounter'], self._payload['pk_patient'] ) raise ValueError(msg) lines.extend(self.format_soap ( episodes = [pk], left_margin = left_margin, soap_cats = None, # meaning: all emr = emr, issues = issues )) # test results if with_tests: tests = emr.get_test_results_by_date ( episodes = [pk], encounter = self._payload['pk_encounter'] ) if len(tests) > 0: lines.append('') lines.append(_('Measurements and Results:')) for t in tests: lines.append(t.format()) del tests # vaccinations if with_vaccinations: vaccs = emr.get_vaccinations ( episodes = [pk], encounters = [ self._payload['pk_encounter'] ], order_by = 'date_given DESC, vaccine' ) if len(vaccs) > 0: lines.append('') lines.append(_('Vaccinations:')) for vacc in vaccs: lines.extend(vacc.format ( with_indications = True, with_comment = True, with_reaction = True, date_format = '%Y-%m-%d' )) del vaccs # family history if with_family_history: fhx = emr.get_family_history(episodes = [pk]) if len(fhx) > 0: lines.append('') lines.append(_('Family History: %s') % len(fhx)) for f in fhx: lines.append(f.format ( left_margin = (left_margin + 1), include_episode = False, include_comment = True )) del fhx # documents if with_docs: doc_folder = patient.get_document_folder() docs = doc_folder.get_documents ( pk_episodes = [pk], encounter = self._payload['pk_encounter'] ) if len(docs) > 0: lines.append('') lines.append(_('Documents:')) for d in docs: lines.append(' ' + d.format(single_line = True)) del docs return lines #-------------------------------------------------------- def format_maximum_information(self, patient=None): if patient is None: from import gmCurrentPatient, cPerson if self._payload['pk_patient'] == gmCurrentPatient().ID: patient = gmCurrentPatient() else: patient = cPerson(self._payload['pk_patient']) return self.format ( patient = patient, fancy_header = True, with_rfe_aoe = True, with_soap = True, with_docs = True, with_tests = False, with_vaccinations = True, with_co_encountlet_hints = True, with_family_history = True, by_episode = False, return_list = True ) #-------------------------------------------------------- def format(self, episodes=None, with_soap=False, left_margin=0, patient=None, issues=None, with_docs=True, with_tests=True, fancy_header=True, with_vaccinations=True, with_co_encountlet_hints=False, with_rfe_aoe=False, with_family_history=True, by_episode=False, return_list=False): """Format an encounter. Args: episode: which episodes, touched upon by this encounter, to include information for with_co_encountlet_hints: - whether to include which *other* episodes were discussed during this encounter - (only makes sense if episodes is not None, since that would preclude information) """ lines = self.format_header ( fancy_header = fancy_header, left_margin = left_margin, with_rfe_aoe = with_rfe_aoe ) if patient is None: _log.debug('no patient, cannot load patient related data') with_soap = False with_tests = False with_vaccinations = False with_docs = False if by_episode: lines.extend(self.format_by_episode ( episodes = episodes, issues = issues, left_margin = left_margin, patient = patient, with_soap = with_soap, with_tests = with_tests, with_docs = with_docs, with_vaccinations = with_vaccinations, with_family_history = with_family_history )) else: if with_soap: lines.append('') if patient.ID != self._payload['pk_patient']: msg = '<patient>.ID = %s but encounter %s belongs to patient %s' % ( patient.ID, self._payload['pk_encounter'], self._payload['pk_patient'] ) raise ValueError(msg) emr = patient.emr lines.extend(self.format_soap ( episodes = episodes, left_margin = left_margin, soap_cats = None, # meaning: all emr = emr, issues = issues )) # # family history # if with_family_history: # if episodes is not None: # fhx = emr.get_family_history(episodes = episodes) # if len(fhx) > 0: # lines.append(u'') # lines.append(_('Family History: %s') % len(fhx)) # for f in fhx: # lines.append(f.format ( # left_margin = (left_margin + 1), # include_episode = False, # include_comment = True # )) # del fhx # test results if with_tests: emr = patient.emr tests = emr.get_test_results_by_date ( episodes = episodes, encounter = self._payload['pk_encounter'] ) if len(tests) > 0: lines.append('') lines.append(_('Measurements and Results:')) for t in tests: lines.append(t.format()) del tests # vaccinations if with_vaccinations: emr = patient.emr vaccs = emr.get_vaccinations ( episodes = episodes, encounters = [ self._payload['pk_encounter'] ], order_by = 'date_given DESC, vaccine' ) if len(vaccs) > 0: lines.append('') lines.append(_('Vaccinations:')) for vacc in vaccs: lines.extend(vacc.format ( with_indications = True, with_comment = True, with_reaction = True, date_format = '%Y-%m-%d' )) del vaccs # documents if with_docs: doc_folder = patient.get_document_folder() docs = doc_folder.get_documents ( pk_episodes = episodes, encounter = self._payload['pk_encounter'] ) if len(docs) > 0: lines.append('') lines.append(_('Documents:')) for d in docs: lines.append(' ' + d.format(single_line = True)) del docs # co-encountlets if with_co_encountlet_hints: if episodes is not None: other_epis = self.get_episodes(exclude = episodes) if len(other_epis) > 0: lines.append('') lines.append(_('%s other episodes touched upon during this encounter:') % len(other_epis)) for epi in other_epis: lines.append(' %s%s%s%s' % ( gmTools.u_left_double_angle_quote, epi['description'], gmTools.u_right_double_angle_quote, gmTools.coalesce(epi['health_issue'], '', ' (%s)') )) if return_list: return lines eol_w_margin = '\n%s' % (' ' * left_margin) return '%s\n' % eol_w_margin.join(lines) #-------------------------------------------------------- # properties #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_generic_codes_rfe(self): if len(self._payload['pk_generic_codes_rfe']) == 0: return [] cmd = gmCoding._SQL_get_generic_linked_codes % 'pk_generic_code = ANY(%(pks)s)' args = {'pks': self._payload['pk_generic_codes_rfe']} rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return [ gmCoding.cGenericLinkedCode(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_lnk_code2item'}) for r in rows ] def _set_generic_codes_rfe(self, pk_codes): queries = [] # remove all codes if len(self._payload['pk_generic_codes_rfe']) > 0: queries.append ({ 'cmd': 'DELETE FROM clin.lnk_code2rfe WHERE fk_item = %(enc)s AND fk_generic_code = ANY(%(codes)s)', 'args': { 'enc': self._payload['pk_encounter'], 'codes': self._payload['pk_generic_codes_rfe'] } }) # add new codes for pk_code in pk_codes: queries.append ({ 'cmd': 'INSERT INTO clin.lnk_code2rfe (fk_item, fk_generic_code) VALUES (%(enc)s, %(pk_code)s)', 'args': { 'enc': self._payload['pk_encounter'], 'pk_code': pk_code } }) if len(queries) == 0: return # run it all in one transaction gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = queries) self.refetch_payload() return generic_codes_rfe = property(_get_generic_codes_rfe, _set_generic_codes_rfe) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_generic_codes_aoe(self): if len(self._payload['pk_generic_codes_aoe']) == 0: return [] cmd = gmCoding._SQL_get_generic_linked_codes % 'pk_generic_code = ANY(%(pks)s)' args = {'pks': self._payload['pk_generic_codes_aoe']} rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return [ gmCoding.cGenericLinkedCode(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_lnk_code2item'}) for r in rows ] def _set_generic_codes_aoe(self, pk_codes): queries = [] # remove all codes if len(self._payload['pk_generic_codes_aoe']) > 0: queries.append ({ 'cmd': 'DELETE FROM clin.lnk_code2aoe WHERE fk_item = %(enc)s AND fk_generic_code = ANY(%(codes)s)', 'args': { 'enc': self._payload['pk_encounter'], 'codes': self._payload['pk_generic_codes_aoe'] } }) # add new codes for pk_code in pk_codes: queries.append ({ 'cmd': 'INSERT INTO clin.lnk_code2aoe (fk_item, fk_generic_code) VALUES (%(enc)s, %(pk_code)s)', 'args': { 'enc': self._payload['pk_encounter'], 'pk_code': pk_code } }) if len(queries) == 0: return # run it all in one transaction gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = queries) self.refetch_payload() return generic_codes_aoe = property(_get_generic_codes_aoe, _set_generic_codes_aoe) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_praxis_branch(self): if self._payload['pk_org_unit'] is None: return None return gmPraxis.get_praxis_branch_by_org_unit(pk_org_unit = self._payload['pk_org_unit']) praxis_branch = property(_get_praxis_branch) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_org_unit(self): if self._payload['pk_org_unit'] is None: return None return gmOrganization.cOrgUnit(aPK_obj = self._payload['pk_org_unit']) org_unit = property(_get_org_unit) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_formatted_revision_history(self): cmd = """SELECT '<N/A>'::TEXT as audit__action_applied, NULL AS audit__action_when, '<N/A>'::TEXT AS audit__action_by, pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_patient, fk_type, fk_location, source_time_zone, reason_for_encounter, assessment_of_encounter, started, last_affirmed FROM clin.encounter WHERE pk = %(pk_encounter)s UNION ALL ( SELECT audit_action as audit__action_applied, audit_when as audit__action_when, audit_by as audit__action_by, pk_audit, orig_version as row_version, orig_when as modified_when, orig_by as modified_by, pk, fk_patient, fk_type, fk_location, source_time_zone, reason_for_encounter, assessment_of_encounter, started, last_affirmed FROM audit.log_encounter WHERE pk = %(pk_encounter)s ) ORDER BY row_version DESC """ args = {'pk_encounter': self._payload['pk_encounter']} title = _('Encounter: %s%s%s') % ( gmTools.u_left_double_angle_quote, self._payload['l10n_type'], gmTools.u_right_double_angle_quote ) return '\n'.join(self._get_revision_history(cmd, args, title)) formatted_revision_history = property(_get_formatted_revision_history)
Instance variables
var episodes
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def get_episodes(self, exclude=None): cmd = """ SELECT * FROM clin.v_pat_episodes WHERE pk_episode IN ( SELECT DISTINCT fk_episode FROM clin.clin_root_item WHERE fk_encounter = %%(enc)s UNION SELECT DISTINCT fk_episode FROM blobs.doc_med WHERE fk_encounter = %%(enc)s ) %s""" args = {'enc': self.pk_obj} if exclude is not None: cmd = cmd % 'AND pk_episode <> ALL(%(excluded)s)' args['excluded'] = exclude else: cmd = cmd % '' rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return [ cEpisode(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_episode'}) for r in rows ]
var formatted_revision_history
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def _get_formatted_revision_history(self): cmd = """SELECT '<N/A>'::TEXT as audit__action_applied, NULL AS audit__action_when, '<N/A>'::TEXT AS audit__action_by, pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_patient, fk_type, fk_location, source_time_zone, reason_for_encounter, assessment_of_encounter, started, last_affirmed FROM clin.encounter WHERE pk = %(pk_encounter)s UNION ALL ( SELECT audit_action as audit__action_applied, audit_when as audit__action_when, audit_by as audit__action_by, pk_audit, orig_version as row_version, orig_when as modified_when, orig_by as modified_by, pk, fk_patient, fk_type, fk_location, source_time_zone, reason_for_encounter, assessment_of_encounter, started, last_affirmed FROM audit.log_encounter WHERE pk = %(pk_encounter)s ) ORDER BY row_version DESC """ args = {'pk_encounter': self._payload['pk_encounter']} title = _('Encounter: %s%s%s') % ( gmTools.u_left_double_angle_quote, self._payload['l10n_type'], gmTools.u_right_double_angle_quote ) return '\n'.join(self._get_revision_history(cmd, args, title))
var generic_codes_aoe
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def _get_generic_codes_aoe(self): if len(self._payload['pk_generic_codes_aoe']) == 0: return [] cmd = gmCoding._SQL_get_generic_linked_codes % 'pk_generic_code = ANY(%(pks)s)' args = {'pks': self._payload['pk_generic_codes_aoe']} rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return [ gmCoding.cGenericLinkedCode(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_lnk_code2item'}) for r in rows ]
var generic_codes_rfe
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def _get_generic_codes_rfe(self): if len(self._payload['pk_generic_codes_rfe']) == 0: return [] cmd = gmCoding._SQL_get_generic_linked_codes % 'pk_generic_code = ANY(%(pks)s)' args = {'pks': self._payload['pk_generic_codes_rfe']} rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return [ gmCoding.cGenericLinkedCode(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_lnk_code2item'}) for r in rows ]
var org_unit
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def _get_org_unit(self): if self._payload['pk_org_unit'] is None: return None return gmOrganization.cOrgUnit(aPK_obj = self._payload['pk_org_unit'])
var praxis_branch
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def _get_praxis_branch(self): if self._payload['pk_org_unit'] is None: return None return gmPraxis.get_praxis_branch_by_org_unit(pk_org_unit = self._payload['pk_org_unit'])
def add_code(self, pk_code=None, field=None)
must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code) Expand source code
def add_code(self, pk_code=None, field=None): """<pk_code> must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code)""" if field == 'rfe': cmd = "INSERT INTO clin.lnk_code2rfe (fk_item, fk_generic_code) values (%(item)s, %(code)s)" elif field == 'aoe': cmd = "INSERT INTO clin.lnk_code2aoe (fk_item, fk_generic_code) values (%(item)s, %(code)s)" else: raise ValueError('<field> must be one of "rfe" or "aoe", not "%s"', field) args = { 'item': self._payload['pk_encounter'], 'code': pk_code } gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return True
def format(self, episodes=None, with_soap=False, left_margin=0, patient=None, issues=None, with_docs=True, with_tests=True, fancy_header=True, with_vaccinations=True, with_co_encountlet_hints=False, with_rfe_aoe=False, with_family_history=True, by_episode=False, return_list=False)
Format an encounter.
- which episodes, touched upon by this encounter, to include information for
with_co_encountlet_hints: - whether to include which other episodes were discussed during this encounter - (only makes sense if episodes is not None, since that would preclude information)
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def format(self, episodes=None, with_soap=False, left_margin=0, patient=None, issues=None, with_docs=True, with_tests=True, fancy_header=True, with_vaccinations=True, with_co_encountlet_hints=False, with_rfe_aoe=False, with_family_history=True, by_episode=False, return_list=False): """Format an encounter. Args: episode: which episodes, touched upon by this encounter, to include information for with_co_encountlet_hints: - whether to include which *other* episodes were discussed during this encounter - (only makes sense if episodes is not None, since that would preclude information) """ lines = self.format_header ( fancy_header = fancy_header, left_margin = left_margin, with_rfe_aoe = with_rfe_aoe ) if patient is None: _log.debug('no patient, cannot load patient related data') with_soap = False with_tests = False with_vaccinations = False with_docs = False if by_episode: lines.extend(self.format_by_episode ( episodes = episodes, issues = issues, left_margin = left_margin, patient = patient, with_soap = with_soap, with_tests = with_tests, with_docs = with_docs, with_vaccinations = with_vaccinations, with_family_history = with_family_history )) else: if with_soap: lines.append('') if patient.ID != self._payload['pk_patient']: msg = '<patient>.ID = %s but encounter %s belongs to patient %s' % ( patient.ID, self._payload['pk_encounter'], self._payload['pk_patient'] ) raise ValueError(msg) emr = patient.emr lines.extend(self.format_soap ( episodes = episodes, left_margin = left_margin, soap_cats = None, # meaning: all emr = emr, issues = issues )) # # family history # if with_family_history: # if episodes is not None: # fhx = emr.get_family_history(episodes = episodes) # if len(fhx) > 0: # lines.append(u'') # lines.append(_('Family History: %s') % len(fhx)) # for f in fhx: # lines.append(f.format ( # left_margin = (left_margin + 1), # include_episode = False, # include_comment = True # )) # del fhx # test results if with_tests: emr = patient.emr tests = emr.get_test_results_by_date ( episodes = episodes, encounter = self._payload['pk_encounter'] ) if len(tests) > 0: lines.append('') lines.append(_('Measurements and Results:')) for t in tests: lines.append(t.format()) del tests # vaccinations if with_vaccinations: emr = patient.emr vaccs = emr.get_vaccinations ( episodes = episodes, encounters = [ self._payload['pk_encounter'] ], order_by = 'date_given DESC, vaccine' ) if len(vaccs) > 0: lines.append('') lines.append(_('Vaccinations:')) for vacc in vaccs: lines.extend(vacc.format ( with_indications = True, with_comment = True, with_reaction = True, date_format = '%Y-%m-%d' )) del vaccs # documents if with_docs: doc_folder = patient.get_document_folder() docs = doc_folder.get_documents ( pk_episodes = episodes, encounter = self._payload['pk_encounter'] ) if len(docs) > 0: lines.append('') lines.append(_('Documents:')) for d in docs: lines.append(' ' + d.format(single_line = True)) del docs # co-encountlets if with_co_encountlet_hints: if episodes is not None: other_epis = self.get_episodes(exclude = episodes) if len(other_epis) > 0: lines.append('') lines.append(_('%s other episodes touched upon during this encounter:') % len(other_epis)) for epi in other_epis: lines.append(' %s%s%s%s' % ( gmTools.u_left_double_angle_quote, epi['description'], gmTools.u_right_double_angle_quote, gmTools.coalesce(epi['health_issue'], '', ' (%s)') )) if return_list: return lines eol_w_margin = '\n%s' % (' ' * left_margin) return '%s\n' % eol_w_margin.join(lines)
def format_by_episode(self, episodes=None, issues=None, left_margin=0, patient=None, with_soap=False, with_tests=True, with_docs=True, with_vaccinations=True, with_family_history=True)
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def format_by_episode(self, episodes=None, issues=None, left_margin=0, patient=None, with_soap=False, with_tests=True, with_docs=True, with_vaccinations=True, with_family_history=True): if patient is not None: emr = patient.emr lines = [] if episodes is None: episodes = [ e['pk_episode'] for e in self.episodes ] for pk in episodes: epi = cEpisode(aPK_obj = pk) lines.append(_('\nEpisode %s%s%s%s:') % ( gmTools.u_left_double_angle_quote, epi['description'], gmTools.u_right_double_angle_quote, gmTools.coalesce(epi['health_issue'], '', ' (%s)') )) # soap if with_soap: if patient.ID != self._payload['pk_patient']: msg = '<patient>.ID = %s but encounter %s belongs to patient %s' % ( patient.ID, self._payload['pk_encounter'], self._payload['pk_patient'] ) raise ValueError(msg) lines.extend(self.format_soap ( episodes = [pk], left_margin = left_margin, soap_cats = None, # meaning: all emr = emr, issues = issues )) # test results if with_tests: tests = emr.get_test_results_by_date ( episodes = [pk], encounter = self._payload['pk_encounter'] ) if len(tests) > 0: lines.append('') lines.append(_('Measurements and Results:')) for t in tests: lines.append(t.format()) del tests # vaccinations if with_vaccinations: vaccs = emr.get_vaccinations ( episodes = [pk], encounters = [ self._payload['pk_encounter'] ], order_by = 'date_given DESC, vaccine' ) if len(vaccs) > 0: lines.append('') lines.append(_('Vaccinations:')) for vacc in vaccs: lines.extend(vacc.format ( with_indications = True, with_comment = True, with_reaction = True, date_format = '%Y-%m-%d' )) del vaccs # family history if with_family_history: fhx = emr.get_family_history(episodes = [pk]) if len(fhx) > 0: lines.append('') lines.append(_('Family History: %s') % len(fhx)) for f in fhx: lines.append(f.format ( left_margin = (left_margin + 1), include_episode = False, include_comment = True )) del fhx # documents if with_docs: doc_folder = patient.get_document_folder() docs = doc_folder.get_documents ( pk_episodes = [pk], encounter = self._payload['pk_encounter'] ) if len(docs) > 0: lines.append('') lines.append(_('Documents:')) for d in docs: lines.append(' ' + d.format(single_line = True)) del docs return lines
def format_header(self, fancy_header=True, left_margin=0, with_rfe_aoe=False)
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def format_header(self, fancy_header=True, left_margin=0, with_rfe_aoe=False): lines = [] if fancy_header: return self.__format_header_fancy(left_margin = left_margin) now = gmDateTime.pydt_now_here() if now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == self._payload['started_original_tz'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d'): start = '%s %s' % ( _('today'), self._payload['started_original_tz'].strftime('%H:%M') ) else: start = self._payload['started_original_tz'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') lines.append('%s%s: %s - %s%s%s' % ( ' ' * left_margin, self._payload['l10n_type'], start, self._payload['last_affirmed_original_tz'].strftime('%H:%M'), gmTools.coalesce(self._payload['assessment_of_encounter'], '', ' \u00BB%s\u00AB'), gmTools.coalesce(self._payload['praxis_branch'], '', ' @%s') )) if with_rfe_aoe: if self._payload['reason_for_encounter'] is not None: lines.append('%s: %s' % (_('RFE'), self._payload['reason_for_encounter'])) codes = self.generic_codes_rfe for c in codes: lines.append(' %s: %s (%s - %s)' % ( c['code'], c['term'], c['name_short'], c['version'] )) if len(codes) > 0: lines.append('') if self._payload['assessment_of_encounter'] is not None: lines.append('%s: %s' % (_('AOE'), self._payload['assessment_of_encounter'])) codes = self.generic_codes_aoe if len(codes) > 0: lines.append('') for c in codes: lines.append(' %s: %s (%s - %s)' % ( c['code'], c['term'], c['name_short'], c['version'] )) if len(codes) > 0: lines.append('') del codes return lines
def format_latex(self, date_format=None, soap_cats=None, soap_order=None)
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def format_latex(self, date_format=None, soap_cats=None, soap_order=None): nothing2format = ( (self._payload['reason_for_encounter'] is None) and (self._payload['assessment_of_encounter'] is None) and (self.has_soap_narrative(soap_cats = 'soapu') is False) ) if nothing2format: return '' if date_format is None: date_format = '%A, %b %d %Y' tex = '% -------------------------------------------------------------\n' tex += '% much recommended: \\usepackage(tabu)\n' tex += '% much recommended: \\usepackage(longtable)\n' tex += '% best wrapped in: "\\begin{longtabu} to \\textwidth {lX[,L]}"\n' tex += '% -------------------------------------------------------------\n' tex += '\\hline \n' tex += '\\multicolumn{2}{l}{%s: %s ({\\footnotesize %s - %s})} \\tabularnewline \n' % ( gmTools.tex_escape_string(self._payload['l10n_type']), gmTools.tex_escape_string ( gmDateTime.pydt_strftime ( self._payload['started'], date_format, accuracy = gmDateTime.acc_days ) ), gmTools.tex_escape_string ( gmDateTime.pydt_strftime ( self._payload['started'], '%H:%M', accuracy = gmDateTime.acc_minutes ) ), gmTools.tex_escape_string ( gmDateTime.pydt_strftime ( self._payload['last_affirmed'], '%H:%M', accuracy = gmDateTime.acc_minutes ) ) ) tex += '\\hline \n' if self._payload['reason_for_encounter'] is not None: tex += '%s & %s \\tabularnewline \n' % ( gmTools.tex_escape_string(_('RFE')), gmTools.tex_escape_string(self._payload['reason_for_encounter']) ) if self._payload['assessment_of_encounter'] is not None: tex += '%s & %s \\tabularnewline \n' % ( gmTools.tex_escape_string(_('AOE')), gmTools.tex_escape_string(self._payload['assessment_of_encounter']) ) for epi in self.get_episodes(): soaps = epi.get_narrative(soap_cats = soap_cats, encounters = [self.pk_obj], order_by = soap_order) if len(soaps) == 0: continue tex += '\\multicolumn{2}{l}{\\emph{%s: %s%s}} \\tabularnewline \n' % ( gmTools.tex_escape_string(_('Problem')), gmTools.tex_escape_string(epi['description']), gmTools.tex_escape_string ( gmTools.coalesce ( value2test = diagnostic_certainty_classification2str(epi['diagnostic_certainty_classification']), return_instead = '', template4value = ' {\\footnotesize [%s]}', none_equivalents = [None, ''] ) ) ) if epi['pk_health_issue'] is not None: tex += '\\multicolumn{2}{l}{\\emph{%s: %s%s}} \\tabularnewline \n' % ( gmTools.tex_escape_string(_('Health issue')), gmTools.tex_escape_string(epi['health_issue']), gmTools.tex_escape_string ( gmTools.coalesce ( value2test = diagnostic_certainty_classification2str(epi['diagnostic_certainty_classification_issue']), return_instead = '', template4value = ' {\\footnotesize [%s]}', none_equivalents = [None, ''] ) ) ) for soap in soaps: tex += '{\\small %s} & {\\small %s} \\tabularnewline \n' % ( gmTools.tex_escape_string(gmSoapDefs.soap_cat2l10n[soap['soap_cat']]), gmTools.tex_escape_string(soap['narrative'], replace_eol = True) ) tex += ' & \\tabularnewline \n' return tex
def format_maximum_information(self, patient=None)
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def format_maximum_information(self, patient=None): if patient is None: from import gmCurrentPatient, cPerson if self._payload['pk_patient'] == gmCurrentPatient().ID: patient = gmCurrentPatient() else: patient = cPerson(self._payload['pk_patient']) return self.format ( patient = patient, fancy_header = True, with_rfe_aoe = True, with_soap = True, with_docs = True, with_tests = False, with_vaccinations = True, with_co_encountlet_hints = True, with_family_history = True, by_episode = False, return_list = True )
def format_soap(self, episodes=None, left_margin=0, soap_cats='soapu', emr=None, issues=None)
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def format_soap(self, episodes=None, left_margin=0, soap_cats='soapu', emr=None, issues=None): lines = [] for soap_cat in gmSoapDefs.soap_cats_str2list(soap_cats): soap_cat_narratives = emr.get_clin_narrative ( episodes = episodes, issues = issues, encounters = [self._payload['pk_encounter']], soap_cats = [soap_cat] ) if soap_cat_narratives is None: continue if len(soap_cat_narratives) == 0: continue lines.append('%s%s %s %s' % ( gmTools.u_box_top_left_arc, gmTools.u_box_horiz_single, gmSoapDefs.soap_cat2l10n_str[soap_cat], gmTools.u_box_horiz_single * 5 )) for soap_entry in soap_cat_narratives: txt = gmTools.wrap ( text = soap_entry['narrative'], width = 75, initial_indent = '', subsequent_indent = (' ' * left_margin) ) lines.append(txt) when = gmDateTime.pydt_strftime ( soap_entry['date'], format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', accuracy = gmDateTime.acc_minutes ) txt = '%s%s %.8s, %s %s' % ( ' ' * 40, gmTools.u_box_horiz_light_heavy, soap_entry['modified_by'], when, gmTools.u_box_horiz_heavy_light ) lines.append(txt) lines.append('') return lines
def get_episodes(self, exclude=None)
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def get_episodes(self, exclude=None): cmd = """ SELECT * FROM clin.v_pat_episodes WHERE pk_episode IN ( SELECT DISTINCT fk_episode FROM clin.clin_root_item WHERE fk_encounter = %%(enc)s UNION SELECT DISTINCT fk_episode FROM blobs.doc_med WHERE fk_encounter = %%(enc)s ) %s""" args = {'enc': self.pk_obj} if exclude is not None: cmd = cmd % 'AND pk_episode <> ALL(%(excluded)s)' args['excluded'] = exclude else: cmd = cmd % '' rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return [ cEpisode(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_episode'}) for r in rows ]
def get_latest_soap(self, soap_cat=None, episode=None)
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def get_latest_soap(self, soap_cat=None, episode=None): if soap_cat is not None: soap_cat = soap_cat.casefold() if episode is None: epi_part = 'fk_episode is null' else: epi_part = 'fk_episode = %(epi)s' cmd = """ select narrative from clin.clin_narrative where fk_encounter = %%(enc)s and soap_cat = %%(cat)s and %s order by clin_when desc limit 1 """ % epi_part args = {'enc': self.pk_obj, 'cat': soap_cat, 'epi': episode} rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries ( queries = [{ 'cmd': cmd, 'args': args }] ) if len(rows) == 0: return None return rows[0][0]
def has_clinical_data(self)
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def has_clinical_data(self): cmd = """ select exists ( select 1 from clin.v_pat_items where pk_patient = %(pat)s and pk_encounter = %(enc)s union all select 1 from blobs.v_doc_med where pk_patient = %(pat)s and pk_encounter = %(enc)s )""" args = { 'pat': self._payload['pk_patient'], 'enc': self.pk_obj } rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries ( queries = [{ 'cmd': cmd, 'args': args }] ) return rows[0][0]
def has_documents(self)
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def has_documents(self): cmd = """ select exists ( select 1 from blobs.v_doc_med where pk_patient = %(pat)s and pk_encounter = %(enc)s )""" args = { 'pat': self._payload['pk_patient'], 'enc': self.pk_obj } rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries ( queries = [{ 'cmd': cmd, 'args': args }] ) return rows[0][0]
def has_narrative(self)
Expand source code
def has_narrative(self): cmd = """ select exists ( select 1 from clin.v_pat_items where pk_patient=%(pat)s and pk_encounter=%(enc)s )""" args = { 'pat': self._payload['pk_patient'], 'enc': self.pk_obj } rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries ( queries = [{ 'cmd': cmd, 'args': args }] ) return rows[0][0]
def has_soap_narrative(self, soap_cats=None)
= admin category Expand source code
def has_soap_narrative(self, soap_cats=None): """soap_cats: <space> = admin category""" if soap_cats is None: soap_cats = 'soap ' else: soap_cats = soap_cats.casefold() cats = [] for cat in soap_cats: if cat in 'soapu': cats.append(cat) continue if cat == ' ': cats.append(None) cmd = """ SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM clin.clin_narrative WHERE fk_encounter = %(enc)s AND soap_cat = ANY(%(cats)s) LIMIT 1 ) """ args = {'enc': self._payload['pk_encounter'], 'cats': cats} rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd,'args': args}]) return rows[0][0]
def lock(self, exclusive=False, link_obj=None)
Expand source code
def lock(self, exclusive=False, link_obj=None): return lock_encounter(self.pk_obj, exclusive = exclusive, link_obj = link_obj)
def remove_code(self, pk_code=None, field=None)
must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code) Expand source code
def remove_code(self, pk_code=None, field=None): """<pk_code> must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code)""" if field == 'rfe': cmd = "DELETE FROM clin.lnk_code2rfe WHERE fk_item = %(item)s AND fk_generic_code = %(code)s" elif field == 'aoe': cmd = "DELETE FROM clin.lnk_code2aoe WHERE fk_item = %(item)s AND fk_generic_code = %(code)s" else: raise ValueError('<field> must be one of "rfe" or "aoe", not "%s"', field) args = { 'item': self._payload['pk_encounter'], 'code': pk_code } gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return True
def set_active(self)
Set the encounter as the active one.
"Setting active" means making sure the encounter row has the youngest "last_affirmed" timestamp of all encounter rows for this patient.
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def set_active(self): """Set the encounter as the active one. "Setting active" means making sure the encounter row has the youngest "last_affirmed" timestamp of all encounter rows for this patient. """ self['last_affirmed'] = gmDateTime.pydt_now_here()
def transfer_all_data_to_another_encounter(self, pk_target_encounter=None)
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def transfer_all_data_to_another_encounter(self, pk_target_encounter=None): if pk_target_encounter == self.pk_obj: return True cmd = "SELECT clin.transfer_all_encounter_data(%(src)s, %(trg)s)" args = { 'src': self.pk_obj, 'trg': pk_target_encounter } gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return True
def transfer_clinical_data(self, source_episode=None, target_episode=None)
Moves every element currently linked to the current encounter and the source_episode onto target_episode.
@param source_episode The episode the elements are currently linked to. @type target_episode A cEpisode intance. @param target_episode The episode the elements will be relinked to. @type target_episode A cEpisode intance.
Expand source code
def transfer_clinical_data(self, source_episode=None, target_episode=None): """ Moves every element currently linked to the current encounter and the source_episode onto target_episode. @param source_episode The episode the elements are currently linked to. @type target_episode A cEpisode intance. @param target_episode The episode the elements will be relinked to. @type target_episode A cEpisode intance. """ if source_episode['pk_episode'] == target_episode['pk_episode']: return True cmd = """ UPDATE clin.clin_root_item SET fk_episode = %(trg)s WHERE fk_encounter = %(enc)s AND fk_episode = %(src)s """ gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{ 'cmd': cmd, 'args': { 'trg': target_episode['pk_episode'], 'enc': self.pk_obj, 'src': source_episode['pk_episode'] } }]) self.refetch_payload() return True
def unlock(self, exclusive=False, link_obj=None)
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def unlock(self, exclusive=False, link_obj=None): return unlock_encounter(self.pk_obj, exclusive = exclusive, link_obj = link_obj)
Inherited members
class cEpisode (aPK_obj=None, id_patient=None, name='xxxDEFAULTxxx', health_issue=None, row=None, encounter=None, link_obj=None)
Represents one clinical episode.
Call init from child classes like so:
super().__init__(aPK_obj = aPK_obj, row = row, link_obj = link_obj)
- retrieve data from backend
- an scalar value the ._cmd_fetch_payload WHERE condition must be a simple column: "… WHERE pk_col = %s"
- a dictionary of values the ._cmd_fetch_payload WHERE condition must consume the dictionary and produce a unique row
- must hold the fields
- data: list of column values for the row selected by ._cmd_fetch_payload (as returned by cursor.fetchone() in the DB-API)
- pk_field: the name of the primary key column OR
- pk_obj: a dictionary suitable for being passed to cursor.execute and holding the primary key values, used for composite PKs
- for example:
row = { 'data': rows[0], 'pk_field': 'pk_XXX (the PK column name)', 'pk_obj': {'pk_col1': pk_col1_val, 'pk_col2': pk_col2_val} } rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) objects = [ cChildClass(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'the PK column name'}) for r in rows ]
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class cEpisode(gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject): """Represents one clinical episode. """ _cmd_fetch_payload = "select * from clin.v_pat_episodes where pk_episode=%s" _cmds_store_payload = [ """update clin.episode set fk_health_issue = %(pk_health_issue)s, is_open = %(episode_open)s::boolean, description = %(description)s, summary = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(summary)s), diagnostic_certainty_classification = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(diagnostic_certainty_classification)s) where pk = %(pk_episode)s and xmin = %(xmin_episode)s""", """select xmin_episode from clin.v_pat_episodes where pk_episode = %(pk_episode)s""" ] _updatable_fields = [ 'pk_health_issue', 'episode_open', 'description', 'summary', 'diagnostic_certainty_classification' ] #-------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, aPK_obj=None, id_patient=None, name='xxxDEFAULTxxx', health_issue=None, row=None, encounter=None, link_obj=None): pk = aPK_obj if pk is None and row is None: where_parts = ['description = %(desc)s'] if id_patient is not None: where_parts.append('pk_patient = %(pat)s') if health_issue is not None: where_parts.append('pk_health_issue = %(issue)s') if encounter is not None: where_parts.append('pk_patient = (SELECT fk_patient FROM clin.encounter WHERE pk = %(enc)s)') args = { 'pat': id_patient, 'issue': health_issue, 'enc': encounter, 'desc': name } cmd = 'SELECT * FROM clin.v_pat_episodes WHERE %s' % ' AND '.join(where_parts) rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries ( link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], ) if len(rows) == 0: raise gmExceptions.NoSuchBusinessObjectError('no episode for [%s:%s:%s:%s]' % (id_patient, name, health_issue, encounter)) r = {'data': rows[0], 'pk_field': 'pk_episode'} gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject.__init__(self, row=r) else: gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject.__init__(self, aPK_obj=pk, row=row, link_obj = link_obj) #-------------------------------------------------------- # external API #-------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def from_problem(cls, problem:'cProblem') -> 'cEpisode': """Initialize episode from episody-type problem.""" if isinstance(problem, cEpisode): return problem assert isinstance(problem, cProblem), 'cannot convert [%s] to episode' % problem assert problem['type'] == 'episode', 'cannot convert [%s] to episode' % problem return cls(aPK_obj = problem['pk_episode']) #-------------------------------------------------------- def get_patient(self): return self._payload['pk_patient'] #-------------------------------------------------------- def get_narrative(self, soap_cats=None, encounters=None, order_by = None): return gmClinNarrative.get_narrative ( soap_cats = soap_cats, encounters = encounters, episodes = [self.pk_obj], order_by = order_by ) #-------------------------------------------------------- def rename(self, description=None): """Method for episode editing, that is, episode renaming. @param description - the new descriptive name for the encounter @type description - a string instance """ # sanity check if description.strip() == '': _log.error('<description> must be a non-empty string instance') return False # update the episode description old_description = self._payload['description'] self._payload['description'] = description.strip() self._is_modified = True successful, data = self.save_payload() if not successful: _log.error('cannot rename episode [%s] to [%s]' % (self, description)) self._payload['description'] = old_description return False return True #-------------------------------------------------------- def add_code(self, pk_code=None): """<pk_code> must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code)""" if pk_code in self._payload['pk_generic_codes']: return cmd = """ INSERT INTO clin.lnk_code2episode (fk_item, fk_generic_code) SELECT %(item)s, %(code)s WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM clin.lnk_code2episode WHERE fk_item = %(item)s AND fk_generic_code = %(code)s )""" args = { 'item': self._payload['pk_episode'], 'code': pk_code } gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return #-------------------------------------------------------- def remove_code(self, pk_code=None): """<pk_code> must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code)""" cmd = "DELETE FROM clin.lnk_code2episode WHERE fk_item = %(item)s AND fk_generic_code = %(code)s" args = { 'item': self._payload['pk_episode'], 'code': pk_code } gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return True #-------------------------------------------------------- def format_as_journal(self, left_margin=0, date_format='%Y %b %d, %a'): rows = gmClinNarrative.get_as_journal ( episodes = [self.pk_obj], order_by = 'pk_encounter, clin_when, scr, src_table' #order_by = u'pk_encounter, scr, clin_when, src_table' ) if len(rows) == 0: return '' lines = [] lines.append(_('Clinical data generated during encounters within this episode:')) left_margin = ' ' * left_margin prev_enc = None for row in rows: if row['pk_encounter'] != prev_enc: lines.append('') prev_enc = row['pk_encounter'] when = row['clin_when'].strftime(date_format) top_row = '%s%s %s (%s) %s' % ( gmTools.u_box_top_left_arc, gmTools.u_box_horiz_single, gmSoapDefs.soap_cat2l10n_str[row['real_soap_cat']], when, gmTools.u_box_horiz_single * 5 ) soap = gmTools.wrap ( text = row['narrative'], width = 60, initial_indent = ' ', subsequent_indent = ' ' + left_margin ) row_ver = '' if row['row_version'] > 0: row_ver = 'v%s: ' % row['row_version'] bottom_row = '%s%s %s, %s%s %s' % ( ' ' * 40, gmTools.u_box_horiz_light_heavy, row['modified_by'], row_ver, gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(row['modified_when'], date_format), gmTools.u_box_horiz_heavy_light ) lines.append(top_row) lines.append(soap) lines.append(bottom_row) eol_w_margin = '\n%s' % left_margin return left_margin + eol_w_margin.join(lines) + '\n' #-------------------------------------------------------- def format_maximum_information(self, patient=None): if patient is None: from import gmCurrentPatient, cPerson if self._payload['pk_patient'] == gmCurrentPatient().ID: patient = gmCurrentPatient() else: patient = cPerson(self._payload['pk_patient']) return self.format ( patient = patient, with_summary = True, with_codes = True, with_encounters = True, with_documents = True, with_hospital_stays = True, with_procedures = True, with_family_history = True, with_tests = False, # does not inform on the episode itself with_vaccinations = True, with_health_issue = True, return_list = True ) #-------------------------------------------------------- def format(self, left_margin=0, patient=None, with_summary=True, with_codes=True, with_encounters=True, with_documents=True, with_hospital_stays=True, with_procedures=True, with_family_history=True, with_tests=True, with_vaccinations=True, with_health_issue=False, return_list=False ): if patient is not None: if patient.ID != self._payload['pk_patient']: msg = '<patient>.ID = %s but episode %s belongs to patient %s' % ( patient.ID, self._payload['pk_episode'], self._payload['pk_patient'] ) raise ValueError(msg) emr = patient.emr else: with_encounters = False with_documents = False with_hospital_stays = False with_procedures = False with_family_history = False with_tests = False with_vaccinations = False lines = [] # episode details lines.append (_('Episode %s%s%s [#%s]') % ( gmTools.u_left_double_angle_quote, self._payload['description'], gmTools.u_right_double_angle_quote, self._payload['pk_episode'] )) enc = cEncounter(aPK_obj = self._payload['pk_encounter']) lines.append (' ' + _('Created during encounter: %s (%s - %s) [#%s]') % ( enc['l10n_type'], enc['started_original_tz'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), enc['last_affirmed_original_tz'].strftime('%H:%M'), self._payload['pk_encounter'] )) if patient is not None: range_str, range_str_verb, duration_str = self.formatted_clinical_duration lines.append(_(' Duration: %s (%s)') % (duration_str, range_str_verb)) lines.append(' ' + _('Status') + ': %s%s' % ( gmTools.bool2subst(self._payload['episode_open'], _('active'), _('finished')), gmTools.coalesce ( value2test = diagnostic_certainty_classification2str(self._payload['diagnostic_certainty_classification']), return_instead = '', template4value = ', %s', none_equivalents = [None, ''] ) )) if with_health_issue: lines.append(' ' + _('Health issue') + ': %s' % gmTools.coalesce ( self._payload['health_issue'], _('none associated') )) if with_summary: if self._payload['summary'] is not None: lines.append(' %s:' % _('Synopsis')) lines.append(gmTools.wrap ( text = self._payload['summary'], width = 60, initial_indent = ' ', subsequent_indent = ' ' ) ) # codes if with_codes: codes = self.generic_codes if len(codes) > 0: lines.append('') for c in codes: lines.append(' %s: %s (%s - %s)' % ( c['code'], c['term'], c['name_short'], c['version'] )) del codes lines.append('') # encounters if with_encounters: encs = emr.get_encounters(episodes = [self._payload['pk_episode']]) if encs is None: lines.append(_('Error retrieving encounters for this episode.')) elif len(encs) == 0: #lines.append(_('There are no encounters for this issue.')) pass else: first_encounter = emr.get_first_encounter(episode_id = self._payload['pk_episode']) last_encounter = emr.get_last_encounter(episode_id = self._payload['pk_episode']) lines.append(_('Last worked on: %s\n') % last_encounter['last_affirmed_original_tz'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')) if len(encs) < 4: line = _('%s encounter(s) (%s - %s):') else: line = _('1st and (up to 3) most recent (of %s) encounters (%s - %s):') lines.append(line % ( len(encs), first_encounter['started'].strftime('%m/%Y'), last_encounter['last_affirmed'].strftime('%m/%Y') )) lines.append(' %s - %s (%s):%s' % ( first_encounter['started_original_tz'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), first_encounter['last_affirmed_original_tz'].strftime('%H:%M'), first_encounter['l10n_type'], gmTools.coalesce ( first_encounter['assessment_of_encounter'], gmTools.coalesce ( first_encounter['reason_for_encounter'], '', ' \u00BB%s\u00AB' + (' (%s)' % _('RFE')) ), ' \u00BB%s\u00AB' + (' (%s)' % _('AOE')) ) )) if len(encs) > 4: lines.append(_(' %s %s skipped %s') % ( gmTools.u_ellipsis, (len(encs) - 4), gmTools.u_ellipsis )) for enc in encs[1:][-3:]: lines.append(' %s - %s (%s):%s' % ( enc['started_original_tz'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), enc['last_affirmed_original_tz'].strftime('%H:%M'), enc['l10n_type'], gmTools.coalesce ( enc['assessment_of_encounter'], gmTools.coalesce ( enc['reason_for_encounter'], '', ' \u00BB%s\u00AB' + (' (%s)' % _('RFE')) ), ' \u00BB%s\u00AB' + (' (%s)' % _('AOE')) ) )) del encs # spell out last encounter if last_encounter is not None: lines.append('') lines.append(_('Progress notes in most recent encounter:')) lines.extend(last_encounter.format_soap ( episodes = [ self._payload['pk_episode'] ], left_margin = left_margin, soap_cats = 'soapu', emr = emr )) # documents if with_documents: doc_folder = patient.get_document_folder() docs = doc_folder.get_documents ( pk_episodes = [ self._payload['pk_episode'] ] ) if len(docs) > 0: lines.append('') lines.append(_('Documents: %s') % len(docs)) for d in docs: lines.append(' ' + d.format(single_line = True)) del docs # hospitalizations if with_hospital_stays: stays = emr.get_hospital_stays(episodes = [ self._payload['pk_episode'] ]) if len(stays) > 0: lines.append('') lines.append(_('Hospitalizations: %s') % len(stays)) for s in stays: lines.append(s.format(left_margin = (left_margin + 1))) del stays # procedures if with_procedures: procs = emr.get_performed_procedures(episodes = [ self._payload['pk_episode'] ]) if len(procs) > 0: lines.append('') lines.append(_('Procedures performed: %s') % len(procs)) for p in procs: lines.append(p.format ( left_margin = (left_margin + 1), include_episode = False, include_codes = True )) del procs # family history if with_family_history: fhx = emr.get_family_history(episodes = [ self._payload['pk_episode'] ]) if len(fhx) > 0: lines.append('') lines.append(_('Family History: %s') % len(fhx)) for f in fhx: lines.append(f.format ( left_margin = (left_margin + 1), include_episode = False, include_comment = True, include_codes = True )) del fhx # test results if with_tests: tests = emr.get_test_results_by_date(episodes = [ self._payload['pk_episode'] ]) if len(tests) > 0: lines.append('') lines.append(_('Measurements and Results:')) for t in tests: lines.append(' ' + t.format_concisely(date_format = '%Y %b %d', with_notes = True)) del tests # vaccinations if with_vaccinations: vaccs = emr.get_vaccinations ( episodes = [ self._payload['pk_episode'] ], order_by = 'date_given DESC, vaccine' ) if len(vaccs) > 0: lines.append('') lines.append(_('Vaccinations:')) for vacc in vaccs: lines.extend(vacc.format ( with_indications = True, with_comment = True, with_reaction = True, date_format = '%Y-%m-%d' )) del vaccs lines = gmTools.strip_trailing_empty_lines(lines = lines, eol = '\n') if return_list: return lines left_margin = ' ' * left_margin eol_w_margin = '\n%s' % left_margin return left_margin + eol_w_margin.join(lines) + '\n' #-------------------------------------------------------- # properties #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_best_guess_clinical_start_date(self): return get_best_guess_clinical_start_date_for_episode(pk_episode = self.pk_obj) best_guess_clinical_start_date = property(_get_best_guess_clinical_start_date) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_best_guess_clinical_end_date(self): return get_best_guess_clinical_end_date_for_episode(self.pk_obj) best_guess_clinical_end_date = property(_get_best_guess_clinical_end_date) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_formatted_clinical_duration(self): return format_clinical_duration_of_episode ( start = get_best_guess_clinical_start_date_for_episode(self.pk_obj), end = get_best_guess_clinical_end_date_for_episode(self.pk_obj) ) formatted_clinical_duration = property(_get_formatted_clinical_duration) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_latest_access_date(self): cmd = """SELECT MAX(latest) FROM ( -- last modification, latest = when last changed to the current state (SELECT c_epi.modified_when AS latest, 'clin.episode.modified_when'::text AS candidate FROM clin.episode c_epi WHERE = %(pk)s) UNION ALL -- last modification of encounter in which created, latest = initial creation of that encounter -- DO NOT USE: just because one corrects a typo does not mean the episode took longer --(SELECT c_enc.modified_when AS latest FROM clin.encounter c_enc WHERE = ( -- SELECT fk_encounter FROM clin.episode WHERE pk = %(pk)s --)) -- end of encounter in which created, latest = explicitly set -- DO NOT USE: we can retrospectively create episodes which -- DO NOT USE: are long since finished --(SELECT c_enc.last_affirmed AS latest FROM clin.encounter c_enc WHERE = ( -- SELECT fk_encounter FROM clin.episode WHERE pk = %(pk)s --)) -- latest end of encounters of clinical items linked to this episode (SELECT MAX(last_affirmed) AS latest, ' = clin.clin_root_item,fk_episode -> .fk_encounter.last_affirmed'::text AS candidate FROM clin.encounter WHERE pk IN ( SELECT fk_encounter FROM clin.clin_root_item WHERE fk_episode = %(pk)s )) UNION ALL -- latest explicit .clin_when of clinical items linked to this episode (SELECT MAX(clin_when) AS latest, ' = clin.clin_root_item,fk_episode -> .clin_when'::text AS candidate FROM clin.clin_root_item WHERE fk_episode = %(pk)s ) -- latest modification time of clinical items linked to this episode -- this CAN be used since if an item is linked to an episode it can be -- assumed the episode (should have) existed at the time of creation -- DO NOT USE, because typo fixes should not extend the episode --(SELECT MIN(modified_when) AS latest FROM clin.clin_root_item WHERE fk_episode = %(pk)s) -- not sure about this one: -- .pk -> clin.clin_root_item.fk_encounter.modified_when ) AS candidates""" rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'pk': self.pk_obj}}]) return rows[0][0] latest_access_date = property(_get_latest_access_date) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_diagnostic_certainty_description(self): return diagnostic_certainty_classification2str(self._payload['diagnostic_certainty_classification']) diagnostic_certainty_description = property(_get_diagnostic_certainty_description) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_formatted_revision_history(self): cmd = """SELECT '<N/A>'::TEXT as audit__action_applied, NULL AS audit__action_when, '<N/A>'::TEXT AS audit__action_by, pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_health_issue, description, is_open, fk_encounter, diagnostic_certainty_classification, summary FROM clin.episode WHERE pk = %(pk_episode)s UNION ALL ( SELECT audit_action as audit__action_applied, audit_when as audit__action_when, audit_by as audit__action_by, pk_audit, orig_version as row_version, orig_when as modified_when, orig_by as modified_by, pk, fk_health_issue, description, is_open, fk_encounter, diagnostic_certainty_classification, summary FROM audit.log_episode WHERE pk = %(pk_episode)s ) ORDER BY row_version DESC """ args = {'pk_episode': self.pk_obj} title = _('Episode: %s%s%s') % ( gmTools.u_left_double_angle_quote, self._payload['description'], gmTools.u_right_double_angle_quote ) return '\n'.join(self._get_revision_history(cmd, args, title)) formatted_revision_history = property(_get_formatted_revision_history) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_generic_codes(self): if len(self._payload['pk_generic_codes']) == 0: return [] cmd = gmCoding._SQL_get_generic_linked_codes % 'pk_generic_code = ANY(%(pks)s)' args = {'pks': self._payload['pk_generic_codes']} rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return [ gmCoding.cGenericLinkedCode(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_lnk_code2item'}) for r in rows ] def _set_generic_codes(self, pk_codes): queries = [] # remove all codes if len(self._payload['pk_generic_codes']) > 0: queries.append ({ 'cmd': 'DELETE FROM clin.lnk_code2episode WHERE fk_item = %(epi)s AND fk_generic_code = ANY(%(codes)s)', 'args': { 'epi': self._payload['pk_episode'], 'codes': self._payload['pk_generic_codes'] } }) # add new codes for pk_code in pk_codes: queries.append ({ 'cmd': 'INSERT INTO clin.lnk_code2episode (fk_item, fk_generic_code) VALUES (%(epi)s, %(pk_code)s)', 'args': { 'epi': self._payload['pk_episode'], 'pk_code': pk_code } }) if len(queries) == 0: return # run it all in one transaction gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = queries) return generic_codes = property(_get_generic_codes, _set_generic_codes) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_has_narrative(self): cmd = """SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM clin.clin_narrative WHERE fk_episode = %(epi)s AND fk_encounter IN ( SELECT pk FROM clin.encounter WHERE fk_patient = %(pat)s ) )""" args = { 'pat': self._payload['pk_patient'], 'epi': self._payload['pk_episode'] } rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return rows[0][0] has_narrative = property(_get_has_narrative) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_health_issue(self): if self._payload['pk_health_issue'] is None: return None return cHealthIssue(self._payload['pk_health_issue']) health_issue = property(_get_health_issue)
Static methods
def from_problem(problem: cProblem) ‑> cEpisode
Initialize episode from episody-type problem.
Expand source code
@classmethod def from_problem(cls, problem:'cProblem') -> 'cEpisode': """Initialize episode from episody-type problem.""" if isinstance(problem, cEpisode): return problem assert isinstance(problem, cProblem), 'cannot convert [%s] to episode' % problem assert problem['type'] == 'episode', 'cannot convert [%s] to episode' % problem return cls(aPK_obj = problem['pk_episode'])
Instance variables
var best_guess_clinical_end_date
Expand source code
def _get_best_guess_clinical_end_date(self): return get_best_guess_clinical_end_date_for_episode(self.pk_obj)
var best_guess_clinical_start_date
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def _get_best_guess_clinical_start_date(self): return get_best_guess_clinical_start_date_for_episode(pk_episode = self.pk_obj)
var diagnostic_certainty_description
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def _get_diagnostic_certainty_description(self): return diagnostic_certainty_classification2str(self._payload['diagnostic_certainty_classification'])
var formatted_clinical_duration
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def _get_formatted_clinical_duration(self): return format_clinical_duration_of_episode ( start = get_best_guess_clinical_start_date_for_episode(self.pk_obj), end = get_best_guess_clinical_end_date_for_episode(self.pk_obj) )
var formatted_revision_history
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def _get_formatted_revision_history(self): cmd = """SELECT '<N/A>'::TEXT as audit__action_applied, NULL AS audit__action_when, '<N/A>'::TEXT AS audit__action_by, pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_health_issue, description, is_open, fk_encounter, diagnostic_certainty_classification, summary FROM clin.episode WHERE pk = %(pk_episode)s UNION ALL ( SELECT audit_action as audit__action_applied, audit_when as audit__action_when, audit_by as audit__action_by, pk_audit, orig_version as row_version, orig_when as modified_when, orig_by as modified_by, pk, fk_health_issue, description, is_open, fk_encounter, diagnostic_certainty_classification, summary FROM audit.log_episode WHERE pk = %(pk_episode)s ) ORDER BY row_version DESC """ args = {'pk_episode': self.pk_obj} title = _('Episode: %s%s%s') % ( gmTools.u_left_double_angle_quote, self._payload['description'], gmTools.u_right_double_angle_quote ) return '\n'.join(self._get_revision_history(cmd, args, title))
var generic_codes
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def _get_generic_codes(self): if len(self._payload['pk_generic_codes']) == 0: return [] cmd = gmCoding._SQL_get_generic_linked_codes % 'pk_generic_code = ANY(%(pks)s)' args = {'pks': self._payload['pk_generic_codes']} rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return [ gmCoding.cGenericLinkedCode(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_lnk_code2item'}) for r in rows ]
var has_narrative
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def _get_has_narrative(self): cmd = """SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM clin.clin_narrative WHERE fk_episode = %(epi)s AND fk_encounter IN ( SELECT pk FROM clin.encounter WHERE fk_patient = %(pat)s ) )""" args = { 'pat': self._payload['pk_patient'], 'epi': self._payload['pk_episode'] } rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return rows[0][0]
var health_issue
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def _get_health_issue(self): if self._payload['pk_health_issue'] is None: return None return cHealthIssue(self._payload['pk_health_issue'])
var latest_access_date
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def _get_latest_access_date(self): cmd = """SELECT MAX(latest) FROM ( -- last modification, latest = when last changed to the current state (SELECT c_epi.modified_when AS latest, 'clin.episode.modified_when'::text AS candidate FROM clin.episode c_epi WHERE = %(pk)s) UNION ALL -- last modification of encounter in which created, latest = initial creation of that encounter -- DO NOT USE: just because one corrects a typo does not mean the episode took longer --(SELECT c_enc.modified_when AS latest FROM clin.encounter c_enc WHERE = ( -- SELECT fk_encounter FROM clin.episode WHERE pk = %(pk)s --)) -- end of encounter in which created, latest = explicitly set -- DO NOT USE: we can retrospectively create episodes which -- DO NOT USE: are long since finished --(SELECT c_enc.last_affirmed AS latest FROM clin.encounter c_enc WHERE = ( -- SELECT fk_encounter FROM clin.episode WHERE pk = %(pk)s --)) -- latest end of encounters of clinical items linked to this episode (SELECT MAX(last_affirmed) AS latest, ' = clin.clin_root_item,fk_episode -> .fk_encounter.last_affirmed'::text AS candidate FROM clin.encounter WHERE pk IN ( SELECT fk_encounter FROM clin.clin_root_item WHERE fk_episode = %(pk)s )) UNION ALL -- latest explicit .clin_when of clinical items linked to this episode (SELECT MAX(clin_when) AS latest, ' = clin.clin_root_item,fk_episode -> .clin_when'::text AS candidate FROM clin.clin_root_item WHERE fk_episode = %(pk)s ) -- latest modification time of clinical items linked to this episode -- this CAN be used since if an item is linked to an episode it can be -- assumed the episode (should have) existed at the time of creation -- DO NOT USE, because typo fixes should not extend the episode --(SELECT MIN(modified_when) AS latest FROM clin.clin_root_item WHERE fk_episode = %(pk)s) -- not sure about this one: -- .pk -> clin.clin_root_item.fk_encounter.modified_when ) AS candidates""" rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'pk': self.pk_obj}}]) return rows[0][0]
def add_code(self, pk_code=None)
must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code) Expand source code
def add_code(self, pk_code=None): """<pk_code> must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code)""" if pk_code in self._payload['pk_generic_codes']: return cmd = """ INSERT INTO clin.lnk_code2episode (fk_item, fk_generic_code) SELECT %(item)s, %(code)s WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM clin.lnk_code2episode WHERE fk_item = %(item)s AND fk_generic_code = %(code)s )""" args = { 'item': self._payload['pk_episode'], 'code': pk_code } gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return
def format_as_journal(self, left_margin=0, date_format='%Y %b %d, %a')
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def format_as_journal(self, left_margin=0, date_format='%Y %b %d, %a'): rows = gmClinNarrative.get_as_journal ( episodes = [self.pk_obj], order_by = 'pk_encounter, clin_when, scr, src_table' #order_by = u'pk_encounter, scr, clin_when, src_table' ) if len(rows) == 0: return '' lines = [] lines.append(_('Clinical data generated during encounters within this episode:')) left_margin = ' ' * left_margin prev_enc = None for row in rows: if row['pk_encounter'] != prev_enc: lines.append('') prev_enc = row['pk_encounter'] when = row['clin_when'].strftime(date_format) top_row = '%s%s %s (%s) %s' % ( gmTools.u_box_top_left_arc, gmTools.u_box_horiz_single, gmSoapDefs.soap_cat2l10n_str[row['real_soap_cat']], when, gmTools.u_box_horiz_single * 5 ) soap = gmTools.wrap ( text = row['narrative'], width = 60, initial_indent = ' ', subsequent_indent = ' ' + left_margin ) row_ver = '' if row['row_version'] > 0: row_ver = 'v%s: ' % row['row_version'] bottom_row = '%s%s %s, %s%s %s' % ( ' ' * 40, gmTools.u_box_horiz_light_heavy, row['modified_by'], row_ver, gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(row['modified_when'], date_format), gmTools.u_box_horiz_heavy_light ) lines.append(top_row) lines.append(soap) lines.append(bottom_row) eol_w_margin = '\n%s' % left_margin return left_margin + eol_w_margin.join(lines) + '\n'
def format_maximum_information(self, patient=None)
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def format_maximum_information(self, patient=None): if patient is None: from import gmCurrentPatient, cPerson if self._payload['pk_patient'] == gmCurrentPatient().ID: patient = gmCurrentPatient() else: patient = cPerson(self._payload['pk_patient']) return self.format ( patient = patient, with_summary = True, with_codes = True, with_encounters = True, with_documents = True, with_hospital_stays = True, with_procedures = True, with_family_history = True, with_tests = False, # does not inform on the episode itself with_vaccinations = True, with_health_issue = True, return_list = True )
def get_narrative(self, soap_cats=None, encounters=None, order_by=None)
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def get_narrative(self, soap_cats=None, encounters=None, order_by = None): return gmClinNarrative.get_narrative ( soap_cats = soap_cats, encounters = encounters, episodes = [self.pk_obj], order_by = order_by )
def remove_code(self, pk_code=None)
must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code) Expand source code
def remove_code(self, pk_code=None): """<pk_code> must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code)""" cmd = "DELETE FROM clin.lnk_code2episode WHERE fk_item = %(item)s AND fk_generic_code = %(code)s" args = { 'item': self._payload['pk_episode'], 'code': pk_code } gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return True
def rename(self, description=None)
Method for episode editing, that is, episode renaming.
@param description - the new descriptive name for the encounter @type description - a string instance
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def rename(self, description=None): """Method for episode editing, that is, episode renaming. @param description - the new descriptive name for the encounter @type description - a string instance """ # sanity check if description.strip() == '': _log.error('<description> must be a non-empty string instance') return False # update the episode description old_description = self._payload['description'] self._payload['description'] = description.strip() self._is_modified = True successful, data = self.save_payload() if not successful: _log.error('cannot rename episode [%s] to [%s]' % (self, description)) self._payload['description'] = old_description return False return True
Inherited members
class cEpisodeMatchProvider
Find episodes for patient.
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class cEpisodeMatchProvider(gmMatchProvider.cMatchProvider_SQL2): """Find episodes for patient.""" _SQL_episode_start = _SQL_best_guess_clinical_start_date_for_episode % {'pk': 'c_vpe.pk_episode'} _SQL_episode_end = _SQL_best_guess_clinical_end_date_for_episode % {'pk': 'c_vpe.pk_episode'} _SQL_open_episodes = """ SELECT c_vpe.pk_episode, c_vpe.description AS episode, c_vpe.health_issue, 1 AS rank, (%s) AS episode_start, NULL::timestamp with time zone AS episode_end FROM clin.v_pat_episodes c_vpe WHERE c_vpe.episode_open IS TRUE AND c_vpe.description %%(fragment_condition)s %%(ctxt_pat)s """ % _SQL_episode_start _SQL_closed_episodes = """ SELECT c_vpe.pk_episode, c_vpe.description AS episode, c_vpe.health_issue, 2 AS rank, (%s) AS episode_start, (%s) AS episode_end FROM clin.v_pat_episodes c_vpe WHERE c_vpe.episode_open IS FALSE AND c_vpe.description %%(fragment_condition)s %%(ctxt_pat)s """ % ( _SQL_episode_start, _SQL_episode_end ) #-------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self): query = """ ( %s ) UNION ALL ( %s ) ORDER BY rank, episode LIMIT 30""" % ( cEpisodeMatchProvider._SQL_open_episodes, cEpisodeMatchProvider._SQL_closed_episodes ) ctxt = {'ctxt_pat': {'where_part': 'AND pk_patient = %(pat)s', 'placeholder': 'pat'}} super().__init__(queries = [query], context = ctxt) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _find_matches(self, fragment_condition): try: pat = self._context_vals['pat'] except KeyError: pat = None if not pat: # not patient, no search return (False, []) return super()._find_matches(fragment_condition) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _rows2matches(self, rows): matches = [] for row in rows: match = { 'weight': 0, 'data': row['pk_episode'] } label = '%s (%s)%s' % ( row['episode'], format_clinical_duration_of_episode ( start = row['episode_start'], end = row['episode_end'] )[0], gmTools.coalesce ( row['health_issue'], '', ' - %s' ) ) match['list_label'] = label match['field_label'] = label matches.append(match) return matches
Inherited members
class cHealthIssue (aPK_obj=None, encounter=None, name='xxxDEFAULTxxx', patient=None, row=None)
Represents one health issue.
Call init from child classes like so:
super().__init__(aPK_obj = aPK_obj, row = row, link_obj = link_obj)
- retrieve data from backend
- an scalar value the ._cmd_fetch_payload WHERE condition must be a simple column: "… WHERE pk_col = %s"
- a dictionary of values the ._cmd_fetch_payload WHERE condition must consume the dictionary and produce a unique row
- must hold the fields
- data: list of column values for the row selected by ._cmd_fetch_payload (as returned by cursor.fetchone() in the DB-API)
- pk_field: the name of the primary key column OR
- pk_obj: a dictionary suitable for being passed to cursor.execute and holding the primary key values, used for composite PKs
- for example:
row = { 'data': rows[0], 'pk_field': 'pk_XXX (the PK column name)', 'pk_obj': {'pk_col1': pk_col1_val, 'pk_col2': pk_col2_val} } rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) objects = [ cChildClass(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'the PK column name'}) for r in rows ]
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class cHealthIssue(gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject): """Represents one health issue.""" #_cmd_fetch_payload = u"select *, xmin_health_issue from clin.v_health_issues where pk_health_issue=%s" _cmd_fetch_payload = "select * from clin.v_health_issues where pk_health_issue = %s" _cmds_store_payload = [ """update clin.health_issue set description = %(description)s, summary = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(summary)s), age_noted = %(age_noted)s, laterality = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(laterality)s), grouping = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(grouping)s), diagnostic_certainty_classification = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(diagnostic_certainty_classification)s), is_active = %(is_active)s, clinically_relevant = %(clinically_relevant)s, is_confidential = %(is_confidential)s, is_cause_of_death = %(is_cause_of_death)s WHERE pk = %(pk_health_issue)s AND xmin = %(xmin_health_issue)s""", "select xmin as xmin_health_issue from clin.health_issue where pk = %(pk_health_issue)s" ] _updatable_fields = [ 'description', 'summary', 'grouping', 'age_noted', 'laterality', 'is_active', 'clinically_relevant', 'is_confidential', 'is_cause_of_death', 'diagnostic_certainty_classification' ] #-------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, aPK_obj=None, encounter=None, name='xxxDEFAULTxxx', patient=None, row=None): pk = aPK_obj if (pk is not None) or (row is not None): gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject.__init__(self, aPK_obj=pk, row=row) return if patient is None: cmd = """select *, xmin_health_issue from clin.v_health_issues where description = %(desc)s and pk_patient = (select fk_patient from clin.encounter where pk = %(enc)s)""" else: cmd = """select *, xmin_health_issue from clin.v_health_issues where description = %(desc)s and pk_patient = %(pat)s""" queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'enc': encounter, 'desc': name, 'pat': patient}}] rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = queries) if len(rows) == 0: raise gmExceptions.NoSuchBusinessObjectError('no health issue for [enc:%s::desc:%s::pat:%s]' % (encounter, name, patient)) pk = rows[0][0] r = {'data': rows[0], 'pk_field': 'pk_health_issue'} gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject.__init__(self, row=r) #-------------------------------------------------------- # external API #-------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def from_problem(cls, problem:'cProblem') -> 'cHealthIssue': """Initialize health issue from issue-type problem.""" if isinstance(problem, cHealthIssue): return problem assert isinstance(problem, cProblem), 'cannot convert [%s] to health issue' % problem assert problem['type'] == 'issue', 'cannot convert [%s] to health issue' % problem return cls(aPK_obj = problem['pk_health_issue']) #-------------------------------------------------------- def rename(self, description:str=None) -> bool: """Rename health issue. Args: description: the new descriptive name for the issue """ if description.strip() == '': return False # update the issue description old_description = self._payload['description'] self._payload['description'] = description.strip() self._is_modified = True successful, data = self.save_payload() if not successful: _log.error('cannot rename health issue [%s] with [%s]' % (self, description)) self._payload['description'] = old_description return False return True #-------------------------------------------------------- def get_episodes(self) -> list['cEpisode']: """The episodes linked to this health issue.""" cmd = "SELECT * FROM clin.v_pat_episodes WHERE pk_health_issue = %(pk)s" rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'pk': self.pk_obj}}]) return [ cEpisode(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_episode'}) for r in rows ] episodes = property(get_episodes) #-------------------------------------------------------- def close_expired_episode(self, ttl:int=180) -> bool: """Close open episode if "older" than the Time To Live. Args: ttl: maximum "age" of episode in days """ open_episode = self.open_episode if open_episode is None: return True #clinical_end = open_episode.best_guess_clinical_end_date clinical_end = open_episode.latest_access_date # :-/ ttl = datetime.timedelta(ttl) now = = clinical_end.tzinfo) if (clinical_end + ttl) > now: return False open_episode['episode_open'] = False success, data = open_episode.save_payload() if success: return True return False #-------------------------------------------------------- def close_episode(self) -> bool: """Unconditionally close the open episode, if any.""" open_episode = self.get_open_episode() open_episode['episode_open'] = False success_state, data = open_episode.save_payload() return success_state #-------------------------------------------------------- def get_open_episode(self) -> 'cEpisode': SQL = "select pk FROM clin.episode WHERE fk_health_issue = %(pk_issue)s AND is_open IS True LIMIT 1" rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': SQL, 'args': {'pk_issue': self.pk_obj}}]) if rows: return cEpisode(aPK_obj = rows[0][0]) return None open_episode = property(get_open_episode) #-------------------------------------------------------- def age_noted_human_readable(self): if self._payload['age_noted'] is None: return '<???>' # since we've already got an interval we are bound to use it, # further transformation will only introduce more errors, # later we can improve this deeper inside return gmDateTime.format_interval_medically(self._payload['age_noted']) #-------------------------------------------------------- def add_code(self, pk_code=None): """<pk_code> must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code)""" cmd = "INSERT INTO clin.lnk_code2h_issue (fk_item, fk_generic_code) values (%(item)s, %(code)s)" args = { 'item': self._payload['pk_health_issue'], 'code': pk_code } gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return True #-------------------------------------------------------- def remove_code(self, pk_code=None): """<pk_code> must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code)""" cmd = "DELETE FROM clin.lnk_code2h_issue WHERE fk_item = %(item)s AND fk_generic_code = %(code)s" args = { 'item': self._payload['pk_health_issue'], 'code': pk_code } gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return True #-------------------------------------------------------- def format_as_journal(self, left_margin=0, date_format='%Y %b %d, %a'): rows = gmClinNarrative.get_as_journal ( issues = [self.pk_obj], order_by = 'pk_episode, pk_encounter, clin_when, scr, src_table' ) if len(rows) == 0: return '' left_margin = ' ' * left_margin lines = [] lines.append(_('Clinical data generated during encounters under this health issue:')) prev_epi = None for row in rows: if row['pk_episode'] != prev_epi: lines.append('') prev_epi = row['pk_episode'] when = gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(row['clin_when'], date_format) top_row = '%s%s %s (%s) %s' % ( gmTools.u_box_top_left_arc, gmTools.u_box_horiz_single, gmSoapDefs.soap_cat2l10n_str[row['real_soap_cat']], when, gmTools.u_box_horiz_single * 5 ) soap = gmTools.wrap ( text = row['narrative'], width = 60, initial_indent = ' ', subsequent_indent = ' ' + left_margin ) row_ver = '' if row['row_version'] > 0: row_ver = 'v%s: ' % row['row_version'] bottom_row = '%s%s %s, %s%s %s' % ( ' ' * 40, gmTools.u_box_horiz_light_heavy, row['modified_by'], row_ver, gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(row['modified_when'], date_format), gmTools.u_box_horiz_heavy_light ) lines.append(top_row) lines.append(soap) lines.append(bottom_row) eol_w_margin = '\n%s' % left_margin return left_margin + eol_w_margin.join(lines) + '\n' #-------------------------------------------------------- def format (self, left_margin=0, patient=None, with_summary=True, with_codes=True, with_episodes=True, with_encounters=True, with_medications=True, with_hospital_stays=True, with_procedures=True, with_family_history=True, with_documents=True, with_tests=True, with_vaccinations=True, with_external_care=True ): lines = [] lines.append(_('Health Issue %s%s%s%s [#%s]') % ( '\u00BB', self._payload['description'], '\u00AB', gmTools.coalesce ( value2test = self.laterality_description, return_instead = '', template4value = ' (%s)', none_equivalents = [None, '', '?'] ), self._payload['pk_health_issue'] )) if self._payload['is_confidential']: lines.append('') lines.append(_(' ***** CONFIDENTIAL *****')) lines.append('') if self._payload['is_cause_of_death']: lines.append('') lines.append(_(' contributed to death of patient')) lines.append('') enc = cEncounter(aPK_obj = self._payload['pk_encounter']) lines.append (_(' Created during encounter: %s (%s - %s) [#%s]') % ( enc['l10n_type'], enc['started_original_tz'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), enc['last_affirmed_original_tz'].strftime('%H:%M'), self._payload['pk_encounter'] )) if self._payload['age_noted'] is not None: lines.append(_(' Noted at age: %s') % self.age_noted_human_readable()) lines.append(' ' + _('Status') + ': %s, %s%s' % ( gmTools.bool2subst(self._payload['is_active'], _('active'), _('inactive')), gmTools.bool2subst(self._payload['clinically_relevant'], _('clinically relevant'), _('not clinically relevant')), gmTools.coalesce ( value2test = diagnostic_certainty_classification2str(self._payload['diagnostic_certainty_classification']), return_instead = '', template4value = ', %s', none_equivalents = [None, ''] ) )) if with_summary: if self._payload['summary'] is not None: lines.append(' %s:' % _('Synopsis')) lines.append(gmTools.wrap ( text = self._payload['summary'], width = 60, initial_indent = ' ', subsequent_indent = ' ' )) # codes ? if with_codes: codes = self.generic_codes if len(codes) > 0: lines.append('') for c in codes: lines.append(' %s: %s (%s - %s)' % ( c['code'], c['term'], c['name_short'], c['version'] )) del codes lines.append('') # patient/emr dependant if patient is not None: if patient.ID != self._payload['pk_patient']: msg = '<patient>.ID = %s but health issue %s belongs to patient %s' % ( patient.ID, self._payload['pk_health_issue'], self._payload['pk_patient'] ) raise ValueError(msg) emr = patient.emr # episodes if with_episodes: epis = self.get_episodes() if epis is None: lines.append(_('Error retrieving episodes for this health issue.')) elif len(epis) == 0: lines.append(_('There are no episodes for this health issue.')) else: lines.append ( _('Episodes: %s (most recent: %s%s%s)') % ( len(epis), gmTools.u_left_double_angle_quote, emr.get_most_recent_episode(issue = self._payload['pk_health_issue'])['description'], gmTools.u_right_double_angle_quote ) ) for epi in epis: lines.append(' \u00BB%s\u00AB (%s)' % ( epi['description'], gmTools.bool2subst(epi['episode_open'], _('ongoing'), _('closed')) )) lines.append('') # encounters if with_encounters: first_encounter = emr.get_first_encounter(issue_id = self._payload['pk_health_issue']) last_encounter = emr.get_last_encounter(issue_id = self._payload['pk_health_issue']) if first_encounter is None or last_encounter is None: lines.append(_('No encounters found for this health issue.')) else: encs = emr.get_encounters(issues = [self._payload['pk_health_issue']]) lines.append(_('Encounters: %s (%s - %s):') % ( len(encs), first_encounter['started_original_tz'].strftime('%m/%Y'), last_encounter['last_affirmed_original_tz'].strftime('%m/%Y') )) lines.append(_(' Most recent: %s - %s') % ( last_encounter['started_original_tz'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), last_encounter['last_affirmed_original_tz'].strftime('%H:%M') )) # medications if with_medications: meds = emr.get_current_medications ( issues = [ self._payload['pk_health_issue'] ], order_by = 'discontinued DESC NULLS FIRST, started, substance' ) if len(meds) > 0: lines.append('') lines.append(_('Medications and Substances')) for m in meds: lines.append(m.format(left_margin = (left_margin + 1))) del meds # hospitalizations if with_hospital_stays: stays = emr.get_hospital_stays ( issues = [ self._payload['pk_health_issue'] ] ) if len(stays) > 0: lines.append('') lines.append(_('Hospitalizations: %s') % len(stays)) for s in stays: lines.append(s.format(left_margin = (left_margin + 1))) del stays # procedures if with_procedures: procs = emr.get_performed_procedures ( issues = [ self._payload['pk_health_issue'] ] ) if len(procs) > 0: lines.append('') lines.append(_('Procedures performed: %s') % len(procs)) for p in procs: lines.append(p.format(left_margin = (left_margin + 1))) del procs # family history if with_family_history: fhx = emr.get_family_history(issues = [ self._payload['pk_health_issue'] ]) if len(fhx) > 0: lines.append('') lines.append(_('Family History: %s') % len(fhx)) for f in fhx: lines.append(f.format ( left_margin = (left_margin + 1), include_episode = True, include_comment = True, include_codes = False )) del fhx epis = self.get_episodes() if len(epis) > 0: epi_pks = [ e['pk_episode'] for e in epis ] # documents if with_documents: doc_folder = patient.get_document_folder() docs = doc_folder.get_documents(pk_episodes = epi_pks) if len(docs) > 0: lines.append('') lines.append(_('Documents: %s') % len(docs)) del docs # test results if with_tests: tests = emr.get_test_results_by_date(episodes = epi_pks) if len(tests) > 0: lines.append('') lines.append(_('Measurements and Results: %s') % len(tests)) del tests # vaccinations if with_vaccinations: vaccs = emr.get_vaccinations(episodes = epi_pks, order_by = 'date_given, vaccine') if len(vaccs) > 0: lines.append('') lines.append(_('Vaccinations:')) for vacc in vaccs: lines.extend(vacc.format(with_reaction = True)) del vaccs del epis if with_external_care: care = self._get_external_care(order_by = 'organization, unit, provider') if len(care) > 0: lines.append('') lines.append(_('External care:')) for item in care: lines.append(' %s%s@%s%s' % ( gmTools.coalesce(item['provider'], '', '%s: '), item['unit'], item['organization'], gmTools.coalesce(item['comment'], '', ' (%s)') )) left_margin = ' ' * left_margin eol_w_margin = '\n%s' % left_margin lines = gmTools.strip_trailing_empty_lines(lines = lines, eol = '\n') return left_margin + eol_w_margin.join(lines) + '\n' #-------------------------------------------------------- # properties #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_external_care(self, order_by=None): return gmExternalCare.get_external_care_items(pk_health_issue = self.pk_obj, order_by = order_by) external_care = property(_get_external_care) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_first_episode(self): args = {'pk_issue': self.pk_obj} cmd = """SELECT earliest, pk_episode FROM ( -- .modified_when of all episodes of this issue, -- earliest-possible thereof = when created, -- should actually go all the way back into audit.log_episode (SELECT c_epi.modified_when AS earliest, AS pk_episode FROM clin.episode c_epi WHERE c_epi.fk_health_issue = %(pk_issue)s ) UNION ALL -- last modification of encounter in which episodes of this issue were created, -- earliest-possible thereof = initial creation of that encounter (SELECT c_enc.modified_when AS earliest, AS pk_episode FROM clin.episode c_epi INNER JOIN clin.encounter c_enc ON ( = c_epi.fk_encounter) INNER JOIN clin.health_issue c_hi ON ( = c_epi.fk_health_issue) WHERE = %(pk_issue)s ) UNION ALL -- start of encounter in which episodes of this issue were created, -- earliest-possible thereof = set by user (SELECT c_enc.started AS earliest, AS pk_episode FROM clin.episode c_epi INNER JOIN clin.encounter c_enc ON ( = c_epi.fk_encounter) INNER JOIN clin.health_issue c_hi ON ( = c_epi.fk_health_issue) WHERE = %(pk_issue)s ) UNION ALL -- start of encounters of clinical items linked to episodes of this issue, -- earliest-possible thereof = explicitly set by user (SELECT c_enc.started AS earliest, AS pk_episode FROM clin.clin_root_item c_cri INNER JOIN clin.encounter c_enc ON (c_cri.fk_encounter = INNER JOIN clin.episode c_epi ON (c_cri.fk_episode = INNER JOIN clin.health_issue c_hi ON (c_epi.fk_health_issue = WHERE = %(pk_issue)s ) UNION ALL -- .clin_when of clinical items linked to episodes of this issue, -- earliest-possible thereof = explicitly set by user (SELECT c_cri.clin_when AS earliest, AS pk_episode FROM clin.clin_root_item c_cri INNER JOIN clin.episode c_epi ON (c_cri.fk_episode = INNER JOIN clin.health_issue c_hi ON (c_epi.fk_health_issue = WHERE = %(pk_issue)s ) UNION ALL -- earliest modification time of clinical items linked to episodes of this issue -- this CAN be used since if an item is linked to an episode it can be -- assumed the episode (should have) existed at the time of creation (SELECT c_cri.modified_when AS earliest, AS pk_episode FROM clin.clin_root_item c_cri INNER JOIN clin.episode c_epi ON (c_cri.fk_episode = INNER JOIN clin.health_issue c_hi ON (c_epi.fk_health_issue = WHERE = %(pk_issue)s ) UNION ALL -- there may not be items, but there may still be documents ... (SELECT b_dm.clin_when AS earliest, AS pk_episode FROM blobs.doc_med b_dm INNER JOIN clin.episode c_epi ON (b_dm.fk_episode = INNER JOIN clin.health_issue c_hi ON (c_epi.fk_health_issue = WHERE = %(pk_issue)s ) ) AS candidates ORDER BY earliest NULLS LAST LIMIT 1""" rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) if len(rows) == 0: return None return cEpisode(aPK_obj = rows[0]['pk_episode']) first_episode = property(_get_first_episode) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_latest_episode(self): # explicit always wins: if self._payload['has_open_episode']: return self.open_episode args = {'pk_issue': self.pk_obj} # cheap query first: any episodes at all ? cmd = "SELECT 1 FROM clin.episode WHERE fk_health_issue = %(pk_issue)s" rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) if len(rows) == 0: return None cmd = """SELECT latest, pk_episode FROM ( -- .clin_when of clinical items linked to episodes of this issue, -- latest-possible thereof = explicitly set by user (SELECT c_cri.clin_when AS latest, AS pk_episode, 1 AS rank FROM clin.clin_root_item c_cri INNER JOIN clin.episode c_epi ON (c_cri.fk_episode = INNER JOIN clin.health_issue c_hi ON (c_epi.fk_health_issue = WHERE = %(pk_issue)s ) UNION ALL -- .clin_when of documents linked to episodes of this issue (SELECT b_dm.clin_when AS latest, AS pk_episode, 1 AS rank FROM blobs.doc_med b_dm INNER JOIN clin.episode c_epi ON (b_dm.fk_episode = INNER JOIN clin.health_issue c_hi ON (c_epi.fk_health_issue = WHERE = %(pk_issue)s ) UNION ALL -- last_affirmed of encounter in which episodes of this issue were created, -- earliest-possible thereof = set by user (SELECT c_enc.last_affirmed AS latest, AS pk_episode, 2 AS rank FROM clin.episode c_epi INNER JOIN clin.encounter c_enc ON ( = c_epi.fk_encounter) INNER JOIN clin.health_issue c_hi ON ( = c_epi.fk_health_issue) WHERE = %(pk_issue)s ) ) AS candidates WHERE -- weed out NULL rows due to episodes w/o clinical items and w/o documents latest IS NOT NULL ORDER BY rank, latest DESC LIMIT 1 """ rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) if len(rows) == 0: # there were no episodes for this issue return None return cEpisode(aPK_obj = rows[0]['pk_episode']) latest_episode = property(_get_latest_episode) #-------------------------------------------------------- # Steffi suggested we divide into safe and assumed (= possible) start dates def _get_safe_start_date(self): """This returns the date when we can assume to safely KNOW the health issue existed (because the provider said so).""" args = { 'enc': self._payload['pk_encounter'], 'pk': self._payload['pk_health_issue'] } cmd = """SELECT COALESCE ( -- this one must override all: -- .age_noted if not null and DOB is known (CASE WHEN c_hi.age_noted IS NULL THEN NULL::timestamp with time zone WHEN (SELECT d_i.dob FROM dem.identity d_i WHERE = ( SELECT c_enc.fk_patient FROM clin.encounter c_enc WHERE = %(enc)s )) IS NULL THEN NULL::timestamp with time zone ELSE c_hi.age_noted + ( SELECT d_i.dob FROM dem.identity d_i WHERE = ( SELECT c_enc.fk_patient FROM clin.encounter c_enc WHERE = %(enc)s ) ) END), -- look at best_guess_clinical_start_date of all linked episodes -- start of encounter in which created, earliest = explicitly set (SELECT c_enc.started AS earliest FROM clin.encounter c_enc WHERE = c_hi.fk_encounter) ) FROM clin.health_issue c_hi WHERE = %(pk)s""" rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) start = rows[0][0] # leads to a loop: #end = self.clinical_end_date #if start > end: # return end return start safe_start_date = property(_get_safe_start_date) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_possible_start_date(self): args = {'pk': self._payload['pk_health_issue']} cmd = """ SELECT MIN(earliest) FROM ( -- last modification, earliest = when created in/changed to the current state (SELECT modified_when AS earliest FROM clin.health_issue WHERE pk = %(pk)s) UNION ALL -- last modification of encounter in which created, earliest = initial creation of that encounter (SELECT c_enc.modified_when AS earliest FROM clin.encounter c_enc WHERE = ( SELECT c_hi.fk_encounter FROM clin.health_issue c_hi WHERE = %(pk)s )) UNION ALL -- earliest explicit .clin_when of clinical items linked to this health_issue (SELECT MIN(c_vpi.clin_when) AS earliest FROM clin.v_pat_items c_vpi WHERE c_vpi.pk_health_issue = %(pk)s) UNION ALL -- earliest modification time of clinical items linked to this health issue -- this CAN be used since if an item is linked to a health issue it can be -- assumed the health issue (should have) existed at the time of creation (SELECT MIN(c_vpi.modified_when) AS earliest FROM clin.v_pat_items c_vpi WHERE c_vpi.pk_health_issue = %(pk)s) UNION ALL -- earliest start of encounters of clinical items linked to this episode (SELECT MIN(c_enc.started) AS earliest FROM clin.encounter c_enc WHERE IN ( SELECT c_vpi.pk_encounter FROM clin.v_pat_items c_vpi WHERE c_vpi.pk_health_issue = %(pk)s )) -- here we should be looking at -- .best_guess_clinical_start_date of all episodes linked to this encounter ) AS candidates""" rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return rows[0][0] possible_start_date = property(_get_possible_start_date) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_clinical_end_date(self): if self._payload['is_active']: return None if self._payload['has_open_episode']: return None latest_episode = self.latest_episode if latest_episode is not None: return latest_episode.best_guess_clinical_end_date # apparently, there are no episodes for this issue # and the issue is not active either # so, we simply do not know, the safest assumption is: return self.safe_start_date clinical_end_date = property(_get_clinical_end_date) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_latest_access_date(self): cmd = """ SELECT MAX(latest) FROM ( -- last modification, latest = when last changed to the current state -- DO NOT USE: database upgrades may change this field (SELECT modified_when AS latest FROM clin.health_issue WHERE pk = %(pk)s) --UNION ALL -- last modification of encounter in which created, latest = initial creation of that encounter -- DO NOT USE: just because one corrects a typo does not mean the issue took any longer --(SELECT c_enc.modified_when AS latest FROM clin.encounter c_enc WHERE = ( -- SELECT fk_encounter FROM clin.episode WHERE pk = %(pk)s -- ) --) --UNION ALL -- end of encounter in which created, latest = explicitly set -- DO NOT USE: we can retrospectively create issues which -- DO NOT USE: are long since finished --(SELECT c_enc.last_affirmed AS latest FROM clin.encounter c_enc WHERE = ( -- SELECT fk_encounter FROM clin.episode WHERE pk = %(pk)s -- ) --) UNION ALL -- latest end of encounters of clinical items linked to this issue (SELECT MAX(last_affirmed) AS latest FROM clin.encounter WHERE pk IN ( SELECT pk_encounter FROM clin.v_pat_items WHERE pk_health_issue = %(pk)s ) ) UNION ALL -- latest explicit .clin_when of clinical items linked to this issue (SELECT MAX(clin_when) AS latest FROM clin.v_pat_items WHERE pk_health_issue = %(pk)s ) -- latest modification time of clinical items linked to this issue -- this CAN be used since if an item is linked to an issue it can be -- assumed the issue (should have) existed at the time of modification -- DO NOT USE, because typo fixes should not extend the issue --(SELECT MIN(modified_when) AS latest FROM clin.clin_root_item WHERE fk_episode = %(pk)s) ) AS candidates""" rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'pk': self.pk_obj}}]) return rows[0][0] latest_access_date = property(_get_latest_access_date) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_laterality_description(self): try: return laterality2str[self._payload['laterality']] except KeyError: return '<?>' laterality_description = property(_get_laterality_description) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_diagnostic_certainty_description(self): return diagnostic_certainty_classification2str(self._payload['diagnostic_certainty_classification']) diagnostic_certainty_description = property(_get_diagnostic_certainty_description) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_formatted_revision_history(self): cmd = """SELECT '<N/A>'::TEXT as audit__action_applied, NULL AS audit__action_when, '<N/A>'::TEXT AS audit__action_by, pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, description, laterality, age_noted, is_active, clinically_relevant, is_confidential, is_cause_of_death, fk_encounter, grouping, diagnostic_certainty_classification, summary FROM clin.health_issue WHERE pk = %(pk_health_issue)s UNION ALL ( SELECT audit_action as audit__action_applied, audit_when as audit__action_when, audit_by as audit__action_by, pk_audit, orig_version as row_version, orig_when as modified_when, orig_by as modified_by, pk, description, laterality, age_noted, is_active, clinically_relevant, is_confidential, is_cause_of_death, fk_encounter, grouping, diagnostic_certainty_classification, summary FROM audit.log_health_issue WHERE pk = %(pk_health_issue)s ) ORDER BY row_version DESC """ args = {'pk_health_issue': self.pk_obj} title = _('Health issue: %s%s%s') % ( gmTools.u_left_double_angle_quote, self._payload['description'], gmTools.u_right_double_angle_quote ) return '\n'.join(self._get_revision_history(cmd, args, title)) formatted_revision_history = property(_get_formatted_revision_history) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_generic_codes(self): if len(self._payload['pk_generic_codes']) == 0: return [] cmd = gmCoding._SQL_get_generic_linked_codes % 'pk_generic_code = ANY(%(pks)s)' args = {'pks': self._payload['pk_generic_codes']} rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return [ gmCoding.cGenericLinkedCode(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_lnk_code2item'}) for r in rows ] def _set_generic_codes(self, pk_codes): queries = [] # remove all codes if len(self._payload['pk_generic_codes']) > 0: queries.append ({ 'cmd': 'DELETE FROM clin.lnk_code2h_issue WHERE fk_item = %(issue)s AND fk_generic_code = ANY(%(codes)s)', 'args': { 'issue': self._payload['pk_health_issue'], 'codes': self._payload['pk_generic_codes'] } }) # add new codes for pk_code in pk_codes: queries.append ({ 'cmd': 'INSERT INTO clin.lnk_code2h_issue (fk_item, fk_generic_code) VALUES (%(issue)s, %(pk_code)s)', 'args': { 'issue': self._payload['pk_health_issue'], 'pk_code': pk_code } }) if len(queries) == 0: return # run it all in one transaction gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = queries) return generic_codes = property(_get_generic_codes, _set_generic_codes)
Static methods
def from_problem(problem: cProblem) ‑> cHealthIssue
Initialize health issue from issue-type problem.
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@classmethod def from_problem(cls, problem:'cProblem') -> 'cHealthIssue': """Initialize health issue from issue-type problem.""" if isinstance(problem, cHealthIssue): return problem assert isinstance(problem, cProblem), 'cannot convert [%s] to health issue' % problem assert problem['type'] == 'issue', 'cannot convert [%s] to health issue' % problem return cls(aPK_obj = problem['pk_health_issue'])
Instance variables
var clinical_end_date
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def _get_clinical_end_date(self): if self._payload['is_active']: return None if self._payload['has_open_episode']: return None latest_episode = self.latest_episode if latest_episode is not None: return latest_episode.best_guess_clinical_end_date # apparently, there are no episodes for this issue # and the issue is not active either # so, we simply do not know, the safest assumption is: return self.safe_start_date
var diagnostic_certainty_description
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def _get_diagnostic_certainty_description(self): return diagnostic_certainty_classification2str(self._payload['diagnostic_certainty_classification'])
var episodes : list[cEpisode]
The episodes linked to this health issue.
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def get_episodes(self) -> list['cEpisode']: """The episodes linked to this health issue.""" cmd = "SELECT * FROM clin.v_pat_episodes WHERE pk_health_issue = %(pk)s" rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'pk': self.pk_obj}}]) return [ cEpisode(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_episode'}) for r in rows ]
var external_care
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def _get_external_care(self, order_by=None): return gmExternalCare.get_external_care_items(pk_health_issue = self.pk_obj, order_by = order_by)
var first_episode
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def _get_first_episode(self): args = {'pk_issue': self.pk_obj} cmd = """SELECT earliest, pk_episode FROM ( -- .modified_when of all episodes of this issue, -- earliest-possible thereof = when created, -- should actually go all the way back into audit.log_episode (SELECT c_epi.modified_when AS earliest, AS pk_episode FROM clin.episode c_epi WHERE c_epi.fk_health_issue = %(pk_issue)s ) UNION ALL -- last modification of encounter in which episodes of this issue were created, -- earliest-possible thereof = initial creation of that encounter (SELECT c_enc.modified_when AS earliest, AS pk_episode FROM clin.episode c_epi INNER JOIN clin.encounter c_enc ON ( = c_epi.fk_encounter) INNER JOIN clin.health_issue c_hi ON ( = c_epi.fk_health_issue) WHERE = %(pk_issue)s ) UNION ALL -- start of encounter in which episodes of this issue were created, -- earliest-possible thereof = set by user (SELECT c_enc.started AS earliest, AS pk_episode FROM clin.episode c_epi INNER JOIN clin.encounter c_enc ON ( = c_epi.fk_encounter) INNER JOIN clin.health_issue c_hi ON ( = c_epi.fk_health_issue) WHERE = %(pk_issue)s ) UNION ALL -- start of encounters of clinical items linked to episodes of this issue, -- earliest-possible thereof = explicitly set by user (SELECT c_enc.started AS earliest, AS pk_episode FROM clin.clin_root_item c_cri INNER JOIN clin.encounter c_enc ON (c_cri.fk_encounter = INNER JOIN clin.episode c_epi ON (c_cri.fk_episode = INNER JOIN clin.health_issue c_hi ON (c_epi.fk_health_issue = WHERE = %(pk_issue)s ) UNION ALL -- .clin_when of clinical items linked to episodes of this issue, -- earliest-possible thereof = explicitly set by user (SELECT c_cri.clin_when AS earliest, AS pk_episode FROM clin.clin_root_item c_cri INNER JOIN clin.episode c_epi ON (c_cri.fk_episode = INNER JOIN clin.health_issue c_hi ON (c_epi.fk_health_issue = WHERE = %(pk_issue)s ) UNION ALL -- earliest modification time of clinical items linked to episodes of this issue -- this CAN be used since if an item is linked to an episode it can be -- assumed the episode (should have) existed at the time of creation (SELECT c_cri.modified_when AS earliest, AS pk_episode FROM clin.clin_root_item c_cri INNER JOIN clin.episode c_epi ON (c_cri.fk_episode = INNER JOIN clin.health_issue c_hi ON (c_epi.fk_health_issue = WHERE = %(pk_issue)s ) UNION ALL -- there may not be items, but there may still be documents ... (SELECT b_dm.clin_when AS earliest, AS pk_episode FROM blobs.doc_med b_dm INNER JOIN clin.episode c_epi ON (b_dm.fk_episode = INNER JOIN clin.health_issue c_hi ON (c_epi.fk_health_issue = WHERE = %(pk_issue)s ) ) AS candidates ORDER BY earliest NULLS LAST LIMIT 1""" rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) if len(rows) == 0: return None return cEpisode(aPK_obj = rows[0]['pk_episode'])
var formatted_revision_history
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def _get_formatted_revision_history(self): cmd = """SELECT '<N/A>'::TEXT as audit__action_applied, NULL AS audit__action_when, '<N/A>'::TEXT AS audit__action_by, pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, description, laterality, age_noted, is_active, clinically_relevant, is_confidential, is_cause_of_death, fk_encounter, grouping, diagnostic_certainty_classification, summary FROM clin.health_issue WHERE pk = %(pk_health_issue)s UNION ALL ( SELECT audit_action as audit__action_applied, audit_when as audit__action_when, audit_by as audit__action_by, pk_audit, orig_version as row_version, orig_when as modified_when, orig_by as modified_by, pk, description, laterality, age_noted, is_active, clinically_relevant, is_confidential, is_cause_of_death, fk_encounter, grouping, diagnostic_certainty_classification, summary FROM audit.log_health_issue WHERE pk = %(pk_health_issue)s ) ORDER BY row_version DESC """ args = {'pk_health_issue': self.pk_obj} title = _('Health issue: %s%s%s') % ( gmTools.u_left_double_angle_quote, self._payload['description'], gmTools.u_right_double_angle_quote ) return '\n'.join(self._get_revision_history(cmd, args, title))
var generic_codes
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def _get_generic_codes(self): if len(self._payload['pk_generic_codes']) == 0: return [] cmd = gmCoding._SQL_get_generic_linked_codes % 'pk_generic_code = ANY(%(pks)s)' args = {'pks': self._payload['pk_generic_codes']} rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return [ gmCoding.cGenericLinkedCode(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_lnk_code2item'}) for r in rows ]
var laterality_description
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def _get_laterality_description(self): try: return laterality2str[self._payload['laterality']] except KeyError: return '<?>'
var latest_access_date
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def _get_latest_access_date(self): cmd = """ SELECT MAX(latest) FROM ( -- last modification, latest = when last changed to the current state -- DO NOT USE: database upgrades may change this field (SELECT modified_when AS latest FROM clin.health_issue WHERE pk = %(pk)s) --UNION ALL -- last modification of encounter in which created, latest = initial creation of that encounter -- DO NOT USE: just because one corrects a typo does not mean the issue took any longer --(SELECT c_enc.modified_when AS latest FROM clin.encounter c_enc WHERE = ( -- SELECT fk_encounter FROM clin.episode WHERE pk = %(pk)s -- ) --) --UNION ALL -- end of encounter in which created, latest = explicitly set -- DO NOT USE: we can retrospectively create issues which -- DO NOT USE: are long since finished --(SELECT c_enc.last_affirmed AS latest FROM clin.encounter c_enc WHERE = ( -- SELECT fk_encounter FROM clin.episode WHERE pk = %(pk)s -- ) --) UNION ALL -- latest end of encounters of clinical items linked to this issue (SELECT MAX(last_affirmed) AS latest FROM clin.encounter WHERE pk IN ( SELECT pk_encounter FROM clin.v_pat_items WHERE pk_health_issue = %(pk)s ) ) UNION ALL -- latest explicit .clin_when of clinical items linked to this issue (SELECT MAX(clin_when) AS latest FROM clin.v_pat_items WHERE pk_health_issue = %(pk)s ) -- latest modification time of clinical items linked to this issue -- this CAN be used since if an item is linked to an issue it can be -- assumed the issue (should have) existed at the time of modification -- DO NOT USE, because typo fixes should not extend the issue --(SELECT MIN(modified_when) AS latest FROM clin.clin_root_item WHERE fk_episode = %(pk)s) ) AS candidates""" rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'pk': self.pk_obj}}]) return rows[0][0]
var latest_episode
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def _get_latest_episode(self): # explicit always wins: if self._payload['has_open_episode']: return self.open_episode args = {'pk_issue': self.pk_obj} # cheap query first: any episodes at all ? cmd = "SELECT 1 FROM clin.episode WHERE fk_health_issue = %(pk_issue)s" rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) if len(rows) == 0: return None cmd = """SELECT latest, pk_episode FROM ( -- .clin_when of clinical items linked to episodes of this issue, -- latest-possible thereof = explicitly set by user (SELECT c_cri.clin_when AS latest, AS pk_episode, 1 AS rank FROM clin.clin_root_item c_cri INNER JOIN clin.episode c_epi ON (c_cri.fk_episode = INNER JOIN clin.health_issue c_hi ON (c_epi.fk_health_issue = WHERE = %(pk_issue)s ) UNION ALL -- .clin_when of documents linked to episodes of this issue (SELECT b_dm.clin_when AS latest, AS pk_episode, 1 AS rank FROM blobs.doc_med b_dm INNER JOIN clin.episode c_epi ON (b_dm.fk_episode = INNER JOIN clin.health_issue c_hi ON (c_epi.fk_health_issue = WHERE = %(pk_issue)s ) UNION ALL -- last_affirmed of encounter in which episodes of this issue were created, -- earliest-possible thereof = set by user (SELECT c_enc.last_affirmed AS latest, AS pk_episode, 2 AS rank FROM clin.episode c_epi INNER JOIN clin.encounter c_enc ON ( = c_epi.fk_encounter) INNER JOIN clin.health_issue c_hi ON ( = c_epi.fk_health_issue) WHERE = %(pk_issue)s ) ) AS candidates WHERE -- weed out NULL rows due to episodes w/o clinical items and w/o documents latest IS NOT NULL ORDER BY rank, latest DESC LIMIT 1 """ rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) if len(rows) == 0: # there were no episodes for this issue return None return cEpisode(aPK_obj = rows[0]['pk_episode'])
var open_episode : cEpisode
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def get_open_episode(self) -> 'cEpisode': SQL = "select pk FROM clin.episode WHERE fk_health_issue = %(pk_issue)s AND is_open IS True LIMIT 1" rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': SQL, 'args': {'pk_issue': self.pk_obj}}]) if rows: return cEpisode(aPK_obj = rows[0][0]) return None
var possible_start_date
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def _get_possible_start_date(self): args = {'pk': self._payload['pk_health_issue']} cmd = """ SELECT MIN(earliest) FROM ( -- last modification, earliest = when created in/changed to the current state (SELECT modified_when AS earliest FROM clin.health_issue WHERE pk = %(pk)s) UNION ALL -- last modification of encounter in which created, earliest = initial creation of that encounter (SELECT c_enc.modified_when AS earliest FROM clin.encounter c_enc WHERE = ( SELECT c_hi.fk_encounter FROM clin.health_issue c_hi WHERE = %(pk)s )) UNION ALL -- earliest explicit .clin_when of clinical items linked to this health_issue (SELECT MIN(c_vpi.clin_when) AS earliest FROM clin.v_pat_items c_vpi WHERE c_vpi.pk_health_issue = %(pk)s) UNION ALL -- earliest modification time of clinical items linked to this health issue -- this CAN be used since if an item is linked to a health issue it can be -- assumed the health issue (should have) existed at the time of creation (SELECT MIN(c_vpi.modified_when) AS earliest FROM clin.v_pat_items c_vpi WHERE c_vpi.pk_health_issue = %(pk)s) UNION ALL -- earliest start of encounters of clinical items linked to this episode (SELECT MIN(c_enc.started) AS earliest FROM clin.encounter c_enc WHERE IN ( SELECT c_vpi.pk_encounter FROM clin.v_pat_items c_vpi WHERE c_vpi.pk_health_issue = %(pk)s )) -- here we should be looking at -- .best_guess_clinical_start_date of all episodes linked to this encounter ) AS candidates""" rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return rows[0][0]
var safe_start_date
This returns the date when we can assume to safely KNOW the health issue existed (because the provider said so).
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def _get_safe_start_date(self): """This returns the date when we can assume to safely KNOW the health issue existed (because the provider said so).""" args = { 'enc': self._payload['pk_encounter'], 'pk': self._payload['pk_health_issue'] } cmd = """SELECT COALESCE ( -- this one must override all: -- .age_noted if not null and DOB is known (CASE WHEN c_hi.age_noted IS NULL THEN NULL::timestamp with time zone WHEN (SELECT d_i.dob FROM dem.identity d_i WHERE = ( SELECT c_enc.fk_patient FROM clin.encounter c_enc WHERE = %(enc)s )) IS NULL THEN NULL::timestamp with time zone ELSE c_hi.age_noted + ( SELECT d_i.dob FROM dem.identity d_i WHERE = ( SELECT c_enc.fk_patient FROM clin.encounter c_enc WHERE = %(enc)s ) ) END), -- look at best_guess_clinical_start_date of all linked episodes -- start of encounter in which created, earliest = explicitly set (SELECT c_enc.started AS earliest FROM clin.encounter c_enc WHERE = c_hi.fk_encounter) ) FROM clin.health_issue c_hi WHERE = %(pk)s""" rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) start = rows[0][0] # leads to a loop: #end = self.clinical_end_date #if start > end: # return end return start
def add_code(self, pk_code=None)
must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code) Expand source code
def add_code(self, pk_code=None): """<pk_code> must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code)""" cmd = "INSERT INTO clin.lnk_code2h_issue (fk_item, fk_generic_code) values (%(item)s, %(code)s)" args = { 'item': self._payload['pk_health_issue'], 'code': pk_code } gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return True
def age_noted_human_readable(self)
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def age_noted_human_readable(self): if self._payload['age_noted'] is None: return '<???>' # since we've already got an interval we are bound to use it, # further transformation will only introduce more errors, # later we can improve this deeper inside return gmDateTime.format_interval_medically(self._payload['age_noted'])
def close_episode(self) ‑> bool
Unconditionally close the open episode, if any.
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def close_episode(self) -> bool: """Unconditionally close the open episode, if any.""" open_episode = self.get_open_episode() open_episode['episode_open'] = False success_state, data = open_episode.save_payload() return success_state
def close_expired_episode(self, ttl: int = 180) ‑> bool
Close open episode if "older" than the Time To Live.
- maximum "age" of episode in days
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def close_expired_episode(self, ttl:int=180) -> bool: """Close open episode if "older" than the Time To Live. Args: ttl: maximum "age" of episode in days """ open_episode = self.open_episode if open_episode is None: return True #clinical_end = open_episode.best_guess_clinical_end_date clinical_end = open_episode.latest_access_date # :-/ ttl = datetime.timedelta(ttl) now = = clinical_end.tzinfo) if (clinical_end + ttl) > now: return False open_episode['episode_open'] = False success, data = open_episode.save_payload() if success: return True return False
def format_as_journal(self, left_margin=0, date_format='%Y %b %d, %a')
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def format_as_journal(self, left_margin=0, date_format='%Y %b %d, %a'): rows = gmClinNarrative.get_as_journal ( issues = [self.pk_obj], order_by = 'pk_episode, pk_encounter, clin_when, scr, src_table' ) if len(rows) == 0: return '' left_margin = ' ' * left_margin lines = [] lines.append(_('Clinical data generated during encounters under this health issue:')) prev_epi = None for row in rows: if row['pk_episode'] != prev_epi: lines.append('') prev_epi = row['pk_episode'] when = gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(row['clin_when'], date_format) top_row = '%s%s %s (%s) %s' % ( gmTools.u_box_top_left_arc, gmTools.u_box_horiz_single, gmSoapDefs.soap_cat2l10n_str[row['real_soap_cat']], when, gmTools.u_box_horiz_single * 5 ) soap = gmTools.wrap ( text = row['narrative'], width = 60, initial_indent = ' ', subsequent_indent = ' ' + left_margin ) row_ver = '' if row['row_version'] > 0: row_ver = 'v%s: ' % row['row_version'] bottom_row = '%s%s %s, %s%s %s' % ( ' ' * 40, gmTools.u_box_horiz_light_heavy, row['modified_by'], row_ver, gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(row['modified_when'], date_format), gmTools.u_box_horiz_heavy_light ) lines.append(top_row) lines.append(soap) lines.append(bottom_row) eol_w_margin = '\n%s' % left_margin return left_margin + eol_w_margin.join(lines) + '\n'
def get_episodes(self) ‑> list[cEpisode]
The episodes linked to this health issue.
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def get_episodes(self) -> list['cEpisode']: """The episodes linked to this health issue.""" cmd = "SELECT * FROM clin.v_pat_episodes WHERE pk_health_issue = %(pk)s" rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'pk': self.pk_obj}}]) return [ cEpisode(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_episode'}) for r in rows ]
def get_open_episode(self) ‑> cEpisode
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def get_open_episode(self) -> 'cEpisode': SQL = "select pk FROM clin.episode WHERE fk_health_issue = %(pk_issue)s AND is_open IS True LIMIT 1" rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': SQL, 'args': {'pk_issue': self.pk_obj}}]) if rows: return cEpisode(aPK_obj = rows[0][0]) return None
def remove_code(self, pk_code=None)
must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code) Expand source code
def remove_code(self, pk_code=None): """<pk_code> must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code)""" cmd = "DELETE FROM clin.lnk_code2h_issue WHERE fk_item = %(item)s AND fk_generic_code = %(code)s" args = { 'item': self._payload['pk_health_issue'], 'code': pk_code } gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return True
def rename(self, description: str = None) ‑> bool
Rename health issue.
- the new descriptive name for the issue
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def rename(self, description:str=None) -> bool: """Rename health issue. Args: description: the new descriptive name for the issue """ if description.strip() == '': return False # update the issue description old_description = self._payload['description'] self._payload['description'] = description.strip() self._is_modified = True successful, data = self.save_payload() if not successful: _log.error('cannot rename health issue [%s] with [%s]' % (self, description)) self._payload['description'] = old_description return False return True
Inherited members
class cHospitalStay (aPK_obj: int | dict = None, row: dict = None, link_obj=None)
Represents business objects in the database.
- instances ARE ASSUMED TO EXIST in the database
- PK construction (aPK_obj): DOES verify its existence on instantiation (fetching data fails)
- Row construction (row): allowed by using a dict of pairs of field name: field value (PERFORMANCE improvement)
- does NOT verify FK target existence
- does NOT create new entries in the database
- does NOT lazy-fetch fields on access
Class scope SQL commands and variables:
- must return exactly one row
- WHERE clause argument values are expected in self.pk_obj (taken from init(aPK_obj))
- must return xmin of all rows that _cmds_store_payload will be updating, so views must support the xmin columns of their underlying tables
- one or multiple "update … set … where xmin_ = … and pk = …" statements which actually update the database from the data in self._payload,
- the last query must refetch at least the XMIN values needed to detect concurrent updates, their field names had better be the same as in _cmd_fetch_payload,
- the last query CAN return other fields which is particularly useful when those other fields are computed in the backend and may thus change upon save but will not have been set by the client code explicitly - this is only really of concern if the saved subclass is to be reused after saving rather than re-instantiated
- when subclasses tend to live a while after save_payload() was called and they support computed fields (say, _(some_column) you need to return all columns (see cEncounter)
- a list of fields available for update via object['field']
Call init from child classes like so:
super().__init__(aPK_obj = aPK_obj, row = row, link_obj = link_obj)
- retrieve data from backend
- an scalar value the ._cmd_fetch_payload WHERE condition must be a simple column: "… WHERE pk_col = %s"
- a dictionary of values the ._cmd_fetch_payload WHERE condition must consume the dictionary and produce a unique row
- must hold the fields
- data: list of column values for the row selected by ._cmd_fetch_payload (as returned by cursor.fetchone() in the DB-API)
- pk_field: the name of the primary key column OR
- pk_obj: a dictionary suitable for being passed to cursor.execute and holding the primary key values, used for composite PKs
- for example:
row = { 'data': rows[0], 'pk_field': 'pk_XXX (the PK column name)', 'pk_obj': {'pk_col1': pk_col1_val, 'pk_col2': pk_col2_val} } rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) objects = [ cChildClass(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'the PK column name'}) for r in rows ]
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class cHospitalStay(gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject): _cmd_fetch_payload = _SQL_get_hospital_stays % "pk_hospital_stay = %s" _cmds_store_payload = [ """UPDATE clin.hospital_stay SET clin_when = %(admission)s, discharge = %(discharge)s, fk_org_unit = %(pk_org_unit)s, narrative = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(comment)s), fk_episode = %(pk_episode)s, fk_encounter = %(pk_encounter)s WHERE pk = %(pk_hospital_stay)s AND xmin = %(xmin_hospital_stay)s RETURNING xmin AS xmin_hospital_stay """ ] _updatable_fields = [ 'admission', 'discharge', 'pk_org_unit', 'pk_episode', 'pk_encounter', 'comment' ] #-------------------------------------------------------- def format_maximum_information(self, patient=None): return self.format ( include_procedures = True, include_docs = True ).split('\n') #------------------------------------------------------- def format(self, left_margin=0, include_procedures=False, include_docs=False, include_episode=True): if self._payload['discharge'] is not None: discharge = ' - %s' % gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self._payload['discharge'], '%Y %b %d') else: discharge = '' episode = '' if include_episode: episode = ': %s%s%s' % ( gmTools.u_left_double_angle_quote, self._payload['episode'], gmTools.u_right_double_angle_quote ) lines = ['%s%s%s (%s@%s)%s' % ( ' ' * left_margin, gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self._payload['admission'], '%Y %b %d'), discharge, self._payload['ward'], self._payload['hospital'], episode )] if include_docs: for doc in self.documents: lines.append('%s%s: %s\n' % ( ' ' * left_margin, _('Document'), doc.format(single_line = True) )) return '\n'.join(lines) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_documents(self): return [ gmDocuments.cDocument(aPK_obj = pk_doc) for pk_doc in self._payload['pk_documents'] ] documents = property(_get_documents)
Instance variables
var documents
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def _get_documents(self): return [ gmDocuments.cDocument(aPK_obj = pk_doc) for pk_doc in self._payload['pk_documents'] ]
def format_maximum_information(self, patient=None)
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def format_maximum_information(self, patient=None): return self.format ( include_procedures = True, include_docs = True ).split('\n')
Inherited members
class cPerformedProcedure (aPK_obj: int | dict = None, row: dict = None, link_obj=None)
Represents business objects in the database.
- instances ARE ASSUMED TO EXIST in the database
- PK construction (aPK_obj): DOES verify its existence on instantiation (fetching data fails)
- Row construction (row): allowed by using a dict of pairs of field name: field value (PERFORMANCE improvement)
- does NOT verify FK target existence
- does NOT create new entries in the database
- does NOT lazy-fetch fields on access
Class scope SQL commands and variables:
- must return exactly one row
- WHERE clause argument values are expected in self.pk_obj (taken from init(aPK_obj))
- must return xmin of all rows that _cmds_store_payload will be updating, so views must support the xmin columns of their underlying tables
- one or multiple "update … set … where xmin_ = … and pk = …" statements which actually update the database from the data in self._payload,
- the last query must refetch at least the XMIN values needed to detect concurrent updates, their field names had better be the same as in _cmd_fetch_payload,
- the last query CAN return other fields which is particularly useful when those other fields are computed in the backend and may thus change upon save but will not have been set by the client code explicitly - this is only really of concern if the saved subclass is to be reused after saving rather than re-instantiated
- when subclasses tend to live a while after save_payload() was called and they support computed fields (say, _(some_column) you need to return all columns (see cEncounter)
- a list of fields available for update via object['field']
Call init from child classes like so:
super().__init__(aPK_obj = aPK_obj, row = row, link_obj = link_obj)
- retrieve data from backend
- an scalar value the ._cmd_fetch_payload WHERE condition must be a simple column: "… WHERE pk_col = %s"
- a dictionary of values the ._cmd_fetch_payload WHERE condition must consume the dictionary and produce a unique row
- must hold the fields
- data: list of column values for the row selected by ._cmd_fetch_payload (as returned by cursor.fetchone() in the DB-API)
- pk_field: the name of the primary key column OR
- pk_obj: a dictionary suitable for being passed to cursor.execute and holding the primary key values, used for composite PKs
- for example:
row = { 'data': rows[0], 'pk_field': 'pk_XXX (the PK column name)', 'pk_obj': {'pk_col1': pk_col1_val, 'pk_col2': pk_col2_val} } rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) objects = [ cChildClass(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'the PK column name'}) for r in rows ]
Expand source code
class cPerformedProcedure(gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject): _cmd_fetch_payload = _SQL_get_procedures % "pk_procedure = %s" _cmds_store_payload = [ """UPDATE clin.procedure SET soap_cat = 'p', clin_when = %(clin_when)s, clin_end = %(clin_end)s, is_ongoing = %(is_ongoing)s, narrative = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(performed_procedure)s), fk_hospital_stay = %(pk_hospital_stay)s, fk_org_unit = (CASE WHEN %(pk_hospital_stay)s IS NULL THEN %(pk_org_unit)s ELSE NULL END)::integer, fk_episode = %(pk_episode)s, fk_encounter = %(pk_encounter)s, fk_doc = %(pk_doc)s, comment = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(comment)s) WHERE pk = %(pk_procedure)s AND xmin = %(xmin_procedure)s RETURNING xmin as xmin_procedure""" ] _updatable_fields = [ 'clin_when', 'clin_end', 'is_ongoing', 'performed_procedure', 'pk_hospital_stay', 'pk_org_unit', 'pk_episode', 'pk_encounter', 'pk_doc', 'comment' ] #------------------------------------------------------- def __setitem__(self, attribute, value): if (attribute == 'pk_hospital_stay') and (value is not None): gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject.__setitem__(self, 'pk_org_unit', None) if (attribute == 'pk_org_unit') and (value is not None): gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject.__setitem__(self, 'pk_hospital_stay', None) gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject.__setitem__(self, attribute, value) #-------------------------------------------------------- def format_maximum_information(self, left_margin=0, patient=None): return self.format ( left_margin = left_margin, include_episode = True, include_codes = True, include_address = True, include_comm = True, include_doc = True ).split('\n') #------------------------------------------------------- def format(self, left_margin=0, include_episode=True, include_codes=False, include_address=False, include_comm=False, include_doc=False): if self._payload['is_ongoing']: end = _(' (ongoing)') else: end = self._payload['clin_end'] if end is None: end = '' else: end = ' - %s' % gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(end, '%Y %b %d') line = '%s%s%s: %s%s [%s @ %s]' % ( (' ' * left_margin), gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self._payload['clin_when'], '%Y %b %d'), end, self._payload['performed_procedure'], gmTools.bool2str(include_episode, ' (%s)' % self._payload['episode'], ''), self._payload['unit'], self._payload['organization'] ) line += gmTools.coalesce(self._payload['comment'], '', '\n' + (' ' * left_margin) + _('Comment: ') + '%s') if include_comm: for channel in self.org_unit.comm_channels: line += ('\n%(comm_type)s: %(url)s' % channel) if include_address: adr = self.org_unit.address if adr is not None: line += '\n' line += '\n'.join(adr.format(single_line = False, show_type = False)) line += '\n' if include_doc: doc = self.doc if doc is not None: line += '\n' line += _('Document') + ': ' + doc.format(single_line = True) line += '\n' if include_codes: codes = self.generic_codes if len(codes) > 0: line += '\n' for c in codes: line += '%s %s: %s (%s - %s)\n' % ( (' ' * left_margin), c['code'], c['term'], c['name_short'], c['version'] ) del codes return line #-------------------------------------------------------- def add_code(self, pk_code=None): """<pk_code> must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code)""" cmd = "INSERT INTO clin.lnk_code2procedure (fk_item, fk_generic_code) values (%(issue)s, %(code)s)" args = { 'issue': self._payload['pk_procedure'], 'code': pk_code } gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return True #-------------------------------------------------------- def remove_code(self, pk_code=None): """<pk_code> must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code)""" cmd = "DELETE FROM clin.lnk_code2procedure WHERE fk_item = %(issue)s AND fk_generic_code = %(code)s" args = { 'issue': self._payload['pk_procedure'], 'code': pk_code } gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return True #-------------------------------------------------------- # properties #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_stay(self): if self._payload['pk_hospital_stay'] is None: return None return cHospitalStay(aPK_obj = self._payload['pk_hospital_stay']) hospital_stay = property(_get_stay) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_org_unit(self): return gmOrganization.cOrgUnit(self._payload['pk_org_unit']) org_unit = property(_get_org_unit) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_doc(self): if self._payload['pk_doc'] is None: return None return gmDocuments.cDocument(aPK_obj = self._payload['pk_doc']) doc = property(_get_doc) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_generic_codes(self): if len(self._payload['pk_generic_codes']) == 0: return [] cmd = gmCoding._SQL_get_generic_linked_codes % 'pk_generic_code = ANY(%(pks)s)' args = {'pks': self._payload['pk_generic_codes']} rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return [ gmCoding.cGenericLinkedCode(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_lnk_code2item'}) for r in rows ] def _set_generic_codes(self, pk_codes): queries = [] # remove all codes if len(self._payload['pk_generic_codes']) > 0: queries.append ({ 'cmd': 'DELETE FROM clin.lnk_code2procedure WHERE fk_item = %(proc)s AND fk_generic_code = ANY(%(codes)s)', 'args': { 'proc': self._payload['pk_procedure'], 'codes': self._payload['pk_generic_codes'] } }) # add new codes for pk_code in pk_codes: queries.append ({ 'cmd': 'INSERT INTO clin.lnk_code2procedure (fk_item, fk_generic_code) VALUES (%(proc)s, %(pk_code)s)', 'args': { 'proc': self._payload['pk_procedure'], 'pk_code': pk_code } }) if len(queries) == 0: return # run it all in one transaction gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = queries) return generic_codes = property(_get_generic_codes, _set_generic_codes)
Instance variables
var doc
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def _get_doc(self): if self._payload['pk_doc'] is None: return None return gmDocuments.cDocument(aPK_obj = self._payload['pk_doc'])
var generic_codes
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def _get_generic_codes(self): if len(self._payload['pk_generic_codes']) == 0: return [] cmd = gmCoding._SQL_get_generic_linked_codes % 'pk_generic_code = ANY(%(pks)s)' args = {'pks': self._payload['pk_generic_codes']} rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return [ gmCoding.cGenericLinkedCode(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_lnk_code2item'}) for r in rows ]
var hospital_stay
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def _get_stay(self): if self._payload['pk_hospital_stay'] is None: return None return cHospitalStay(aPK_obj = self._payload['pk_hospital_stay'])
var org_unit
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def _get_org_unit(self): return gmOrganization.cOrgUnit(self._payload['pk_org_unit'])
def add_code(self, pk_code=None)
must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code) Expand source code
def add_code(self, pk_code=None): """<pk_code> must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code)""" cmd = "INSERT INTO clin.lnk_code2procedure (fk_item, fk_generic_code) values (%(issue)s, %(code)s)" args = { 'issue': self._payload['pk_procedure'], 'code': pk_code } gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return True
def format_maximum_information(self, left_margin=0, patient=None)
Expand source code
def format_maximum_information(self, left_margin=0, patient=None): return self.format ( left_margin = left_margin, include_episode = True, include_codes = True, include_address = True, include_comm = True, include_doc = True ).split('\n')
def remove_code(self, pk_code=None)
must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code) Expand source code
def remove_code(self, pk_code=None): """<pk_code> must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code)""" cmd = "DELETE FROM clin.lnk_code2procedure WHERE fk_item = %(issue)s AND fk_generic_code = %(code)s" args = { 'issue': self._payload['pk_procedure'], 'code': pk_code } gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return True
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class cProblem (aPK_obj=None, try_potential_problems=False)
Represents one problem.
problems are the aggregation of .clinically_relevant=True issues and .is_open=True episodes
aPK_obj must contain the keys pk_patient pk_episode pk_health_issue
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class cProblem(gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject): """Represents one problem. problems are the aggregation of .clinically_relevant=True issues and .is_open=True episodes """ _cmd_fetch_payload = '' # will get programmatically defined in __init__ _cmds_store_payload:list = ["select 1"] _updatable_fields:list = [] #-------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, aPK_obj=None, try_potential_problems=False): """Initialize. aPK_obj must contain the keys pk_patient pk_episode pk_health_issue """ if aPK_obj is None: raise gmExceptions.ConstructorError('cannot instatiate cProblem for PK: [%s]' % (aPK_obj)) # As problems are rows from a view of different emr struct items, # the PK can't be a single field and, as some of the values of the # composed PK may be None, they must be queried using 'is null', # so we must programmatically construct the SQL query where_parts = [] pk = {} for col_name in aPK_obj: val = aPK_obj[col_name] if val is None: where_parts.append('%s IS NULL' % col_name) else: where_parts.append('%s = %%(%s)s' % (col_name, col_name)) pk[col_name] = val # try to instantiate from true problem view cProblem._cmd_fetch_payload = """ SELECT *, False as is_potential_problem FROM clin.v_problem_list WHERE %s""" % ' AND '.join(where_parts) try: gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject.__init__(self, aPK_obj = pk) return except gmExceptions.ConstructorError: _log.exception('actual problem not found, trying "potential" problems') if try_potential_problems is False: raise # try to instantiate from potential-problems view cProblem._cmd_fetch_payload = """ SELECT *, True as is_potential_problem FROM clin.v_potential_problem_list WHERE %s""" % ' AND '.join(where_parts) gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject.__init__(self, aPK_obj=pk) #-------------------------------------------------------- def get_as_episode(self): """ Retrieve the cEpisode instance equivalent to this problem. The problem's type attribute must be 'episode' """ if self._payload['type'] != 'episode': _log.error('cannot convert problem [%s] of type [%s] to episode' % (self._payload['problem'], self._payload['type'])) return None return cEpisode(aPK_obj = self._payload['pk_episode']) #-------------------------------------------------------- def get_as_health_issue(self): """ Retrieve the cHealthIssue instance equivalent to this problem. The problem's type attribute must be 'issue' """ if self._payload['type'] != 'issue': _log.error('cannot convert problem [%s] of type [%s] to health issue' % (self._payload['problem'], self._payload['type'])) return None return cHealthIssue(aPK_obj = self._payload['pk_health_issue']) #-------------------------------------------------------- def get_visual_progress_notes(self, encounter_id=None): if self._payload['type'] == 'issue': latest = cHealthIssue(aPK_obj = self._payload['pk_health_issue']).latest_episode if latest is None: return [] pk_episode = latest['pk_episode'] else: pk_episode = self._payload['pk_episode'] doc_folder = gmDocuments.cDocumentFolder(aPKey = self._payload['pk_patient']) return doc_folder.get_visual_progress_notes(episodes = [pk_episode]) #-------------------------------------------------------- # properties #-------------------------------------------------------- # doubles as 'diagnostic_certainty_description' getter: def get_diagnostic_certainty_description(self): return diagnostic_certainty_classification2str(self._payload['diagnostic_certainty_classification']) diagnostic_certainty_description = property(get_diagnostic_certainty_description) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _get_generic_codes(self): if self._payload['type'] == 'issue': cmd = """ SELECT * FROM clin.v_linked_codes WHERE item_table = 'clin.lnk_code2h_issue'::regclass AND pk_item = %(item)s """ args = {'item': self._payload['pk_health_issue']} else: cmd = """ SELECT * FROM clin.v_linked_codes WHERE item_table = 'clin.lnk_code2episode'::regclass AND pk_item = %(item)s """ args = {'item': self._payload['pk_episode']} rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return [ gmCoding.cGenericLinkedCode(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_lnk_code2item'}) for r in rows ] generic_codes = property(_get_generic_codes)
Instance variables
var diagnostic_certainty_description
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def get_diagnostic_certainty_description(self): return diagnostic_certainty_classification2str(self._payload['diagnostic_certainty_classification'])
var generic_codes
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def _get_generic_codes(self): if self._payload['type'] == 'issue': cmd = """ SELECT * FROM clin.v_linked_codes WHERE item_table = 'clin.lnk_code2h_issue'::regclass AND pk_item = %(item)s """ args = {'item': self._payload['pk_health_issue']} else: cmd = """ SELECT * FROM clin.v_linked_codes WHERE item_table = 'clin.lnk_code2episode'::regclass AND pk_item = %(item)s """ args = {'item': self._payload['pk_episode']} rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}]) return [ gmCoding.cGenericLinkedCode(row = {'data': r, 'pk_field': 'pk_lnk_code2item'}) for r in rows ]
def get_as_episode(self)
Retrieve the cEpisode instance equivalent to this problem. The problem's type attribute must be 'episode'
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def get_as_episode(self): """ Retrieve the cEpisode instance equivalent to this problem. The problem's type attribute must be 'episode' """ if self._payload['type'] != 'episode': _log.error('cannot convert problem [%s] of type [%s] to episode' % (self._payload['problem'], self._payload['type'])) return None return cEpisode(aPK_obj = self._payload['pk_episode'])
def get_as_health_issue(self)
Retrieve the cHealthIssue instance equivalent to this problem. The problem's type attribute must be 'issue'
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def get_as_health_issue(self): """ Retrieve the cHealthIssue instance equivalent to this problem. The problem's type attribute must be 'issue' """ if self._payload['type'] != 'issue': _log.error('cannot convert problem [%s] of type [%s] to health issue' % (self._payload['problem'], self._payload['type'])) return None return cHealthIssue(aPK_obj = self._payload['pk_health_issue'])
def get_diagnostic_certainty_description(self)
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def get_diagnostic_certainty_description(self): return diagnostic_certainty_classification2str(self._payload['diagnostic_certainty_classification'])
def get_visual_progress_notes(self, encounter_id=None)
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def get_visual_progress_notes(self, encounter_id=None): if self._payload['type'] == 'issue': latest = cHealthIssue(aPK_obj = self._payload['pk_health_issue']).latest_episode if latest is None: return [] pk_episode = latest['pk_episode'] else: pk_episode = self._payload['pk_episode'] doc_folder = gmDocuments.cDocumentFolder(aPKey = self._payload['pk_patient']) return doc_folder.get_visual_progress_notes(episodes = [pk_episode])
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