Module Gnumed.pycommon.gmMatchProvider
Base classes for match providers.
They are used by business objects to give phrasewheels the ability to guess phrases.
Copyright (C) GNUMed developers license: GPL v2 or later
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"""Base classes for match providers.
They are used by business objects to give
phrasewheels the ability to guess phrases.
Copyright (C) GNUMed developers
license: GPL v2 or later
__author__ = "K.Hilbert <>, I.Haywood <>, S.J.Tan <>"
# std lib
import sys
import logging
import re as regex
import datetime as pydt
# GNUmed
if __name__ == "__main__":
sys.path.insert(0, '../../')
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmPG2
_log = logging.getLogger('gm.ui')
# these are stripped from the fragment passed to the
# match provider before looking for matches:
default_ignored_chars = "[?!.'\\(){}\[\]<>~#*$%^_]+" + '"'
# these are used to detect word boundaries which is,
# in turn, used to normalize word boundaries in the
# input fragment
default_word_separators = '[- \t=+&:@]+'
class cMatchProvider(object):
"""Base class for match providing objects.
Match sources might be:
- database tables
- flat files
- previous input
- config files
- in-memory list created on the fly
print_queries = False
def __init__(self):
self._context_vals = {}
self.__ignored_chars = regex.compile(default_ignored_chars)
# used to normalize word boundaries:
self.__word_separators = regex.compile(default_word_separators)
# actions
def getMatches(self, aFragment = None):
"""Return matches according to aFragment and matching thresholds.
FIXME: design decision: we dont worry about data source changes
during the lifetime of a MatchProvider
FIXME: append _("*get all items*") on truncation
# sanity check
if aFragment is None:
raise ValueError('Cannot find matches without a fragment.')
# user explicitly wants all matches
if aFragment == '*':
return self.getAllMatches()
# case insensitivity
tmpFragment = aFragment.casefold()
# remove ignored chars
if self.__ignored_chars is not None:
tmpFragment = self.__ignored_chars.sub('', tmpFragment)
# normalize word separators
if self.__word_separators is not None:
tmpFragment = ' '.join(self.__word_separators.split(tmpFragment))
# length in number of significant characters only
lngFragment = len(tmpFragment)
# order is important !
if lngFragment >= self.__threshold_substring:
return self.getMatchesBySubstr(tmpFragment)
elif lngFragment >= self.__threshold_word:
return self.getMatchesByWord(tmpFragment)
elif lngFragment >= self.__threshold_phrase:
return self.getMatchesByPhrase(tmpFragment)
return (False, [])
def getAllMatches(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def getMatchesByPhrase(self, aFragment):
raise NotImplementedError
def getMatchesByWord(self, aFragment):
raise NotImplementedError
def getMatchesBySubstr(self, aFragment):
raise NotImplementedError
def get_match_by_data(self, data=None):
return None
# configuration
def setThresholds(self, aPhrase = 1, aWord = 3, aSubstring = 5):
"""Set match location thresholds.
- the fragment passed to getMatches() must contain at least this many
characters before it triggers a match search at:
1) phrase_start - start of phrase (first word)
2) word_start - start of any word within phrase
3) in_word - _inside_ any word within phrase
# sanity checks
if aSubstring < aWord:
_log.error('Setting substring threshold (%s) lower than word-start threshold (%s) does not make sense.' % (aSubstring, aWord))
return False
if aWord < aPhrase:
_log.error('Setting word-start threshold (%s) lower than phrase-start threshold (%s) does not make sense.' % (aSubstring, aWord))
return False
# now actually reassign thresholds
self.__threshold_phrase = aPhrase
self.__threshold_word = aWord
self.__threshold_substring = aSubstring
return True
def _set_word_separators(self, word_separators=None):
if word_separators is None:
self.__word_separators = None
self.__word_separators = regex.compile(word_separators)
def _get_word_separators(self):
if self.__word_separators is None:
return None
return self.__word_separators.pattern
word_separators = property(_get_word_separators, _set_word_separators)
def _set_ignored_chars(self, ignored_chars=None):
if ignored_chars is None:
self.__ignored_chars = None
self.__ignored_chars = regex.compile(ignored_chars)
def _get_ignored_chars(self):
if self.__ignored_chars is None:
return None
return self.__ignored_chars.pattern
ignored_chars = property(_get_ignored_chars, _set_ignored_chars)
def set_context (self, context=None, val=None):
"""Set value to provide context information for matches.
The matching code may ignore it depending on its exact
implementation. Names and values of the context depend
on what is being matched.
<context> -- the *placeholder* key *inside* the context
definition, not the context *definition* key
if context is None:
return False
self._context_vals[context] = val
return True
def unset_context(self, context=None):
del self._context_vals[context]
except KeyError:
# usable instances
class cMatchProvider_FixedList(cMatchProvider):
"""Match provider where all possible options can be held
in a reasonably sized, pre-allocated list.
def __init__(self, aSeq = None):
"""aSeq must be a list of dicts. Each dict must have the keys (data, label, weight)
if not type(aSeq) in [type(None), list, tuple]:
_log.error('fixed list match provider argument must be a list/tuple of dicts/None')
raise TypeError('fixed list match provider argument must be a list/tuple of dicts/None')
self.__items = aSeq
# internal matching algorithms
# if we end up here:
# - aFragment will not be "None"
# - aFragment will be lower case
# - we _do_ deliver matches (whether we find any is a different story)
def getMatchesByPhrase(self, aFragment):
"""Return matches for aFragment at start of phrases."""
matches = []
# look for matches
for item in self.__items:
# at start of phrase, that is
if item['list_label'].casefold().startswith(aFragment.casefold()):
# no matches found
if len(matches) == 0:
return (False, [])
matches.sort(key = lambda x: x['weight'], reverse = True)
return (True, matches)
def getMatchesByWord(self, aFragment):
"""Return matches for aFragment at start of words inside phrases."""
matches = []
# look for matches
for item in self.__items:
item_label = item['list_label'].casefold()
fragment_pos = item_label.find(aFragment.casefold())
# found at start of phrase
if fragment_pos == 0:
# found as a true substring
elif fragment_pos > 0:
# but use only if substring is at start of a word
if item_label[fragment_pos-1] == ' ':
# no matches found
if len(matches) == 0:
return (False, [])
matches.sort(key = lambda x: x['weight'], reverse = True)
return (True, matches)
def getMatchesBySubstr(self, aFragment):
"""Return matches for aFragment as a true substring."""
matches = []
# look for matches
for item in self.__items:
if item['list_label'].casefold().find(aFragment.casefold()) != -1:
# no matches found
if len(matches) == 0:
return (False, [])
matches.sort(key = lambda x: x['weight'], reverse = True)
return (True, matches)
def getAllMatches(self):
"""Return all items."""
matches = self.__items
# no matches found
if len(matches) == 0:
return (False, [])
matches.sort(key = lambda x: x['weight'], reverse = True)
return (True, matches)
def set_items(self, items):
"""items must be a list of dicts. Each dict must have the keys (data, list_label, weight)"""
self.__items = items
# #--------------------------------------------------------
# def __cmp_items(self, item1, item2):
# """Compare items based on weight."""
# if item1['weight'] == item2['weight']:
# return 0
# # do it the wrong way round to do sorting/reversing at once
# if item1['weight'] < item2['weight']:
# return 1
# if item1['weight'] > item2['weight']:
# return -1
# ===========================================================
class cMatchProvider_Func(cMatchProvider):
"""Match provider which searches matches
in the results of a function call.
def __init__(self, get_candidates = None):
"""get_candidates() must return a list of strings."""
if get_candidates is None:
_log.error('must define function to retrieve match candidates list')
raise ValueError('must define function to retrieve match candidates list')
self._get_candidates = get_candidates
# internal matching algorithms
# if we end up here:
# - aFragment will not be "None"
# - aFragment will be lower case
# - we _do_ deliver matches (whether we find any is a different story)
def getMatchesByPhrase(self, aFragment):
"""Return matches for aFragment at start of phrases."""
matches = []
candidates = self._get_candidates()
# look for matches
for candidate in candidates:
# at start of phrase, that is
if aFragment.startswith(candidate['list_label'].casefold()):
# no matches found
if len(matches) == 0:
return (False, [])
matches.sort(key = self.__cmp_candidates)
return (True, matches)
def getMatchesByWord(self, aFragment):
"""Return matches for aFragment at start of words inside phrases."""
matches = []
candidates = self._get_candidates()
# look for matches
for candidate in candidates:
pos = candidate['list_label'].casefold().find(aFragment)
# pos = string.find(string.lower(candidate['list_label']), aFragment)
# found as a true substring
# but use only if substring is at start of a word
# FIXME: use word seps
if (pos == 0) or (candidate['list_label'][pos-1] == ' '):
# no matches found
if len(matches) == 0:
return (False, [])
matches.sort(key = self.__cmp_candidates)
return (True, matches)
def getMatchesBySubstr(self, aFragment):
"""Return matches for aFragment as a true substring."""
matches = []
candidates = self._get_candidates()
# look for matches
for candidate in candidates:
if candidate['list_label'].casefold().find(aFragment) != -1:
# if string.find(string.lower(candidate['list_label']), aFragment) != -1:
# no matches found
if len(matches) == 0:
return (False, [])
matches.sort(key = self.__cmp_candidates)
return (True, matches)
def getAllMatches(self):
"""Return all candidates."""
return self._get_candidates()
#def __cmp_candidates(self, candidate1, candidate2):
def __cmp_candidates(self, candidate):
"""naive ordering"""
return 0
# FIXME: do ordering
# if candidate1 < candidate2:
# return -1
# if candidate1 == candidate2:
# return 0
# return 1
# ===========================================================
class cMatchProvider_SQL2(cMatchProvider):
"""Match provider which searches matches
in possibly several database tables.
- a list of unicode strings
- each string is a query
- each string must contain: "... WHERE <column> %(fragment_condition)s ..."
- each string can contain in the where clause: "... %(<ctxt_key1>)s ..."
- each query must return (data, list_label, field_label)
context definitions to be used in the queries, example:
{'ctxt_key1': {'where_part': 'AND country = %(country)s', 'placeholder': 'country'}}
client code using .set_context() must use the 'placeholder':
<phrasewheel>/<match provider>.set_context('country', 'Germany')
full example query:
query = u" " "
AS data,
to_char(started, 'YYYY Mon DD (HH24:MI)') || ': ' || l10n_type || ' [#' || pk_encounter || ']'
AS list_label,
to_char(started, 'YYYY Mon DD') || ': ' || l10n_type
AS field_label
l10n_type %(fragment_condition)s
type %(fragment_condition)s
) %(ctxt_patient)s
" " "
context = {'ctxt_patient': {
'where_part': u'AND pk_patient = %(PLACEHOLDER)s',
'placeholder': u'PLACEHOLDER'
}} = gmMatchProvider.cMatchProvider_SQL2(queries = query, context = context)
self.set_context(context = 'PLACEHOLDER', val = '<THE VALUE>')
SQL to retrieve a match by, say, primary key
wherein the only keyword argument is 'pk'
def __init__(self, queries = None, context = None):
if type(queries) == type([]):
self._queries = queries
self._queries = [queries]
if context is None:
self._context = {}
self._context = context
self._args = {}
self._SQL_data2match = None
# internal matching algorithms
# if we end up here:
# - aFragment will not be "None"
# - aFragment will be lower case
# - we _do_ deliver matches (whether we find any is a different story)
def getMatchesByPhrase(self, aFragment):
"""Return matches for aFragment at start of phrases."""
fragment_condition = "ILIKE %(fragment)s"
self._args['fragment'] = "%s%%" % aFragment
return self._find_matches(fragment_condition)
def getMatchesByWord(self, aFragment):
"""Return matches for aFragment at start of words inside phrases."""
fragment_condition = "~* %(fragment)s"
aFragment = gmPG2.sanitize_pg_regex(expression = aFragment, escape_all = False)
self._args['fragment'] = "( %s)|(^%s)" % (aFragment, aFragment)
return self._find_matches(fragment_condition)
def getMatchesBySubstr(self, aFragment):
"""Return matches for aFragment as a true substring."""
fragment_condition = "ILIKE %(fragment)s"
self._args['fragment'] = "%%%s%%" % aFragment
return self._find_matches(fragment_condition)
def getAllMatches(self):
"""Return all items."""
return self.getMatchesBySubstr('')
def get_match_by_data(self, data=None):
if self._SQL_data2match is None:
return None
query = {'cmd': self._SQL_data2match, 'args': {'pk': data}}
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [query])
except Exception:
_log.exception('[%s]: error running _SQL_data2match, dropping query', self.__class__.__name__)
self._SQL_data2match = None
return None
# hopefully the most frequent case:
if len(rows) == 1:
return rows[0]
_log.error('[%s]: 0 or >1 rows found by running _SQL_data2match, ambiguous, ignoring', self.__class__.__name__)
return None
def _rows2matches(self, rows):
"""Turns retrieved database values into a list
of dicts fit for phrasewheel use.
This method can be overridden to massage arbitrary
data into the proper list of dicts.
matches = []
for row in rows:
# PRW wants a weight
match = {'weight': 0}
match['data'] = row['data']
except KeyError:
match['data'] = row[0]
match['list_label'] = row['list_label']
except KeyError:
match['list_label'] = row[1]
# explicit "field_label" in result ?
match['field_label'] = row['field_label']
# no
except KeyError:
# but does row[2] exist ?
match['field_label'] = row[2]
# no: reuse "list_label"
except IndexError:
match['field_label'] = match['list_label']
return matches
def _find_matches(self, fragment_condition:str) -> tuple[bool, list]:
"""Loads matching data from PostgreSQL and turns them into
matches fit for consumption by a phrasewheel.
if self.print_queries:
print('class:', self.__class__.__name__)
matches = []
for query in self._queries:
if self.print_queries:
print("query:", query)
where_fragments = {'fragment_condition': fragment_condition}
for context_key, context_def in self._context.items():
placeholder = context_def['placeholder']
where_part = context_def['where_part']
self._args[placeholder] = self._context_vals[placeholder]
# we do have a context value for this key, so add the where condition
where_fragments[context_key] = where_part
if self.print_queries:
print("ctxt ph:", placeholder)
print("ctxt where:", where_part)
print("ctxt val:", self._context_vals[placeholder])
except KeyError:
# we don't have a context value for this key, so skip the where condition
where_fragments[context_key] = ''
if self.print_queries:
print("invalid ctxt key:", context_key)
cmd = query % where_fragments
if self.print_queries:
print("ctxt:", self._context_vals)
print("args:", self._args)
print("SQL:", cmd)
rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': self._args}])
_log.exception('[%s]: error running match provider SQL, dropping query', self.__class__.__name__)
_log.error('SQL: %s', cmd)
idx = self._queries.index(query)
del self._queries[idx]
# no matches found: try next query
if len(rows) == 0:
matches = self._rows2matches(rows)
return (True, matches)
# none found whatsoever
return (False, [])
if __name__ == '__main__':
class cMatchProvider
Base class for match providing objects.
Match sources might be: - database tables - flat files - previous input - config files - in-memory list created on the fly
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class cMatchProvider(object): """Base class for match providing objects. Match sources might be: - database tables - flat files - previous input - config files - in-memory list created on the fly """ print_queries = False #-------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self): self.setThresholds() self._context_vals = {} self.__ignored_chars = regex.compile(default_ignored_chars) # used to normalize word boundaries: self.__word_separators = regex.compile(default_word_separators) #-------------------------------------------------------- # actions #-------------------------------------------------------- def getMatches(self, aFragment = None): """Return matches according to aFragment and matching thresholds. FIXME: design decision: we dont worry about data source changes during the lifetime of a MatchProvider FIXME: append _("*get all items*") on truncation """ # sanity check if aFragment is None: raise ValueError('Cannot find matches without a fragment.') # user explicitly wants all matches if aFragment == '*': return self.getAllMatches() # case insensitivity tmpFragment = aFragment.casefold() # remove ignored chars if self.__ignored_chars is not None: tmpFragment = self.__ignored_chars.sub('', tmpFragment) # normalize word separators if self.__word_separators is not None: tmpFragment = ' '.join(self.__word_separators.split(tmpFragment)) # length in number of significant characters only lngFragment = len(tmpFragment) # order is important ! if lngFragment >= self.__threshold_substring: return self.getMatchesBySubstr(tmpFragment) elif lngFragment >= self.__threshold_word: return self.getMatchesByWord(tmpFragment) elif lngFragment >= self.__threshold_phrase: return self.getMatchesByPhrase(tmpFragment) else: return (False, []) #-------------------------------------------------------- def getAllMatches(self): raise NotImplementedError #-------------------------------------------------------- def getMatchesByPhrase(self, aFragment): raise NotImplementedError #-------------------------------------------------------- def getMatchesByWord(self, aFragment): raise NotImplementedError #-------------------------------------------------------- def getMatchesBySubstr(self, aFragment): raise NotImplementedError #-------------------------------------------------------- def get_match_by_data(self, data=None): return None #-------------------------------------------------------- # configuration #-------------------------------------------------------- def setThresholds(self, aPhrase = 1, aWord = 3, aSubstring = 5): """Set match location thresholds. - the fragment passed to getMatches() must contain at least this many characters before it triggers a match search at: 1) phrase_start - start of phrase (first word) 2) word_start - start of any word within phrase 3) in_word - _inside_ any word within phrase """ # sanity checks if aSubstring < aWord: _log.error('Setting substring threshold (%s) lower than word-start threshold (%s) does not make sense.' % (aSubstring, aWord)) return False if aWord < aPhrase: _log.error('Setting word-start threshold (%s) lower than phrase-start threshold (%s) does not make sense.' % (aSubstring, aWord)) return False # now actually reassign thresholds self.__threshold_phrase = aPhrase self.__threshold_word = aWord self.__threshold_substring = aSubstring return True #-------------------------------------------------------- def _set_word_separators(self, word_separators=None): if word_separators is None: self.__word_separators = None else: self.__word_separators = regex.compile(word_separators) def _get_word_separators(self): if self.__word_separators is None: return None return self.__word_separators.pattern word_separators = property(_get_word_separators, _set_word_separators) #-------------------------------------------------------- def _set_ignored_chars(self, ignored_chars=None): if ignored_chars is None: self.__ignored_chars = None else: self.__ignored_chars = regex.compile(ignored_chars) def _get_ignored_chars(self): if self.__ignored_chars is None: return None return self.__ignored_chars.pattern ignored_chars = property(_get_ignored_chars, _set_ignored_chars) #-------------------------------------------------------- def set_context (self, context=None, val=None): """Set value to provide context information for matches. The matching code may ignore it depending on its exact implementation. Names and values of the context depend on what is being matched. <context> -- the *placeholder* key *inside* the context definition, not the context *definition* key """ if context is None: return False self._context_vals[context] = val return True #-------------------------------------------------------- def unset_context(self, context=None): try: del self._context_vals[context] except KeyError: pass
Class variables
var print_queries
Instance variables
var ignored_chars
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def _get_ignored_chars(self): if self.__ignored_chars is None: return None return self.__ignored_chars.pattern
var word_separators
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def _get_word_separators(self): if self.__word_separators is None: return None return self.__word_separators.pattern
def getAllMatches(self)
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def getAllMatches(self): raise NotImplementedError
def getMatches(self, aFragment=None)
Return matches according to aFragment and matching thresholds.
FIXME: design decision: we dont worry about data source changes during the lifetime of a MatchProvider FIXME: append _("get all items") on truncation
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def getMatches(self, aFragment = None): """Return matches according to aFragment and matching thresholds. FIXME: design decision: we dont worry about data source changes during the lifetime of a MatchProvider FIXME: append _("*get all items*") on truncation """ # sanity check if aFragment is None: raise ValueError('Cannot find matches without a fragment.') # user explicitly wants all matches if aFragment == '*': return self.getAllMatches() # case insensitivity tmpFragment = aFragment.casefold() # remove ignored chars if self.__ignored_chars is not None: tmpFragment = self.__ignored_chars.sub('', tmpFragment) # normalize word separators if self.__word_separators is not None: tmpFragment = ' '.join(self.__word_separators.split(tmpFragment)) # length in number of significant characters only lngFragment = len(tmpFragment) # order is important ! if lngFragment >= self.__threshold_substring: return self.getMatchesBySubstr(tmpFragment) elif lngFragment >= self.__threshold_word: return self.getMatchesByWord(tmpFragment) elif lngFragment >= self.__threshold_phrase: return self.getMatchesByPhrase(tmpFragment) else: return (False, [])
def getMatchesByPhrase(self, aFragment)
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def getMatchesByPhrase(self, aFragment): raise NotImplementedError
def getMatchesBySubstr(self, aFragment)
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def getMatchesBySubstr(self, aFragment): raise NotImplementedError
def getMatchesByWord(self, aFragment)
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def getMatchesByWord(self, aFragment): raise NotImplementedError
def get_match_by_data(self, data=None)
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def get_match_by_data(self, data=None): return None
def setThresholds(self, aPhrase=1, aWord=3, aSubstring=5)
Set match location thresholds.
- the fragment passed to getMatches() must contain at least this many characters before it triggers a match search at: 1) phrase_start - start of phrase (first word) 2) word_start - start of any word within phrase 3) in_word - inside any word within phrase
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def setThresholds(self, aPhrase = 1, aWord = 3, aSubstring = 5): """Set match location thresholds. - the fragment passed to getMatches() must contain at least this many characters before it triggers a match search at: 1) phrase_start - start of phrase (first word) 2) word_start - start of any word within phrase 3) in_word - _inside_ any word within phrase """ # sanity checks if aSubstring < aWord: _log.error('Setting substring threshold (%s) lower than word-start threshold (%s) does not make sense.' % (aSubstring, aWord)) return False if aWord < aPhrase: _log.error('Setting word-start threshold (%s) lower than phrase-start threshold (%s) does not make sense.' % (aSubstring, aWord)) return False # now actually reassign thresholds self.__threshold_phrase = aPhrase self.__threshold_word = aWord self.__threshold_substring = aSubstring return True
def set_context(self, context=None, val=None)
Set value to provide context information for matches.
The matching code may ignore it depending on its exact implementation. Names and values of the context depend on what is being matched.
– the placeholder key inside the context definition, not the context definition key Expand source code
def set_context (self, context=None, val=None): """Set value to provide context information for matches. The matching code may ignore it depending on its exact implementation. Names and values of the context depend on what is being matched. <context> -- the *placeholder* key *inside* the context definition, not the context *definition* key """ if context is None: return False self._context_vals[context] = val return True
def unset_context(self, context=None)
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def unset_context(self, context=None): try: del self._context_vals[context] except KeyError: pass
class cMatchProvider_FixedList (aSeq=None)
Match provider where all possible options can be held in a reasonably sized, pre-allocated list.
aSeq must be a list of dicts. Each dict must have the keys (data, label, weight)
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class cMatchProvider_FixedList(cMatchProvider): """Match provider where all possible options can be held in a reasonably sized, pre-allocated list. """ def __init__(self, aSeq = None): """aSeq must be a list of dicts. Each dict must have the keys (data, label, weight) """ if not type(aSeq) in [type(None), list, tuple]: _log.error('fixed list match provider argument must be a list/tuple of dicts/None') raise TypeError('fixed list match provider argument must be a list/tuple of dicts/None') self.__items = aSeq cMatchProvider.__init__(self) #-------------------------------------------------------- # internal matching algorithms # # if we end up here: # - aFragment will not be "None" # - aFragment will be lower case # - we _do_ deliver matches (whether we find any is a different story) #-------------------------------------------------------- def getMatchesByPhrase(self, aFragment): """Return matches for aFragment at start of phrases.""" matches = [] # look for matches for item in self.__items: # at start of phrase, that is if item['list_label'].casefold().startswith(aFragment.casefold()): matches.append(item) # no matches found if len(matches) == 0: return (False, []) #matches.sort(self.__cmp_items) matches.sort(key = lambda x: x['weight'], reverse = True) return (True, matches) #-------------------------------------------------------- def getMatchesByWord(self, aFragment): """Return matches for aFragment at start of words inside phrases.""" matches = [] # look for matches for item in self.__items: item_label = item['list_label'].casefold() fragment_pos = item_label.find(aFragment.casefold()) # found at start of phrase if fragment_pos == 0: matches.append(item) # found as a true substring elif fragment_pos > 0: # but use only if substring is at start of a word if item_label[fragment_pos-1] == ' ': matches.append(item) # no matches found if len(matches) == 0: return (False, []) #matches.sort(self.__cmp_items) matches.sort(key = lambda x: x['weight'], reverse = True) return (True, matches) #-------------------------------------------------------- def getMatchesBySubstr(self, aFragment): """Return matches for aFragment as a true substring.""" matches = [] # look for matches for item in self.__items: if item['list_label'].casefold().find(aFragment.casefold()) != -1: matches.append(item) # no matches found if len(matches) == 0: return (False, []) #matches.sort(self.__cmp_items) matches.sort(key = lambda x: x['weight'], reverse = True) return (True, matches) #-------------------------------------------------------- def getAllMatches(self): """Return all items.""" matches = self.__items # no matches found if len(matches) == 0: return (False, []) #matches.sort(self.__cmp_items) matches.sort(key = lambda x: x['weight'], reverse = True) return (True, matches) #-------------------------------------------------------- def set_items(self, items): """items must be a list of dicts. Each dict must have the keys (data, list_label, weight)""" self.__items = items
def getAllMatches(self)
Return all items.
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def getAllMatches(self): """Return all items.""" matches = self.__items # no matches found if len(matches) == 0: return (False, []) #matches.sort(self.__cmp_items) matches.sort(key = lambda x: x['weight'], reverse = True) return (True, matches)
def getMatchesByPhrase(self, aFragment)
Return matches for aFragment at start of phrases.
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def getMatchesByPhrase(self, aFragment): """Return matches for aFragment at start of phrases.""" matches = [] # look for matches for item in self.__items: # at start of phrase, that is if item['list_label'].casefold().startswith(aFragment.casefold()): matches.append(item) # no matches found if len(matches) == 0: return (False, []) #matches.sort(self.__cmp_items) matches.sort(key = lambda x: x['weight'], reverse = True) return (True, matches)
def getMatchesBySubstr(self, aFragment)
Return matches for aFragment as a true substring.
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def getMatchesBySubstr(self, aFragment): """Return matches for aFragment as a true substring.""" matches = [] # look for matches for item in self.__items: if item['list_label'].casefold().find(aFragment.casefold()) != -1: matches.append(item) # no matches found if len(matches) == 0: return (False, []) #matches.sort(self.__cmp_items) matches.sort(key = lambda x: x['weight'], reverse = True) return (True, matches)
def getMatchesByWord(self, aFragment)
Return matches for aFragment at start of words inside phrases.
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def getMatchesByWord(self, aFragment): """Return matches for aFragment at start of words inside phrases.""" matches = [] # look for matches for item in self.__items: item_label = item['list_label'].casefold() fragment_pos = item_label.find(aFragment.casefold()) # found at start of phrase if fragment_pos == 0: matches.append(item) # found as a true substring elif fragment_pos > 0: # but use only if substring is at start of a word if item_label[fragment_pos-1] == ' ': matches.append(item) # no matches found if len(matches) == 0: return (False, []) #matches.sort(self.__cmp_items) matches.sort(key = lambda x: x['weight'], reverse = True) return (True, matches)
def set_items(self, items)
items must be a list of dicts. Each dict must have the keys (data, list_label, weight)
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def set_items(self, items): """items must be a list of dicts. Each dict must have the keys (data, list_label, weight)""" self.__items = items
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class cMatchProvider_Func (get_candidates=None)
Match provider which searches matches in the results of a function call.
get_candidates() must return a list of strings.
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class cMatchProvider_Func(cMatchProvider): """Match provider which searches matches in the results of a function call. """ def __init__(self, get_candidates = None): """get_candidates() must return a list of strings.""" if get_candidates is None: _log.error('must define function to retrieve match candidates list') raise ValueError('must define function to retrieve match candidates list') self._get_candidates = get_candidates cMatchProvider.__init__(self) #-------------------------------------------------------- # internal matching algorithms # # if we end up here: # - aFragment will not be "None" # - aFragment will be lower case # - we _do_ deliver matches (whether we find any is a different story) #-------------------------------------------------------- def getMatchesByPhrase(self, aFragment): """Return matches for aFragment at start of phrases.""" matches = [] candidates = self._get_candidates() # look for matches for candidate in candidates: # at start of phrase, that is if aFragment.startswith(candidate['list_label'].casefold()): matches.append(candidate) # no matches found if len(matches) == 0: return (False, []) matches.sort(key = self.__cmp_candidates) return (True, matches) #-------------------------------------------------------- def getMatchesByWord(self, aFragment): """Return matches for aFragment at start of words inside phrases.""" matches = [] candidates = self._get_candidates() # look for matches for candidate in candidates: pos = candidate['list_label'].casefold().find(aFragment) # pos = string.find(string.lower(candidate['list_label']), aFragment) # found as a true substring # but use only if substring is at start of a word # FIXME: use word seps if (pos == 0) or (candidate['list_label'][pos-1] == ' '): matches.append(candidate) # no matches found if len(matches) == 0: return (False, []) matches.sort(key = self.__cmp_candidates) return (True, matches) #-------------------------------------------------------- def getMatchesBySubstr(self, aFragment): """Return matches for aFragment as a true substring.""" matches = [] candidates = self._get_candidates() # look for matches for candidate in candidates: if candidate['list_label'].casefold().find(aFragment) != -1: # if string.find(string.lower(candidate['list_label']), aFragment) != -1: matches.append(candidate) # no matches found if len(matches) == 0: return (False, []) matches.sort(key = self.__cmp_candidates) return (True, matches) #-------------------------------------------------------- def getAllMatches(self): """Return all candidates.""" return self._get_candidates() #-------------------------------------------------------- #def __cmp_candidates(self, candidate1, candidate2): def __cmp_candidates(self, candidate): """naive ordering""" return 0 # FIXME: do ordering
def getAllMatches(self)
Return all candidates.
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def getAllMatches(self): """Return all candidates.""" return self._get_candidates()
def getMatchesByPhrase(self, aFragment)
Return matches for aFragment at start of phrases.
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def getMatchesByPhrase(self, aFragment): """Return matches for aFragment at start of phrases.""" matches = [] candidates = self._get_candidates() # look for matches for candidate in candidates: # at start of phrase, that is if aFragment.startswith(candidate['list_label'].casefold()): matches.append(candidate) # no matches found if len(matches) == 0: return (False, []) matches.sort(key = self.__cmp_candidates) return (True, matches)
def getMatchesBySubstr(self, aFragment)
Return matches for aFragment as a true substring.
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def getMatchesBySubstr(self, aFragment): """Return matches for aFragment as a true substring.""" matches = [] candidates = self._get_candidates() # look for matches for candidate in candidates: if candidate['list_label'].casefold().find(aFragment) != -1: # if string.find(string.lower(candidate['list_label']), aFragment) != -1: matches.append(candidate) # no matches found if len(matches) == 0: return (False, []) matches.sort(key = self.__cmp_candidates) return (True, matches)
def getMatchesByWord(self, aFragment)
Return matches for aFragment at start of words inside phrases.
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def getMatchesByWord(self, aFragment): """Return matches for aFragment at start of words inside phrases.""" matches = [] candidates = self._get_candidates() # look for matches for candidate in candidates: pos = candidate['list_label'].casefold().find(aFragment) # pos = string.find(string.lower(candidate['list_label']), aFragment) # found as a true substring # but use only if substring is at start of a word # FIXME: use word seps if (pos == 0) or (candidate['list_label'][pos-1] == ' '): matches.append(candidate) # no matches found if len(matches) == 0: return (False, []) matches.sort(key = self.__cmp_candidates) return (True, matches)
Inherited members
class cMatchProvider_SQL2 (queries=None, context=None)
Match provider which searches matches in possibly several database tables.
queries: - a list of unicode strings - each string is a query - each string must contain: "… WHERE
%(fragment_condition)s …" - each string can contain in the where clause: "… %( )s …" - each query must return (data, list_label, field_label) context definitions to be used in the queries, example: {'ctxt_key1': {'where_part': 'AND country = %(country)s', 'placeholder': 'country'}}
client code using .set_context() must use the 'placeholder':
/ .set_context('country', 'Germany') full example query:
query = u" " " SELECT DISTINCT ON (list_label) pk_encounter AS data, to_char(started, 'YYYY Mon DD (HH24:MI)') || ': ' || l10n_type || ' [#' || pk_encounter || ']' AS list_label, to_char(started, 'YYYY Mon DD') || ': ' || l10n_type AS field_label FROM clin.v_pat_encounters WHERE ( l10n_type %(fragment_condition)s OR type %(fragment_condition)s ) %(ctxt_patient)s ORDER BY list_label LIMIT 30 " " " context = {'ctxt_patient': { 'where_part': u'AND pk_patient = %(PLACEHOLDER)s', 'placeholder': u'PLACEHOLDER' }} = gmMatchProvider.cMatchProvider_SQL2(queries = query, context = context) self.set_context(context = 'PLACEHOLDER', val = '<THE VALUE>')
_SQL_data2match: SQL to retrieve a match by, say, primary key wherein the only keyword argument is 'pk'
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class cMatchProvider_SQL2(cMatchProvider): """Match provider which searches matches in possibly several database tables. queries: - a list of unicode strings - each string is a query - each string must contain: "... WHERE <column> %(fragment_condition)s ..." - each string can contain in the where clause: "... %(<ctxt_key1>)s ..." - each query must return (data, list_label, field_label) context definitions to be used in the queries, example: {'ctxt_key1': {'where_part': 'AND country = %(country)s', 'placeholder': 'country'}} client code using .set_context() must use the 'placeholder': <phrasewheel>/<match provider>.set_context('country', 'Germany') full example query: query = u" " " SELECT DISTINCT ON (list_label) pk_encounter AS data, to_char(started, 'YYYY Mon DD (HH24:MI)') || ': ' || l10n_type || ' [#' || pk_encounter || ']' AS list_label, to_char(started, 'YYYY Mon DD') || ': ' || l10n_type AS field_label FROM clin.v_pat_encounters WHERE ( l10n_type %(fragment_condition)s OR type %(fragment_condition)s ) %(ctxt_patient)s ORDER BY list_label LIMIT 30 " " " context = {'ctxt_patient': { 'where_part': u'AND pk_patient = %(PLACEHOLDER)s', 'placeholder': u'PLACEHOLDER' }} = gmMatchProvider.cMatchProvider_SQL2(queries = query, context = context) self.set_context(context = 'PLACEHOLDER', val = '<THE VALUE>') _SQL_data2match: SQL to retrieve a match by, say, primary key wherein the only keyword argument is 'pk' """ def __init__(self, queries = None, context = None): cMatchProvider.__init__(self) if type(queries) == type([]): self._queries = queries else: self._queries = [queries] if context is None: self._context = {} else: self._context = context self._args = {} self._SQL_data2match = None #-------------------------------------------------------- # internal matching algorithms # # if we end up here: # - aFragment will not be "None" # - aFragment will be lower case # - we _do_ deliver matches (whether we find any is a different story) #-------------------------------------------------------- def getMatchesByPhrase(self, aFragment): """Return matches for aFragment at start of phrases.""" fragment_condition = "ILIKE %(fragment)s" self._args['fragment'] = "%s%%" % aFragment return self._find_matches(fragment_condition) #-------------------------------------------------------- def getMatchesByWord(self, aFragment): """Return matches for aFragment at start of words inside phrases.""" fragment_condition = "~* %(fragment)s" aFragment = gmPG2.sanitize_pg_regex(expression = aFragment, escape_all = False) self._args['fragment'] = "( %s)|(^%s)" % (aFragment, aFragment) return self._find_matches(fragment_condition) #-------------------------------------------------------- def getMatchesBySubstr(self, aFragment): """Return matches for aFragment as a true substring.""" fragment_condition = "ILIKE %(fragment)s" self._args['fragment'] = "%%%s%%" % aFragment return self._find_matches(fragment_condition) #-------------------------------------------------------- def getAllMatches(self): """Return all items.""" return self.getMatchesBySubstr('') #-------------------------------------------------------- def get_match_by_data(self, data=None): if self._SQL_data2match is None: return None query = {'cmd': self._SQL_data2match, 'args': {'pk': data}} try: rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [query]) except Exception: _log.exception('[%s]: error running _SQL_data2match, dropping query', self.__class__.__name__) self._SQL_data2match = None return None # hopefully the most frequent case: if len(rows) == 1: return rows[0] _log.error('[%s]: 0 or >1 rows found by running _SQL_data2match, ambiguous, ignoring', self.__class__.__name__) return None #-------------------------------------------------------- def _rows2matches(self, rows): """Turns retrieved database values into a list of dicts fit for phrasewheel use. This method can be overridden to massage arbitrary data into the proper list of dicts. """ matches = [] for row in rows: # PRW wants a weight match = {'weight': 0} try: match['data'] = row['data'] except KeyError: match['data'] = row[0] try: match['list_label'] = row['list_label'] except KeyError: match['list_label'] = row[1] # explicit "field_label" in result ? try: match['field_label'] = row['field_label'] # no except KeyError: # but does row[2] exist ? try: match['field_label'] = row[2] # no: reuse "list_label" except IndexError: match['field_label'] = match['list_label'] matches.append(match) return matches #-------------------------------------------------------- def _find_matches(self, fragment_condition:str) -> tuple[bool, list]: """Loads matching data from PostgreSQL and turns them into matches fit for consumption by a phrasewheel. """ if self.print_queries: print('----------------------') print('class:', self.__class__.__name__) print( matches = [] for query in self._queries: if self.print_queries: print("query:", query) where_fragments = {'fragment_condition': fragment_condition} for context_key, context_def in self._context.items(): try: placeholder = context_def['placeholder'] where_part = context_def['where_part'] self._args[placeholder] = self._context_vals[placeholder] # we do have a context value for this key, so add the where condition where_fragments[context_key] = where_part if self.print_queries: print("ctxt ph:", placeholder) print("ctxt where:", where_part) print("ctxt val:", self._context_vals[placeholder]) except KeyError: # we don't have a context value for this key, so skip the where condition where_fragments[context_key] = '' if self.print_queries: print("invalid ctxt key:", context_key) cmd = query % where_fragments if self.print_queries: print("ctxt:", self._context_vals) print("args:", self._args) print("SQL:", cmd) try: rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': self._args}]) except gmPG2.PG_ERROR_EXCEPTION: _log.exception('[%s]: error running match provider SQL, dropping query', self.__class__.__name__) _log.error('SQL: %s', cmd) idx = self._queries.index(query) del self._queries[idx] break # no matches found: try next query if len(rows) == 0: continue matches = self._rows2matches(rows) return (True, matches) # none found whatsoever return (False, [])
- cEpisodeMatchProvider
- cFormTemplateNameLong_MatchProvider
- cFormTemplateNameShort_MatchProvider
- cFormTemplateType_MatchProvider
- cLOINCMatchProvider
- cDrugComponentMatchProvider
- cProductOrSubstanceMatchProvider
- cSubstanceDoseMatchProvider
- cSubstanceIntakeObjectMatchProvider
- cMatchProvider_Provider
def getAllMatches(self)
Return all items.
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def getAllMatches(self): """Return all items.""" return self.getMatchesBySubstr('')
def getMatchesByPhrase(self, aFragment)
Return matches for aFragment at start of phrases.
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def getMatchesByPhrase(self, aFragment): """Return matches for aFragment at start of phrases.""" fragment_condition = "ILIKE %(fragment)s" self._args['fragment'] = "%s%%" % aFragment return self._find_matches(fragment_condition)
def getMatchesBySubstr(self, aFragment)
Return matches for aFragment as a true substring.
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def getMatchesBySubstr(self, aFragment): """Return matches for aFragment as a true substring.""" fragment_condition = "ILIKE %(fragment)s" self._args['fragment'] = "%%%s%%" % aFragment return self._find_matches(fragment_condition)
def getMatchesByWord(self, aFragment)
Return matches for aFragment at start of words inside phrases.
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def getMatchesByWord(self, aFragment): """Return matches for aFragment at start of words inside phrases.""" fragment_condition = "~* %(fragment)s" aFragment = gmPG2.sanitize_pg_regex(expression = aFragment, escape_all = False) self._args['fragment'] = "( %s)|(^%s)" % (aFragment, aFragment) return self._find_matches(fragment_condition)
def get_match_by_data(self, data=None)
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def get_match_by_data(self, data=None): if self._SQL_data2match is None: return None query = {'cmd': self._SQL_data2match, 'args': {'pk': data}} try: rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [query]) except Exception: _log.exception('[%s]: error running _SQL_data2match, dropping query', self.__class__.__name__) self._SQL_data2match = None return None # hopefully the most frequent case: if len(rows) == 1: return rows[0] _log.error('[%s]: 0 or >1 rows found by running _SQL_data2match, ambiguous, ignoring', self.__class__.__name__) return None
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